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Publication list for members of
E141 - Atominstitute
E141-06 Low Temperature Physics and Superconductivity
as authors or essentially involved persons

1136 records (1997 - 2021)

The complete list of publications of the Faculty of Physics is available from the publication database beginning with the publication year 2002. The database may but need not necessarily contain publications dated earlier than 2002.

Books and Book Editorships

Authors: Friedrich Aumayr, E134-03; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Michael Hajek, E141-05; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; P. Kienle; M. Krammer, E141; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; J. Marton; E. Widmann; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

F. Aumayr, G. Badurek, M. Hajek, E. Jericha, P. Kienle, M. Krammer, H. Leeb, J. Marton, E. Widmann, H. W. Weber (ed.):
"Physics Opportunities at MedAustron - White Book";
Schriftenreihe der Technischen Universität Wien, First Edition (2009), Wien, 2009, ISBN: 978-3-901-1671-4-0; 109 pages.

Publications in Scientific Journals

Authors: T.A. Prikhna, Institute for Su ...; A. Kasatkin; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; V. E. Moshchil; A.P. Shapovalov, Institute for Su ...; V.V. Romaka, Univ. Lviv, Ukraine; J. Rabier, Université de Po ...; A. Jouline; X. Chaud; M. Rindfleisch; M. Tomsic; S. S. Ponomaryov; A. Shaternik; V. Sverdun

T. Prikhna, A. Kasatkin, M. Eisterer, V. Moshchil, A. Shapovalov, V.V. Romaka, J. Rabier, A. Jouline, X. Chaud, M. Rindfleisch, M. Tomsic, S. Ponomaryov, A. Shaternik, V. Sverdun:
"Influence of Oxygen Concentration and Distribution on Microstructure and Superconducting Characteristics of MgB2-Based Materials and Melt-Textured YBCO";
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 32 (2020), 1 - 6.

Authors: Y. Linden; W. R. Iliffe; G. He; M. Danaie; David Fischer, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; S.C. Speller; C.R.M. Grovenor

Y. Linden, W. Iliffe, G. He, M. Danaie, D. Fischer, M. Eisterer, S. Speller, C. Grovenor:
"Analysing neutron radiation damage in YBa2Cu3O7- x high-temperature superconductor tapes";
Journal of Microscopy, 0 (2021), 1 - 10.

Authors: Jacob Rochester; Mattia Ortino, E141-06; X. Xu; X. Peng; M.D. Sumption

J. Rochester, M. Ortino, X. Xu, X. Peng, M.D. Sumption:
"The Roles of Grain Boundary Refinement and Nano-Precipitates in Flux Pinning of APC Nb3Sn";
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 31 (2021), 1 - 5.

Authors: S. Ishida; A. Iyo; H. Ogino; H. Eisaki; N. Takeshita; K. Kawashima; K. Yanagisawa; Y. Kobayashi; K. Kimoto; H. Abe; M. Imai; J.- I. Shimoyama; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

S. Ishida, A. Iyo, H. Ogino, H. Eisaki, N. Takeshita, K. Kawashima, K. Yanagisawa, Y. Kobayashi, K. Kimoto, H. Abe, M. Imai, J. Shimoyama, M. Eisterer:
"Unique defect structure and advantageous vortex pinning properties in superconducting CaKFe4As4";
npj Quantum Materials, 4 (2019), 1 - 7.

Authors: A. A. Thomas; I. Shipulin; S. Holleis, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Kornelius Nielsch; R. Hühne

A. Thomas, I. Shipulin, S. Holleis, M. Eisterer, K. Nielsch, R. Hühne:
"Comparative study of Fe(Se,Te) thin films on flexible coated conductor templates and single-crystal substrates";
Superconductor Science and Technology, 34 (2021), 1 - 11.

Authors: T.A. Prikhna, Institute for Su ...; A. Kasatkin; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; V. E. Moshchil; A.P. Shapovalov, Institute for Su ...; J. Rabier, Université de Po ...; A. Jouline; X. Chaud; M. Rindfleisch; M. Tomsic; S. S. Ponomaryov

T. Prikhna, A. Kasatkin, M. Eisterer, V. Moshchil, A. Shapovalov, J. Rabier, A. Jouline, X. Chaud, M. Rindfleisch, M. Tomsic, S. Ponomaryov:
"Critical Current Density, Pinning and Nanostructure of MT-YBCO and MgB2-based Materials";
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 31 (2021), 1 - 5.

Authors: I. Virseda; S. A. Siddiqui; A. Prado-Roller; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; H. Shiozawa

I. Virseda, S. Siddiqui, A. Prado-Roller, M. Eisterer, H. Shiozawa:
"Crystal engineering with copper and melamine+";
RSC Advances, 11 (2021), 1 - 5.

Authors: V.V. Romaka, Univ. Lviv, Ukraine; T.A. Prikhna, Institute for Su ...; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; A.P. Shapovalov, Institute for Su ...; Wilfried Goldacker, Karlsruhe Instit ...; V. E. Moshchil; A. V. Kozyrev; M. Rindfleisch; M. Tompsic; E.E. Hellstrom; G. Grechnev; V. Sh. Zhang; F. Yang; C. Li

V.V. Romaka, T. Prikhna, M. Eisterer, A. Shapovalov, W. Goldacker, V. Moshchil, A. Kozyrev, M. Rindfleisch, M. Tompsic, E.E. Hellstrom, G. Grechnev, V. Zhang, F. Yang, C. Li:
"Structure and properties of MgB2 bulks: ab-initio simulations compared to experiment";
Materials Science and Engineering, 756 (2020), 1 - 9.

Authors: S. Ishida; Daniel Kagerbauer, E141-06; S. Holleis, E141-06; K. Iida; K. Munakata; A. Nakao; A. Iyo; H. Ogino; K. Kawashima; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; H. Eisaki

S. Ishida, D. Kagerbauer, S. Holleis, K. Iida, K. Munakata, A. Nakao, A. Iyo, H. Ogino, K. Kawashima, M. Eisterer, H. Eisaki:
"Superconductivity-driven ferromagnetism and spin manipulation using vortices in the magnetic superconductor EuRbFe4As4";
PNAS - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 118 (2021), 1 - 8.

Authors: Alice Moros, E057-02; Mattia Ortino, E141-06; Stefan Löffler, E057-02; Maxim Alekseev; Anastasia Tsapleva; Pavel Lukyanov; Ildar M. Abdyukhanov; Victor Pantsyrny; Simon C. Hopkins, CERN; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Michael Stöger-Pollach, E057-02; Johannes Bernardi, E057-02

A. Moros, M. Ortino, S. Löffler, M. Alekseev, A. Tsapleva, P. Lukyanov, I. Abdyukhanov, V. Pantsyrny, S. Hopkins, M. Eisterer, M. Stöger-Pollach, J. Bernardi:
"Nb3Sn Wires for the Future Circular Collider at CERN: Microstructural Investigation of Different Wire Layouts";
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 31 (2021), 5; 1 - 5.

More information

Authors: Mattia Ortino, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Ortino, M. Eisterer:
"Identification of the A15 Contours in Multifilamentary Nb3Sn Wires by means of a Magnetic Method";
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 31 (2021), 1 - 5.

Authors: Mattia Ortino, E141-06; Stephan Pfeiffer, E057-02; Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; M.D. Sumption; Johannes Bernardi, E057-02; X. Xu; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Ortino, S. Pfeiffer, T. Baumgartner, M.D. Sumption, J. Bernardi, X. Xu, M. Eisterer:
"Evolution of the superconducting properties from binary to ternary APC-Nb3Sn wires";
Superconductor Science and Technology, 34 (2021), 1 - 12.

Authors: K. Sedlak; V. A. Anvar; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

K. Sedlak, V. Anvar, M. Eisterer et al.:
"Advance in the conceptual design of the European DEMO magnet system";
Superconductor Science and Technology, 33 (2020), 1 - 9.

Authors: A. Leveratto; A. Saba; S. Holleis, E141-06; M. Himmerlich; B. Henrist; S. Fernandez-Pena; Alice Moros, E057-02; Johannes Bernardi, E057-02; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; C. Bernini; R. Vaglio; M. Putti; C. Ferdeghini; S. Calatroni; E. Bellingeri

A. Leveratto, A. Saba, S. Holleis, M. Himmerlich, B. Henrist, S. Fernandez-Pena, A. Moros, J. Bernardi, M. Eisterer, C. Bernini, R. Vaglio, M. Putti, C. Ferdeghini, S. Calatroni, E. Bellingeri:
"Future Circular Collider beam screen: progress on Tl-1223 HTS coating";
Superconductor Science and Technology, 33 (2020), 1 - 8.

Authors: K. Sonnleitner; C. Huber; Iulian Teliban; S. Kobe; B. Saje; Daniel Kagerbauer, E141-06; Michael Reissner, E138-05; C. Lengauer; M. Croenefeld; Dieter Süss, E138-03

K. Sonnleitner, C. Huber, I. Teliban, S. Kobe, B. Saje, D. Kagerbauer, M. Reissner, C. Lengauer, M. Croenefeld, D. Süss:
"3D printing of polymer-bonded anisotropic magnets in an external magnetic field and by a modified production process";
Applied Physics Letters, 116 (2020), 1 - 5.

Authors: T. Prikhna; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; M. Rindfleisch; V.V. Romaka, Univ. Lviv, Ukraine; M. Tomsic; V. E. Moshchil; M. V. Orlovskyi; M. Karpets; V. Sverdun; S. S. Ponomaryov; A. Shaternik; A. V. Kozyrev

T. Prikhna, M. Eisterer, M. Rindfleisch, V.V. Romaka, M. Tomsic, V. Moshchil, M. Orlovskyi, M. Karpets, V. Sverdun, S. Ponomaryov, A. Shaternik, A. Kozyrev:
"Correlations Between Superconducting Characteristics and Structure of MgB2-Based Materials, ab-Initio Modeling";
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 29 (2019), 1 - 7.

Authors: V.V. Marchenkov; A. N. Domozhirova; A. A. Makhnev; E.I. Shreder; S. V. Naumov; V. V. Chistyakov; J. C. A. Huang; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

V. Marchenkov, A. Domozhirova, A. Makhnev, E. Shreder, S. Naumov, V. Chistyakov, J. Huang, M. Eisterer:
"Electronic transport and optical properties of Mo0.5W0.5Te2 single crystal";
Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 45 (2019), 1 - 6.

Author: Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Eisterer:
"Predicting critical currents in grain-boundary limited superconductors";
Physical Review B, 99 (2019), 094501-1 - 094501-8.

Authors: Mayraluna Lao, E141-06; P. Pahlke; M. Sieger; M. Falter; M. Bäcker; J. Hänisch; R. Hühne; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Lao, P. Pahlke, M. Sieger, M. Falter, M. Bäcker, J. Hänisch, R. Hühne, M. Eisterer:
"Manifestation of granularity in the transport current of coated conductors";
Superconductor Science and Technology, 32 (2019), 1 - 9.

Author: Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Eisterer:
"Towards optimized Nb3Sn";
Superconductor Science and Technology, 32 (2019), 1 - 2.

Authors: T. Prikhna; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; M. Rindfleisch; Mattia Ortino, E141-06; A. V. Kozyrev; A. Shaternik; V. Shaternik; M. Tomsic; V. E. Moshchil; M. Karpets; V. Sverdun; S. S. Ponomaryov; V.V. Romaka, Univ. Lviv, Ukraine; P. Seidl

T. Prikhna, M. Eisterer, M. Rindfleisch, M. Ortino, A. Kozyrev, A. Shaternik, V. Shaternik, M. Tomsic, V. Moshchil, M. Karpets, V. Sverdun, S. Ponomaryov, V.V. Romaka, P. Seidl:
"MgB2 Wires and Bulks With High Superconducting Performance";
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 29 (2019), 1 - 5.

Authors: V.V. Marchenkov; V. V. Chistyakov; J. C. A. Huang; Yu. A. Perevozchikova; A. N. Domozhirova; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

V. Marchenkov, V. Chistyakov, J. Huang, Y. Perevozchikova, A. Domozhirova, M. Eisterer:
"Size effect in the electronic transport of thin films of Bi2Se3";
EPJ Web of Conferences, 185 (2018), 1 - 3.

Authors: O. Domanov; E. Weschke; T. Saito; H. Peterlik; T. Pichler; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; H. Shiozawa

O. Domanov, E. Weschke, T. Saito, H. Peterlik, T. Pichler, M. Eisterer, H. Shiozawa:
"Exchange coupling in a frustrated trimetric molecular magnet reversed by a 1D nanoconfinement+";
Nanoscale, 11 (2019), 1 - 7.

Authors: Yu. A. Perevozchikova; A.A. Semiannikova; A. N. Domozhirova; P. B. Terentev; E. B. Marchenkova; E. I. Patrakov; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; P. S. Korenistov; V.V. Marchenkov

Y. Perevozchikova, A. Semiannikova, A. Domozhirova, P. Terentev, E. Marchenkova, E. Patrakov, M. Eisterer, P. Korenistov, V. Marchenkov:
"Experimental observation of anomalies in the electrical, magnetic, and galvanomagnetic properties of cobalt-based Heusler alloys with varying transition elements";
Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 45 (2019), 921 - 927.

Authors: P. Ebermann; Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; J. Behnsen; M. Daly; A. G. Terricabras; T. Köttig; F. Lackner; C. Scheuerlein; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

P. Ebermann, T. Baumgartner, J. Behnsen, M. Daly, A. Terricabras, T. Köttig, F. Lackner, C. Scheuerlein, M. Eisterer:
"Influence of transverse stress exerted at room temperature on the superconducting properties of Nb3Sn wires";
Superconductor Science and Technology, 32 (2019), 1 - 17.

Authors: V.V. Marchenkov; V. Yu. Irkhin; Yu. A. Perevozchikova; P. B. Terent´Ev; A.A. Semiannikova; E. B. Marchenkova; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

V. Marchenkov, V. Irkhin, Y. Perevozchikova, P. Terent´Ev, A. Semiannikova, E. Marchenkova, M. Eisterer:
"Kinetic Properties and Half-Metallic Magnetism in Mn2YAl Heusler Alloys";
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 128 (2019), 919 - 925.

Authors: V.V. Marchenkov; A. N. Domozhirova; A. A. Makhnev; E.I. Shreder; A. V. Lukoyanov, Ural State; S. V. Naumov; V. V. Chistyakov; E. B. Marchenkova; J. C. A. Huang; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

V. Marchenkov, A. Domozhirova, A. Makhnev, E. Shreder, A. Lukoyanov, S. Naumov, V. Chistyakov, E. Marchenkova, J. Huang, M. Eisterer:
"Electronic Structure and Electronic Properties of PtSn4 Single Crystal";
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 128 (2019), 939 - 945.

Authors: J. Gnilsen; A. Usoskin; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; U. Betz; K. Schlenga

J. Gnilsen, A. Usoskin, M. Eisterer, U. Betz, K. Schlenga:
"Current-voltage characteristics of double disordered REBCO coated conductors exposed to magnetic fields with edge gradients";
Superconductor Science and Technology, 32 (2019), 1 - 14.

Authors: T. Prikhna; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; M. Rindfleisch; S. S. Ponomaryov; M. Tomsic; V.V. Romaka, Univ. Lviv, Ukraine; V. E. Moshchil; A. V. Kozyrev; M. Karpets; A. Shaternik

T. Prikhna, M. Eisterer, M. Rindfleisch, S. Ponomaryov, M. Tomsic, V.V. Romaka, V. Moshchil, A. Kozyrev, M. Karpets, A. Shaternik:
"Manufacturing, Structure, Properties of MgB2-Based Materials";
Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 32 (2019), 3115 - 3120.

Authors: Xiangzun Wang, E141-04; C. Ziener; Hartmut Abele, E141-04; S. Bodmaier; D. Dubbers; Jacqueline Erhart, E141-04; A. Hollering; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Jens Klenke; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; Werner Heil, Uni Mainz; Christine Klauser, E141-04 [ILL]; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; M. Lamparth; T. Lauer; Michael Klopf, E141-04; R. Maix, E141-06; B. Märkisch; Wilfried Mach, E141-04; H. Mest; D. Moser; Alexander Pethoukov, ILL; Lukas Raffelt, Uni Heidelberg; N. Rebrova; C. Roick; Heiko Saul, E141; U. Schmidt; Torsten Soldner, ILL; Romain Virot, ILL; Oliver Zimmer, ILL; PERC Collaboration

X. Wang, C. Ziener, H. Abele, S. Bodmaier, D. Dubbers, J. Erhart, A. Hollering, E. Jericha, J. Klenke, H. Fillunger, W. Heil, C. Klauser, G. Konrad, M. Lamparth, T. Lauer, M. Klopf, R. Maix, B. Märkisch, W. Mach, H. Mest, D. Moser, A Pethoukov, L Raffelt, N. Rebrova, C. Roick, H. Saul, U. Schmidt, T. Soldner, R Virot, O. Zimmer, PERC Collaboration:
"Design of the magnet system of the neutron decay facility PERC";
EPJ Web of Conferences, 219 (2019), 04007; 1 - 6.

More information

Authors: Daniel Moser, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Joachim Bosina, E141-04; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; Torsten Soldner, ILL; Xianzun Wang, E141-04; Johann Zmeskal, SMI Wien; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04

D Moser, H. Abele, J. Bosina, H. Fillunger, T. Soldner, X. Wang, J Zmeskal, G. Konrad:
"NoMoS: An R × B drift momentum spectrometer for beta decay studies";
EPJ Web of Conferences, 219 (2019), 1 - 7.

Authors: J. Baldzuhn; H. Damm; C.D. Beidler; K. McCarthy; N. Panadero; C. Biedermann; S. A. Bozhenkov; K. J. Brunner; G. Fuchert, MPI für Plasmaphysik; Y. Kazakov; M. Beurskens; M. Dibon; J. Geiger; O. Grulke; U. Höfel; T. Klinger; Florian Köchl, E141-06; J. Knauer; G. Kocsis; P. Kornejew; P. T. Lang; A. Langenberg; H. Laqua; N. A. Pablant; E. Pasch; T. S. Pedersen; B. Plöckl; K. Rahbarnia; G. Schlisio; E. R. Scott; T. Stange; A. von Stechow; T. Szepesi; Y. Turkin; F. Wagner; V. Winters; G. Wurden; D. Zhang; Wendelstein 7-X Team

J. Baldzuhn, H. Damm, C. Beidler, K. McCarthy, N. Panadero, C. Biedermann, S. Bozhenkov, K. Brunner, G. Fuchert, Y. Kazakov, M. Beurskens, M. Dibon, J. Geiger, O. Grulke, U. Höfel, T. Klinger, F. Köchl, J. Knauer, G. Kocsis, P. Kornejew, P. Lang, A. Langenberg, H. Laqua, N. Pablant, E. Pasch, T. Pedersen, B. Plöckl, K. Rahbarnia, G. Schlisio, E. Scott, T. Stange, A. von Stechow, T. Szepesi, Y. Turkin, F. Wagner, V. Winters, G. Wurden, D. Zhang, Wendelstein 7-X Team:
"Pellet fueling experiments in Wendelstein 7-X";
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 61 (2019), 1 - 17.

Authors: M. Valovic; Y. Baranov; A. Boboc; J. Buchanan; J. Citrin; E. Delabie; L. Frassinetti, EURATOM Sweden; J. M. Fontdecaba; L. Garzotti; C. Giroud; R. McKean; E. Lerche; V. Kiptily; Florian Köchl, E141-06; M. Marin; M. Maslov; S. Menmuir; G. Tvalashvili; H. Weisen; JET Contributors (2019)

M. Valovic, Y. Baranov, A. Boboc, J. Buchanan, J. Citrin, E. Delabie, L. Frassinetti, J. Fontdecaba, L. Garzotti, C. Giroud, R. McKean, E. Lerche, V. Kiptily, F. Köchl, M. Marin, M. Maslov, S. Menmuir, G. Tvalashvili, H. Weisen, JET Contributors (2019):
"Control of the hydrogen:deuterium isotope mixture using pellets in JET";
Nuclear Fusion, 59 (2019), 1 - 8.

Authors: S. Nimpf; G. Nordmann; Daniel Kagerbauer, E141-06; E. P. Malkemper; L. Landler; A. Papadaki-Anastasopoulou; L. Ushakova; A. Wenninger-Weinzierl; M. Novatchkova; P. Vincent; Thomas Lendl; M. Coloumbini; M. J. Mason; D. A. Keays

S. Nimpf, G. Nordmann, D. Kagerbauer, E. Malkemper, L. Landler, A. Papadaki-Anastasopoulou, L. Ushakova, A. Wenninger-Weinzierl, M. Novatchkova, P. Vincent, T. Lendl, M. Coloumbini, M. Mason, D. Keays:
"A Putative Mechanism for Magnetoreception by Electromagnetic Induction in the Pigeon Inner Ear";
Current Biology, 29 (2019), 4052 - 4059.

Authors: Michael Benedikt, CERN; Amalia Ballarino, CERN; Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Johannes Bernardi, E057-02; Andreas Doblhammer, E141-04; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; M. Hofer, E141; S. Holleis, E141-06; J. Keintzel; Alice Moros, E057-02; Mattia Ortino, E141-06; Stephan Pfeiffer, E057-02; E. Renner; Michael Stöger-Pollach, E057-02; Johannes Gutleber, CERN; Carmine Senatore, Uni Genf; Aisha Saba, CNR SPIN; V. Völkl, UIBK; C. Köberl, NHM Wien; H. Kritscher, NHM Wien; T. Hoehn, TU Graz; M Aburaia, UAS TW; A. Kollegger, UAS TW; M. Lackner, UAS TW; P. Keinz, WU; Marina Putti, Uni Genua; H. Humer, AIT

M. Benedikt, A. Ballarino, T. Baumgartner, J. Bernardi, A. Doblhammer, M. Eisterer, M. Hofer, S. Holleis, J. Keintzel, A. Moros, M. Ortino, S. Pfeiffer, E. Renner, M. Stöger-Pollach, J. Gutleber, C. Senatore, A. Saba, V. Völkl, C. Köberl, H. Kritscher, T. Hoehn, M. Aburaia, A. Kollegger, M. Lackner, P. Keinz, M. Putti, H. Humer et al.:
"HE-LHC: The High-Energy Large Hadron Collider Future Circular Collider Conceptual Design Report Volume 4";
European Physical Journal - Special Topics, 228 (2019), 1109 - 1382.

More information

Authors: Michael Benedikt, CERN; Amalia Ballarino, CERN; Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Johannes Bernardi, E057-02; Andreas Doblhammer, E141-04; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; M. Hofer, E141; S. Holleis, E141-06; J. Keintzel; Alice Moros, E057-02; Mattia Ortino, E141-06; Stephan Pfeiffer, E057-02; E. Renner; Michael Stöger-Pollach, E057-02; Johannes Gutleber, CERN; Carmine Senatore, Uni Genf; Aisha Saba, CNR SPIN; V. Völkl, UIBK; C. Köberl, NHM Wien; H. Kritscher, NHM Wien; T. Hoehn, TU Graz; M Aburaia, UAS TW; A. Kollegger, UAS TW; M. Lackner, UAS TW; P. Keinz, WU; Marina Putti, Uni Genua; H. Humer, AIT

M. Benedikt, A. Ballarino, T. Baumgartner, J. Bernardi, A. Doblhammer, M. Eisterer, M. Hofer, S. Holleis, J. Keintzel, A. Moros, M. Ortino, S. Pfeiffer, E. Renner, M. Stöger-Pollach, J. Gutleber, C. Senatore, A. Saba, V. Völkl, C. Köberl, H. Kritscher, T. Hoehn, M. Aburaia, A. Kollegger, M. Lackner, P. Keinz, M. Putti, H. Humer et al.:
"FCC-hh: The Hadron Collider, Future Circular Collider Conceptual Design Report Volume 3";
European Physical Journal - Special Topics, 228 (2019), 755 - 1107.

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Authors: Michael Benedikt, CERN; Amalia Ballarino, CERN; Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Johannes Bernardi, E057-02; Andreas Doblhammer, E141-04; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; M. Hofer, E141; S. Holleis, E141-06; J. Keintzel; Alice Moros, E057-02; Mattia Ortino, E141-06; Stephan Pfeiffer, E057-02; E. Renner; Michael Stöger-Pollach, E057-02; Johannes Gutleber, CERN; Carmine Senatore, Uni Genf; Aisha Saba, CNR SPIN; V. Völkl, UIBK; C. Köberl, NHM Wien; H. Kritscher, NHM Wien; T. Hoehn, TU Graz; M Aburaia, UAS TW; A. Kollegger, UAS TW; M. Lackner, UAS TW; P. Keinz, WU; Marina Putti, Uni Genua; H. Humer, AIT

M. Benedikt, A. Ballarino, T. Baumgartner, J. Bernardi, A. Doblhammer, M. Eisterer, M. Hofer, S. Holleis, J. Keintzel, A. Moros, M. Ortino, S. Pfeiffer, E. Renner, M. Stöger-Pollach, J. Gutleber, C. Senatore, A. Saba, V. Völkl, C. Köberl, H. Kritscher, T. Hoehn, M. Aburaia, A. Kollegger, M. Lackner, P. Keinz, M. Putti, H. Humer et al.:
"FCC-ee: The Lepton Collider, Future Circular Collider Conceptual Design Report Volume 2";
European Physical Journal - Special Topics, 228 (2019), 261 - 623.

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Authors: Michael Benedikt, CERN; Amalia Ballarino, CERN; Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Johannes Bernardi, E057-02; Andreas Doblhammer, E141-04; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; M. Hofer, E141; S. Holleis, E141-06; J. Keintzel; Alice Moros, E057-02; Mattia Ortino, E141-06; Stephan Pfeiffer, E057-02; E. Renner; Michael Stöger-Pollach, E057-02; Johannes Gutleber, CERN; Carmine Senatore, Uni Genf; Aisha Saba, CNR SPIN; V. Völkl, UIBK; C. Köberl, NHM Wien; H. Kritscher, NHM Wien; T. Hoehn, TU Graz; M Aburaia, UAS TW; A. Kollegger, UAS TW; M. Lackner, UAS TW; P. Keinz, WU; Marina Putti, Uni Genua; H. Humer, AIT

M. Benedikt, A. Ballarino, T. Baumgartner, J. Bernardi, A. Doblhammer, M. Eisterer, M. Hofer, S. Holleis, J. Keintzel, A. Moros, M. Ortino, S. Pfeiffer, E. Renner, M. Stöger-Pollach, J. Gutleber, C. Senatore, A. Saba, V. Völkl, C. Köberl, H. Kritscher, T. Hoehn, M. Aburaia, A. Kollegger, M. Lackner, P. Keinz, M. Putti, H. Humer et al.:
"FCC Physics Opportunities, Future Circular Collider Conceptual Design Report Volume 1";
European Physical Journal C, 79 (2019), 474; 1 - 161.

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Authors: Amalia Ballarino, CERN; Simon C. Hopkins, CERN; Bernardo Bordini, CERN; David Richter, CERN; Davide Tommasini, CERN; Luca Bottura, CERN; Michael Benedikt, CERN; Michinaka Sugano, KEK; Shinya Kawashima, JASTEC; Yoshito Fukumoto, JASTEC; Hisaki Sakamoto, Furukawa Electric; Hitoshi Shimizu, Furukawa Electric; Victor Pantsyrny; Ildar M. Abdyukhanov; Michael Shlyakov, JSC TVEL; Carmine Senatore, Uni Genf; Iksang Shin, Kiswire; Jimam Kim, Kiswire; Jonas Lachmann, TU Freiberg; Andreas Leineweber, TU Freiberg; Stephan Pfeiffer, E057-02; Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Johannes Bernardi, E057-02; Andrea Malagoli, CNR SPIN; Valeria Braccini, CNR SPIN; Maurizio Vignolo, CNR SPIN; Marina Putti, Uni Genua; Carlo Ferdeghini, CNR SPIN

A. Ballarino, S. Hopkins, B. Bordini, D. Richter, D. Tommasini, L. Bottura, M. Benedikt, M. Sugano, S. Kawashima, Y. Fukumoto, H. Sakamoto, H. Shimizu, V. Pantsyrny, I. Abdyukhanov, M. Shlyakov, C. Senatore, I. Shin, J. Kim, J. Lachmann, A. Leineweber, S. Pfeiffer, T. Baumgartner, M. Eisterer, J. Bernardi, A. Malagoli, V. Braccini, M. Vignolo, M. Putti, C. Ferdeghini:
"The CERN FCC Conductor Development Program: A Worldwide Effort for the Future Generation of High-Field Magnets";
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 29 (2019), 5; 1 - 9.

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Authors: E. P. Malkemper; Daniel Kagerbauer, E141-06; L. Ushakova; S. Nimpf; P. Pichler, E366; C. D. Treiber; M. de Jonge; J. Shaw; D. A. Keays

E. Malkemper, D. Kagerbauer, L. Ushakova, S. Nimpf, P. Pichler, C. Treiber, M. de Jonge, J. Shaw, D. Keays:
"No evidence for a magnetite-based magnetoreceptor in the lagena of pigeons";
Current Biology, 29 (2019), R14 - R15.

Authors: K. Iida; Y. Nagai; S. Ishida; M. Ishikado; N. Murai; A. D. Christianson; H. Yoshida; Y. Inamura; H. Nakamura; A. Nakao; Daniel Kagerbauer, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; K. Kawashima; Y. Yoshida; H. Eisaki; A. Iyo

K. Iida, Y. Nagai, S. Ishida, M. Ishikado, N. Murai, A. Christianson, H. Yoshida, Y. Inamura, H. Nakamura, A. Nakao, D. Kagerbauer, M. Eisterer, K. Kawashima, Y. Yoshida, H. Eisaki, A. Iyo:
"Coexisting spin resonance and long-range magnetic order of Eu in EuRbFe4As4";
Physical Review B, 100 (2019), 014506-1 - 014506-8.

Authors: Daniel Kagerbauer, E141-06; S. Ishida; Ventsislav Mishev, E141-06; D. Song; H. Ogino; H. Eisaki; M. Nakajima; A. Iyo; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

D. Kagerbauer, S. Ishida, V. Mishev, D. Song, H. Ogino, H. Eisaki, M. Nakajima, A. Iyo, M. Eisterer:
"Doping dependence of the pinning efficiency in K-doped Ba122 single crystals prior to and after fast neutron irradiation";
Superconductor Science and Technology, 32 (2019), 1 - 6.

Authors: V. Corato; T. Bagni; M. E. Biancolini; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; David Fischer, E141-06

V. Corato, T. Bagni, M. Biancolini, M. Eisterer, D. Fischer et al.:
"Progress in the design of the superconducting magnets for the EU DEMO";
Fusion Engineering and Design, 136 (2018), 1597 - 1604.

Authors: A.R. Polevoi; A. Loarte; R. Dux, MPI für Plasmaphysik; T. Eich, MPI für Plasmaphysik; E. Fable, MPI für Plasmaphysik; D. Coster, Max-Planck-Inst.; S. Maruyama; S.Y. Medvedev; Florian Köchl, E141-06; V.E. Zhogolev

A. Polevoi, A. Loarte, R. Dux, T. Eich, E. Fable, D. Coster, S. Maruyama, S. Medvedev, F. Köchl, V. Zhogolev:
"Integrated simulations of H-mode operation in ITER including core fuelling, divertor detachment and ELM control";
Nuclear Fusion, 58 (2018), 1 - 11.

Authors: N. Panadero; K. J. McCarthy; Florian Köchl, E141-06; J. Baldzuhn; J. L. Velasco; S. K. Combs; E. de la Cal; R. Garcia; J. Hernandez Sanchez; D. Silvagni; Y. Turkin; TJ-II team & W7-X team (20

N. Panadero, K. McCarthy, F. Köchl, J. Baldzuhn, J. Velasco, S. Combs, E. de la Cal, R. Garcia, J. Hernandez Sanchez, D. Silvagni, Y. Turkin, TJ-II team & W7-X team (20:
"Experimental studies and simulations of hydrogen pellet ablation in the stellarator TJ-II";
Nuclear Fusion, 58 (2018), 1 - 19.

Authors: O. Linder; J. Citrin; G.M.D. Hogeweij; C. Angioni, MPI für Plasmaphysik; C. Bourdelle; F. Casson; E. Fable, MPI für Plasmaphysik; A. Ho; Florian Köchl, E141-06; M. Sertoli, MPI für Plasmaphysik; EUROfusion MST1 Team; ASDEX Upgrade Team (2019)

O. Linder, J. Citrin, G. Hogeweij, C. Angioni, C. Bourdelle, F. Casson, E. Fable, A. Ho, F. Köchl, M. Sertoli, EUROfusion MST1 Team, ASDEX Upgrade Team (2019):
"Flux-driven integrated modelling of main ion pressure and trace tungsten transport in ASDEX Upgrade";
Nuclear Fusion, 59 (2018), 1 - 25.

Authors: Florian Köchl, E141-06; A. Loarte; E. de la Luna; F. Parail; G. Corrigan; D. Harting; I. Nunes; C. Reux; F. Rimini; A. Polevoi; M. Romanelli; JET Contributors (2018)

F. Köchl, A. Loarte, E. de la Luna, F. Parail, G. Corrigan, D. Harting, I. Nunes, C. Reux, F. Rimini, A. Polevoi, M. Romanelli, JET Contributors (2018):
"W transport and accumulation control in the termination phase of JET H-mode discharges and implications for ITER";
Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion, 60 (2018), 1 - 21.

Authors: C.D. Beidler; Y. Feng, MPI für Plasmaphysik; J. Geiger; Florian Köchl, E141-06; H. Maßberg; N. B. Marushchenko; C. Nührenberg; H. M. Smith; Y. Turkin

C. Beidler, Y. Feng, J. Geiger, F. Köchl, H. Maßberg, N. Marushchenko, C. Nührenberg, H. Smith, Y. Turkin:
"(Expected difficulties with) density-profile control in W7-X high-performance plasmas";
Nuclear Fusion, 60 (2018), 1 - 24.

Authors: E. P. Malkemper; M. J. Mason; Daniel Kagerbauer, E141-06; S. Nimpf; D. A. Keays

E. Malkemper, M. Mason, D. Kagerbauer, S. Nimpf, D. Keays:
"Ectopic otoconial formation in the lagena of the pigeon inner ear";
Biology Open, 7 (2018), 1 - 6.

Authors: T.A. Prikhna, Institute for Su ...; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Athanasios Mamalis; A. V. Kozyrev; V.V. Romaka, Univ. Lviv, Ukraine; V. Sokolovsky, Ben-Gurion Unive ...; M. Karpets; V. E. Moshchil; V. Sverdun; S. S. Ponomaryov; T. Serbenyuk

T. Prikhna, M. Eisterer, A. Mamalis, A. Kozyrev, V.V. Romaka, V. Sokolovsky, M. Karpets, V. Moshchil, V. Sverdun, S. Ponomaryov, T. Serbenyuk:
"Structure and Properties of Magnesium Diboride and the Effect of Additions";
Materials Science Forum, 915 (2018), 65 - 70.

Authors: N.I. Kourov; V.V. Marchenkov; Yu. A. Perevozchikova; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

N.I. Kourov, V. Marchenkov, Y. Perevozchikova, M. Eisterer:
"Galvanomagnetic Properties of Heusler Alloys Co2FeZ (Z = Al, Si, Ga, Ge, In, Sn, Sb)";
Physics of the Solid State, 59 (2017), 2352 - 2359.

Author: Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Eisterer:
"Radiation effects on iron-based superconductors";
Superconductor Science and Technology, 31 (2018), 1 - 15.

Authors: David Fischer, E141-06; Rainer Prokopec, E141-06; J. Emhofer, E141-04; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

D. Fischer, R. Prokopec, J. Emhofer, M. Eisterer:
"The effect of fast neutron irradiation on the superconducting properties of REBCO coated conductors with and without artificial pinning centers";
Superconductor Science and Technology, 31 (2018), 1 - 8.

Authors: Patrick Pahlke; M. Sieger; Rick Ottolinger; Mayraluna Lao, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; A. Meledin; Gustaaf Van Tendeloo, Electron Microsc ...; Jens Hänisch; B. Holzapfel; L. Schultz; Kornelius Nielsch; R. Hühne

P. Pahlke, M. Sieger, R. Ottolinger, M. Lao, M. Eisterer, A. Meledin, G. Van Tendeloo, J. Hänisch, B. Holzapfel, L. Schultz, K. Nielsch, R. Hühne:
"Influence of artificial pinning centers on structural and superconducting properties of thick YBCO films on ABAD-YSZ templates";
Superconductor Science and Technology, 31 (2018), 1 - 9.

Authors: T.A. Prikhna, Institute for Su ...; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; A. V. Kozyrev; Wilfried Goldacker, Karlsruhe Instit ...; V. E. Moshchil; M. Karpets; V. Sverdun; A.P. Shapovalov, Institute for Su ...; V.V. Romaka, Univ. Lviv, Ukraine; A. V. Pan; S. S. Ponomaryov; T. Serbenyuk

T. Prikhna, M. Eisterer, A. Kozyrev, W. Goldacker, V. Moshchil, M. Karpets, V. Sverdun, A. Shapovalov, V.V. Romaka, A. Pan, S. Ponomaryov, T. Serbenyuk:
"Structure and Properties of MgB2: Effect of Ti-O and TiC Additions";
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 28 (2018), 1 - 5.

Authors: M. Sieger; Patrick Pahlke; Mayraluna Lao, E141-06; A. Meledin; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Gustaaf Van Tendeloo, Electron Microsc ...; L. Schultz; Kornelius Nielsch; R. Hühne

M. Sieger, P. Pahlke, M. Lao, A. Meledin, M. Eisterer, G. Van Tendeloo, L. Schultz, K. Nielsch, R. Hühne:
"Thick Secondary Phase Pinning-Enhanced YBCO Films on Technical Templates";
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 28 (2018), 1 - 5.

Authors: V.V. Marchenkov; Yu. A. Perevozchikova; N.I. Kourov; V. Yu. Irkhin; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; T. Gao

V. Marchenkov, Y. Perevozchikova, N.I. Kourov, V. Irkhin, M. Eisterer, T. Gao:
"Peculiarities of the electronic transport in half-metallic Co-based Heusler alloys";
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 459 (2018), 211 - 214.

Authors: Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Stephan Pfeiffer, E057-02; Johannes Bernardi, E057-02; A. Ballarino; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

T. Baumgartner, S. Pfeiffer, J. Bernardi, A. Ballarino, M. Eisterer:
"Effects of inhomogeneities on pinning force scaling in Nb3Sn wires";
Superconductor Science and Technology, 31 (2018), 1 - 11.

Authors: S. Ishida; Daniel Kagerbauer, E141-06; D. Song; H. Ogino; A. Iyo; M. Nakajima; J.- I. Shimoyama; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; H. Eisaki

S. Ishida, D. Kagerbauer, D. Song, H. Ogino, A. Iyo, M. Nakajima, J. Shimoyama, M. Eisterer, H. Eisaki:
"Effects of post-growth heat treatment on electronic phase diagrams and critical current densities of Ba(Fe1−xCox )2As2 and BaFe2(As1−xPx )2 single crystals";
Physical Review B, 98 (2018), 054511-1 - 054511-6.

Authors: T.A. Prikhna, Institute for Su ...; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; A. Shaternik; V. Shaternik; P. Seidel; V. Sokolovsky, Ben-Gurion Unive ...; V. E. Moshchil; A.P. Shapovalov, Institute for Su ...; V.V. Romaka, Univ. Lviv, Ukraine; V. Kovylaev; S. S. Ponomaryov

T. Prikhna, M. Eisterer, A. Shaternik, V. Shaternik, P. Seidel, V. Sokolovsky, V. Moshchil, A. Shapovalov, V.V. Romaka, V. Kovylaev, S. Ponomaryov:
"Preparation and Properties of MgB2 Thin Films";
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 28 (2018), 1 - 7.

Authors: Patrick Ebermann, CERN; Johannes Bernardi, E057-02; Jerome Fleiter, CERN; Friedrich Lackner, CERN; Florian Meuter, CERN; Magdalena Pieler, E057-02; Christian Scheuerlein; Daniel Schoerling, CERN; Felix Wolf, Uni Freiberg; Amalia Ballarino, CERN; Luca Bottura, CERN; Davide Tommasini, CERN; Frederic Savary, CERN; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

P. Ebermann, J. Bernardi, J. Fleiter, F. Lackner, F. Meuter, M. Pieler, C. Scheuerlein, D. Schoerling, F. Wolf, A. Ballarino, L. Bottura, D. Tommasini, F. Savary, M. Eisterer:
"Irreversible degradation of Nb3Sn Rutherford cables due to transverse compressive stress at room temperature";
Superconductor Science and Technology, 31 (2018), 065009 - 065018.

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Authors: Johannes Hecher, E141-06; S. Ishida; D. Song; H. Ogino; A. Iyo; H. Eisaki; M. Nakajima; Daniel Kagerbauer, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

J. Hecher, S. Ishida, D. Song, H. Ogino, A. Iyo, H. Eisaki, M. Nakajima, D. Kagerbauer, M. Eisterer:
"Direct observation of in-plane anisotropy of the superconducting critical current density in Ba(Fe1−xCox)2As2 crystals";
Physical Review B, 97 (2018), 014511-1 - 014511-6.

Authors: T.A. Prikhna, Institute for Su ...; V.V. Romaka, Univ. Lviv, Ukraine; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; A.P. Shapovalov, Institute for Su ...; A. V. Kozyrev; G. Grechnev; V. Boutko; Wilfried Goldacker, Karlsruhe Instit ...; T. Habisreuther; O. Vakaliuk; B. Halbedel

T. Prikhna, V.V. Romaka, M. Eisterer, A. Shapovalov, A. Kozyrev, G. Grechnev, V. Boutko, W. Goldacker, T. Habisreuther, O. Vakaliuk, B. Halbedel:
"Structure and superconducting characteristics of magnesium diboride, substitution of boron atoms by oxygen and carbon";
Materials Science and Engineering, 279 (2017), 1 - 8.

Authors: S. Wiesen; Florian Köchl, E141-06; P. Belo; V. Kotov; A. Loarte; V. Parail; G. Corrigan; L. Garzotti; D. Harting

S. Wiesen, F. Köchl, P. Belo, V. Kotov, A. Loarte, V. Parail, G. Corrigan, L. Garzotti, D. Harting:
"Control of particle and power exhaust in pellet fuelled ITER DT scenarios employing integrated models";
Nuclear Fusion, 57 (2017), 1 - 19.

Authors: P. Vincenzi; R. Ambrosino; J.F. Artaud; T. Bolzonella; L. Garzotti; G. Giruzzi; G. Granucci; Florian Köchl, E141-06; M. Mattei; M. Q. Tran; R. Wenninger

P. Vincenzi, R. Ambrosino, J. Artaud, T. Bolzonella, L. Garzotti, G. Giruzzi, G. Granucci, F. Köchl, M. Mattei, M. Tran, R. Wenninger:
"EU DEMO transient phases: Main constraints and heating mix studies for ramp-up and ramp-down";
Fusion Engineering and Design, 123 (2017), 473 - 476.

Authors: M. Romanelli; P. Aresta-Belo; G. Corrigan; L. Garzotti; D. Harting; Florian Köchl, E141-06; S. Saarelma; S. Wiesen; M. Wischmeier, MPI für Plasmaphysik; R. Zagorski; T. Bolzonella; L. Pigatto; J. Garcia; P. Maget; E. de la Luna; N. Hayashi; T. Nakano; S. Ide; M. Yoshida; H. Urano

M. Romanelli, P. Aresta-Belo, G. Corrigan, L. Garzotti, D. Harting, F. Köchl, S. Saarelma, S. Wiesen, M. Wischmeier, R. Zagorski, T. Bolzonella, L. Pigatto, J. Garcia, P. Maget, E. de la Luna, N. Hayashi, T. Nakano, S. Ide, M. Yoshida, H. Urano:
"Investigation of sustainable high-beta scenarios in the JT-60SA C-wall";
Nuclear Fusion, 57 (2011), 1 - 8.

Authors: Florian Köchl, E141-06; A. Loarte; V. Parail; P. Belo; M. Brix; G. Corrigan; D. Harting; T. Koskela; A.S. Kukushkin; A.R. Polevoi; M. Romanelli; G. Saibene; R. Sartori; T. Eich, MPI für Plasmaphysik; JET Contributors (2017)

F. Köchl, A. Loarte, V. Parail, P. Belo, M. Brix, G. Corrigan, D. Harting, T. Koskela, A. Kukushkin, A. Polevoi, M. Romanelli, G. Saibene, R. Sartori, T. Eich, JET Contributors (2017) et al.:
"Modelling of transitions between L- and H-mode in JET high plasma current plasmas and application to ITER scenarios including tungsten behaviour";
Nuclear Fusion, 57 (2017), 1 - 32.

Authors: S.H. Kim; F. M. Poli; Florian Köchl, E141-06; E. Militello-Asp; A.R. Polevoi; R. Budny; T. Casper; A. Loarte; T. Luce; Y.S. Na; M. Romanelli; M. Schneider; J. Snipes; P.C. de Vries; ITPA (2017)

S. Kim, F. Poli, F. Köchl, E. Militello-Asp, A. Polevoi, R. Budny, T. Casper, A. Loarte, T. Luce, Y. Na, M. Romanelli, M. Schneider, J. Snipes, P. de Vries, ITPA (2017) et al.:
"Development of ITER non-activation phase operation scenarios";
Nuclear Fusion, 57 (2017), 1 - 14.

Authors: E. Joffrin; P. Tamain; E. Belonohy; H. Bufferand; P. Buratti; C. Challis; E. Delabie; P. Drewelow; D. Dodt; L. Frassinetti, EURATOM Sweden; J. Garcia; C. Giroud; M. Groth; J. Hobirk; A. Jarvinen; H.T. Kim; Florian Köchl, E141-06; U. Kruezi, JET-EFDA; B. Lipschutz; P.J. Lomas; E. de la Luna; T. Loarer; P. Maget; C. Maggi; G. Matthews; F. Maviglia; A.G. Meigs; I. Nunes; G. Pucella; F. Rimini; S. Saarelma; E.R. Solano; A.C.C. Sips; M. Tsalas; I. Voitsekhovitch; H. Weisen; JET Contributors (2017)

E. Joffrin, P. Tamain, E. Belonohy, H. Bufferand, P. Buratti, C. Challis, E. Delabie, P. Drewelow, D. Dodt, L. Frassinetti, J. Garcia, C. Giroud, M. Groth, J. Hobirk, A. Jarvinen, H. Kim, F. Köchl, U. Kruezi, B. Lipschutz, P. Lomas, E. de la Luna, T. Loarer, P. Maget, C. Maggi, G. Matthews, F. Maviglia, A.G. Meigs, I. Nunes, G. Pucella, F. Rimini, S. Saarelma, E. Solano, A.C.C. Sips, M. Tsalas, I. Voitsekhovitch, H. Weisen, JET Contributors (2017) et al.:
"Impact of divertor geometry on H-mode confinement in the JET metallic wall";
Nuclear Fusion, 57 (2017), 1 - 10.

Authors: J. Citrin; C. Bourdelle; F. Casson; C. Angioni, MPI für Plasmaphysik; N. Bonanomi; Y. Camenen; X. Garbet; L. Garzotti; T. Görler; O. Guercan; Florian Köchl, E141-06; F. Imbeaux; O. Linder; K. van de Plassche; P. Strand; G. Szepesi; JET Contributors (2017)

J. Citrin, C. Bourdelle, F. Casson, C. Angioni, N. Bonanomi, Y. Camenen, X. Garbet, L. Garzotti, T. Görler, O. Guercan, F. Köchl, F. Imbeaux, O. Linder, K. van de Plassche, P. Strand, G. Szepesi, JET Contributors (2017) et al.:
"Tractable flux-driven temperature, density, and rotation profile evolution with the quasilinear gyrokinetic transport model QuaLiKiz";
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 59 (2017), 1 - 25.

Authors: C. S. Chang; S. Ku; A. Loarte; V. Parail; Florian Köchl, E141-06; M. Romanelli; R. Maingi, Princeton P.P.Lab; J.-W. Ahn; T. Gray; J.W. Hughes; B. la Bombard; T. Leonard; M. Makowski; J. Terry

C. Chang, S. Ku, A. Loarte, V. Parail, F. Köchl, M. Romanelli, R. Maingi, J. Ahn, T. Gray, J. Hughes, B. la Bombard, T. Leonard, M. Makowski, J. Terry:
"'Gyrokinetic projection of the divertor heat-flux width from present tokamaks to ITER";
Nuclear Fusion, 57 (2017), 1 - 15.

Authors: L. Zani; C.M. Bayer; M.E. Biancolini; R. Bonifetto; P. Bruzzone; C. Brutti; D. Ciazynski; M. Coleman; Ignacio Duran; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; W.H. Fietz; P.V. Gade; E. Gaio; F. Giorgetti; Wilfried Goldacker, Karlsruhe Instit ...; Fedor Gömöry, Slovak Academy o ...; X. Granados; R. Heller; P. Hertout; C. Hoa; A. Kario; B. Lacroix; M. Lewandowska; A. Maistrello; L. Muzzi; A. Nijhuis; F. Nunio; A. Panin; T. Petrisor; J.-M. Poncet; Rainer Prokopec, E141-06; M.S. Cardona; L. Savoldi; S.I. Schlachter; K. Sedlak; B. Stepanov; I. Tiseanu; A. Torre; S. Turtu; R. Vallcorba; Michail Vojenciak, Slovak Academy o ...; K.-P. Weiss; R. Wesche; K. Yagotintsev; R. Zanino

L. Zani, C. Bayer, M. Biancolini, R. Bonifetto, P. Bruzzone, C. Brutti, D. Ciazynski, M. Coleman, I. Duran, M. Eisterer, W. Fietz, P. Gade, E. Gaio, F. Giorgetti, W. Goldacker, F. Gömöry, X. Granados, R. Heller, P. Hertout, C. Hoa, A. Kario, B. Lacroix, M. Lewandowska, A. Maistrello, L. Muzzi, A. Nijhuis, F. Nunio, A. Panin, T. Petrisor, J. Poncet, R. Prokopec, M. Cardona, L. Savoldi, S.I. Schlachter, K. Sedlak, B. Stepanov, I. Tiseanu, A. Torre, S. Turtu, R. Vallcorba, M. Vojenciak, K. Weiss, R. Wesche, K. Yagotintsev, R. Zanino:
"Overview of Progress on the EU DEMO Reactor Magnet System Design";
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 26 (2016), 1 - 5.

Authors: T.A. Prikhna, Institute for Su ...; V.V. Romaka, Univ. Lviv, Ukraine; A.P. Shapovalov, Institute for Su ...; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; V. Sokolovsky, Ben-Gurion Unive ...; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; G. Grechnev; V. Boutko; A. Gusev; A. V. Kozyrev; Wilfried Goldacker, Karlsruhe Instit ...; V. E. Moshchil; V. Sverdun; T. Habisreuther; C. Schmidt; V. Kovylaev; V. Shaternik; M. Karpets; A. Shaternik

T. Prikhna, V.V. Romaka, A. Shapovalov, M. Eisterer, V. Sokolovsky, H. W. Weber, G. Grechnev, V. Boutko, A. Gusev, A. Kozyrev, W. Goldacker, V. Moshchil, V. Sverdun, T. Habisreuther, C. Schmidt, V. Kovylaev, V. Shaternik, M. Karpets, A. Shaternik:
"Structure and Properties of MgB2 Bulks, Thin Films, and Wires";
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 27 (2017), 1 - 5.

Authors: S. Ishida; D. Song; H. Ogino; A. Iyo; H. Eisaki; M. Nakajima; J.- I. Shimoyama; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

S. Ishida, D. Song, H. Ogino, A. Iyo, H. Eisaki, M. Nakajima, J. Shimoyama, M. Eisterer:
"Doping-dependent critical current properties in K, Co, and P-doped BaFe2As2 single crystals";
Physical Review B, 95 (2017), 014517-1 - 014517-21.

Authors: T.A. Prikhna, Institute for Su ...; A.P. Shapovalov, Institute for Su ...; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; V. Shaternik; Wilfried Goldacker, Karlsruhe Instit ...; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; V. E. Moshchil; A. V. Kozyrev; V. Sverdun; V. Boutko; G. Grechnev; A. Gusev; V. Kovylaev; A. Shaternik

T. Prikhna, A. Shapovalov, M. Eisterer, V. Shaternik, W. Goldacker, H. W. Weber, V. Moshchil, A. Kozyrev, V. Sverdun, V. Boutko, G. Grechnev, A. Gusev, V. Kovylaev, A. Shaternik:
"Pinning in high performance MgB 2 thin films and bulks: Role of Mg-B-O nano-scale inhomogeneities";
Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications, 533 (2017), 36 - 39.

Authors: M. Sieger; Patrick Pahlke; Mayraluna Lao, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; A. Meledin; Gustaaf Van Tendeloo, Electron Microsc ...; Rick Ottolinger; Jens Hänisch; B. Holzapfel; A. Usoskin; A. Kursumovic; J.L. MacManus-Driscoll; B. H. Stafford; M. Bauer; Kornelius Nielsch; L. Schultz; R. Hühne

M. Sieger, P. Pahlke, M. Lao, M. Eisterer, A. Meledin, G. Van Tendeloo, R. Ottolinger, J. Hänisch, B. Holzapfel, A. Usoskin, A. Kursumovic, J.L. MacManus-Driscoll, B. Stafford, M. Bauer, K. Nielsch, L. Schultz, R. Hühne:
"Tailoring Microstructure and Superconducting Properties in Thick BaHfO3 and Ba2Y(Nb/Ta)O6 Doped YBCO Films on Technical Templates";
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 27 (2017), 1 - 7.

Authors: M. Sieger; Patrick Pahlke; Rick Ottolinger; B. H. Stafford; Mayraluna Lao, E141-06; A. Meledin; M. Bauer; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Gustaaf Van Tendeloo, Electron Microsc ...; L. Schultz; Kornelius Nielsch; R. Hühne

M. Sieger, P. Pahlke, R. Ottolinger, B. Stafford, M. Lao, A. Meledin, M. Bauer, M. Eisterer, G. Van Tendeloo, L. Schultz, K. Nielsch, R. Hühne:
"Influence of Substrate Tilt Angle on the Incorporation of BaHfO3 in Thick YBa2Cu3O7-δ Films";
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 27 (2017), 1 - 4.

Authors: V. Sokolovsky, Ben-Gurion Unive ...; T.A. Prikhna, Institute for Su ...; V. Meerovich, Ben-Gurion Unive ...; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Wilfried Goldacker, Karlsruhe Instit ...; A. V. Kozyrev; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; A.P. Shapovalov, Institute for Su ...; V. Sverdun; V. E. Moshchil

V. Sokolovsky, T. Prikhna, V. Meerovich, M. Eisterer, W. Goldacker, A. Kozyrev, H. W. Weber, A. Shapovalov, V. Sverdun, V. Moshchil:
"MgB2-based superconductors for fault current limiters";
Materials Science and Engineering, 171 (2017), 1 - 9.

Authors: H. Shiozawa; Desai Zhang; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Paola Ayala; T. Pichler; Martha R. McCartney; D.J. Smith

H. Shiozawa, D. Zhang, M. Eisterer, P. Ayala, T. Pichler, M. McCartney, D. Smith:
"Microscale magnetic compasses";
Journal of Applied Physics, 122 (2017), 094301-1 - 094301-6.

Authors: Mayraluna Lao, E141-06; Johannes Hecher, E141-06; M. Sieger; Patrick Pahlke; M. Bauer; R. Hühne; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Lao, J. Hecher, M. Sieger, P. Pahlke, M. Bauer, R. Hühne, M. Eisterer:
"Planar current anisotropy and field dependence of Jc in coated conductors assessed by scanning Hall probe microscopy";
Superconductor Science and Technology, 30 (2017), 024004-1 - 024004-9.

Authors: Mayraluna Lao, E141-06; Johannes Hecher, E141-06; Patrick Pahlke; M. Sieger; R. Hühne; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Lao, J. Hecher, P. Pahlke, M. Sieger, R. Hühne, M. Eisterer:
"Magnetic granularity in pulsed laser deposited YBCO films on technical templates at 5K";
Superconductor Science and Technology, 30 (2017), 104003-1 - 104003-8.

Authors: M.A. Melkozerova; O.I. Gyrdasova; T.V. D´Yachkova; A.P. Tyutyunnik; V.V. Bannikov; E.V. Zabolotskaya; V.V. Marchenkov; Yu. A. Perevozchikova; Franz Sauerzopf, E141-06; V.N. Krasil´Nikov

M. Melkozerova, O. Gyrdasova, T. D´Yachkova, A. Tyutyunnik, V. Bannikov, E. Zabolotskaya, V. Marchenkov, Y. Perevozchikova, F. Sauerzopf, V. Krasil´Nikov:
"Peculiarities of EPR in Polycrystalline Solid Solutions Zn0.95Fe0.05O with Different Particles Morphology: The Role of Intrinsic Defects in Formation of Magnetic Properties";
Physics of the Solid State, 59 (2017), 1506 - 1511.

Authors: S. Calatroni; E. Bellingeri; C. Ferdeghini; M. Putti; R. Vaglio; Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

S. Calatroni, E. Bellingeri, C. Ferdeghini, M. Putti, R. Vaglio, T. Baumgartner, M. Eisterer:
"Thallium-based high-temperature superconductors for beam impedance mitigation in the Future Circular Collider";
Superconductor Science and Technology, 30 (2017), 1 - 7.

Authors: A. Polevoi; A. Loarte; A.S. Kukushkin; H. Pacher; G. Pacher; Florian Köchl, E141-06

A. Polevoi, A. Loarte, A. Kukushkin, H. Pacher, G. Pacher, F. Köchl:
"Analysis of fuelling requirements in ITER H-modes with SOLPS-EPED1 derived scalings";
Nuclear Fusion, 57 (2017), 2; 022014-1 - 022014-8.

Authors: E. de la Luna; I. Chapman; F. Rimini; P.J. Lomas; G. Saibene; Florian Köchl, E141-06; R. Sartori; S. Saarelma; R. Albanese; R. Ambrosino; J. Flanagan; F. Maviglia; V. Parail; JET Contributors (2016)

E. de la Luna, I. Chapman, F. Rimini, P. Lomas, G. Saibene, F. Köchl, R. Sartori, S. Saarelma, R. Albanese, R. Ambrosino, J. Flanagan, F. Maviglia, V. Parail, JET Contributors (2016) et al.:
"Understanding the physics of ELM pacing via vertical kicks in JET in view of ITER";
Nuclear Fusion, 56 (2016), 2; 026001-1 - 026001-22.

Authors: Y. Liu; S. Aekaeslompolo; M. Cavinato; Florian Köchl, E141-06; T. Kurki-Suonio; L. Li; V. Parail; G. Saibene; K. Saerkimaeki; S. Sipilae; J. Varje

Y. Liu, S. Aekaeslompolo, M. Cavinato, F. Köchl, T. Kurki-Suonio, L. Li, V. Parail, G. Saibene, K. Saerkimaeki, S. Sipilae, J. Varje:
"Modelling of 3D fields due to ferritic inserts and test blanket modules in toroidal geometry at ITER";
Nuclear Fusion, 56 (2016), 6; 066001-1 - 066001-17.

Authors: T. Hender; P. Buratti; F. Casson; B. Alper; Y. Baranov; M. Baruzzo; C. Challis; Florian Köchl, E141-06; K. D. Lawson; C. Marchetto; M. Nave; T. Pütterich, MPI für Plasmaphysik; S. Reyes Cortes; JET Contributors (2016)

T. Hender, P. Buratti, F. Casson, B. Alper, Y. Baranov, M. Baruzzo, C. Challis, F. Köchl, K. Lawson, C. Marchetto, M. Nave, T. Pütterich, S. Reyes Cortes, JET Contributors (2016) et al.:
"The role of MHD in causing impurity peaking in JET hybrid plasmas";
Nuclear Fusion, 56 (2016), 6; 066002-1 - 066002-15.

Authors: J.P.S. Bizarro; Florian Köchl, E141-06; I. Voitsekhovitch; JET Contributors (2016)

J. Bizarro, F. Köchl, I. Voitsekhovitch, JET Contributors (2016) et al.:
"Modelling the Ohmic L-mode ramp-down phase of JET hybrid pulses using JETTO with Bohm-gyro-Bohm transport";
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 58 (2016), 10; 105010-1 - 105010-19.

Authors: Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Johannes Hecher, E141-06; Johannes Bernardi, E057-02; Stephan Pfeiffer, E057-02; C. Senatore; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

T. Baumgartner, J. Hecher, J. Bernardi, S. Pfeiffer, C. Senatore, M. Eisterer:
"Assessing composition gradients in multifilamentary superconductors by means of magnetometry methods";
Superconductor Science and Technology, 30 (2017), 1 - 7.

Authors: Yu. V. Karasev; A. Malchenkov; P. Lukyanov; M. Polikarpova; V. Pantsyrny; I. Abdyukhanov; Yu. Konovalov; L. Potanina; S. Lelechov; Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

Y. Karasev, A. Malchenkov, P. Lukyanov, M. Polikarpova, V. Pantsyrny, I. Abdyukhanov, Y. Konovalov, L. Potanina, S. Lelechov, T. Baumgartner, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"Characterization of Nb-Ti Strands in the Process of Industrial Production for the ITER Poloidal Field Coils";
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 26 (2016), 1 - 4.

Authors: D. Song; S. Ishida; A. Iyo; M. Nakajima; J.- I. Shimoyama; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; H. Eisaki

D. Song, S. Ishida, A. Iyo, M. Nakajima, J. Shimoyama, M. Eisterer, H. Eisaki:
"Distinct doping dependence of critical temperature and critical current density in Ba1−xKxFe2As2 superconductor";
Nature, 6 (2016), 1 - 7.

Authors: Ventsislav Mishev, E141-06; M. Nakajima; H. Eisaki; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

V. Mishev, M. Nakajima, H. Eisaki, M. Eisterer:
"Effects of introducing isotropic artificial defects on the superconducting properties of differently doped Ba-122 based single crystals";
Nature, 6 (2016), 1 - 6.

Authors: T.A. Prikhna, Institute for Su ...; V. Sokolovsky, Ben-Gurion Unive ...; V. Meerovich, Ben-Gurion Unive ...; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Athanasios Mamalis; A. V. Kozyrev; W. Gawalek; V. E. Moshchil; V. Sverdun; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; V. Kovylaev; Wilfried Goldacker, Karlsruhe Instit ...; M. Karpets; T. Basyuk; M. Wu; N. Sergienko

T. Prikhna, V. Sokolovsky, V. Meerovich, M. Eisterer, A. Mamalis, A. Kozyrev, W. Gawalek, V. Moshchil, V. Sverdun, H. W. Weber, V. Kovylaev, W. Goldacker, M. Karpets, T. Basyuk, M. Wu, N. Sergienko:
"Processing of bulk MgB2 superconductors for application in fault current limiters";
Materials Science Forum, 856 (2016), 32 - 37.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; S. H. Moon; H. C. Freyhardt

M. Eisterer, S. Moon, H. Freyhardt:
"Current developments in HTSC coated conductors for applications";
Superconductor Science and Technology, 29 (2016), 060301-1 - 060301-3.

Authors: T.A. Prikhna, Institute for Su ...; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; X. Chaud; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; T. Habisreuther; V. E. Moshchil; A. V. Kozyrev; A.P. Shapovalov, Institute for Su ...; W. Gawalek; M. Wu; D. Litzkendorf; Wilfried Goldacker, Karlsruhe Instit ...; V. Sokolovsky, Ben-Gurion Unive ...; V. Shaternik; J. Rabier, Université de Po ...; A. Joulain, Université de Po ...; G. Grechnev; V. Boutko; A. Gusev; A. Shaternik; P. Barvitskiy

T. Prikhna, M. Eisterer, X. Chaud, H. W. Weber, T. Habisreuther, V. Moshchil, A. Kozyrev, A. Shapovalov, W. Gawalek, M. Wu, D. Litzkendorf, W. Goldacker, V. Sokolovsky, V. Shaternik, J. Rabier, A. Joulain, G. Grechnev, V. Boutko, A. Gusev, A. Shaternik, P. Barvitskiy:
"Pinning and trapped field in MgB2- and MT-YBaCuO bulk superconductors manufactured under pressure";
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 695 (2016), 012001-1 - 012001-11.

Authors: T.A. Prikhna, Institute for Su ...; A.P. Shapovalov, Institute for Su ...; Wilfried Goldacker, Karlsruhe Instit ...; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; A. V. Kozyrev; V. Shaternik; V. Boutko; A. Gusev; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; M. Karpets; T. Basyuk; V. Sverdun; V. E. Moshchil; M. Belogolovskiy; N. Sergienko

T. Prikhna, A. Shapovalov, W. Goldacker, M. Eisterer, A. Kozyrev, V. Shaternik, V. Boutko, A. Gusev, H. W. Weber, M. Karpets, T. Basyuk, V. Sverdun, V. Moshchil, M. Belogolovskiy, N. Sergienko:
"Structure and properties of oxygen-containing thin films and bulk MgB2";
Materials Science and Engineering, 102 (2015), 012030-1 - 012030-7.

Authors: M. Sieger; Patrick Pahlke; Jens Hänisch; M. Sparing; M. Bianchetti; J. MacManus-Driscoll; Mayraluna Lao, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; A. Meledin; G. Van Tendeloo; R. Nast; B. Holzapfel; R. Hühne

M. Sieger, P. Pahlke, J. Hänisch, M. Sparing, M. Bianchetti, J. MacManus-Driscoll, M. Lao, M. Eisterer, A. Meledin, G. Van Tendeloo, R. Nast, B. Holzapfel, R. Hühne:
"Ba2Y(Nb/Ta)O6-Doped YBCO Films on Biaxially Textured Ni-5at.% W Substrates";
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 26 (2016), 1 - 5.

Authors: Patrick Pahlke; Mayraluna Lao, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; A. Meledin; G. Van Tendeloo; Jens Hänisch; M. Sieger; A. Usoskin; J. Strömer; B. Holzapfel; L. Schultz; R. Hühne

P. Pahlke, M. Lao, M. Eisterer, A. Meledin, G. Van Tendeloo, J. Hänisch, M. Sieger, A. Usoskin, J. Strömer, B. Holzapfel, L. Schultz, R. Hühne:
"Reduced Jc Anisotropy and Enhanced In-Field Performance of Thick BaHfO3-Doped YBa2Cu3O7−δ Films on ABAD-YSZ Templates";
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 26 (2016), 1 - 4.

Authors: M. Leroux; K.J. Kihlstrom; S. Holleis, E141-06; M.W. Rupich; S. Sathyamurthy; S. Fleshler; H.P. Sheng; D.J. Miller; S. Eley; L. Civale; A. Kayani; P.M. Niraula; U. Welp; W.-K. Kwok

M. Leroux, K. Kihlstrom, S. Holleis, M. Rupich, S. Sathyamurthy, S. Fleshler, H. Sheng, D. Miller, S. Eley, L. Civale, A. Kayani, P. Niraula, U. Welp, W. Kwok:
"Rapid doubling of the critical current of YBa2Cu3O7-δ coated conductors for viable high-speed industrial processing";
Applied Physics Letters, 107 (2015), 192601-1 - 192601-5.

Authors: Johannes Hecher, E141-06; Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; J.D. Weiss; C. Tarantini; A. Yamamoto; J. Jiang; E.E. Hellstrom; D.C. Larbalestier; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

J. Hecher, T. Baumgartner, J.D. Weiss, C. Tarantini, A. Yamamoto, J. Jiang, E.E. Hellstrom, D.C. Larbalestier, M. Eisterer:
"Small grains: a key to high-field applications of granular Ba-122 superconductors?";
Superconductor Science and Technology, 29 (2016), 025004-1 - 025004-10.

Author: Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06

M. Zehetmayer:
"How the vortex lattice of a superconductor becomes disordered: a study by scanning tunneling spectroscopy";
Scientific Reports, 5 (2015), 9244-1 - 9244-6.

Authors: Ventsislav Mishev, E141-06; Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Dominik Fischer, E141-02; M. Nakajima; H. Eisaki; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

V. Mishev, M. Zehetmayer, D. Fischer, M. Nakajima, H. Eisaki, M. Eisterer:
"Interaction of vortices in anisotropic superconductors with isotropic defects";
Superconductor Science and Technology, 28 (2015), 102001-1 - 102001-9.

Authors: I. Pallecchi; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; M. Lupi; M. Putti

I. Pallecchi, M. Eisterer, M. Lupi, M. Putti:
"Assessment of the Potential of Iron-based Superconductors for Large Scale Applications";
IEEE/CSC & ESAS European Superconductivity News Forum, 33 (2015), 1 - 15.

Authors: H. Shiozawa; Antonio Briones-Leon; O. Domanov; Georg Zechner; Y. Sato; K. Suenaga; T. Saito; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; E. Weschke; W. Lang; H. Peterlik; T. Pichler

H. Shiozawa, A. Briones-Leon, O. Domanov, G. Zechner, Y. Sato, K. Suenaga, T. Saito, M. Eisterer, E. Weschke, W. Lang, H. Peterlik, T. Pichler:
"Nickel clusters embedded in carbon nanotubes as high performance magnets";
Nature, 0 (2015), 1 - 9.

Authors: I. Pallecchi; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; A. Malagoli; M. Putti

I. Pallecchi, M. Eisterer, A. Malagoli, M. Putti:
"Application potential of Fe-based superconductors";
Superconductor Science and Technology, 28 (2015), 114005-1 - 114005-12.

Authors: Mayraluna Lao, E141-06; Johannes Bernardi, E057-02; M. Bauer; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Lao, J. Bernardi, M. Bauer, M. Eisterer:
"Critical current anisotropy of GdBCO tapes grown on ISD-MgO buffered substrate";
Superconductor Science and Technology, 28 (2015), 124002-1 - 124002-8.

Authors: R. Zagorski; I. Voitsekhovitch; I. Ivanova-Stanik; Florian Köchl, E141-06; P. Belo; E. Fable, MPI für Plasmaphysik; J. Garcia; L. Garzotti; J. Hobrik; G.M.D. Hogeweij; E. Joffrin; X. Litaudon; A.R. Polevoi; G. Telesca; JET contributors (2015)

R. Zagorski, I. Voitsekhovitch, I. Ivanova-Stanik, F. Köchl, P. Belo, E. Fable, J. Garcia, L. Garzotti, J. Hobrik, G. Hogeweij, E. Joffrin, X. Litaudon, A. Polevoi, G. Telesca, JET contributors (2015) et al.:
"Integrated core-SOL-divertor modelling for ITER including impurity: effect of tungsten on fusion performance in H-mode and hybrid scenario";
Nuclear Fusion, 55 (2015), 0530032-1 - 053032-9.

Authors: P. Vincenzi; Florian Köchl, E141-06; L. Garzotti; D.B. King; E. Tindale; T. Bolzonella; P.T. Lang, MPI für Plasmaphysik; B. Pégourié; M. Romanelli; R. Wenninger

P. Vincenzi, F. Köchl, L. Garzotti, D. King, E. Tindale, T. Bolzonella, P. Lang, B. Pégourié, M. Romanelli, R. Wenninger:
"Fuelling and density control for DEMO";
Nuclear Fusion, 55 (2015), 113028-1 - 113028-11.

Authors: P. Siren; T. Tala; G. Corrigan; J. Garcia; T. Koskela; Florian Köchl, E141-06; X. Litaudon; A. Salmi; JET EFDA contributors (2015); the EU-ITM ITER S.M.G. (2015)

P. Siren, T. Tala, G. Corrigan, J. Garcia, T. Koskela, F. Köchl, X. Litaudon, A. Salmi, JET EFDA contributors (2015), the EU-ITM ITER S.M.G. (2015) et al.:
"Understanding of the fundamental differences in JET and JT-60U AT discharges";
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 57 (2015), 075015-1 - 075015-22.

Authors: M. Romanelli; V. Parail; P. da Silva Aresta Belo; G. Corrigan; L. Garzotti; D. Harting; Florian Köchl, E141-06; E. Militello-Asp; R. Ambrosino; M. Cavinato; A.S. Kukushkin; A. Loarte; M. Mattei; R. Sartori

M. Romanelli, V. Parail, P. da Silva Aresta Belo, G. Corrigan, L. Garzotti, D. Harting, F. Köchl, E. Militello-Asp, R. Ambrosino, M. Cavinato, A. Kukushkin, A. Loarte, M. Mattei, R. Sartori:
"Modelling of plasma performance and transient density behaviour in the H-mode access for ITER gas fuelled scenarios";
Nuclear Fusion, 55 (2015), 093008-1 - 093008-12.

Authors: A.R. Polevoi; A. Loarte; N. Hayashi; H.S. Kim; S.H. Kim; Florian Köchl, E141-06; A.S. Kukushkin; V.M. Leonov; S.Y. Medvedev; M. Murakami; Y.S. Na; A.Y. Pankin; J.M. Park; P.B. Snyder; J. Snipes; V.E. Zhogolev; the IOS ITPA TG (2015)

A. Polevoi, A. Loarte, N. Hayashi, H. Kim, S. Kim, F. Köchl, A. Kukushkin, V. Leonov, S. Medvedev, M. Murakami, Y. Na, A. Pankin, J. Park, P. Snyder, J. Snipes, V. Zhogolev, the IOS ITPA TG (2015) et al.:
"Assessment of operational space for long-pulse scenarios in ITER";
Nuclear Fusion, 55 (2015), 063019-1 - 063019-8.

Authors: V. Parail; G. Corrigan; P. da Silva Aresta Belo; E. de la Luna; D. Harting; Florian Köchl, E141-06; T. Koskela; A.G. Meigs; E. Militello-Asp; M. Romanelli; M. Tsalas; JET EFDA contributors (2015)

V. Parail, G. Corrigan, P. da Silva Aresta Belo, E. de la Luna, D. Harting, F. Köchl, T. Koskela, A.G. Meigs, E. Militello-Asp, M. Romanelli, M. Tsalas, JET EFDA contributors (2015) et al.:
"Coupled core-SOL modelling of W contamination in H-mode JET plasmas with ITER-like wall";
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 463 (2015), 611 - 614.

Authors: A. Loarte; M. Reinke; A.R. Polevoi; M. Hosokawa; M. Chilenski; N. Howard; A. Hubbard; J.W. Hughes; J.E. Rice; J. Walk; Alcator C-Mod Team; Florian Köchl, E141-06; T. Pütterich, MPI für Plasmaphysik; R. Dux, MPI für Plasmaphysik; V.E. Zhogolev

A. Loarte, M. Reinke, A. Polevoi, M. Hosokawa, M. Chilenski, N. Howard, A. Hubbard, J. Hughes, J. Rice, J. Walk, Alcator C-Mod Team, F. Köchl, T. Pütterich, R. Dux, V. Zhogolev:
"Tungsten impurity transport experiments in Alcator C-Mod to address high priority research and development for ITERa)";
Physics of Plasmas, 22 (2015), 056117-1 - 056117-15.

Authors: P.T. Lang, MPI für Plasmaphysik; Ch. Day; E. Fable, MPI für Plasmaphysik; Y. Igitkhanov; Florian Köchl, E141-06; R. Mooney; B. Pégourié; B. Plöckl; R. Wenninger; H. Zohm

P. Lang, C. Day, E. Fable, Y. Igitkhanov, F. Köchl, R. Mooney, B. Pégourié, B. Plöckl, R. Wenninger, H. Zohm:
"Considerations on the DEMO pellet fuelling system";
Fusion Engineering and Design, 96-97 (2015), 123 - 128.

Authors: C.E. Kessel; Florian Köchl, E141-06; S.H. Kim

C. Kessel, F. Köchl, S. Kim:
"Examination of the entry to burn and burn control for the ITER 15 MA baseline and hybrid scenarios";
Nuclear Fusion, 55 (2015), 063038-1 - 063038-12.

Authors: M. Dibon; J. Baldzuhn; M. Beck; A. Cardella; Florian Köchl, E141-06; G. Kocsis; P. Lang; R. Macian-Juan; B. Plöckl; T. Szepesi; W. Weisbart

M. Dibon, J. Baldzuhn, M. Beck, A. Cardella, F. Köchl, G. Kocsis, P. Lang, R. Macian-Juan, B. Plöckl, T. Szepesi, W. Weisbart:
"Blower Gun pellet injection system for W7-X";
Fusion Engineering and Design, 98-99 (2015), 1759 - 1762.

Authors: Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; R. Flükiger; C. Scheuerlein; L. Bottura

T. Baumgartner, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, R. Flükiger, C. Scheuerlein, L. Bottura:
"Performance Boost in Industrial Multifilamentary Nb3Sn Wires due to Radiation Induced Pinning Centers";
Scientific Reports, 5 (2015), 10236-1 - 10236-6.

Authors: T. Prikhna; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; W. Goldacker; W. Gawalek; V. Sokolovsky, Ben-Gurion Unive ...; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; A. V. Kozyrev; V. E. Moshchil; V. Sverdun; V. Kovylaev; M. Karpets; T. Basyuk; A. Shaternik

T. Prikhna, M. Eisterer, W. Goldacker, W. Gawalek, V. Sokolovsky, H. W. Weber, A. Kozyrev, V. Moshchil, V. Sverdun, V. Kovylaev, M. Karpets, T. Basyuk, A. Shaternik:
"Effect of Nanostructural Inhomogeneities on the Superconducting Characteristics of MgB2 with Enhanced Grain Connectivity";
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 25 (2015), 1 - 4.

Authors: T. Prikhna; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; A. Gencer; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; W. Gawalek; M. Akdogan; V. Kovylaev; V. E. Moshchil; A. V. Kozyrev; M. Karpets; V. Sverdun; V. Tkach; T. Basyuk; A. Shaternik

T. Prikhna, M. Eisterer, A. Gencer, H. W. Weber, W. Gawalek, M. Akdogan, V. Kovylaev, V. Moshchil, A. Kozyrev, M. Karpets, V. Sverdun, V. Tkach, T. Basyuk, A. Shaternik:
"Influence of Nanostructural Inhomogeneities on Superconducting Characteristics of MgB2";
Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 28 (2015), 525 - 530.

Authors: Michal Chudy, E141; Z. Zhong; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; T. Coombs

M. Chudy, Z. Zhong, M. Eisterer, T. Coombs:
"n-Values of commercial YBCO tapes before and after irradiation by fast neutrons";
Superconductor Science and Technology, 28 (2015), 035008-1 - 035008-10.

Authors: Patrick Pahlke; M. Hering; M. Sieger; Mayraluna Lao, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; A. Usoskin; J. Strömer; B. Holzapfel; Ludwig Schultz; R. Hühne

P. Pahlke, M. Hering, M. Sieger, M. Lao, M. Eisterer, A. Usoskin, J. Strömer, B. Holzapfel, L. Schultz, R. Hühne:
"Thick High Jc YBCO Films on ABAD-YSZ Templates";
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 25 (2015), 1 - 4.

Authors: W. Rosenfeld; Jürgen Volz, E141-01; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; H. Weinfurter

W. Rosenfeld, J. Volz, H. W. Weber, H. Weinfurter:
"Coherence of a qubit stored in Zeeman levels of a single optically trapped atom";
Physical Review A, 84 (2011), 022343-1 - 022343-9.

Authors: V. Krasil´Nikov; T.V. Dyachkova; A.P. Tyutyunnik; V.V. Marchenkov; O.I. Gyrdasova; I.V. Baklanova; M.V. Kuznetsov; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

V. Krasil´Nikov, T. Dyachkova, A. Tyutyunnik, V. Marchenkov, O. Gyrdasova, I. Baklanova, M. Kuznetsov, H. W. Weber:
"Observation of Ferromagnetism at Room Temperature in Polycrystalline Zn1 - xFexO Solid Solutions Synthesized by the Precursor Method";
Physics of the Solid State, 57 (2015), 1079 - 1088.

Authors: N.I. Kourov; V.V. Marchenkov; A.V. Korolev; K.A. Belozerova; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

N.I. Kourov, V. Marchenkov, A.V. Korolev, K. Belozerova, H. W. Weber:
"Peculiarities of the electronic transport in Co2CrAl and Co2CrGa halfmetallic";
Current Applied Physics, 15 (2015), 839 - 843.

Authors: I. Voitsekhovitch; P. Belo; J. Citrin; E. Fable, MPI für Plasmaphysik; J. Ferreira; J. Garcia; L. Garzotti; J. Hobrik; G. Hogeweij; E. Joffrin; Florian Köchl, E141-06; X. Litaudon; S. Moradi; F. Nabais; JET EFDA Contributors (2014); the ITM-TF ITER S. M. G. 2014

I. Voitsekhovitch, P. Belo, J. Citrin, E. Fable, J. Ferreira, J. Garcia, L. Garzotti, J. Hobrik, G. Hogeweij, E. Joffrin, F. Köchl, X. Litaudon, S. Moradi, F. Nabais, JET EFDA Contributors (2014), the ITM-TF ITER S. M. G. 2014 et al.:
"Modelling of JET hybrid scenarios with GLF23 transport model: ExB shear stabilization of anomalous transport";
Nuclear Fusion, 54 (2014), 093006-1 - 093006-14.

Authors: M. Romanelli; G. Corrigan; V. Parail; S. Wiesen; R. Ambrosino; P. da Silva Aresta Belo; L. Garzotti; D. Harting; Florian Köchl, E141-06; T. Koskela; L. Lauro-Taroni; C. Marchetto; M. Mattei; Asp Militello; F. Nave; S. Pamela; A. Salmi; P. Strand; G. Szepesi; JET EFDA Contributors (2014)

M. Romanelli, G. Corrigan, V. Parail, S. Wiesen, R. Ambrosino, P. da Silva Aresta Belo, L. Garzotti, D. Harting, F. Köchl, T. Koskela, L. Lauro-Taroni, C. Marchetto, M. Mattei, A. Militello, F. Nave, S. Pamela, A. Salmi, P. Strand, G. Szepesi, JET EFDA Contributors (2014) et al.:
"JINTRAC: A System of Codes for Integrated Simulation of Tokamak Scenarios";
Plasma and Fusion Research, 9 (2014), 3403023-1 - 3403023-4.

Authors: A. Loarte; Florian Köchl, E141-06; M. Leyland; A. Polevoi; M.N.A. Beurskens; V. Parail; I. Nunes; G. Saibene; R. Sartori; JET EFDA Contributors (2014)

A. Loarte, F. Köchl, M. Leyland, A. Polevoi, M. Beurskens, V. Parail, I. Nunes, G. Saibene, R. Sartori, JET EFDA Contributors (2014) et al.:
"Evolution of plasma parameters in the termination phase of high confinement H-modes at JET and implications for ITER";
Nuclear Fusion, 54 (2014), 1 - 16.

Authors: I. Ivanova-Stanik; Florian Köchl, E141-06; I. Voitsekhovitch; G. Telesca; R. Zagorski; the ITM-TF ITER S. M. G. 2014

I. Ivanova-Stanik, F. Köchl, I. Voitsekhovitch, G. Telesca, R. Zagorski, the ITM-TF ITER S. M. G. 2014 et al.:
"Integrated Core-SOL Simulations of ITER H-Mode Scenarios with Different Pedestal Density";
Contribution to Plasma Physics, 54 (2014), 341 - 346.

Authors: M. Cavinato; G. Ambrosino; L. Figini; G. Granucci; Y.V. Gribov; Florian Köchl, E141-06; M. Mattei; V. Parail; A. Pironti; D. Ricci; G. Saibene; R. Sartori; L. Zabeo

M. Cavinato, G. Ambrosino, L. Figini, G. Granucci, Y. Gribov, F. Köchl, M. Mattei, V. Parail, A. Pironti, D. Ricci, G. Saibene, R. Sartori, L. Zabeo:
"Preparation for the operation of ITER: EU study on the plasma control system";
Fusion Engineering and Design, 89 (2014), 2430 - 2434.

Authors: A. Sala; A. Palenzona; C. Bernini; F. Caglieris; M. R. Cimberle; C. Ferdeghini; G. Lamura; A. Martinelli; M. Pani; Johannes Hecher, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; M. Putti

A. Sala, A. Palenzona, C. Bernini, F. Caglieris, M. Cimberle, C. Ferdeghini, G. Lamura, A. Martinelli, M. Pani, J. Hecher, M. Eisterer, M. Putti:
"Evidence of a miscibility gap in the FeTe1-xSex polycrystalline samples prepared with a melting process";
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 507 (2014), 1 - 4.

Authors: Mayraluna Lao, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; O. Stadel; A. Meledin; G. Van Tendeloo

M. Lao, M. Eisterer, O. Stadel, A. Meledin, G. Van Tendeloo:
"The effect of Y2O3 and YFeO3 additions on the critical current density of YBCO coated conductors";
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 507 (2014), 1 - 5.

Authors: T.A. Prikhna, Institute for Su ...; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; W. Gawalek; V. Sokolovsky, Ben-Gurion Unive ...; A. V. Kozyrev; V. E. Moshchil; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; S.N. Dub, Institute for Su ...; X. Chaud; V. Kovylaev; V. Sverdun; M. Karpets; T. Basyuk; N. Sergienko; Tatiana Serbenyuk

T. Prikhna, M. Eisterer, W. Gawalek, V. Sokolovsky, A. Kozyrev, V. Moshchil, H. W. Weber, S. Dub, X. Chaud, V. Kovylaev, V. Sverdun, M. Karpets, T. Basyuk, N. Sergienko, T. Serbenyuk:
"Role of Mg-B-O Nanostructural Inhomogenities On the Performance of Superconducting MgB2";
Advances in Science and Technology, 95 (2014), 156 - 161.

Authors: D. Volochová; V. Antal; P. Diko; M. Sefcikova; K. Zmorayova; J. Kovac; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; X. Chaud

D. Volochová, V. Antal, P. Diko, M. Sefcikova, K. Zmorayova, J. Kovac, H. W. Weber, X. Chaud:
"Time Dependent Changes in Ag Doped YBCO Superconductors";
Acta Physica Polonica A, 118 (2010), 1 - 2.

Authors: V.V. Marchenkov; N.I. Kourov; K.A. Belozerova; S.M. Emelyanova; V. Dyakina; E. B. Marchenkova; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

V. Marchenkov, N.I. Kourov, K. Belozerova, S. Emelyanova, V. Dyakina, E. Marchenkova, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"Electronic transport in Co-based half-metallic ferromagnetic Heusler alloys";
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 568 (2014), 1 - 5.

Authors: A.T. Lonchakov; V.V. Marchenkov; K.A. Okulova; E. Govorkova; S.M. Podgornykh; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

A. Lonchakov, V. Marchenkov, K.A. Okulova, E. Govorkova, S. Podgornykh, H. W. Weber:
"Anomalous low-temperature specific heat of Fe2-xV1+xAl(x=0;0.1) alloys";
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 568 (2014), 1 - 5.

Authors: Rainer Prokopec, E141-06; Dominik Fischer, E141-02; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

R. Prokopec, D. Fischer, H. W. Weber, M. Eisterer:
"Suitability of coated conductors for fusion magnets in view of their radiation response";
Superconductor Science and Technology, 28 (2014), 1 - 6.

Authors: T.V. Dyachkova; V.N. Krasil´Nikov; O.I. Gyrdasova; E.V. Shalaeva; A.P. Tyutyunnik; V.V. Marchenkov; Yu.G. Zaynulin; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

T. Dyachkova, V. Krasil´Nikov, O. Gyrdasova, E. Shalaeva, A. Tyutyunnik, V. Marchenkov, Y. Zaynulin, H. W. Weber:
"Effect of high pressures and high temperatures on structural and magnetic characteristics of nanostructured solid solutions Zn 1-xFexO";
Nanojournal Ifmo Ru, 5 (2014), 564 - 573.

Authors: T.A. Prikhna, Institute for Su ...; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; W. Gawalek; Athanasios Mamalis; A. V. Kozyrev; V. Kovylaev; E. Hristoforou; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; J. Noudem; Wilfried Goldacker, Karlsruhe Instit ...; V. E. Moshchil; X. Chaud; V. Sokolovsky, Ben-Gurion Unive ...; A. Shaternik; J. Dellith; Ch. Schmidt, Institut für Pho ...; T. Habisreuther; D. Litzkendorf; S.N. Dub, Institute for Su ...; A. Borimskiy; N. Sergienko; V. Sverdun; E. Prisyazhnaya

T. Prikhna, M. Eisterer, W. Gawalek, A. Mamalis, A. Kozyrev, V. Kovylaev, E. Hristoforou, H. W. Weber, J. Noudem, W. Goldacker, V. Moshchil, X. Chaud, V. Sokolovsky, A. Shaternik, J. Dellith, C. Schmidt, T. Habisreuther, D. Litzkendorf, S. Dub, A. Borimskiy, N. Sergienko, V. Sverdun, E. Prisyazhnaya:
"Structure and functional properties of bulk MgB2 superconductors synthesized and sintered under pressure";
Materials Science Forum, 792 (2014), 21 - 26.

Authors: T.A. Prikhna, Institute for Su ...; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; W. Gawalek; V. Kovylaev; M. Karpets; V. E. Moshchil; A. V. Kozyrev; T. Basyuk; X. Chaud; Wilfried Goldacker, Karlsruhe Instit ...; V. Sokolovsky, Ben-Gurion Unive ...; J. Noudem; A. Borimskiy; V. Sverdun; E. Prisyazhnaya

T. Prikhna, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, W. Gawalek, V. Kovylaev, M. Karpets, V. Moshchil, A. Kozyrev, T. Basyuk, X. Chaud, W. Goldacker, V. Sokolovsky, J. Noudem, A. Borimskiy, V. Sverdun, E. Prisyazhnaya:
"Temperature-pressure induced nano-structural inhomogenities for vortex pinning in bulk MgB2 of different connectivity";
Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications, 503 (2014), 109 - 112.

Authors: Johannes Hecher, E141-06; Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

J. Hecher, M. Zehetmayer, H. W. Weber:
"How the macroscopic current correlates with the microscopic flux-line distribution in a type-II superconductor: an experimental study";
Superconductor Science and Technology, 27 (2014), 1 - 8.

Authors: Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Johannes Hecher, E141-06

M. Zehetmayer, J. Hecher:
"Testing V3Si for two-band superconductivity";
Superconductor Science and Technology, 27 (2014), 044006-1 - 044006-6.

Authors: N.I. Kourov; V.V. Marchenkov; K.A. Belozerova; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

N.I. Kourov, V. Marchenkov, K. Belozerova, H. W. Weber:
"Specific Features of the Electrical Resistivity of Half Metallic Ferromagnets Fe2MeAl (Me = Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni)";
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 118 (2014), 426 - 431.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"Pinning and flux dynamics I´ in the memory of Professor John Clem";
Superconductor Science and Technology, 27 (2014), 040201-1 - 040201-2.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Ventsislav Mishev, E141-06; Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; N.D. Zhigadlo; S. Katrych; J. Karpinski

M. Eisterer, V. Mishev, M. Zehetmayer, N.D. Zhigadlo, S. Katrych, J. Karpinski:
"Critical current anisotropy in Nd-1111 single crystals and the influence of neutron irradiation";
Superconductor Science and Technology, 27 (2014), 044009-1 - 044009-6.

Authors: T.A. Prikhna, Institute for Su ...; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; W. Gawalek; V. Kovylaev; M. Karpets; T. Basyuk; V. E. Moshchil

T. Prikhna, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, W. Gawalek, V. Kovylaev, M. Karpets, T. Basyuk, V. Moshchil:
"Nanostructural inhomogeneities acting as pinning centers in bulk MgB2 with low and enhanced grain connectivity";
Superconductor Science and Technology, 27 (2014), 044013-1 - 044013-9.

Authors: R. Sakamoto; B. Pégourié; F. Clairet; A. Geraud; C. Gil; S. Hacquin; Florian Köchl, E141-06

R. Sakamoto, B. Pégourié, F. Clairet, A. Geraud, C. Gil, S. Hacquin, F. Köchl:
"Cross-field dynamics of the homogenization of the pellet deposited material in Tore Supra";
Nuclear Fusion, 53 (2013), 063007.

Authors: V. Parail; R. Albanese; R. Ambrosino; J.F. Artaud; K. Besseghir; M. Cavinato; G. Corrigan; J. Garcia; L. Garzotti; Y.V. Gribov; F. Imbeaux; Florian Köchl, E141-06; C. Labate; J. B. Lister; X. Litaudon; A. Loarte; P. Maget; M. Mattei; D. McDonald; E. Nardon; G. Saibene; R. Sartori; J. Urban

V. Parail, R. Albanese, R. Ambrosino, J. Artaud, K. Besseghir, M. Cavinato, G. Corrigan, J. Garcia, L. Garzotti, Y. Gribov, F. Imbeaux, F. Köchl, C. Labate, J. Lister, X. Litaudon, A. Loarte, P. Maget, M. Mattei, D. McDonald, E. Nardon, G. Saibene, R. Sartori, J. Urban:
"Self-consistent simulation of plasma scenarios for ITER using a combination of 1.5D transport codes and free-boundary equilibrium codes";
Nuclear Fusion, 53 (2013), 113002.

Authors: X. Litaudon; I. Voitsekhovitch; J.F. Artaud; P. Belo; J.P.S. Bizarro; T. Casper; J. Citrin; E. Fable, MPI für Plasmaphysik; J. Ferreira; J. Garcia; L. Garzotti; G. Giruzzi; J. Hobirk; G. Hogeweij; F. Imbeaux; E. Joffrin; Florian Köchl, E141-06; F. Liu; J. Lonnroth; D. Moreau; V. Parail; M. Schneider; P.B. Snyder; the ASDEX Upgrade Team 2013; JET EFDA Contributors 2013; the ITEM-TF ITER Group 2013

X. Litaudon, I. Voitsekhovitch, J. Artaud, P. Belo, J. Bizarro, T. Casper, J. Citrin, E. Fable, J. Ferreira, J. Garcia, L. Garzotti, G. Giruzzi, J. Hobirk, G. Hogeweij, F. Imbeaux, E. Joffrin, F. Köchl, F. Liu, J. Lonnroth, D. Moreau, V. Parail, M. Schneider, P. Snyder, the ASDEX Upgrade Team 2013, JET EFDA Contributors 2013, the ITEM-TF ITER Group 2013 et al.:
"Modelling of hybrid scenario: from present-day experiments towards ITER";
Nuclear Fusion, 53 (2013), 073024.

Authors: P. Lang; D. Frigione; A. Geraud; T. Alarcon; P. Bennett; G. Cseh; D. Garnier; L. Garzotti; Florian Köchl, E141-06; G. Kocsis; M. Lennholm; R. Neu; R. Mooney; S. Saarelma; B. Sieglin, MPI für Plasmaphysik; JET EFDA Contributors 2013

P. Lang, D. Frigione, A. Geraud, T. Alarcon, P. Bennett, G. Cseh, D. Garnier, L. Garzotti, F. Köchl, G. Kocsis, M. Lennholm, R. Neu, R. Mooney, S. Saarelma, B. Sieglin, JET EFDA Contributors 2013 et al.:
"ELM pacing and trigger investigations at JET with the new ITER-like wall";
Nuclear Fusion, 53 (2013), 073010.

Authors: D. Kalupin; I. Ivanova-Stanik; I. Voitsekhovitch; J. Ferreira; D. Coster; L. Alves; T. Aniel; J.F. Artaud; V. Basiuk; J.P.S. Bizarro; R. Coelho; P. Huynh; A. Figueiredo; J. Garcia; L. Garzotti; F. Imbeaux; Florian Köchl, E141-06; M. Nave; G. Pereverzev; O. Sauter; B. Scott; R. Stankiewicz; P. Strand; the ITEM-TF ITER Group 2013

D. Kalupin, I. Ivanova-Stanik, I. Voitsekhovitch, J. Ferreira, D. Coster, L. Alves, T. Aniel, J. Artaud, V. Basiuk, J. Bizarro, R. Coelho, P. Huynh, A. Figueiredo, J. Garcia, L. Garzotti, F. Imbeaux, F. Köchl, M. Nave, G. Pereverzev, O. Sauter, B. Scott, R. Stankiewicz, P. Strand, the ITEM-TF ITER Group 2013 et al.:
"Numerical analysis of JET discharges with the European Transport Simulator";
Nuclear Fusion, 53 (2013), 123007.

Authors: Yu. V. Karasev; V.I. Pantsyrny; M.V. Polikarpova; P.A. Lukianov; I.N. Gubkin; I.M. Abdyukhanov; Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Rainer Prokopec, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

Y. Karasev, V.I. Pantsyrny, M. Polikarpova, P. Lukianov, I.N. Gubkin, I. Abdyukhanov, T. Baumgartner, R. Prokopec, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"Study of the Temperature and Field Dependence of the Critical Currents in Nb-Ti Strands for the ITER Poloidal Field Magnet System";
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 24 (2014), 6000204-1 - 6000204-4.

Authors: Ventsislav Mishev, E141-06; Wolfgang Seeböck, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; K. Iida; F. Kurth; Jens Hänisch; E. Reich; B. Holzapfel

V. Mishev, W. Seeböck, M. Eisterer, K. Iida, F. Kurth, J. Hänisch, E. Reich, B. Holzapfel:
"One-dimensional pinning behavior in Co-doped BaFe2As2 thin films";
Applied Physics Letters, 103 (2013), 232601-1 - 232601-5.

Authors: Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; R. Flükiger; C. Scheuerlein; L. Bottura

T. Baumgartner, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, R. Flükiger, C. Scheuerlein, L. Bottura:
"Effects of neutron irradiation on pinning force scaling in stateoftheart Nb3Sn wires";
Superconductor Science and Technology, 27 (2014), 015005-1 - 015005-7.

Author: Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06

M. Zehetmayer:
"Simulation of the current dynamics in superconductors: Application to magnetometry measurements";
Physical Review B, 80 (2009), 104512-1 - 104512-8.

Author: Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06

M. Zehetmayer:
"A review of two-band superconductivity: materials and effects on the thermodynamic and reversible mixed-state properties";
Superconductor Science and Technology, 26 (2013), 043001-1 - 043001-36.

Authors: Antonio Briones-Leon; Paola Ayala; Xianjie Liu; K. Yanagi; E. Weschke; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Hua Jiang; H. Kataura; T. Pichler; H. Shiozawa

A. Briones-Leon, P. Ayala, X. Liu, K. Yanagi, E. Weschke, M. Eisterer, H. Jiang, H. Kataura, T. Pichler, H. Shiozawa:
"Orbital and spin magnetic moments of transforming one-dimensional iron inside metallic and semiconducting carbon nanotubes";
Physical Review B, 87 (2013), 195435-1 - 195435-7.

Authors: T. Prikhna; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; W. Gawalek; A. V. Kozyrev; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; V. Sokolovsky, Ben-Gurion Unive ...; X. Chaud; J. Noudem; T. Habisreuther; V. E. Moshchil; M. Karpets; T. Basyuk; V. Kovylaev; J. Dellith; V. Sverdun; R. Kuznietsov; Christa Shmidt; T. Vitovetskaya; L. Polikarpova

T. Prikhna, M. Eisterer, W. Gawalek, A. Kozyrev, H. W. Weber, V. Sokolovsky, X. Chaud, J. Noudem, T. Habisreuther, V. Moshchil, M. Karpets, T. Basyuk, V. Kovylaev, J. Dellith, V. Sverdun, R. Kuznietsov, C. Shmidt, T. Vitovetskaya, L. Polikarpova:
"Synthesis Pressure-Temperature Effect on Pinning in MgB2-Based Superconductors";
Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 26 (2013), 1569 - 1576.

Authors: Yu. V. Karasev; V.I. Pantsyrny; M.V. Polikarpova; P.A. Lukianov; L. Potanina; Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

Y. Karasev, V.I. Pantsyrny, M. Polikarpova, P. Lukianov, L. Potanina, T. Baumgartner, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"Jc(B, T) Characterization of Commercial NbTi Strands for the ITER Poloidal Field Coils by Transport and Magnetization Methods";
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 23 (2013), 1 - 4.

Authors: Karl Humer, E141-06; Rainer Prokopec, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; R. Maix, E141-06

K. Humer, R. Prokopec, H. W. Weber, H. Fillunger, R. Maix:
"Characterization and qualification of advanced insulators for fusion magnets";
Fusion Engineering and Design, 88 (2013), 350 - 360.

Authors: J. Emhofer, E141-04; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

J. Emhofer, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"Stress dependence of the critical currents in neutron irradiated (RE)BCO coated conductors";
Superconductor Science and Technology, 26 (2013), 1 - 9.

Authors: R. Flükiger; Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; T. Spina

R. Flükiger, T. Baumgartner, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, T. Spina:
"Variation of (Jc/Jc0)max of Binary and Ternary Alloyed RRP and PIT Nb3Sn Wires Exposed to Fast Neutron Irradiation at Ambient Reactor Temperature";
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 23 (2013), 1 - 4.

Authors: T.A. Prikhna, Institute for Su ...; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; W. Gawalek; X. Chaud; V. Sokolovsky, Ben-Gurion Unive ...; V. E. Moshchil; A. V. Kozyrev; V. Sverdun; R. Kuznietsov; T. Habisreuther; M. Karpets; V. Kovylaev; J. Noudem; J. Rabier, Université de Po ...; A. Joulain, Université de Po ...; Wilfried Goldacker, Karlsruhe Instit ...; T. Basyuk; V.M. Tkach, Institute for Su ...; J. Dellith; C. Schmidt; A. Shaternik

T. Prikhna, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, W. Gawalek, X. Chaud, V. Sokolovsky, V. Moshchil, A. Kozyrev, V. Sverdun, R. Kuznietsov, T. Habisreuther, M. Karpets, V. Kovylaev, J. Noudem, J. Rabier, A. Joulain, W. Goldacker, T. Basyuk, V. Tkach, J. Dellith, C. Schmidt, A. Shaternik:
"Pinning in MgB2- and YBaCuO-Based Superconductors: Effect of Manufacturing Pressure and Temperature";
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 23 (2013), 1 - 5.

Authors: T.A. Prikhna, Institute for Su ...; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; W. Gawalek; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; V. E. Moshchil; A. V. Kozyrev; M. Karpets; T. Basyuk; T. Habisreuther; V. Kovylaev; A. Shaternik; V. Sverdun; X. Chaud

T. Prikhna, M. Eisterer, W. Gawalek, H. W. Weber, V. Moshchil, A. Kozyrev, M. Karpets, T. Basyuk, T. Habisreuther, V. Kovylaev, A. Shaternik, V. Sverdun, X. Chaud:
"Influence of oxygen and boron distribution on the superconducting characteristics of nanostructural Mg-B-O ceramics";
Solid State Phenomena, 200 (2013), 137 - 143.

Authors: A. Chernov; M. Havlicek; W. Jantsch; M.H. Rümmeli; A. Bachmatiuk; K. Yanagi; H. Peterlik; H. Kataura; Franz Sauerzopf, E141-06; R. Resel; F. Simon; H. Kuzmany

A. Chernov, M. Havlicek, W. Jantsch, M. Rümmeli, A. Bachmatiuk, K. Yanagi, H. Peterlik, H. Kataura, F. Sauerzopf, R. Resel, F. Simon, H. Kuzmany:
"Ferromagnetic decoration in metal-semiconductor separated and ferrocene functionalized single-walled carbon nanotubes";
Physica Status Solidi B - Basic Solid State Physics, 12 (2012), 2323 - 2327.

Authors: G.M.D. Hogeweij; J.F. Artaud; T. Casper; J. Citrin; F. Imbeaux; Florian Köchl, E141-06; X. Litaudon; I. Voitsekhovitch; the ITM-TF ITER (2012) Group

G. Hogeweij, J. Artaud, T. Casper, J. Citrin, F. Imbeaux, F. Köchl, X. Litaudon, I. Voitsekhovitch, the ITM-TF ITER (2012) Group et al.:
"Optimizing the current ramp-up phase for the hybrid ITER scenario";
Nuclear Fusion, 53 (2012), 13008.

Authors: A. Matsuyama; Florian Köchl, E141-06; B. Pégourié; R. Sakamoto; G. Motojima; H. Yamada

A. Matsuyama, F. Köchl, B. Pégourié, R. Sakamoto, G. Motojima, H. Yamada:
"Modelling of the pellet deposition profile and grad B-induced drift displacement in non-axisymmetric configurations";
Nuclear Fusion, 52 (2012), 123017.

Authors: A. Matsuyama; Florian Köchl, E141-06; B. Pégourié; R. Sakamoto; G. Motojima; H. Yamada

A. Matsuyama, F. Köchl, B. Pégourié, R. Sakamoto, G. Motojima, H. Yamada:
"Modeling of drift displacement of the pellet ablated material for outboard side injection in Large Helical Device";
Plasma and Fusion Research, 7 (2012), 1303006.

Authors: D. Hogewij; J.F. Artaud; T. Casper; J. Citrin; F. Imbeaux; Florian Köchl, E141-06; X. Litaudon; I. Voitsekhovitch; the ITM-TF ITER (2012) Group

D. Hogewij, J. Artaud, T. Casper, J. Citrin, F. Imbeaux, F. Köchl, X. Litaudon, I. Voitsekhovitch, the ITM-TF ITER (2012) Group et al.:
"Optimizing the Current Ramp-Up Phase for Hybrid ITER Scenarios";
Plasma and Fusion Research, 7 (2012), 2403063.

Authors: J. Citrin; J. Hobirk; M. Schneider; J.F. Artaud; C. Bourdelle; K. Crombe; G.M.D. Hogeweij; F. Imbeaux; E. Joffrin; Florian Köchl, E141-06; J. Stober; the AUG Team

J. Citrin, J. Hobirk, M. Schneider, J. Artaud, C. Bourdelle, K. Crombe, G. Hogeweij, F. Imbeaux, E. Joffrin, F. Köchl, J. Stober, the AUG Team et al.:
"'Predictive analysis of q-profile influence on transport in JET and ASDEX Upgrade hybrid scenarios";
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 54 (2012), 065008.

Authors: Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; R. Flükiger; B. Bordini; L. Bottura; C. Scheuerlein

T. Baumgartner, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, R. Flükiger, B. Bordini, L. Bottura, C. Scheuerlein:
"Evaluation of the Critical Current Density of Multifilamentary Nb3Sn Wires From Magnetization Measurements";
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 22 (2012).

Authors: Georg Steinhauser, E141-05; Wolfram Adlassnig; William Bains; Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Max Bichler, E141-05; Roy Calne; P. Celec; A. B. Csoka; T. Drewa; Fabienne Eder, E141; Michaela Foster, E141-05; Georg Gittler; Christoph Gösselsberger, E141-04; Michael Hajek, E141-05; P. Ivanovski; D. Nikolic; M. Koller-Peroutka; Bernhard Lendl, E164-02-1; Bettina Neunteufl, E011; Georg Mößmer; Nick J. G. Pearce; B. Pemmer, E141-05; Markus Salletmaier; C. Sauerzopf; David Seppi, E141; J. R. Skoyles; Werner Sommer, E011; Johannes H. Sterba, E141-05; J. Stratford; Christina Streli, E141-05; Johann Summhammer, E141-04; Siro I. Trevisanato; Michaela Trimmel; Christoph Wagner, E164-02-1; Peter Weinberger, E163-01-2; Michael A. Woodley

G. Steinhauser, W. Adlassnig, W. Bains, T. Baumgartner, M. Bichler, R. Calne, P. Celec, A. Csoka, T. Drewa, F. Eder, M. Foster, G. Gittler, Ch. Gösselsberger, M. Hajek, P. Ivanovski, D. Nikolic, M. Koller-Peroutka, B. Lendl, B. Neunteufl, G. Mößmer, N. Pearce, B. Pemmer, M. Salletmaier, C. Sauerzopf, D. Seppi, R. Skoyles, W. Sommer, J.H. Sterba, J. Stratford, C. Streli, J. Summhammer, S. Trevisanato, M. Trimmel, C. Wagner, P. Weinberger, M. Woodley et al.:
"Peer review versus editorial review and their role in innovative science";
Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics, 33 (2012), 359 - 376.

Authors: T. Prikhna; W. Gawalek; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; J. Noudem; V. Sokolovsky, Ben-Gurion Unive ...; X. Chaud; V. E. Moshchil; M. Karpets; V. Kovylaev; A. Borimskiy; V. Tkach; A. V. Kozyrev; R. Kuznietsov; J. Dellith; Christa Shmidt; T. Basyuk; D. Litzkendorf; F. Karau, H.C. Starck, Gmb ...; U. Dittrich; M. Tomsic

T. Prikhna, W. Gawalek, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, J. Noudem, V. Sokolovsky, X. Chaud, V. Moshchil, M. Karpets, V. Kovylaev, A. Borimskiy, V. Tkach, A. Kozyrev, R. Kuznietsov, J. Dellith, C. Shmidt, T. Basyuk, D. Litzkendorf, F. Karau, U. Dittrich, M. Tomsic:
"Superconductivity in multi-phase Mg-B-O compounds";
Physics Procedia, 36 (2012), 475 - 478.

Authors: T. Prikhna; W. Gawalek; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; Mykola Monastyrov; V. Sokolovsky, Ben-Gurion Unive ...; J. Noudem; V. E. Moshchil; M. Karpets; V. Kovylaev; A. Borimskiy; V. Tkach; A. V. Kozyrev; R. Kuznietsov; J. Dellith; Christa Shmidt; D. Litzkendorf; F. Karau, H.C. Starck, Gmb ...; U. Dittrich; M. Tomsic

T. Prikhna, W. Gawalek, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, M. Monastyrov, V. Sokolovsky, J. Noudem, V. Moshchil, M. Karpets, V. Kovylaev, A. Borimskiy, V. Tkach, A. Kozyrev, R. Kuznietsov, J. Dellith, C. Shmidt, D. Litzkendorf, F. Karau, U. Dittrich, M. Tomsic:
"The effect of high-pressure synthesis on flux pinning in MgB2-based";
Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications, 479 (2012), 111 - 114.

Authors: T.A. Prikhna, Institute for Su ...; J. Noudem; W. Gawalek; Athanasios Mamalis; A. Soldatov; Y. Savchuk; V. E. Moshchil; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; S.N. Dub, Institute for Su ...; T. Habisreuther; J. Dellith; S. You; Ch. Schmidt, Institut für Pho ...; F. Karau, H.C. Starck, Gmb ...; U. Dittrich; Istvan Vajda, Budapes Universi ...; N. Sergienko; V. Sokolovsky, Ben-Gurion Unive ...; D. Litzkendorf; X. Chaud; V. Sverdun; R. Kuznietsov

T. Prikhna, J. Noudem, W. Gawalek, A. Mamalis, A. Soldatov, Y. Savchuk, V. Moshchil, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, S. Dub, T. Habisreuther, J. Dellith, S. You, C. Schmidt, F. Karau, U. Dittrich, I. Vajda, N. Sergienko, V. Sokolovsky, D. Litzkendorf, X. Chaud, V. Sverdun, R. Kuznietsov:
"Spark plasma synthesis and sintering of superconducting MgB2-based materials";
Materials Science Forum, 721 (2012), 3 - 8.

Authors: Michal Chudy, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; J. Veternikova; S. Sojak; V. Slugen

M. Chudy, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, J. Veternikova, S. Sojak, V. Slugen:
"Point defects in YBa2Cu3O7-χ";
Superconductor Science and Technology, 25 (2012), 075017-1 - 075017-5.

Authors: J. Veternikova; Michal Chudy, E141; V. Slugen; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; S. Sojak; M. Petriska; R. Hinca; J. Degmova; V. Sabelova

J. Veternikova, M. Chudy, V. Slugen, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, S. Sojak, M. Petriska, R. Hinca, J. Degmova, V. Sabelova:
"Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy Study of Neutron Irradiated High Temperature Superconductors YBa2Cu3O7-δ";
Journal of Fusion Energy, 31 (2012), 89 - 95.

Authors: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Marcus Beck, Uni Mainz; C. Drescher; D. Dubbers; Jacqueline Erhart, E141-04; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; Christoph Gösselsberger, E141-04; Werner Heil, Uni Mainz; M. Horvath, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Christine Klauser, E141-04 [ILL]; Jens Klenke; B. Märkisch; R. Maix, E141-06; H. Mest; Sebastian Nowak, E141-04; N. Rebrova; C. Sauerzopf; U. Schmidt; Torsten Soldner, ILL; Xianzun Wang, E141-04; Oliver Zimmer, ILL

G. Konrad, H. Abele, M. Beck, C. Drescher, D. Dubbers, J. Erhart, H. Fillunger, Ch. Gösselsberger, W. Heil, M. Horvath, E. Jericha, C. Klauser, J. Klenke, B. Märkisch, R. Maix, H. Mest, S. Nowak, N. Rebrova, C. Sauerzopf, U. Schmidt, T. Soldner, X. Wang, O. Zimmer:
"Neutron decay with PERC: a Progress Report";
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 340 (2012), 012048; 1 - 8.

Authors: R. Wenninger; T. Eich; G.T. Huysmans; P. Lang; S. Devaux; S. Jachmich; Florian Köchl, E141-06

R. Wenninger, T. Eich, G. Huysmans, P. Lang, S. Devaux, S. Jachmich, F. Köchl:
"Scrape-off layer heat transport and divertor power deposition of pellet-induced edge localized modes";
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 53 (2011), 10; 105002.

Authors: P. Lang; A. Alonso; B. Alper; E. Belonohy; A. Boboc; S. Devaux; T. Eich; D. Frigione; K. Gall; L. Garzotti; A. Geraud; G. Kocsis; Florian Köchl, E141-06; K. Lackner; A. Loarte; P.J. Lomas; M. Maraschek; H.W. Müller; R. Neu; J. Neuhauser; G. Petravich; G. Saibene; J. Schweinzer; H. Thomsen; M. Tsalas; R. Wenninger; H. Zohm

P. Lang, A. Alonso, B. Alper, E. Belonohy, A. Boboc, S. Devaux, T. Eich, D. Frigione, K. Gall, L. Garzotti, A. Geraud, G. Kocsis, F. Köchl, K. Lackner, A. Loarte, P. Lomas, M. Maraschek, H. Müller, R. Neu, J. Neuhauser, G. Petravich, G. Saibene, J. Schweinzer, H. Thomsen, M. Tsalas, R. Wenninger, H. Zohm:
"ELM pacing investigations at JET with the new pellet launcher";
Nuclear Fusion, 51 (2011), 033010.

Authors: F. Imbeaux; J. Citrin; J. Hobirk; G.M.D. Hogeweij; Florian Köchl, E141-06; V.M. Leonov; S. Miyamoto; Y. Nakamura; V. Parail; G. Pereverzev; A. Polevoi; I. Voitsekhovitch; V. Basiuk; R. Budny; T. Casper; J. Fereira; A. Fukuyama; J. Garcia; Y.V. Gribov; N. Hayashi; M. Honda; I.H. Hutchinson; G. Jackson; A. Kavin; C.E. Kessl; R.R. Khayrutdinov; C. Labate; X. Litaudon; P.J. Lomas; J. Lonnroth; T. Luce; V.E. Lukash; M. Mattei; D. Mikkelsen; I. Nunes; Y. Peysson; P. Politzer; M. Schneider; G. Sips; G. Tardini; S.M. Wolfe; V.E. Zhogolev; V.E. (2011)

F. Imbeaux, J. Citrin, J. Hobirk, G. Hogeweij, F. Köchl, V. Leonov, S. Miyamoto, Y. Nakamura, V. Parail, G. Pereverzev, A. Polevoi, I. Voitsekhovitch, V. Basiuk, R. Budny, T. Casper, J. Fereira, A. Fukuyama, J. Garcia, Y. Gribov, N. Hayashi, M. Honda, I. Hutchinson, G. Jackson, A. Kavin, C. Kessl, R. Khayrutdinov, C. Labate, X. Litaudon, P. Lomas, J. Lonnroth, T. Luce, V. Lukash, M. Mattei, D. Mikkelsen, I. Nunes, Y. Peysson, P. Politzer, M. Schneider, G. Sips, G. Tardini, S. Wolfe, V. Zhogolev, V.E. (2011):
"Current ramps in tokamaks: from present experiments to ITER scenarios";
Nuclear Fusion, 51 (2011), 083026.

Authors: N. Hayashi; V. Parail; Florian Köchl, E141-06; N. Aiba; T. Takizuka; S. Wiesen; P. Lang; N. Oyama; T. Ozeki

N. Hayashi, V. Parail, F. Köchl, N. Aiba, T. Takizuka, S. Wiesen, P. Lang, N. Oyama, T. Ozeki:
"Integrated simulation of ELM triggered by a pellet through energy absorption and transport enhancement";
Nuclear Fusion, 51 (2011), 103030.

Authors: L. Garzotti; P. Belo; G. Corrigan; Florian Köchl, E141-06; J. Lonnroth; V. Parail; G. Pereverzev; S. Saarelma; G. Tardini; M. Valovic; I. Voitsekhovitch; S. Wiesen

L. Garzotti, P. Belo, G. Corrigan, F. Köchl, J. Lonnroth, V. Parail, G. Pereverzev, S. Saarelma, G. Tardini, M. Valovic, I. Voitsekhovitch, S. Wiesen:
"Simulations of density profiles, pellet fuelling and density control in ITER";
Nuclear Fusion, 52 (2011), 013002.

Authors: T. Prikhna; W. Gawalek; Y. Savchuk; A. Soldatov, E136; V. Sokolovsky, Ben-Gurion Unive ...; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; J. Noudem; M. Serga; V. Turkevich; M. Tompsic; V. Tkach; N. Danilenko; W. Goldacker; F. Karau, H.C. Starck, Gmb ...; I. Fesenko; M. Rindfleisch; J. Dellith; M. Wendt, Institut für Pho ...; S. You; V. Meerovich, Ben-Gurion Unive ...; S. Dub; V. E. Moshchil; N. Sergienko; A. V. Kozyrev; T. Habisreuther; C. Schmidt; D. Litzkendorf; P. Nagorny; V. Sverdun

T. Prikhna, W. Gawalek, Y. Savchuk, A. Soldatov, V. Sokolovsky, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, J. Noudem, M. Serga, V. Turkevich, M. Tompsic, V. Tkach, N. Danilenko, W. Goldacker, F. Karau, I. Fesenko, M. Rindfleisch, J. Dellith, M. Wendt, S. You, V. Meerovich, S. Dub, V. Moshchil, N. Sergienko, A. Kozyrev, T. Habisreuther, C. Schmidt, D. Litzkendorf, P. Nagorny, V. Sverdun:
"Effects of High Pressure on the Physical Properties of MgB2";
Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 24 (2011), 137 - 150.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; R. Raunicher; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; E. Bellingeri; M. R. Cimberle; I. Pallecchi; M. Putti; C. Ferdeghini

M. Eisterer, R. Raunicher, H. W. Weber, E. Bellingeri, M. Cimberle, I. Pallecchi, M. Putti, C. Ferdeghini:
"Anisotropic critical currents in FeSe_{0.5}Te_{0.5} films and the influence of neutron irradiation";
Superconductor Science and Technology, 24 (2011), 065016-1 - 065016-6.

Authors: Rainer Prokopec, E141-06; Karl Humer, E141-06; R. Maix, E141-06; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; J. Knaster; F. Savary

R. Prokopec, K. Humer, R. Maix, H. Fillunger, H. W. Weber, J. Knaster, F. Savary:
"Qualification of the resin for the ITER TF coil insulation";
Fusion Engineering and Design, 86 (2011), 1436 - 1439.

Authors: Michal Chudy, E141; S. C. Kopkins; M. Wozniak; B. A. Glowacki; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Chudy, S. Kopkins, M. Wozniak, B. A. Glowacki, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"Full angular critical current characteristics of coated conductors studied using a two-axis high current goniometer";
Superconductor Science and Technology, 24 (2011).

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"Radiation effects on superconducting fusion magnet components";
International Journal of Modern Physics E, 20 (2011), 6; 1325 - 1378.

Authors: Michal Chudy, E141; R. Fuger, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Chudy, R. Fuger, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"Characterization of commercial YBCO coated conductors after neutron irradiation";
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 21 (2011), 3; 3162 - 3165.

Authors: J. Emhofer; F. Hengstberger, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; Stanimira Terzieva, Karlsruhe Instit ...; Wilfried Goldacker, Karlsruhe Instit ...; R.A. Badcock; N.J. Long

J. Emhofer, F. Hengstberger, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, S. Terzieva, W. Goldacker, R. Badcock, N. Long:
"Current and field distribution in meandered coated conductors for roebel cables";
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 21 (2011), 3; 3389 - 3392.

Authors: T.A. Prikhna, Institute for Su ...; W. Gawalek; Wilfried Goldacker, Karlsruhe Instit ...; Y. Savchuk; J. Noudem; A. Soldatov, E136; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; V. Sokolovsky, Ben-Gurion Unive ...; M. Serga; S.N. Dub, Institute for Su ...; M. Wendt, Institut für Pho ...; S. You; N. Sergienko; V. E. Moshchil; V. N. Tkach; J. Dellith; F. Karau, H.C. Starck, Gmb ...; M. Tomsic; Ch. Schmidt, Institut für Pho ...; I. Fesenko; T. Habisreuther; D. Litzkendorf; V. Meerovich, Ben-Gurion Unive ...; V. Sverdun

T. Prikhna, W. Gawalek, W. Goldacker, Y. Savchuk, J. Noudem, A. Soldatov, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, V. Sokolovsky, M. Serga, S. Dub, M. Wendt, S. You, N. Sergienko, V. Moshchil, V. Tkach, J. Dellith, F. Karau, M. Tomsic, C. Schmidt, I. Fesenko, T. Habisreuther, D. Litzkendorf, V. Meerovich, V. Sverdun:
"High-pressure synthesized nanostructural MgB2 materials with high performance of superconductivity, suitable for fault current limitation and other applications";
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 21 (2011), 3; 2694 - 2697.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; F. Hengstberger, E141; Christoph Voutsinas, E141; N. Hörhager, E141; S. Sorta, E141; J. Hecher; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Eisterer, F. Hengstberger, Christoph Voutsinas, N. Hörhager, S. Sorta, J. Hecher, H. W. Weber:
"Rotating sample magnetometer for cryogenic temperatures and high magnetic fields";
Review of Scientific Instruments, 82 (2011).

Authors: M. Kulich, E141; P. Kovàc; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; W. Häßler

M. Kulich, P. Kovàc, H. W. Weber, W. Häßler:
"SiC doped MgB2 wires in a Ti sheath prepared by stage formation";
Superconductor Science and Technology, 24 (2011), 1 - 5.

Authors: K.A. Fomina; V.V. Marchenkov; E.I. Shreder; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

K. Fomina, V. Marchenkov, E. Shreder, H. W. Weber:
"Electrical and optical properties of X2YZ (X=Co, Fe; Y=Cr, Mn, Ti; Z=Ga, Al, Si) Heusler alloys";
Solid State Phenomena, 168-169 (2011), 545 - 548.

Authors: N.I. Kourov; V.G. Pushin; A.V. Korolev; V.V. Marchenkov; E. B. Marchenkova; V.A. Kazantsev; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

N.I. Kourov, V.G. Pushin, A.V. Korolev, V. Marchenkov, E. Marchenkova, V. Kazantsev, H. W. Weber:
"Effect of Serve Plastic Deformation by Torsion on Structure and Properties of Ni54Mn21Ga25 and Ni54Mn20Fe1Ga25";
Solid State Phenomena, 168-169 (2011), 553 - 556.

Authors: N.I. Kourov; V.G. Pushin; A.V. Korolev; V.V. Marchenkov; E.b. Marchenkova; V.A. Kazantsev; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

N.I. Kourov, V.G. Pushin, A.V. Korolev, V. Marchenkov, E.b. Marchenkova, V. Kazantsev, H. W. Weber:
"Effect of Severe Plastic Deformation by Torsion on the Properties and Structure of the Ni54Mn21Ga25 and Ni54Mn20Fe1Ga25 Alloys";
Physics of the Solid State, 53 (2011), 1; 91 - 99.

Authors: F. Hengstberger, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

F. Hengstberger, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"Magnetic measurement of the critical current anisotropy in coated conductors";
Superconductor Science and Technology, 24 (2011).

Authors: F. Hengstberger, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

F. Hengstberger, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"Numerical extension of the power law Jc(B) to zero field in thin superconducting films";
Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications, 470 (2010), 1041 - 1042.

More information

Authors: Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; J. Jiang; J.D. Weiss; A. Yamamoto; A.A. Polyanskii; E.E. Hellstrom; D.C. Larbalestier

M. Zehetmayer, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, J. Jiang, J.D. Weiss, A. Yamamoto, A.A. Polyanskii, E.E. Hellstrom, D.C. Larbalestier:
"Disorder induced effects on the critical current density of iron pnictide BaFe1.8Co0.2As2 single crystals";
Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications, 470 (2010), 452 - 453.

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Fusion Engineering and Design, 73 (2005), 189 - 327.

Authors: Dieter H. Pahr, E317-03; H. Böhm, E134-01; Karl Humer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

D. H. Pahr, H. Böhm, K. Humer, H. W. Weber:
"Analytical and finite element investigations of shear/compression test fixtures";
Cryogenics, 45 (2005), 606 - 616.

More information

Authors: C. Krutzler, E141; R. Fuger; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; G. Fuchs; G. Behr; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

C. Krutzler, R. Fuger, M. Eisterer, G. Fuchs, G. Behr, H. W. Weber:
"Irreversible properties of superconducting HoNi2B2C single crystals";
Physical Review B, 72 (2005), 144508-1 - 144508-7.

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Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; C. Krutzler, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Eisterer, C. Krutzler, H. W. Weber:
"Influence of the upper critical-field anisotropy on the transport properties of polycrystalline MgB2";
Journal of Applied Physics, 98 (2005), 033906-1 - 033906-5.

Authors: S. Haindl, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; N. Hörhager; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; H. Walter; L. Shlyk; G. Krabbes; N. Hari Babu; D. A. Cardwell

S. Haindl, M. Eisterer, N. Hörhager, H. W. Weber, H. Walter, L. Shlyk, G. Krabbes, N. Hari Babu, D.A. Cardwell:
"Novel methods to characterize bulk RE-BCO superconductors";
Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications, 426-431 (2005), 625 - 631.

Authors: Victor Buntar; Franz Sauerzopf, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; M. Halushka; H. Kuzmany

V. Buntar, F. Sauerzopf, H. W. Weber, M. Halushka, H. Kuzmany:
"Mixed state parameters of single crystalline Rb3C60 fullerene superconductors";
Physical Review B, 72 (2005), 024521-1 - 024521-6.

Authors: S. Haindl, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; N. Hari Babu; D. A. Cardwell

S. Haindl, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, N. Hari Babu, D.A. Cardwell:
"Grain Boundaries in Multi-Seeded Melt-Grown Superconductors";
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 15 (2005), 2; 3129 - 3132.

Authors: S. Haindl, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; R. Müller, E141; Rainer Prokopec, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; Martin Müller, E138-04; Hans Kirchmayr, E138-03; T. Takeuchi; L. Bargioni

S. Haindl, M. Eisterer, R. Müller, R. Prokopec, H. W. Weber, M. Müller, H. Kirchmayr, T. Takeuchi, L. Bargioni:
"Neutron Irradiation Effects on A15 Multifilamnetray Wires";
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 15 (2005), 2; 3414 - 3417.

Authors: D. A. Cardwell; M. Murakami; M. Zeisberger; W. Gawalek; Raquel Gonzalez-Arrabal, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; G. Fuchs; G. Krabbes; A. Leenders; H. Freyhardt; N. Hari Babu

D.A. Cardwell, M. Murakami, M. Zeisberger, W. Gawalek, R. Gonzalez-Arrabal, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, G. Fuchs, G. Krabbes, A. Leenders, H. Freyhardt, N. Hari Babu:
"Round robin tests on large grain melt processed Sm-Ba-Cu-O bulk superconductors";
Superconductor Science and Technology, 18 (2005), S173 - S179.

Authors: S. Haindl, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; L. Shlyk; G. Krabbes

S. Haindl, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, L. Shlyk, G. Krabbes:
"Magnetic flux penetration into melt-textured superconductors";
Superconductor Science and Technology, 18 (2005), S164 - S167.

Author: Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Eisterer:
"Influence of disorder on Hc2-anisotropy and flux pinning in MgB2";
Phys. Stat. Sol., 2 (2005), 5; 1606 - 1614.

Authors: P. E. Fabian; N. A. Munshi; S. Feucht; Karin Bittner-Rohrhofer, E141; Karl Humer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

P. Fabian, N. Munshi, S. Feucht, K. Bittner-Rohrhofer, K. Humer, H. W. Weber:
"Low Temperature Mechanical properties of Cyanate Ester Insulation Systems after Irradiation ";
Advances in Cryogenic Engineering: Transactions of the Int. Cryogenic Materials Conf. - ICMC, 50 (2004), 289 - 296.

Authors: Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Stephan Sponar, E141-04; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; A. Wisniewski; R. Puzniak; P. Panta; J. Karpinski

M. Zehetmayer, M. Eisterer, St. Sponar, H. W. Weber, A. Wisniewski, R. Puzniak, P. Panta, J. Karpinski:
"Magnetic properties of superconducting HgBa2CuO4+δ single crystals in the overdoped state before and after particle irradiation ";
Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications, 418 (2005), 73 - 86.

Authors: Peter Rosenkranz, E141; Karl Humer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; Dieter H. Pahr, E317-03; Franz G. Rammerstorfer, E317-01

P. Rosenkranz, K. Humer, H. W. Weber, D. H. Pahr, F. G. Rammerstorfer:
"Static and Dynamic Scaling Experiments on Double Lap Shear Specimens at Room Temperature and at 77 K";
Cryogenics, 41 (2001), 1; 21 - 25.

More information

Authors: M. Kühberger; G. Gritzner; R. Fuger; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Susanne Tönies, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Kühberger, G. Gritzner, R. Fuger, M. Eisterer, S. Tönies, H. W. Weber:
"Superconducting MgB2 films on MgO substrates ";
Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing, 80 (2005), 127 - 129.

Authors: B. A. Glowacki; M. Majoros; M. Vickers; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Susanne Tönies, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; M. Fukutomi; K. Komori; K. Togano

B. A. Glowacki, M. Majoros, M. Vickers, M. Eisterer, S. Tönies, H. W. Weber, M. Fukutomi, K. Komori, K. Togano:
"Composite Cu/Fe/MgB2 superconducting wires and MgB2/YSZ/Hastelloy coated conductors for ac and dc applications ";
Superconductor Science and Technology, 16 (2003), 297 - 305.

Authors: F. Bouquet; Y. Wang; P. Toulemonde; V. Guritanu; A. Junod; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; S. Lee; S. Tajima

F. Bouquet, Y. Wang, P. Toulemonde, V. Guritanu, A. Junod, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, S. Lee, S. Tajima:
"Using specific heat to scan gaps and anisotropy of MgB2";
Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications, 408-410 (2004), 60 - 62.

Authors: D. A. Cardwell; M. Murakami; M. Zeisberger; W. Gawalek; Raquel Gonzalez-Arrabal, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

D.A. Cardwell, M. Murakami, M. Zeisberger, W. Gawalek, R. Gonzalez-Arrabal, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber et al.:
"Round robin measurements of the flux trapping properties of melt processed Sm-Ba-Cu-O bulk superconductors ";
Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications, 412-414 (2004), 623 - 632.

Authors: V.V. Marchenkov; V. Dyakina; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

V. Marchenkov, V. Dyakina, H. W. Weber:
"Size Effect in Magnetoresistance of Pure Metallic Crystal in Strong Magnetic Fields ";
The Physics of Metals and Metallogr., 96 (2003), 2; 68 - 73.

Authors: Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; S. M. Kazakov; J. Karpinski; A. Wisniewski; R. Puzniak; A. Daignere; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Zehetmayer, M. Eisterer, S. Kazakov, J. Karpinski, A. Wisniewski, R. Puzniak, A. Daignere, H. W. Weber:
"Effects of neutron and electron irradiation on superconducting HgBa2CuO4+δ single crystals ";
Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications, 408-410 (2004), 30 - 31.

Authors: Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; J. Jun; S. M. Kazakov; J. Karpinski; A. Wisniewski; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Zehetmayer, M. Eisterer, J. Jun, S. Kazakov, J. Karpinski, A. Wisniewski, H. W. Weber:
"Anisotropy in superconducting MgB2: a comparison of SQUID and torque measurements ";
Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications, 408-410 (2004), 111 - 113.

Authors: T.B. Doyle; A. Wisniewski; Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; J. Karpinski

T. Doyle, A. Wisniewski, M. Zehetmayer, H. W. Weber, J. Karpinski:
"Equilibrium behaviour and vortex pinning in MgB2 single crystals ";
Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications, 408-410 (2004), 526 - 528.

Authors: Roland Bittner, E141; Karl Humer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; K. Kundzins; A. R. Sternberg; D. A. Lesnyh; D. V. Kulikov; Y. V. Trushin

R. Bittner, K. Humer, H. W. Weber, K. Kundzins, A. Sternberg, D. Lesnyh, D. Kulikov, Y. Trushin:
"Oxygen vacancy defects in antiferroelectric PbZrO3 thin film heterostructures after neutron irradiation ";
Journal of Applied Physics, 96 (2004), 6; 3239 - 3246.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Raquel Gonzalez-Arrabal, E141; S. Haindl; T. Wojcik, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Eisterer, R. Gonzalez-Arrabal, S. Haindl, T. Wojcik, H. W. Weber:
"Current distribution in nearly homogeneous melt textured monoliths ";
Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications, 408-410 (2004), 634 - 635.

Authors: Karin Bittner-Rohrhofer, E141; Karl Humer, E141-06; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; R. Maix, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; P. E. Fabian; N. A. Munshi

K. Bittner-Rohrhofer, K. Humer, H. Fillunger, R. Maix, H. W. Weber, P. Fabian, N. Munshi:
"Radiation effects on the mechanical integrity of novel organic insulators for the ITER magnet coils ";
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 329-333 (2004), 1083 - 1087.

Authors: Karin Bittner-Rohrhofer, E141; Karl Humer, E141-06; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; R. Maix, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

K. Bittner-Rohrhofer, K. Humer, H. Fillunger, R. Maix, H. W. Weber:
"Performance of Magnet Insulation Systems at Low Temperature and after Reactor Irradiation ";
Advances in Cryogenic Engineering: Transactions of the Int. Cryogenic Materials Conf. - ICMC, 50 (2004), 281 - 288.

Authors: Karin Bittner-Rohrhofer, E141; Karl Humer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; P. E. Fabian; N. A. Munshi; S. Feucht

K. Bittner-Rohrhofer, K. Humer, H. W. Weber, P. Fabian, N. Munshi, S. Feucht:
"Low temperature fatigue properties of advanced cyanate-ester blends after reactor irradiation ";
Advances in Cryogenic Engineering: Transactions of the Int. Cryogenic Materials Conf. - ICMC, 50 (2004), 217 - 223.

Authors: G. Gritzner; M. Kühberger; Susanne Tönies, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

G. Gritzner, M. Kühberger, S. Tönies, H. W. Weber:
"MgB2 Thick Films via Screen Printing ";
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 13 (2003), 2; 3313 - 3315.

Authors: A. R. Sternberg; K. Kundzins; V. Zauls; I. Aulika; L. Cakare; Roland Bittner, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; Karl Humer, E141-06; D. A. Lesnyh; D. V. Kulikov; Y. V. Trushin

A. Sternberg, K. Kundzins, V. Zauls, I. Aulika, L. Cakare, R. Bittner, H. W. Weber, K. Humer, D. Lesnyh, D. Kulikov, Y. Trushin:
"Antiferroelectric PbZrO3 thin films: structure, properties and irradiation effects ";
Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 24 (2004), 1653 - 1657.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Eisterer, M. Zehetmayer, H. W. Weber:
"Current Percolation and Anisotropy in Polycrystalline MgB2";
Physical Review Letters, 90 (2003), 24; 2470021 - 2470024.

Authors: R. Tomov; A. Kursumovic; M. Majoros; B. A. Glowacki; J. Evetts; A. Tuissi; E. Villa; M. Zamboni; Y. Sun; Susanne Tönies, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

R. Tomov, A. Kursumovic, M. Majoros, B. A. Glowacki, J. Evetts, A. Tuissi, E. Villa, M. Zamboni, Y. Sun, S. Tönies, H. W. Weber:
"YBa2Cu3O7-δ coated conductor deposited onto non-magnetic ternary alloy NiCrW RABiTS tape by in situ pulsed laser deposition ";
Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications, 383 (2003), 323 - 336.

Authors: Susanne Tönies, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; G. Gritzner; O. Heiml; M. Eder

S. Tönies, H. W. Weber, G. Gritzner, O. Heiml, M. Eder:
"Tl-1223 Thick Films - A Competitor for Y-123 Coated Conductors ?";
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 13 (2003), 2; 2618 - 2621.

Authors: M. Delamare; Susanne Tönies, E141; J.D. Pedarnig; Alexander Vostner, E141; D. Bäuerle; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Delamare, S. Tönies, J. Pedarnig, A. Vostner, D. Bäuerle, H. W. Weber:
"Enhancement of the Transport Properties in 'alpha'-Axis Oriented YBa2Cu3O7-δ Thin Films by Calcium Doping ";
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 13 (2003), 2; 2890 - 2893.

Authors: B. A. Glowacki; M. Majoros; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Susanne Tönies, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; M. Fukutomi; K. Komori; K. Togano

B. A. Glowacki, M. Majoros, M. Eisterer, S. Tönies, H. W. Weber, M. Fukutomi, K. Komori, K. Togano:
"MgB2 superconductors for applications ";
Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications, 387 (2003), 153 - 161.

Authors: Raquel Gonzalez-Arrabal, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; G. Fuchs; P. Verges; G. Krabbes; M. Tomita; M. Murakami; D. Litzkendorf; T. Habisreuther; W. Gawalek

R. Gonzalez-Arrabal, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, G. Fuchs, P. Verges, G. Krabbes, M. Tomita, M. Murakami, D. Litzkendorf, T. Habisreuther, W. Gawalek:
"Temperature Dependence of the Trapped Field and Mechanical Properties of Neutron Irradiated and Reinforced YBa2Cu3O7-δ Bulk Superconductors ";
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 13 (2003), 2; 3125 - 3128.

Authors: T.B. Doyle; A. Wisniewski; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

T. Doyle, A. Wisniewski, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"Equilibrium Behavior and Critical Current Density in Polycrystalline MgB2";
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 13 (2003), 2; 3510 - 3513.

Authors: F. Bouquet; Y. Wang; I. Sheikin; P. Toulemonde; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; S. Lee; S. Tajima; A. Junod

F. Bouquet, Y. Wang, I. Sheikin, P. Toulemonde, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, S. Lee, S. Tajima, A. Junod:
"Unusual effects of anisotropy on the specific heat of ceramic and single crystal MgB2";
Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications, 385 (2003), 192 - 204.

Authors: X.H. Liu; L. Zhou; X.Z. Wu; B.Q. Fu; F.Y. Wang; P.X. Zhang; Y. Feng; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

X. Liu, L. Zhou, X. Wu, B. Fu, F. Wang, P. Zhang, Y. Feng, H. W. Weber:
"Flux pinning behaviour in Nb50Ti/Cu superconducting composite with different form of artificial pinning center ";
Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications, 386 (2003), 403 - 406.

Authors: X.H. Liu; L. Zhou; X.Z. Wu; B.Q. Fu; F.Y. Wang; P.X. Zhang; Y. Feng; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

X. Liu, L. Zhou, X. Wu, B. Fu, F. Wang, P. Zhang, Y. Feng, H. W. Weber:
"Effect of heat treatment on critical current density of Nb50Ti composite with artificial pinning centers";
Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications, 386 (2003), 407 - 410.

Authors: Alexander Vostner, E141; Y. Sun; Susanne Tönies, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; R. Tomov; A. Kursumovic; B. A. Glowacki; J. Evetts; A. Tuissi; E. Villa

A. Vostner, Y. Sun, S. Tönies, H. W. Weber, R. Tomov, A. Kursumovic, B. A. Glowacki, J. Evetts, A. Tuissi, E. Villa:
"Irreversible Properties of Coated Conductors Deposited by PLD on Textured Technical Substrates ";
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 13 (2003), 2; 2603 - 2606.

Authors: M. Kühberger; G. Gritzner; K. Schöppl, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; A.F. Olsen; T.H. Johansen

M. Kühberger, G. Gritzner, K. Schöppl, H. W. Weber, A. Olsen, T. Johansen:
"Preparation and characterization of superconducting MgB2 films on alumina";
Superconductor Science and Technology, 17 (2004), 764 - 769.

Authors: Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; J. Jun; S. M. Kazakov; J. Karpinski; B. Birajdar; O. Eibl; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Zehetmayer, M. Eisterer, J. Jun, S. Kazakov, J. Karpinski, B. Birajdar, O. Eibl, H. W. Weber:
"Fishtail effect in neutron-irradiated superconducting MgB2 single crystals ";
Physical Review B, 69 (2004), 545101 - 545107.

Author: Franz Sauerzopf, E141-06

F. Sauerzopf:
"Modelling the Defect Structure of HTS by Neutron Irradiation";
Studies of High Temperature Superconductors, 47 (2003), 2 - 31.

Authors: G. Fuchs; G. Krabbes; K.-H. Müller; P. Verges; L. Schultz; Raquel Gonzalez-Arrabal, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

G. Fuchs, G. Krabbes, K.-H. Müller, P. Verges, L. Schultz, R. Gonzalez-Arrabal, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"High Magnetic Fields in Superconducting Permanent Magnets ";
Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 133 (2003), 1/2; 159 - 179.

Authors: Alexander Vostner, E141; Y. Sun; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; Y.S. Cheng; A. Kursumovic; J. Evetts

A. Vostner, Y. Sun, H. W. Weber, Y. Cheng, A. Kursumovic, J. Evetts:
"Neutron irradiation studies on Y-123 thick films deposited by liquid phase epitaxy on single crystalline substrates";
Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications, 399 (2003), 120 - 128.

Authors: Roland Bittner, E141; Karl Humer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; K. Kundzins; A. R. Sternberg

R. Bittner, K. Humer, H. W. Weber, K. Kundzins, A. Sternberg:
"Radiation-induced defects in antiferroelectric thin films ";
Fusion Engineering and Design, 66-68 (2003), 833 - 836.

Authors: Karin Bittner-Rohrhofer, E141; Karl Humer, E141-06; Z.D. Wang; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; P. E. Fabian; N. A. Munshi

K. Bittner-Rohrhofer, K. Humer, Z. Wang, H. W. Weber, P. Fabian, N. Munshi:
"Radiation hardness of newly developed ITER relevant insulation systems ";
Fusion Engineering and Design, 66-68 (2003), 1209 - 1213.

Authors: Karin Bittner-Rohrhofer, E141; Karl Humer, E141-06; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; Reinhard Maix; Z.D. Wang; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

K. Bittner-Rohrhofer, K. Humer, H. Fillunger, R. Maix, Z. Wang, H. W. Weber:
"Influence of reactor irradiation on the mechanical behavior of ITER TF coil candidate insulation systems ";
Fusion Engineering and Design, 66-68 (2003), 1201 - 1207.

Authors: Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; E. Schachinger

M. Zehetmayer, H. W. Weber, E. Schachinger:
"Separable Model Calculations for the Anisotropic Properties of MgB2";
Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 133 (2003), 5/6; 407 - 420.

Authors: V.V. Marchenkov; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

V. Marchenkov, H. W. Weber:
"Size Effect in the High-Field Magnetoconductivity of Pure Metal Single Crystals ";
Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 132 (2003), 1/2; 135 - 144.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; S. Haindl; T. Wojcik, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Eisterer, S. Haindl, T. Wojcik, H. W. Weber:
""Magnetoscan": a modified Hall probe scanning technique for the detection of inhomogeneities in bulk high temperature supercondcutors ";
Superconductor Science and Technology, 16 (2003), 1282 - 1285.

Authors: A. Junod; Y. Wang; F. Bouquet; I. Sheikin; P. Toulemonde; M. Eskildsen; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; S. Lee; S. Tajima

A. Junod, Y. Wang, F. Bouquet, I. Sheikin, P. Toulemonde, M. Eskildsen, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, S. Lee, S. Tajima:
"Specific heat of ceramic and single crystal MgB2 ";
Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications, 388-389 (2003), 107 - 108.

Authors: Raquel Gonzalez-Arrabal, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

R. Gonzalez-Arrabal, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"Study of inhomogeneities in the flux density distribution of big monolithic (RE)Ba2Cu3O7-δ melt-textured superconductors ";
Journal of Applied Physics, 93 (2003), 8; 4734 - 4738.

Authors: Y. Wang; F. Bouquet; I. Sheikin; P. Toulemonde; B. Revaz; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; J. Hinderer; A. Junod

Y. Wang, F. Bouquet, I. Sheikin, P. Toulemonde, B. Revaz, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, J. Hinderer, A. Junod:
"Specific heat of MgB2 after irradiation ";
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 15 (2003), 883 - 893.

Authors: Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; J. Jun; S. M. Kazakov; J. Karpinski

M. Zehetmayer, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, J. Jun, S. Kazakov, J. Karpinski:
"Reversible and irreversible properties of superconducting MgB2";
Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications, 388-389 (2003), 159 - 160.

Authors: Victor Buntar; M. Halushka; H. Kuzmany; Franz Sauerzopf, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

V. Buntar, M. Halushka, H. Kuzmany, F. Sauerzopf, H. W. Weber:
"Preparation and characterization of Rb3C60 bulk single crystals ";
Superconductor Science and Technology, 16 (2003), 907 - 910.

Authors: Alexander Vostner, E141; Susanne Tönies, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; Y.S. Cheng; A. Kursumovic; J. Evetts; S.H. Mennema; H.W. Zandbergen

A. Vostner, S. Tönies, H. W. Weber, Y. Cheng, A. Kursumovic, J. Evetts, S. Mennema, H.W. Zandbergen:
"Irreversible properties of YBCO thick films deposited by liquid phase epitaxy on single crystalline substrates ";
Superconductor Science and Technology, 16 (2003), 1152 - 1157.

Authors: P. E. Fabian; J. A. Rice; N. A. Munshi; Karl Humer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

P. Fabian, J. Rice, N. Munshi, K. Humer, H. W. Weber:
"Novel radiation-resistant insulation systems for fusion magnets ";
Fusion Engineering and Design, 61-62 (2002), 795 - 799.

Authors: Roland Bittner, E141; Karl Humer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; L. Cakare; A. Stemberger; D. A. Lesnyh; D. V. Kulikov; Y. V. Trushin

R. Bittner, K. Humer, H. W. Weber, L. Cakare, A. Stemberger, D. Lesnyh, D. Kulikov, Y. Trushin:
"Dielectric Properties of Irradiated Ferroelectric and Antiferroelectric Thin Films ";
Integrated Ferroelectrics, 47 (2002), 143 - 152.

Authors: O. Heiml; G. Gritzner; S. Tönies; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; J. Keckes; B. Ortner

O. Heiml, G. Gritzner, S. Tönies, H. W. Weber, J. Keckes, B. Ortner:
"(Tl05Pb0.5)(Sr0.8Ba0.2)2Ca2Cu3Oy superconducting thick films with high in-field critical current densities ";
Superconductor Science and Technology, 15 (2002), 1592 - 1595.

Authors: D. V. Kulikov; D. A. Lesnyh; Y. V. Trushin; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; Karl Humer, E141-06; Roland Bittner, E141; A. R. Sternberg

D. Kulikov, D. Lesnyh, Y. Trushin, H. W. Weber, K. Humer, R. Bittner, A. Sternberg:
"The Effect of Neutron Irradiation of the Curie-Weiss Temperature of an Antiferroelectric Lead Zirconate Film ";
Technical Physics Letters, 28 (2002), 8; 628 - 630.

Authors: Karin Bittner-Rohrhofer, E141; Karl Humer, E141-06; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; R. Maix, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

K. Bittner-Rohrhofer, K. Humer, H. Fillunger, R. Maix, H. W. Weber:
"Mechanical behavior of the ITER TF model coil ground insulation system after reactor irradiation ";
Cryogenics, 42 (2002), 697 - 704.

Authors: Karin Bittner-Rohrhofer, E141; Karl Humer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; K. Hamada; M. Sugimoto; K. Okuno

K. Bittner-Rohrhofer, K. Humer, H. W. Weber, K. Hamada, M. Sugimoto, K. Okuno:
"Mechanical strength of an ITER coil insulation system under static and dynamic load after reactor irradiation ";
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 307-311 (2002), 1310 - 1313.

Authors: Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Franz Sauerzopf, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; J. Karpinski; M. Murakami

M. Zehetmayer, F. Sauerzopf, H. W. Weber, J. Karpinski, M. Murakami:
"Comparative study of sequential neutron irradiation and annealing effects in superconducting YBa2Cu3O7-δ , Y2Ba4Cu8O16 and NdBa2Cu3O7-δ single crystals ";
Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications, 383 (2002), 232 - 240.

Authors: Susanne Tönies, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; G. Gritzner; O. Heiml; M. Eder

S. Tönies, H. W. Weber, G. Gritzner, O. Heiml, M. Eder:
"Critical currents in uranium doped Tl-1223 superconductors";
Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications, 372-376 (2002), 755 - 758.

Authors: Dieter H. Pahr, E317-03; Franz G. Rammerstorfer, E317-01; Peter Rosenkranz, E141; Karl Humer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

D. H. Pahr, F. G. Rammerstorfer, P. Rosenkranz, K. Humer, H. W. Weber:
"A study of short-beam-shear and double-lap-shear specimens of glass fabric/epoxy composites";
Composites - Part B: Engineering, 33 (2002), 125 - 132.

More information

Authors: Harald Fillunger, E141-06; F. Hurd; R. Maix, E141-06; E. Salpietro; D. Ciazynski; J. L. Duchateau; P. Libeyre; A. Martinez; E. Bobrov; W. Herz; V. Marchese; M. Süßer; A. Ulbricht; F. Wuechner; G. Zahn; A. della Corte; M. Ricci; E. Theisen; G. Kraft; Alex Bourquard; F. Beaudet; B. Schellong; R. Zanino; L. Savoldi

H. Fillunger, F. Hurd, R. Maix, E. Salpietro, D. Ciazynski, J. L. Duchateau, P. Libeyre, A. Martinez, E. Bobrov, W. Herz, V. Marchese, M. Süßer, A. Ulbricht, F. Wuechner, G. Zahn, A. della Corte, M. Ricci, E. Theisen, G. Kraft, A. Bourquard, F. Beaudet, B. Schellong, R. Zanino, L. Savoldi:
"Assembly in the Test Facility, Acceptance and First Test Results of the ITER TF Model Coil";
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 12 (2002), 1; 595 - 599.

Authors: Stefan Fink; A. Ulbricht; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; Alex Bourquard; Michel Prevot

S. Fink, A. Ulbricht, H. Fillunger, A. Bourquard, M. Prevot:
"High Voltage Tests of the ITER Toroidal Field Model Coil Insulation System";
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 12 (2002), 1; 554 - 557.

Authors: D. Ciazynski; M. Ricci; J. L. Duchateau; V. Marchese; A. Ulbricht; F. Wuechner; G. Zahn; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; R. Maix, E141-06

D. Ciazynski, M. Ricci, J. L. Duchateau, V. Marchese, A. Ulbricht, F. Wuechner, G. Zahn, H. Fillunger, R. Maix:
"Resistances of Electrical Joints in the TF Model Coil of ITER: Comparisons of First Test Results with Samples Results";
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 12 (2002), 1; 543 - 547.

Authors: E. Altshuler; C. W. Chu; M. T. D. Orlando; A. Sin; A. J. Batista-Leyva; Victor Buntar; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

E. Altshuler, C. W. Chu, M. T. D. Orlando, A. Sin, A. J. Batista-Leyva, V. Buntar, H. W. Weber:
"Magnetic irreversibility in (Hg1-xRex)Ba2Ca2Cu3O8+δ: effects of neutron irradiation";
Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications, 371 (2002), 224 - 228.

Authors: Karin Bittner-Rohrhofer, E141; Karl Humer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

K. Bittner-Rohrhofer, K. Humer, H. W. Weber:
"Low-temperature tensile strength of the ITER-TF model coil insulation system after reactor irradiation";
Cryogenics, 42 (2002), 265 - 272.

Authors: Susanne Tönies, E141; Alexander Vostner, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

S. Tönies, A. Vostner, H. W. Weber:
"Determination of inter- and intragranular currents in high temperature superconducting tapes and coated conductors";
Journal of Applied Physics, 92 (2002), 5; 2628 - 2633.

Authors: Harald Fillunger, E141-06; M. Foitl; Klaus Hense, E138-03; I. Kajgana, E138-03; Andrea Kasztler; Hans Kirchmayr, E138-03; Robert Lackner, E138-03; Johannes Leoni, E138-04; R. Maix, E141-06; Martin Müller, E138-04

H. Fillunger, M. Foitl, K. Hense, I. Kajgana, A. Kasztler, H. Kirchmayr, R. Lackner, J. Leoni, R. Maix, M. Müller:
"Optimized Heat Treatment of Internal Tin Nb3Sn Strands";
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 12 (2002), 1; 1049 - 1051.

Authors: Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; J. Jun; S. M. Kazakov; J. Karpinski; A. Wisniewski; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Zehetmayer, M. Eisterer, J. Jun, S. Kazakov, J. Karpinski, A. Wisniewski, H. W. Weber:
"Mixed-state properties of superconducting MgB2 single crystals";
Physical Review B, 66 (2002), 05250501 - 05250504.

Authors: Raquel Gonzalez-Arrabal, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; G. Fuchs; P. Verges; G. Krabbes

R. Gonzalez-Arrabal, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, G. Fuchs, P. Verges, G. Krabbes:
"Very high trapped fields in neutron irradiated and reinforced YBa2Cu3O7-δ melt-textured superconductors";
Applied Physics Letters, 81 (2002), 5; 868 - 870.

More information

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; B. A. Glowacki; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; L. R. Greenwood; M. Majoros

M. Eisterer, B. A. Glowacki, H. W. Weber, L. R. Greenwood, M. Majoros:
"Enhanced transport currents in Cu-sheathed MgB2 wires";
Superconductor Science and Technology, 15 (2002), 1088 - 1091.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Susanne Tönies, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; M. Kambara; N. Hari Babu; D. A. Cardwell; L. R. Greenwood

M. Eisterer, M. Zehetmayer, S. Tönies, H. W. Weber, M. Kambara, N. Hari Babu, D.A. Cardwell, L. R. Greenwood:
"Neutron irradiation of MgB2 bulk superconductors";
Superconductor Science and Technology, 15 (2002), 9 - 12.

Authors: Karl Humer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; Ronald Hastik, E366-02; Hans Hauser, E366-02; Heiko Gerstenberg

K. Humer, H. W. Weber, N. Hastik, H. Hauser, H. Gerstenberg:
"Dielectric strength of irradiated fiber reinforced plastics";
Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications, 354 (2001), 143 - 147.

Authors: Karl Humer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; Hans Hauser, E366-02; Heiko Gerstenberg

K. Humer, H. W. Weber, H. Hauser, H. Gerstenberg:
"Dielectric strength, swelling and weight loss of the ITER Toroidal Field Model Coil insulation after low temperature reactor irradiation";
Cryogenics, 40 (2000), 295 - 301.

Contributions to Proceedings

Authors: I. Voitsekhovitch; X. Litaudon; E. Barbato; V. Basiuk; P. Belo; J.P.S. Bizarro; T. Casper; J. Citrin; E. Fable, MPI für Plasmaphysik; J. Ferreira; J. Garcia; L. Garzotti; J. Hobirk; G.M.D. Hogeweij; I. Ivanova-Stanik; E. Joffrin; D. Kalupin; Florian Köchl, E141-06; F. Liu; J. Lönnroth; S. Moradi; D. Moreau; F. Nabais; V. Parail; A. Polevoi; M. Romanelli; M. Schneider; P.B. Snyder; ASDEX Upgrade Team; JET EFDA (2012); ITM-TF ITER Group (2012)

I. Voitsekhovitch, X. Litaudon, E. Barbato, V. Basiuk, P. Belo, J. Bizarro, T. Casper, J. Citrin, E. Fable, J. Ferreira, J. Garcia, L. Garzotti, J. Hobirk, G. Hogeweij, I. Ivanova-Stanik, E. Joffrin, D. Kalupin, F. Köchl, F. Liu, J. Lönnroth, S. Moradi, D. Moreau, F. Nabais, V. Parail, A. Polevoi, M. Romanelli, M. Schneider, P. Snyder, ASDEX Upgrade Team, JET EFDA (2012), ITM-TF ITER Group (2012) et al.:
"Integrated modelling for tokamak plasma: physics and scenario optimisation";
in: "Proceedings fo the 39th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics", European Physical Society (EPS), 2012, ISBN: 2-914771-79-7.

Authors: Florian Köchl, E141-06; R. Ambrosino; M. Cavinato; G. Corrigan; L. Garzotti; C. Labate; M. Mattei; D.C. McDonald; V. Parail; G. Saibene; R. Sartori; JET EFDA (2012)

F. Köchl, R. Ambrosino, M. Cavinato, G. Corrigan, L. Garzotti, C. Labate, M. Mattei, D. McDonald, V. Parail, G. Saibene, R. Sartori, JET EFDA (2012) et al.:
"Optimisation of the ITER baseline scenario";
in: "Proceedings fo the 39th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics", European Physical Society (EPS), 2012, ISBN: 2-914771-79-7.

Authors: H.S. Kim; V. Parail; L. Garzotti; Florian Köchl, E141-06; A. Loarte; Y.S. Na

H. Kim, V. Parail, L. Garzotti, F. Köchl, A. Loarte, Y. Na:
"Predictive modelling of L-H transition in ITER 15 MA Q = 10 plasma";
in: "Proceedings fo the 39th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics", European Physical Society (EPS), 2012, ISBN: 2-914771-79-7.

Authors: L. Garzotti; C. Bourdelle; J. Citrin; Florian Köchl, E141-06; J. Lönnroth; S. Moradi; V. Parail; I. Voitsekhovitch; P. Belo; J.P.S. Bizarro; G. Corrigan; ITM-TF ITER Group (2012); JET EFDA (2012)

L. Garzotti, C. Bourdelle, J. Citrin, F. Köchl, J. Lönnroth, S. Moradi, V. Parail, I. Voitsekhovitch, P. Belo, J. Bizarro, G. Corrigan, ITM-TF ITER Group (2012), JET EFDA (2012) et al.:
"Simulations of density profiles in JET hybrid discharges";
in: "Proceedings fo the 39th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics", European Physical Society (EPS), 2012, ISBN: 2-914771-79-7.

Authors: T.A. Prikhna, Institute for Su ...; W. Gawalek; Y. Savchuk; Wilfried Goldacker, Karlsruhe Instit ...; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; J. Noudem; M. Serga; V. Tkach; T. Habisreuther; X. Chaud; J. Dellith; M. Wendt, Institut für Pho ...; S. Dub; V. E. Moshchil; N. Sergienko; I. Fesenko; D. Litzkendorf; F. Karau, H.C. Starck, Gmb ...; M. Tomsic; P. Nagorny; V. Sverdun; A. Borimskiy; Ch. Schmidt, Institut für Pho ...

T. Prikhna, W. Gawalek, Y. Savchuk, W. Goldacker, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, J. Noudem, M. Serga, V. Tkach, T. Habisreuther, X. Chaud, J. Dellith, M. Wendt, S. Dub, V. Moshchil, N. Sergienko, I. Fesenko, D. Litzkendorf, F. Karau, M. Tomsic, P. Nagorny, V. Sverdun, A. Borimskiy, C. Schmidt:
"High-pressure synthesized MgB2-based materials with high critical current density and upper critical field";
in: "Proceedings of the Twenty-Third International Cryogenic Engineering Conference and International Cryogenic Materials Conference 2010", Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wroclawskiej, 2011, ISBN: 978-83-7493-589-0, 1213 - 1218.

Authors: L. Potanina; V.I. Pantsyrnyy; N.I. Kozlenkova; A.K. Shikov; V. Yu Korpusov; I.N. Gubkin; N.I. Salunin; J. Emhofer, E141-04; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

L. Potanina, V. Pantsyrnyy, N.I. Kozlenkova, A.K. Shikov, V. Korpusov, I.N. Gubkin, N. Salunin, J. Emhofer, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"The effect of Cu/nonCu ratio on the critical current density in model NbTi strands for the ITER PF coils";
in: "Proceedings of the Twenty-Third International Cryogenic Engineering Conference and International Cryogenic Materials Conference 2010", Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wroclawskiej, 2011, ISBN: 978-83-7493-589-0, 1205 - 1211.

Authors: R. Wenninger; T. Eich; G.T. Huysmans; P. Lang; S. Devaux; S. Jachmich; Florian Köchl, E141-06; JET EFDA contributors (2011)

R. Wenninger, T. Eich, G. Huysmans, P. Lang, S. Devaux, S. Jachmich, F. Köchl, JET EFDA contributors (2011):
"Scrape off layer heat transport and divertor power deposition of pellet induced ELMs";
in: "Proceedings of the 38th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics", European Physical Society, 2011, ISBN: 2-914771-68-1.

Authors: A. Matsuyama; Florian Köchl, E141-06; B. Pégourié; R. Sakamoto; G. Motojima; J.S. Mishra; H. Yamada

A. Matsuyama, F. Köchl, B. Pégourié, R. Sakamoto, G. Motojima, J. Mishra, H. Yamada:
"Modelling of pellet ablation and homogenization for outboard side injection in the Large Helical Device";
in: "Proceedings of the 38th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics", European Physical Society, 2011, ISBN: 2-914771-68-1.

Authors: Florian Köchl, E141-06; V. Parail; M. Mattei; R. Ambrosino; G. Corrigan; L. Garzotti; C. Labate; D.C. McDonald; G. Saibene; R. Sartori; JET EFDA contributors (2011)

F. Köchl, V. Parail, M. Mattei, R. Ambrosino, G. Corrigan, L. Garzotti, C. Labate, D. McDonald, G. Saibene, R. Sartori, JET EFDA contributors (2011):
"Self-consistent predictive modelling of 15 MA inductive scenarios in ITER";
in: "Proceedings of the 38th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics", European Physical Society, 2011, ISBN: 2-914771-68-1.

Authors: G.M.D. Hogeweij; J.F. Artaud; T. Casper; J. Citrin; F. Imbeaux; Florian Köchl, E141-06; X. Litaudon; ITM-TF ITER S. M. Group 2011

G. Hogeweij, J. Artaud, T. Casper, J. Citrin, F. Imbeaux, F. Köchl, X. Litaudon, ITM-TF ITER S. M. Group 2011:
"Optimization of the current ramp-up phase for hybrid ITER discharges";
in: "Proceedings of the 38th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics", European Physical Society, 2011, ISBN: 2-914771-68-1.

Authors: J. Citrin; J. Hobirk; M. Schneider; J.F. Artaud; C. Bourdelle; K. Crombe; G.M.D. Hogeweij; F. Imbeaux; E. Joffrin; Florian Köchl, E141-06; J.K. Stober; AUG team; JET EFDA contributors (2011); ITM-TF ITER S. M. Group 2011

J. Citrin, J. Hobirk, M. Schneider, J. Artaud, C. Bourdelle, K. Crombe, G. Hogeweij, F. Imbeaux, E. Joffrin, F. Köchl, J. Stober, AUG team, JET EFDA contributors (2011), ITM-TF ITER S. M. Group 2011:
"Predictive transport analysis of JET and AUG hybrid scenarios";
in: "Proceedings of the 38th Conference on Plasma Physics", European Physical Society, 2011, ISBN: 2-914771-68-1.

Authors: Dieter H. Pahr, E317-03; Franz G. Rammerstorfer, E317-01; Peter Rosenkranz, E141; Karl Humer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06
Other person involved: David Hui

D. H. Pahr, F. G. Rammerstorfer, P. Rosenkranz, K. Humer, H. W. Weber:
"Numerical Investigations of Different Inter-Laminar Shear Strength Specimens";
in: "Proc. ICCE/8", D. Hui (ed.); University of New Orleans, 2001, 709 - 710.

Authors: Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Friedrich Aumayr, E134-03; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; M. Benedikt; Michael Hajek, E141-05; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; P. Kienle; M. Krammer, E141; J. Marton; E. Widmann; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. Leeb, F. Aumayr, G. Badurek, M. Benedikt, M. Hajek, E. Jericha, P. Kienle, M. Krammer, J. Marton, E. Widmann, H. W. Weber:
"Opportunities of Basic and Applied Research at MedAustron";
in: "Proc. of the International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Research Applications and Utilization of Accelerators (4-8 May 2009, Vienna), Proceedings CD Series CN-173", IAEA Vienna AEA-I3-CN-173, STI/PUB/1433, AP/IA-10, 2010, ISBN: 978-92-0-150410-4, 1 - 8.

More information

Authors: Rainer Prokopec, E141-06; Karl Humer, E141-06; R. Maix, E141-06; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06
Other persons involved: David Evans; Martin Lansky; Vaclav Chrz

R. Prokopec, K. Humer, R. Maix, H. Fillunger, H. W. Weber:
"Mechanical strenght of Alternative ITER Magnet Insulations Systems after Reactor Irradiation";
in: "Proc. of the Interantional Cryogenic Material Conference ´06", David Evans, Martin Lansky, Vaclav Chrz (ed.); issued by: Icaris Ltd. Conf. Management; Icaris Ltd., Prag, Czech Republic, 2006, ISBN: 9788023988840, 59 - 62.

Authors: M. Kühberger; G. Gritzner; K. Schöppl, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Kühberger, G. Gritzner, K. Schöppl, H. W. Weber:
"A comfortable way to superconducting MgB2 films ";
in: "Proc. of the 6th European Conf. on Applied Superconductivity ", issued by: Institute of Physics; Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol and Philadelphia, 2003, ISBN: 0750309814, 1349 - 1353.

Authors: K. Schöppl, E141; R. Fuger; M. Weiss; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; M. Kühberger; G. Gritzner

K. Schöppl, R. Fuger, M. Weiss, H. W. Weber, M. Kühberger, G. Gritzner:
"Transport Properties of Screen Printed MgB2 Thick Films ";
in: "Proc. of the 6th European Conf. on Applied Superconductivity ", issued by: Institute of Physics; Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol and Philadelphia, 2003, ISBN: 0750309814, 1289 - 1293.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; S. Haindl, E141; T. Wojcik, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Eisterer, S. Haindl, T. Wojcik, H. W. Weber:
"Remanent current distribution in a melt textured monolith: Assessment of variations along the thickness";
in: "Proc. of the 6th Europena Conf. on Applied Superconductivity ", issued by: Institute of Physics; Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol and Philadelphia, 2003, ISBN: 0750309814, 1386 - 1393.

Authors: D. A. Lesnyh; D. V. Kulikov; Y. V. Trushin; Roland Bittner, E141; Karl Humer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; A. R. Sternberg

D. Lesnyh, D. Kulikov, Y. Trushin, R. Bittner, K. Humer, H. W. Weber, A. Sternberg:
"Changes in the temperature dependence of tthe dielectric constant in iiradiated antiferroelectric thin films ";
in: "Sixth Int. Workshop on Nondestructive Testing and Computer Simulations in Science and Engineering ", issued by: A. Melker; The Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), 2003, 136 - 139.

Authors: A. R. Sternberg; A. Krumins; K. Kundzins; V. Zauls; I. Aulika; L. Cakare; Roland Bittner, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; Karl Humer, E141-06; D. A. Lesnyh; D. V. Kulikov; Y. V. Trushin

A. Sternberg, A. Krumins, K. Kundzins, V. Zauls, I. Aulika, L. Cakare, R. Bittner, H. W. Weber, K. Humer, D. Lesnyh, D. Kulikov, Y. Trushin:
"Irradiation effects in lead zirzonate thin films ";
in: "Advanced Organic and Inorganic Materials ", issued by: SPIE - The Int. Society for Optical Engineering; Proc. of SPIE, 2003, 341 - 347.

Authors: Peter Rosenkranz, E141; Dieter H. Pahr, E317-03; Karl Humer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; Franz G. Rammerstorfer, E317-01
Other persons involved: Balu Balachandran; Donald Gubser; K. Ted Hartwig

P. Rosenkranz, D. H. Pahr, K. Humer, H. W. Weber, F. G. Rammerstorfer:
"Influence of Sample and Test Geometry on the Interlaminar Shear Strength of Fiber Reinforced Plastics under Static and Dynamic Loading at RT and 77K";
in: "Advances in Cryogenic Engineering: Proceedings of the International Cryogenic Materials Conference - ICMC, Volume 48", B. Balachandran, D. Gubser, K.T. Hartwig (ed.); American Institute of Physics, College Park, MD, 2002, ISBN: 0-7354-0060-1, 221 - 228.

Authors: Y. Shindo; K. Horiguchi; T. Ogata; A. Nyilas; Z. Zhang; Karl Humer, E141-06
Other person involved: B. Balachandran

Y. Shindo, K. Horiguchi, T. Ogata, A. Nyilas, Z. Zhang, K. Humer:
"Results of a Vamas Round Robin on the Cryogenic Interlaminar Shear Strength Determination of G-10CR Glass-Cloth/Epoxy Laminates";
in: "Advances in Cryogenic Engineering: Proceedings of the International Cryogenic Materials Conference - ICMC, Vol. 48", B. Balachandran et al. (ed.); American Institute of Physics, 2002, (invited), 229 - 236.

Authors: Karin Bittner-Rohrhofer, E141; Peter Rosenkranz, E141; Karl Humer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; J. A. Rice; P. E. Fabian; N. A. Munshi
Other person involved: B. Balachandran

K. Bittner-Rohrhofer, P. Rosenkranz, K. Humer, H. W. Weber, J. Rice, P. Fabian, N. Munshi:
"Characterization of Reactor Irradiated Organic and Inorganic Hybrid Insulation Systems for Fusion Magnets";
in: "Advances in Cryogenic Engineering: Proceedings of the International Cryogenic Materials Conference - ICMC, Vol. 48", B. Balachandran et al. (ed.); American Institute of Physics, 2002, ISBN: 0735400601, 261 - 268.

Authors: Raquel Gonzalez-Arrabal, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; D. Litzkendorf; T. Habisreuther; W. Gawalek; S. Nariki; M. Muralidhar; M. Murakami
Other person involved: B. Balachandran

R. Gonzalez-Arrabal, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, D. Litzkendorf, T. Habisreuther, W. Gawalek, S. Nariki, M. Muralidhar, M. Murakami:
"Trapped Field Characterization of Melt-Textured Monoliths at Liquid Nitrogen Temperature";
in: "Advances in Cryogenic Engineering: Proceedings of the International Cryogenic Materials Conference - ICMC, Vol. 48", B. Balachandran et al. (ed.); American Institute of Physics, 2002, ISBN: 0735400601, 352 - 359.

Authors: D. A. Lesnyh; D. V. Kulikov; Y. V. Trushin; Roland Bittner, E141; Karl Humer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; A. R. Sternberg
Other person involved: A. I. Melker

D. Lesnyh, D. Kulikov, Y. Trushin, R. Bittner, K. Humer, H. W. Weber, A. Sternberg:
"Computational study of the influence of oxygen vacancies on the polarization in irradiated and annealed PLZT ceramics";
in: "Fifth International Workshop on Nondestructive Testing and Computer Simulations in Science and Engineering", A. Melker (ed.); The Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), 2002, 170 - 176.

Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry)

Authors: Alice Moros, E057-02; Mattia Ortino, E141-06; Stephan Pfeiffer, E057-02; Stefan Löffler, E057-02; Maxim Alekseev; Anastasia Tsapleva; Pavel Lukyanov; Ildar M. Abdyukhanov; Victor Pantsyrny; Bernardo Bordini, CERN; Amalia Ballarino, CERN; Simon C. Hopkins, CERN; Michael Stöger-Pollach, E057-02; Johannes Bernardi, E057-02; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

A. Moros, M. Ortino, S. Pfeiffer, S. Löffler, M. Alekseev, A. Tsapleva, P. Lukyanov, I. Abdyukhanov, V. Pantsyrny, B. Bordini, A. Ballarino, S. Hopkins, M. Stöger-Pollach, J. Bernardi, M. Eisterer:
"Homogeneity in Nb3Sn wires: a route towards high quality superconductors";
Poster: EUCAS 2019, Glasgow, UK; 09-01-2019 - 09-05-2019; in: "EUCAS 2019", (2019).

Authors: Stephan Pfeiffer, E057-02; Johannes Bernardi, E057-02; Michael Stöger-Pollach, E057-02; Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Mattia Ortino, E141-06; Mike Sumption; Xingchen Xu; Xuan Peng; Amalia Ballarino, CERN; Simon C. Hopkins, CERN

S. Pfeiffer, J. Bernardi, M. Stöger-Pollach, T. Baumgartner, M. Ortino, M. Sumption, X. Xu, X. Peng, A. Ballarino, S. Hopkins:
"Performance Enhancement of Nb3Sn Superconductors by Artificial Pinning Centres";
Poster: FCC week 2019, Brüssel, Belgien; 06-24-2019 - 06-28-2019; in: "FCC week 2019", (2019).

Authors: S. Holleis, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; A. Leveratto, CNR SPIN; E. Bellingeri, CNR SPIN; S. Calatroni, CERN; Johannes Bernardi, E057-02

S. Holleis, M. Eisterer, A. Leveratto, E. Bellingeri, S. Calatroni, J. Bernardi:
"Current Flow Analysis of Thallium-based Superconductors by SEM and TEM Investigations";
Talk: 9th ASEM Workshop, Graz; 04-25-2019 - 04-26-2019; in: "9th ASEM Workshop, Workshop Handbook: Program & Abstracts", (2019), 35.

Authors: Johannes Bernardi, E057-02; Stephan Pfeiffer, E057-02; Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

J. Bernardi, S. Pfeiffer, T. Baumgartner, M. Eisterer:
"combined electron microscopy and mangetometry investigation of Nb3Sn superconducting wires for the Future Circular Collider (FCC)";
Talk: ECOTRIB 2019, Wien; 06-12-2019 - 06-14-2019; in: "7th European Conference on Tribology", (2019), 219.

Authors: Alice Moros, E057-02; Mattia Ortino, E141-06; Stefan Löffler, E057-02; Maxim Alekseev; Anastasia Tsapleva; Pavel Lukyanov; Ildar M. Abdyukhanov; Victor Pantsyrny; Bernardo Bordini, CERN; Amalia Ballarino, CERN; Simon C. Hopkins, CERN; Michael Stöger-Pollach, E057-02; Johannes Bernardi, E057-02; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

A. Moros, M. Ortino, S. Löffler, M. Alekseev, A. Tsapleva, P. Lukyanov, I. Abdyukhanov, V. Pantsyrny, B. Bordini, A. Ballarino, S. Hopkins, M. Stöger-Pollach, J. Bernardi, M. Eisterer:
"Homogeneity in superconducting Nb3Sn wires: exploring the routes towards high-performance bending magnets for the CERN Future Circular Collider";
Poster: 14th Multinational Congress on Microscopy (MCM 2019), Belgrad, Serbien; 09-15-2019 - 09-20-2019; in: "PROCEEDINGS from the 14th MULTINATIONAL CONGRESS ON MICROSCOPY", (2019), 349 - 350.

Authors: Stephan Pfeiffer, E057-02; Johannes Bernardi, E057-02; Michael Stöger-Pollach, E057-02; Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Mattia Ortino, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Mike Sumption; Xingchen Xu; Xuan Peng; Amalia Ballarino, CERN; Simon C. Hopkins, CERN

S. Pfeiffer, J. Bernardi, M. Stöger-Pollach, T. Baumgartner, M. Ortino, M. Eisterer, M. Sumption, X. Xu, X. Peng, A. Ballarino, S. Hopkins:
"Performance Enhancement of Nb3Sn Superconductors for the Future Circular Collider";
Talk: 9th ASEM Workshop, Graz; 04-25-2019 - 04-26-2019; in: "9th ASEM Workshop, Workshop Handbook: Program & Abstracts", (2019), 30.

Authors: Alice Moros, E057-02; Mattia Ortino, E141-06; Stefan Löffler, E057-02; Maxim Alekseev; Anastasia Tsapleva; Pavel Lukyanov; Ildar M. Abdyukhanov; Victor Pantsyrny; Bernardo Bordini, CERN; Amalia Ballarino, CERN; Simon C. Hopkins, CERN; Michael Stöger-Pollach, E057-02; Johannes Bernardi, E057-02; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

A. Moros, M. Ortino, S. Löffler, M. Alekseev, A. Tsapleva, P. Lukyanov, I. Abdyukhanov, V. Pantsyrny, B. Bordini, A. Ballarino, S. Hopkins, M. Stöger-Pollach, J. Bernardi, M. Eisterer:
"Investigation of the Homogeneity in Elemental Distributions of Superconductiong Prototype Internal Tin Nb3Sn Wires";
Talk: 9th ASEM Workshop, Graz; 04-25-2019 - 04-26-2019; in: "9th ASEM Workshop, Workshop Handbook: Program & Abstracts", (2019), 19.

Authors: Stephan Pfeiffer, E057-02; Johannes Bernardi, E057-02; Michael Stöger-Pollach, E057-02; Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Amalia Ballarino, CERN; Christian Scheuerlein

S. Pfeiffer, J. Bernardi, M. Stöger-Pollach, T. Baumgartner, M. Eisterer, A. Ballarino, C. Scheuerlein:
"Microstructural TEM Investigation of Nb3Sn Superconductors for FCC";
Poster: FCC week 2018, Amsterdam, Niederlande; 04-09-2018 - 04-13-2018; in: "FCC week 2018", (2018), 1 pages.

Authors: Stephan Pfeiffer, E057-02; Johannes Bernardi, E057-02; Michael Stöger-Pollach, E057-02; Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Amalia Ballarino, CERN; Christian Scheuerlein

S. Pfeiffer, J. Bernardi, M. Stöger-Pollach, T. Baumgartner, M. Eisterer, A. Ballarino, C. Scheuerlein:
"Combined microstructural and magnetic investigation of pinning force enhancement in Nb3Sn superconductors";
Poster: 19th International Microscopy Congress, Sydney, Australien; 09-09-2018 - 09-14-2018; in: "19th International Microscopy Congress", (2018), 1 pages.

Authors: Johannes Bernardi, E057-02; Stephan Pfeiffer, E057-02; Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Luca Bottura, CERN; Christian Scheuerlein; Amalia Ballarino, CERN

J. Bernardi, S. Pfeiffer, T. Baumgartner, M. Eisterer, L. Bottura, C. Scheuerlein, A. Ballarino:
"Point-like Defects for Enhanced Flux Pinning in Technical Nb3Sn Superconductors";
Talk: 8th Forum on New Materials, Peruggia, Italy; 05-10-2018 - 05-15-2018; in: "8th Forum on New Materials", (2018), 1.

Authors: A.R. Polevoi; A. Loarte; S.Y. Medvedev; E. Fable, MPI für Plasmaphysik; A. Yu. Dnestrovskiy; E. Belli; M. Hosokawa; A. Ivanov; Florian Köchl, E141-06; A. Kuyanov

A. Polevoi, A. Loarte, S. Medvedev, E. Fable, A. Dnestrovskiy, E. Belli, M. Hosokawa, A. Ivanov, F. Köchl, A. Kuyanov:
"Integrated modelling of ITER scenarios with D-T Mix control";
Keynote Lecture: 45th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics (2018), Prague, Czech Republic; 07-02-2018 - 07-06-2018; in: "Proceedings of the 45th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics", (2018), 1 - 4.

Authors: M. Marin; J. Citrin; A. Ho; C. Bourdelle; Y. Camenen; F. Casson; Florian Köchl, E141-06; M. Maslov; JET Contributors (2018)

M. Marin, J. Citrin, A. Ho, C. Bourdelle, Y. Camenen, F. Casson, F. Köchl, M. Maslov, JET Contributors (2018):
"Isotope-mixing at JET: experiments and modelling";
Keynote Lecture: 45th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics (2018), Prague, Czech Republic; 07-02-2018 - 07-06-2018; in: "Proceedings of the 45th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics", (2018), 1 - 4.

Authors: J. Citrin; C. Bourdelle; Y. Camenen; M. Marin; F. Casson; Florian Köchl, E141-06; M. Maslov; JET Contributors (2018)

J. Citrin, C. Bourdelle, Y. Camenen, M. Marin, F. Casson, F. Köchl, M. Maslov, JET Contributors (2018):
"Fast isotope mixing in Ion Temperature Gradient driven turbulence";
Keynote Lecture: 45th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics (2018), Prague, Czech Republic; 07-02-2018 - 07-06-2018; in: "Proceedings of the 45th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics", (2018), ISBN: 979-10-96389-08-7; 1 - 3.

Authors: Stephan Pfeiffer, E057-02; Johannes Bernardi, E057-02; Michael Stöger-Pollach, E057-02; Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Johannes Hecher, E141-06; Amalia Ballarino, CERN; Luca Bottura, CERN; Christian Scheuerlein

S. Pfeiffer, J. Bernardi, M. Stöger-Pollach, T. Baumgartner, M. Eisterer, J. Hecher, A. Ballarino, L. Bottura, C. Scheuerlein:
"Influence of neutron irradiation on the microstructure and magnetic properties of Nb3Sn superconductors";
Poster: 13th Multinational Congress on Microscopy, Rovinj, Kroatien; 09-24-2017 - 09-29-2017; in: "13th Multinational Congress on Microscopy", (2017), 616 - 617.

More information

Authors: B. Pégourié; Ch. Day; A. Frattolillo; Florian Köchl, E141-06; P. T. Lang

B. Pégourié, C. Day, A. Frattolillo, F. Köchl, P. Lang:
"Physical constraints on the design of the DEMO pellet fueling system";
Keynote Lecture: 43rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Leuven/Belgium; 07-04-2016 - 07-08-2016; in: "Proceedings of the 43rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics", (2016), ISBN: 2-914771-99-1; 1.

Authors: L. Garzotti; E. Militello-Asp; P. Belo; G. Corrigan; D. Harting; Florian Köchl, E141-06; A. Loarte; V. Parail; R. Ambrosino; M. Cavinato; M. Mattei; M. Romanelli; R. Sartori; M. Valovic

L. Garzotti, E. Militello-Asp, P. Belo, G. Corrigan, D. Harting, F. Köchl, A. Loarte, V. Parail, R. Ambrosino, M. Cavinato, M. Mattei, M. Romanelli, R. Sartori, M. Valovic:
"Integrated modelling of fuelling and density control in ITER";
Keynote Lecture: 43rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Leuven/Belgium; 07-04-2016 - 07-08-2016; in: "Proceedings of the 43rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics", (2016), ISBN: 2-914771-99-1; 1.

Authors: J. Citrin; C. Bourdelle; F. Casson; C. Angioni, MPI für Plasmaphysik; S. Breton; F. Felici; X. Garbet; O. Guercan; L. Garzotti; Florian Köchl, E141-06; F. Imbeaux; J. Redondo; P. Strand; JET Contributors (2016)

J. Citrin, C. Bourdelle, F. Casson, C. Angioni, S. Breton, F. Felici, X. Garbet, O. Guercan, L. Garzotti, F. Köchl, F. Imbeaux, J. Redondo, P. Strand, JET Contributors (2016) et al.:
"Flux-driven multi-channel simulations with the quasilinear gyrokinetic transport model QuaLiKiz";
Keynote Lecture: 43rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Leuven/Belgium; 07-04-2016 - 07-08-2016; in: "Proceedings of the 43rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics", (2016), ISBN: 2-914771-99-1; 1.

Authors: A. Polevoi; N. Hayashi; H.S. Kim; S.H. Kim; Florian Köchl, E141-06; A.S. Kukushkin; V.M. Leonov; A. Loarte; S. Yu; S.Y. Medvedev; M. Murakami; Y.S. Na; P.A. Yu; J.M. Park; P.B. Snyder; J. Snipes; the IOS ITPA TG (2013)

A. Polevoi, N. Hayashi, H. Kim, S. Kim, F. Köchl, A. Kukushkin, V. Leonov, A. Loarte, S. Yu, S. Medvedev, M. Murakami, Y. Na, P. Yu, J. Park, P. Snyder, J. Snipes, the IOS ITPA TG (2013) et al.:
"Optimisation of ITER Operational Space for Long-pulse Scenarios";
Poster: 40th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics 2013, Espoo, Finland; 07-01-2013 - 07-05-2013; in: "Europhysics Conference Abstracts", 37D (2013), ISBN: 2-914771-84-3.

Authors: Asp Militello; V. Parail; P. da Silva Aresta Belo; G. Corrigan; C. Giroud; L. Garzotti; D. Harting; Florian Köchl, E141-06; T. Koskela; G. Maddison; M. Romanelli; JET EFDA Contributors 2013

A. Militello, V. Parail, P. da Silva Aresta Belo, G. Corrigan, C. Giroud, L. Garzotti, D. Harting, F. Köchl, T. Koskela, G. Maddison, M. Romanelli, JET EFDA Contributors 2013 et al.:
"Integrated Modelling of JET-ILW Plasma with Nitrogen seeding";
Poster: 40th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics 2013, Espoo, Finland; 07-01-2013 - 07-05-2013; in: "Europhysics Conference Abstracts", 37D (2013), ISBN: 2-914771-84-3.

Authors: Florian Köchl, E141-06; R. Albanese; R. Ambrosino; P. Belo; G. Corrigan; L. Garzotti; D. Harting; G.T. Huysmans; T. Koskela; P. Lang; J. Lonnroth; E. de la Luna; M. Mattei; F. Maviglia; V. Parail; F. Rimini; M. Romanelli; G. Saibene; E.R. Solano; M. Valovic; I. Voitsekhovitch; A.J. Webster; JET EFDA Contributors 2013

F. Köchl, R. Albanese, R. Ambrosino, P. Belo, G. Corrigan, L. Garzotti, D. Harting, G. Huysmans, T. Koskela, P. Lang, J. Lonnroth, E. de la Luna, M. Mattei, F. Maviglia, V. Parail, F. Rimini, M. Romanelli, G. Saibene, E. Solano, M. Valovic, I. Voitsekhovitch, A. Webster, JET EFDA Contributors 2013 et al.:
"Integrated core+edge+MHD modelling of ELM mitigation at JET";
Poster: 40th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics 2013, Espoo, Finland; 07-01-2013 - 07-05-2013; in: "Europhysics Conference Abstracts", 37D (2013), ISBN: 2-914771-84-3.

Authors: A. Figueiredo; I. Voitsekhovitch; J. Ferreira; I. Ivanova-Stanik; D. Kalupin; P. Belo; D. Coster; Florian Köchl, E141-06; O. Sauter; B. Scott; P. Strand; ITM-TF Contributors 2013; JET EFDA Contributors 2013

A. Figueiredo, I. Voitsekhovitch, J. Ferreira, I. Ivanova-Stanik, D. Kalupin, P. Belo, D. Coster, F. Köchl, O. Sauter, B. Scott, P. Strand, ITM-TF Contributors 2013, JET EFDA Contributors 2013 et al.:
"Modelling of JET hybrid scenarios with the European Transport Solver";
Poster: 40th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics 2013, Espoo, Finland; 07-01-2013 - 07-05-2013; in: "Europhysics Conference Abstracts", 37D (2013), ISBN: 2-914771-84-3.

Authors: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04; M. Beck; C. Drescher; D. Dubbers; Jacqueline Erhart, E141-04; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; Christoph Gösselsberger, E141-04; W. Heil; M. Horvath, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; C. Klauser; Jens Klenke; B. Märkisch; R. Maix, E141-06; H. Mest; S. Nowak; N. Rebrova; U. Schmidt; T. Soldner; X. Wang; O. Zimmer; C. Sauerzopf

G. Konrad, H. Abele, M. Beck, C. Drescher, D. Dubbers, J. Erhart, H. Fillunger, Ch. Gösselsberger, W. Heil, M. Horvath, E. Jericha, C. Klauser, J. Klenke, B. Märkisch, R. Maix, H. Mest, S. Nowak, N. Rebrova, U. Schmidt, T. Soldner, X. Wang, O. Zimmer, C. Sauerzopf:
"Neutron decay with PERC: exploring the properties of fundamental interactions";
Poster: 5th European Conference on Neutron Scattering, Prague, CZ; 07-17-2011 - 07-22-2011; in: "Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Neutron Scattering", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 340 (2012), ISSN: 1742-6596; 012048.

More information

Authors: Mario Villa, E141-05; Helmuth Böck, E141-05; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Villa, H. Böck, H. W. Weber:
"The Contribution of a Small Triga University Research Reactor to Nuclear Research on an International Level ";
Talk: 8th Meeting of the Int. Group on Research Reactors, München (Deutschland); 04-17-2001 - 04-20-2001; in: "Proceedings", (2001), 227 - 233.

Authors: Karl Humer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; Ronald Hastik, E366-02; Hans Hauser, E366-02; Heiko Gerstenberg

K. Humer, H. W. Weber, N. Hastik, H. Hauser, H. Gerstenberg:
"Dielectric Properties of the ITER TFMC Insulation after Low Temperature Reactor Irradiation";
Talk: 18th Fusion Energy Conference (IAEA-CN-77), Sorrento, Italy; 10-04-2000 - 10-10-2000; in: "Proceedings of the IAEA 2001", (2000), 1 - 6.

Authors: Karl Humer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; Ronald Hastik, E366-02; Hans Hauser, E366-02; Heiko Gerstenberg

K. Humer, H. W. Weber, N. Hastik, H. Hauser, H. Gerstenberg:
"Dielectric Strength and Breadown Voltage of the Iter Toroidal Field Model Coil Insulation after Low Temperature Reactor Irradiation";
Talk: ICMC 2000, Intern. Cryogenic Materials Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil; 06-11-2000 - 06-15-2000; in: "Proceedings", (2000), 1.

Talks and Poster Presentations (without Proceedings-Entry)

Author: Mattia Ortino, E141-06

M. Ortino:
"Flux pinning in Nb3Sn containing artificial pinning centers: a systematic overview";
Keynote Lecture: Online Conference: EUCAS 2021, Moscow, Russia; 09-05-2021 - 09-09-2021.

Author: Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Eisterer:
"Flux Pinning and Current Percolation in Ba-122 Superconductors";
Keynote Lecture: 7th International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism (2021), Bodrum, Turkey (invited); 10-21-2021 - 10-27-2021.

Author: Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Eisterer:
"Radiation tolerance of superconductors for fusion magnets";
Keynote Lecture: Online Conference: 29th European Fusion Program Workshop 2021, Garching, Germany (invited); 11-30-2021 - 12-02-2021.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; A. Bodenseher; S. Holleis, E141-06; Daniel Kagerbauer, E141-06; S. Ishida; A. Iyo; H. Ogino; H. Eisaki

M. Eisterer, A. Bodenseher, S. Holleis, D. Kagerbauer, S. Ishida, A. Iyo, H. Ogino, H. Eisaki:
"Interplay of Magnetism and Superconductivity in EuRb-1144 Single Crystals";
Keynote Lecture: Materials Research Meeting 2021, Yokohama, Japan; 12-13-2021 - 12-16-2021.

Authors: David Bader, E141-06; S. Ishida; J. Kato; S. Nakagawa, Okayama Univ.; T. Nishio; T. Kashiwagi; H. Eisaki; O. Rikel; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

D. Bader, S. Ishida, J. Kato, S. Nakagawa, T. Nishio, T. Kashiwagi, H. Eisaki, O. Rikel, M. Eisterer:
"Effects of Oxygen Doping in Bi-2212 Single Crystals and Tapes";
Keynote Lecture: ICSM 2021: 7th International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism, Bodrum, Turkey; 10-22-2021 - 10-28-2021.

Authors: David Bader, E141-06; S. Ishida; J. Kato; S. Nakagawa, Okayama Univ.; T. Nishio; T. Kashiwagi; H. Eisaki; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

D. Bader, S. Ishida, J. Kato, S. Nakagawa, T. Nishio, T. Kashiwagi, H. Eisaki, M. Eisterer:
"Irradiation of Bi-2212 single crystals with different doping levels";
Keynote Lecture: Online Conference: EUCAS 2021, Moscow, Russia; 09-05-2021 - 09-09-2021.

Authors: R. N. Unterrainer, E141-06; A. Lorenz; David Fischer, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

R. Unterrainer, A. Lorenz, D. Fischer, M. Eisterer:
"Negative effects of neutron irradiation on high temperature superconductors and recovery by annealing";
Poster: Online Conference: CCA 2021, Munich, Germany; 07-26-2021 - 07-28-2021.

Authors: R. N. Unterrainer, E141-06; A. Lorenz; David Fischer, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

R. Unterrainer, A. Lorenz, D. Fischer, M. Eisterer:
"Understanding and retarding the degradation of fusion magnets due to neutron irradiation";
Keynote Lecture: Online Conference: EUCAS 2021, Moscow, Russia; 09-05-2021 - 09-09-2021.

Authors: T. Prikhna; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; V.V. Romaka, Univ. Lviv, Ukraine; V. E. Moshchil; S. Ponomarov; M. Rindfleisch; M. Tomsic; M.D. Sumption

T. Prikhna, M. Eisterer, V.V. Romaka, V. Moshchil, S. Ponomarov, M. Rindfleisch, M. Tomsic, M.D. Sumption:
"Critical current density, pinning and nanostructure of MT-YBaCuO and MgB2-based materials";
Poster: Online Conference: Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC 2020), Tampa, USA; 10-23-2020 - 11-07-2020.

Authors: A. A. Thomas; I. Shipulin; S. Holleis, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Kornelius Nielsch; R. Hühne

A. Thomas, I. Shipulin, S. Holleis, M. Eisterer, K. Nielsch, R. Hühne:
"Comparative study of Fe(Se,Te) thin film on flexible coated conductor templates and single crystal substrate";
Poster: Online Conference: Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC 2020), Tampa, USA; 10-23-2020 - 11-07-2020.

Authors: Alice Moros, E057-02; Mattia Ortino, E141-06; Stefan Löffler, E057-02; M. Alekseev; A. Tsapleva; P. Lukyanov; I. Abdyukhanov; V. Pantsyrny; B. Bordini; A. Ballarino; S. C. Hopkins; Michael Stöger-Pollach, E057-02; Johannes Bernardi, E057-02; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

A. Moros, M. Ortino, S. Löffler, M. Alekseev, A. Tsapleva, P. Lukyanov, I. Abdyukhanov, V. Pantsyrny, B. Bordini, A. Ballarino, S. Hopkins, M. Stöger-Pollach, J. Bernardi, M. Eisterer:
"Nb3Sn Wires for the Future Circular Collider at CERN: Microstructural Investigation of Different Wire Layouts for High-Performance Bending Magnets";
Talk: Online Conference: Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC 2020), Tampa, USA; 10-23-2020 - 11-07-2020.

Authors: Mattia Ortino, E141-06; Jacob Rochester; M.D. Sumption; X. Xu; X. Peng; Johannes Bernardi, E057-02; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Ortino, J. Rochester, M.D. Sumption, X. Xu, X. Peng, J. Bernardi, M. Eisterer:
"APC-Nb3Sn: a closer path to wide deployment";
Keynote Lecture: Online Conference: Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC 2020), Tampa, USA; 10-23-2020 - 11-07-2020.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; R. N. Unterrainer, E141-06; David Fischer, E141-06

M. Eisterer, R. Unterrainer, D. Fischer:
"Degradation of the critical currents at high defect concentration";
Keynote Lecture: Online Conference: Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC 2020), Tampa, USA; 10-23-2020 - 11-07-2020.

Author: Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Eisterer:
"Tuning pinning from weak to strong by means of neutron irradiation";
Keynote Lecture: Online Conference: Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC 2020), Tampa, USA (invited); 10-23-2020 - 11-07-2020.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Daniel Kagerbauer, E141-06; Ventsislav Mishev, E141-06; Johannes Hecher, E141-06; S. Ishida; H. Eisaki

M. Eisterer, D. Kagerbauer, V. Mishev, J. Hecher, S. Ishida, H. Eisaki:
"Neutron irradiation experiments on iron-based superconductors";
Keynote Lecture: IBS2app workshop (2020), Genoa, Italy (invited); 02-12-2020 - 02-14-2020.

Author: Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Eisterer:
"Neutron irradiation investigation on HTS tapes";
Keynote Lecture: DEMO MAG 2019 final review meeting, Frascati, Italy; 02-11-2020.

Authors: S. Holleis, E141-06; A. A. Thomas; R. Hühne; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

S. Holleis, A. Thomas, R. Hühne, M. Eisterer:
"Investigation of granularity in FeSe1-xTex thin films on various substrates";
Keynote Lecture: Iron-based superconductors: advances towards applications workshop (2020), Santa Margherita Ligure, Italy; 02-12-2020 - 02-14-2020.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; David Fischer, E141-06; Daniel Kagerbauer, E141-06; R. N. Unterrainer, E141-06; Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Stephan Pfeiffer, E057-02; Johannes Bernardi, E057-02

M. Eisterer, D. Fischer, D. Kagerbauer, R. Unterrainer, T. Baumgartner, S. Pfeiffer, J. Bernardi:
"Neutron Irradiation: from Single Displaced Atoms to Nanometer Sized Defects and their Influence on Superconductivity in Various Materials";
Keynote Lecture: Materials Research Meeting (MRM 2019), Yokohama, Japan (invited); 12-12-2019.

Authors: Stephan Pfeiffer, E057-02; Johannes Bernardi, E057-02; Michael Stöger-Pollach, E057-02; Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Mattia Ortino, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Mike Sumption; Xingchen Xu; Xuan Peng; Amalia Ballarino, CERN; Simon C. Hopkins, CERN; Jack Haley

S. Pfeiffer, J. Bernardi, M. Stöger-Pollach, T. Baumgartner, M. Ortino, M. Eisterer, M. Sumption, X. Xu, X. Peng, A. Ballarino, S. Hopkins, J. Haley:
"Achieving the FCC target with APCs: microstructural and magnetic investigation";
Talk: EUCAS 2019, Glasgow, UK; 09-01-2019 - 09-05-2019.

Authors: Stephan Pfeiffer, E057-02; Johannes Bernardi, E057-02; Michael Stöger-Pollach, E057-02; Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Mike Sumption; Xingchen Xu; Xuan Peng; Amalia Ballarino, CERN; Simon C. Hopkins, CERN

S. Pfeiffer, J. Bernardi, M. Stöger-Pollach, T. Baumgartner, M. Eisterer, M. Sumption, X. Xu, X. Peng, A. Ballarino, S. Hopkins:
"Performance Enhancement of Nb3Sn Superconductors for Future Circular Colliders";
Talk: University of Oxford, Department of Materials, University of Oxford (invited); 06-07-2019.

Author: R. N. Unterrainer, E141-06

R. Unterrainer:
"Superconductors for Fusion Magnets";
Keynote Lecture: 6th Fusion Day (2019), Salzburg, Austria; 11-15-2019.

Authors: Daniel Kagerbauer, E141-06; S. Ishida; Ventsislav Mishev, E141-06; D. Song; H. Ogino; H. Eisaki; M. Nakajima; A. Iyo; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

D. Kagerbauer, S. Ishida, V. Mishev, D. Song, H. Ogino, H. Eisaki, M. Nakajima, A. Iyo, M. Eisterer:
"Power law correlation between Tc and Jc in neutron irradiated Ba-122 crystals";
Keynote Lecture: 14th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (2019), Glasgow, UK; 09-01-2019 - 09-05-2019.

Authors: Mattia Ortino, E141-06; Stephan Pfeiffer, E057-02; Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; M.D. Sumption; X. Xu; X. Peng; Johannes Bernardi, E057-02; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Ortino, S. Pfeiffer, T. Baumgartner, M.D. Sumption, X. Xu, X. Peng, J. Bernardi, M. Eisterer:
"Evolution of nano-particles doping in Nb3Sn wires";
Keynote Lecture: MT26: 26th International Conference on Magnet Technology (2019), Vancouver, Canada; 09-22-2019 - 09-27-2019.

Authors: Mattia Ortino, E141-06; Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Stephan Pfeiffer, E057-02; X. Xu; X. Peng; M.D. Sumption; Johannes Bernardi, E057-02; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Ortino, T. Baumgartner, S. Pfeiffer, X. Xu, X. Peng, M.D. Sumption, J. Bernardi, M. Eisterer:
"Homogeneity of Nb3Sn wires with artificial pinning centres";
Poster: EUCAS 2019, Glasgow, UK; 09-01-2019 - 09-04-2019.

Authors: Mattia Ortino, E141-06; Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Stephan Pfeiffer, E057-02; X. Xu; X. Peng; M.D. Sumption; Johannes Bernardi, E057-02; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Ortino, T. Baumgartner, S. Pfeiffer, X. Xu, X. Peng, M.D. Sumption, J. Bernardi, M. Eisterer:
"Pinning force enhancement in Nb3Sn wires via nano-particles doping";
Keynote Lecture: ICMC19: 2019 Cryogenic Engineering Conference and International Cryogenic Materials Conference, Hartford, USA; 07-21-2019.

Author: R. N. Unterrainer, E141-06

R. Unterrainer:
"Effect of Frenkel defects on superconducting properties of GdBCO";
Poster: 14th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity 2019, Glasgow, UK; 09-01-2019 - 09-05-2019.

Authors: S. Holleis, E141-06; Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Johannes Bernardi, E057-02; Michael Stöger-Pollach, E057-02; Alice Moros, E057-02; A. Leveratto; E. Bellingeri; A. Saba; C. Ferdeghini; M. Putti; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

S. Holleis, T. Baumgartner, J. Bernardi, M. Stöger-Pollach, A. Moros, A. Leveratto, E. Bellingeri, A. Saba, C. Ferdeghini, M. Putti, M. Eisterer:
"Microstructure and Superconducting Properties of Thallium-based Cuprates";
Keynote Lecture: 5th Fusion Day (2018), Vienna, Austria; 11-16-2018.

Authors: S. Holleis, E141-06; Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Johannes Bernardi, E057-02; A. Leveratto; E. Bellingeri; M. Putti; C. Ferdeghini; S. Calatroni; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

S. Holleis, T. Baumgartner, J. Bernardi, A. Leveratto, E. Bellingeri, M. Putti, C. Ferdeghini, S. Calatroni, M. Eisterer:
"Revival of the Thallium-based Cuprates: Microstructure and Current Transport of Tl-1223 Thin Films";
Keynote Lecture: Applied Superconductivity Conference (2018), Seattle, USA; 10-28-2018 - 11-02-2018.

Authors: S. Holleis, E141-06; Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; A. Leveratto; E. Bellingeri; S. Calatroni; Johannes Bernardi, E057-02

S. Holleis, T. Baumgartner, M. Eisterer, A. Leveratto, E. Bellingeri, S. Calatroni, J. Bernardi:
"Microstructural Analysis of Thallium-based Thin Film Superconductors";
Keynote Lecture: 8th ASEM Workshop (2018)-II, Vienna, Austria; 04-25-2018 - 04-26-2018.

Authors: S. Holleis, E141-06; Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; David Bader, E141-06; Johannes Bernardi, E057-02; Andreas Steiger-Thirsfeld, E057-02; A. Malagoli; E. Bellingeri; A. Leveratto; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

S. Holleis, T. Baumgartner, D. Bader, J. Bernardi, A. Steiger-Thirsfeld, A. Malagoli, E. Bellingeri, A. Leveratto, M. Eisterer:
"Enabling Research Project: Alternative HTS Wires";
Keynote Lecture: 4th Fusion Day (KKKÖ/ÖAW) 2017, Leoben, Austria; 11-17-2017.

Authors: S. Holleis, E141-06; Daniel Kagerbauer, E141-06; S. Ishida; H. Eisaki; A. Iyo; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

S. Holleis, D. Kagerbauer, S. Ishida, H. Eisaki, A. Iyo, M. Eisterer:
"Local magnetization of EuRb-1144: superconductivity and ferromagnetism";
Keynote Lecture: 14th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (2019), Glasgow, UK; 09-01-2019 - 09-05-2019.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; David Fischer, E141-06; Daniel Kagerbauer, E141-06; R. N. Unterrainer, E141-06; Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Stephan Pfeiffer, E057-02; Johannes Bernardi, E057-02

M. Eisterer, D. Fischer, D. Kagerbauer, R. Unterrainer, T. Baumgartner, S. Pfeiffer, J. Bernardi:
"Neutron Irradiation: Introduced Defects and Effects on Various Superconductors";
Keynote Lecture: EUCAS 2019, Glasgow, UK (invited); 09-04-2019.

Author: David Bader, E141-06

D. Bader:
"Effects of oxygen doping in Bi-2212 wires and bulk samples";
Poster: EUCAS 2019, Glasgow, UK; 09-01-2019 - 09-05-2019.

Authors: Alice Moros, E057-02; Mattia Ortino, E141-06; Stefan Löffler, E057-02; Maxim Alekseev; Anastasia Tsapleva; Pavel Lukyanov; Ildar M. Abdyukhanov; Victor Pantsyrny; Bernardo Bordini, CERN; Amalia Ballarino, CERN; Simon C. Hopkins, CERN; Michael Stöger-Pollach, E057-02; Johannes Bernardi, E057-02; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

A. Moros, M. Ortino, S. Löffler, M. Alekseev, A. Tsapleva, P. Lukyanov, I. Abdyukhanov, V. Pantsyrny, B. Bordini, A. Ballarino, S. Hopkins, M. Stöger-Pollach, J. Bernardi, M. Eisterer:
"Homogeneity in superconducting Nb3Sn wires: exploring the routes towards high-performance bending magnets for the CERN Future Circular Collider";
Talk: 14th Multinational Congress on Microscopy (MCM 2019), Belgrad, Serbien; 09-15-2019 - 09-20-2019.

Authors: Alice Moros, E057-02; S. Holleis, E141-06; Michael Stöger-Pollach, E057-02; Johannes Bernardi, E057-02; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Aisha Saba, CNR SPIN; A. Leveratto, CNR SPIN; E. Bellingeri, CNR SPIN; S. Calatroni, CERN

A. Moros, S. Holleis, M. Stöger-Pollach, J. Bernardi, M. Eisterer, A. Saba, A. Leveratto, E. Bellingeri, S. Calatroni:
"Microstructural Characterization of Tl-1223 Superconducting Thin Films for the CERN Future Circular Collider (FCC-hh) Beam Screen";
Poster: CEC/ICMC 2019, Hartford, USA; 07-21-2019 - 07-25-2019.

Authors: Mattia Donato, ASG; M. Tropeano, ASG; Mattia Ortino, E141-06; Alice Moros, E057-02

M. Donato, M. Tropeano, M. Ortino, A. Moros:
"Status And Development Of Superconductive Mgb2 Wires And Tapes";
Poster: FCC week 2019, Brüssel, Belgien; 06-24-2019 - 06-28-2019.

Authors: S. Holleis, E141-06; Alice Moros, E057-02; Johannes Bernardi, E057-02; A. Leveratto, CNR SPIN; Aisha Saba, CNR SPIN; E. Bellingeri, CNR SPIN; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

S. Holleis, A. Moros, J. Bernardi, A. Leveratto, A. Saba, E. Bellingeri, M. Eisterer:
"Current Flow Analysis of Tl-1223 Superconductors by Scanning Hall Probe Microscopy and TEM Investigations";
Poster: FCC week 2019, Brüssel, Belgien; 06-24-2019 - 06-28-2019.

Authors: Alice Moros, E057-02; Mattia Ortino, E141-06; Stefan Löffler, E057-02; Maxim Alekseev; Anastasia Tsapleva; Pavel Lukyanov; Ildar M. Abdyukhanov; Victor Pantsyrny; Bernardo Bordini, CERN; Amalia Ballarino, CERN; Simon C. Hopkins, CERN; Michael Stöger-Pollach, E057-02; Johannes Bernardi, E057-02; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

A. Moros, M. Ortino, S. Löffler, M. Alekseev, A. Tsapleva, P. Lukyanov, I. Abdyukhanov, V. Pantsyrny, B. Bordini, A. Ballarino, S. Hopkins, M. Stöger-Pollach, J. Bernardi, M. Eisterer:
"FCC-hh Nb3Sn Wire Development: Exploring the Microstructure of Prototype Samples";
Poster: FCC week 2019, Brüssel, Belgien; 06-24-2019 - 06-28-2019.

Authors: Stephan Pfeiffer, E057-02; Johannes Bernardi, E057-02; Michael Stöger-Pollach, E057-02; Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Mattia Ortino, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Mike Sumption; Xingchen Xu; Xuan Peng; Amalia Ballarino, CERN; Simon C. Hopkins, CERN

S. Pfeiffer, J. Bernardi, M. Stöger-Pollach, T. Baumgartner, M. Ortino, M. Eisterer, M. Sumption, X. Xu, X. Peng, A. Ballarino, S. Hopkins:
"Performance Enhancement of Nb3Sn Superconductors for Future Particle Accelerators";
Talk: 20th conference on Solid State Analysis / 20. Tagung Festkörperanalytik, Wien; 07-01-2019 - 07-03-2019.

Authors: Alice Moros, E057-02; Mattia Ortino, E141-06; Stefan Löffler, E057-02; Maxim Alekseev; Anastasia Tsapleva; Pavel Lukyanov; Ildar M. Abdyukhanov; Victor Pantsyrny; Bernardo Bordini, CERN; Amalia Ballarino, CERN; Simon C. Hopkins, CERN; Michael Stöger-Pollach, E057-02; Johannes Bernardi, E057-02; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

A. Moros, M. Ortino, S. Löffler, M. Alekseev, A. Tsapleva, P. Lukyanov, I. Abdyukhanov, V. Pantsyrny, B. Bordini, A. Ballarino, S. Hopkins, M. Stöger-Pollach, J. Bernardi, M. Eisterer:
"Investigation of homogeneity in superconductiong prototype Nb3Sn wires: correlating microstructural and superconducting properties";
Talk: 20th conference on Solid State Analysis / 20. Tagung Festkörperanalytik, Wien; 07-01-2019 - 07-03-2019.

Author: Daniel Kagerbauer, E141-06

D. Kagerbauer:
"Physical properties of a magnetoreceptor based on electromagnetic induction";
Poster: RIN19 Conference (2019), Egham, UK; 04-10-2019 - 04-12-2019.

Authors: Daniel Kagerbauer, E141-06; S. Ishida; Ventsislav Mishev, E141-06; D. Song; H. Ogino; H. Eisaki; M. Nakajima; A. Iyo; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

D. Kagerbauer, S. Ishida, V. Mishev, D. Song, H. Ogino, H. Eisaki, M. Nakajima, A. Iyo, M. Eisterer:
"Effects of fast neutron irradiation on the doping dependence of the pinning efficiency in K-doped Ba-122 single crystals";
Keynote Lecture: The 31st International Symposium on Superconductivity ISS 2018, Tsukuba, Japan; 12-12-2018 - 12-14-2018.

Authors: Mattia Ortino, E141-06; Alice Moros, E057-02; M. Alekseev; A. Tsapleva; P. Lukyanov; I.M. Abdyukhanov; V. Pantsyrny; B. Bordini; A. Ballarino; S. C. Hopkins; Johannes Bernardi, E057-02; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Ortino, A. Moros, M. Alekseev, A. Tsapleva, P. Lukyanov, I. Abdyukhanov, V. Pantsyrny, B. Bordini, A. Ballarino, S. Hopkins, J. Bernardi, M. Eisterer:
"FCC-hh Nb3Sn wire development: superconducting and magnetic properties of prototype samples";
Poster: FCC week 2019, Bruxelles, Belgium; 06-24-2019 - 06-27-2019.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Mattia Ortino, E141-06; Johannes Bernardi, E057-02; Stephan Pfeiffer, E057-02; Alice Moros, E057-02; Michael Stöger-Pollach, E057-02; M.D. Sumption; X. Xu; X. Peng; M. Alekseev; A. Tsapleva; P. Lukyanov; I. Abdyukhanov; V. Pantsyrny; B. Bordini; S. C. Hopkins; A. Ballarino

M. Eisterer, T. Baumgartner, M. Ortino, J. Bernardi, S. Pfeiffer, A. Moros, M. Stöger-Pollach, M.D. Sumption, X. Xu, X. Peng, M. Alekseev, A. Tsapleva, P. Lukyanov, I. Abdyukhanov, V. Pantsyrny, B. Bordini, S. Hopkins, A. Ballarino:
"Characterization of FCC conductors at TU Vienna";
Keynote Lecture: FCC week 2019, Bruxelles, Belgium (invited); 06-24-2019 - 06-28-2019.

Author: Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Eisterer:
"Neutron irradiation investigation on HTS tapes";
Keynote Lecture: DEMO MAG final review meeting (2019), Garching, Germany; 02-12-2019.

Author: Mattia Ortino, E141-06

M. Ortino:
"ESR13 Individual Report";
Keynote Lecture: Marie Curie fellow (2018), Bruxelles, Belgium; 12-10-2018 - 12-11-2018.

Authors: Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Stephan Pfeiffer, E057-02; Johannes Bernardi, E057-02; Christian Scheuerlein; Amalia Ballarino, CERN

T. Baumgartner, M. Eisterer, S. Pfeiffer, J. Bernardi, C. Scheuerlein, A. Ballarino:
"A-15 inhomogeneity - the underestimated enemy of high-performance Nb3Sn wires";
Talk: FCC week 2018, Amsterdam, Niederlande; 04-09-2018 - 04-13-2018.

Authors: Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Stephan Pfeiffer, E057-02; Johannes Bernardi, E057-02; Amalia Ballarino, CERN; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

T. Baumgartner, S. Pfeiffer, J. Bernardi, A. Ballarino, M. Eisterer:
"Performance limitations due to A-15 inhomogeneity in Nb3Sn wires";
Talk: ASC 2018, Seattle, USA; 10-28-2018 - 11-02-2018.

Authors: Stephan Pfeiffer, E057-02; Johannes Bernardi, E057-02; Michael Stöger-Pollach, E057-02; Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Amalia Ballarino, CERN; Christian Scheuerlein

S. Pfeiffer, J. Bernardi, M. Stöger-Pollach, T. Baumgartner, M. Eisterer, A. Ballarino, C. Scheuerlein:
"Combined Microstructural and Magnetic Investigation of Nb3Sn Superconductors for FCC";
Talk: 8th ASEM-Workshop, Wien; 04-26-2018 - 04-27-2018.

Authors: Johannes Bernardi, E057-02; Stephan Pfeiffer, E057-02; Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Luca Bottura, CERN; Amalia Ballarino, CERN

J. Bernardi, S. Pfeiffer, T. Baumgartner, M. Eisterer, L. Bottura, A. Ballarino:
"Relationship between microstructure and superconducting properties of Nb3Sn: efforts at TU Wien";
Talk: FCC Conductor Development Workshop, Genf, Schweiz (invited); 03-05-2018.

Authors: Stephan Pfeiffer, E057-02; Johannes Bernardi, E057-02; Michael Stöger-Pollach, E057-02; Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Amalia Ballarino, CERN; Christian Scheuerlein

S. Pfeiffer, J. Bernardi, M. Stöger-Pollach, T. Baumgartner, M. Eisterer, A. Ballarino, C. Scheuerlein:
"Combined microstructural and magnetic investigation of pinning force enhancement in Nb3Sn superconductors";
Talk: 19th International Microscopy Congress, Sydney, Australien; 09-09-2018 - 09-14-2018.

Authors: K. J. McCarthy; N. Panadero; S. K. Combs; N. Tamura; J. L. Velasco; A. Alonso; E. Ascasibar; J. Baldzuhn; E. de la Cal; A. Chmyga; T. Estrada; J. M. Fontdecaba; R. Garcia; J. Hernandez; Florian Köchl, E141-06; M. Liners; A. Lopez-Fraguas; P. Khabanov; V. Melnikov; M. Navarro; D. Silvagni; J. L. de Pablos; I. Pastor; A. Soleto; TJ-II team

K. McCarthy, N. Panadero, S. Combs, N. Tamura, J. Velasco, A. Alonso, E. Ascasibar, J. Baldzuhn, E. de la Cal, A. Chmyga, T. Estrada, J. Fontdecaba, R. Garcia, J. Hernandez, F. Köchl, M. Liners, A. Lopez-Fraguas, P. Khabanov, V. Melnikov, M. Navarro, D. Silvagni, J. de Pablos, I. Pastor, A. Soleto, TJ-II team:
"Pellet Injection in the stellarator TJ-II";
Keynote Lecture: 45th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics (2018), Prague, Czech Republic; 07-02-2018 - 07-06-2018.

Authors: H.S. Kim; Y. M. Jeon; S. W. Yoon; J. Y. Kim; Y.S. Na; Y. K. Oh; J.F. Artaud; Florian Köchl, E141-06

H. Kim, Y. Jeon, S. Yoon, J. Kim, Y. Na, Y. Oh, J. Artaud, F. Köchl:
"Predictive integrated modelling for the preparation of the advanced operation scenarios in KSTAR";
Keynote Lecture: 45th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics (2018), Prague, Czech Republic; 07-02-2018 - 07-06-2018.

Authors: C. S. Chang; M. Churchill; R. Hager; S. Ku; R. Maingi, Princeton P.P.Lab; J. Menard; A. Loarte; R.A. Pitts, ITER France; V. Parail; M. Romanelli; Florian Köchl, E141-06

C. Chang, M. Churchill, R. Hager, S. Ku, R. Maingi, J. Menard, A. Loarte, R. Pitts, V. Parail, M. Romanelli, F. Köchl:
"Wide divertor heat-flux width in ITER from self-organization between the neoclassical and turbulent transports across the separatrix surface";
Poster: 27th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (2018), Gandhinagar, India; 10-22-2018 - 10-27-2018.

Authors: F. J. Artola; G. Huijsmans; M. Hölzl__, MPI für Plasmaphysik; P. Beyer; A. Loarte; Y.V. Gribov; E. de la Luna; Florian Köchl, E141-06; JET Contributors (2018)

F. Artola, G. Huijsmans, M. Hölzl__, P. Beyer, A. Loarte, Y. Gribov, E. de la Luna, F. Köchl, JET Contributors (2018):
"An in depth look into the physics of ELM triggering via vertical kicks through non-linear MHD simulations";
Keynote Lecture: 45th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics (2018), Prague, Czech Republic; 07-02-2018 - 07-06-2018.

Author: Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Eisterer:
"Granularity Effects in Cuprate, Iron-Based and MgB2 Superconductors";
Keynote Lecture: Seminarvortrag, Beijing, China (invited); 08-22-2018.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Johannes Hecher, E141-06; Daniel Kagerbauer, E141-06; M. Nakajima; S. Ishida; D. Song; H. Ogino; A. Iyo; H. Eisaki

M. Eisterer, J. Hecher, D. Kagerbauer, M. Nakajima, S. Ishida, D. Song, H. Ogino, A. Iyo, H. Eisaki:
"In-Plane Anisotropy of the Critical Current in Ba-122 Single Crystals";
Keynote Lecture: 12th International Conference on Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity and High Temperature Superconductors, M2S 2018, Beijing, China; 08-19-2018 - 08-24-2018.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; A. Yamamoto

M. Eisterer, A. Yamamoto:
"Overcoming Granularity in Iron-Based Superconductors";
Keynote Lecture: International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism (2018), Fethiye, Turkey (invited); 04-24-2018 - 04-30-2018.

Author: Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Eisterer:
"Granularity Effects in Cuprate, Iron-Based, and MgB2 Superconductors";
Keynote Lecture: MRS spring meeting (2018), Phoenix, USA (invited); 04-02-2018 - 04-06-2018.

Author: S. Holleis, E141-06

S. Holleis:
"Microstructural Analysis of Tl-1223 Superconducting Layers for the FCC Beam Screen";
Poster: FCC Week 2018, Amsterdam, Netherlands; 04-09-2018 - 04-13-2018.

Author: Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Eisterer:
"Modelling of granular superconductors";
Keynote Lecture: EUROfusion ENR (Next HTS wire) meeting (2018), Genoa, Italy; 03-27-2018.

Author: Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Eisterer:
"Vortex shaking";
Keynote Lecture: Project meeting for FCC study (2018), Genoa, Italy; 03-26-2018.

Author: David Fischer, E141-06

D. Fischer:
"Effect of artificial pinning centers on the fluence dependence of critical currents in neutron irradiated coated conductor tapes";
Keynote Lecture: 4th HTS4 Fusion Conductor Workshop (2018), Nagoya, Japan; 03-21-2018.

Authors: Stephan Pfeiffer, E057-02; Johannes Bernardi, E057-02; Michael Stöger-Pollach, E057-02; Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Amalia Ballarino, CERN

S. Pfeiffer, J. Bernardi, M. Stöger-Pollach, T. Baumgartner, M. Eisterer, A. Ballarino:
"Effects of neutron irradiation on the microstructure and critical current of Nb3Sn superconductors";
Poster: FCC Week 2017, Berlin, DE; 05-29-2017 - 06-02-2017.

Authors: Stephan Pfeiffer, E057-02; Johannes Bernardi, E057-02; Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Johannes Hecher, E141-06; Amalia Ballarino, CERN; Luca Bottura, CERN; Christian Scheuerlein

S. Pfeiffer, J. Bernardi, T. Baumgartner, M. Eisterer, J. Hecher, A. Ballarino, L. Bottura, C. Scheuerlein:
"Correlation of the microstructure and magnetic properties of neutron irradiated Nb3Sn superconductors";
Poster: EUCAS 2017, Genf, Schweiz; 09-18-2017 - 09-21-2017.

Author: David Fischer, E141-06

D. Fischer:
"Influence of artificial pinning centers on the radiation resistance of coated conductors";
Keynote Lecture: EUCAS 2017, Geneva, Switzerland; 09-17-2017 - 09-21-2017.

Authors: Johannes Bernardi, E057-02; Stephan Pfeiffer, E057-02; Michael Stöger-Pollach, E057-02; Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Luca Bottura, CERN; Amalia Ballarino, CERN; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

J. Bernardi, S. Pfeiffer, M. Stöger-Pollach, T. Baumgartner, L. Bottura, A. Ballarino, M. Eisterer:
"Microstructural and magnetometry investigation of Nb3Sn wires enhanced by irradiaton treatment";
Talk: IUMRS-ICAM 2017, Kyoto, Japan (invited); 08-27-2017 - 09-01-2017.

Author: Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Eisterer:
"HTS versus LTS: physics, technology, and application prospects";
Keynote Lecture: EUCAS 2017, Geneva, Switzerland (invited); 09-19-2017.

Author: Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Eisterer:
"Work package Materials: Status Report";
Keynote Lecture: Kick off meeting vom ITN Network EASITrain (2017), Geneva, Switzerland; 09-05-2017.

Authors: Johannes Hecher, E141-06; Daniel Kagerbauer, E141-06; S. Ishida; D. Song; H. Ogino; A. Iyo; H. Eisaki; M. Nakajima; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

J. Hecher, D. Kagerbauer, S. Ishida, D. Song, H. Ogino, A. Iyo, H. Eisaki, M. Nakajima, M. Eisterer:
"In-Plane Anisotropy of the Critical Current in Ba-122 Single Crystals";
Keynote Lecture: IUMRS-ICAM 2017, The 15th International Conference on Advanced Materials, Kyoto, Japan; 08-30-2017.

Authors: Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Stephan Pfeiffer, E057-02; Johannes Bernardi, E057-02; C. Scheuerlein; T. Spina; R. Flükiger; L. Bottura; A. Ballarino; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

T. Baumgartner, S. Pfeiffer, J. Bernardi, C. Scheuerlein, T. Spina, R. Flükiger, L. Bottura, A. Ballarino, H. W. Weber, M. Eisterer:
"Pinning Landscape Enhancement by Means of Irradiation";
Keynote Lecture: International Cyrogenic Materials Conference (2017), Madison, USA (invited); 07-10-2017.

Author: Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06

T. Baumgartner:
"Influence of the microstructure on the pinning force scaling behavior of Nb3Sn wires";
Poster: EUCAS 2017, Geneva, Switzerland; 09-17-2017 - 09-21-2017.

Author: Daniel Kagerbauer, E141-06

D. Kagerbauer:
"Fast neutron irradiation on K-doped Ba-122 Single Crystals";
Poster: EUCAS 2017, Geneva, Switzerland; 09-18-2017 - 09-21-2017.

Author: S. Holleis, E141-06

S. Holleis:
"Microstructure and Current Transport of Tl-1223 Thin Film Superconductors";
Poster: EUCAS 2017, Geneva, Switzerland; 09-18-2017 - 09-21-2017.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; David Fischer, E141-06; Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Rainer Prokopec, E141-06; Stephan Pfeiffer, E057-02; Johannes Bernardi, E057-02

M. Eisterer, D. Fischer, T. Baumgartner, R. Prokopec, S. Pfeiffer, J. Bernardi:
"High fluence irradiation of Nb3Sn and REBCO conductors";
Keynote Lecture: Radiation Effects on Superconducting Magnet Materials (2017), Tokai, Japan (invited); 04-19-2017 - 04-21-2017.

Authors: Stephan Pfeiffer, E057-02; Johannes Bernardi, E057-02; Michael Stöger-Pollach, E057-02; Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Amalia Ballarino, CERN

S. Pfeiffer, J. Bernardi, M. Stöger-Pollach, T. Baumgartner, M. Eisterer, A. Ballarino:
"Combined analytical TEM and magnetic investigation of the effects of neutron irradiation on Nb3Sn superconductors";
Talk: 7th ASEM-Workshop - Advanced Electron Microscopy, Wien; 04-20-2017 - 04-21-2017.

Author: Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Eisterer:
"In-plane critical current anisotropy in Co-doped Ba-122";
Keynote Lecture: Projekttreffen am AIST (2017), Tsukuba, Japan; 02-22-2017.

Author: Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Eisterer:
"Current Percolation in Polycrystalline Superconductors";
Keynote Lecture: Vortrag an der Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (2017), Tokyo, Japan (invited); 02-21-2017.

Author: Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Eisterer:
"Quality Control of Coated Conductors";
Keynote Lecture: Projekttreffen Eurotapes (2017), Barcelona, Spain; 02-13-2017 - 02-15-2017.

Author: Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Eisterer:
"Neutron irradiation investigation on HTS tapes";
Keynote Lecture: EUROfusion Projekttreffen (2017), Cadarache, France; 01-26-2017 - 01-28-2017.

Author: David Fischer, E141-06

D. Fischer:
"High temperature superconductors for Fusion Magnets";
Keynote Lecture: Fusion Day (2016), Innsbruck, Austria; 11-18-2016.

Author: David Fischer, E141-06

D. Fischer:
"Coated Conductors for High Energy Physics and Fusion Science Applications";
Poster: Applied Superconductivity Conference, CCA 2016 Workshop, Denver, USA; 09-11-2016 - 09-14-2016.

Author: David Fischer, E141-06

D. Fischer:
"Effects of neutron irradiation on the critical currents of various commercially available coated conductor tapes";
Poster: Asc (2016), Denver, USA; 09-05-2016 - 09-09-2016.

Author: Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Eisterer:
"MgB2 vs. iron-based superconductors: competitors at intermediate temperatures?";
Keynote Lecture: Seminarvortrag, Bratislava, Slovakia (invited); 11-25-2016.

Author: Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Eisterer:
"Critical currents in Ba-122 superconductors";
Keynote Lecture: Seminarvortrag, Dresden, Germany (invited); 12-13-2016.

Authors: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Michael Bacak, E141-04; Stefan Baumgartner, E141-04; Bernhard Berger, E141-04; Joachim Bosina, E141-04; J. Erhardt, E141-04; Christoph Gösselsberger, E141-04; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; Stefan Haas, E141-04; Philip Haiden, E141-04; M. Horvath, E141-04; Christine Klauser, E141-04 [ILL]; Michael Klopf, E141-04; Wilfried Mach, E141-04; R. Maix, E141-06; Robert Raab, E141-04; Heiko Saul, E141; Xianzun Wang, E141-04; Johann Zmeskal, SMI Wien; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

G. Konrad, E. Jericha, M. Bacak, S. Baumgartner, B. Berger, J. Bosina, J. Erhardt, Ch. Gösselsberger, H. Fillunger, S Haas, P. Haiden, M. Horvath, C. Klauser, M. Klopf, W. Mach, R. Maix, R. Raab, H. Saul, X. Wang, J Zmeskal, H. Abele:
"The Proton Electron Radiation Channel PERC at ILL";
Poster: NuPECC meeting Mini Workshop Wien (2016), Vienna, Austria; 10-07-2016.

Authors: Clement Brousse, SMI Wien; Joachim Bosina, E141-04; Jacqueline Erhart, E141-04; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; Michael Klopf, E141-04; Daniel Moser, E141-04; Max Thoma; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04

C Brousse, J. Bosina, J. Erhart, H. Fillunger, M. Klopf, D Moser, M. Thoma, G. Konrad:
"Design of the Magnetic Shielding for NoMoS";
Poster: 66th annual meeting of the Austrian Physical Society (ÖPG), Wien; 09-27-2016 - 09-29-2016.

More information

Authors: Daniel Kagerbauer, E141-06; S. Nimpf; A. Papadaki-Anastasopoulou; Mirjam Rauwolf, E141-05; Christina Streli, E141-05; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; D. A. Keays

D. Kagerbauer, S. Nimpf, A. Papadaki-Anastasopoulou, M. Rauwolf, C. Streli, M. Eisterer, D. Keays:
"The characterization of pigeon tissues employing Total Reflection X-Ray Fluorescence (TXRF) and Superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) magnetometry";
Poster: RIN16 Conference (2016), Egham, UK; 04-13-2016 - 04-15-2016.

Authors: M. Valisa; A. Loarte; L. Amicucci; C. Angioni; R. Cesario; L. Carraro; D. Coster, Max-Planck-Inst.; F. Casson; I. Coffey; E. de la Luna; P. Devynk; P. Drewelow; L. Frassinetti, EURATOM Sweden; C. Giroud; Florian Köchl, E141-06; M. Leyland; I. Lupelli; M. Marinucci; S. Menmuir; M. O´Mullane; V. Parail; A. Patel; M. Puiatti; E. Rachlew; M. Romanelli; E. Stefanikova; JET Contributors (2016)

M. Valisa, A. Loarte, L. Amicucci, C. Angioni, R. Cesario, L. Carraro, D. Coster, F. Casson, I. Coffey, E. de la Luna, P. Devynk, P. Drewelow, L. Frassinetti, C. Giroud, F. Köchl, M. Leyland, I. Lupelli, M. Marinucci, S. Menmuir, M. O´Mullane, V. Parail, A. Patel, M. Puiatti, E. Rachlew, M. Romanelli, E. Stefanikova, JET Contributors (2016) et al.:
"The role of ELM´s and inter-ELM phases in the transport of heavy impurities in JET";
Poster: 26th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (2016), Kyoto, Japan; 10-17-2016 - 10-22-2016.

Authors: M. Romanelli; P. Aresta-Belo; G. Corrigan; L. Garzotti; D. Harting; Florian Köchl, E141-06; S. Saarelma; S. Wiesen; M. Wischmeier, MPI für Plasmaphysik; R. Zagorski; T. Bolzonella; L. Pigatto; J. Garcia; P. Maget; E. de la Luna; N. Hayashi; T. Nakana; S. Ide; M. Yoshida; H. Urano

M. Romanelli, P. Aresta-Belo, G. Corrigan, L. Garzotti, D. Harting, F. Köchl, S. Saarelma, S. Wiesen, M. Wischmeier, R. Zagorski, T. Bolzonella, L. Pigatto, J. Garcia, P. Maget, E. de la Luna, N. Hayashi, T. Nakana, S. Ide, M. Yoshida, H. Urano:
"Investigation of Sustainable Reduced-Power non-inductive Scenarios on JT-60SA";
Poster: 26th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (2016), Kyoto, Japan; 10-17-2016 - 10-22-2016.

Authors: A.R. Polevoi; A. Loarte; R. Dux, MPI für Plasmaphysik; T. Eich, MPI für Plasmaphysik; E. Fable, MPI für Plasmaphysik; S. Maruyama; S.Y. Medvedev; S. Yu; Florian Köchl, E141-06; V.E. Zhogolev

A. Polevoi, A. Loarte, R. Dux, T. Eich, E. Fable, S. Maruyama, S. Medvedev, S. Yu, F. Köchl, V. Zhogolev:
"Integrated Simulations of H-mode Operation in ITER including Core Fuelling, Divertor Detachment and ELM Control";
Poster: 26th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (2016), Kyoto, Japan; 10-17-2016 - 10-22-2016.

Authors: Y.S. Na; C.E. Kessel; Florian Köchl, E141-06; A.R. Polevoi; D. H. Na; A. Fukuyama; J. Garcia; N. Hayashi; K.J. Kim; T. Luce; A.Y. Pankin; J.M. Park; F. M. Poli; A.C.C. Sips; P. Strand; I. Voitsekhovitch; A. Wisitsorasak; X. Yuan; the ITPA Topical Group (2016)

Y. Na, C. Kessel, F. Köchl, A. Polevoi, D. Na, A. Fukuyama, J. Garcia, N. Hayashi, K.j. Kim, T. Luce, A. Pankin, J. Park, F. Poli, A.C.C. Sips, P. Strand, I. Voitsekhovitch, A. Wisitsorasak, X. Yuan, the ITPA Topical Group (2016) et al.:
"On Benchmarking of Simulations of Particle Transport in ITER";
Poster: 26th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (2016), Kyoto, Japan; 10-17-2016 - 10-22-2016.

Authors: E. Militello-Asp; G. Corrigan; P. da Silva Aresta Belo; L. Garzotti; D. Harting; Florian Köchl, E141-06; V. Parail; M. Cavinato; A. Loarte; M. Romanelli; R. Sartori

E. Militello-Asp, G. Corrigan, P. da Silva Aresta Belo, L. Garzotti, D. Harting, F. Köchl, V. Parail, M. Cavinato, A. Loarte, M. Romanelli, R. Sartori:
"ITER Fuelling Requirements and Scenario Development for H, He and DT Through JINTRAC Integrated Modelling";
Poster: 26th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (2016), Kyoto, Japan; 10-17-2016 - 10-22-2016.

Authors: A. Loarte; M. Hosokawa; A. Polevoi; P. de Vries; Florian Köchl, E141-06; V. Parail; E. Belli; J. Candy; G. Staebler; R. Dumont; D. Zarzoso; E. Fable, MPI für Plasmaphysik

A. Loarte, M. Hosokawa, A. Polevoi, P. de Vries, F. Köchl, V. Parail, E. Belli, J. Candy, G. Staebler, R. Dumont, D. Zarzoso, E. Fable:
"Evaluation of tungsten transport and concentration control in ITER scenarios";
Keynote Lecture: 26th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (2016), Kyoto, Japan; 10-17-2016 - 10-22-2016.

Authors: Florian Köchl, E141-06; A. Loarte; E. de la Luna; I. Nunes; V. Parail; C. Reux; F. Rimini; JET Contributors (2016)

F. Köchl, A. Loarte, E. de la Luna, I. Nunes, V. Parail, C. Reux, F. Rimini, JET Contributors (2016) et al.:
"'Evolution and control of tungsten transport in the termination phase of JET H-mode discharges and implications for ITER";
Poster: 26th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (2016), Kyoto, Japan; 10-17-2016 - 10-22-2016.

Authors: S.H. Kim; F. M. Poli; Florian Köchl, E141-06; E. Militello-Asp; A.R. Polevoi; R. Budny; T. Casper; A. Loarte; T. Luce; Y.S. Na; M. Romanelli; M. Schneider; J. Snipes; P.C. de Vries; the ITPA Topical Group (2016)

S. Kim, F. Poli, F. Köchl, E. Militello-Asp, A. Polevoi, R. Budny, T. Casper, A. Loarte, T. Luce, Y. Na, M. Romanelli, M. Schneider, J. Snipes, P. de Vries, the ITPA Topical Group (2016) et al.:
"Development of ITER Non-Activation Phase Operation Scenarios";
Poster: 26th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (2016), Kyoto, Japan; 10-17-2016 - 10-22-2016.

Authors: C. S. Chang; S. Ku; R. Maingi, Princeton P.P.Lab; A. Loarte; V. Parail; M. Romanelli; Florian Köchl, E141-06

C. Chang, S. Ku, R. Maingi, A. Loarte, V. Parail, M. Romanelli, F. Köchl:
"Gyrokinetic projection of the divertor heat-flux width from present tokamaks to ITER";
Keynote Lecture: 26th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (2016), Kyoto, Japan; 10-17-2016 - 10-22-2016.

Authors: Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; J. Bernardi; C. Senatore; C. Scheuerlein; A. Ballarino

T. Baumgartner, M. Eisterer, J. Bernardi, C. Senatore, C. Scheuerlein, A. Ballarino:
"A-15 Inhomogeneity in Nb3Sn Wires: A Potential Leverage Point for Conductor Improvement";
Poster: FCC Week 2016, Rome, Italy; 04-11-2016 - 04-15-2016.

Authors: Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; R. Flükiger; C. Scheuerlein; A. Ballarino; L. Bottura

T. Baumgartner, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, R. Flükiger, C. Scheuerlein, A. Ballarino, L. Bottura:
"Increasing the High-Field Performance of Nb3Sn Wires by Pinning Landscape Modification";
Keynote Lecture: FCC Week 2016, Rome, Italy; 04-11-2016 - 04-15-2016.

Author: Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Eisterer:
"Angular dependence of the critical current density in coated conductors with an isotropic defect structure";
Keynote Lecture: Coated Conductors for Applications Workshop (2016), Aspen, USA; 09-11-2016 - 09-14-2016.

Author: Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Eisterer:
"Peaks in the angular dependence of the critical current density resulting from non-correlated pinning";
Keynote Lecture: Applied Superconductivity Conference, CCA 2016 Workshop, Denver, USA; 09-04-2016 - 09-09-2016.

Author: Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Eisterer:
"Magnetization measurements of superconducting properties";
Keynote Lecture: Vortrag bei Projekttreffen, Geneva, Switzerland (invited); 09-01-2016 - 09-02-2016.

Author: Mayraluna Lao, E141-06

M. Lao:
"Vortex pinning in PLD-grown YBCO on ABAD-YSZ stainless steel template with BaHfO3 and Ba2Y(Nb/Ta)O6 additions";
Poster: International workshop on coated conductors for applications 2016, Aspen, USA; 09-11-2016 - 09-14-2016.

Author: Mayraluna Lao, E141-06

M. Lao:
"Grain boundaries in coated conductors: still an issue at low temperatures?";
Keynote Lecture: Applied Superconductivity Conference 2016, Denver, USA; 09-04-2016 - 09-09-2016.

Authors: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Michael Bacak, E141-04; Stefan Baumgartner, E141-04; Bernhard Berger, E141-04; Joachim Bosina, E141-04; Jacqueline Erhart, E141-04; Christoph Gösselsberger, E141-04; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; Stefan Haas, E141-04; Philip Haiden, E141-04; M. Horvath, E141-04; Christine Klauser, E141-04 [ILL]; Michael Klopf, E141-04; Wilfried Mach, E141-04; R. Maix, E141-06; Robert Raab, E141-04; Heiko Saul, E141; Xianzun Wang, E141-04; Johann Zmeskal, SMI Wien; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

G. Konrad, E. Jericha, M. Bacak, S. Baumgartner, B. Berger, J. Bosina, J. Erhart, Ch. Gösselsberger, H. Fillunger, S Haas, P. Haiden, M. Horvath, C. Klauser, M. Klopf, W. Mach, R. Maix, R. Raab, H. Saul, X. Wang, J Zmeskal, H. Abele:
"The Proton Electron Radiation Channel PERC at FRM II";
Poster: Symposium "Future Possible Use of Neutron and Synchrotron Sources", Graz; 09-15-2016 - 09-16-2016.

More information

Authors: Joachim Bosina, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Clement Brousse, SMI Wien; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; Michael Klopf, E141-04; Mario Pitschmann, E141-04; Torsten Soldner, ILL; Ken Suzuki, SMI Wien; Xianzun Wang, E141-04; Johann Zmeskal, SMI Wien; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04

J. Bosina, H. Abele, C Brousse, H. Fillunger, M. Klopf, M. Pitschmann, T. Soldner, K Suzuki, X. Wang, J Zmeskal, G. Konrad:
"NoMoS: Realization of an RxB drift momentum spectrometer";
Poster: Humboldt Kolleg "From the Vacuum to the Universe", Kitzbühel (invited); 06-26-2016 - 07-01-2016.

Authors: Mayraluna Lao, E141-06; Johannes Hecher, E141-06; Patrick Pahlke; M. Sieger; R. Hühne; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Lao, J. Hecher, P. Pahlke, M. Sieger, R. Hühne, M. Eisterer:
"Limiting effect of grain boundaries in PLD-YBCO coated conductors at low temperatures";
Talk: 5th International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism (2016), Fethiye, Turkey; 04-24-2016 - 04-30-2016.

Author: Johannes Hecher, E141-06

J. Hecher:
"Experimental and theoretical investigation of the connection between small grains and large transport currents in Ba122 polycrystals";
Talk: 5th International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism (2016), Fethiye, Turkey; 04-24-2016 - 04-30-2016.

Author: Mayraluna Lao, E141-06

M. Lao:
"Grain boundary limited critical current density in transport measurement of PLD-YBCO coated conductors";
Poster: WE-Heraeus Seminar: Superconducting materials on their way from physics to applications (2016), Bad Honnef, Germany; 02-18-2016 - 02-20-2016.

Author: Mayraluna Lao, E141-06

M. Lao:
"Magnetic and transport studies on PLD-YBCO on metallic substrates";
Talk: IMW Seminar (2016), Dresden, Germany (invited); 04-12-2016 - 04-15-2016.

Author: Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Eisterer:
"Neutron Irradiation investigation on HTS tapes";
Keynote Lecture: AMT WPMAG 2016 Review Meeting, Frascati, Italy; 02-09-2016 - 02-11-2016.

Authors: Joachim Bosina, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; Xianzun Wang, E141-04; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04

J. Bosina, H. Abele, H. Fillunger, X. Wang, G. Konrad:
"NoMoS: realization of a RxB drift momentum spectrometer";
Talk: 2nd Status Meeting - DFG Priority Programme 1491, Wildbad Kreuth, Germany; 11-03-2015 - 11-06-2015.

Authors: Joachim Bosina, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; Michael Klopf, E141-04; Torsten Soldner, ILL; K. Suzuki; Mario Pitschmann, E141-04; Xianzun Wang, E141-04; J. Zmeskal; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04

J. Bosina, H. Abele, H. Fillunger, M. Klopf, T. Soldner, K. Suzuki, M. Pitschmann, X. Wang, J. Zmeskal, G. Konrad:
"NoMoS: Beyond the Standard Model Physics in Neutron Decay";
Poster: SMI SAB Meeting 2015, Vienna, Austria; 09-29-2015 - 09-30-2015.

Author: Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Eisterer:
"Current Flow in Polycrystalline Iron-Based Superconductors Assessed by Scanning Hall Probe Microscopy";
Keynote Lecture: International Symposium on Superconductivity (2015), Tokyo, Japan (invited); 11-16-2015 - 11-18-2015.

Author: Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Eisterer:
"Granularity effects in coated conductors: investigations by neutron irradiation and high-resolution Hall scanning experiments";
Keynote Lecture: International Conference on Advanced Materials (2015), Jeju, South Korea (invited); 10-25-2015 - 10-29-2015.

Author: Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Eisterer:
"Granularity vs. vortex pinning: actual performance limitation of coated conductors as function of field, temperature and orientation";
Keynote Lecture: EUCAS 2015, Lyon, France; 09-06-2015 - 09-10-2015.

Author: Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Eisterer:
"2D Auswertung von TapeStar Messungen";
Keynote Lecture: Projektbesprechung mit THEVA (im Rahmen von EUROTAPES), Munich, Germany; 08-10-2015.

Author: Mayraluna Lao, E141-06

M. Lao:
"Critical current in PLD-YBCO coated conductors investigated by high-resolution Hall scan measurements";
Poster: EUCAS 2015, Lyon, France; 09-06-2015 - 09-10-2015.

Author: Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06

T. Baumgartner:
"Overcoming the Adverse Effects of Granularity on the Critical Current Density in Iron-Based Superconductors";
Poster: EUCAS 2015, Lyon, France; 09-06-2015 - 09-10-2015.

Author: Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Eisterer:
"Recent neutron irradiation experiments on HTS coated conductors and Nb3Sn wires";
Keynote Lecture: Workshop on Radiation Effects in Superconducting Magnet Materials 2015 (RESMM'15), East Lansing, USA; 05-10-2015 - 05-14-2015.

Author: Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Eisterer:
"Pecularities of MgB2";
Keynote Lecture: MRS Spring Meeting 2015, San Francisco, USA; 04-06-2015 - 04-10-2015.

Author: Johannes Hecher, E141-06

J. Hecher:
"Modeling inter- and intra-granular current transport in Ba-122 polycrystals based on the data of high resolution Hall-scans";
Keynote Lecture: MRS Spring Meeting 2015, San Francisco, USA; 04-05-2015 - 04-10-2015.

Author: Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06

T. Baumgartner:
"Pushing the Limits of Nb3Sn";
Keynote Lecture: MRS Spring Meeting 2015, San Francisco, USA (invited); 04-08-2015.

Author: Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Eisterer:
"Summary of TUW contributions";
Keynote Lecture: Abschlusstreffen von SUPERIRON, Workshop, Tokyo, Japan; 03-10-2015 - 03-11-2015.

Author: Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Eisterer:
"Work Package 5 Progress Report";
Keynote Lecture: ES Vorbereitungstreffen zum M30 EUROTAPES Projekttreffen, Barcelona, Spain; 02-10-2015 - 02-11-2015.

Author: Mayraluna Lao, E141-06

M. Lao:
"Critical current anisotropy of GdBCO tapes grownon ISD-MgO substrate";
Keynote Lecture: CCA 2014 - International Workshop on Coated Conductors for Applications 2014, Jeju City, Südkorea; 12-02-2014.

Authors: David Fischer, E141-06; Rainer Prokopec, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

D. Fischer, R. Prokopec, H. W. Weber, M. Eisterer:
"Superconducting properties of irradiated GdBCO coated conductor tapes";
Keynote Lecture: CCA 2014, Vienna, Austria; 12-02-2014.

Authors: David Fischer, E141-06; Rainer Prokopec, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

D. Fischer, R. Prokopec, H. W. Weber, M. Eisterer:
"Superconducting properties of irradiated GdBCO coated conductor tapes";
Keynote Lecture: CCA 2014 - International Workshop on Coated Conductors for Applications 2014, Jeju City, Südkorea; 12-02-2014.

Authors: Rainer Prokopec, E141-06; Dominik Fischer, E141-02; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

R. Prokopec, D. Fischer, M. Eisterer:
"Neutron Irradiation Investigation on HTS tapes";
Keynote Lecture: WP14-MAG-AMT Final Review Meeting, Garching, Germany; 12-12-2014.

Author: Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Eisterer:
"Coated conductors for fusion applications";
Keynote Lecture: Seminarvortrag, Seoul, South Korea (invited); 11-27-2014.

Author: Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Eisterer:
"Magnetic characterization of coated conductors";
Keynote Lecture: International Workshop on Coated Conductors for Applications, Jeju, South Korea (invited); 11-30-2014 - 12-03-2014.

Author: Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Eisterer:
"Next Generation HTS Wires";
Keynote Lecture: Besprechung für einen H2020 Antrag, Genua, Italy; 09-16-2014.

Author: Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Eisterer:
"Understanding high critical current densities in weak-linked polycrystalline Ba-122";
Keynote Lecture: Applied Superconductivity Conference 2014, Charlotte, USA; 08-10-2014 - 08-15-2014.

Author: Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Eisterer:
"Granularity effects in high-temperature superconductors: MgB2 and iron based compounds";
Keynote Lecture: START 2014: International Dissemination Conference, Kiew, Ukraine (invited); 06-26-2014 - 06-27-2014.

Author: Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Eisterer:
"High fluence neutron irradiation of coated conductors and Nb3Sn";
Keynote Lecture: Kick-off-meeting EUROFUSION PPPT PMP WPMAG 2014, Karlsruhe, Germany; 05-27-2014.

Author: Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Eisterer:
"Superconductors for Fusion Magnets";
Keynote Lecture: Superconductivity for Energy Conference 2014, Paestum, Italy (invited); 05-15-2014 - 05-19-2014.

Author: Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Eisterer:
"High fluence neutron irradiation of coated conductors";
Keynote Lecture: Workshop on Radiation Effects in Superconducting Magnets and Materials 2014, Wroclaw, Poland; 05-12-2014 - 05-15-2014.

Author: Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Eisterer:
"Improving Superconductors by Fast Neutron Irradiation";
Keynote Lecture: International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism 2014, Antalya, Turkey (invited); 04-27-2014 - 05-02-2014.

Author: Ventsislav Mishev, E141-06

V. Mishev:
"Anisotropy of the in-plane critical currents in Ba-122 based single crystals";
Keynote Lecture: 2nd Super-Iron Student Workshop, Tsukuba, Japan; 04-06-2014 - 04-08-2014.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"Study of coated conductors for high field applications in a radiation environment";
Keynote Lecture: Applied Superconductivity Conference, Charlotte, USA; 07-25-2014 - 08-16-2014.

Author: Johannes Hecher, E141-06

J. Hecher:
"Modelling granularity in iron based superconductors";
Keynote Lecture: 2nd Super-Iron Student Workshop, Tsukuba, Japan; 04-05-2014 - 04-11-2014.

Author: Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06

T. Baumgartner:
"Effects of Fast Neutron Irradiation on State-of-the-Art Nb3Sn Wires";
Keynote Lecture: Workshop on Radiation Effects in Superconducting Magnets and Materials 2014, Wroclaw, Poland; 05-11-2014 - 05-15-2014.

Author: Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06

T. Baumgartner:
"Investigating the Pinning Force Contribution of Irradiation Induced Defects in State-of-the-Art Nb3Sn Wires";
Keynote Lecture: 4th International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism, Antalya, Turkey; 04-27-2014 - 05-02-2014.

Authors: Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Johannes Hecher, E141-06

M. Zehetmayer, J. Hecher:
"How the macroscopic current in a superconductor correlates with the microscopic flux-line distribution";
Keynote Lecture: CIMTEC 2014, Montecatini, Italy (invited); 06-15-2014 - 06-19-2014.

Authors: Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Johannes Hecher, E141-06

M. Zehetmayer, J. Hecher:
"On the defects in the flux-line-lattice of a superconductor: an experimental study by scanning tunneling spectroscopy";
Keynote Lecture: ICSM 2014, Antalya, Turkey; 04-27-2014 - 05-02-2014.

Authors: Wolfgang Seeböck, E141-06; Ventsislav Mishev, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; K. Iida; F. Kurth; B. Holzapfel

W. Seeböck, V. Mishev, M. Eisterer, K. Iida, F. Kurth, B. Holzapfel:
"Critical current anisotropy in Co-doped Ba122 thin films";
Keynote Lecture: 2nd Super-Iron Student Workshop, Tsukuba, Japan; 04-06-2014 - 04-08-2014.

Author: Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Eisterer:
"Workpackage 7 progress report";
Keynote Lecture: Offizielles 18 Monatstreffen von EUROTAPES, Barcelona, Spain; 03-04-2014 - 03-07-2014.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Rainer Prokopec, E141-06; Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06

M. Eisterer, R. Prokopec, T. Baumgartner:
"High fluence neutron irradiationof coated conductors";
Keynote Lecture: Second HTS4 Fusion Conductor Workshop, PSI, 2014, Villingen, Switzerland; 01-22-2014 - 01-24-2014.

Authors: I. Voitsekhovitch; J. Garcia; B. Baiocchi; E. Barbato; P. Belo; J.P.S. Bizarro; J. Citrin; E. Fable, MPI für Plasmaphysik; J. Ferreira; L. Garzotti; J. Hobirk; G.M.D. Hogeweij; I. Ivanova-Stanik; E. Joffrin; Florian Köchl, E141-06; X. Litaudon; S. Moradi; F. Nabais; A. Polevoi; R. Stankiewicz; G. Telesca; R. Zagorski; the ITEM-TF ITER Group 2013

I. Voitsekhovitch, J. Garcia, B. Baiocchi, E. Barbato, P. Belo, J. Bizarro, J. Citrin, E. Fable, J. Ferreira, L. Garzotti, J. Hobirk, G. Hogeweij, I. Ivanova-Stanik, E. Joffrin, F. Köchl, X. Litaudon, S. Moradi, F. Nabais, A. Polevoi, R. Stankiewicz, G. Telesca, R. Zagorski, the ITEM-TF ITER Group 2013 et al.:
"Modelling of ITER hybrid and H-mode scenarios";
Keynote Lecture: Seminar of the ITER POP Directorate 2013, Saint-Paul-les-Durance, France (invited); 08-30-2013.

Authors: I. Voitsekhovitch; J. Garcia; J.F. Artaud; B. Baiocchi; Y. Baranov; E. Barbato; V. Basiuk; P. Belo; J.P.S. Bizarro; T. Bolzonella; J. Citrin; J. van Dongen; E. Fable, MPI für Plasmaphysik; F. Felici; J. Ferreira; A. Figueiredo; L. Garzotti; G.M.D. Hogeweij; P. Huynh; I. Ivanova-Stanik; Florian Köchl, E141-06; X. Litaudon; A. Merle; Asp Militello; S. Moradi; D. Moreau; F. Nabais; F. Nave; S. Nowak; O. Sauter; P. Siren; M. Schneider; R. Stankiewicz; P. Strand; G. Telesca; J. Urban

I. Voitsekhovitch, J. Garcia, J. Artaud, B. Baiocchi, Y. Baranov, E. Barbato, V. Basiuk, P. Belo, J. Bizarro, T. Bolzonella, J. Citrin, J. van Dongen, E. Fable, F. Felici, J. Ferreira, A. Figueiredo, L. Garzotti, G. Hogeweij, P. Huynh, I. Ivanova-Stanik, F. Köchl, X. Litaudon, A. Merle, A. Militello, S. Moradi, D. Moreau, F. Nabais, F. Nave, S. Nowak, O. Sauter, P. Siren, M. Schneider, R. Stankiewicz, P. Strand, G. Telesca, J. Urban:
"Integrated Scenario Modelling - ITER Scenario Modelling activities 2012-2013";
Keynote Lecture: CCFE Physics Meeting 2013, Culham, UK; 06-21-2013.

Authors: I. Voitsekhovitch; P. Belo; J.P.S. Bizarro; J. Citrin; J. Garcia; L. Garzotti; J. Hobirk; G.M.D. Hogeweij; I. Ivanova-Stanik; Florian Köchl, E141-06; X. Litaudon; A. Polevoi; the ITEM-TF ITER Group 2013

I. Voitsekhovitch, P. Belo, J. Bizarro, J. Citrin, J. Garcia, L. Garzotti, J. Hobirk, G. Hogeweij, I. Ivanova-Stanik, F. Köchl, X. Litaudon, A. Polevoi, the ITEM-TF ITER Group 2013 et al.:
"Modelling of particle transport and density effects in present experiments and projection to ITER";
Keynote Lecture: 10th ITPA IOS-TG Meeting, ITER-IO HQ 2013, Saint-Paul-les-Durance, France (invited); 04-15-2013 - 04-18-2013.

Authors: I. Voitsekhovitch; P. Belo; J. Citrin; E. Fable, MPI für Plasmaphysik; J. Ferreira; J. Garcia; L. Garzotti; J. Hobirk; G.M.D. Hogeweij; E. Joffrin; Florian Köchl, E141-06; X. Litaudon; S. Moradi; F. Nabais; JET EFDA Contributors 2013; the ITEM-TF ITER Group 2013

I. Voitsekhovitch, P. Belo, J. Citrin, E. Fable, J. Ferreira, J. Garcia, L. Garzotti, J. Hobirk, G. Hogeweij, E. Joffrin, F. Köchl, X. Litaudon, S. Moradi, F. Nabais, JET EFDA Contributors 2013, the ITEM-TF ITER Group 2013 et al.:
"Modelling of JET hybrid scenarios with GLF23 transport model: ExB shear stabilisation of anomalous transport";
Keynote Lecture: ITM-TF Modelling Working Session 2013, Culham, UK; 12-02-2013 - 12-06-2013.

Authors: M. Valovic; L. Garzotti; C. Gurl; J. Figueiredo; Florian Köchl, E141-06; C. Roach; S. Saarelma; the MAST Team (2013)

M. Valovic, L. Garzotti, C. Gurl, J. Figueiredo, F. Köchl, C. Roach, S. Saarelma, the MAST Team (2013) et al.:
"Post-pellet particle transport in MAST";
Keynote Lecture: 10th ITPA T&C Meeting, Garching, Germany (invited); 04-22-2013 - 04-24-2013.

Authors: Y. Turkin; C.D. Beidler; J. Baldzuhn; Florian Köchl, E141-06; H. Maaßberg

Y. Turkin, C. Beidler, J. Baldzuhn, F. Köchl, H. Maaßberg:
"Density Control in Wendelstein 7-X by Pellet Injection";
Poster: 19th Int. Stellarator and Heliotron Workshop 2013, Padova, Italy; 09-16-2013 - 09-20-2013.

Authors: G. Szepesi; P. Mantica; G. Staebler; J. Candy; M. Romanelli; G. Corrigan; D. Harting; A. Capel; T. Koskela; Florian Köchl, E141-06; C. Marchetto; P. Abreu

G. Szepesi, P. Mantica, G. Staebler, J. Candy, M. Romanelli, G. Corrigan, D. Harting, A. Capel, T. Koskela, F. Köchl, C. Marchetto, P. Abreu:
"Status update on the JETTO-TGLF development and modelling";
Keynote Lecture: JET core modelling session, JET 2013, Culham, UK; 10-28-2013 - 11-08-2013.

Authors: M. Romanelli; V. Parail; G. Corrigan; S. Wiesen; D. Harting; Florian Köchl, E141-06; L. Lauro-Taroni; A. Salmi; P. Strand; F. Nave; S. Pamela; G. Szepesi; M. Mattei; R. Ambrosino; L. Garzotti; P. da Silva Aresta Belo; T. Koskela; Asp Militello; C. Marchetto; JET EFDA Contributors 2013

M. Romanelli, V. Parail, G. Corrigan, S. Wiesen, D. Harting, F. Köchl, L. Lauro-Taroni, A. Salmi, P. Strand, F. Nave, S. Pamela, G. Szepesi, M. Mattei, R. Ambrosino, L. Garzotti, P. da Silva Aresta Belo, T. Koskela, A. Militello, C. Marchetto, JET EFDA Contributors 2013 et al.:
"JINTRAC: A system of codes for Integrated Simulation of Tokamak Scenarios";
Keynote Lecture: 23rd Int. Toki Conference (ITC-23) 2013, Gifu, Japan; 11-18-2013 - 11-21-2013.

Authors: M. Romanelli; Asp Militello; V. Parail; A. Jarvinen; T. Koskela; S. Moradi; Florian Köchl, E141-06; P. Belo; I. Voitsekhovitch; P. Siren; G. Szepesi; C. Marchetto; E. Joffrin; M. Valisa; P. Mantica; C. Angioni, MPI für Plasmaphysik; C. Maggi; M.N.A. Beurskens; M. Groth; P. de Vries; J. Hobirk; JET EFDA Contributors 2013

M. Romanelli, A. Militello, V. Parail, A. Jarvinen, T. Koskela, S. Moradi, F. Köchl, P. Belo, I. Voitsekhovitch, P. Siren, G. Szepesi, C. Marchetto, E. Joffrin, M. Valisa, P. Mantica, C. Angioni, C. Maggi, M. Beurskens, M. Groth, P. de Vries, J. Hobirk, JET EFDA Contributors 2013 et al.:
"JET with ILW Transport and Confinement - Preliminary Modelling Results";
Keynote Lecture: 2nd JT60SA RTO meeting 2013, Naka, Japan; 05-08-2013 - 05-10-2013.

Authors: M. Romanelli; J. Hobirk; C. Maggi; M.N.A. Beurskens; T. Koskela; G. Szepesi; P. Mantica; M. Valisa; C. Angioni, MPI für Plasmaphysik; Florian Köchl, E141-06; V. Parail; Asp Militello; J.P.S. Bizarro; I. Voitsekhovitch; L. Garzotti; P. Belo; H.T. Kim; C. Challis; C. Giroud; P. Siren; L. Lauro-Taroni

M. Romanelli, J. Hobirk, C. Maggi, M. Beurskens, T. Koskela, G. Szepesi, P. Mantica, M. Valisa, C. Angioni, F. Köchl, V. Parail, A. Militello, J. Bizarro, I. Voitsekhovitch, L. Garzotti, P. Belo, H. Kim, C. Challis, C. Giroud, P. Siren, L. Lauro-Taroni:
"Impact of ILW on core transport of JET hybrid and baseline scenario plasmas";
Keynote Lecture: JET core modelling session, JET 2013, Culham, UK; 10-28-2013 - 11-08-2013.

Authors: V. Parail; G. Corrigan; P. da Silva Aresta Belo; E. de la Luna; D. Harting; Florian Köchl, E141-06; T. Koskela; A.G. Meigs; Asp Militello; M. Romanelli; M. Tsalas; JET EFDA Contributors 2013

V. Parail, G. Corrigan, P. da Silva Aresta Belo, E. de la Luna, D. Harting, F. Köchl, T. Koskela, A.G. Meigs, A. Militello, M. Romanelli, M. Tsalas, JET EFDA Contributors 2013 et al.:
"Coupled core-SOL modelling of W accumulation in JET H-mode plasmas with ITER-like wall";
Keynote Lecture: JET-EFDA TF E1/E2 Meeting, Culham, UK; 11-21-2013.

Authors: V. Parail; P. Belo; G. Corrigan; L. Garzotti; C. Giroud; D. Harting; Florian Köchl, E141-06; T. Koskela; G. Maddison; Asp Militello; M. Romanelli; JET EFDA Contributors 2013

V. Parail, P. Belo, G. Corrigan, L. Garzotti, C. Giroud, D. Harting, F. Köchl, T. Koskela, G. Maddison, A. Militello, M. Romanelli, JET EFDA Contributors 2013 et al.:
"Full core-SOL JINTRAC modelling of JET H-mode plasma with N-seeding and ILW";
Keynote Lecture: 10th ITPA IOS-TG Meeting, ITER-IO HQ 2013, Saint-Paul-les-Durance, France (invited); 04-15-2013 - 04-18-2013.

Authors: V. Parail; P. Belo; G. Corrigan; L. Garzotti; Florian Köchl, E141-06; T. Koskela; Asp Militello; M. Romanelli

V. Parail, P. Belo, G. Corrigan, L. Garzotti, F. Köchl, T. Koskela, A. Militello, M. Romanelli:
"The JINTRAC modelling of JET ILW N-seeding experiments";
Keynote Lecture: JET-EFDA TF E1/E2 Meeting, Culham, UK; 03-14-2013.

Authors: C. Marchetto; Florian Köchl, E141-06; T. Hender; M. Romanelli

C. Marchetto, F. Köchl, T. Hender, M. Romanelli:
"First data on effects of the island on core transport via JETTO+SANCO-NTM";
Keynote Lecture: Joint Core-MHD Modelling Meeting 2013, Culham, UK; 11-06-2013.

Authors: A. Loarte; M. Leyland; A. Polevoi; Florian Köchl, E141-06; M.N.A. Beurskens; I. Nunes; G. Saibene; R. Sartori; JET EFDA Contributors 2013

A. Loarte, M. Leyland, A. Polevoi, F. Köchl, M. Beurskens, I. Nunes, G. Saibene, R. Sartori, JET EFDA Contributors 2013 et al.:
"JET H-L transitions and extrapolation to ITER";
Keynote Lecture: JET Science Meeting on L-H and H-L transitions, JET 2013, Culham, UK (invited); 12-16-2013.

Authors: X. Litaudon; I. Voitsekhovitch; J.F. Artaud; P. Belo; J.P.S. Bizarro; T. Casper; J. Citrin; E. Fable, MPI für Plasmaphysik; J. Ferreira; J. Garcia; L. Garzotti; G. Giruzzi; J. Hobirk; G.M.D. Hogeweij; F. Imbeaux; E. Joffrin; Florian Köchl, E141-06; F. Liu; J. Lonnroth; D. Moreau; V. Parail; M. Schneider; P.B. Snyder; ASDEX Upgrade Team; JET EFDA Contributors 2013; the ITEM-TF ITER Group 2013

X. Litaudon, I. Voitsekhovitch, J. Artaud, P. Belo, J. Bizarro, T. Casper, J. Citrin, E. Fable, J. Ferreira, J. Garcia, L. Garzotti, G. Giruzzi, J. Hobirk, G. Hogeweij, F. Imbeaux, E. Joffrin, F. Köchl, F. Liu, J. Lonnroth, D. Moreau, V. Parail, M. Schneider, P. Snyder, ASDEX Upgrade Team, JET EFDA Contributors 2013, the ITEM-TF ITER Group 2013 et al.:
"Modelling of Hybrid Scenario: from Present-Day Experiments toward ITER";
Keynote Lecture: Seminar, Marseille, France (invited); 06-04-2013.

Author: Florian Köchl, E141-06

F. Köchl:
"JETTO-SANCO ambipolarity check / JETTO-MISHKA coupling";
Keynote Lecture: JINTRAC Modelling Meeting, JET 2013, Culham, UK; 08-09-2013.

Author: Florian Köchl, E141-06

F. Köchl:
"Fuelling and particle transport in ITER and DEMO";
Keynote Lecture: Low-Temperature Physics Seminar, Vienna, Austria; 12-16-2013.

Authors: Florian Köchl, E141-06; JET Integrated M. Group 2013

F. Köchl, JET Integrated M. Group 2013 et al.:
"Density Control for DEMO";
Keynote Lecture: 21st European Fusion Physics Workshop, Sorup Herregaard, Denmark (invited); 12-09-2013 - 12-11-2013.

Author: Florian Köchl, E141-06

F. Köchl:
"PROCESS DEMO1 simulations with JETTO+SANCO";
Keynote Lecture: ITM-TF Modelling Working Session 2013, Culham, UK; 12-02-2013 - 12-06-2013.

Authors: Florian Köchl, E141-06; JET Integrated M. Group 2013

F. Köchl, JET Integrated M. Group 2013 et al.:
"Simulations of a C-wall / ILW baseline scenario plasma with JETTO+SANCO";
Keynote Lecture: Joint JET Core-Edge Modelling Meeting, JET 2013, Culham, UK; 10-31-2013.

Author: Florian Köchl, E141-06

F. Köchl:
"ITER Scenario Modelling - L-H / H-L transition / pellet fuelling / W transport";
Keynote Lecture: Seminar of the ITER POP Directorate 2013, Saint-Paul-les-Durance, France (invited); 10-18-2013.

Author: Florian Köchl, E141-06

F. Köchl:
"Implementation of tools / plan of scenario modelling activities for GRT-502";
Keynote Lecture: F4e-Grt-502/kom, Iter, Saint-Paul-les-Durance, France; 09-09-2013.

Authors: Florian Köchl, E141-06; R. Albanese; G. Ambrosino; Asp Militello; P. Belo; G. Corrigan; L. Garzotti; D. Harting; G. Huijsmans; T. Koskela; P.T. Lang, MPI für Plasmaphysik; J. Lonnroth; E. de la Luna; M. Mattei; F. Maviglia; V. Parail; F. Rimini; M. Romanelli; G. Saibene; E.R. Solano; M. Valovic; I. Voitsekhovitch; A.J. Webster; JET EFDA Contributors 2013; the ITEM-TF ITER Group 2013

F. Köchl, R. Albanese, G. Ambrosino, A. Militello, P. Belo, G. Corrigan, L. Garzotti, D. Harting, G. Huijsmans, T. Koskela, P. Lang, J. Lonnroth, E. de la Luna, M. Mattei, F. Maviglia, V. Parail, F. Rimini, M. Romanelli, G. Saibene, E. Solano, M. Valovic, I. Voitsekhovitch, A. Webster, JET EFDA Contributors 2013, the ITEM-TF ITER Group 2013 et al.:
"Integrated core+edge+MHD modelling of ELM mitigation at JET";
Keynote Lecture: EFDA ITM-TF ISM meeting, Culham, UK; 07-26-2013.

Authors: Florian Köchl, E141-06; R. Albanese; R. Ambrosino; G. Corrigan; L. Garzotti; H.S. Kim; J. Lonnroth; P.T. Lang, MPI für Plasmaphysik; E. de la Luna; M. Mattei; F. Maviglia; D.C. McDonald; V. Parail; F. Rimini; G. Saibene; E.R. Solano; M. Valovic; I. Voitsekhovitch; A.J. Webster; S. Wiesen; JET EFDA Contributors 2013; the ITEM-TF ITER Group 2013

F. Köchl, R. Albanese, R. Ambrosino, G. Corrigan, L. Garzotti, H. Kim, J. Lonnroth, P. Lang, E. de la Luna, M. Mattei, F. Maviglia, D. McDonald, V. Parail, F. Rimini, G. Saibene, E. Solano, M. Valovic, I. Voitsekhovitch, A. Webster, S. Wiesen, JET EFDA Contributors 2013, the ITEM-TF ITER Group 2013 et al.:
"Core-SOL Modelling of ELM mitigation at JET";
Keynote Lecture: 2nd ISM WS, CEA, 2013, Cadarache, France; 06-03-2013 - 06-07-2013.

Authors: Florian Köchl, E141-06; JET Integrated M. Group 2013

F. Köchl, JET Integrated M. Group 2013 et al.:
"IOS-TG Ramp-up simulation Task: C - Be/W JINTRAC modelling of ohmic / ICRH assisted current ramp-up at JET in C wall vs. ILW conditions";
Keynote Lecture: 10th ITPA IOS-TG Meeting, ITER-IO HQ 2013, Saint-Paul-les-Durance, France (invited); 04-15-2013 - 04-18-2013.

Authors: Florian Köchl, E141-06; M. Romanelli; A. Jaervinen; T. Koskela; C. Marchetto; P. Siren; G. Szepesi

F. Köchl, M. Romanelli, A. Jaervinen, T. Koskela, C. Marchetto, P. Siren, G. Szepesi:
"Comparison of transport and confinement in JET C and ILW (Be+W) discharges: JETTO+SANCO predictive simulations";
Keynote Lecture: JET edge/core modelling meeting, JET 2013, Culham, UK; 04-12-2013.

Authors: Florian Köchl, E141-06; JET Integrated M. Group 2013

F. Köchl, JET Integrated M. Group 2013 et al.:
"JINTRAC course - Introduction to core modelling with JETTO+SANCO";
Keynote Lecture: JINTRAC tutorial, JET Core TMW, JET 2013, Culham, UK (invited); 04-09-2013.

Authors: Florian Köchl, E141-06; V. Parail; G. Sips; JET Integrated M. Group 2013

F. Köchl, V. Parail, G. Sips, JET Integrated M. Group 2013 et al.:
"JINTRAC modelling of ohmic / ICRH assisted current ramp-up at JET in C wall vs. ILW conditions";
Keynote Lecture: JET-EFDA TF E1/E2 Meeting, Culham, UK; 04-09-2013.

Authors: Florian Köchl, E141-06; I. Voitsekhovitch

F. Köchl, I. Voitsekhovitch:
"ITER H-mode scenario with GLF23: impact of electromagnetic effects on fusion performance, effect of radiation";
Keynote Lecture: ITM-TF Modelling Working Session 2013, Garching, Germany; 03-11-2013 - 03-15-2013.

Author: Florian Köchl, E141-06

F. Köchl:
"JINTRAC simulations of "ITER-like" pellet injection at JET with plasmoid drift ELM trigger model";
Keynote Lecture: ITER Modelling Meeting, JET IMG 2013, Culham, UK; 02-01-2013.

Authors: Florian Köchl, E141-06; V. Parail; B. Pégourié

F. Köchl, V. Parail, B. Pégourié:
"Scenario modelling incl. pellet fuelling and ELM mitigation for ITER";
Keynote Lecture: Seminar of the ITER POP Directorate 2013, Saint-Paul-les-Durance, France (invited); 01-24-2013.

Authors: I. Ivanova-Stanik; Florian Köchl, E141-06; I. Voitsekhovitch

I. Ivanova-Stanik, F. Köchl, I. Voitsekhovitch:
"Integrated core-pedestal-SOL modelling for H-mode ITER scenario including impurity (Be, C, W, ...)";
Keynote Lecture: EFDA ITM-TF ISM meeting, Culham, UK; 02-20-2013.

Authors: I. Ivanova-Stanik; Florian Köchl, E141-06; I. Voitsekhovitch; A. Polevoi; R. Telesca; R. Zagorski; the ITEM-TF ITER Group 2013

I. Ivanova-Stanik, F. Köchl, I. Voitsekhovitch, A. Polevoi, R. Telesca, R. Zagorski, the ITEM-TF ITER Group 2013 et al.:
"Integrated core-SOL-divertor simulations of ITER H-mode scenarios with different pedestal density";
Keynote Lecture: EFDA ITM-TF ISM meeting, Culham, UK; 09-04-2013.

Authors: G. Huijsmans; S. Futatani; A. Loarte; L. Baylor; Florian Köchl, E141-06; I. Lupelli; M. Lennholm

G. Huijsmans, S. Futatani, A. Loarte, L. Baylor, F. Köchl, I. Lupelli, M. Lennholm:
"Non-linear MHD Simulation of Pellet-triggered ELMs";
Poster: 14th Int. Workshop on H-mode Physics and Transport Barriers 2013, Fukuoka, Japan; 10-02-2013 - 10-04-2013.

Authors: G.M.D. Hogeweij; G. Calabro; C. Maggi; N.C. Hawkes; E. Joffrin; A. Loarte; A.C.C. Sips; F. Rimini; E. Barbato; M.N.A. Beurskens; M. Brix; E. Delabie; I. Carvalho; G.M. de Tommasi; D. Frigione; Florian Köchl, E141-06; F. Maviglia; J. Mlynar; T. Puetterich; E.R. Solano; C. Sozzi; I. Voitsekhovitch; JET EFDA Contributors 2013; the ITEM-TF ITER Group 2013

G. Hogeweij, G. Calabro, C. Maggi, N. Hawkes, E. Joffrin, A. Loarte, A.C.C. Sips, F. Rimini, E. Barbato, M. Beurskens, M. Brix, E. Delabie, I. Carvalho, G. de Tommasi, D. Frigione, F. Köchl, F. Maviglia, J. Mlynar, T. Puetterich, E. Solano, C. Sozzi, I. Voitsekhovitch, JET EFDA Contributors 2013, the ITEM-TF ITER Group 2013 et al.:
"Tungsten peaking in JET current ramp-up and consequences for ITER";
Keynote Lecture: 11th ITPA IOS-TG Meeting 2013, Fukuoka, Japan (invited); 10-07-2013 - 10-10-2013.

Authors: D. Hogewij; G. Calabro; C. Maggi; N.C. Hawkes; E. Joffrin; A. Loarte; A.C.C. Sips; F. Rimini; E. Barbato; M.N.A. Beurskens; M. Brix; E. Delabie; I. Carvalho; G.M. de Tommasi; D. Frigione; Florian Köchl, E141-06; F. Maviglia; J. Mlynar; T. Puetterich; E.R. Solano; C. Sozzi; I. Voitsekhovitch; JET EFDA Contributors 2013; the ITEM-TF ITER Group 2013

D. Hogewij, G. Calabro, C. Maggi, N. Hawkes, E. Joffrin, A. Loarte, A.C.C. Sips, F. Rimini, E. Barbato, M. Beurskens, M. Brix, E. Delabie, I. Carvalho, G. de Tommasi, D. Frigione, F. Köchl, F. Maviglia, J. Mlynar, T. Puetterich, E. Solano, C. Sozzi, I. Voitsekhovitch, JET EFDA Contributors 2013, the ITEM-TF ITER Group 2013 et al.:
"Modelling of ITER-like current ramps in JET with ILW: lessons for ITER regarding H-mode and li control";
Poster: 14th Int. Workshop on H-mode Physics and Transport Barriers 2013, Fukuoka, Japan; 10-02-2013 - 10-04-2013.

Authors: A. Figueiredo; I. Voitsekhovitch; V. Basiuk; J. Ferreira; P. Huynh; I. Ivanova-Stanik; D. Kalupin; O. Sauter; P. Belo; D. Coster; T. Johnson; Florian Köchl, E141-06; B. Scott; R. Stankiewicz; P. Strand; JET EFDA Contributors 2013; the ITEM-TF ITER Group 2013

A. Figueiredo, I. Voitsekhovitch, V. Basiuk, J. Ferreira, P. Huynh, I. Ivanova-Stanik, D. Kalupin, O. Sauter, P. Belo, D. Coster, T. Johnson, F. Köchl, B. Scott, R. Stankiewicz, P. Strand, JET EFDA Contributors 2013, the ITEM-TF ITER Group 2013 et al.:
"Modelling of JET hybrid scenarios with the European Transport Solver";
Keynote Lecture: Theory and Modelling group seminar, IFPN, EURATOM-IST2013, Lisboa, Portugal; 06-28-2013.

Authors: E. de la Luna; F. Maviglia; Florian Köchl, E141-06

E. de la Luna, F. Maviglia, F. Köchl:
"ELM control and pacing physics - Ideas for experiments using kicks";
Keynote Lecture: M3-35 Kom, Jet 2013, Culham, UK; 07-31-2013.

Authors: E. Delabie; C. Maggi; T.M. Biewer; N.C. Hawkes; Florian Köchl, E141-06; F. Rimini; P. Siren; E.R. Solano; P.C. de Vries; JET EFDA Contributors 2013

E. Delabie, C. Maggi, T. Biewer, N. Hawkes, F. Köchl, F. Rimini, P. Siren, E. Solano, P. de Vries, JET EFDA Contributors 2013 et al.:
"Analysis of edge ion profiles and radial electric field before the L-H transition at JET";
Keynote Lecture: JET Science Meeting on L-H and H-L transitions, JET 2013, Culham, UK (invited); 12-16-2013.

Authors: M. Cavinato; G. Ambrosino; L. Figini; G. Granucci; Y.V. Gribov; Florian Köchl, E141-06; M. Mattei; V. Parail; A. Pironti; D. Ricci; G. Saibene; R. Sartori; L. Zabeo

M. Cavinato, G. Ambrosino, L. Figini, G. Granucci, Y. Gribov, F. Köchl, M. Mattei, V. Parail, A. Pironti, D. Ricci, G. Saibene, R. Sartori, L. Zabeo:
"Preparation for the operation of ITER: EU study on the plasma control system";
Keynote Lecture: 11th Int. Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology 2013, Barcelona, Spain; 09-16-2013 - 09-20-2013.

Authors: J.P.S. Bizarro; M. Romanelli; P. Belo; G. Corrigan; Florian Köchl, E141-06; T. Koskela

J. Bizarro, M. Romanelli, P. Belo, G. Corrigan, F. Köchl, T. Koskela:
"C vs. ILW core confinement for hybrid scenario";
Keynote Lecture: JET core modelling session, JET 2013, Culham, UK; 10-28-2013 - 11-08-2013.

Authors: J.P.S. Bizarro; Florian Köchl, E141-06; I. Voitsekhovitch

J. Bizarro, F. Köchl, I. Voitsekhovitch:
"Modelling of the OH Ramp-Down Phase of JET Hybrid Pulses Using JETTO with Bohm-gyro-Bohm (BgB) Transport";
Keynote Lecture: Theory and Modelling group seminar, IFPN, EURATOM-IST2013, Lisboa, Portugal; 04-05-2013.

Authors: P. Belo; V. Parail; Florian Köchl, E141-06; Asp Militello; G. Corrigan; D.C. McDonald; JET EFDA Contributors 2013

P. Belo, V. Parail, F. Köchl, A. Militello, G. Corrigan, D. McDonald, JET EFDA Contributors 2013 et al.:
"The effects of the ILW on the H-L transition";
Keynote Lecture: 10th ITPA T&C Meeting, Garching, Germany; 04-22-2013 - 04-24-2013.

Authors: J.P.S. Bizarro; Florian Köchl, E141-06; I. Voitsekhovitch

J. Bizarro, F. Köchl, I. Voitsekhovitch et al.:
"Modelling of the OH Ramp-Down Phase of JET Hybrid Pulses Using JETTO with Bohm-gyro-Bohm (BgB) Transport";
Keynote Lecture: ITM-TF Modelling Working Session 2013, Garching, Germany; 03-11-2013 - 03-15-2013.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Rainer Prokopec, E141-06

M. Eisterer, R. Prokopec:
"Determination of HTS properties after fast neutron irradiation of HTS samples";
Keynote Lecture: Final Review Meeting WP13-DAS01-MAG-HTS 2013, Garching, Germany; 12-05-2013.

Author: Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Eisterer:
"WP 7 Process scalability and quality control";
Keynote Lecture: EUROTAPES 2013, Dresden, Germany; 10-09-2013 - 10-12-2013.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Rainer Prokopec, E141-06

M. Eisterer, R. Prokopec:
"Determination of HTS properties after fast neutron irradiation of HTS samples";
Keynote Lecture: Interim Review Meeting WP13-DAS01-MAG-HTS, Garching, Germany; 10-01-2013.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Ventsislav Mishev, E141-06; Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; M. Nakajima; H. Eisaki

M. Eisterer, V. Mishev, M. Zehetmayer, M. Nakajima, H. Eisaki:
"Research Report TUW";
Keynote Lecture: EUCAS 2013, Genova, Italy; 09-15-2013 - 09-21-2013.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Ventsislav Mishev, E141-06; Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; M. Nakajima; H. Eisaki

M. Eisterer, V. Mishev, M. Zehetmayer, M. Nakajima, H. Eisaki:
"Influence of the magnetic field orientation on the in-plane critical currents in Ba-122 single crystals";
Keynote Lecture: EUCAS 2013, Genova, Italy (invited); 09-15-2013 - 09-21-2013.

Authors: Wolfgang Seeböck, E141-06; Ventsislav Mishev, E141-06; Johannes Hecher, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

W. Seeböck, V. Mishev, J. Hecher, M. Eisterer:
"WP3 Tuning of the superconducting properties";
Keynote Lecture: SUPERIRON Midterm Meeting 2013, Dresden, Germany; 05-06-2013 - 05-08-2013.

Authors: Wolfgang Seeböck, E141-06; Ventsislav Mishev, E141-06; Johannes Hecher, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

W. Seeböck, V. Mishev, J. Hecher, M. Eisterer:
"WP2 Advanced Characterization";
Keynote Lecture: SUPERIRON Midterm Meeting 2013, Dresden, Germany; 05-06-2013 - 05-08-2013.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Rainer Prokopec, E141-06; J. Emhofer, E141-04

M. Eisterer, T. Baumgartner, R. Prokopec, J. Emhofer:
"The influence of neutron irradiation on the superconducting properties of Nb3Sn wires and coated conductors";
Keynote Lecture: RESMM Workshop 2013, Tsukuba, Japan (invited); 04-13-2013 - 04-19-2013.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Ventsislav Mishev, E141-06; Wolfgang Seeböck, E141-06; K. Iida; F. Kurth; Jens Hänisch; E. Reich; B. Holzapfel

M. Eisterer, V. Mishev, W. Seeböck, K. Iida, F. Kurth, J. Hänisch, E. Reich, B. Holzapfel:
"Limitation of the critical currents in Ba-122 thin films by the in-plane component of the Lorentz force";
Keynote Lecture: MRS Spring Meeting 2013, Nizza, Frankreich; 04-01-2013 - 04-08-2013.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Rainer Prokopec, E141-06

M. Eisterer, R. Prokopec:
"Determination of HTS properties after fast neutron irradiation of HTS samples";
Keynote Lecture: Kick Off Meeting WP13-DAS01-MAG, Garching, Germany; 03-26-2013.

Author: Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Eisterer:
"WP 5 Advanced Measurements";
Keynote Lecture: EUROTAPES Project Meeting, Cambridge, GB; 03-04-2013 - 03-06-2013.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; J. Emhofer, E141-04; Rainer Prokopec, E141-06

M. Eisterer, J. Emhofer, R. Prokopec:
"Determination of HTS properties after fast neutron irradiation of HTS samples";
Keynote Lecture: Task Planning Meeting, WP13-DAS01-MAG, Garching, Germany; 01-08-2013.

Authors: A. Stangl; J. Sinclair; Y. Coulter; M. Santos; X. Hu; J. Jaroszynski; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

A. Stangl, J. Sinclair, Y. Coulter, M. Santos, X. Hu, J. Jaroszynski, H. W. Weber:
"In situ comparison between direct and magnetization critical current measurements on REBCO coated conductors";
Poster: EUCAS 2013, Genova, Italy; 09-14-2013 - 09-19-2013.

Authors: Mayraluna Lao, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; O. Stadel; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Lao, M. Eisterer, O. Stadel, H. W. Weber:
"The effect of Y2O3 and YFeO3 additions on the critical current density of YBCO coated conductors";
Poster: EUCAS 2013, Genova, Italy; 09-14-2013 - 09-19-2013.

Authors: Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; C. Scheuerlein; R. Flükiger; L. Bottura

T. Baumgartner, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, C. Scheuerlein, R. Flükiger, L. Bottura:
"A model describing the changes in volume pinning force due to radiation induced defects in state-of-the-art multifilamentary Nb3Sn wires";
Poster: EUCAS 2013, Genova, Italy; 09-14-2013 - 09-19-2013.

Authors: T.A. Prikhna, Institute for Su ...; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; W. Gawalek; V. Kovylaev; M. Karpets; T.V. Basyk; V. E. Moshchil

T. Prikhna, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, W. Gawalek, V. Kovylaev, M. Karpets, T. Basyk, V. Moshchil:
"Nanostructural inhomogeneities acting as pinning centers in bulk MgB2 with low and enhanced grain connectivity";
Keynote Lecture: EUCAS 2013, Genova, Italy; 09-14-2013 - 09-19-2013.

Authors: Yu. V. Karasev; V.I. Pantsyrny; M.V. Polikarpova; P.A. Lukianov; I.N. Gubkin; I.M. Abdukhanov; Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Rainer Prokopec, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

Y. Karasev, V.I. Pantsyrny, M. Polikarpova, P. Lukianov, I.N. Gubkin, I. Abdukhanov, T. Baumgartner, R. Prokopec, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"Study of the temperature-field dependence of the critical currents in Nb-Ti strands for the ITER poloidal field magnet system";
Poster: Int. Conference on Magnet Technology (MT-23), Boston, USA; 07-14-2013 - 07-19-2013.

Authors: T.A. Prikhna, Institute for Su ...; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; Wilfried Goldacker, Karlsruhe Instit ...; W. Gawalek; A. V. Kozyrev; X. Chaud; A. Shaternik; V. Sokolovsliy; J. Noudem

T. Prikhna, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, W. Goldacker, W. Gawalek, A. Kozyrev, X. Chaud, A. Shaternik, V. Sokolovsliy, J. Noudem:
"Pinning centers in bulk MgB2 with enhanced grain connectivity";
Keynote Lecture: Cryogenic Engineering Conference - International Cryogenic Materials Conference (CEC-ICMC 2013), Anchorage, USA; 06-17-2013 - 06-20-2013.

Authors: T.A. Prikhna, Institute for Su ...; W. Gawalek; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; Mykola Monastyrov

T. Prikhna, W. Gawalek, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, M. Monastyrov:
"Influence of oxygen and boron distribution on pinning and superconducting properties of nanostructural MgB2-based ceramics";
Poster: Materials Research Society Spring Meeting 2013, San Francisco, USA; 04-01-2013 - 04-05-2013.

Authors: Johannes Hecher, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; J.D. Weiss; J. Jiang; F. Kametani; C. Tarantini; E.E. Hellstrom; D.C. Larbalestier

J. Hecher, M. Eisterer, J.D. Weiss, J. Jiang, F. Kametani, C. Tarantini, E.E. Hellstrom, D.C. Larbalestier:
"The effect of neutron irradiation on interpreting the inter- and intra-granular currents in fine-grain potassium doped Ba122 polycrystals with high global current density";
Poster: EUCAS 2013, Genova, Italy; 09-15-2013 - 09-20-2013.

Author: Johannes Hecher, E141-06

J. Hecher:
"Magnetic granularity in iron based superconductors";
Keynote Lecture: Workshop, Bad Schandau, Germany; 05-04-2013 - 05-07-2013.

Authors: Ventsislav Mishev, E141-06; Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; M. Nakajima; H. Eisaki; Y. Takano; N.D. Zhigadlo; S. Katrych; J. Karpinski

V. Mishev, M. Zehetmayer, M. Eisterer, M. Nakajima, H. Eisaki, Y. Takano, N.D. Zhigadlo, S. Katrych, J. Karpinski:
"Study of radiation induced defects in iron based superconducting single crystals";
Keynote Lecture: EUCAS 2013, Genova, Italy; 09-15-2013 - 09-20-2013.

Author: Ventsislav Mishev, E141-06

V. Mishev:
"Magnetization measurements in oblique magnetic fields";
Keynote Lecture: Workshop, Bad Schandau, Germany; 05-04-2013 - 05-07-2013.

Authors: Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; R. Flükiger; C. Scheuerlein; L. Bottura

T. Baumgartner, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, R. Flükiger, C. Scheuerlein, L. Bottura:
"Effects of Neutron Irradiation on Pinning Force Scaling in State-of-the-ArtNb3SnWires";
Poster: EUCAS 2013, Genova, Italy; 09-15-2013 - 09-20-2013.

Authors: Wolfgang Seeböck, E141-06; V. Mishev; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; K. Iida; Jens Hänisch; B. Holzapfel

W. Seeböck, V. Mishev, M. Eisterer, K. Iida, J. Hänisch, B. Holzapfel:
"One-dimensional pinning behavior in Co-doped BaFe_2As_2 thin films";
Poster: EUCAS 2013, Genova, Italy; 09-15-2013 - 09-20-2013.

Author: Wolfgang Seeböck, E141-06

W. Seeböck:
"Critical current anisotropy in Ba-122 thin films";
Keynote Lecture: Super-iron student workshop/meeting 2013, Bad Schandau, Germany; 05-04-2013 - 05-08-2013.

Author: Rainer Prokopec, E141-06

R. Prokopec:
"Recent progress in coated conductor development";
Keynote Lecture: Assoziationstag Salzburg 2013, Salzburg, Austira; 10-17-2013 - 10-18-2013.

Authors: Jacqueline Erhart, E141-04; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; Christoph Gösselsberger, E141-04; Stefan Haas, E141-04; Philip Haiden, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Michael Klopf, E141-04; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; R. Maix, E141-06; Martin Moser, E141-04; Xianzun Wang, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

J. Erhart, H. Fillunger, Ch. Gösselsberger, S Haas, P. Haiden, E. Jericha, M. Klopf, G. Konrad, R. Maix, M. Moser, X. Wang, H. Abele:
"PERC: The future neutron beta decay facility";
Poster: Symposium "Research at European Neutron and Synchrotron facilities", Vienna, Austria; 11-11-2013 - 11-12-2013.

More information

Authors: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; Jacqueline Erhart, E141-04; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; Christoph Gösselsberger, E141-04; Stefan Haas, E141-04; Philip Haiden, E141-04; M. Horvath, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Michael Klopf, E141-04; Christine Klauser, E141-04 [ILL]; R. Maix, E141-06; Martin Moser, E141-04; Heiko Saul, E141; Xianzun Wang, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

G. Konrad, J. Erhart, H. Fillunger, Ch. Gösselsberger, S Haas, P. Haiden, M. Horvath, E. Jericha, M. Klopf, C. Klauser, R. Maix, M. Moser, H. Saul, X. Wang, H. Abele:
"Exploring Fundamental Interactions via Neutron Decay";
Poster: Symposium "Research at European Neutron and Synchrotron facilities", Vienna, Austria; 11-11-2013 - 11-12-2013.

More information

Authors: Philip Haiden, E141-04; Jacqueline Erhart, E141-04; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; M. Horvath, E141-04; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; Martin Moser, E141-04; Xianzun Wang, E141-04; Carmen Ziener, Universität Heid ...; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

P. Haiden, J. Erhart, H. Fillunger, M. Horvath, G. Konrad, M. Moser, X. Wang, C. Ziener, H. Abele et al.:
"Design of the Magnetic Shielding for PERC";
Poster: DPG spring meeting 2013 (Hadronic and Nuclear Physics), Dresden; 03-04-2013 - 03-08-2013.

More information

Authors: Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Zehetmayer, M. Eisterer:
"Probing two-band superconductivity by experiment";
Keynote Lecture: EUCAS 2013, Genova, Italy (invited); 09-15-2013 - 09-19-2013.

Authors: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; Philip Haiden, E141-04; Stefan Schwarz, E141-04; Xianzun Wang, E141-04; Jacqueline Erhart, E141-04; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; M. Horvath, E141-04

G. Konrad, P. Haiden, S Schwarz, X. Wang, J. Erhart, H. Fillunger, M. Horvath:
"Magnetic Shielding for PERC";
Talk: 1st PERC collaboration meeting 2013, FRM II, Garching; 01-24-2013 - 01-25-2013.

Authors: A.J. Webster; Florian Köchl, E141-06; F. Maviglia; G. Ambrosino; V. Parail; J. Lönnroth; F. Rimini; E. de la Luna; P.J. Lomas; M.N.A. Beurskens; JET EFDA (2012)

A. Webster, F. Köchl, F. Maviglia, G. Ambrosino, V. Parail, J. Lönnroth, F. Rimini, E. de la Luna, P. Lomas, M. Beurskens, JET EFDA (2012) et al.:
"Controlling ELMs in JET with axi-symmetric magnetic perturbations";
Poster: IOP Plasma Physics Group Annual Conference, Oxford, UK; 04-02-2012 - 04-05-2012.

Authors: I. Voitsekhovitch; P. Belo; J.P.S. Bizarro; J. Citrin; E. Fable, MPI für Plasmaphysik; J. Ferreira; J. Garcia; L. Garzotti; J. Hobrik; G.M.D. Hogeweij; E. Joffrin; Florian Köchl, E141-06; X. Litaudon; S. Moradi; P. Buratti; F. Nabais; JET EFDA (2012); ITM-TF ITER Group (2012)

I. Voitsekhovitch, P. Belo, J. Bizarro, J. Citrin, E. Fable, J. Ferreira, J. Garcia, L. Garzotti, J. Hobrik, G. Hogeweij, E. Joffrin, F. Köchl, X. Litaudon, S. Moradi, P. Buratti, F. Nabais, JET EFDA (2012), ITM-TF ITER Group (2012) et al.:
"Modelling of JET hybrid scenarios with GLF23 transport model: effect of the ExB shear and stabilization on anomalous transport";
Keynote Lecture: ITM-TF Modelling Working Session, Culham, UK; 11-19-2012 - 11-23-2012.

Authors: I. Voitsekhovitch; P. Belo; C. Bourdelle; J. Citrin; J. Garcia; L. Garzotti; E. Fable, MPI für Plasmaphysik; J. Ferreira; I. Jenkins; J. Hobirk; Florian Köchl, E141-06; X. Litaudon; J. Lönnroth; V. Parail; the ITM-TF ITER (2012) Group

I. Voitsekhovitch, P. Belo, C. Bourdelle, J. Citrin, J. Garcia, L. Garzotti, E. Fable, J. Ferreira, I. Jenkins, J. Hobirk, F. Köchl, X. Litaudon, J. Lönnroth, V. Parail, the ITM-TF ITER (2012) Group et al.:
"Modelling of JET Hybrid Scenarios";
Keynote Lecture: 8th ITPA IOS-TG Meeting, Madrid, Spain; 04-16-2012 - 04-19-2012.

Authors: M. Valovic; L. Garzotti; Florian Köchl, E141-06; P.T. Lang, MPI für Plasmaphysik; L. Baylor; A. Polevoi; H.S. Kim; V. Parail

M. Valovic, L. Garzotti, F. Köchl, P. Lang, L. Baylor, A. Polevoi, H. Kim, V. Parail:
"Open issues in pellet fuelling in ITER";
Keynote Lecture: 8th ITPA T&C Meeting, Hefei, China; 04-02-2012 - 04-05-2012.

Authors: A. Polevoi; J. Citrin; N. Hayashi; H.S. Kim; S.H. Kim; Florian Köchl, E141-06; A.S. Kukushkin; V.M. Leonov; S.Y. Medvedev; M. Murakami; Y.S. Na; J.M. Park; P.B. Snyder

A. Polevoi, J. Citrin, N. Hayashi, H. Kim, S. Kim, F. Köchl, A. Kukushkin, V. Leonov, S. Medvedev, M. Murakami, Y. Na, J. Park, P. Snyder:
"Progress Report on IOS JA-9: Optimisation of Operational Space (OS) for Long-pulse Scenarios";
Keynote Lecture: 9th ITPA IOS-TG Meeting, San Diego, USA; 10-15-2012 - 10-18-2012.

Authors: B. Pégourié; R. Sakamoto; A. Matsuyama; Florian Köchl, E141-06

B. Pégourié, R. Sakamoto, A. Matsuyama, F. Köchl:
"Pellet physics / Fuelling of reactor grade devices";
Keynote Lecture: Hungarian Plasma Physics Workshop, Debrecen, Hungary; 04-02-2012 - 04-04-2012.

Authors: V. Parail; P. Belo; G. Corrigan; Florian Köchl, E141-06; A. Loarte; G. Saibene; R. Sartori

V. Parail, P. Belo, G. Corrigan, F. Köchl, A. Loarte, G. Saibene, R. Sartori:
"Coupled core-SOL simulations of L-H and H-L transitions in ITER";
Keynote Lecture: 9th ITPA IOS-TG Meeting, San Diego, USA; 10-15-2012 - 10-18-2012.

Authors: V. Parail; R. Albanese; R. Ambrosino; J.F. Artaud; K. Besseghir; M. Cavinato; G. Corrigan; J. Garcia; L. Garzotti; Y.V. Gribov; F. Imbeaux; Florian Köchl, E141-06; C. Labate; J. B. Lister; X. Litaudon; A. Loarte; P. Maget; M. Mattei; D.C. McDonald; E. Nardon; G. Saibene; R. Sartori; J. Urban; JET EFDA (2012)

V. Parail, R. Albanese, R. Ambrosino, J. Artaud, K. Besseghir, M. Cavinato, G. Corrigan, J. Garcia, L. Garzotti, Y. Gribov, F. Imbeaux, F. Köchl, C. Labate, J. Lister, X. Litaudon, A. Loarte, P. Maget, M. Mattei, D. McDonald, E. Nardon, G. Saibene, R. Sartori, J. Urban, JET EFDA (2012) et al.:
"Self-consistent simulation of plasma scenarios for ITER using a combination of 1.5D transport codes and free boundary equilibrium codes";
Poster: 24th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, San Diego, USA; 10-08-2012 - 10-13-2012.

Authors: Y.S. Na; H.S. Kim; W.J. Lee; J. Lee; V. Parail; Florian Köchl, E141-06; L. Garzotti

Y. Na, H. Kim, W. Lee, J. Lee, V. Parail, F. Köchl, L. Garzotti:
"ELM Modelling with Pellet Injection - JINTRAC";
Keynote Lecture: 8th ITPA IOS-TG Meeting, Madrid, Spain; 04-16-2012 - 04-19-2012.

Authors: D.C. McDonald; W. Fundamenski; V. Parail; Florian Köchl, E141-06; M. Mattei; F. Militello; D. Moulton

D. McDonald, W. Fundamenski, V. Parail, F. Köchl, M. Mattei, F. Militello, D. Moulton:
"Validation of L-H/H-L transition models";
Poster: KSTAR Conference 2012, Muju, Korea; 02-22-2012 - 02-24-2012.

Authors: D.C. McDonald; J. A. Rice; F. Ryter, MPI für Plasmaphysik; E. Doyle; P. Gohil; V. Parail; Florian Köchl, E141-06

D. McDonald, J. Rice, F. Ryter, E. Doyle, P. Gohil, V. Parail, F. Köchl:
"Proposal for a new Joint Activity on transport after the L-H and H-L transitions";
Keynote Lecture: 8th ITPA T&C Meeting, Hefei, China; 04-02-2012 - 04-05-2012.

Authors: P. Mantica; K.H. Burrell; J. Citrin; A.R. Field; Y.C. Ghim; P. Hill; C. Holland; M.A. Jakobs; F. Jenko; J. Kinsey; Florian Köchl, E141-06; A. Marinoni; B. McMaillan; S. Saarelma; A. Schekochihin; T. Luce; J. Weiland; JET EFDA (2012); DIII-D Team; MAST team; TEXTOR Team (2012)

P. Mantica, K. Burrell, J. Citrin, A. Field, Y. Ghim, P. Hill, C. Holland, M. Jakobs, F. Jenko, J. Kinsey, F. Köchl, A. Marinoni, B. McMaillan, S. Saarelma, A. Schekochihin, T. Luce, J. Weiland, JET EFDA (2012), DIII-D Team, MAST team, TEXTOR Team (2012) et al.:
"Recent progress in understanding the effect of rotational shear on ion heat transport";
Poster: 17th Joint EU-US Transport Task Force Meeting & 4th EFDA Transport Topical Group Meeting, Padua, Italy; 09-03-2012 - 09-06-2012.

Authors: X. Litaudon; I. Voitsekhovitch; J.F. Artaud; P. Belo; J.P.S. Bizarro; T. Casper; J. Citrin; E. Fable, MPI für Plasmaphysik; J. Ferreira; J. Garcia; L. Garzotti; G. Giruzzi; J. Hobrik; D. Hogewij; F. Imbeaux; E. Joffrin; Florian Köchl, E141-06; J. Lönnroth; F. Liu; D. Moreau; V. Parail; P.B. Snyder; M. Schneider; ASDEX Upgrade Team; JET EFDA (2012); ITM-TF ITER Group (2012)

X. Litaudon, I. Voitsekhovitch, J. Artaud, P. Belo, J. Bizarro, T. Casper, J. Citrin, E. Fable, J. Ferreira, J. Garcia, L. Garzotti, G. Giruzzi, J. Hobrik, D. Hogewij, F. Imbeaux, E. Joffrin, F. Köchl, J. Lönnroth, F. Liu, D. Moreau, V. Parail, P. Snyder, M. Schneider, ASDEX Upgrade Team, JET EFDA (2012), ITM-TF ITER Group (2012) et al.:
"Modelling of Hybrid Scenario: from present-day experiments toward ITER";
Poster: 24th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, San Diego, USA; 10-08-2012 - 10-13-2012.

Authors: P.T. Lang, MPI für Plasmaphysik; D. Frigione; A. Geraud; Florian Köchl, E141-06; M. Lennholm; T. Alarcon; P. Bennett; D. Garnier; L. Garzotti; G. Kocsis; R. Mooney; B. Sieglin, MPI für Plasmaphysik; JET EFDA (2012)

P. Lang, D. Frigione, A. Geraud, F. Köchl, M. Lennholm, T. Alarcon, P. Bennett, D. Garnier, L. Garzotti, G. Kocsis, R. Mooney, B. Sieglin, JET EFDA (2012) et al.:
"ELM pacing and trigger investigations at JET with the new ITER Like Wall";
Poster: 24th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, San Diego, USA; 10-08-2012 - 10-13-2012.

Authors: Florian Köchl, E141-06; R. Ambrosino; G. Corrigan; L. Garzotti; C. Labate; M. Mattei; D.C. McDonald; V. Parail

F. Köchl, R. Ambrosino, G. Corrigan, L. Garzotti, C. Labate, M. Mattei, D. McDonald, V. Parail:
"Predictive modelling of the ITER baseline scenario and variants with JINTRAC incl. optimisation and sensitivity studies";
Keynote Lecture: Close-out meeting for the F4E G255 SPSI Project, Barcelona, Spain; 04-24-2012.

Authors: Florian Köchl, E141-06; R. Ambrosino; G. Corrigan; L. Garzotti; C. Labate; M. Mattei; D.C. McDonald; V. Parail

F. Köchl, R. Ambrosino, G. Corrigan, L. Garzotti, C. Labate, M. Mattei, D. McDonald, V. Parail:
"Optimisation of ITER baseline scenario 2 and sensitivity studies with JINTRAC";
Keynote Lecture: General Meeting for the F4E G255 SPSI Project, Barcelona, Spain; 02-14-2012.

Author: Florian Köchl, E141-06

F. Köchl:
"Integrated scenario modelling in cooperation with JET and F4E";
Keynote Lecture: Evaluationstreffen der Assoziation EURATOM-ÖAW, Wien, Austria; 11-19-2012.

Author: Florian Köchl, E141-06

F. Köchl:
"JINTRAC modelling in cooperation with JETand F4E";
Keynote Lecture: 27th Association Day, Innsbruck, Austria; 06-22-2012.

Author: Florian Köchl, E141-06

F. Köchl:
"Modelling of flux consumption in ILW current ramp-up discharges";
Keynote Lecture: ITM-TF Modelling Working Session, Culham, UK; 11-19-2012 - 11-23-2012.

Authors: Florian Köchl, E141-06; R. Albanese; R. Ambrosino; G. Corrigan; C. Labate; J. Lönnroth; E. de la Luna; M. Mattei; F. Maviglia; D.C. McDonald; V. Parail; G. Saibene; E.R. Solano; I. Voitsekhovitch; JET EFDA (2012)

F. Köchl, R. Albanese, R. Ambrosino, G. Corrigan, C. Labate, J. Lönnroth, E. de la Luna, M. Mattei, F. Maviglia, D. McDonald, V. Parail, G. Saibene, E. Solano, I. Voitsekhovitch, JET EFDA (2012) et al.:
"Modelling of kick-triggered ELMs at JET";
Keynote Lecture: EFDA ITM-TF ISM meeting, Cadarache, France; 02-22-2012.

Authors: Florian Köchl, E141-06; R. Albanese; R. Ambrosino; G. Corrigan; L. Garzotti; H.S. Kim; J. Lönnroth; P.T. Lang, MPI für Plasmaphysik; E. de la Luna; M. Mattei; F. Maviglia; D.C. McDonald; V. Parail; F. Rimini; G. Saibene; E.R. Solano; M. Valovic; I. Voitsekhovitch; A.J. Webster; S. Wiesen; JET EFDA (2012); ITM-TF ITER Group (2012)

F. Köchl, R. Albanese, R. Ambrosino, G. Corrigan, L. Garzotti, H. Kim, J. Lönnroth, P. Lang, E. de la Luna, M. Mattei, F. Maviglia, D. McDonald, V. Parail, F. Rimini, G. Saibene, E. Solano, M. Valovic, I. Voitsekhovitch, A. Webster, S. Wiesen, JET EFDA (2012), ITM-TF ITER Group (2012) et al.:
"Modelling of ELM mitigation at JET";
Keynote Lecture: 25th Conference on Plasma Physics and Technology, Prag, Tschechien; 06-18-2012 - 06-21-2012.

Author: Florian Köchl, E141-06

F. Köchl:
"Modelling of ELM mitigation at JET - Study of density depletion at high fELM";
Keynote Lecture: 2nd ITM-TF ITER Scenario Modelling Group Working Session, Vienna, Austria; 05-21-2012 - 05-25-2012.

Authors: Florian Köchl, E141-06; ITM-TF ITER Group (2012)

F. Köchl, ITM-TF ITER Group (2012) et al.:
"Modelling of pellet injection in 5 MA H-He ITER scenario";
Keynote Lecture: ITM-TF Modelling Working Session, Garching, Germany; 03-26-2012 - 03-30-2012.

Authors: Florian Köchl, E141-06; P.T. Lang, MPI für Plasmaphysik; D. Frigione; T. Alarcon; P. Bennett; D. Garnier; A. Geraud; L. Garzotti; G. Kocsis; M. Lennholm; R. Mooney; B. Sieglin, MPI für Plasmaphysik; JET EFDA (2012)

F. Köchl, P. Lang, D. Frigione, T. Alarcon, P. Bennett, D. Garnier, A. Geraud, L. Garzotti, G. Kocsis, M. Lennholm, R. Mooney, B. Sieglin, JET EFDA (2012) et al.:
"ELM triggering by pellets with the ILW";
Keynote Lecture: JET-EFDA TF E1/E2 Meeting, Culham, UK; 10-25-2012.

Authors: Florian Köchl, E141-06; M. Mattei; V. Parail; R. Ambrosino; M. Cavinato; G. Corrigan; L. Garzotti; D.C. McDonald; G. Saibene; R. Sartori

F. Köchl, M. Mattei, V. Parail, R. Ambrosino, M. Cavinato, G. Corrigan, L. Garzotti, D. McDonald, G. Saibene, R. Sartori:
"Modelling of the ITER baseline scenario and its variants - complementary studies";
Keynote Lecture: 8th ITPA IOS-TG Meeting, Madrid, Spain; 04-16-2012 - 04-19-2012.

Authors: D. Hogewij; E. Barbato; Florian Köchl, E141-06; I. Voitsekhovitch

D. Hogewij, E. Barbato, F. Köchl, I. Voitsekhovitch:
"ITER-like ramp-up : comparison between experimental and synthesized polarimeter & MSE data";
Keynote Lecture: ITM-TF Modelling Working Session, Culham, UK; 11-19-2012 - 11-23-2012.

Authors: G.M.D. Hogeweij; G. Calabro; I. Voitsekhovitch; Florian Köchl, E141-06

G. Hogeweij, G. Calabro, I. Voitsekhovitch, F. Köchl:
"ITER ramp-up and ramp-down";
Keynote Lecture: JET-EFDA TF E1/E2 Meeting, Culham, UK; 11-20-2012.

Authors: L. Garzotti; C. Bourdelle; J. Citrin; Florian Köchl, E141-06; J. Lönnroth; S. Moradi; V. Parail; I. Voitsekhovitch; P. Belo; J.P.S. Bizarro; G. Corrigan; the ITM-TF ITER (2012) Group; JET EFDA (2012)

L. Garzotti, C. Bourdelle, J. Citrin, F. Köchl, J. Lönnroth, S. Moradi, V. Parail, I. Voitsekhovitch, P. Belo, J. Bizarro, G. Corrigan, the ITM-TF ITER (2012) Group, JET EFDA (2012) et al.:
"Short update on particle transport modelling following EPS conference";
Keynote Lecture: ITM-TF Modelling Working Session, Culham, UK; 11-19-2012 - 11-23-2012.

Authors: E. de la Luna; R. Sartori; G. Saibene; P.J. Lomas; Florian Köchl, E141-06; F. Maviglia; S. Saarelma; V. Parail; R. Albanese; R. Ambrosino; M.N.A. Beurskens; E. Delabie; D. Dodt; J. Flanagan; C. Giroud; A. Loarte; C. Maggi; M. Mattei; F. Rimini; E.R. Solano; JET EFDA (2012)

E. de la Luna, R. Sartori, G. Saibene, P. Lomas, F. Köchl, F. Maviglia, S. Saarelma, V. Parail, R. Albanese, R. Ambrosino, M. Beurskens, E. Delabie, D. Dodt, J. Flanagan, C. Giroud, A. Loarte, C. Maggi, M. Mattei, F. Rimini, E. Solano, JET EFDA (2012) et al.:
"The effect of ELM pacing via vertical kicks on the access to stationary H-mode with good confinement (H98~1) on JET' (EX/6-1)";
Keynote Lecture: 24th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, San Diego, USA; 10-08-2012 - 10-13-2012.

Authors: M. Cavinato; G. Ambrosino; Y.V. Gribov; Florian Köchl, E141-06; M. Mattei; A. Pironti; G. Saibene; R. Sartori; L. Zabeo

M. Cavinato, G. Ambrosino, Y. Gribov, F. Köchl, M. Mattei, A. Pironti, G. Saibene, R. Sartori, L. Zabeo:
"ITER Plasma Position Control System and Scenario Optimization";
Poster: 24th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, San Diego, USA; 10-08-2012 - 10-13-2012.

Authors: T. Casper; D.J. Campbell; V. Chuyanov; Y.V. Gribov; T. Oikawa; A. Polevoi; J. Snipes; R. Budny; I. Voitsekhovitch; P. Bonoli; Florian Köchl, E141-06; ITPA (2012)

T. Casper, D. Campbell, V. Chuyanov, Y. Gribov, T. Oikawa, A. Polevoi, J. Snipes, R. Budny, I. Voitsekhovitch, P. Bonoli, F. Köchl, ITPA (2012) et al.:
"Development of ITER scenarios for pre-DT operations";
Keynote Lecture: 9th ITPA IOS-TG Meeting, San Diego, USA; 10-15-2012 - 10-18-2012.

Authors: T. Casper; D.J. Campbell; V. Chuyanov; Y.V. Gribov; T. Oikawa; A. Polevoi; J. Snipes; R. Budny; I. Voitsekhovitch; P. Bonoli; Florian Köchl, E141-06; ITPA (2012)

T. Casper, D. Campbell, V. Chuyanov, Y. Gribov, T. Oikawa, A. Polevoi, J. Snipes, R. Budny, I. Voitsekhovitch, P. Bonoli, F. Köchl, ITPA (2012) et al.:
"Development of ITER scenarios for pre-DT operations";
Poster: 24th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, San Diego, USA; 10-08-2012 - 10-13-2012.

Authors: P. Belo; V. Parail; Florian Köchl, E141-06

P. Belo, V. Parail, F. Köchl:
"H-L transition with the ITER like wall";
Keynote Lecture: ITM-TF Modelling Working Session, Culham, UK; 11-19-2012 - 11-23-2012.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"Characterization of HTS test samples following neutron irradiation";
Keynote Lecture: EFDA Meeting - Power Plant Physics and Technology, Garching, Germany; 12-14-2012.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"High temperature superconductors for fusion applications";
Keynote Lecture: Evaluationstreffen der Assoziation EURATOM-ÖAW, Wien, Austria; 11-19-2012.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"General overview on research activities of the Association EURATOM-ÖAW and research done for ITER and F4E";
Keynote Lecture: Evaluationstreffen der Assoziation EURATOM-ÖAW, Wien, Austria; 11-19-2012.

Authors: T. Prikhna; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; W. Gawalek; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; X. Chaud; V. Sokolovsky, Ben-Gurion Unive ...; V. E. Moshchil; A. V. Kozyrev; V. Sverdun; R. Kuznietsov; T. Habisreuther; M. Karpets; V. Kovylaev; J. Noudem; J. Rabier, Université de Po ...; A. Joulain, Université de Po ...; W. Goldacker; T. Basyuk; V. Tkach; J. Dellith; Ch. Schmidt, Institut für Pho ...; A. Shaternik; J. Kosa, Budapest Univers ...; J. Vayda

T. Prikhna, M. Eisterer, W. Gawalek, H. W. Weber, X. Chaud, V. Sokolovsky, V. Moshchil, A. Kozyrev, V. Sverdun, R. Kuznietsov, T. Habisreuther, M. Karpets, V. Kovylaev, J. Noudem, J. Rabier, A. Joulain, W. Goldacker, T. Basyuk, V. Tkach, J. Dellith, C. Schmidt, A. Shaternik, J. Kosa, J. Vayda:
"Pinning in MgB2- and YBaCuO-based superconductors: effect of manufacturing pressure and temperature";
Poster: Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC 2012), Portland, USA; 10-07-2012 - 10-12-2012.

Authors: Yu. V. Karasev; V.I. Pantsyrny; M.V. Polikarpova; P.A. Lukianov; Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

Y. Karasev, V.I. Pantsyrny, M. Polikarpova, P. Lukianov, T. Baumgartner, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"Jc(B,T) characterization of commercial NbTi strands for the ITER poloidal field coils by transport and magnetization methods";
Poster: Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC 2012), Portland, USA; 10-07-2012 - 10-12-2012.

Authors: R. Flükiger; Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; C. Scheuerlein; C. Senatore; A. Ballarino; L. Bottura

R. Flükiger, T. Baumgartner, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, C. Scheuerlein, C. Senatore, A. Ballarino, L. Bottura:
"Variation of (Jc/Jc0)max of ternary alloyed internal Sn and PIT Nb3Sn wires exposed to fast neutron irradiation";
Keynote Lecture: Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC 2012), Portland, USA; 10-07-2012 - 10-12-2012.

Authors: Harald W. Weber, E141-06; Rainer Prokopec, E141-06; Karl Humer, E141-06; J. Knaster

H. W. Weber, R. Prokopec, K. Humer, J. Knaster:
"Radiation-hard insulation systems for the ITER toroidal field coils";
Keynote Lecture: Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC 2012), Portland, USA (invited); 10-07-2012 - 10-12-2012.

Authors: Rainer Prokopec, E141-06; Karl Humer, E141-06; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; R. Maix, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; J. Knaster; A. Foussat

R. Prokopec, K. Humer, H. Fillunger, R. Maix, H. W. Weber, J. Knaster, A. Foussat:
"Investigation of a radiation resistant repair solution for the ITER TF coil insulation";
Poster: 27th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 2012), Liege, Belgium; 09-24-2012 - 09-28-2012.

Authors: V.V. Marchenkov; K.A. Fomina; T.V. Kuznetsova; O.N. Kapitonova; T.P. Tolmachev; E.I. Shreder; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

V. Marchenkov, K. Fomina, T. Kuznetsova, O. Kapitonova, T. Tolmachev, E. Shreder, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"Effect of high pressure torsion on the electrical and galvanomagnetic properties of Co2CrAl Heusler alloys";
Poster: European Symposium on Martensitic Transformations (ESOMAT-2012), St. Petersburg, Russia; 09-09-2012 - 09-16-2012.

Authors: V.V. Marchenkov; E.P. Platonov; K.A. Fomina; E. B. Marchenkova; V.G. Pushin; N.I. Kourov; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

V. Marchenkov, E. Platonov, K. Fomina, E. Marchenkova, V.G. Pushin, N.I. Kourov, H. W. Weber:
"Size effect in the kinetic properties of Ti -Ni and Ni-Mn-Ga alloys";
Poster: European Symposium on Martensitic Transformations (ESOMAT-2012), St. Petersburg, Russia; 09-09-2012 - 09-16-2012.

Authors: E. B. Marchenkova; V.G. Pushin; A.N. Uksusnikov; A.V. Korolev; N.I. Kourov; K.A. Fomina; V.V. Marchenkov; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

E. Marchenkova, V.G. Pushin, A. Uksusnikov, A.V. Korolev, N.I. Kourov, K. Fomina, V. Marchenkov, H. W. Weber:
"Peculiarities in the structure and properties of nanostructured Ni2MnGa-based alloys with shape memory";
Poster: European Symposium on Martensitic Transformations (ESOMAT-2012), St. Petersburg, Russia; 09-09-2012 - 09-16-2012.

Authors: Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; J. Hecher; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Zehetmayer, J. Hecher, H. W. Weber:
"The flux line lattice of neutron irradiated NbSe2 in the fishtail regime measured by STM";
Poster: 10th Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity Conference (M2S-2012), Washington, USA; 07-29-2012 - 08-03-2012.

Authors: V.V. Marchenkov; K.A. Fomina; N V Mushnikov; T.V. Kuznetsova; E.G. Gerasimov; V.S. Gaviko; V.I. Grebennikov; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; A. Buling; C. Derks; M. Neumann

V. Marchenkov, K. Fomina, N. Mushnikov, T. Kuznetsova, E. Gerasimov, V. Gaviko, V. Grebennikov, H. W. Weber, A. Buling, C. Derks, M. Neumann:
"High-field galvanomagnetic and magnetic properties and electronic structure of non-stoichiometric RNi2Mnx (R = Tb, Dy) compounds";
Poster: 10th International Conference on "Research in High Magnetic Fields", Wuhan, China; 07-03-2012 - 07-06-2012.

Authors: V.V. Marchenkov; K.A. Fomina; N.I. Kourov; E.P. Platonov; E.I. Shreder; E. B. Marchenkova; C.P. Yang; R.L. Wang; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

V. Marchenkov, K. Fomina, N.I. Kourov, E. Platonov, E. Shreder, E. Marchenkova, C. Yang, R. Wang, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"Electrical, optical and high-field galvanomagnetic properties of half-metallic Co2FeSi and Co2CrAl Heusler alloys";
Poster: 10th International Conference on "Research in High Magnetic Fields", Wuhan, China; 07-03-2012 - 07-06-2012.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; J. Emhofer, E141-04; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Eisterer, J. Emhofer, H. W. Weber:
"High temperature superconductors for fusion magnets";
Keynote Lecture: 27th Association Day, Innsbruck, Austria; 06-22-2012.

Authors: Harald W. Weber, E141-06; Rainer Prokopec, E141-06; Karl Humer, E141-06; R. Maix, E141-06; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; J. Knaster

H. W. Weber, R. Prokopec, K. Humer, R. Maix, H. Fillunger, J. Knaster:
"Qualification of the insulation system for the ITER Toroidal Field coils";
Keynote Lecture: ICEC24-ICMC2012, Fukuoka, Japan (invited); 05-14-2012 - 05-18-2012.

Authors: J. Emhofer, E141-04; A. Stangl; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

J. Emhofer, A. Stangl, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"Frequency dependent coupling losses in two strand Roebel loops and striated Roebel single strands";
Keynote Lecture: Special Workshop on Roebel Cables, Karlsruhe, Germany; 03-22-2012 - 03-23-2012.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"Radiation effects on high temperature superconductors";
Keynote Lecture: EFDA PPPT Meeting, Garching, Germany; 01-24-2012 - 01-25-2012.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Rainer Prokopec, E141-06; R. Maix, E141-06; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Eisterer, R. Prokopec, R. Maix, H. Fillunger, T. Baumgartner, H. W. Weber:
"The effect of neutron and gamma radiation on magnet components";
Keynote Lecture: Workshop on Radiation Effects in Superconducting Magnet Materials (RESMM 2012), Chicago, USA (invited); 02-13-2012 - 02-15-2012.

Author: Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Eisterer:
"Scanning Hall Probe Measurements on HTS Conductors";
Keynote Lecture: International trilateral Workshop on HTS Roebel Conductors, Karlsruhe, Germany (invited); 03-22-2012 - 03-23-2012.

Authors: Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; C. Scheuerlein; B. Bordini

T. Baumgartner, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, C. Scheuerlein, B. Bordini:
"Pinning force scaling of various state-of-the-art multifilamentary Nb3Sn wires and the role of additional small defects";
Poster: International Conference on Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity (M2S 2012), Washington, USA; 07-29-2012 - 08-03-2012.

Authors: V. Mishev; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

V. Mishev, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"Magnetization measurements in oblique magnetic fields: The influence of geometry and correlated pinning";
Poster: International Conference on Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity (M2S 2012), Washington, USA; 07-29-2012 - 08-03-2012.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; J. Hecher; Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; V. Mishev; W. Seeböck; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; A. Sala; A. Palenzona; M. Putti

M. Eisterer, J. Hecher, T. Baumgartner, V. Mishev, W. Seeböck, H. W. Weber, A. Sala, A. Palenzona, M. Putti:
"Magnetic Granularity in Iron Based Superconductors";
Poster: International Conference on Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity (M2S 2012), Washington, USA; 07-29-2012 - 08-03-2012.

Author: Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Eisterer:
"Critical Currents in Iron Based Superconductors";
Keynote Lecture: UMRS-International Conference on Electronic Materials (IUMRS-ICEM 2012), Yokohama, Japan (invited); 09-23-2012 - 09-28-2012.

Authors: J. Emhofer, E141-04; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

J. Emhofer, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"Stress dependence of the critical currents in neutron irradiated (RE)BCO coated conductors";
Keynote Lecture: Conference on Coated Conductors for Applications (CCA 2012), Heidelberg, Germany; 11-14-2012 - 11-16-2012.

Authors: S. Alberto; A. Palenzona; C. Bernini; F. Caglieris; M. R. Cimberle; C. Ferdeghini; G. Lamura; A. Martinelli; I. Pallecchi; G. Romano; M. Tropeano; F. Roberta; V. Anonio; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; J. Hecher; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; M. Putti

S. Alberto, A. Palenzona, C. Bernini, F. Caglieris, M. Cimberle, C. Ferdeghini, G. Lamura, A. Martinelli, I. Pallecchi, G. Romano, M. Tropeano, F. Roberta, V. Anonio, M. Eisterer, J. Hecher, H. W. Weber, M. Putti:
"Critical Current density investigation in Fe(Se0.5Te0.3) melted samples";
Keynote Lecture: ISS 2012, Tokyo, Japan; 12-03-2012 - 12-05-2012.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; V. Mishev; Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; G. Höll; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; M. Nakajima; S. Uchida; K. Kihou; H. Eisaki

M. Eisterer, V. Mishev, M. Zehetmayer, G. Höll, H. W. Weber, M. Nakajima, S. Uchida, K. Kihou, H. Eisaki:
"Flux pinning in Ba-122 single crystals: Influence of doping and neutron irradiation";
Keynote Lecture: ISS 2012, Tokyo, Japan; 12-03-2012 - 12-05-2012.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; N. Nörhager; J. Hecher; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Eisterer, N. Nörhager, J. Hecher, H. W. Weber:
"Advanced hall probe scanning techniques for characterizing bulk superconductors";
Keynote Lecture: Int. Workshop on the Processing and Applications of Superconducting (RE)BCO Large Grain Materials (PASREG 2012), Tainan, Taiwan (invited); 12-06-2012 - 12-08-2012.

Authors: Jacqueline Erhart, E141-04; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; Christoph Gösselsberger, E141-04; Stefan Haas, E141-04; Philip Haiden, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; R. Maix, E141-06; Martin Moser, E141-04; Xianzun Wang, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

J. Erhart, H. Fillunger, Ch. Gösselsberger, S Haas, P. Haiden, E. Jericha, G. Konrad, R. Maix, M. Moser, X. Wang, H. Abele:
"The new facility PERC: Vienna progress report";
Poster: 2012 TRIUMF Summer Institute (TSI) and 2012 US Summer School on Fundamental Neutron Physics, TRIUMF, Vancouver; 08-06-2012 - 08-17-2012.

Authors: Philip Haiden, E141-04; Jacqueline Erhart, E141-04; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; M. Horvath, E141-04; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; Stefan Schwarz, E141-04; Xianzun Wang, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

P. Haiden, J. Erhart, H. Fillunger, M. Horvath, G. Konrad, S Schwarz, X. Wang, H. Abele:
"Design of the Magnetic Shielding for PERC";
Poster: 62nd Annual Meeting of the Austrian Physical Society, Graz; 09-18-2012 - 09-21-2012.

Authors: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; Christoph Gösselsberger, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Marcus Beck, Uni Mainz; D. Dubbers; Jacqueline Erhart, E141-04; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; Tina Gerstmayr, E141-04; Sarah Gumpenberger, E141-04; Philip Haiden, E141-04; Werner Heil, Uni Mainz; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Christine Klauser, E141-04 [ILL]; Jens Klenke; Henry Lopez, Uni Heildeberg; B. Märkisch; R. Maix, E141-06; H. Mest; Martin Moser, E141-04; N. Rebrova; Heiko Saul, E141; U. Schmidt; Torsten Soldner, ILL; Xianzun Wang, E141-04; Maximilian Zach; Carmen Ziener, Universität Heid ...; Oliver Zimmer, ILL

G. Konrad, Ch. Gösselsberger, H. Abele, M. Beck, D. Dubbers, J. Erhart, H. Fillunger, T. Gerstmayr, S. Gumpenberger, P. Haiden, W. Heil, E. Jericha, C. Klauser, J. Klenke, H. Lopez, B. Märkisch, R. Maix, H. Mest, M. Moser, N. Rebrova, H. Saul, U. Schmidt, T. Soldner, X. Wang, Max Zach, C. Ziener, O. Zimmer:
"Vienna Progress Report on the New Facility PERC";
Poster: DPG Spring Meeting of the Hadronic and Nuclear Physics, Mainz, Germany; 03-19-2012 - 03-23-2012.

Authors: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; Jacqueline Erhart, E141-04; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; M. Horvath, E141-04

G. Konrad, J. Erhart, H. Fillunger, M. Horvath:
"Vacuum estimates for PERC";
Talk: Collaboration Meeting, Heidelberg, Germany; 01-31-2012.

More information

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"The European fusion research programme and the Association EURATOM-ÖAW";
Talk: ITER: Project and Procurement, Vienna, Austria; 11-21-2011.

Authors: Harald W. Weber, E141-06; Rainer Prokopec, E141-06; Karl Humer, E141-06; R. Maix, E141-06; Harald Fillunger, E141-06

H. W. Weber, R. Prokopec, K. Humer, R. Maix, H. Fillunger:
"Radiation effects on fusion magnet components - 2: Insulators";
Talk: WAMSDO Workshop, Genf, Schweiz (invited); 11-14-2011.

Authors: Harald W. Weber, E141-06; Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

H. W. Weber, T. Baumgartner, M. Eisterer:
"Radiation effects on fusion magnet components - 1: Superconductors";
Talk: WAMSDO Workshop, Genf, Schweiz (invited); 11-14-2011.

Authors: J. Emhofer, E141-04; A. Stangl; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

J. Emhofer, A. Stangl, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"High temperature superconductors for fusion magnets";
Talk: 26. Assoziationstag der Assoziation EURATOM-ÖAW, Leoben, Austria; 11-11-2011.

Authors: Rainer Prokopec, E141-06; Karl Humer, E141-06; R. Maix, E141-06; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

R. Prokopec, K. Humer, R. Maix, H. Fillunger, H. W. Weber:
"Insulation materials for the ITER magnets";
Talk: 26. Assoziationstag der Assoziation EURATOM-ÖAW, Leoben, Austria; 11-11-2011.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"Radiation effects on superconducting magnet components";
Talk: Special Seminar, Northwest Institute for Nonferrous Metal Research, Xi'an, China (invited); 10-31-2011.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"What do we need for high current applications of superconductors and where are we now?";
Talk: Special Seminar, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China (invited); 10-29-2011.

Authors: J. Emhofer, E141-04; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Enric Pardo, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

J. Emhofer, M. Eisterer, E. Pardo, H. W. Weber:
"Ac flux penetration into coated conductors and two strand Roebel loops";
Talk: 24th International Symposium on Superconductivity, Tokyo, Japan; 10-24-2011 - 10-26-2011.

Authors: P. Diko; V. Antal; K. Zmorayaova; M. Sefcikova; D. Volochová; V. Kavencansky; X. Chaud; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

P. Diko, V. Antal, K. Zmorayaova, M. Sefcikova, D. Volochová, V. Kavencansky, X. Chaud, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"Chemical pinning in YBCO bulk superconductors";
Poster: Superconductivity Centennial Conference (EUCAS-ISEC-ICMC), The Hague, Netherlands; 09-19-2011 - 09-23-2011.

Authors: J. Emhofer, E141-04; Enric Pardo, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; A. Stangl; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; M. Staines; R.A. Badcock; N.J. Long

J. Emhofer, E. Pardo, M. Eisterer, A. Stangl, H. W. Weber, M. Staines, R. Badcock, N. Long:
"Frequency dependent coupling losses in a two strand Roebel loop ac loss measurement";
Poster: Superconductivity Centennial Conference (EUCAS-ISEC-ICMC), The Hague, Netherlands; 09-19-2011 - 09-23-2011.

Authors: T. Prikhna; W. Gawalek; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; J. Noudem; M. Karpets; J. Dellith; Ch. Schmidt, Institut für Pho ...; V. Kovylaev; A. Borimskiy

T. Prikhna, W. Gawalek, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, J. Noudem, M. Karpets, J. Dellith, C. Schmidt, V. Kovylaev, A. Borimskiy:
"Superconductivity in multi-phase Mg-B-O compounds";
Talk: Superconductivity Centennial Conference (EUCAS-ISEC-ICMC), The Hague, Netherlands; 09-19-2011 - 09-23-2011.

Authors: C. Ferdeghini; E. Bellingeri; S. Kawale; I. Pallecchi; R. Buzio; A. Gerbi; D. Marrè; M. R. Cimberle; M. Tropeano; M. Putti; A. Palenzona; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; R. Raunicher; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; C. Tarantini

C. Ferdeghini, E. Bellingeri, S. Kawale, I. Pallecchi, R. Buzio, A. Gerbi, D. Marrè, M. Cimberle, M. Tropeano, M. Putti, A. Palenzona, M. Eisterer, R. Raunicher, H. W. Weber, C. Tarantini:
"Superconducting properties of FeSe0.5Te0.5 thin films with critical temperature enhanced by biaxial compressive strain";
Talk: Superconductivity Centennial Conference (EUCAS-ISEC-ICMC), The Hague, Netherlands; 09-19-2011 - 09-23-2011.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; J. Jiang; J.D. Weiss; Y. Yamamoto; E.E. Hellstrom; D.C. Larbalestier; N.D. Zhigadlo; J. Karpinski; E. Bellingeri; M. R. Cimberle; I. Pallecchi; M. Putti; C. Ferdeghini

M. Eisterer, M. Zehetmayer, H. W. Weber, J. Jiang, J.D. Weiss, Y. Yamamoto, E.E. Hellstrom, D.C. Larbalestier, N.D. Zhigadlo, J. Karpinski, E. Bellingeri, M. Cimberle, I. Pallecchi, M. Putti, C. Ferdeghini:
"Neutron irradiation effects in Fe based superconductors";
Talk: Superconductivity Centennial Conference (EUCAS-ISEC-ICMC), The Hague, Netherlands; 09-19-2011 - 09-23-2011.

Authors: Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Zehetmayer, H. W. Weber:
"Quantitative comparison of experimental results on the critical current density with the collective pinning theory in superconductors";
Talk: Superconductivity Centennial Conference (EUCAS-ISEC-ICMC), The Hague, Netherlands; 09-19-2011 - 09-23-2011.

Authors: J. Emhofer, E141-04; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

J. Emhofer, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"Critical currents of YBCO coated conductors under tensile stress/strain before and after neutron irradiation";
Poster: 22nd International Conference on Magnet Technology (MT22), Marseille, France; 09-12-2011 - 09-16-2011.

Authors: Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; R. Flükiger; B. Bordini; L. Bottura

T. Baumgartner, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, R. Flükiger, B. Bordini, L. Bottura:
"Assessment of the fluence dependence of the critical current density of multi-filamentary Nb3Sn wires";
Poster: 22nd International Conference on Magnet Technology (MT22), Marseille, France; 09-12-2011 - 09-16-2011.

Authors: Rainer Prokopec, E141-06; Karl Humer, E141-06; R. Maix, E141-06; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; J. Knaster; F. Savary

R. Prokopec, K. Humer, R. Maix, H. Fillunger, H. W. Weber, J. Knaster, F. Savary:
"Characterization of bonded glass/polyimide types for the ITER TF coil insulation";
Poster: 22nd International Conference on Magnet Technology (MT22), Marseille, France; 09-12-2011 - 09-16-2011.

Authors: V.V. Marchenkov; N V Mushnikov; T.V. Kuznetsova; E.G. Gerasimov; V.S. Gaviko; V.I. Grebennikov; K.A. Fomina; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; C. Derks; M. Neumann

V. Marchenkov, N. Mushnikov, T. Kuznetsova, E. Gerasimov, V. Gaviko, V. Grebennikov, K. Fomina, H. W. Weber, C. Derks, M. Neumann:
"Electrical and magnetic properties as well as crystal and electronic structure of non-stoichiometric DyNi2Mnx compounds";
Poster: 26th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT26), Beijing, China; 08-10-2011 - 08-17-2011.

Authors: V.V. Marchenkov; E.P. Platononv; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

V. Marchenkov, E. Platononv, H. W. Weber:
"Size effect and the quadratic temperature dependence of the transverse magneto-resistivity in `size-effect´ tungsten single crystals";
Poster: 26th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT26), Beijing, China; 08-10-2011 - 08-17-2011.

Authors: V.V. Marchenkov; A. Yu. Volkov; O.N. Kapitonova; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

V. Marchenkov, A. Volkov, O. Kapitonova, H. W. Weber:
"Electrical and galvanomagnetic properties of AuAl2+4%Cu intermetallic compounds at low temperatures";
Poster: 26th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT26), Beijing, China; 08-10-2011 - 08-17-2011.

Authors: V.V. Marchenkov; K.A. Fomina; R. Wang; C.P. Yang; E.I. Shreder; E. B. Marchenkova; V.G. Pushin; I.V. Medvedeva; V.P. Pilyugin; V. Dyakina; T.V. Dyachkova; A.P. Tyutyunnik; Yu.G. Zainullin; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

V. Marchenkov, K. Fomina, R. Wang, C. Yang, E. Shreder, E. Marchenkova, V.G. Pushin, I. Medvedeva, V. Pilyugin, V. Dyakina, T. Dyachkova, A. Tyutyunnik, Y. Zainullin, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"Effect of thermobaric treatment and severe plastic deformation on the structural and electronic properties of X-Y-Z Heusler alloys (X = Co, Ni, Fe; Y = Cr, Mn; Z = Ga, Al, Sn, In)";
Poster: 26th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT26), Beijing, China; 08-10-2011 - 08-17-2011.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"The vortex lattice in superconductors: from theoretical interest to consequences for applications";
Talk: 100 Years of Superconductivity, ÖPG-SPG-Tagung, Lausanne, Switzerland; 06-15-2011 - 06-17-2011.

Authors: Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; R. Flükiger; B. Bordini; L. Bottura

T. Baumgartner, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, R. Flükiger, B. Bordini, L. Bottura:
"Evaluation of the critical current density of Nb3Sn strands from magnetization measurements";
Talk: CEC-ICMC 2011, Spokane/WA, USA; 06-13-2011 - 06-17-2011.

Authors: Rainer Prokopec, E141-06; Karl Humer, E141-06; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; R. Maix, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; J. Knaster; F. Savary

R. Prokopec, K. Humer, H. Fillunger, R. Maix, H. W. Weber, J. Knaster, F. Savary:
"Qualification of a cyanate ester epoxy blend supplied by Japanese industry for the ITER TF coil insulation";
Talk: CEC-ICMC 2011, Spokane/WA, USA; 06-13-2011 - 06-17-2011.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"Radiation effects on high temperature superconductors";
Talk: HTS4 Fusion Conductor Workshop, KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany (invited); 05-25-2011 - 05-27-2011.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"Radiation effects on fusion magnet components";
Talk: 4th High Power Targetry Workshop (European Spallation Source), Malmö, Sweden (invited); 05-02-2011 - 05-06-2011.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"The Association EURATOM-ÖAW";
Talk: CCE-FU Workshop on the European Fusion Roadmap for FP8, Garching, Germany; 04-13-2011 - 04-14-2011.

Authors: P. Belo; V. Parail; Florian Köchl, E141-06

P. Belo, V. Parail, F. Köchl:
"L-H and H-L transition";
Talk: 12th EU ITM-TF ITER Scenario Modelling Workshop, JET, Culham, UK; 11-07-2011 - 11-11-2011.

Authors: J. Citrin; J. Hobirk; M. Schneider; J.F. Artaud; C. Bourdelle; K. Crombe; G.M.D. Hogeweij; F. Imbeaux; E. Joffrin; Florian Köchl, E141-06; AUG team; JET EFDA contributors (2011); ITM-TF ITER S. M. Group 2011

J. Citrin, J. Hobirk, M. Schneider, J. Artaud, C. Bourdelle, K. Crombe, G. Hogeweij, F. Imbeaux, E. Joffrin, F. Köchl, AUG team, JET EFDA contributors (2011), ITM-TF ITER S. M. Group 2011:
"Predictive transport analysis of JET and AUG hybrid scenarios - Motivation and analysis steps";
Talk: 11th EU ITM-TF ITER Scenario Modelling Workshop, Utrecht, Netherlands; 07-04-2011 - 07-08-2011.

Authors: L. Garzotti; J. Garcia; Florian Köchl, E141-06; J. Lönnroth; I. Voitsekhovitch

L. Garzotti, J. Garcia, F. Köchl, J. Lönnroth, I. Voitsekhovitch:
"Particle transport in JET and ITER HS";
Talk: 10th EU ITM-TF ITER Scenario Modelling Workshop, Cadarache, France; 03-07-2011 - 03-11-2011.

Authors: G.M.D. Hogeweij; J.F. Artaud; T. Casper; J. Citrin; F. Imbeaux; Florian Köchl, E141-06; X. Litaudon; I. Voitsekhovitch; ITM-TF ITER S. M. Group 2011

G. Hogeweij, J. Artaud, T. Casper, J. Citrin, F. Imbeaux, F. Köchl, X. Litaudon, I. Voitsekhovitch, ITM-TF ITER S. M. Group 2011:
"Optimizing the current ramp-up phase for the hybrid ITER scenario";
Talk: 21th ITC - Integration of Fusion Science and Technology for Steady State Operation, Tokio, Japan; 11-28-2011 - 12-01-2011.

Authors: Florian Köchl, E141-06; M. Mattei; V. Parail; R. Ambrosino; M. Cavinato; G. Corrigan; L. Garzotti; C. Labate; D.C. McDonald; G. Saibene; R. Sartori

F. Köchl, M. Mattei, V. Parail, R. Ambrosino, M. Cavinato, G. Corrigan, L. Garzotti, C. Labate, D. McDonald, G. Saibene, R. Sartori:
"Free boundary simulations of the ITER baseline scenario and its variants";
Talk: 7th ITPA IOS-TG Meeting, Kyoto, Japan; 10-18-2011 - 10-21-2011.

Authors: Florian Köchl, E141-06; M. Mattei; V. Parail; R. Ambrosino; M. Cavinato; G. Corrigan; L. Garzotti; C. Labate; D.C. McDonald; G. Saibene; R. Sartori

F. Köchl, M. Mattei, V. Parail, R. Ambrosino, M. Cavinato, G. Corrigan, L. Garzotti, C. Labate, D. McDonald, G. Saibene, R. Sartori:
"Modelling of the ITER 15 MA ELMy H-mode scenario";
Talk: Modelling of the ITER 15 MA ELMy H-mode scenario, Leoben, Austria; 11-11-2011.

Authors: Florian Köchl, E141-06; J. Garcia

F. Köchl, J. Garcia:
"CRONOS / JETTO benchmark on JET hybrid pulses #77922 and #76858";
Talk: EFDA ITM-TF ISM meeting, Cadarache, France; 01-19-2011.

Authors: E. de la Luna; Florian Köchl, E141-06

E. de la Luna, F. Köchl:
"Vertical jolts/kicks for ELM triggering and control";
Talk: 21st ITPA Pedestal TG Meeting, York, UK; 10-05-2011 - 10-17-2011.

Authors: D.C. McDonald; V. Parail; Florian Köchl, E141-06; P. Belo; M. Mattei; I. Nunes; G. Saibene; R. Sartori; A. Loarte

D. McDonald, V. Parail, F. Köchl, P. Belo, M. Mattei, I. Nunes, G. Saibene, R. Sartori, A. Loarte:
"Transport models for the L-H and H-L transitions";
Talk: 6th ITPA T&C Meeting, San Diego, USA; 04-11-2011 - 04-14-2011.

Authors: V. Parail; P. Belo; G. Corrigan; Florian Köchl, E141-06; C. Labate; A. Loarte; M. Mattei; G. Saibene; R. Sartori; ISM Working Group (2011)

V. Parail, P. Belo, G. Corrigan, F. Köchl, C. Labate, A. Loarte, M. Mattei, G. Saibene, R. Sartori, ISM Working Group (2011):
"Fully predictive modelling of H-L transition in ITER and present day tokamaks";
Talk: 7th ITPA IOS-TG Meeting, Kyoto, Japan; 10-18-2011 - 10-21-2011.

Authors: A. Polevoi; J. Citrin; N. Hayashi; Florian Köchl, E141-06; V.M. Leonov; M. Murakami; A.P. & Park J.M. (2011)

A. Polevoi, J. Citrin, N. Hayashi, F. Köchl, V. Leonov, M. Murakami, A.P. & Park J.M. (2011):
"Optimisation of Operational Space (OS) for Long-pulse Scenarios";
Talk: 7th ITPA IOS-TG Meeting, Kyoto, Japan; 10-18-2011 - 10-21-2011.

Authors: I. Voitsekhovitch; I. Ivanova-Stanik; V. Basiuk; P. Belo; J. Bizzaro; J. Ferreira; D. Kalupin; Florian Köchl, E141-06; S. Moradi; R. Stankiewicz

I. Voitsekhovitch, I. Ivanova-Stanik, V. Basiuk, P. Belo, J. Bizzaro, J. Ferreira, D. Kalupin, F. Köchl, S. Moradi, R. Stankiewicz:
"ETS Validation of JET hybrid 77922: status and future work";
Talk: 11th EU ITM-TF ITER Scenario Modelling Workshop, Utrecht, Netherlands; 07-04-2011 - 07-08-2011.

Authors: S. Wiesen; P. Belo; Florian Köchl, E141-06; L. Garzotti; V. Parail; G. Corrigan; M. Valovic; J. Lonnroth; S. Saarelma; V. Kotov; ITM-TF ITER S. M. Group 2011

S. Wiesen, P. Belo, F. Köchl, L. Garzotti, V. Parail, G. Corrigan, M. Valovic, J. Lonnroth, S. Saarelma, V. Kotov, ITM-TF ITER S. M. Group 2011:
"Integrated ITER scenario modelling and density evolution prospects";
Talk: 10th EU ITM-TF ITER Scenario Modelling Workshop, Cadarache, France; 03-07-2011 - 03-11-2011.

Authors: Florian Köchl, E141-06; G. Corrigan; L. Garzotti; M. Mattei; D.C. McDonald; V. Parail

F. Köchl, G. Corrigan, L. Garzotti, M. Mattei, D. McDonald, V. Parail:
"ITER Scenario 2 predictive modelling of 15 MA D-T baseline case with JINTRAC";
Talk: Meeting for the SPSI project of the EURATOM Domestic Agency for ITER, F4E, Barcelona, Spain; 02-28-2011 - 03-01-2011.

Authors: Florian Köchl, E141-06; G. Corrigan; L. Garzotti; M. Mattei; D.C. McDonald; V. Parail

F. Köchl, G. Corrigan, L. Garzotti, M. Mattei, D. McDonald, V. Parail:
"Predictive modelling of ITER hydrogen and helium scenarios with JINTRAC";
Talk: Meeting for the SPSI project of the EURATOM Domestic Agency for ITER, F4E, JET, Culham, UK; 07-26-2011.

Authors: Florian Köchl, E141-06; R. Ambrosino; G. Corrigan; L. Garzotti; C. Labate; M. Mattei; D.C. McDonald; V. Parail

F. Köchl, R. Ambrosino, G. Corrigan, L. Garzotti, C. Labate, M. Mattei, D. McDonald, V. Parail:
"Predictive modelling of ITER baseline scenario 2 and variants with JINTRAC";
Talk: Meeting for the SPSI project of the EURATOM Domestic Agency for ITER, Barcelona, Spain; 09-05-2011 - 09-06-2011.

Authors: Florian Köchl, E141-06; R. Ambrosino; G. Corrigan; C. Labate; J. Lönnroth; E. de la Luna; M. Mattei; F. Maviglia; D.C. McDonald; V. Parail; G. Saibene; JET EFDA contributors (2011)

F. Köchl, R. Ambrosino, G. Corrigan, C. Labate, J. Lönnroth, E. de la Luna, M. Mattei, F. Maviglia, D. McDonald, V. Parail, G. Saibene, JET EFDA contributors (2011):
"Integrated simulations of kick-triggered ELMs at JET";
Poster: 13th International Workshop on H-mode Physics and Transport Barriers (int.), Oxford, UK; 10-10-2011 - 10-12-2011.

Authors: D. McDonald; Florian Köchl, E141-06; M. Mattei; V. Parail; R. Ambrosino; G. Corrigan; L. Garzotti; C. Labate; M. Cavinato; G. Saibene; R. Sartori

D. McDonald, F. Köchl, M. Mattei, V. Parail, R. Ambrosino, G. Corrigan, L. Garzotti, C. Labate, M. Cavinato, G. Saibene, R. Sartori:
"Self-consistent Plasma Simulations of the ITER inductive scenario";
Poster: 13th International Workshop on H-mode Physics and Transport Barriers (int.), Oxford, UK; 10-10-2011 - 10-12-2011.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; J. Jiang; J.D. Weiss; A. Yamamoto; E.E. Hellstrom; D.C. Larbalestier; N.D. Zhigadlo; J. Karpinski; E. Bellingeri; M. R. Cimberle; I. Pallecchi; M. Putti; C. Ferdeghini

M. Eisterer, M. Zehetmayer, H. W. Weber, J. Jiang, J.D. Weiss, A. Yamamoto, E.E. Hellstrom, D.C. Larbalestier, N.D. Zhigadlo, J. Karpinski, E. Bellingeri, M. Cimberle, I. Pallecchi, M. Putti, C. Ferdeghini:
"Neutron irradiation effects in Fe based superconductors";
Talk: European Conference on Applied Superconductivity 2011, The Hague, Netherlands; 09-20-2011.

Author: Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Eisterer:
"Flux Pinning in Iron Based Superconductors: Irradiation Studies";
Talk: 13th International Workshop on Vortex Matter in Superconductors, Chicago, USA (invited); 08-04-2011.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"The vortex lattice in superconductors: from theoretical interest to consequences for applications";
Talk: Gemeinsame Jahrestagung von SPG, ÖPG, SGAA und ÖGAA, Lusanne, Switzerland (invited); 06-16-2011.

Author: Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Eisterer:
"MgB2 superconductor: from intrinsic to macroscopic properties";
Talk: Workshop, Bratislava, Slovak (invited); 02-09-2011.

Authors: Rainer Prokopec, E141-06; Karl Humer, E141-06; R. Maix, E141-06; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; J. Knaster; F. Savary

R. Prokopec, K. Humer, R. Maix, H. Fillunger, H. W. Weber, J. Knaster, F. Savary:
"Qualification of a cyanate ester epoxy blend supplied by japanese industry for the ITER TF coil insulation";
Talk: ICMC 2011, Spokane, USA; 06-15-2011.

Authors: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; Harald Fillunger, E141-06

G. Konrad, H. Fillunger:
"Helium refrigerator for PERC";
Talk: Collaboration Meeting, Heidelberg, Germany; 01-24-2011.

Authors: Jacqueline Erhart, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; C. Gösselsberger; M. Horvath, E141-04; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; R. Maix, E141-06; X. Wang; B. Märkisch; U. Schmidt; H. Mest; C. Drescher; C. Roick; W. Heil; Jens Klenke; O. Zimmer; T. Soldner; C. Klausen

J. Erhart, H. Abele, E. Jericha, H. Fillunger, C. Gösselsberger, M. Horvath, G. Konrad, R. Maix, X. Wang, B. Märkisch, U. Schmidt, H. Mest, C. Drescher, C. Roick, W. Heil, J. Klenke, O. Zimmer, T. Soldner, C. Klausen:
"PERC - a clean, bright and versatile source of neutron decay products";
Poster: 7th European Winter School on Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation, Planneralm, Austria; 03-06-2011 - 03-12-2011.

Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04; M. Beck; C. Drescher; D. Dubbers; Jacqueline Erhart, E141-04; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; Christoph Gösselsberger, E141-04; W. Heil; M. Horvath, E141-04; C. Klauser; Jens Klenke; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; B. Märkisch; R. Maix, E141-06; H. Mest; S. Nowak; N. Rebrova; C. Sauerzopf; U. Schmidt; T. Soldner; X. Wang; O. Zimmer

E. Jericha, H. Abele, M. Beck, C. Drescher, D. Dubbers, J. Erhart, H. Fillunger, Ch. Gösselsberger, W. Heil, M. Horvath, C. Klauser, J. Klenke, G. Konrad, B. Märkisch, R. Maix, H. Mest, S. Nowak, N. Rebrova, C. Sauerzopf, U. Schmidt, T. Soldner, X. Wang, O. Zimmer:
"Exploring fundamental interactions via neutron beta decay - the PERC project";
Talk: Joint annual meeting of the Swiss and Austrian Federal Physical Society, Switzerland; 06-15-2011 - 06-17-2011.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; J. Jian; J.D. Weiss; A. Yamamoto; E.E. Hellstrom; D.C. Larbalestier; N.D. Zhigadlo; J. Karpinski

M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, J. Jian, J.D. Weiss, A. Yamamoto, E.E. Hellstrom, D.C. Larbalestier, N.D. Zhigadlo, J. Karpinski:
"Intergranular current flow in Sm-1111 bulk superconductors";
Talk: 23rd Symposium on Superconductivity 2010, Tsukuba, Japan; 11-02-2010.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; J. Emhofer, E141-04; F. Hengstberger, E141; M. Küblböck; Enric Pardo, E141; Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Eisterer, J. Emhofer, F. Hengstberger, M. Küblböck, E. Pardo, M. Zehetmayer, H. W. Weber:
"Magnetoscan characterization of coated conductors and Roebel cables";
Talk: Coated Conductors for Applications 2010, Fukuoka, Japan (invited); 10-30-2010.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"The discovery of high temperature superconductors - a review of their short history";
Talk: College of Engineering, Seoul, Korea (invited); 10-14-2010.

Authors: Rainer Prokopec, E141-06; Karl Humer, E141-06; R. Maix, E141-06; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

R. Prokopec, K. Humer, R. Maix, H. Fillunger, H. W. Weber:
"Radiation resistant insulation systems for the ITER toroidal field coils";
Poster: IEAE Fusion Energy Conference 2010, Daejeon, Korea; 10-11-2010 - 10-16-2010.

Authors: Rainer Prokopec, E141-06; Karl Humer, E141-06; R. Maix, E141-06; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; J. Knaster; F. Savary

R. Prokopec, K. Humer, R. Maix, H. Fillunger, H. W. Weber, J. Knaster, F. Savary:
"Qualification of the resin for the ITER TF coil insulation";
Poster: Symposium on Fusion Technology 2010, Porto, Portugal; 09-27-2010 - 10-01-2010.

Authors: Michal Chudy, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Chudy, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"Characterization of commercial YBCO coated conductors after fast neutron irradiation";
Poster: Japan-EU Workshop on Superconductivity 2010, Washington, D.C.. USA; 08-02-2010 - 08-06-2010.

Authors: J. Emhofer, E141-04; F. Hengstberger, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; Stanimira Terzieva, Karlsruhe Instit ...; Wilfried Goldacker, Karlsruhe Instit ...; N.J. Long

J. Emhofer, F. Hengstberger, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, S. Terzieva, W. Goldacker, N. Long:
"Current and field distribution in meandered coated conductors for Roebel cables";
Poster: Japan-EU Workshop on Superconductivity 2010, Washington, D.C.. USA; 08-02-2010 - 08-06-2010.

Authors: A. Kortyka; R. Puzniak; A. Wisniewski; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; C. Y. Tang; X. Yao; K. Conder

A. Kortyka, R. Puzniak, A. Wisniewski, H. W. Weber, C. Tang, X. Yao, K. Conder:
"Thermodynamic parameters of SmBa2Cu3Ox with varying oxygen content";
Poster: Japan-EU Workshop on Superconductivity 2010, Washington, D.C.. USA; 08-02-2010 - 08-06-2010.

Authors: O. Tkachenko; A. Zaleski; A.J. Morawski; T. Cetner; D. Gajda; M. Rindfleisch; M. Tomsic; Michal Chudy, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

O. Tkachenko, A. Zaleski, A. Morawski, T. Cetner, D. Gajda, M. Rindfleisch, M. Tomsic, M. Chudy, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"Comparison of MgB2 wire production technologies and influence of different production conditions";
Poster: Japan-EU Workshop on Superconductivity 2010, Washington, D.C.. USA; 08-02-2010 - 08-06-2010.

Authors: T. Withnell, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; M. Weigand, E141; J.H. Durrell; S.C. Speller; G.M. Hughes; C.R.M. Grovenor

T. Withnell, H. W. Weber, M. Weigand, J.H. Durrell, S. Speller, G. Hughes, C. Grovenor:
"Effects of neutron irradiation on an isolated grain boundary in MOD coated conductors";
Poster: Japan-EU Workshop on Superconductivity 2010, Washington, D.C.. USA; 08-02-2010 - 08-06-2010.

Authors: T. Prihkna; W. Gawalek; Y. Savchuk; V. Sokolovsky, Ben-Gurion Unive ...; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; M. Serga; V.M. Tkach, Institute for Su ...; N.I. Danilenko, Moscow State Avi ...; M. Wendt, Institut für Pho ...; J. Dellith; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; M. Tompsic; S. Dub; A.P. Shapovalov, Institute for Su ...; V. E. Moshchil; N. Sergienko; V. Meerovich, Ben-Gurion Unive ...; T. Habisreuther; D. Litzkendorf; Ch. Schmidt, Institut für Pho ...; V. Melnikov; P. Nagorny; V. Sverdun

T. Prihkna, W. Gawalek, Y. Savchuk, V. Sokolovsky, M. Eisterer, M. Serga, V. Tkach, N. Danilenko, M. Wendt, J. Dellith, H. W. Weber, M. Tompsic, S. Dub, A. Shapovalov, V. Moshchil, N. Sergienko, V. Meerovich, T. Habisreuther, D. Litzkendorf, C. Schmidt, V. Melnikov, P. Nagorny, V. Sverdun:
"High-pressure synthesized nanostructural MgB2-based materials with high SC performance for fault current limitation and other cryogenic applications";
Talk: Japan-EU Workshop on Superconductivity 2010, Washington, D.C.. USA; 08-02-2010 - 08-06-2010.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"Assessment of the local supercurrent flow in superconductors";
Talk: Japan-EU Workshop on Superconductivity 2010, Washington, D.C.. USA (invited); 08-02-2010 - 08-06-2010.

Authors: P. Diko; K. Zmorayova; M. Sefcikova; V. Antal; V. Kavecansky; X. Chaud; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

P. Diko, K. Zmorayova, M. Sefcikova, V. Antal, V. Kavecansky, X. Chaud, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"Influence of post-growth thermal treatments on critical current density of TSMG";
Talk: 7th Int. Workshop PASREG 2010, Washington, D.C., USA; 07-29-2010 - 07-31-2010.

Authors: T. Prihkna; W. Gawalek; Y. Savchuk; M. Serga; T. Habisreuther; A. Soldatov, E136; S. You; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; J. Noudem; V. Sokolovsky, Ben-Gurion Unive ...; F. Karau, H.C. Starck, Gmb ...; J. Dellith; M. Wendt, Avtozavodskaya S ...; M. Tompsic; V. E. Moshchil; N. Sergienko; Ch. Schmidt, Institut für Pho ...; D. Litzkendorf; P. Nagorny; V. Sverdun; Istvan Vajda, Budapes Universi ...; J. Kosa, Budapest Univers ...

T. Prihkna, W. Gawalek, Y. Savchuk, M. Serga, T. Habisreuther, A. Soldatov, S. You, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, J. Noudem, V. Sokolovsky, F. Karau, J. Dellith, M. Wendt, M. Tompsic, V. Moshchil, N. Sergienko, C. Schmidt, D. Litzkendorf, P. Nagorny, V. Sverdun, I. Vajda, J. Kosa:
"MgB2-based materials synthesized under high-pressure";
Talk: 7th Int. Workshop PASREG 2010, Washington, D.C., USA; 07-29-2010 - 07-31-2010.

Authors: T.A. Prikhna, Institute for Su ...; W. Gawalek; Y. Savchuk; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Wilfried Goldacker, Karlsruhe Instit ...; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; V. Sokolovsky, Ben-Gurion Unive ...; V.M. Tkach, Institute for Su ...; N.I. Danilenko, Moscow State Avi ...; T. Habisreuther; M. Wendt, Avtozavodskaya S ...; J. Dellith; V. Meerovich, Ben-Gurion Unive ...; S. Dub; V. E. Moshchil; N. Sergienko; I. Fesenko; D. Litzkendorf; Ch. Schmidt, Institut für Pho ...; M. Tompsic; F. Karau, H.C. Starck, Gmb ...; P. Nagorny; V. Sverdun

T. Prikhna, W. Gawalek, Y. Savchuk, M. Eisterer, W. Goldacker, H. W. Weber, V. Sokolovsky, V. Tkach, N. Danilenko, T. Habisreuther, M. Wendt, J. Dellith, V. Meerovich, S. Dub, V. Moshchil, N. Sergienko, I. Fesenko, D. Litzkendorf, C. Schmidt, M. Tompsic, F. Karau, P. Nagorny, V. Sverdun:
"High-pressure synthesized MgB2-based material with high critical current density and upper critical field";
Talk: ICEC-ICMC 2010, Wroclaw, Poland; 07-19-2010 - 07-23-2010.

Authors: L. Potanina; V.I. Pantsyrny; N.I. Kozlenkova; A.K. Shikov; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; J. Emhofer, E141-04

L. Potanina, V.I. Pantsyrny, N.I. Kozlenkova, A.K. Shikov, H. W. Weber, M. Eisterer, J. Emhofer:
"The effect of Cu/non Cu ratio on critical current density of ITER PF coils relevant model NbTi strands";
Talk: ICEC-ICMC 2010, Wroclaw, Poland; 07-19-2010 - 07-23-2010.

Authors: K.A. Fomina; V.V. Marchenkov; E. Shreder; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

K. Fomina, V. Marchenkov, E. Shreder, H. W. Weber:
"Electrical and optical properties of X2YZ (X = Co, Fe; Y = Cr, Mn, Ti; Z = Ga, Al, Si) Heusler alloys";
Talk: 4th Euro-Asian Symposium on Trends in Magnetism, Ekaterinburg, Russland; 06-28-2010 - 07-02-2010.

Authors: N.I. Kourov; V.G. Pshin; A.V. Korolev; V.V. Marchenkov; E.b. Marchenkova; V.A. Kazantsev; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

N.I. Kourov, V. Pshin, A.V. Korolev, V. Marchenkov, E.b. Marchenkova, V. Kazantsev, H. W. Weber:
"Effect of servere plastic deformation by torsion on structure and properties of Ni54Mn21Ga25 and Ni54Mn20Fe1Ga25 alloys";
Talk: 4th Euro-Asian Symposium on Trends in Magnetism, Ekaterinburg, Russland; 06-28-2010 - 07-02-2010.

Authors: Enric Pardo, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; J. Souc; Michail Vojenciak, Slovak Academy o ...; F. Gomory

E. Pardo, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, J. Souc, M. Vojenciak, F. Gomory:
"AC loss in coated conductor tapes and coils";
Talk: CIMTEC 2010, Florence, Italy (invited); 06-14-2010 - 06-18-2010.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"Superconducting magnets for the ITER and DEMO fusion devices";
Talk: Special Seminar 2010, Northwest Institute of Nonferrous Metal Research, Ci'an, China (invited); 05-05-2010.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"The discovery of high temperature superconductors - a review of their short history";
Talk: Special Seminar, China, 2010, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China (invited); 05-03-2010.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"Superconducting magnets for the ITER and DEMO fusion devices";
Talk: Special Seminar 2010, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China (invited); 05-03-2010.

Authors: Michal Chudy, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Chudy, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"High temperature superconductors for fusion magnets - influence of neutron irradiation";
Talk: 18. Annual Nuclear Seminar and Information Meeting, NUSIM 2010, nusim; 04-27-2010 - 04-28-2010.

Authors: Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Zehetmayer, H. W. Weber:
"On the defect density dependence of the fishtail effect in superconductors";
Talk: Int. Conf. on Superconductivity and Magnetism, ICSM 2010, Antalya, Türkei (invited); 04-25-2010 - 04-30-2010.

Authors: Enric Pardo, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

E. Pardo, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"Coupling and hysteresis ac losses of superconducting windings made of coated conductors";
Talk: Int. Conf. on Superconductivity and Magnetism, ICSM 2010, Antalya, Türkei; 04-25-2010 - 04-30-2010.

Authors: T. Prikhna; W. Gawalek; Y. Savchuk; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Wilfried Goldacker, Karlsruhe Instit ...; M. Wendt, Institut für Pho ...; J. Dellith; V.M. Tkach, Institute for Su ...; V. Meerovich, Ben-Gurion Unive ...; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; S. Dub; V. E. Moshchil; N. Sergienko; T. Habisreuther; D. Litzkendorf; Ch. Schmidt, Institut für Pho ...; V. Melnikov; P. Nagorny; V. Sverdun

T. Prikhna, W. Gawalek, Y. Savchuk, M. Eisterer, W. Goldacker, M. Wendt, J. Dellith, V. Tkach, V. Meerovich, H. W. Weber, S. Dub, V. Moshchil, N. Sergienko, T. Habisreuther, D. Litzkendorf, C. Schmidt, V. Melnikov, P. Nagorny, V. Sverdun:
"Nanostructural high-pressure synthesized MgB2-based materials with extremely high SC performance";
Talk: Int. Conf. on Superconductivity and Magnetism, ICSM 2010, Antalya, Türkei; 04-25-2010 - 04-30-2010.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"Radiation effects on fusion magnet components";
Talk: CERN Seminar 2010, Genf, Schweiz (invited); 02-25-2010.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Michal Chudy, E141; J. Emhofer, E141-04; Enric Pardo, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Eisterer, M. Chudy, J. Emhofer, E. Pardo, H. W. Weber:
"High-temperature superconductors for fusion magnets";
Talk: 25th Association Day, Association EURATOM-ÖAW, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Wien; 06-30-2010.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Michal Chudy, E141; J. Emhofer, E141-04; F. Hengstberger, E141; Enric Pardo, E141; T. Withnell, E141; Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Eisterer, M. Chudy, J. Emhofer, F. Hengstberger, E. Pardo, T. Withnell, M. Zehetmayer, H. W. Weber:
"Charakterisierung von supraleitenden Bandleitern";
Talk: Braunschweiger Supraleitungsseminar, Braunschweig (invited); 06-23-2010.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; R. Raunicher; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Eisterer, M. Zehetmayer, R. Raunicher, H. W. Weber:
"Critical Currents in Iron Based Superconductors";
Talk: Seminarvortrag, Johannes Kepler Universität, Linz (invited); 06-14-2010.

Authors: A. Fabich; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Friedrich Aumayr, E134-03; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; M. Benedikt; Michael Hajek, E141-05; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; P. Kienle; M. Krammer, E141; J. Marton; E. Widmann; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

A. Fabich, H. Leeb, F. Aumayr, G. Badurek, M. Benedikt, M. Hajek, E. Jericha, P. Kienle, M. Krammer, J. Marton, E. Widmann, H. W. Weber:
"Physics Research Opportunities at MedAustron";
Talk: Joint Annual meeting of the Austrian and Swiss Federal Physical Society, Inssbruck; 09-2009 - 09-04-2009.

Authors: Michal Chudy, E141; J. Emhofer, E141-04; Enric Pardo, E141; F. Hengstberger, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Chudy, J. Emhofer, E. Pardo, F. Hengstberger, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"Critical currents in meandered coated conductors for Roebel cables";
Poster: International Workshop on Coated Conductors for Applications, Barcelona; 11-22-2009 - 11-24-2009.

Authors: Enric Pardo, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

E. Pardo, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"Effect of coupling in low-loss coated conductor structures: striated tapes and Roebel cables";
Talk: International Workshop on Coated Conductors for Applications, Barcelona; 11-22-2009 - 11-24-2009.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"Advanced characterization techniques for coated conductors (cc´s)";
Talk: International Workshop on Coated Conductors for Applications, Barcelona (invited); 11-22-2009 - 11-24-2009.

Authors: Michal Chudy, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Chudy, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"Asymmetric angular dependence of Jc in coated conductors prior to and after fast neutron irradiation";
Poster: 22nd International Symposium on Superconductivity, Tsukuba; 11-04-2009.

Authors: Michal Chudy, E141; R. Fuger, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Chudy, R. Fuger, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"Fast neutron irradiation of YBCO coated conductors";
Poster: EUCAS 2009, Dresden; 09-14-2009 - 09-17-2009.

Authors: M. A. Bodea; J.D. Pedarnig; T. Withnell, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; D. A. Cardwell; N. Hari Babu; A. Koblischka-Veneva

M. Bodea, J. Pedarnig, T. Withnell, H. W. Weber, D.A. Cardwell, N. Hari Babu, A. Koblischka-Veneva:
"Characterisation of nano-composite M-2411/Y-123 thin films by electron backscatter diffraction and in-field critical current measurements";
Poster: EUCAS 2009, Dresden; 09-14-2009 - 09-17-2009.

Authors: A. Kortyka; R. Puzniak; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; Y.Q. Cai; X. Yao

A. Kortyka, R. Puzniak, H. W. Weber, Y.Q. Cai, X. Yao:
"Superconducting state anisotropy in low-level Pr-doped YBa2Cu3O7-δ investigated by torque magnetometry";
Poster: EUCAS 2009, Dresden; 09-14-2009 - 09-17-2009.

Authors: N. Hörhager, E141; J. Shi; D. A. Cardwell; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

N. Hörhager, J. Shi, D.A. Cardwell, H. W. Weber:
"Improvement of critical current densities and trapped fields in Gd123 by Gd2411(Bi) doping";
Poster: EUCAS 2009, Dresden; 09-14-2009 - 09-17-2009.

Authors: V. Antal; M. Kanuchova; M. Sefcikova; J. Kovac; P. Diko; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; N. Hörhager, E141; Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; X. Chaud

V. Antal, M. Kanuchova, M. Sefcikova, J. Kovac, P. Diko, M. Eisterer, N. Hörhager, M. Zehetmayer, H. W. Weber, X. Chaud:
"Influence of Al doping and oxygenation on the superconducting properties of TSMG bulk YBCO";
Poster: EUCAS 2009, Dresden; 09-14-2009 - 09-17-2009.

Authors: Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; J. Jiang; J.D. Weiss; A. Yamamoto; A.A. Polyanskii; E.E. Hellstrom; D.C. Larbalestier

M. Zehetmayer, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, J. Jiang, J.D. Weiss, A. Yamamoto, A.A. Polyanskii, E.E. Hellstrom, D.C. Larbalestier:
"Disorder induced effects on the superconducting properties of iron pnictides introduced by neutron irradiation";
Talk: M˛S Conference, Tokyo; 09-07-2009 - 09-12-2009.

Authors: A. Kortyka; R. Puzniak; A. Wisniewski; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; C. Y. Tang; X. Yao

A. Kortyka, R. Puzniak, A. Wisniewski, H. W. Weber, C. Tang, X. Yao:
"Thermodynamic parameters of SmBa2Cu3O7-δ with varying oxygen content";
Talk: M˛S Conference, Tokyo; 09-07-2009 - 09-12-2009.

Authors: F. Hengstberger, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

F. Hengstberger, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"Numerical extension of the power-law Jc(B) to zero field in thin superconducting films";
Talk: M˛S Conference, Tokyo; 09-07-2009 - 09-12-2009.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"Consequences of its peculiar intrinsic properties on the macroscopic currents of MgB2";
Talk: M˛S Conference, Tokyo; 09-07-2009 - 09-12-2009.

Authors: V.V. Marchenkov; V. Okulov; K.A. Okulova; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

V. Marchenkov, V. Okulov, K.A. Okulova, H. W. Weber:
"Anomalies in the galvanomagnetic properties of Fe1.9V1.1 Al pseudogap semiconductors at high magnetic fields";
Poster: 9th International Conference on Research in High Magnetic Fields, dresden; 07-22-2009 - 07-25-2009.

Authors: E.b. Marchenkova; V.V. Marchenkov; N.I. Kourov; V.G. Pushin; A.V. Korolev; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

E.b. Marchenkova, V. Marchenkov, N.I. Kourov, V.G. Pushin, A.V. Korolev, H. W. Weber:
"High-field galvanomagnetic properties and structure of Ni-Mn-Ga nanocrystalline alloys with shape memory";
Poster: 9th International Conference on Research in High Magnetic Fields, dresden; 07-22-2009 - 07-25-2009.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"Coated conductors for fusion magnets";
Talk: EFDA Meeting on HTS for Fusion, Garching; 07-06-2009.

Authors: Rainer Prokopec, E141-06; Karl Humer, E141-06; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; R. Maix, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

R. Prokopec, K. Humer, H. Fillunger, R. Maix, H. W. Weber:
"Property changes of cyanate ester/epoxy insulation systems caused by an ITER-like double impregnation before and after reactor irradiation";
Talk: ICMC, Tucson; 06-26-2009 - 07-02-2009.

Authors: Rainer Prokopec, E141-06; Karl Humer, E141-06; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; R. Maix, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

R. Prokopec, K. Humer, H. Fillunger, R. Maix, H. W. Weber:
"Mechanical characterization of the ITER mock-up insulation after reactor irradiation";
Talk: ICMC, Tucson; 06-26-2009 - 07-02-2009.

Authors: R. Fuger, E141; J. Emhofer, E141-04; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

R. Fuger, J. Emhofer, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"High-temperature superconductors for fusion magnets";
Talk: Assoziationstag EURATOM-ÖAW, Wien; 06-05-2009.

Authors: N. Hörhager, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

N. Hörhager, H. W. Weber:
"Nanoparticle doped RE Ba2Cu3O7-δ bulk superconductors";
Talk: Special Seminar Institute of Superhard Materials, kiev; 05-29-2009.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"Superconducting fusion magnets";
Talk: Special Seminar Industrial Research Ltd., Lower Hutt, New Zealand (invited); 02-04-2009.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"Superconducting fusion magnets";
Talk: Special Seminar Institute of Superconducting and Electronic Materials, Wollongong (invited); 02-02-2009.

Authors: Harald Fillunger, E141-06; R. Maix, E141-06; Rainer Prokopec, E141-06; A. Danninger; P. Dobron

H. Fillunger, R. Maix, R. Prokopec, A. Danninger, P. Dobron:
"Axial compression tests on ITER-TF conductor samples";
Poster: MT21, Hefei, China; 10-18-2009 - 10-23-2009.

Author: Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Eisterer:
"The influence of partial texture on the critical currents in polycrystalline MgB2";
Talk: EUCAS 2009, Dresden (invited); 09-14-2009 - 09-17-2009.

Authors: Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Friedrich Aumayr, E134-03; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; M. Benedikt; Michael Hajek, E141-05; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; P. Kienle; M. Krammer, E141; J. Marton; E. Widmann; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. Leeb, F. Aumayr, G. Badurek, M. Benedikt, M. Hajek, E. Jericha, P. Kienle, M. Krammer, J. Marton, E. Widmann, H. W. Weber:
"Opportunities of Basic and Applied Research at MedAustron";
Poster: International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Research Applications and Utilization of Accelerators, Wien; 05-07-2009.

Authors: A. Fabich; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Friedrich Aumayr, E134-03; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; M. Benedikt; Michael Hajek, E141-05; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; P. Kienle; M. Krammer, E141; J. Marton; E. Widmann; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

A. Fabich, H. Leeb, F. Aumayr, G. Badurek, M. Benedikt, M. Hajek, E. Jericha, P. Kienle, M. Krammer, J. Marton, E. Widmann, H. W. Weber:
"Physics Research Opportunities at MedAustron";
Talk: 59. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Innsbruck; 09-02-2009 - 09-04-2009.

Author: Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Eisterer:
"Current Transport in Polykristalline Superconductors";
Talk: Special Seminar, Institute for Superhard Materials, National Academy of Sciences, Kiew, Ukraine; 07-25-2008.

Authors: Harald Fillunger, E141-06; R. Maix, E141-06; Anette Danninger, E308-50

H. Fillunger, R. Maix, A. Danninger:
"Axial Compression Test on ITER-TFMC Conductors at Room Temperature";
Poster: SOFT 2008, Rostock, Deutschland; 09-15-2008 - 09-19-2008.

More information

Authors: Harald W. Weber, E141-06; R. Fuger, E141; Michal Chudy, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06

H. W. Weber, R. Fuger, M. Chudy, M. Eisterer, M. Zehetmayer:
"Radiation effects on coated conductors";
Talk: Int. Workshop on Coated Conductors for Applications, CCA-08, Houston, USA (invited); 12-05-2008.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"Zukunftsstrategien der Assoziation EURATOM-ÖAW";
Talk: Workshop on Nuclear Fusion, Atominstitut Wien; 11-07-2008.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"The European Strategy towards Fusion Power Plants";
Talk: Workshop on Nuclear Fusion, Atominstitut Wien; 11-07-2008.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"Local supercurrent flow in high temperature superconductors for applications";
Talk: Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan; 10-30-2008.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; J. Jiang; A. Yamamoto; J.D. Weiss; E.E. Hellstrom; D.C. Larbalestier

M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, J. Jiang, A. Yamamoto, J.D. Weiss, E.E. Hellstrom, D.C. Larbalestier:
"Neutron irradiation of SmFeAsO1-xFx";
Talk: Int. Workshop on Physics and Chemistry of FeAs-based Superconductors, Dresen, Deutschland; 09-27-2008.

Authors: Rainer Prokopec, E141-06; Karl Humer, E141-06; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; R. Maix, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

R. Prokopec, K. Humer, H. Fillunger, R. Maix, H. W. Weber:
"Influence of various catalysts on the radiation resistance and the mechanical properties of cyanate ester/epoxy insulation systems";
Poster: 25th Symposium on Fusion Technology - SOFT 2008, Rostock, Deutschland; 09-15-2008 - 09-19-2008.

Authors: Karl Humer, E141-06; Rainer Prokopec, E141-06; R. Maix, E141-06; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

K. Humer, R. Prokopec, R. Maix, H. Fillunger, H. W. Weber:
"Insulation systems for superconducting fusion magnets based on cyanate ester blends";
Poster: 25th Symposium on Fusion Technology - SOFT 2008, Rostock, Deutschland; 09-15-2008 - 09-19-2008.

Authors: H. Rajainmäki; Karl Humer, E141-06; Rainer Prokopec, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; F. Rondeaux; P. Rossi; J. Knaster; C. Sborchia

H. Rajainmäki, K. Humer, R. Prokopec, H. W. Weber, F. Rondeaux, P. Rossi, J. Knaster, C. Sborchia:
"Development of special resins and composite structure for the ITER toroidal field coils";
Talk: 25th Symposium on Fusion Technology - SOFT 2008, Rostock, Deutschland; 09-15-2008 - 09-19-2008.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"Radiation effects on fusion magnetic components";
Talk: 2nd Karlsruhe International Summer School on fusion Technologies, Karlsruhe, Deutschland; 09-09-2008.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; J. Emhofer, E141-04; S. Sorta, E141; Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Eisterer, J. Emhofer, S. Sorta, M. Zehetmayer, H. W. Weber:
"Connectivity and critical currents in polycrystalline MgB2";
Talk: Int. Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism - ICSM 2008, Side-Antalya, Turkey (invited); 08-27-2008.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
Talk: Universität für Bodenkultur, Seminarvortrag, Wien; 05-29-2008.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"Assessment of the local supercurrent flow in high temperature superconductors";
Talk: KERI, Special Seminar, Changwon, Korea; 04-24-2008.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"Critical currents in high temperature superconductors";
Talk: Seoul National University, Special Seminar, Seoul, China; 04-21-2008.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"Irradiation effects on fusion magnet components";
Talk: Institute for Plasma Physics, Hefei, China; 04-17-2008.

Authors: Michal Chudy, E141; R. Fuger, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Chudy, R. Fuger, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"Physical properties of coated conductors before and after neutron irradiation";
Talk: NESPA Workshop, Rust; 10-01-2008 - 10-04-2008.

Authors: T. Withnell, E141; K. Schöppl, E141; J.H. Durrell; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

T. Withnell, K. Schöppl, J.H. Durrell, H. W. Weber:
"Effects of irradiation on vicinal YBCO thin films";
Talk: NESPA Workshop, Rust; 10-01-2008 - 10-04-2008.

Authors: F. Hengstberger, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

F. Hengstberger, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"Self-field effects in superconducting films";
Talk: HIPERCHEM Meeting, Cambridge, UK; 09-24-2008.

Authors: A.K. Shikov; V.I. Pantsyrny; N.I. Kozlenkova; L. Potanina; R.M. Vasiliev; I.N. Gubkin; E.V. Nikulenkov; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; J. Emhofer, E141-04; R. Fuger, E141; R. Schöppl; Franz Sauerzopf, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

A.K. Shikov, V.I. Pantsyrny, N.I. Kozlenkova, L. Potanina, R.M. Vasiliev, I.N. Gubkin, E.V. Nikulenkov, M. Eisterer, J. Emhofer, R. Fuger, R. Schöppl, F. Sauerzopf, H. W. Weber:
"The effect of thermo-mechanical treatments on Jc(T,B) and Tcs of NbTi-strands";
Poster: Applied Superconductivity Conference, Chicago, USA; 08-18-2008 - 08-22-2008.

Authors: R. Fuger, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

R. Fuger, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"YBCO coated conductors for fusion magnets";
Poster: Applied Superconductivity Conference, Chicago, USA; 08-18-2008 - 08-22-2008.

Authors: T. Withnell, E141; K. Schöppl, E141; J.H. Durrell; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

T. Withnell, K. Schöppl, J.H. Durrell, H. W. Weber:
"Effects of irradiation of vicinal YBCO thin films";
Talk: Applied Superconductivity Conference, Chicago, USA; 08-18-2008 - 08-22-2008.

Authors: Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; R. Fuger, E141; F. Hengstberger, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Zehetmayer, R. Fuger, F. Hengstberger, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"Quantitative analysis of local inhomogeneities in long coated conductors measured by the magnetoscan technique";
Talk: Applied Superconductivity Conference, Chicago, USA; 08-18-2008 - 08-22-2008.

Authors: F. Hengstberger, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; N. Hörhager, E141; J. Tröstl; Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

F. Hengstberger, M. Eisterer, N. Hörhager, J. Tröstl, M. Zehetmayer, H. W. Weber:
"Comparative evaluation of magnetoscan and trapped field maps in bulk high temperature superconductors";
Poster: Applied Superconductivity Conference, Chicago, USA; 08-18-2008 - 08-22-2008.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"Application prospects of MgB2 in view of its basic properties";
Talk: Applied Superconductivity Conference, Chicago, USA; 08-18-2008 - 08-22-2008.

Authors: A. Kortyka; R. Puzniak; A. Wisniewski; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; T.B. Doyle; Y.Q. Cai; X. Yao

A. Kortyka, R. Puzniak, A. Wisniewski, H. W. Weber, T. Doyle, Y.Q. Cai, X. Yao:
"Influence of low-level Pr substitution on the superconducting properties of YBa2 Cu3O7-δ single crystals";
Poster: 25th Int. Conference on Low Temperature Physics, Amsterdam, Holland; 03-06-2008 - 03-13-2008.

Authors: V.V. Marchenkov; V.F. Reutov; V.E. Arkhipov; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

V. Marchenkov, V.F. Reutov, V. Arkhipov, H. W. Weber:
"Electrical and magnetic properties of molybdenum and aluminum samples containing iron nano-particles";
Poster: 25th Int. Conference on Low Temperature Physics, Amsterdam, Holland; 03-06-2008 - 03-13-2008.

Authors: V.V. Marchenkov; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

V. Marchenkov, H. W. Weber:
"On the temperature dependence of the magnetoresistivity and the specular reflection coefficient in ultra-pure single crystals of compensated metals";
Poster: 25th Int. Conference on Low Temperature Physics, Amsterdam, Holland; 03-06-2008 - 03-13-2008.

Authors: E.b. Marchenkova; N.I. Kourov; V.V. Marchenkov; V.G. Pushin; A.V. Korolev; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

E.b. Marchenkova, N.I. Kourov, V. Marchenkov, V.G. Pushin, A.V. Korolev, H. W. Weber:
"Low temperature kinetic properties and structure of Ni50+xMn25-x+yGa25-y alloys with shape memory";
Poster: 25th Int. Conference on Low Temperature Physics, Amsterdam, Holland; 03-06-2008 - 03-18-2008.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"Critical currents in high temperature superconductors";
Talk: Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdou, China; 04-14-2008.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"High temperature superconductors for Demo?";
Talk: EURATOM-IPPLM Council Meeting, Warszawa, Poland (invited); 03-26-2008.

Authors: F. Hengstberger, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; A. Kursumovic; J.L. MacManus-Driscoll

F. Hengstberger, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, A. Kursumovic, J.L. MacManus-Driscoll:
"Anisotropy of flux pinning in HLPE coated conductors";
Talk: HIPERCHEM Meeting, Barcellona, Spain; 03-06-2008.

Authors: Michael Hajek, E141-05; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Hajek, H. W. Weber, M. Eisterer:
"Radiation testing of electronic components";
Talk: Workshop Robust Embedded Systems, Wien; 05-26-2008.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; R. Fuger, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Eisterer, R. Fuger, H. W. Weber:
"High temperature superconducting materials for fusion magnets";
Talk: Assoziationstag EURATOM-ÖAW, TU Wien, Atominstitut d. Österr. Univ, Wien; 12-06-2007.

Authors: Karl Humer, E141-06; Rainer Prokopec, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

K. Humer, R. Prokopec, H. W. Weber:
"Advanced insulation systems for high fluence levels";
Talk: Assoziationstag ÖAW-EURATOM, TU Wien, Atominstitut, d. Österr. Univ., Wien; 12-06-2007.

Authors: Harald W. Weber, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; R. Fuger, E141; F. Hengstberger, E141; Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06

H. W. Weber, M. Eisterer, R. Fuger, F. Hengstberger, M. Zehetmayer:
"Supercurrent flow in coated conductors";
Talk: CCA 2007, Jeju (Korea); 11-08-2007 - 11-10-2007.

Authors: R. Fuger, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; F. Hengstberger, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

R. Fuger, M. Eisterer, F. Hengstberger, H. W. Weber:
"Influence of neutron irradiation on HTS-tapes";
Talk: ISS 2007, Tsukuba (Japan); 11-05-2007 - 11-07-2007.

Authors: Harald W. Weber, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06

H. W. Weber, M. Eisterer, M. Zehetmayer:
"Local supercurrent flow in high temperature superconductors for applications";
Talk: ISS 2007, Tsukuba (Japan) (invited); 11-05-2007 - 11-07-2007.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"Research on nano-engineered high temperature superconductors in Vienna";
Talk: NESPA Meeting, Barcelona (Spain); 10-25-2007 - 10-27-2007.

Authors: F. Hengstberger, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; R. Fuger, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; A. Kursumovic; J.L. MacManus-Driscoll; J. Bock

F. Hengstberger, M. Eisterer, R. Fuger, H. W. Weber, A. Kursumovic, J.L. MacManus-Driscoll, J. Bock:
"Influence of neutron irradiation and nanoparticles on the critical current density in coated conductors";
Talk: HIPERCHEM Meeting, Hürth (Deuschland); 10-15-2007 - 10-16-2007.

Authors: Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; R. Fuger, E141; F. Hengstberger, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Zehetmayer, R. Fuger, F. Hengstberger, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"Simulation of magnetoscan data in superconducting coated conductors";
Talk: 8th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS07), Brussels (Belgium); 09-17-2007 - 09-20-2007.

Authors: A. Kursumovic; B. Maiorov; L. Divale; S.R. Foltyn; T. Holesinger; F. Hengstberger, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; J. Bock; D. Isfort; J.L. MacManus-Driscoll

A. Kursumovic, B. Maiorov, L. Divale, S.R. Foltyn, T. Holesinger, F. Hengstberger, H. W. Weber, J. Bock, D. Isfort, J.L. MacManus-Driscoll:
"High rate growth of high current YBa2Cu3O7 films by hybrid liquid phase epitaxy for coated conductor applications";
Talk: 8th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS07), Brussels (Belgium); 09-17-2007 - 09-20-2007.

Authors: C. Mitterbauer; G. Gritzner; N. Hörhager, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

C. Mitterbauer, G. Gritzner, N. Hörhager, H. W. Weber:
"Yttrium-barium cuprate superconductors on titanium and rutile substrates";
Talk: 8th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS07), Brussels (Belgium); 09-17-2007 - 09-20-2007.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"Critical currents in high temperature superconductors";
Talk: 8th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS07), Brussels (Belgium); 09-17-2007 - 09-20-2007.

Authors: K. Schöppl, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; J.H. Durrell

K. Schöppl, H. W. Weber, J.H. Durrell:
"Angular dependence of critical currents in YBa2Cu3O7-δ vicinal films";
Talk: 8th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS07), Brussles (Belgium) (invited); 09-17-2007 - 09-20-2007.

Authors: R. Fuger, E141; Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; S.I. Schlachter; Wilfried Goldacker, Karlsruhe Instit ...; C. Schmidt; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

R. Fuger, M. Zehetmayer, M. Eisterer, S.I. Schlachter, W. Goldacker, C. Schmidt, H. W. Weber:
"Scan measurements on ROEBEL assembled coated conductors (RACC)";
Talk: 8th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS07), Brussles (Belgium); 09-17-2007 - 09-20-2007.

Authors: F. Hengstberger, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; A. Kursumovic; J.L. MacManus-Driscoll

F. Hengstberger, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, A. Kursumovic, J.L. MacManus-Driscoll:
"Critical current anisotropy in HLPE coated conductors";
Talk: 8th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS07), Brussels (Belgium); 09-17-2007 - 09-20-2007.

Authors: Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; N. Hörhager, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Zehetmayer, N. Hörhager, H. W. Weber:
"Non-destructive determination of the critical current density in large bulk superconductors from magnetoscan data";
Talk: PASREG, Cambridge (UK); 09-13-2007 - 09-15-2007.

Authors: N. Hörhager, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; N. Hari Babu; D. A. Cardwell

N. Hörhager, H. W. Weber, N. Hari Babu, D.A. Cardwell:
"Grain boundaries in multi seeded bulk YBCO superconductors";
Talk: PASREG, Cambridge (UK); 09-13-2007 - 09-15-2007.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; N. Hörhager, E141; Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; F. Hengstberger, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Eisterer, N. Hörhager, M. Zehetmayer, F. Hengstberger, H. W. Weber:
"Influence of a/c microcracks on the trapped field of bulk superconductors";
Talk: PASREG, Cambridge (UK) (invited); 09-13-2007 - 09-15-2007.

Authors: Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; C. Krutzler, E141; J. Jun; S. M. Kazakov; J. Karpinski; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Zehetmayer, M. Eisterer, C. Krutzler, J. Jun, S. Kazakov, J. Karpinski, H. W. Weber:
"Order disorder transition in the flux line lattice of superconducting MgB2 single crystals with artificially introduced defects: comparison with theory";
Talk: Campbell Conference, Cambridge (UK) (invited); 09-12-2007 - 09-14-2007.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"High temperature superconductors: the long road to high current applications";
Talk: Special Seminar, Institute for Superhard Materials, National Academy of Sciences, Kiev (Ukraine); 08-31-2007.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"Assessment of the local supercurrent flow in high temperature superconductors";
Talk: Special Seminar, University of Wollongng, University of Wollongong (Australia); 08-03-2007.

Authors: Rainer Prokopec, E141-06; Karl Humer, E141-06; R. Maix, E141-06; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

R. Prokopec, K. Humer, R. Maix, H. Fillunger, H. W. Weber:
"Mechanical behaviour of cyanate ester/epoxy blends after reactor irradiation to high neutron fluences";
Talk: ICMC 07, Chattanooga/Tenneesee (USA); 07-16-2007 - 07-20-2007.

Authors: Karl Humer, E141-06; S. Raff; Rainer Prokopec, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

K. Humer, S. Raff, R. Prokopec, H. W. Weber:
"Influence of reinforcement anisotropy on the stress distribution in tension and shear of a fusion magnet insulation system";
Talk: ICMC 07, Chattanooga/Tennessee (USA); 07-16-2007 - 07-20-2007.

Authors: Karl Humer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

K. Humer, H. W. Weber:
"Radiation effects on insulators for fusion magnets";
Talk: Seminar, GSI Darmstadt, Darmstadt (Deutschland); 05-15-2007.

Authors: F. Hengstberger, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; R. Fuger, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; A. Kursumovic; J.L. MacManus-Driscoll

F. Hengstberger, M. Eisterer, R. Fuger, H. W. Weber, A. Kursumovic, J.L. MacManus-Driscoll:
"Current carrying capability of coated conductors determined by transport and magnetization measurements";
Talk: HIPERCHEM Meeting, TU Wien, Atominstitut, Wien; 05-03-2007 - 05-04-2007.

Authors: N. Hörhager, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; N. Hari Babu; D. A. Cardwell

N. Hörhager, H. W. Weber, N. Hari Babu, D.A. Cardwell:
"Grain boundaries in YBCO multiseeded bulk superconductors";
Talk: Effort Meeting, Birmingham (UK); 04-27-2007 - 04-28-2007.

Authors: Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; N. Hörhager, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Zehetmayer, N. Hörhager, H. W. Weber:
"Direct determination of the critical current density from magnetoscan data";
Talk: Effort Meeting, Birmingham (UK); 04-27-2007 - 04-28-2007.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"High temperature superconductors: the long road to high current applications";
Talk: Special Seminar, Inst. of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing (China); 04-13-2007.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"Assessment of the local supercurrent flow in high temperature superconductors";
Talk: Special Seminar, Northwest Inst. of Nonferrous Metal Research, Xi´an (China); 04-11-2007.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"High temperature superconductors: the long road to high current applications";
Talk: Special Seminar, Southwest Jiatong University, Chengdu (China); 04-02-2007.

Authors: Rainer Prokopec, E141-06; Karl Humer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

R. Prokopec, K. Humer, H. W. Weber:
"Advanced insulation for the ITER TF coils";
Talk: EFDA-RESPEC Kick-off Meeting, TU Wien Atominstitut, Wien; 03-13-2007.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; R. Fuger, E141; F. Hengstberger, E141; K. Schöppl, E141; Franz Sauerzopf, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Eisterer, R. Fuger, F. Hengstberger, K. Schöppl, F. Sauerzopf, H. W. Weber:
"HTS materials for fusion magnets; analysis of PF conductor";
Talk: Assoziationstag - Fusionstechnologie, ESI Leoben; 12-05-2006.

Authors: Karl Humer, E141-06; Rainer Prokopec, E141-06; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; R. Maix, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

K. Humer, R. Prokopec, H. Fillunger, R. Maix, H. W. Weber:
"Advanced insulation for ITER TF coils";
Talk: Assoziationstag - Fusionstechnologie, ESI Leoben; 12-05-2006.

Authors: R. Fuger, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; F. Hengstberger, E141; K. Schöppl, E141; Franz Sauerzopf, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

R. Fuger, M. Eisterer, F. Hengstberger, K. Schöppl, F. Sauerzopf, H. W. Weber:
"High temperature superconducting materials for fusion magnets";
Talk: EFDA Project Meeting, EFDA-CSU, Garching (Deutschland); 12-01-2006.

Author: R. Maix, E141-06

R. Maix:
"Design, production and QC test results of the NbTi CIC conductors for the W7-x magnet system";
Talk: Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, Greifswald (Deutschland); 11-29-2006.

Authors: Rainer Prokopec, E141-06; Karl Humer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

R. Prokopec, K. Humer, H. W. Weber:
"Novel insulation systems for fusion magnets";
Talk: American Nuclear Society, 17th Topical Meeting on Fusion Energy, Albuquerque (USA); 11-13-2006 - 11-16-2006.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"Assessment of the local supercurrent flow in high temperature superconductors";
Talk: Special Seminar Los Alamos Nat. Laboratory, Los Alamos (USA); 11-13-2006.

Authors: P. Libeyre; D. Ciazynski; Alexander Vostner, E141; Rainer Prokopec, E141-06; Karl Humer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; R. Maix, E141-06

P. Libeyre, D. Ciazynski, A. Vostner, R. Prokopec, K. Humer, H. W. Weber, R. Maix et al.:
"New results and remaining issues in superconducting magnets for ITER and associated R&D in Europe";
Talk: IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Chengdu (China); 10-16-2006 - 10-21-2006.

Authors: Rainer Prokopec, E141-06; Karl Humer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; R. Maix, E141-06

R. Prokopec, K. Humer, H. W. Weber, R. Maix:
"Assessment of the mechanical properties of candidate ITER magnet insulation systems before and after reactor irradiation";
Poster: IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Chengdu (China); 10-16-2006 - 10-21-2006.

Authors: N. Hörhager, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

N. Hörhager, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"Neutron irradiated Ti and Zr doped MgB2 bulk superconductors";
Talk: Effort Meeting, TU Wien; 10-06-2006 - 10-08-2006.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"Assessment of the local supercurrent flow in high temperature superconductors";
Talk: Special Seminar, ISTEC, Tokyo (Japan); 09-25-2006.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"Assessment of the local supercurrent flow in high temperature superconductors";
Talk: Special Seminar, Sumitomo Electric Co., Osaka (Japan); 09-22-2006.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"Assessment of the local supercurrent flow in high temperature superconductors";
Talk: Special Seminar, ISTEC, Nagoya (Japan); 09-21-2006.

Authors: Rainer Prokopec, E141-06; Karl Humer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

R. Prokopec, K. Humer, H. W. Weber:
"Fatigue behavior of an insulation system for the ITER magnets";
Poster: SOFT 2006, Warschau (Poland); 09-11-2006 - 09-15-2006.

Authors: Rainer Prokopec, E141-06; Karl Humer, E141-06; R. Maix, E141-06; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

R. Prokopec, K. Humer, R. Maix, H. Fillunger, H. W. Weber:
"Mechanical strength of various cyanate ester/epoxy insulation systems after fast neutron irradiation to the ITER design fluence and beyond";
Poster: SOFT 2006, Warschau (Poland); 09-11-2006 - 09-15-2006.

Authors: Rainer Prokopec, E141-06; Karl Humer, E141-06; R. Maix, E141-06; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

R. Prokopec, K. Humer, R. Maix, H. Fillunger, H. W. Weber:
"Mechanical strength of alternative ITER magnet insulation systems after reactor irradiation";
Talk: ICEC/ICMC, Prague (CZ); 07-17-2006 - 07-21-2006.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"Recent progress with the characterization of the current carrying capability of bulk RE-BCO superconductors";
Talk: Int. Conf. on Superconductor Materials (ICSM), Beijing (China) (invited); 06-26-2006 - 06-28-2006.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"Radiation effects on superconductors";
Talk: CIMTEC 2006, Acireale (Italien) (invited); 06-04-2006 - 06-09-2006.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"Assessment of supercurrent flow in HTS";
Talk: 2nd Topical SCENET-2 Workshop, Mallorca (Spanien) (invited); 03-16-2006 - 03-18-2006.

Authors: K. Schöppl, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; J.H. Durrell

K. Schöppl, H. W. Weber, J.H. Durrell:
"Critical Currents of Neutron Irradiated YBa2Ca3O7-δ Low Angle Grain Boundaries";
Poster: Int. Conf. on Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity and High Temperature Superconductivity (M2S), Dresden (Deutschland); 07-09-2006 - 07-14-2006.

Authors: C. Krutzler, E141; Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; J. Karpinski

C. Krutzler, M. Zehetmayer, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, J. Karpinski:
"Modification of the defect structure in MgB2 single crystals by carbon doping and neutron irradiation";
Poster: Int. Conf. on Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity and High Temperature Superconductivity (M2S), Dresden (Deutschland); 07-09-2006 - 07-14-2006.

Authors: C. Krutzler, E141; Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; N.D. Zhigadlo; J. Karpinski

C. Krutzler, M. Zehetmayer, H. W. Weber, N.D. Zhigadlo, J. Karpinski:
"Modification of the irreversible magnetic properties in MgB2 single crystals by carbon doping and neutron irradiation";
Talk: SCENET Workshop, Mallorca (Spanien); 05-25-2006 - 05-27-2006.

Authors: Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; R. Fuger, E141; F. Hengstberger, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Zehetmayer, R. Fuger, F. Hengstberger, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"Local assessment of the current flow in larga bulk superconductors and in coated conductors by the newly established magnetoscan technique - theory and experiment";
Talk: E-MRS, Warsaw (Poland) (invited); 09-04-2006 - 09-08-2006.

Authors: Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; R. Fuger, E141; F. Hengstberger, E141; M. Kitzmantel; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Zehetmayer, M. Eisterer, R. Fuger, F. Hengstberger, M. Kitzmantel, H. W. Weber:
"Modified magnetoscan technique for assessing inhomogeneities in the current flow of coated conductors - theory and experiment";
Talk: Int. Conf. on Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity and High Temperature Superconductivity (M2S), Dresden (Deutschland) (invited); 07-09-2006 - 07-14-2006.

Authors: F. Hengstberger, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; A. Kursumovic; J.L. MacManus-Driscoll

F. Hengstberger, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, A. Kursumovic, J.L. MacManus-Driscoll:
"Irreversible magnetic properties of HLPE coated conductors";
Poster: Applied Superconductivity Conference, Seattle (USA); 08-27-2006 - 09-01-2006.

Authors: F. Hengstberger, E141; R. Fuger, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; D. Isfort

F. Hengstberger, R. Fuger, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, D. Isfort:
"Homogeneity of supercurrent flow in coated conductors";
Poster: Int. Conf. on Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity and High Temperature Superconductivity (M2S), Dresden; 06-13-2006.

Authors: R. Maix, E141-06; Stefan Fink

R. Maix, S. Fink:
"Electrical and leak testing during the ITER TF winding pack manufacture";
Poster: ITER Magnet QA Meeting, Cadarache (France); 11-14-2006.

Authors: R. Maix, E141-06; Stefan Fink

R. Maix, S. Fink:
"TFMC manufacturing electrical and leak testing";
Poster: ITER Magnet QA Meeting, Cadarache (France); 11-13-2006.

Author: R. Maix, E141-06

R. Maix:
"Overview of coil electrical and leak testing options and facility needs";
Poster: ITER Magnet QA Meeting, Cadarache (France); 11-13-2006.

Author: R. Maix, E141-06

R. Maix:
"Status of the superconductor and coil production for the W7-X project";
Talk: Plasma Physics Institute of the chinese Academy of Sciences (ASIPP), Hefei (China); 10-26-2006.

Author: R. Maix, E141-06

R. Maix:
"Overview on the manufacture of the ITER TF model coil";
Talk: Plasma Physics Institute of the chinese Academy of Sciences (ASIPP), Hefei (China); 10-26-2006.

Authors: G. Gritzner; H. Sudra; N. Hörhager, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

G. Gritzner, H. Sudra, N. Hörhager, H. W. Weber:
"Critical currents and microstructure of rare earth doped Tl-1212 superconductors";
Talk: SCENET/EFFORT Meeting, London (UK); 04-06-2006 - 04-08-2006.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; R. Müller, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Eisterer, R. Müller, H. W. Weber:
"MgB2 Conductors";
Talk: SCENET/EFFORT Meeting, London (UK); 04-06-2006 - 04-08-2006.

Authors: Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; F. Hengstberger, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Zehetmayer, F. Hengstberger, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"Simulation of the magnetoscan: current dynamics in a superconductor induced by a small permanent magnet";
Talk: SCENET/EFFORT Meeting, London (UK); 04-06-2006 - 04-09-2006.

Authors: Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; N. Hari Babu; K. Iida; H. Shi; D. A. Cardwell

M. Zehetmayer, H. W. Weber, N. Hari Babu, K. Iida, H. Shi, D.A. Cardwell:
"Jc measurements on small bulk samples";
Talk: SCENET/EFFORT Meeting, London (UK); 04-06-2006 - 04-08-2006.

Author: Franz Sauerzopf, E141-06

F. Sauerzopf:
"A geometrical approach to the summation of dilute pinning forces";
Poster: Int. Conf. on Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity and High Temperature Superconductivity (M2S), Dresden (Deutschland); 07-09-2006 - 07-14-2006.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; K. Schöppl, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; M.D. Sumption; M. Bhatia

M. Eisterer, K. Schöppl, H. W. Weber, M.D. Sumption, M. Bhatia:
"Neutron Irradiation of SiC Doped and Magnesium Rich MgB2 Wires";
Poster: Applied Superconductivity Conference, Seattle (USA); 08-27-2006 - 09-01-2006.

More information

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; C. Krutzler, E141; Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; S. M. Kazakov; J. Karpinski

M. Eisterer, C. Krutzler, M. Zehetmayer, H. W. Weber, S. Kazakov, J. Karpinski:
"Influence of Carbon Doping on the Reversible Magnetization of MgB2 Single Crystals";
Poster: Int. Conf. on Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity and High Temperature Superconductivity (M2S), Dresden (Deutschland); 07-09-2006 - 07-14-2006.

More information

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; C. Krutzler, E141; Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; S. M. Kazakov; J. Karpinski

M. Eisterer, C. Krutzler, M. Zehetmayer, H. W. Weber, S. Kazakov, J. Karpinski:
"Two-band character of MgB2 - magnetization of MgB2 single crystals";
Talk: CIMTEC 2006, Acireale (Italien) (invited); 06-04-2006 - 06-09-2006.

More information

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; R. Fuger, E141; Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Eisterer, R. Fuger, M. Zehetmayer, H. W. Weber:
"High Tempeature Superconducting Materials for Fusion Magnets";
Talk: EURATOM Magnet Meeting, Barcelona (Spanien); 05-15-2006 - 05-17-2006.

More information

Authors: R. Fuger, E141; F. Hengstberger, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

R. Fuger, F. Hengstberger, H. W. Weber:
"Scan techniques for coated conductors";
Poster: Applied Superconductivity Conference, Seattle (USA); 08-27-2006 - 09-01-2006.

Authors: R. Fuger, E141; F. Hengstberger, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

R. Fuger, F. Hengstberger, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"Critical currents and their homogeneity in coated conductors";
Talk: SCENET Workshop, Mallorca (Spanien); 05-25-2006 - 05-28-2006.

Authors: R. Fuger, E141; C. Krutzler, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

R. Fuger, C. Krutzler, H. W. Weber:
"Magnetization measurements on HoNi2B2C single crystals befor and after irradiation";
Poster: Int. Conf. on Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity and High Temperature Superconductivity (M2S), Dresden (Deutschland); 07-09-2006 - 07-14-2006.

Authors: R. Fuger, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

R. Fuger, H. W. Weber:
"Magnetic and superconducting properties of HoNi2B2C single crystal";
Poster: Junior Scientist Conference 2006, Wien; 04-19-2006 - 04-21-2006.

Authors: F. Hengstberger, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; R. Fuger, E141; Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; A. Kursumovic; J.L. MacManus-Driscoll; R. Hühne; B. Holzapfel; T. Puig; X. Obradors; D. Isfort; J. Bock

F. Hengstberger, M. Eisterer, R. Fuger, M. Zehetmayer, H. W. Weber, A. Kursumovic, J.L. MacManus-Driscoll, R. Hühne, B. Holzapfel, T. Puig, X. Obradors, D. Isfort, J. Bock:
"Nanostructure and vortex pinning";
Talk: HIPERCHEM Meeting, Cambridge (UK); 10-19-2006 - 10-20-2006.

Authors: F. Hengstberger, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; R. Fuger, E141; Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; M. Kitzmantel; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; A. Kursumovic; J.L. MacManus-Driscoll; R. Hühne; B. Holzapfel

F. Hengstberger, M. Eisterer, R. Fuger, M. Zehetmayer, M. Kitzmantel, H. W. Weber, A. Kursumovic, J.L. MacManus-Driscoll, R. Hühne, B. Holzapfel:
"Magnetic Properties of Coated Conductors";
Talk: HIPERCHEM Meeting, Dresden (Deutschland); 03-30-2006 - 03-31-2006.

Authors: F. Hengstberger, E141; Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

F. Hengstberger, M. Zehetmayer, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"Magnetoscan measurements on bulk superconductors";
Talk: SCENET/EFFORT Meeting, London (UK); 04-06-2006 - 04-09-2006.

Authors: F. Hengstberger, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

F. Hengstberger, H. W. Weber:
"Local probe magnetisation measurements of high temperature superconductors";
Poster: Junior Scientist Conference 2006, Wien; 04-19-2006 - 04-21-2006.

Authors: Karl Humer, E141-06; Karin Bittner-Rohrhofer, E141; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; R. Maix, E141-06; Rainer Prokopec, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

K. Humer, K. Bittner-Rohrhofer, H. Fillunger, R. Maix, R. Prokopec, H. W. Weber:
"Radiation effects on insulators for fusion magnets";
Talk: 15th Conf. on Fusion and Advanced Technology, Tokyo (Japan) (invited); 12-06-2005 - 12-09-2005.

Authors: Rainer Prokopec, E141-06; Karl Humer, E141-06; R. Maix, E141-06; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; Karin Bittner-Rohrhofer, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

R. Prokopec, K. Humer, R. Maix, H. Fillunger, K. Bittner-Rohrhofer, H. W. Weber:
"Qualification and optimization of resin systems for ITER";
Talk: EURATOM-ÖAW 18. Assoziationstag, Reutte (Tirol); 12-02-2005.

Authors: R. Fuger; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

R. Fuger, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"High temperature superconducting materials for fusion magnets";
Talk: EURATOM-ÖAW 18. Assoziationstag, Reutte (Tirol); 12-02-2005.

Authors: T. Withnell, E141; N.H. Babu; K. Iida; Y. Shi; D. A. Cardwell; S. Haindl, E141; F. Hengstberger, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

T. Withnell, N.H. Babu, K. Iida, Y. Shi, D.A. Cardwell, S. Haindl, F. Hengstberger, H. W. Weber:
"The effect of seed orientation and separation on the field trapping properties of multi-seeded melt processed Y-Ba-Cu-O";
Talk: 18th Int. Symposium on Superconductivity, Tsukuba (Japan); 10-24-2005 - 10-26-2005.

Authors: Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; C. Krutzler, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; J. Jun; S. M. Kazakov; J. Karpinski

M. Zehetmayer, C. Krutzler, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, J. Jun, S. Kazakov, J. Karpinski:
"Effect of disorder on the irreversible magnetic properties of single crystalline MgB2: a comparison of carbon doping and neutron irradiation";
Talk: 18th Int. Symposium on Superconductivity, Tsukuba (Japan); 10-24-2005 - 10-26-2005.

Authors: T. Withnell, E141; N.H. Babu; K. Iida; Y. Shi; D. A. Cardwell; S. Haindl, E141; F. Hengstberger, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

T. Withnell, N.H. Babu, K. Iida, Y. Shi, D.A. Cardwell, S. Haindl, F. Hengstberger, H. W. Weber:
"Effects of angle on ab plane intersection for multi-seeded YBCO samples";
Talk: 18th Int. Symposium on Superconductivity, Tsukuba (Japan); 10-24-2005 - 10-26-2005.

Authors: K. Iida; N.H. Babu; T. Withnell, E141; Y. Shi; S. Haindl, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; D. A. Cardwell

K. Iida, N.H. Babu, T. Withnell, Y. Shi, S. Haindl, H. W. Weber, D.A. Cardwell:
"High performance of single grain Y-Ba-Cu-O bulk superconductor fabricated by a seeded infiltration and growth technique";
Talk: 18th Int. Symposium on Superconductivity, Tsukuba (Japan); 10-24-2005 - 10-26-2005.

Authors: Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; F. Hengstberger, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Zehetmayer, F. Hengstberger, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"Critical currents in a superconductor induced by a small permanent magnet: application to the magnetoscan";
Talk: 5th Int. Workshop on Processing and Applications of Superconducting (RE)BCO, Tokyo (Japan); 10-21-2005 - 10-23-2005.

Authors: K. Zmorayova; P. Diko; S. Haindl, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; G. Krabbes

K. Zmorayova, P. Diko, S. Haindl, H. W. Weber, G. Krabbes:
"Quantitative characterization of oxygenation cracks in TSMG YBCO bulks";
Talk: 5th Int. Workshop on Processing and Applications of Superconducting (RE)BCO, Tokyo (Japan); 10-21-2005 - 10-23-2005.

Authors: S. Haindl, E141; F. Hengstberger, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; L. Shlyk; G. Krabbes; N.H. Babu; D. A. Cardwell

S. Haindl, F. Hengstberger, H. W. Weber, L. Shlyk, G. Krabbes, N.H. Babu, D.A. Cardwell:
"Characterization of melt grown bulk superconductors by the magnetoscan technique";
Talk: 5th Int. Workshop on Processing and Applications of Superconducting (RE)BCO, Tokyo (Japan) (invited); 10-21-2005 - 10-23-2005.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; S. Haindl, E141; Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Raquel Gonzalez-Arrabal, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Eisterer, S. Haindl, M. Zehetmayer, R. Gonzalez-Arrabal, H. W. Weber:
"Limitations for the trapped field in large grain YBCO";
Talk: 5th Int. Workshop on Processing and Applications of Superconducting (RE)BCO, Tokyo (Japan) (invited); 10-21-2005 - 10-23-2005.

Authors: R. Fuger, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

R. Fuger, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"Coated conductors: granularity/anisotropy";
Talk: HIPERCHEM 6 Month Meeting, Louvain (Belgien); 10-03-2005 - 10-04-2005.

Authors: J. Baldzuhn; H. Ehmler; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; A. Jeckle; R. Maix, E141-06; S. Parodi; K. Riße; T. Rummel; H. Scheller

J. Baldzuhn, H. Ehmler, H. Fillunger, A. Jeckle, R. Maix, S. Parodi, K. Riße, T. Rummel, H. Scheller:
"Comparative analysis of impulse tests to detect short and weak points between turns and layers within the W7-X magnets";
Talk: 19th Int. Conf. on Magnet Technology, Genova (Italy); 09-19-2005 - 09-23-2005.

Authors: R. Maix, E141-06; V. Bagnato; K. Heyn; T. Kluck; F. Lange; K. Riße; C. Sborchia; N. Valle

R. Maix, V. Bagnato, K. Heyn, T. Kluck, F. Lange, K. Riße, C. Sborchia, N. Valle:
"Design, production and QA test results of the NbTi CIC conductors for the W7-X magnet system";
Talk: EUCAS - 7th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity, Wien (Österreich) (invited); 09-11-2005 - 09-15-2005.

Authors: R. Puzniak; A. Wisniewski; J. Judek; C. Krutzler, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; S. M. Kazakov; J. Karpinski

R. Puzniak, A. Wisniewski, J. Judek, C. Krutzler, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, S. Kazakov, J. Karpinski:
"Comparison of the influence of carbon substitution and neutron induced defects on the upper critical field and flux pinning in MgB2 single crystals";
Talk: EUCAS - 7th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity, Wien (Österreich) (invited); 09-11-2005 - 09-15-2005.

Authors: Karl Humer, E141-06; Karin Bittner-Rohrhofer, E141; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; R. Maix, E141-06; Rainer Prokopec, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

K. Humer, K. Bittner-Rohrhofer, H. Fillunger, R. Maix, R. Prokopec, H. W. Weber:
"Innovative insulation systems for superconducting fusion magnets";
Talk: EUCAS - 7th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity, Wien (Österreich) (invited); 09-11-2005 - 09-15-2005.

Authors: S. Haindl, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; P. Diko; M. Sefcikova; K. Zmorayova; N.H. Babu; D. A. Cardwell; L. Shlyk; G. Krabbes

S. Haindl, H. W. Weber, P. Diko, M. Sefcikova, K. Zmorayova, N.H. Babu, D.A. Cardwell, L. Shlyk, G. Krabbes:
"Studies of cracking behavior in melt-processed YBCO superconductors";
Talk: EUCAS - 7th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity, Wien (Österreich); 09-11-2005 - 09-15-2005.

Authors: M. Weigand, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; E. Giannini

M. Weigand, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, E. Giannini:
"Mixed state properties of Bi-2223 single crystals";
Talk: EUCAS - 7th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity, Wien (Österreich); 09-11-2005 - 09-15-2005.

Authors: Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; R. Müller, E141; M. Weigand, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; J. Jun; S. M. Kazakov; J. Karpinski

M. Zehetmayer, M. Eisterer, R. Müller, M. Weigand, H. W. Weber, J. Jun, S. Kazakov, J. Karpinski:
"Flux pinning in neutron irradiated MgB2 single crystals";
Talk: EUCAS - 7th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity, Wien (Österreich); 09-11-2005 - 09-15-2005.

Authors: F. Hengstberger, E141; S. Haindl, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; X. Chaud

F. Hengstberger, S. Haindl, H. W. Weber, X. Chaud:
"Investigation of artificially patterned YBCO single domain bulks";
Talk: EUCAS - 7th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity, Wien (Österreich); 09-11-2005 - 09-15-2005.

Authors: Rainer Prokopec, E141-06; Karl Humer, E141-06; R. Maix, E141-06; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

R. Prokopec, K. Humer, R. Maix, H. Fillunger, H. W. Weber:
"Mechanical performance of cyanate ester based insulation systems under ITER relevant conditions";
Talk: EUCAS - 7th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity, Wien (Österreich); 09-11-2005 - 09-15-2005.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; C. Eckhardt, E141; Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; S.I. Schlachter; Wilfried Goldacker, Karlsruhe Instit ...; V.F. Nesterenko; S. Tajima

M. Eisterer, C. Eckhardt, M. Zehetmayer, H. W. Weber, S.I. Schlachter, W. Goldacker, V.F. Nesterenko, S. Tajima:
"Influence of disorder on the superconducting properties of polycrystalline MgB2";
Talk: EUCAS - 7th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity, Wien (Österreich); 09-11-2005 - 09-15-2005.

Authors: K. Schöppl, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; C. Deinhofer; G. Gritzner

K. Schöppl, H. W. Weber, C. Deinhofer, G. Gritzner:
"Inter- and intragrain critical currents in Tl based HTS films on untextured Ag substrates";
Talk: EUCAS - 7th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity, Wien (Österreich); 09-11-2005 - 09-15-2005.

Authors: N. Hörhager, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; T. Tajima; V.F. Nesterenko

N. Hörhager, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, T. Tajima, V.F. Nesterenko:
"Ti and Zr doped MgB2 bulk superconductors";
Talk: EUCAS - 7th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity, Wien (Österreich); 09-11-2005 - 09-15-2005.

Authors: Karl Humer, E141-06; Erwin Seidl, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; P. E. Fabian; S. Feucht; N. A. Munshi

K. Humer, E. Seidl, H. W. Weber, P. Fabian, S. Feucht, N. Munshi:
"Gas evolution measurements on reactor irradiated advanced fusion magnet insulation systems";
Talk: CEC/ICMC 2005, Keystone/Colorado (USA); 08-29-2005 - 09-02-2005.

Authors: Rainer Prokopec, E141-06; Karl Humer, E141-06; R. Maix, E141-06; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

R. Prokopec, K. Humer, R. Maix, H. Fillunger, H. W. Weber:
"Static and dynamic performance of newly developed ITER relevant insulation systems after neutron irradiation";
Talk: CEC/ICMC 2005, Keystone/Colorado (USA); 08-29-2005 - 09-02-2005.

Authors: V.V. Marchenkov; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

V. Marchenkov, H. W. Weber:
"Quadratic temperature dependence of the magnetoresistivity in "size-effect" crystals of transition metals";
Talk: 24th Int. Conf. on Low Temperature Physics LT24, Orlando/Florida (USA); 08-10-2005 - 08-17-2005.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"Assessment of supercurrent flow in coated conductors by transport and magnetic techniques";
Talk: SCENET Workshop, Montabaur, Montabaur (Deutschland); 06-24-2005 - 06-25-2005.

Author: R. Maix, E141-06

R. Maix:
"General manufacturing issues of superconducting magnets";
Talk: Consultancy Meeting on QA Issues for Superconducting Magnet Manufacture, IAEA Wien (Österreich); 06-20-2005 - 06-23-2005.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"Status report on the 7th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity";
Talk: SCENET Steering Committee Meeting, Verona (Italien); 06-03-2005.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"High critical current superconductors for applications";
Talk: SCENET Steering Committee Meeting, Verona (Italien); 06-03-2005.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"Coated conductors: granularity and anisotropy";
Talk: HIPERCHEM Kick-of-Meeting, Barcelona (Spanien); 04-28-2005.

Authors: D. A. Cardwell; N.H. Babu; Y. Shi; K. Iida; T. Withnell, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; S. Haindl, E141

D.A. Cardwell, N.H. Babu, Y. Shi, K. Iida, T. Withnell, H. W. Weber, S. Haindl:
"Bulk nano composites and the development of a new seed";
Talk: SCENET Workshop, Rust (Österreich); 04-21-2005 - 04-23-2005.

Authors: Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; C. Krutzler, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; J. Jun; S. M. Kazakov; J. Karpinski; B. Birajdar; O. Eibl

M. Zehetmayer, C. Krutzler, M. Eisterer, J. Jun, S. Kazakov, J. Karpinski, B. Birajdar, O. Eibl:
"Neutron irradiation of superconducting MgB2 single crystals";
Talk: SCENET Workshop, Rust (Österreich); 04-21-2005 - 04-23-2005.

Authors: C. Krutzler, E141; Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; J. Karpinski

C. Krutzler, M. Zehetmayer, H. W. Weber, J. Karpinski:
"Comparison of the anisotropy in carbon doped and neutron irradiated single crystals";
Talk: SCENET Workshop, Rust (Österreich); 04-21-2005 - 04-23-2005.

Authors: S. Haindl, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

S. Haindl, H. W. Weber:
"Application of the magnetoscan technique to bulk HTS";
Talk: 8th Meeting of the European Forum for Processors of Bulk Superconductors (EFFORT, Liege (Belgien); 03-18-2005 - 03-19-2005.

Authors: Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Zehetmayer, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"Critical currents in a superconductor induced by a small permanent magnet: application to the magnetoscan";
Talk: 8th Meeting of the European Forum for Processors of Bulk Superconductors (EFFORT, Liege (Belgien); 03-18-2005 - 03-19-2005.

Authors: S. Haindl, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

S. Haindl, H. W. Weber:
"Results of the magnetoscan technique";
Talk: 8th Meeting of the European Forum for Processors of Bulk Superconductors (EFFORT, Liege (Belgien); 03-18-2005 - 03-19-2005.

Authors: F. Hengstberger, E141; S. Haindl, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; X. Chaud

F. Hengstberger, S. Haindl, H. W. Weber, X. Chaud:
"Magnetic properties of YBCO single domain bulks with an array of holes";
Talk: 8th Meeting of the European Forum for Processors of Bulk Superconductors (EFFORT, Liege (Belgien); 03-18-2005 - 03-19-2005.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"Implications of the intrinsic properties of MgB2 for power applications";
Talk: SCENET Workshop, Enschede (Niederlande); 03-07-2005 - 03-08-2005.

Authors: V.V. Marchenkov; V.E. Arkhipov; A.L. Suvorov; V. Arbuzov; S. Danilov; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

V. Marchenkov, V. Arkhipov, A. Suvorov, V. Arbuzov, S. Danilov, H. W. Weber:
"Quadratic temperature dependence of the magnetoresistivity in perfect and in irradiated tungsten and molybdenum single crystals";
Talk: 6th Int. Ural Seminar on Radiation Damage Physics of Metals and Alloys, Snezhinsk (Russia); 02-20-2005 - 02-26-2005.

Authors: K. Riße; R. Maix, E141-06

K. Riße, R. Maix:
"Design and production of the Wendelstein 7-X superconductor";
Talk: ITER Conductor Meeting, CRPP Mürren (Schwei); 01-25-2005 - 01-28-2005.

Author: Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Eisterer:
"Current Percolation in Polycrystalline MgB2";
Talk: SCENET Workshop, Rust (Österreich); 04-21-2005 - 04-24-2005.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"Limitation of the transport current by Hc2perp in polycrystalline MgB2";
Talk: 18th Int. Symposium on Superconductivity, Tsukuba (Japan); 10-25-2005.

Author: Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06

M. Zehetmayer:
"Neutron irradiation of MgB2 single crystals. Effects on irreversible properties";
Talk: SCENET Workshop, Rust (Österreich); 04-21-2005 - 04-24-2005.

Authors: C. Krutzler, E141; Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

C. Krutzler, M. Zehetmayer, H. W. Weber:
"Comparison of anisotropy in carbon doped MgB2 with neutron irradiated single crystals";
Talk: SCENET Workshop, Rust (Österreich); 04-21-2005 - 04-24-2005.

Authors: S. Haindl, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; L. Shlyk; G. Krabbes; N. Hari Babu; D. A. Cardwell; H. Walter

S. Haindl, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, L. Shlyk, G. Krabbes, N. Hari Babu, D.A. Cardwell, H. Walter:
"Novel Methods to Characterize Bulk RE-BCO Superconductors";
Talk: SCENET Workshop, Rust (Österreich); 04-21-2005 - 04-24-2005.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"MgB2 - mixed state fundamentals";
Talk: Institutskolloquium, ISEM, Wollongong (Australia) (invited); 12-21-2004.

Authors: Karl Humer, E141-06; Rainer Prokopec, E141-06; Karin Bittner-Rohrhofer, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; S. Haindl, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

K. Humer, R. Prokopec, K. Bittner-Rohrhofer, M. Eisterer, S. Haindl, H. W. Weber:
"Radiation effects on fusion magnet materials";
Talk: Assoziationstag ÖAW-EURATOM, Atominstitut Wien (Österreich); 11-30-2004.

Authors: Karl Humer, E141-06; H. Hartmann, E141; G. Pühringer, E141; Erwin Seidl, E141; I. Aulika; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

K. Humer, H. Hartmann, G. Pühringer, E. Seidl, I. Aulika, H. W. Weber:
"Material characterization and radiation resistance of ferroelectric thin films for bolometer applications";
Talk: Assoziationstag ÖAW-EURATOM, Atominstitut Wien (Österreich); 11-30-2004.

Authors: N. Hari Babu; Y. Shi; K. Iida; D. A. Cardwell; S. Haindl, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

N. Hari Babu, Y. Shi, K. Iida, D.A. Cardwell, S. Haindl, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"Processing of large, single grain YBa2Cu3O7-δY2BaCuO5/YBa2Cu,MOy bulk composites";
Talk: ISS 2004, Niigata (Japan); 11-23-2004 - 11-25-2004.

Authors: S. Haindl, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; N. Hörhager; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; L. Shlyk; G. Krabbes; H. Walter; N. Hari Babu; D. A. Cardwell

S. Haindl, M. Eisterer, N. Hörhager, H. W. Weber, L. Shlyk, G. Krabbes, H. Walter, N. Hari Babu, D.A. Cardwell:
"Novel methods to characterize bulk RE-BCO superconductors";
Talk: ISS 2004, Niigata (Japan) (invited); 11-23-2004 - 11-25-2004.

Authors: Karl Humer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

K. Humer, H. W. Weber:
"Overview of recent results on standard and new magnet insulation materials made by European industry";
Talk: Resin Meeting EFDA, Atominstitut WIen, Wien (Österreich); 11-15-2004.

Authors: S. Haindl, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; S. Müller, E141; Rainer Prokopec, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; Martin Müller, E138-04; Hans Kirchmayr, E138-03; T. Takeuchi; L. Bargioni

S. Haindl, M. Eisterer, S. Müller, R. Prokopec, H. W. Weber, M. Müller, H. Kirchmayr, T. Takeuchi, L. Bargioni:
"Neutron irradiation effects on A15 multifilamentary wires";
Poster: Applied Superconductivity Conference, Jacksonville (USA); 10-03-2004 - 10-08-2004.

Authors: S. Haindl, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; N. Hari Babu; D. A. Cardwell

S. Haindl, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, N. Hari Babu, D.A. Cardwell:
"Grain boundaries in multi-seeded melt-grown superconductors";
Poster: Applied Superconductivity Conference, Jacksonville (USA); 10-03-2004 - 10-08-2004.

Authors: Karin Bittner-Rohrhofer, E141; Karl Humer, E141-06; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; R. Maix, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

K. Bittner-Rohrhofer, K. Humer, H. Fillunger, R. Maix, H. W. Weber:
"Mechanical performance of magnet insulation materials fabricated by the 'insulate-wind-and-react' technique";
Poster: SOFT 2004, Venedig (Italy); 09-20-2004 - 09-24-2004.

Authors: Karin Bittner-Rohrhofer, E141; Karl Humer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

K. Bittner-Rohrhofer, K. Humer, H. W. Weber:
"Influence of parameter variations on the fatigue behavior of magnet insulation systems";
Poster: SOFT 2004, Venedig (Italy); 09-20-2004 - 09-24-2004.

Authors: S. Haindl, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; N. Hörhager; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

S. Haindl, M. Eisterer, N. Hörhager, H. W. Weber:
"Vertical analysis of melt-textured Li-doped YBCO";
Talk: Effort Meeting, Stara Lesna (Slovakia); 09-10-2004 - 09-12-2004.

Authors: V.V. Marchenkov; V.E. Arkhipov; S. Danilov; V. Arbuzov; A.L. Suvorov; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

V. Marchenkov, V. Arkhipov, S. Danilov, V. Arbuzov, A. Suvorov, H. W. Weber:
"Effects of irradiation on the electronic properties of pure metal single crystals at high magnetic fields";
Talk: International Euro-Asian Symposium on Trends in Magnetism EASTMAG-2004, Krasnoyarsk (Russia); 08-24-2004 - 08-27-2004.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"Physical characterization of tapes and thin films";
Talk: Summer Seminar on Tl-based High Temperature Superconductors, Univ. de Savoie, Annecy (France) (invited); 07-16-2004.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"Neutrons and superconductors";
Talk: Festsymposium für Prof.Dr. H. Rauch, TU Wien (Österreich) (invited); 06-04-2004.

Authors: Karl Humer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

K. Humer, H. W. Weber:
"Radiation resistance of ferroelectric thin films for bolometer applications";
Talk: Bolometer Meeting EFDA, Garching (Deutschland); 05-05-2004.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"Kritische Ströme in Hochtemperatursuperleitern";
Talk: Physik Kolloquium - Univ. Greifswald, Greifswald (Deutschland) (invited); 05-06-2004.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"High temperature superconductors - the long road to high current applications";
Talk: Physik Kolloquium, ILTSR, Wroclaw (Poland) (invited); 03-19-2004.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"Correlations between supercurrent flow and microstructure in bulk melt-textured Y-123 high temperature superconductors";
Talk: ICMC Topical Workshop, Wollongong (Australia) (invited); 02-10-2004 - 02-13-2004.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"Flußlinien in Supraleitern - Die Physik-Nobelpreise 2003";
Talk: Chem.-Phys. Gesellschaft, Univ. Wien, Wien (Österreich) (invited); 01-20-2004.

Author: Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Eisterer:
"Influence of disorder on Hc2-anisotropy and flux pinning in MgB2";
Talk: E-MRS Fall Meeting, Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw (Poland); 09-06-2004 - 09-10-2004.

Authors: Karin Bittner-Rohrhofer, E141; Karl Humer, E141-06; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; R. Maix, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; P. E. Fabian; N. A. Munshi

K. Bittner-Rohrhofer, K. Humer, H. Fillunger, R. Maix, H. W. Weber, P. Fabian, N. Munshi:
"Radiation effects on the mechanical integrity of novel organic insulators for the ITER magnet coils ";
Poster: Int. Conf. on Fusion Reactor Matzerials, ICFRM, Kyoto (Japan); 12-07-2003 - 12-12-2003.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"High temperature superconductors: the long road to high current applications ";
Talk: Physik-Kolloquium, KU Leuven, Leuven (Belgium) (invited); 12-08-2003.

Authors: Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Zehetmayer, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"Magnetic properties of superconducting MgB2 and HgBa#_/2}CuO4+δ single crystals and the effect of radiation-induced defects";
Talk: Festkörperseminar, ETH Zürich, Zürich (Schweiz) (invited); 12-04-2003 - 12-05-2003.

Authors: V.V. Marchenkov; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

V. Marchenkov, H. W. Weber:
"Unusual Properties of Pure Metals at High Magnetic Fields: Electronic Properties and a Possible Way to Electronic Devices";
Talk: 4th Workshop on the Physics of Cond. Matter, Ekaterinburg (Russia) (invited); 11-30-2003 - 12-05-2003.

Authors: Roland Bittner, E141; Karl Humer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

R. Bittner, K. Humer, H. W. Weber:
"Radiation resistance of ferroelectric thin films for bolometer applications ";
Talk: EURATOM-ÖAW 14. Assoziationstag, Seibersdorf (Österreich); 11-26-2003.

Authors: Karin Bittner-Rohrhofer, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; S. Haindl; Karl Humer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

K. Bittner-Rohrhofer, M. Eisterer, S. Haindl, K. Humer, H. W. Weber:
"Fusion magnet materials: Improvement of materials and testing methods; Radiation effects";
Talk: EURATOM-ÖAW 14. Assoziationstag, Seibersdorf (Österreich); 11-26-2003.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"High temperature superconductors: the long road to high current applications ";
Talk: Physics Seminar - Inst. of Physics (Warsaw), Warsaw (Poland) (invited); 11-27-2003.

Authors: Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Zehetmayer, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"Magnetic properties of superconductiong MgB2 and HgBa2CuO4+δ single crystals and the effect of radiation-induced defects ";
Talk: Physics Seminar - Inst. of Physics (Warsaw), Warsaw (Poland); 11-19-2003 - 11-23-2003.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"Round table on Processing: Melt-textured bulk RE-123 superconductors ";
Talk: The first topical SCENET-2 Workshop and CHem-HTSC IX Workshop, San Feliu de Guixols (Spain); 11-13-2003 - 11-15-2003.

Author: R. Maix, E141-06

R. Maix:
"ITER TF winding pack procurement package - Status and plan ";
Talk: ITER Conductor and Magnet Meeting, Naka (Japan); 10-27-2003 - 10-29-2003.

Author: R. Maix, E141-06

R. Maix:
"Summary of presentations at the Vienna meeting (10 Oct) on irradiation results, proposals for new systems and implications for industry ";
Talk: ITER Conductor and Magnet Meeting, Naka (Japan); 10-27-2003 - 10-29-2003.

Authors: R. Zanino; M. Bagnasco; G. Dittrich; W.H. Fietz; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; R. Maix, E141-06

R. Zanino, M. Bagnasco, G. Dittrich, W. Fietz, H. Fillunger, R. Maix et al.:
"Tcs Tests and Performance Assessment of the ITER Toroidal Field Model Coil (Phase II) ";
Talk: MT 18, Morioka (Japan); 10-20-2003 - 10-24-2003.

Authors: C. Sborchia; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; R. Maix, E141-06; E. Salpietro

C. Sborchia, H. Fillunger, R. Maix, E. Salpietro:
"Progress on R&D and Design Work for the ITER Toroidal Field Coils ";
Talk: 20th IEEE/NPSS Symp. on Fusion Engineering, San Diego (USA); 10-16-2003.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; S. Haindl; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Eisterer, S. Haindl, H. W. Weber:
"Variations of the critical current density in a TSMG monolith";
Talk: EFFORT - European Forum, IRC Cambridge (UK); 10-17-2003 - 10-18-2003.

Authors: S. Haindl; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

S. Haindl, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"Homogeneity of Li-Doped YBCO single domain bulk Superconductors ";
Talk: EFFORT - European Forum, IRC Cambridge (UK); 10-17-2003 - 10-18-2003.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"European funding initiatives - an overview ";
Talk: EFFORT - European Forum, IRC Cambridge (UK); 10-17-2003 - 10-18-2003.

Authors: Harald Fillunger, E141-06; H.P. Marti

H. Fillunger, H. Marti:
"Application aspects of new materials: manufacturing procedure of insulation samples using modified DGEBA resisns, the cyanate ester resin AroCy L10, pure and blended epoxy resin; extrapolation to an industrial scale";
Talk: EFDA Symposium - Wien, Wien (Österreich); 10-10-2003.

Author: R. Maix, E141-06

R. Maix:
"Comparison of earlier (shear/compression) results with recent data ";
Talk: EFDA Symposium - Wien, Wien (Österreich); 10-10-2003.

Author: Karl Humer, E141-06

K. Humer:
"Test methods for the mechanical properties of insuilators, scaling of sample sizes, finite element calculations ";
Talk: EFDA Symposium - Wien, Wien (Österreich); 10-10-2003.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"Radiation effects on fusion magnet materials: spectra and doses, influence of temperature on irradiation effects; insulation, stabilizer and supercondcutors ";
Talk: EFDA Symposium - Wien, Wien (Österreich); 10-10-2003.

Authors: P. E. Fabian; N. A. Munshi; S. Feucht; Karin Bittner-Rohrhofer, E141; Karl Humer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

P. Fabian, N. Munshi, S. Feucht, K. Bittner-Rohrhofer, K. Humer, H. W. Weber:
"Low temperature mechanical properties of cyanate ester insulation systems after irradiation ";
Talk: CEC - ICMC 2003, Anchorage (Alaska); 09-22-2003 - 09-26-2003.

Authors: Karin Bittner-Rohrhofer, E141; Karl Humer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; P. E. Fabian; N. A. Munshi

K. Bittner-Rohrhofer, K. Humer, H. W. Weber, P. Fabian, N. Munshi:
"Low temperature fatigue properties of advanced cyanate-ester blends after reactor irradiation ";
Poster: CEC - ICMC 2003, Anchorage (Alaska); 09-22-2003 - 09-26-2003.

Authors: Karin Bittner-Rohrhofer, E141; Karl Humer, E141-06; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; R. Maix, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

K. Bittner-Rohrhofer, K. Humer, H. Fillunger, R. Maix, H. W. Weber:
"Performance of ITER-relevant magnet insulation systems at low temperature and after reactor irradiation";
Talk: CEC - ICMC 2003, Anchorage (Alaska); 09-22-2003 - 09-26-2003.

Authors: Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; J. Karpinski; O. Eibl

M. Zehetmayer, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, J. Karpinski, O. Eibl:
"Irreversible magnetic properties of neutron irradiated MgB2 single crystals";
Talk: CEC - ICMC 2003, Anchorage (Alaska); 09-22-2003 - 09-26-2003.

Authors: M. Kühberger; G. Gritzner; Susanne Tönies, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Kühberger, G. Gritzner, S. Tönies, H. W. Weber:
"An easy way to prepare superconducting MgB2 thick films ";
Poster: EUCAS 2003, Sorrent (Italy); 09-14-2003 - 09-18-2003.

Authors: K. Schöppl, E141; R. Fuger; M. Weiss; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; M. Kühberger; G. Gritzner

K. Schöppl, R. Fuger, M. Weiss, H. W. Weber, M. Kühberger, G. Gritzner:
"Transport properties of screen printed MgB2 thick films ";
Poster: EUCAS 2003, Sorrent (Italy); 09-14-2003 - 09-18-2003.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"Transport Currents in Polycrystalline MgB2";
Poster: EUCAS 2003, Sorrent (Italy); 09-14-2003 - 09-18-2003.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; S. Haindl; T. Wojcik, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Eisterer, S. Haindl, T. Wojcik, H. W. Weber:
"Remnant current distribution in a melt textured monolith: Assessment of variations along the thickness";
Poster: EUCAS 2003, Sorrent (Italy); 09-14-2003 - 09-18-2003.

Authors: Roland Bittner, E141; Karl Humer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; K. Kundzins; A. R. Sternberg; D. A. Lesnyh; D. V. Kulikov; Y. V. Trushin

R. Bittner, K. Humer, H. W. Weber, K. Kundzins, A. Sternberg, D. Lesnyh, D. Kulikov, Y. Trushin:
"Neutron irradiation effects in PZ and PZT thin films ";
Poster: European. Meeting on Ferroelectrics, EMF 2003, Cambridge (UK); 08-04-2003 - 08-08-2003.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; J. Karpinski; B. Birajdar; O. Eibl; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Eisterer, M. Zehetmayer, J. Karpinski, B. Birajdar, O. Eibl, H. W. Weber:
"Critical Currents in Neutron Irradiated MgB2";
Talk: IWCC Int. Workshop on Critical Currents, Tokyo (Japan) (invited); 07-28-2003 - 07-30-2003.

Author: Michael Eisterer, E141-06

M. Eisterer:
"Significance of solutionsof the inverse Biot-Savart problem in thick superconductors ";
Talk: PASREG - 4th Int. Workshop on Processing and Appl. ....., Jena (Deutschland); 06-30-2003 - 07-02-2003.

Authors: S. Haindl; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

S. Haindl, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"Magnetic Flux Penetration into Melt Textured Superconductors ";
Poster: PASREG - 4th Int. Workshop on Processing and Appl. ....., Jena (Deutschland); 06-30-2003 - 07-02-2003.

Authors: D. A. Cardwell; M. Murakami; M. Zeisberger; W. Gawalek; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; G. Fuchs; G. Krabbes; A. Leenders; H. Freyhardt

D.A. Cardwell, M. Murakami, M. Zeisberger, W. Gawalek, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, G. Fuchs, G. Krabbes, A. Leenders, H. Freyhardt:
"Round Robin Measurements of Trapped Magnetic Field in Large Grain SmBaCuO";
Talk: PASREG - 4th Int. Workshop on Processing and Appl. ....., Jena (Deutschland); 06-30-2003 - 07-02-2003.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"Trapped Fields and Supercurrent Flow in bulk High-Tc Superconductors ";
Talk: PASREG - 4th Int. Workshop on Processing and Appl. ....., Jena (Deutschland) (invited); 06-30-2003 - 07-02-2003.

Authors: Klaus Hense, E138-03; Martin Müller, E138-04; Robert Lackner, E138-03; Hans Kirchmayr, E138-03; R. Maix, E141-06; Harald Fillunger, E141-06

K. Hense, M. Müller, R. Lackner, H. Kirchmayr, R. Maix, H. Fillunger:
"Scaling behaviour for the exponents of U-I-, U-B-, U-T measurements ";
Talk: Int. Topical Conf. on the Voltage-Current ....., Twente University (Netherlands); 05-25-2003 - 05-28-2003.

Authors: T.B. Doyle; A. Wisniewski; Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; J. Karpinski

T. Doyle, A. Wisniewski, M. Zehetmayer, H. W. Weber, J. Karpinski:
"Equilibrium behaviour and vortex pinning in MgB2 single crystals";
Poster: 7th Int. Conf. on Materials and Mechanisms of Supercond......, Rio de Janeiro (Brasilien); 05-25-2003 - 05-30-2003.

Authors: Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; J. Jun; S. M. Kazakov; J. Karpinski; A. Wisniewski; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Zehetmayer, M. Eisterer, J. Jun, S. Kazakov, J. Karpinski, A. Wisniewski, H. W. Weber:
"Anisotropy in superconducting MgB2: A comparison of SQUID, VSM, and torque measurements ";
Poster: 7th Int. Conf. on Materials and Mechanisms of Supercond......, Rio de Janeiro (Brasilien); 05-25-2003 - 05-30-2003.

Authors: Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; S. M. Kazakov; J. Karpinski; A. Wisniewski; R. Puzniak; A. Daignere; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Zehetmayer, M. Eisterer, S. Kazakov, J. Karpinski, A. Wisniewski, R. Puzniak, A. Daignere, H. W. Weber:
"Effects of neutron and electron irradiation on superconducting HgBa2CuO4+δ single crystals ";
Poster: 7th Int. Conf. on Materials and Mechanisms of Supercond......, Rio de Janeiro (Brasilien); 05-25-2003 - 05-30-2003.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; S. Haindl; Raquel Gonzalez-Arrabal, E141; T. Wojcik, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Eisterer, S. Haindl, R. Gonzalez-Arrabal, T. Wojcik, H. W. Weber:
"Current distribution in nearly homogeneous melt textured monoliths ";
Talk: 7th Int. Conf. on Materials and Mechanisms of Supercond......, Rio de Janeiro (Brasilien); 05-25-2003 - 05-30-2003.

Author: Harald Fillunger, E141-06

H. Fillunger:
"Radiation and fatigue effects on electrical insulation and comments on structural criteria";
Talk: ITER Conductor and Magnet Meeting, Garching (Deutschland); 05-06-2003 - 05-09-2003.

Author: R. Maix, E141-06

R. Maix:
"Impact of the use of a steel or titanium jacket on the TF conductor winding, reaction treatment and transfer";
Talk: ITER Conductor and Magnet Meeting, Garching (Deutschland); 05-06-2003 - 05-09-2003.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"Kritische Ströme in Hochtemperatursupraleitern ";
Talk: Physik Kolloquium, TU Dresden, TU Dresden (Deutschland) (invited); 05-06-2003.

Authors: D. A. Cardwell; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

D.A. Cardwell, H. W. Weber:
"Standardisation: Round robin tests on bulk superconductors ";
Talk: EFFORT Workshop, Grenoble (France); 04-04-2003 - 04-05-2003.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"The integrated project SUPERSYSTEMAT ";
Talk: EFFORT Workshop, Grenoble (France); 04-04-2003 - 04-05-2003.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Eisterer, M. Zehetmayer, H. W. Weber:
"Critical currents in single crystalline MgB2 superconductors ";
Talk: SCENET Workshop, San Feliu des Guixols (Spain); 03-14-2003 - 03-15-2003.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"Radiation effects on U-doped Bi-2223 tapes and Tl-1223 thick films, Y-123 coated conductors and bulks";
Talk: SCENET Workshop, San Feliu de Guixols (Spain); 03-14-2003 - 03-15-2003.

Authors: V.V. Marchenkov; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

V. Marchenkov, H. W. Weber:
"Effect of Irradiation on the Electronic Properties of Pure Compensated Metal Single Crystals at High Fields ";
Talk: 5th Int. Ural Seminar on Radiation Damage in Metals and Alloys, Snezhinsk (Russia); 02-23-2003 - 03-01-2003.

Authors: O. Heiml; G. Gritzner; Susanne Tönies, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

O. Heiml, G. Gritzner, S. Tönies, H. W. Weber:
"(Tl,Pb)-1223 supraleitende Filme auf Lanthanaluminat";
Poster: 8. Statusseminar Supraleitung u. Tieftemperaturtechnik, Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Deutschland); 02-13-2003 - 02-14-2003.

Authors: Harald Fillunger, E141-06; R. Maix, E141-06

H. Fillunger, R. Maix:
"Material data on thermal expansion and E-modulus used for determining the thermal strain on Nb3Sn in CIC cables";
Talk: ITER TF Model Coil Test and Analysis Meeting, CEA Cadarache (France); 02-04-2003 - 02-05-2003.

Authors: R. Maix, E141-06; Harald Fillunger, E141-06

R. Maix, H. Fillunger:
"Data of EM internal tin strand used for the TFMC conductor ";
Talk: ITER TF Model Coil Test and Analysis Meeting, CEA Cadarache (France); 02-04-2003 - 02-05-2003.

Authors: R. Maix, E141-06; Harald Fillunger, E141-06

R. Maix, H. Fillunger:
"Estimation of change in lenght of CIC-conductors due to heat treatment and of thermal strain in Nb3Sn using a refined model ";
Talk: ITER TF Model Coil Test and Analysis Meeting, CEA Cadarache (France); 02-04-2003 - 02-05-2003.

Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

E. Jericha, G. Badurek, H. Rauch, H. W. Weber:
"AUSTRON - The Central European Spallation Source ";
Poster: European Conference ESS, Bonn (Deutschland); 05-14-2002 - 05-17-2002.

Authors: D. A. Lesnyh; D. V. Kulikov; Y. V. Trushin; Roland Bittner, E141; Karl Humer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; A. R. Sternberg

D. Lesnyh, D. Kulikov, Y. Trushin, R. Bittner, K. Humer, H. W. Weber, A. Sternberg:
"Changes in the Temperature Dependence of the Dielectric Constant in Irradiated Antiferroelectric Thin Films ";
Talk: 6th Int. WOrkshop on Nondestructive Testting and Computer Simulations in Science and Engineering, St. Petersburg (Russia); 06-10-2002 - 06-16-2002.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; J. Karpinski; A. Wisniewski; D. A. Cardwell; B. A. Glowacki; L. R. Greenwood

M. Eisterer, M. Zehetmayer, H. W. Weber, J. Karpinski, A. Wisniewski, D.A. Cardwell, B. A. Glowacki, L. R. Greenwood:
"Mixed State Properties of Superconducting MgB2 Single Crystals, Bulk and Wires ";
Talk: SPA ´02 Superconductors for Practical Applications, Xi´an (China); 06-17-2002 - 06-20-2002.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"Enhancement of Critical Currents in High Temperature Superconductors by Nano-Scale Defects ";
Talk: SPA ´02 Superconductors for Practical Applications, Xi´an (China); 06-17-2002 - 06-20-2002.

Authors: Roland Bittner, E141; Karl Humer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; L. Cakare; A. Stemberger; D. V. Kulikov; Y. V. Trushin

R. Bittner, K. Humer, H. W. Weber, L. Cakare, A. Stemberger, D. Kulikov, Y. Trushin:
"Dielectric Properties of Irradiated Ferrpelectric and Antiferroelectric Thin Films ";
Poster: ISIF 2002, Nara (Japan); 05-28-2002 - 06-01-2002.

Authors: M. Delamare; Susanne Tönies, E141; J.D. Pedarnig; Alexander Vostner, E141; D. Bäuerle; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Delamare, S. Tönies, J. Pedarnig, A. Vostner, D. Bäuerle, H. W. Weber:
"Enhancement of the Transport Properties in A-Axis Oriented YBa2Cu3O7-δ";
Talk: Applied Superconductivity Conference, Houston (USA); 08-05-2002 - 08-09-2002.

Authors: T.B. Doyle; A. Wisniewski; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

T. Doyle, A. Wisniewski, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"Equilibrium Behaviour and Critical Current Density in Polcrystalline MgB2";
Talk: Applied Superconductivity Conference, Houston (USA); 08-05-2002 - 08-09-2002.

Authors: Susanne Tönies, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; O. Heiml; M. Eder

S. Tönies, H. W. Weber, O. Heiml, M. Eder:
"Tl-1223 Thick Films - A Competitor for Coated Conductors ? ";
Talk: Applied Superconductivity Conference, Houston (USA); 08-05-2002 - 08-09-2002.

Authors: Raquel Gonzalez-Arrabal, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; G. Fuchs; P. Verges; G. Krabbes; M. Tomita; M. Murakami

R. Gonzalez-Arrabal, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, G. Fuchs, P. Verges, G. Krabbes, M. Tomita, M. Murakami:
"Temperature Dependence of the Trapped Field and Mechanical Properties of Neutron Irradiated Y-123 Bulk Superconductors ";
Talk: Applied Superconductivity Conference, Houston (USA); 08-05-2002 - 08-09-2002.

Authors: Alexander Vostner, E141; Y. Sun; Susanne Tönies, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; R. Tomov; A. Kursumovic; J. Evetts; B. A. Glowacki; A. Tuissi; E. Villa

A. Vostner, Y. Sun, S. Tönies, H. W. Weber, R. Tomov, A. Kursumovic, J. Evetts, B. A. Glowacki, A. Tuissi, E. Villa:
"Irreversible Properties of Coated Conductors Deposited by PLD on Biaxially Textured Technical Substrates ";
Talk: Applied Superconductivity Conference, Houston (USA); 08-05-2002 - 08-09-2002.

Authors: Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; J. Jun; S. M. Kazakov; J. Karpinski; A. Wisniewski

M. Zehetmayer, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, J. Jun, S. Kazakov, J. Karpinski, A. Wisniewski:
"Fundamental Mixed State Parameters of Superconducting MgB2";
Talk: 23rd International conference on Low Temperature Physics, Hiroshima (Japan); 08-21-2002 - 08-28-2002.

Authors: A. Junod; Y. Wang; F. Bouquet; P. Toulemonde; M. Eskildsen; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; S. Lee

A. Junod, Y. Wang, F. Bouquet, P. Toulemonde, M. Eskildsen, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, S. Lee:
"Specific Heat of Ceramic and Single Crystal MgB2";
Talk: 23rd International conference on Low Temperature Physics, Hiroshima (Japan); 08-21-2002 - 08-28-2002.

Authors: E. Shreder; V.V. Marchenkov; V. Okulov; L. Sabirzyanova; E. Govorkova; A. Ignatenkov; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

E. Shreder, V. Marchenkov, V. Okulov, L. Sabirzyanova, E. Govorkova, A. Ignatenkov, H. W. Weber:
"Anomalies of Electro- and Magnetotransport in Heusler-like Alloys Fe2-xVx+1Me (Me=Al,Ga)";
Talk: 23rd International conference on Low Temperature Physics, Hiroshima; 08-21-2002 - 08-28-2002.

Authors: V.V. Marchenkov; V.E. Arkhipov; A.L. Suvorov; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

V. Marchenkov, V. Arkhipov, A. Suvorov, H. W. Weber:
"Effect of Radiation-Induced Defects on the High-Field Magnetoresistivity of Compensated Transition Metals ";
Talk: 23rd International conference on Low Temperature Physics, Hiroshima (Japan); 08-21-2002 - 08-28-2002.

Authors: Franz Sauerzopf, E141-06; Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

F. Sauerzopf, M. Zehetmayer, H. W. Weber:
"Strong Versus Collective Pinning of Flux Lines in HTS ";
Talk: CIMTEC 2002, Florence (Italy); 07-14-2002 - 07-18-2002.

Author: R. Maix, E141-06

R. Maix:
"Review on Superconducting Magnets for Fusion Magnetic Devices ";
Talk: IAEA TCM, Greifswald (Deutschland); 05-02-2002 - 05-03-2002.

Authors: P. Decool; D. Ciazynski; J. L. Duchateau; P. Libeyre; S. Nicollet; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; R. Maix, E141-06; E. Salpietro; A. Ulbricht; F. Wuechner; A. della Corte; M. Spadoni; A. Laurenti; P. Pesenti; N. Valle; F. Beaudet; Alex Bourquard; D. Bresson

P. Decool, D. Ciazynski, J. L. Duchateau, P. Libeyre, S. Nicollet, H. Fillunger, R. Maix, E. Salpietro, A. Ulbricht, F. Wuechner, A. della Corte, M. Spadoni, A. Laurenti, P. Pesenti, N. Valle, F. Beaudet, A. Bourquard, D. Bresson:
"Results of R&D on Electrical and Hydraulic Joints for ITER Toroidal and Poloidal Field Coils ";
Talk: SOFT 2002, Helsinki (Finnland); 09-09-2002 - 09-13-2002.

Authors: Roland Bittner, E141; Karl Humer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; K. Kundzinsh; A. R. Sternberg; D. A. Lesnyh; D. V. Kulikov; Y. V. Trushin

R. Bittner, K. Humer, H. W. Weber, K. Kundzinsh, A. Sternberg, D. Lesnyh, D. Kulikov, Y. Trushin:
"Radiation Defects in Antiferroelectric Thin Films ";
Talk: SOFT 2002, Helsinki (Finnland); 09-09-2002 - 09-13-2002.

Authors: Karin Bittner-Rohrhofer, E141; Karl Humer, E141-06; Z.D. Wang; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; R. Maix, E141-06; P. E. Fabian; N. A. Munshi

K. Bittner-Rohrhofer, K. Humer, Z. Wang, H. W. Weber, H. Fillunger, R. Maix, P. Fabian, N. Munshi:
"Radiation Hardness of Newly Developed ITER Relevant Insulation Systems ";
Poster: SOFT 2002, Helsinki (Finnland); 09-09-2002 - 09-13-2002.

Authors: Karin Bittner-Rohrhofer, E141; Karl Humer, E141-06; Z.D. Wang; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; R. Maix, E141-06

K. Bittner-Rohrhofer, K. Humer, Z. Wang, H. W. Weber, H. Fillunger, R. Maix:
"Influence of Reactor Irradiation on the Mechanical behavior of ITER TF Coil Candidate Insulation Systems ";
Poster: SOFT 2002, Helsinki (Finnland); 09-09-2002 - 09-13-2002.

Authors: P. Libeyre; D. Ciazynski; P. Decool; J. L. Duchateau; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; R. Maix, E141-06; E. Salpietro; A. Ulbricht; F. Wuechner; A. della Corte; M. Spadoni; A. Laurenti; P. Pesenti; N. Valle; F. Beaudet; Alex Bourquard; D. Bresson

P. Libeyre, D. Ciazynski, P. Decool, J. L. Duchateau, H. Fillunger, R. Maix, E. Salpietro, A. Ulbricht, F. Wuechner, A. della Corte, M. Spadoni, A. Laurenti, P. Pesenti, N. Valle, F. Beaudet, A. Bourquard, D. Bresson:
"Technology Transfer from Laboratory to Industry for Fabrication of Large Superconducting Coil Joints ";
Talk: 19th IAEA Fusion Energy Conf., Lyon (Frankreich); 10-14-2002 - 10-19-2002.

Authors: S. Raff; P. Schanz; F. Wuechner; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; P. Libeyre

S. Raff, P. Schanz, F. Wuechner, H. Fillunger, P. Libeyre:
"Mechanical behaviour of the ITER Toroidal Field Model Coil (TFMC) in the single coil test ";
Talk: SOFT 2002, Helsiniki (Finnland); 09-09-2002 - 09-13-2002.

Authors: C. Sborchia; D. Duglue; F. Hurd; R. Maix, E141-06; E. Salpietro; P. Testoni; D. Bessette; N. Mitchell; K. Okuno; M. Sugimoto; A. Alekseev; V. Sytnikov

C. Sborchia, D. Duglue, F. Hurd, R. Maix, E. Salpietro, P. Testoni, D. Bessette, N. Mitchell, K. Okuno, M. Sugimoto, A. Alekseev, V. Sytnikov:
"Design and Manufacture of the Poloidal Field Conductor Insert Coil ";
Talk: SOFT 2002, Helsinki (Finnland); 09-09-2002 - 09-13-2002.

Authors: S. Nicollet; J. L. Duchateau; R. Heller; G. Zahn; L. Savoldi; R. Zanino; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; R. Maix, E141-06

S. Nicollet, J. L. Duchateau, R. Heller, G. Zahn, L. Savoldi, R. Zanino, H. Fillunger, R. Maix:
"Hydraulic Resistance of the ITER Toroidal Field Model Coil dual Channel Cable-In-Conduit Conductor ";
Talk: ICEC 19, Grenoble (Frankreich); 07-22-2002 - 07-26-2002.

Authors: R. Maix, E141-06; Karin Bittner-Rohrhofer, E141; Karl Humer, E141-06; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; Z.D. Wang; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

R. Maix, K. Bittner-Rohrhofer, K. Humer, H. Fillunger, Z. Wang, H. W. Weber:
"Towards Magnet Insulation Systems with Higher Radiation Resistance";
Talk: US-Japan Workshop on Superconducting Magnet Technology, MIT Plasma Fusion Centre, Cambridge (USA); 08-12-2002 - 08-15-2002.

Authors: R. Maix, E141-06; Klaus Hense, E138-03; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; I. Kajgana, E138-03; Hans Kirchmayr, E138-03; Robert Lackner, E138-03; Martin Müller, E138-04

R. Maix, K. Hense, H. Fillunger, I. Kajgana, H. Kirchmayr, R. Lackner, M. Müller:
"Optimisation of the Reaction Heat Treatment Cycle of Nb3Sn Strands for ITER";
Talk: US-Japan Workshop on Superconducting Magnet Technology, MIT Plasma Fusion Centre, Cambridge (USA); 08-12-2002 - 08-15-2002.

Author: R. Maix, E141-06

R. Maix:
"Implications of the TFMC Experience on the ITER TF Coil Manufacturing ";
Talk: US-Japan Workshop on Superconducting Magnet Technology, MIT Plasma Fusion Centre, Cambridge (USA); 08-12-2002 - 08-15-2002.

Author: R. Maix, E141-06

R. Maix:
"Analysis of the TFMC Test Results: Bus Bars, Current Leads and Quench Detection ";
Talk: US-Japan Workshop on Superconducting Magnet Technology, MIT Plasma Fusion Centre, Cambridge (USA); 08-12-2002 - 08-15-2002.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; S. Haindl; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Eisterer, S. Haindl, H. W. Weber:
"Neutron Irradiation of Nb3Sn, Nb3Al and MgB2 Superconductors ";
Talk: JAERI Magnet Laboratory, Naka, Japan; 11-07-2002.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Susanne Tönies, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; J. Karpinski; K. Togano; D. A. Cardwell; B. A. Glowacki

M. Eisterer, M. Zehetmayer, S. Tönies, H. W. Weber, J. Karpinski, K. Togano, D.A. Cardwell, B. A. Glowacki:
"Comparison of the Supercondcuting Properties of MgB2 Single Crystals, Bulks, Wires and Films ";
Poster: ISS 2002, Yokohama (Japan); 11-11-2002 - 11-13-2002.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; S. Haindl; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; M. Foitl; Klaus Hense, E138-03; Hans Kirchmayr, E138-03; T. Takeuchi

M. Eisterer, S. Haindl, H. W. Weber, M. Foitl, K. Hense, H. Kirchmayr, T. Takeuchi:
"Suitability of Nb3Al and Wires for Fusion Reactors ";
Poster: ISS 2002, Yokohama (Japan); 11-11-2002 - 11-13-2002.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; J. Karpinski; A. Wisniewski; D. A. Cardwell; B. A. Glowacki; L. R. Greenwood

M. Eisterer, M. Zehetmayer, H. W. Weber, J. Karpinski, A. Wisniewski, D.A. Cardwell, B. A. Glowacki, L. R. Greenwood:
"Mixed State Properties of MgB2 and their Changes after Neutron Irradiation ";
Talk: BOROMAG, Genua (Italy); 06-17-2002 - 06-19-2002.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"Der "steinige" Weg zur Hochstromanwendung der Hochtemperatursupraleiter";
Talk: Kolloquiumsvortrag, TU Graz; 05-07-2002.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"The Nuclear Fusion Programme of the European Union ";
Talk: Kolloquiumsvortrag, ILTSR, Wroclaw (Polen); 04-04-2002.

Doctor's Theses (authored and supervised)

Author: Michal Chudy, E141
Other persons involved: Harald W. Weber, E141-06; Fedor Gömöry, Slovak Academy o ...

M. Chudy:
"High Temperature Superconductors For Fusion Magnets";
Supervisor, Reviewer: H. W. Weber, F. Gömöry; Atominstitut, 2011; oral examination: 01-19-2011.

Author: Gerhard Burghart
Other persons involved: Harald W. Weber, E141-06; Christian Fabjan, E141-03; T. Niinikoski, (CERN)

G. Burghart:
"Baseline design of the cryogenic system for EURECA";
Supervisor, Reviewer: H. W. Weber, Ch. Fabjan, T. Niinikoski; Atominstitut, 2010; oral examination: 06-16-2010.

Author: N. Hörhager, E141
Other persons involved: Harald W. Weber, E141-06; Ernst Bauer, E138-03

N. Hörhager:
"Massive Hochtemperatursupraleiter zur Speicherung hoher Magnetfelder für die industrielle Herstellung";
Supervisor, Reviewer: H. W. Weber, E. Bauer; Atominstitut, 2010; oral examination: 01-19-2010.

Author: K. Schöppl, E141
Other person involved: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

K. Schöppl:
"Grain bondaries in high temperature superconductors";
Supervisor, Reviewer: H. W. Weber; Atominstitut, 2009; oral examination: 06-17-2009.

Author: R. Fuger, E141
Other person involved: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

R. Fuger:
"Analysis of high temperature superconductors for applications in fusion magnets";
Supervisor, Reviewer: H. W. Weber; Atominstitut, 2008; oral examination: 10-15-2008.

Author: Florian Köchl, E141-06
Other person involved: G. Kamelander, E141

F. Köchl:
"Modelling of transport and pellet fuelling in ITER-relevant plasmas";
Supervisor, Reviewer: G. Kamelander; Atominstitut, 2009; oral examination: 11-25-2009.

Author: F. Hengstberger, E141
Other persons involved: Harald W. Weber, E141-06; Ernst Bauer, E138-03

F. Hengstberger:
"Critical Currents in High-Temperature Superconducting Films and in Coated Conductors";
Supervisor, Reviewer: H. W. Weber, E. Bauer; Institut für Festkörperphysik, 2009.

Author: Dorian Bridi, E134-03
Other persons involved: Friedrich Aumayr, E134-03; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

D. Bridi:
"Neutral Beam Emission Spectroscopy and Simulation for Fusion Plasma Diagnostics";
Supervisor, Reviewer: F. Aumayr, H. W. Weber; Institut für Allgemeine Physik, 2008; oral examination: 03-13-2008.

Author: Rainer Prokopec, E141-06
Other persons involved: Harald W. Weber, E141-06; Peter Komarek

R. Prokopec:
"Development of radiation resistant insulation systems for fusion magnets";
Supervisor, Reviewer: H. W. Weber, Peter Komarek; Atominst. d. Österr. Universitäten, 2007; oral examination: 11-28-2007.

Author: Boris Klincok
Other persons involved: Harald W. Weber, E141-06; K. Fröhlich

Boris Klincok:
"Study of the high temperature superconductor tapes carrying ac transport current";
Supervisor, Reviewer: H. W. Weber, K. Fröhlich; Atominstitut d. Österr. Universitäten u. IEE, SAS Bratislava, 2007; oral examination: 07-03-2007.

Author: Patrick Wikus, E141
Other persons involved: Harald W. Weber, E141-06; Gerfried Hilscher, E138-03

Patrick Wikus:
"Dilution refrigeration of multi-ton cold masses";
Supervisor, Reviewer: H. W. Weber, G. Hilscher; Atominstitut d. Österr. Universitäten, 2007; oral examination: 06-13-2007.

Author: C. Krutzler, E141
Other persons involved: Harald W. Weber, E141-06; Ewald Benes, E134-01

C. Krutzler:
"Anisotrope magnetische Eigenschaften von supraleitenden Magnesiumdiborid Einkristallen unter dem Einfluss von Neutronenbestrahlung und Dotieren mit Kohlenstoff";
Supervisor, Reviewer: H. W. Weber, E. Benes; Atominstitut d. Österr. Universitäten, 2006; oral examination: 06-21-2006.

Author: S. Haindl, E141
Other persons involved: Harald W. Weber, E141-06; Gerald Badurek, E141-04

S. Haindl:
"Homogeneity of melt-grown bulk superconductors";
Supervisor, Reviewer: H. W. Weber, G. Badurek; Atominstitut d. Österr. Universitäten, 2005; oral examination: 03-09-2005.

Author: Roland Bittner, E141
Other persons involved: Harald W. Weber, E141-06; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

R. Bittner:
"Strahlungsdefekte in perovskitischen Dünnfilmen für ein zukünftiges Bolometer-System bei Kernfusionsanlagen";
Supervisor, Reviewer: H. W. Weber, H. Rauch; Atominstitut d. Österr. Universitäten, 2002; oral examination: 11-28-2002.

Author: Raquel Gonzalez-Arrabal, E141
Other persons involved: Harald W. Weber, E141-06; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

R. Gonzalez-Arrabal:
"Trapped field characterization in neutron irradiated (RE)Ba2Cu3O#{_7-δ} melt-textured superconductors";
Supervisor, Reviewer: H. W. Weber, H. Rauch; Atominstitut d. Österr. Universitäten, 2002; oral examination: 06-28-2002.

Author: Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06
Other person involved: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Zehetmayer:
"Anisotropic magnetic properties of superconducting MgB2 and HgBa2CuO4+δ single crystals ";
Supervisor, Reviewer: H. W. Weber; Atominstitut der Österr. Universitäten, 2003.

Author: Karin Bittner-Rohrhofer, E141
Other person involved: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

K. Bittner-Rohrhofer:
"Charakterisierung der Strahlenbeständigkeit von ITER-relevanten und innovativen Faserverbundwerkstoffen für das ITER Magnetsystem ";
Supervisor, Reviewer: H. W. Weber; Atominstitut der Österr. Universitäten, 2003.

Author: S. Spießberger
Other persons involved: Harald W. Weber, E141-06; Hans Hauser, E366-02

S. Spießberger:
"Bestrahlungseffekte in faserverstärkten Kunststoffen für Fusionsanlagen";
Supervisor, Reviewer: H. W. Weber, H. Hauser; Institut für Werkstoffe der Elektrotechnik, 1997.

Diploma and Master Theses (authored and supervised)

Author: B. Budinska
Other person involved: Michael Eisterer, E141-06

B. Budinska:
"Einfluss von Neutronenstrahlung auf die strukturellen und supraleitenden Elgenenschaften von Nb3Sn";
Supervisor: M. Eisterer; Atominstitut, 2019; final examination: 09-2019.

Author: M. Adam
Other persons involved: Franz Sauerzopf, E141-06; Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06

M. Adam:
"Einfluss strahleninduzierter Defekte auf das Flussliniengitter konventioneller supraleitender Einkristalle";
Supervisor: F. Sauerzopf, M. Zehetmayer; Atominstitut, 2011; final examination: 10-05-2011.

Author: V. Mishev
Other person involved: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

V. Mishev:
"Aufbau eines Anisotropie-Messplatzes für Zugversuche an YBCO-Bandleitern";
Supervisor: H. W. Weber; Atominstitut, 2011; final examination: 06-08-2011.

Author: Christine Trauner
Other person involved: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

C. Trauner:
"Einfluss künstlicher Verankerungszentren auf das Flussliniengitter von V3Si Einkristallen";
Supervisor: H. W. Weber; Atominstitut, 2010; final examination: 06-14-2010.

Author: Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06
Other person involved: Michael Eisterer, E141-06

T. Baumgartner:
"Transport current anisotropy in melt-textured high-temperature superconductors";
Supervisor: M. Eisterer; Atominstitut, 2010; final examination: 03-10-2010.

Author: C. Eckhardt, E141
Other person involved: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

C. Eckhardt:
"Messsteuerungstechnik in der Tieftemperaturphysik";
Supervisor: H. W. Weber; Atominst. d. Österr. Universitäten, 2007; final examination: 08-24-2007.

Author: R. Müller, E141
Other persons involved: Harald W. Weber, E141-06; Michael Mantler, E138-05; Heinz Oberhummer, E141-03

R. Müller:
"Effects of neutron irradiation on superconducting Mgb2 wires doped with SiC nano-particles";
Supervisor: H. W. Weber, M. Mantler, H. Oberhummer; Atominstitut d. Österr. Universitäten, 2006; final examination: 06-14-2006.

Author: N. Hörhager, E141
Other persons involved: Harald W. Weber, E141-06; H. Aiginger, E141-05

N. Hörhager:
"Kritische Ströme in Titan und Zirkon dotierten Magnesiumdiborid Supraleitern";
Supervisor: H. W. Weber, H. Aiginger; Atominstitut d. Österr. Universitäten, 2006; final examination: 02-15-2006.

Author: Christoph Voutsinas, E141
Other persons involved: Harald W. Weber, E141-06; Heinz Oberhummer, E141-03; Norbert Vana, E141-05

Christoph Voutsinas:
"Entwicklung eines Rotating Sample Magnetometers";
Supervisor: H. W. Weber, H. Oberhummer, N. Vana; Atominstitut d. Österr. Universitäten, 2006; final examination: 01-11-2006.

Author: Rainer Prokopec, E141-06
Other persons involved: Harald W. Weber, E141-06; Manfried Faber, E141-03; Manfred Tschurlovits, E141-05

R. Prokopec:
"Transportstrommessungen an polykristallinem Magnesiumdiborid";
Supervisor: H. W. Weber, M. Faber, M. Tschurlovits; Atominstitut d. Österr. Universitäten, 2004; final examination: 06-16-2004.

Author: S. Haindl, E141
Other persons involved: Harald W. Weber, E141-06; Manfried Faber, E141-03

S. Haindl:
"Kritische Ströme in Nb3Sn und Nb3Al Supraleitern";
Supervisor: H. W. Weber, M. Faber; Atominstitut d. Österr. Universitäten, 2002; final examination: 10-09-2002.

Author: M. Weigand, E141
Other person involved: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Weigand:
"Untersuchung des Mischzustandes von Wismut-Strontium-Kalzium-Kupfer-Oxid-(Bi-2223)-Einkristallen";
Supervisor: H. W. Weber; Atominstitut d. Österr. Universitäten, 2005; final examination: 11-16-2005.

Author: F. Hengstberger, E141
Other person involved: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

F. Hengstberger:
"Entwicklung einer Magneto-Scan-Anlage";
Supervisor: H. W. Weber; Atominstitut d. Österr. Universitäten, 2005; final examination: 10-05-2005.

Author: R. Fuger, E141
Other person involved: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

R. Fuger:
"Bestimmung magnetischer und supraleitender Übergänge von HoNi2B2C (Holmium - Nickel - Bor - Kohlenstoff) Einkristallen";
Supervisor: H. W. Weber; Atominstitut d. Österr. Universitäten, 2005; final examination: 03-16-2005.

Scientific Reports

Authors: Florian Köchl, E141-06; A. Loarte; Y.V. Gribov; G.T. Huysmans; V.E. Lukash; V. Parail; A. Polevoi

F. Köchl, A. Loarte, Y. Gribov, G. Huysmans, V. Lukash, V. Parail, A. Polevoi:
"Report on ITER Task N°IO/EXP/2013-015: Improved plasma physics behaviour description for ITER scenario control";
Report for Technical report, ITER-IO POP; 2013; 167 pages.

Author: Florian Köchl, E141-06

F. Köchl:
"ITER Scenario Modelling 2012";
Report for Technical report, EURATOM-OAW; 2013; 7 pages.

Authors: D.C. McDonald; V. Parail; P. Prior; F. Imbeaux; M. Mattei; J. B. Lister; Florian Köchl, E141-06; M. Cavinato; R. Sartori

D. McDonald, V. Parail, P. Prior, F. Imbeaux, M. Mattei, J. Lister, F. Köchl, M. Cavinato, R. Sartori:
"Technical Report on F4E Grant No. F4E-2010-GRT-255: Self-consistent simulation of plasma scenarios for ITER";
Report for Technical report, F4E; 2012.

Authors: G. Corrigan; Florian Köchl, E141-06; D.C. McDonald; V. Parail

G. Corrigan, F. Köchl, D. McDonald, V. Parail:
"EFDA Task Agreement JW10-TA-EX-ITC-06: Report on the testing and training of high-quality modellers in the use of the free-boundary equilibrium code CREATE-NL with JINTRAC in the user-friendly JET environment";
Report for Technical report, JET; 2012; 16 pages.

Author: Florian Köchl, E141-06

F. Köchl:
"Simulations with the new version of the HPI2 pellet code";
Report for EFDA report for the pellet modelling working session at the Atominstitut, TU Wien; 2011.

Author: Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. W. Weber:
"Werner Buckel - Nachruf ";
Report for Sonderdruck aus dem Almanach der Österr. Akademie der Wissenschaften; 2003.

Authors: Harald W. Weber, E141-06; Hans Hauser, E366-02; Karl Humer, E141-06

H. W. Weber, H. Hauser, K. Humer:
"Electrical Properties of Magnet Insulation Material in the Irradiated State";
Report for Association EURATOM-ÖWA, Atominstitut Wien; 2000.