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Publication list for
Manfried Faber
E141 - Atominstitute
as author or essentially involved person

174 records (2002 - 2021)

Publications in Scientific Journals

Authors: Martin Suda, E141-04; Manfried Faber, E141-03; Joachim Bosina, E141-04; Tobias Jenke, E141-04; C. Käding; J. Micko; Mario Pitschmann, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

M. Suda, M. Faber, J. Bosina, T. Jenke, C. Käding, J. Micko, M. Pitschmann, H. Abele:
"Spectra of Neutron Wave Functions in Earth's Gravitational Field";
arxiv:quant-ph, 0 (2021), 2111.02769v1; 24 pages.

Authors: Thomas Schweigler; Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; Manfried Faber, E141-03; Urs Heller

T. Schweigler, R. Höllwieser, M. Faber, U. Heller:
"Colorful SU(2) center vortices in the continuum and on the lattice";
Physical Review D, 87 (2013), 054504-1 - 054504-6.

Authors: D. Neudecker; Manfried Faber, E141-03

D. Neudecker, M. Faber:
"Thick-Center-Vortex-Model and the Coulomb Potential";
Proceedings of science, Confinement 8 (2008), 182.

Authors: Seyed Mohsen Hossein Nejad; Manfried Faber, E141-03; Roman Höllwieser, E141-03

Mohsen Nejad, M. Faber, R. Höllwieser:
"Colorful plane vortices and Chiral Symmetry Breaking in SU(2) Lattice Gauge Theory";
Journal Of High Energy Physics, 10 (2015), 10; 108 - 124.

More information

Authors: Seyed Mohsen Hossein Nejad; Manfried Faber, E141-03

Mohsen Nejad, M. Faber:
"Colorful vortex intersections in SU(2) lattice gauge theory and their influences on chiral properties";
Journal Of High Energy Physics, 09 (2017), 1 - 15.

Authors: G. Jordan, E141; Rainer Pullirsch, E141; Urs Heller; Manfried Faber, E141-03

G. Jordan, R. Pullirsch, U. Heller, M. Faber:
"Center vortices and the Atiyah-Singer index theorem";
American Institute of Physics conference proceedings, 892 (2007), 522.

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Authors: G. Jordan, E141; R. Höllwieser; Manfried Faber, E141-03; U. M. Heller

G. Jordan, R. Höllwieser, M. Faber, U. M. Heller:
"Tests of the lattice index theorem";
Physical Review D, 77 (2008), 014515-1 - 014515-7.

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Authors: A. N. Ivanov; Manfried Faber, E141-03; R. Reda; P. Kienle

A. N. Ivanov, M. Faber, R. Reda, P. Kienle:
"Weak decays of H-like 140Pr58+ and He-like 140Pr57+ ions";
Physical Review C, 78 (2008), 025503; 025503-1 - 025503-4.

More information

Authors: A. N. Ivanov; Manfried Faber, E141-03; A. Hirtl, E141-03; J. Marton; N.I. Troitskaya

A. N. Ivanov, M. Faber, A. Hirtl, J. Marton, N. Troitskaya:
"Energy level displacement of the excited nl state of pionic hydrogen";
European Physical Journal A, 19 (2004), 413 - 422.

Authors: A. N. Ivanov; Manfried Faber, E141-03; A. Hirtl, E141-03; J. Marton; N.I. Troitskaya

A. N. Ivanov, M. Faber, A. Hirtl, J. Marton, N. Troitskaya:
"On pionic hydrogen: Quantum field theoretic relativistic covariant and model-independent approach ";
European Physical Journal A, 18 (2003), 653 - 666.

Authors: A.N. Ivanov, E141-04; M. Cargnelli; Manfried Faber, E141-03; H. Fuhrmann; V.A. Ivanova; J. Marton; N.I. Troitskaya; J. Zmeskal

A. Ivanov, M. Cargnelli, M. Faber, H. Fuhrmann, V.A. Ivanova, J. Marton, N. Troitskaya, J. Zmeskal:
"Energy-level displacement of excited np states of kaonic hydrogen";
Physical Review A, 71 (2005), 052508-1 - 052508-11.

Authors: A.N. Ivanov, E141-04; M. Cargnelli; Manfried Faber, E141-03; H. Fuhrmann; V.A. Ivanova; J. Marton; N.I. Troitskaya; J. Zmeskal

A. Ivanov, M. Cargnelli, M. Faber, H. Fuhrmann, V.A. Ivanova, J. Marton, N. Troitskaya, J. Zmeskal:
"From solar proton burning to pionic deuterium through the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model of light nuclei";
European Physical Journal A, 23 (2005), 1 - 6.

More information

Authors: A.N. Ivanov, E141-04; M. Cargnelli; Manfried Faber, E141-03; H. Fuhrmann; V.A. Ivanova; J. Marton; N.I. Troitskaya; J. Zmeskal

A. Ivanov, M. Cargnelli, M. Faber, H. Fuhrmann, V.A. Ivanova, J. Marton, N. Troitskaya, J. Zmeskal:
"On isospin-breaking corrections to the energy level displacement of the ground state of kaonic hydrogen";
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 31 (2005), 769 - 789.

Authors: A.N. Ivanov, E141-04; M. Cargnelli; Manfried Faber, E141-03; H. Fuhrmann; V.A. Ivanova; J. Marton; N.I. Troitskaya; J. Zmeskal

A. Ivanov, M. Cargnelli, M. Faber, H. Fuhrmann, V.A. Ivanova, J. Marton, N. Troitskaya, J. Zmeskal:
"On kaonic deuterium. Quantum field-theoretic and relativistic covariant approach";
European Physical Journal A, 23 (2005), 79 - 111.

Authors: A.N. Ivanov, E141-04; M. Cargnelli; Manfried Faber, E141-03; H. Fuhrmann; V.A. Ivanova; J. Marton; N.I. Troitskaya; J. Zmeskal

A. Ivanov, M. Cargnelli, M. Faber, H. Fuhrmann, V.A. Ivanova, J. Marton, N. Troitskaya, J. Zmeskal:
"On kaonic hydrogen. Phenomenological quantum field theoretic model revisited";
European Physical Journal A, 25 (2005), 329 - 338.

Authors: A.N. Ivanov, E141-04; M. Cargnelli; Manfried Faber, E141-03; H. Fuhrmann; V.A. Ivanova; J. Marton; N.I. Troitskaya; J. Zmeskal

A. Ivanov, M. Cargnelli, M. Faber, H. Fuhrmann, V.A. Ivanova, J. Marton, N. Troitskaya, J. Zmeskal:
"Radiative np - 1s + γ transitions induced by strong low-energy interactions in kaonic atoms";
Physical Review A, 72 (2005), 022506-1 - 022506-9.

Authors: Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; Thomas Schweigler; Manfried Faber, E141-03; Urs Heller

R. Höllwieser, T. Schweigler, M. Faber, U. Heller:
"Center Vortices and Chiral Symmetry Breaking in SU(2) Lattice Gauge Theory";
Physical Review D, 88 (2013), 114505-1 - 114505-19.

Authors: Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; Manfried Faber, E141-03; U. M. Heller

R. Höllwieser, M. Faber, U. M. Heller:
"Intersections of thick Center Vortices, Dirac Eigenmodes and Fractional Topological Charge in SU(2) Lattice Gauge Theory";
arxiv:hep-lat, 0 (2011).

Authors: Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; Manfried Faber, E141-03; U. M. Heller

R. Höllwieser, M. Faber, U. M. Heller:
"Intersections of thick Center Vortices, Dirac Eigenmodes and Fractional Topological Charge in SU(2) Lattice Gauge Theory";
Journal of High Energy Physics, 1106 (2011), 052-1 - 052-21.

Authors: Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; Manfried Faber, E141-03; U. M. Heller

R. Höllwieser, M. Faber, U. M. Heller:
"Lattice Index Theorem and Fractional Topological Charge";
arxiv:hep-lat, 0 (2010).

Authors: Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; Manfried Faber, E141-03; U. M. Heller

R. Höllwieser, M. Faber, U. M. Heller:
"Violations of the Lattice Index Theorem for Spherical Center Vortices";
American Institute of Physics conference proceedings, 1343 (2011), 227 - 229.

Authors: Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; Manfried Faber, E141-03; Urs Heller

R. Höllwieser, M. Faber, U. Heller:
"Critical analysis of topological charge determination in the background of center vortices in SU(2) lattice gauge theory";
Physical Review D, 86 (2012), 014513-1 - 014513-7.

Authors: Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; Manfried Faber, E141-03; Urs Heller

R. Höllwieser, M. Faber, U. Heller:
"Spherical vortices, fractional topological charge and lattice index theorem in SU(2) LGT";
Proceedings of science, 276 (2010).

Authors: Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; Manfried Faber, E141-03; Urs Heller

R. Höllwieser, M. Faber, U. Heller:
"Violations of the Lattice Index Theorem";
AIP Conference Proceedings, 1343 (2010), 227 - 229.

Authors: R. Höllwieser; Manfried Faber, E141-03; Jeff Greensite; U. M. Heller; Stefan Olejnik

R. Höllwieser, M. Faber, J. Greensite, U. M. Heller, S. Olejnik:
"Center Vortices and the Dirac Spectrum";
Physical Review D, 78 (2008), 054508-1 - 054508-14.

More information

Authors: Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; Manfried Faber, E141-03

R. Höllwieser, M. Faber:
"Distribution of Magnetic Monopoles Within Cubes in Compact QED";
International Journal of Modern Physics A, 25 (2010), 9; 1853 - 1862.

Authors: Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; Manfried Faber, E141-03

R. Höllwieser, M. Faber:
"Localization of Magnetic Monopoles in Compact QED";
arxiv:hep-lat, 0 (2009), 0906.3130.

Authors: Rudolf Golubich; Manfried Faber, E141-03

R. Golubich, M. Faber:
"A Possible Resolution to Troubles of SU(2) Center Vortex Detection in Smooth Lattice Configurations";
Universe, 7 (2021), 1 - 14.

Authors: Rudolf Golubich; Manfried Faber, E141-03

R. Golubich, M. Faber:
"Center Regions as a Solution to the Gribov Problem of the Center Vortex Model";
Acta Physica Polonica B - Proceedings Supplement, 14 (2021), 87 - 92.

Authors: Rudolf Golubich; Manfried Faber, E141-03

R. Golubich, M. Faber:
"Improving Center Vortex Detection by Usage of Center Regions as Guidance for the Direct Maximal Center Gauge";
Particles, 2 (2019), 491 - 498.

Authors: Rudolf Golubich; Manfried Faber, E141-03

R. Golubich, M. Faber:
"Properties of SU(2) Center Vortex Structure in Smooth Configurations";
Particles, 4 (2021), 93 - 105.

Authors: Rudolf Golubich; Manfried Faber, E141-03

R. Golubich, M. Faber:
"The Road to Solving the Gribov Problem of the Center Vortex Model in Quantum Chromodynamics";
Acta Physica Polonica B - Proceedings Supplement, 13 (2020), 59 - 64.

Authors: Rudolf Golubich; Manfried Faber, E141-03

R. Golubich, M. Faber:
"Thickness and Color Structure of Center Vortices in Gluonic SU(2) QCD";
Particles, 3 (2020), 444 - 455.

Authors: Rudolf Golubich; Manfried Faber, E141-03

R. Golubich, M. Faber:
"Vortex Model of the QCD-Vacuum - Successes and Problems";
Acta Physica Polonica B - Proceedings Supplement, 11 (2018), 583 - 588.

Authors: Manfried Faber, E141-03; Martin Suda, E141-04

M. Faber, M. Suda:
"Dirac monopoles and the importance of the usage of appropriate degrees of freedom";
arxiv: physics.gen-ph, 0 (2019), 1903.00315v; 9 pages.

Authors: Manfried Faber, E141-03; Martin Suda, E141-04

M. Faber, M. Suda:
"Influence of gravitational waves on circular moving particles";
arxiv:gr-qc, 0 (2017), 1704.07668v2.

Authors: Manfried Faber, E141-03; Martin Suda, E141-04

M. Faber, M. Suda:
"Influence of gravitational waves on circular moving particles";
Journal of Modern Physics, 9 (2018), 651 - 668.

Authors: Manfried Faber, E141-03; A. Kobushkin; Mario Pitschmann, E141

M. Faber, A. Kobushkin, M. Pitschmann:
"Shape vibrations of topological fermions";
Advanced Studies in Theoretical Physics, 2 (2008), 1; 11 - 22.

More information

Authors: Manfried Faber, E141-03; A. Kobushkin

M. Faber, A. Kobushkin:
"Electrodynamic limit in a model for charged solitons ";
Physical Review D, 69 (2004), 201 - 213.

Authors: Manfried Faber, E141-03; A.N. Ivanov, E141-04; N.I. Troitskaya

M. Faber, A. Ivanov, N. Troitskaya:
"On the Evaluation of the Evolution Operator ZReg(R2, R1) in the Diakonov-Petrov Approach to theWilson Loop";
International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 46 (2007), 143 - 148.

Authors: Manfried Faber, E141-03; A. N. Ivanov; P. Kienle; E.L. Kryshen; Mario Pitschmann, E141; N.I. Troitskaya

M. Faber, A. N. Ivanov, P. Kienle, E.L. Kryshen, M. Pitschmann, N. Troitskaya:
"First-Forbidden Continuum- and Bound-State β+ -Decay Rates of Bare 205Hg80+ and 270Tl81+ Ions";
Physical Review C, 78 (2008), 061603(R); 061603-1 - 061603-4.

More information

Authors: Manfried Faber, E141-03; A. N. Ivanov; V.A. Ivanova; J. Marton; Mario Pitschmann, E141-04; N.I. Troitskaya; Markus Wellenzohn

M. Faber, A. N. Ivanov, V.A. Ivanova, J. Marton, M. Pitschmann, N. Troitskaya, M. Wellenzohn:
"On continuum- and bound-state λ--decay rates of pionic and kaonic hydrogen in the ground state";
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 36 (2009), 075009 - 075014.

Authors: Manfried Faber, E141-03; A. N. Ivanov

M. Faber, A. N. Ivanov:
"Bosonic vacuum wave functions from the BCS-type wave function of the ground state of the massless Thirring model";
Physics Letters B, 563 (2003), 231 - 237.

Authors: Manfried Faber, E141-03; A. N. Ivanov

M. Faber, A. N. Ivanov:
"Is the energy density of the ground state of the sine-Gordon model unbounded from below for $\beta^2>8\pi$ ?";
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 36 (2003), 7839 - 7857.

Authors: Manfried Faber, E141-03; A. N. Ivanov

M. Faber, A. N. Ivanov:
"On free massless (pseudo)scalar quantum field theory in 1 + 1-dimensional space-time";
The European Physical Journal C, 24 (2002), 653 - 663.

Authors: Manfried Faber, E141-03; A.N. Ivanov, E141-04; P. Kienle; Mario Pitschmann, E141; N.I. Troitskaya

M. Faber, A. Ivanov, P. Kienle, M. Pitschmann, N. Troitskaya:
"On the influence of the magnetic field of the GSI experimental storage ring on the time-modulation of the EC-decay rates of the H-like mother ions";
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 37 (2009), 015102 - 015104.

Authors: Manfried Faber, E141-03; A.N. Ivanov, E141-04; P. Kienle; J. Marton; Mario Pitschmann, E141-04

M. Faber, A. Ivanov, P. Kienle, J. Marton, M. Pitschmann:
"Molecule Model for Kaonic Nuclear Cluster bar {K}NN";
International Journal of Modern Physics E, 20 (2011), 6; 1477 - 1490.

Authors: Manfried Faber, E141-03; A.N. Ivanov, E141-04; P. Kienle; J. Marton; Mario Pitschmann, E141-04

M. Faber, A. Ivanov, P. Kienle, J. Marton, M. Pitschmann:
"Molecule model for kaonic nuclear cluster K-bar NN";
arXiv:nucl-th, 0 (2009).

Authors: Manfried Faber, E141-03; A.N. Ivanov, E141-04; P. Kienle; E.L. Kryshen; Mario Pitschmann, E141; N.I. Troitskaya

M. Faber, A. Ivanov, P. Kienle, E.L. Kryshen, M. Pitschmann, N. Troitskaya:
"On "GSI Oscillations" as Interference of Two Closely Spaced GroundMass Eigenstates of H-LikeMother Ions";
Research Letters in Physics, 2009 (2009).

Authors: Manfried Faber, E141-03; A.N. Ivanov, E141-04; V.A. Ivanova; J. Marton; Mario Pitschmann, E141-04; N.I. Troitskaya; Markus Wellenzohn

M. Faber, A. Ivanov, V.A. Ivanova, J. Marton, M. Pitschmann, N. Troitskaya, M. Wellenzohn:
"On Bound-State β-Decay Rate of the Free Neutron";
arxiv:hep-ph, 0 (2009).

Authors: Manfried Faber, E141-03; A.N. Ivanov, E141-04; V.A. Ivanova; J. Marton; Mario Pitschmann, E141; A. P. Serebrov; N.I. Troitskaya; Markus Wellenzohn

M. Faber, A. Ivanov, V.A. Ivanova, J. Marton, M. Pitschmann, A. Serebrov, N. Troitskaya, M. Wellenzohn:
"Continuum-state and bound-state β--decay rates of the neutron";
Physical Review C, 80 (2009), 035503-1 - 035503-8.

Authors: Manfried Faber, E141-03; Roman Höllwieser, E141-03

M. Faber, R. Höllwieser:
"Center Vortices and Chiral Symmetry Breaking";
Nuclear Physics B, 245 (2013), 9 - 16.

More information

Authors: Manfried Faber, E141-03; Roman Höllwieser, E141-03

M. Faber, R. Höllwieser:
"Chiral symmetry breaking on the lattice";
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, 97 (2017), 312 - 355.

Authors: Manfried Faber, E141-03; Jeff Greensite; Stefan Olejnik

M. Faber, J. Greensite, S. Olejnik:
"Center dominance recovered: Direct Laplacian center gauge";
Nuclear Physics B (Proc. Suppl.), 106 (2002), 652 - 654.

Authors: Manfried Faber, E141-03; M. P. Faifman; A.N. Ivanov, E141-04; J. Marton; Mario Pitschmann, E141-04; N.I. Troitskaya

M. Faber, M. Faifman, A. Ivanov, J. Marton, M. Pitschmann, N. Troitskaya:
"Energy Level Displacement of Excited np State of Kaonic Deuterium In A Faddeev Equation Approach";
Physical Review C, 84 (2011), 6; 064314-1 - 064314-11.

Authors: Manfried Faber, E141-03; M. P. Faifman; A.N. Ivanov, E141-04; J. Marton; Mario Pitschmann, E141-04; N.I. Troitskaya

M. Faber, M. Faifman, A. Ivanov, J. Marton, M. Pitschmann, N. Troitskaya:
"Energy Level Displacement of Excited np State of Kaonic Deuterium in Faddeev Equation Approach";
arXiv:nucl-th, 0 (2010).

Author: Manfried Faber, E141-03

M. Faber:
"Charges and Electromagnetic Radiation as Topological Excitations";
Advances in High Energy Physics, 2017 (2017), 1 - 9.

Author: Manfried Faber, E141-03

M. Faber:
"Particles as stable topological solitons";
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 361 (2012), 012022-1 - 012022-10.

Author: Manfried Faber, E141-03

M. Faber:
"Spin and charge from space and time";
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 504 (2014), 012010.

Authors: Z. Dehghan; S. Deldar; Manfried Faber, E141-03; Rudolf Golubich; Roman Höllwieser, E141-03

Z. Dehghan, S. Deldar, M. Faber, R. Golubich, R. Höllwieser:
"Influence of Fermions on Vortices in SU(2)-QCD";
Universe, 7 (2021), 1 - 11.

Authors: Hidir Bozkaya, E136; Manfried Faber, E141-03; P. Koppensteiner; Mario Pitschmann, E141

H. Bozkaya, M. Faber, P. Koppensteiner, M. Pitschmann:
"Are the Local Minima in the Magnetic Monopole Potential in Compact QED?";
International Journal of Modern Physics A, 19 (2004), 5017 - 5026.

More information

Authors: Hidir Bozkaya, E136; Manfried Faber, E141-03; A.N. Ivanov, E141-04; Mario Pitschmann, E136

H. Bozkaya, M. Faber, A. Ivanov, M. Pitschmann:
"On the renormalization of the two-point Green function in the sine-Gordon model";
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 39 (2006), 2177 - 2201.

More information

Authors: D. Borisyuk; Manfried Faber, E141-03; A. Kobushkin

D. Borisyuk, M. Faber, A. Kobushkin:
"Electro-magnetic waves within a model for charged solitons";
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 40 (2007), 525 - 531.

Authors: O. Borisenko; Sergei Voloshin; Manfried Faber, E141-03

O. Borisenko, S. Voloshin, M. Faber:
"Field Strength Formulation, lattice Bianchi identities and perturbation theory for non-Abelian models";
Nuclear Physics B, 816 (2009), 399 - 426.

Authors: Roman Bertle, E141; Manfried Faber, E141-03; Stefan Olejnik

R. Bertle, M. Faber, S. Olejnik:
"Center dominance in SU(2) gauge-Higgs theory ";
Physical Review D, 69 (2004), 71 - 76.

Authors: Roman Bertle, E141; Manfried Faber, E141-03; A. Hirtl, E141-03

R. Bertle, M. Faber, A. Hirtl:
"Vortices in the SU(2)-Higgs model vortices and the covariant adjoint Laplacian";
Nuclear Physics B (Proc. Suppl.), 106 (2002), 664 - 666.

Authors: Roman Bertle, E141; Michael Engelhardt; Manfried Faber, E141-03

R. Bertle, M. Engelhardt, M. Faber:
"Topological susceptibility of Monte-Carlo generated projected vortices";
Nuclear Physics B (Proc. Suppl.), 106 (2002), 661 - 663.

Authors: A.Ya. Berdnikov; Manfried Faber, E141-03; A.N. Ivanov, E141-04; A.V. Nikitchenko; N.I. Troitskaya

A.Ya. Berdnikov, M. Faber, A. Ivanov, A.V. Nikitchenko, N. Troitskaya:
"On nonleptonic Σ+ --> pπ0 decay in the effective quark model with chiral U(3) x U(3) symmetry";
International Journal of Modern Physics A, 22 (2007), 25; 4651 - 4666.

More information

Authors: A.Ya. Berdnikov; Ya.A. Berdnikov; Manfried Faber, E141-03; A.N. Ivanov, E141-04; V.A. Ivanova; A.V. Nikitchenko; N.I. Troitskaya

A.Ya. Berdnikov, Y. Berdnikov, M. Faber, A. Ivanov, V.A. Ivanova, A.V. Nikitchenko, N. Troitskaya:
International Journal of Modern Physics A, 22 (2007), 10; 1835 - 1847.

Authors: N. Astrakhantsev; Manfried Faber, E141-03; Rudolf Golubich; A. Kotov; A. Nikolaev

N. Astrakhantsev, M. Faber, R. Golubich, A. Kotov, A. Nikolaev:
"Influence of Fermions on Vortices in SU(2)-QCD";
arxiv:hep-lat, 0 (2019), 1911.11019v2; 5 pages.

Authors: F. Anmasser; D. Theuerkauf; Manfried Faber, E141-03

F. Anmasser, D. Theuerkauf, M. Faber:
"About the Solution of the Numerical Instability for Topological Solitons with Long Range Interaction";
arxiv:hep-lat, 0 (2021), 84 pages.

Authors: Derar Altarawneh; Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; Manfried Faber, E141-03

D. Altarawneh, R. Höllwieser, M. Faber:
"Plane Center Vortices and Fractional Topological Charge";
International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 59 (2020), 2397 - 2403.

Authors: Derar Altarawneh; Manfried Faber, E141-03; Roman Höllwieser, E141-03

D. Altarawneh, M. Faber, R. Höllwieser:
"Transition of a spherical vortex to a Dirac monopole with fractional topological charge";
Modern Physics Letters A, 35 (2020), 1 - 12.

Authors: A. Alexandru; Manfried Faber, E141-03; I. Horvath; K.-F. Liu

A. Alexandru, M. Faber, I. Horvath, K.-F. Liu:
"Lattice QCD at finite density via a new canonical approach";
Physical Review D, 72 (2005), 114513-1 - 114513-13.

More information

Authors: A. Alexandru; Manfried Faber, E141-03; I. Horvath; K.-F. Liu

A. Alexandru, M. Faber, I. Horvath, K.-F. Liu:
"Progress on a canonical finite density algorithm";
Nuclear Physics B (Proc. Suppl.), 140 (2005), 517 - 522.

Contributions to Books

Authors: Roman Bertle, E141; Manfried Faber, E141-03

R. Bertle, M. Faber:
"Vortices, confinement and Higgs fields ";
in: "Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum V ", issued by: World Scientific; World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, 2003, ISBN: 981238393x, 3 - 12.

Contributions to Proceedings

Authors: Manfried Faber, E141-03; Joachim Wabnig, E141; A. N. Ivanov
Other persons involved: Jeff Greensite; Stefan Olejnik

M. Faber, J. Wabnig, A. N. Ivanov:
"Solitons and spontaneous symmetry breaking in 2 and 4 dimensions";
in: "Confinement, Topology, and other Non-Pertubative Aspects of QCD: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop (Stará Lesná, Slovakia, January 21 - 27 2002)", J. Greensite, S. Olejnik (ed.); Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002, ISBN: 1402008732, 129 - 136.

Authors: Manfried Faber, E141-03; Jeff Greensite; Stefan Olejnik
Other persons involved: Jeff Greensite; Stefan Olejnik

M. Faber, J. Greensite, S. Olejnik:
"Status of center dominance in various center gauges";
in: "Confinement, Topology, and other Non-Pertubative Aspects of QCD: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop (Stará Lesná, Slovakia, January 21 - 27 2002)", J. Greensite, S. Olejnik (ed.); Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002, ISBN: 1402008732, 117 - 127.

Authors: Michael Engelhardt; H. Reinhardt; Manfried Faber, E141-03
Other persons involved: W. Lucha; K. Maung

M. Engelhardt, H. Reinhardt, M. Faber:
"Recent results in the center vortex model for the infrared sector of Yang-Mills theory";
in: "Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum IV: Confinement IV Proceedings (Vienna, July 3 - 8 2000)", W. Lucha, K. Maung (ed.); World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, 2002, ISBN: 981024567x, 246 - 248.

Authors: N. Brambilla; Manfried Faber, E141-03; Roman Höllwieser, E141-03

N. Brambilla, M. Faber, R. Höllwieser et al.:
"Chiral Symmetry Breaking";
in: "QCD and Strongly Coupled Gauge Theories: Challenges and Perspectives", Eur.Phys.J. C74, 2014, 2891 - 2898.

Authors: O. Borisenko; Sergei Voloshin; Manfried Faber, E141-03
Other persons involved: Jeff Greensite; Stefan Olejnik

O. Borisenko, S. Voloshin, M. Faber:
"Analytical study of low temperature phase of 3D LGT in the plaquette formulation";
in: "Confinement, Topology, and other Non-Pertubative Aspects of QCD: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop (Stará Lesná, Slovakia, January 21 - 27 2002)", J. Greensite, S. Olejnik (ed.); Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002, ISBN: 1402008732, 33 - 40.

Authors: O. Borisenko; Manfried Faber, E141-03
Other persons involved: W. Lucha; K. Maung

O. Borisenko, M. Faber:
"Confinement picture in dual formulation of lattice gauge models";
in: "Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum IV: Confinement IV Proceedings (Vienna, July 3 - 8 2000)", W. Lucha, K. Maung (ed.); World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, 2002, ISBN: 981024567x, 269 - 271.

Authors: Roman Bertle, E141; Manfried Faber, E141-03; Jeff Greensite; Stefan Olejnik
Other persons involved: W. Lucha; K. Maung

R. Bertle, M. Faber, J. Greensite, S. Olejnik:
"Center vortices and colour confinement in lattice QCD";
in: "Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum IV: Confinement IV Proceedings (Vienna, July 3 - 8 2000)", W. Lucha, K. Maung (ed.); World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, 2002, ISBN: 981024567x, 138 - 149.

Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry)

Authors: G. Jordan, E141; Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; Manfried Faber, E141-03; Urs Heller

G. Jordan, R. Höllwieser, M. Faber, U. Heller:
"Surprises with the lattice index theorem";
Talk: PoS LAT2007, Regensburg, Germany; 2007-07-30 - 2007-08-04; in: "25th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2007)", (2007).

Authors: Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; Thomas Schweigler; Manfried Faber, E141-03; Urs Heller

R. Höllwieser, T. Schweigler, M. Faber, U. Heller:
"Chiral Symmetry Breaking from Center Vortices";
Talk: PoS LAT2013, Mainz, Germany; 2013-07-28 - 2013-08-03; in: "31th Int. Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2013)", (2013).

Authors: Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; Manfried Faber, E141-03; Thomas Schweigler, E141-02; Urs Heller

R. Höllwieser, M. Faber, T. Schweigler, U. Heller:
"Chiral Symmetry Breaking from Center Vortices";
Talk: 31st International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2013), Mainz, Germany; 2013-07-29 - 2013-08-03; in: "PoS Lattice 2013", (2014), 505 - 511.

Authors: Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; Manfried Faber, E141-03; Urs Heller; Thomas Schweigler

R. Höllwieser, M. Faber, U. Heller, T. Schweigler:
"Center Vortices and Topological Charge in SU(2) Lattice Gauge Theory";
Talk: PoS Confinement X, Munich, Germany; 2012-10-07 - 2012-10-12; in: "10th Conference on Quark Confinement and the Hadron Sepctrum: Confinement X", (2012).

Authors: Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; Manfried Faber, E141-03; Urs Heller

R. Höllwieser, M. Faber, U. Heller:
"Spherical Vortices, Monopoles and Lattice Index Theorem";
Talk: PoS LAT2010, Sardinia, Italy; 2010-06-14 - 2010-06-19; in: "28th Int. Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2010)", (2010).

Authors: Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; Manfried Faber, E141-03; Urs Heller

R. Höllwieser, M. Faber, U. Heller:
"Vortex Intersections, Dirac Eigenmodes and Fractional Topological Charge in SU(2) Lattice Gauge Theory";
Talk: PoS LAT2011, California, USA; 2011-07-10 - 2011-07-16; in: "29th Int. Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2011)", (2011).

Authors: Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; Manfried Faber, E141-03; Jeff Greensite; Urs Heller; Stefan Olejnik

R. Höllwieser, M. Faber, J. Greensite, U. Heller, S. Olejnik:
"Center Vortices and Dirac Eigenmodes";
Talk: Proceedings, Dnipropetrovsk 2009, Ukraine, Russia; 2009-05-03 - 2009-05-06; in: "Proceedings of the International School-Seminar "New Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics at external Conditions"", (2009).

Authors: R. Höllwieser; Manfried Faber, E141-03; Jeff Greensite; U. M. Heller; Stefan Olejnik

R. Höllwieser, M. Faber, J. Greensite, U. M. Heller, S. Olejnik:
"Correlations between center vortices and low-lying Dirac eigenmodes";
Talk: 8th Conference Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum, Mainz, Deutschland; 2008-09-01 - 2008-09-06; in: "Proceedings of the 8th Conference Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum", POS, 036 (2008), 1 - 5.

Authors: U. M. Heller; R. Höllwieser; Manfried Faber, E141-03; Jeff Greensite; Stefan Olejnik

U. M. Heller, R. Höllwieser, M. Faber, J. Greensite, S. Olejnik:
"Center vortex influence on the Dirac spectrum";
Talk: The XXVI International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, Williamsburg, Virginia, USA; 2008-07-14 - 2008-07-19; in: "Proceedings of the XXVI International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory", POS, 258 (2008), ISSN: 1824-8039; 1 - 7.

More information

Authors: Urs Heller; Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; Manfried Faber, E141-03; Jeff Greensite; Stefan Olejnik

U. Heller, R. Höllwieser, M. Faber, J. Greensite, S. Olejnik:
"Center Vortex influence on the Dirac Spectrum";
Talk: PoS LAT2008, Virginia, USA; 2008-07-14 - 2008-07-19; in: "26 th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2008)", (2008).

Authors: Manfried Faber, E141-03; G. Jordan, E141; Roman Höllwieser, E141-03

M. Faber, G. Jordan, R. Höllwieser:
"Topology, Center Vortices, Confinement and Chiral Symmetry Breaking in SU(2) Lattice QCD";
Talk: Proceedings, Dnipropetrovsk 2007, Ukraine, Russia; 2007-05-03 - 2007-05-06; in: "Proceedings of the International School-Seminar "New Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics at external Conditions"", (2007), 27 - 37.

Authors: Manfried Faber, E141-03; G. Jordan, E141; U. M. Heller; R. Höllwieser

M. Faber, G. Jordan, U. M. Heller, R. Höllwieser:
"Surprises with the Lattice Index Theorem";
Talk: Lattice 2007, Universität Regensburg, Deutschland; 2007-07-30 - 2007-08-04; in: "Lattice 2007", PoS, Lat 2007 (2007), ISSN: 1824-8039; 1 - 8.

More information

Authors: Manfried Faber, E141-03; Roman Höllwieser, E141-03

M. Faber, R. Höllwieser:
"Chiral Symmetry Breaking and Center Vortices";
Talk: Proceedings, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, Russia; 2013-05-22 - 2013-05-24; in: "Proceedings of the International School-Seminar "New Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics at external Conditions"", (2013).

Authors: Manfried Faber, E141-03; Roman Höllwieser, E141-03

M. Faber, R. Höllwieser:
"How center vortices break chiral symmetry";
Talk: 11th Conference on Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum, St. Petersburg (invited); 2014-09-08 - 2014-09-12; in: "AIP Conference Proceedings Confinement XI", AIP Conference Proceedings, 1701 (2016), 030005 - 030012.

Authors: Manfried Faber, E141-03; Roman Höllwieser, E141-03

M. Faber, R. Höllwieser:
"Mechanism of chiral symmetry breaking in lattice QCD";
Talk: Proceedings, Tatranska Strba, Slowakei 2013, Tatranska Strba, Slowakei; 2013-06-30 - 2013-07-04; in: "The Proceedings of the 7th Joint International Hadron Structure'13 Conference", (2013).

Authors: Manfried Faber, E141-03; Roman Höllwieser, E141-03

M. Faber, R. Höllwieser:
"Vortices and Chiral Symmetry Breaking";
Talk: Excited QCD 2014, Sarajevo (invited); 2014-02-02 - 2014-02-08; in: "Vortices and Chiral Symmetry Breaking", Acta Physica Polonica B Supplement, 7(3) (2014), ISSN: 1899-2358; 457 - 462.

Authors: Manfried Faber, E141-03; Jeff Greensite; Roman Höllwieser, E141-03

M. Faber, J. Greensite, R. Höllwieser:
"Center Vortex Versus Abelian Models of the QCD Vacuum";
Talk: Excited QCD 2015, Tatranska Lomnica, Slowakei; 2015-03-08 - 2015-03-14; in: "Proceedings, International Meeting of Excited QCD 2015", Acta Physica Polonica B, Vol. 8/Number 2/Krakau (2015), ISSN: 1899-2358; 509 - 516.

More information

Talks and Poster Presentations (without Proceedings-Entry)

Authors: G. Jordan, E141; Rainer Pullirsch, E141; U. M. Heller; Manfried Faber, E141-03

G. Jordan, R. Pullirsch, U. M. Heller, M. Faber:
"Center vortices and the Atiyah-Singer index theorem";
Poster: 5th International Conference on Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum, Ponta Delgada, Azoren (Portugal); 2006-09-02 - 2006-09-07.

Authors: R. Höllwieser; Manfried Faber, E141-03; Jeff Greensite; U. M. Heller; Stefan Olejnik

R. Höllwieser, M. Faber, J. Greensite, U. M. Heller, S. Olejnik:
"Center Vortices, Confinement and Chiral Symmetry Breaking";
Talk: Winterschool 2008, Schladming; 2008-02-23 - 2008-03-01.

Authors: Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; Manfried Faber, E141-03

R. Höllwieser, M. Faber:
"Center Vortex Model of Quark Confinement";
Keynote Lecture: Vienna International Seminar on Particle Physics, Vienna, Austria; 2008-11-01.

Authors: Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; Manfried Faber, E141-03

R. Höllwieser, M. Faber:
"Center Vortices and Chiral Symmetry Breaking in SU(2) Lattice QCD";
Keynote Lecture: 58. Jahrestagung der Österr. Physikalischen Gesellschaft (ÖPG), Aflenz, Austria; 2008-09-23.

Authors: Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; Manfried Faber, E141-03

R. Höllwieser, M. Faber:
"Center Vortices and Dirac Eigenmodes";
Keynote Lecture: Int. School-Seminar "New Physics and Qantum Chromodynamics at external Conditions", Ukraine, Russia; 2009-05-01.

Authors: Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; Manfried Faber, E141-03

R. Höllwieser, M. Faber:
"Center Vortices and the lattice index theorem";
Keynote Lecture: 57. Jahrestagung der Österr. Physikalischen Gesellschaft (ÖPG), Krems, Austria; 2007-09-01.

Authors: Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; Manfried Faber, E141-03

R. Höllwieser, M. Faber:
"Center Vortices and Topological Charge in SU(2) Lattice Gauge Theory";
Keynote Lecture: 10th Conference on Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum: Confinement X, Munich, Germany; 2012-09-01.

Authors: Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; Manfried Faber, E141-03

R. Höllwieser, M. Faber:
"Center Vortices, Confinement & Chiral Symmetry Breaking";
Keynote Lecture: Bogolyubov Kyiv Conference, Kyiv, Ukraine; 2009-09-15 - 2009-09-18.

Authors: R. Höllwieser; Manfried Faber, E141-03

R. Höllwieser, M. Faber:
"Center Vortices, Confinement and Chiral Symmetry Breaking";
Talk: 46. Internationale Universitätswochen für Theoretische Physik, "Non-equilibrium aspects of quantum field theory: From cosmology to table-top experiments", Schladming; 2008-02-23 - 2008-03-01.

Authors: Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; Manfried Faber, E141-03

R. Höllwieser, M. Faber:
"Center Vortices, Confinement and Chiral Symmetry Breaking";
Keynote Lecture: 46. Internationale Universitätswochen für Theoretische Physik, "Non-equilibrium aspects of quantum field theory: From cosmology to table-top experiments", Schladming, Austria; 2008-02-23 - 2008-03-01.

Authors: Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; Manfried Faber, E141-03

R. Höllwieser, M. Faber:
"Confinement & Chiral Symmetry Breaking in Lattice QCD";
Keynote Lecture: Seminar über neue Arbeiten am Atominstitut, Vienna, Austria; 2009-11-01.

Authors: Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; Manfried Faber, E141-03

R. Höllwieser, M. Faber:
"Correlations between Center Vortices and low-lying Dirac eigenmodes";
Keynote Lecture: 8th Conference on Quark Confinement ant the Hadron Spectrum: Confinement 8, Mainz, Germany; 2008-09-01.

Authors: Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; Manfried Faber, E141-03

R. Höllwieser, M. Faber:
"Fractional Topological Charge and the Lattice Index Theorem";
Poster: 48. Internationale Universitätswochen für Theoretische Physik: Masses and Constants, Schladming, Austria; 2010-02-27 - 2010-03-06.

Authors: Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; Manfried Faber, E141-03

R. Höllwieser, M. Faber:
"Intersections of thick Center Vortices and Fractional Topological Charge";
Keynote Lecture: 49. Internationale Universitätswochen für Theoretische Physik - "Physics at all scales: The Renormalization Group", Schladming, Austria; 2011-02-26 - 2011-03-05.

Authors: Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; Manfried Faber, E141-03

R. Höllwieser, M. Faber:
"Introduction to Lattice QCD";
Keynote Lecture: Vienna Theory Lunch Club Seminar, Vienna, Austria; 2010-12-01.

Authors: Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; Manfried Faber, E141-03

R. Höllwieser, M. Faber:
"Lattice Index Theorem and Fractional Topological Charge";
Poster: 47. Internationale Universitätswochen für Theoretische Physik, "Fundamental Challenges of QCD", Schladming, Austria; 2009-02-28 - 2009-03-07.

Authors: Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; Manfried Faber, E141-03

R. Höllwieser, M. Faber:
"Magnetic Monopoles in U(1) Lattice Gauge Theory";
Poster: 56. Jahrestagung der Österr. Physikalischen Gesellschaft (ÖPG), Graz, Austria; 2006-09-01.

Authors: Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; Manfried Faber, E141-03

R. Höllwieser, M. Faber:
"Magnetic Monopoles in U(1) Lattice Gauge Theory";
Poster: 45. Int. Universitätswochen für Theoretische Physik, "Conceptual and Numerical Cahllenges in Femto- and Peta-Scale Physics", Schladming, Austria; 2007-02-23 - 2007-03-02.

Authors: R. Höllwieser; Manfried Faber, E141-03

R. Höllwieser, M. Faber:
"Magnetische Monopole in der U(1)-Theorie am Gitter";
Poster: 56. Jahrestagung der Österr. Physikalischen Gesellschaft (ÖPG), Graz; 2006-09-18 - 2006-09-21.

Authors: Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; Manfried Faber, E141-03

R. Höllwieser, M. Faber:
"Phasenübergang in der Elektrodynamic";
Poster: 56. Jahrestagung der Österr. Physikalischen Gesellschaft (ÖPG), Graz, Austria; 2006-09-01.

Authors: R. Höllwieser; Manfried Faber, E141-03

R. Höllwieser, M. Faber:
"Phasenübergang in der Elektrodynamik";
Poster: 56. Jahrestagung der Österr. Physikalischen Gesellschaft (ÖPG), Graz; 2006-09-18 - 2006-09-21.

Authors: Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; Manfried Faber, E141-03

R. Höllwieser, M. Faber:
"Solution of the Spherical Vortex Problem";
Keynote Lecture: 50. Int. Universitätswochen für Theoretische Physik, Schladming, Austria; 2012-02-01.

Authors: Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; Manfried Faber, E141-03

R. Höllwieser, M. Faber:
"Spherical Center Vortices and the Index Theorem";
Keynote Lecture: 47. Internationale Universitätswochen für Theoretische Physik, "Fundamental Challenges of QCD", Schladming, Austria; 2009-02-28 - 2009-03-07.

Authors: Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; Manfried Faber, E141-03

R. Höllwieser, M. Faber:
"Spherical Vortices, Monopoles and Lattice Index Theorem";
Keynote Lecture: 28th Int. Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2010), Sardinia, Italy; 2010-06-01.

Authors: Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; Manfried Faber, E141-03

R. Höllwieser, M. Faber:
"Surprises with the lattice index theorem";
Keynote Lecture: 25th Int. Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2007), Regensburg, Germany; 2007-07-01.

Authors: Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; Manfried Faber, E141-03

R. Höllwieser, M. Faber:
"Topology in SU(2) Lattice Gauge Theory";
Keynote Lecture: Seminar, Regensburg, Germany; 2011-10-01.

Authors: Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; Manfried Faber, E141-03

R. Höllwieser, M. Faber:
"Topology, Center Vortices, Confinement and Chiral Symmetry Breaking";
Keynote Lecture: Int. School-Seminar "New Physics and Qantum Chromodynamics at external Conditions", Ukraine, Russia; 2007-05-01.

Authors: Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; Manfried Faber, E141-03

R. Höllwieser, M. Faber:
"Violations of the Lattice Index Theorem";
Keynote Lecture: 9th Conference on Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum: Confinement IX, Madrid, Spain; 2010-09-01.

Authors: Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; Manfried Faber, E141-03

R. Höllwieser, M. Faber:
"Vortex Intersections, Dirac Eigenmodes and Fractional Topological Charge";
Keynote Lecture: 29th Int. Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2011), California, USA; 2011-07-01.

Authors: R. Höllwieser; Roman Bertle, E141; Michael Engelhardt; Manfried Faber, E141-03; Jeff Greensite; U. M. Heller; G. Jordan, E141; Stefan Olejnik

R. Höllwieser, R. Bertle, M. Engelhardt, M. Faber, J. Greensite, U. M. Heller, G. Jordan, S. Olejnik:
"Center Vortices, Confinement and Chiral Symmetry Breaking";
Talk: Wien Seminar, Wien; 2008-11-28 - 2008-11-30.

Authors: Manfried Faber, E141-03; Joachim Wabnig, E141; A. N. Ivanov

M. Faber, J. Wabnig, A. N. Ivanov:
"Solitons and Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in 2 and 4 Dimensions";
Talk: NATO Advanced Research Workshop "Confinement, Topology, and other Non-Pertubative Aspects of QCD", Stará Lesná (Slovakia) (invited); 2002-01-21 - 2002-01-27.

Authors: Manfried Faber, E141-03; Gerald Jordan, E387-01; U. M. Heller; R. Höllwieser

M. Faber, G. Jordan, U. M. Heller, R. Höllwieser:
"Surprises with the Lattice Index Theorem";
Poster: 57. Jahrestagung der Österr. Physikalischen Gesellschaft (ÖPG), Krems/Langenlois; 2007-09-24 - 2007-09-29.

Authors: Manfried Faber, E141-03; A. N. Ivanov

M. Faber, A. N. Ivanov:
"Colemanīs Theorem and the massless Thirring model";
Talk: Triangle Seminar on Particle Physics 2002, Wien; 2002-11-29 - 2002-11-30.

Authors: Manfried Faber, E141-03; A. N. Ivanov

M. Faber, A. N. Ivanov:
"Symmetriebrechung und Goldstone-Bosonen in zwei Dimensionen für T=0";
Talk: FAKT 2002 (Österr. Physikal. Gesellschaft), Seggauberg (Steiermark); 2002-09-27 - 2002-09-28.

Authors: Manfried Faber, E141-03; R. Höllwieser

M. Faber, R. Höllwieser:
"Center Vortices, Confinement and Chiral Symmetry Breaking";
Talk: New Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics at external conditions, Dnepropetrovsk; 2007-05-03 - 2007-05-06.

Authors: Manfried Faber, E141-03; Jeff Greensite; Stefan Olejnik

M. Faber, J. Greensite, S. Olejnik:
"Status of center dominance in various center gauges";
Talk: NATO Advanced Research Workshop "Confinement, Topology, and other Non-Pertubative Aspects of QCD", Stará Lesná (Slovakia) (invited); 2002-01-21 - 2002-01-27.

Author: Manfried Faber, E141-03

M. Faber:
"Confinement of topological charge in the vortex picture of QCD";
Talk: Inst. f. theoretische Physik Univ. Tübingen, Tübingen, Deutschland; 2003-02-11.

Author: Manfried Faber, E141-03

M. Faber:
"Monopoles in an SU(2) theory with Higgs potential";
Talk: 12th Workshop on Lattice Field Theory, Present Results and Future Perspectives, Debrecen (Hungary) (invited); 2002-05-09 - 2002-05-11.

Author: Manfried Faber, E141-03

M. Faber:
"Spin and charge from space and time";
Talk: EmQM13, Vienna, Austria (invited); 2013-10-03 - 2013-10-06.

More information

Author: Manfried Faber, E141-03

M. Faber:
"Vortices, Confinement and Higgs fields";
Talk: Institutsseminar, Tübingen (Deutschland) (invited); 2002-12-05.

Author: Manfried Faber, E141-03

M. Faber:
"Was die Welt im Innersten zusammenhält ";
Talk: VHS Hietzing, (Wien); 2003-03-13.

Author: Manfried Faber, E141-03

M. Faber:
"Was die Welt im Innersten zusammenhält ";
Talk: VHS Brigittenau, (Wien); 2003-03-17.

Author: Manfried Faber, E141-03

M. Faber:
"Was die Welt im Innersten zusammenhält ";
Talk: VHS Meidling, (Wien); 2003-06-16.

Authors: Hidir Bozkaya, E136; Manfried Faber, E141-03; P. Koppensteiner; Mario Pitschmann, E136

H. Bozkaya, M. Faber, P. Koppensteiner, M. Pitschmann:
"Are there Local Minima in the Magnetic Monopole Potential in Compact QED ?";
Talk: ÖPG Jahrestagung 2005, Wien; 2005-09-27 - 2005-09-29.

Authors: O. Borisenko; Sergei Voloshin; Manfried Faber, E141-03

O. Borisenko, S. Voloshin, M. Faber:
"Analytical Study of low temperature phase of 3D LGT in the plaquette formulation";
Talk: NATO Advanced Research Workshop "Confinement, Topology, and other Non-Pertubative Aspects of QCD", Stará Lesná (Slovakia) (invited); 2002-01-21 - 2002-01-27.

Authors: Roman Bertle, E141; Manfried Faber, E141-03; Jeff Greensite; Stefan Olejnik

R. Bertle, M. Faber, J. Greensite, S. Olejnik:
"Vortices, Confinement and Higgs Fields ";
Talk: 5th International Conference on Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum, Gargnano (Italy) (invited); 2002-09-10 - 2002-09-14.

Authors: Roman Bertle, E141; Manfried Faber, E141-03

R. Bertle, M. Faber:
"Vortices in der QCD mit dynamischen Materiefeldern";
Talk: FAKT 2002 (Österr. Physikal. Gesellschaft), Seggauberg (Steiermark); 2002-09-27 - 2002-09-28.

Authors: A. Alexandru; Manfried Faber, E141-03; I. Horvath; K.-F. Liu

A. Alexandru, M. Faber, I. Horvath, K.-F. Liu:
"Finite density algorithm via canonical approach";
Talk: Lattice 2005, Trinity College, Dublin (Irland); 2005-06-25 - 2005-06-30.

Authors: A. Alexandru; Manfried Faber, E141-03; I. Horvath; K.-F. Liu

A. Alexandru, M. Faber, I. Horvath, K.-F. Liu:
"Progress toward a finite density algorithm";
Talk: Lattice 2004, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (USA); 2004-06-21 - 2004-06-26.

Doctor's Theses (authored and supervised)

Author: Mario Pitschmann, E136
Other person involved: Manfried Faber, E141-03

M. Pitschmann:
"On the quantisation of topological field models";
Supervisor, Reviewer: M. Faber; Atominstitut d. Österr. Universitäten, 2006.

Author: J. M. Pascasio
Other person involved: Manfried Faber, E141-03

J. Pascasio:
"Current-based Simulation Models of Quantum Motion";
Supervisor, Reviewer: M. Faber; Atominstitut, 2017; oral examination: 2017-04-26.

Author: Gerald Jordan, E387-01
Other persons involved: Armin Scrinzi, E387-01; Manfried Faber, E141-03

G. Jordan:
"Strong-field ionization of few-electron systems with MCTDHF";
Supervisor, Reviewer: A. Scrinzi, M. Faber; Institut für Photonik, 2009; oral examination: 2009-09-18.

Author: Roman Höllwieser, E141-03
Other person involved: Manfried Faber, E141-03

R. Höllwieser:
"Center Vortices and Chiral Symmetry Breaking";
Supervisor, Reviewer: M. Faber; Atominstitut, 2009; oral examination: 2009-03-18.

Author: A. Hirtl, E141-03
Other person involved: Manfried Faber, E141-03

A. Hirtl:
"Determination of the Strong Interaction Ground State Width in Pionic Hydrogen";
Supervisor, Reviewer: M. Faber; Atominstitut, 2008; oral examination: 2008-03-04.

Author: Roman Bertle, E141
Other person involved: Manfried Faber, E141-03

R. Bertle:
"The Vortex Model in Lattice Quantum Chromo Dynamics";
Supervisor, Reviewer: M. Faber; Atominstitut d. Österr. Univeristäten, 2005.

Diploma and Master Theses (authored and supervised)

Author: Markus Wellenzohn
Other person involved: Manfried Faber, E141-03

M. Wellenzohn:
"On the Self Energy and the Radiation Reaction Problem in Classical Electrodynamics";
Supervisor: M. Faber; Atominstitut der Österreichischen Universitäten, 2008; final examination: 2008.

Author: Martin Tomisser
Other persons involved: Norbert Kusolitsch, E105-07; Manfried Faber, E141-03

M. Tomisser:
"Veranschaulichung wichtiger Konzepte des Stochastikunterrichts an den Österreichischen AHS mit Hilfe statistischer Software";
Supervisor: N. Kusolitsch, M. Faber; Statistik und Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie, 2013; final examination: 2013-06-20.

Author: D. Theuerkauf
Other person involved: Manfried Faber, E141-03

D. Theuerkauf:
"Charged Particles in the Model of Topological Fermions";
Supervisor: M. Faber; Atominstitut, 2016; final examination: 2016-10-19.

Author: Thomas Schweigler
Other person involved: Manfried Faber, E141-03

T. Schweigler:
"Topological Objects and Chiral Symmetry Breaking in QCD";
Supervisor: M. Faber; Atominstitut, 2012; final examination: 2012-10-03.

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Author: Lukas Schrangl
Other person involved: Manfried Faber, E141-03

L. Schrangl:
"Solitonen in einer Feldtheorie in gekrümmter Raumzeit";
Supervisor: M. Faber; Atominstitut, 2013.

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Author: Eva Ruppert, E134-01
Other persons involved: Johann Laimer, E134-01; Manfried Faber, E141-03; Peter Varga, E134-05

E. Ruppert:
"Triodensputterdeposition der Innenseite von Hohlzylindern geringen Durchmessers";
Supervisor: J. Laimer, M. Faber, P. Varga; Institut für Allgemeine Physik, 2008; final examination: 2008-10-08.

Author: J. Resch
Other person involved: Manfried Faber, E141-03

J. Resch:
"Numerische Analyse an Dipolkonfigurationen im Modell topologischer Fermionen";
Supervisor: M. Faber; Atominstitut, 2011; final examination: 2011-04-13.

Author: Rainer Prokopec, E141-06
Other persons involved: Harald W. Weber, E141-06; Manfried Faber, E141-03; Manfred Tschurlovits, E141-05

R. Prokopec:
"Transportstrommessungen an polykristallinem Magnesiumdiborid";
Supervisor: H. W. Weber, M. Faber, M. Tschurlovits; Atominstitut d. Österr. Universitäten, 2004; final examination: 2004-06-16.

Author: D. Neudecker
Other person involved: Manfried Faber, E141-03

D. Neudecker:
"Anpassung des Modells dicker Zentrumsvortices an SU(3)-Gitterdaten";
Supervisor: M. Faber; Atominstitut der Österreichischen Universitäten, 2009; final examination: 2009.

Author: Thomas Layer
Other person involved: Manfried Faber, E141-03

T. Layer:
"Phasenuntersuchungen für ein Modell topologischer Fermionen";
Supervisor: M. Faber; Atominstitut der Österreichischen Universitäten, 2008; final examination: 2008.

Author: Xaver König, E141
Other person involved: Manfried Faber, E141-03

Xaver König:
"Untersuchung des Phasenüberganges im Modell topologischer Fermionen";
Supervisor: M. Faber; Atominstitut d. Österr. Universitäten, 2006.

Author: G. Jordan, E141
Other person involved: Manfried Faber, E141-03

G. Jordan:
"Dirac Eigenmodes of Centre Vortex Fields in SU(2) Lattice Gauge Field Theory";
Supervisor: M. Faber; Atominstitut d. Österr. Universitäten, 2005.

Author: R. Höllwieser
Other person involved: Manfried Faber, E141-03

R. Höllwieser:
"Punktförmige und ausgedehnte Monopole am Raum-Zeit-Gitter";
Supervisor: M. Faber; Atominst. d. Österr. Universitäten, 2007; final examination: 2007.

Author: S. Haindl, E141
Other persons involved: Harald W. Weber, E141-06; Manfried Faber, E141-03

S. Haindl:
"Kritische Ströme in Nb3Sn und Nb3Al Supraleitern";
Supervisor: H. W. Weber, M. Faber; Atominstitut d. Österr. Universitäten, 2002; final examination: 2002-10-09.

Author: Rudolf Golubich
Other person involved: Manfried Faber, E141-03

R. Golubich:
"Vortices in einer gluonischen Gitter-Quantenchromodynamik Simulation";
Supervisor: M. Faber; Atominstitut, 2017; final examination: 2017-11-29.

Author: M. Gal
Other person involved: Manfried Faber, E141-03

M. Gal:
"Soliton Approximation in Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics";
Supervisor: M. Faber; Atominstitut, 2012; final examination: 2012-06-06.

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Author: J. Fornleitner, E141
Other person involved: Manfried Faber, E141-03

J. Fornleitner:
"Aufbau eines Simulationsprogramms zur Untersuchung des Phasenüberganges im Modell topologischer Fermionen";
Supervisor: M. Faber; Atominstitut d. Österr. Universitäten, 2005.

Author: Andreas Banlaki, E141
Other person involved: Manfried Faber, E141-03

A. Banlaki:
"Untersuchung der Elektrodynamik im Solitonmodell";
Supervisor: M. Faber; Atominstitut, 2012; final examination: 2012-11-28.

Author: Anneliese Bankl, E141-03
Other person involved: Manfried Faber, E141-03

A. Bankl:
"Der menschliche Körper im Physikunterricht";
Supervisor: M. Faber; Atominstitut, 2011; final examination: 2011-06-08.

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