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Publication list for members of
E141 - Atominstitute
E141-04 Neutron- and Quantum Physics
as authors or essentially involved persons

1910 records (1998 - 2022)

The complete list of publications of the Faculty of Physics is available from the publication database beginning with the publication year 2002. The database may but need not necessarily contain publications dated earlier than 2002.

Books and Book Editorships

Authors: Hartmut Abele, E141-04; D. Mund

H. Abele, D. Mund (ed.):
"Quark Mixing, CKM Unitarity";
Mattes-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2003, ISBN: 978-3-930978-60-1.

Authors: Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Michael Zawisky, E141-04

H. Abele, M. Zawisky et al. (ed.):
"Atominstitut Progress Report 11 - 13";
TU Verlag, 2015, ISBN: 978-3-903024-12-0; 103 pages.

Authors: A. Alba-Simionesco; A. Desmedt; M. Johnson; K. Knudsen; J. Neuhaus; D. Paul; H.M. Ronnow, Lausanne; Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04; A. Schneidewind; A. Senyshyn; M. Mühlbauer; L. van Eijck

A. Alba-Simionesco, A. Desmedt, M. Johnson, K. Knudsen, J. Neuhaus, D. Paul, H. Ronnow, H. Abele, H. Rauch, A. Schneidewind, A. Senyshyn, M. Mühlbauer, L. van Eijck (ed.):
"Neutrons for science and technology, NMI3 and MLZ";
TU Verlag, 2017, 17 pages.

Authors: Friedrich Aumayr, E134-03; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Michael Hajek, E141-05; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; P. Kienle; M. Krammer, E141; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; J. Marton; E. Widmann; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

F. Aumayr, G. Badurek, M. Hajek, E. Jericha, P. Kienle, M. Krammer, H. Leeb, J. Marton, E. Widmann, H. W. Weber (ed.):
"Physics Opportunities at MedAustron - White Book";
Schriftenreihe der Technischen Universität Wien, First Edition (2009), Wien, 2009, ISBN: 978-3-901-1671-4-0; 109 pages.

Author: Martin Suda, E141-04

M. Suda (ed.):
"Quantum Interferometry in Phase Space - Theory and Applications";
Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, 2006, ISBN: 3540260706; 181 pages.

Publications in Scientific Journals

Authors: Sohrab Abbas; A.G. Wagh; Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04; Thomas Potocar, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

S. Abbas, A. Wagh, H. Lemmel, T. Potocar, H. Rauch:
"High-precision determination of Si-neutron coherent scattering length with a dual non-dispersive sample.";
AIP Conference Proceedings, 1447 (2012), 479 - 480.

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Authors: Sohrab Abbas; A.G. Wagh; Rudolf Loidl, E141; Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

S. Abbas, A. Wagh, R. Loidl, H. Lemmel, H. Rauch:
"Neutron Coherent Scattering Length Determination with a Dual Non-Dispersive Sample";
American Institute of Physics conference proceedings, 1349 (2011), 501 - 502.

Authors: U. Abbondanno; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Heinz Oberhummer, E141-03

U. Abbondanno, G. Badurek, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, H. Oberhummer et al.:
"Neutron Capture Cross Section Measurement of 151Sm at the CERN Neutron Time of Flight Facility (n_TOF)";
Physical Review Letters, 93 (2004), 16; 161103-1 - 161103-5.

Authors: U. Abbondanno; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Heinz Oberhummer, E141-03; - nTOF Collaboration

U. Abbondanno, G. Badurek, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, H. Oberhummer, -. nTOF Collaboration:
"Neutron capture cross section measurements for nuclear astrophysics at CERN n_TOF";
Nuclear Physics A, 758 (2005), 501c - 504c.

Authors: U. Abbondanno; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Heinz Oberhummer, E141-03; - nTOF Collaboration

U. Abbondanno, G. Badurek, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, H. Oberhummer, -. nTOF Collaboration:
"New experimental validation of the pulse height weighting technique for capture cross-section measurements";
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 521 (2004), 454 - 467.

Authors: U. Abbondanno; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Heinz Oberhummer, E141-03; - nTOF Collaboration

U. Abbondanno, G. Badurek, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, H. Oberhummer, -. nTOF Collaboration:
"The data acquisition system of the neutron time-of-flight facility n_TOF at CERN";
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 538 (2005), 692 - 702.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Gravitation at a Micron and Mixing of Quarks";
Nuclear Physics News International (NPNI), 13 (2003), 24 - 31.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Gravitation unter dem Mikroskop";
Spektrum der Wissenschaft, 0 (2011), 19 - 21.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Kühler Scharfblick mit Neutronen";
Physik Journal, 5 (2006), 73.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Precision experiments with cold and ultra-cold neutrons";
Hyperfine Interactions, 237 (2016), 1 - 6.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Schwerkraft, Quantenzustände und "hüpfende" Neutronen";
Ruperto Carola, 2 (2003).

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"The neutron alphabet:Exploring the properties of fundamental interactions";
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 611 (2009), 193 - 197.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"The Neutron. Its Properties and Basic Interactions";
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, 60 (2008), 1.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"The Unitarity problem of the CKM matrix";
arxiv:hep-ph, 0 (2003), 0312124v1.

Authors: Hartmut Abele, E141-04; S. Baessler; M. Deissenroth; F. Glück; J. Krempel; M. Kreuz; B. Märkisch; D. Mund; M. Schumann; T. Soldner

H. Abele, S. Baessler, M. Deissenroth, F. Glück, J. Krempel, M. Kreuz, B. Märkisch, D. Mund, M. Schumann, T. Soldner:
"The Beta-, Neutrino- and Proton-Asymmetry in Neutron Β-Decay,";
Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, 110 (2005), 377 - 381.

Authors: Hartmut Abele, E141-04; E. Barberio; D. Dubbers; F. Glück; J.C. Hardy; W.J. Marciano; A. P. Serebrov; N. Severijns

H. Abele, E. Barberio, D. Dubbers, F. Glück, J. Hardy, W. Marciano, A. Serebrov, N. Severijns:
"Quark Mixing, CKM Unitarity";
European Physical Journal C, 33 (2004), 1 - 8.

Authors: Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Gunther Cronenberg, E141-04; Peter Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; Tobias Jenke, E141-04; Tobias Lins, E141; Heiko Saul, E141

H. Abele, G. Cronenberg, P. Geltenbort, T. Jenke, T. Lins, H. Saul:
"qBounce, the Quantum Bouncing Ball Experiment";
Physics Procedia, 17 (2011), 4 - 9.

Authors: Hartmut Abele, E141-04; D. Dubbers; H. Haese; M. Klein; A. Knoepfler; M. Kreuz; T. Lauer; B. Märkisch; D. Mund; V. V. Nesvizhevsky; K. V. Petukhov; C. Schmidt; M. Schumann; T. Soldner

H. Abele, D. Dubbers, H. Haese, M. Klein, A. Knoepfler, M. Kreuz, T. Lauer, B. Märkisch, D. Mund, V. Nesvizhevsky, K. Petukhov, C. Schmidt, M. Schumann, T. Soldner:
"Characterization of a ballistic supermirror neutron guide";
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, A562 (2006), 407 - 417.

Authors: Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Andrei Ivanov, E141-04; Tobias Jenke, E141-04; Mario Pitschmann, E141-04; Peter Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...

H. Abele, A. Ivanov, T. Jenke, M. Pitschmann, P. Geltenbort:
"Gravity Resonance Spectroscopy and Einstein-Cartan Gravity";
arxiv:gr-qc, 0 (2015), 1510.03063; 6 pages.

Authors: Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Tobias Jenke, E141-04; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04

H. Abele, T. Jenke, G. Konrad:
"Spectroscopy with cold and ultra-cold neutrons";
EPJ Web of Conferences, 93 (2015), 05002.

Authors: Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Tobias Jenke, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Hannes-Jörg Schmiedmayer, E141-02

H. Abele, T. Jenke, H. Leeb, H.-J. Schmiedmayer:
"Ramsey´s method of separated oscillating fields and its application to gravitationally induced quantum phase shifts";
Physical Review D, 81 (2010), 065019; 1 - 8.

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Authors: Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Tobias Jenke, E141-04; Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04

H. Abele, T. Jenke, H. Lemmel:
"Happy birthday, ultra-cold neutron!∗";
EPJ Web of Conferences, 219 (2019), 1 - 9.

Authors: Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Tobias Jenke, E141-04; D. Stadler; P. Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...

H. Abele, T. Jenke, D. Stadler, P. Geltenbort et al.:
"QuBounce: the dynamics of ultra-cold neutrons falling in the gravity potential of the Earth";
Nuclear Physics A, 827 (2009), 593c - 595c.

Authors: Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Gerhard Krexner

H. Abele, G. Krexner:
"Helmut Rauch (1939 - 2019)";
Neutron News, 31 (2020), 11 - 12.

Authors: Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03

H. Abele, H. Leeb:
"Gravitation and quantum interference experiments with neutrons";
New Journal of Physics, 14 (2012), 055010 - 055030.

Authors: Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04; Tobias Jenke, E141-04

H. Abele, H. Lemmel, T. Jenke:
"Happy birthday, ultracold neutron!";
Nature, 572 (2019), 178-1 - 178-2.

Authors: G. Aerts; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Heinz Oberhummer, E141-03; - nTOF Collaboration

G. Aerts, G. Badurek, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, H. Oberhummer, -. nTOF Collaboration:
"Neutron capture cross section of 232Th measured at the n_TOF facility at CERN in the unresolved resonance region up to 1 MeV";
Physical Review C, 73 (2006), 054610-1 - 054610-10.

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Authors: Victor Alcayne; E. Mendoza; D. Cano-Ott; Atsushi Kimura; Michael Bacak, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; - n_TOF Collaboration

V. Alcayne, E. Mendoza, D. Cano-Ott, A. Kimura, M. Bacak, E. Jericha, -. n_TOF Collaboration et al.:
"Measurement of the 244Cm capture cross sections at both CERN n_TOF experimental areas";
EPJ Web of Conferences, 239 (2020), 01034; 1 - 5.

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Authors: Simone Amaducci; Michael Bacak, E141-04; Erich Griesmayer, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Pavel Kavrigin, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Christina Weiß, E141; - n_TOF Collaboration

S. Amaducci, M. Bacak, E. Griesmayer, E. Jericha, P. Kavrigin, H. Leeb, C. Weiß, -. n_TOF Collaboration et al.:
"Accurate measurement of the standard 235U(n,f) cross section from thermal to 170 keV neutron energy";
EPJ Web of Conferences, 239 (2020), 08002; 1 - 5.

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Authors: Simone Amaducci; Michael Bacak, E141-04; Erich Griesmayer, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Pavel Kavrigin, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Christina Weiß, E141; - n_TOF Collaboration

S. Amaducci, M. Bacak, E. Griesmayer, E. Jericha, P. Kavrigin, H. Leeb, C. Weiß, -. n_TOF Collaboration et al.:
"Measurement of the 235 U(n,f) cross section at n_TOF from thermal to 170 keV";
International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series, 50 (2020), 2060011; 1 - 9.

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Authors: Simone Amaducci; N. Colonna; Luigi Consentino; Sergio Cristallo; Paolo Finocchiaro; Michael Bacak, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; - n_TOF Collaboration

S. Amaducci, N. Colonna, L. Consentino, S. Cristallo, P. Finocchiaro, M. Bacak, H. Leeb, -. n_TOF Collaboration et al.:
"First Results of the 140Ce(n,γ)141Ce Cross-Section Measurement at n_TOF";
Universe, 7 (2021), 200; 1 - 11.

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Authors: Simone Amaducci; Luigi Cosentino; Massimo Barbagallo; N. Colonna; A. Mengoni, Nuclear Data Sec ...; C. Massimi; Paolo Finocchiaro; Michael Bacak, E141-04; Erich Griesmayer, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Pavel Kavrigin, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Christina Weiß, E141; - n_TOF Collaboration

S. Amaducci, L. Cosentino, M. Barbagallo, N. Colonna, A. Mengoni, C. Massimi, P. Finocchiaro, M. Bacak, E. Griesmayer, E. Jericha, P. Kavrigin, H. Leeb, C. Weiß, -. n_TOF Collaboration et al.:
"Measurement of the 235U(n, f) cross section relative to the 6Li(n, t) and 10B(n,α) standards from thermal to 170 keV neutron energy range at n_TOF";
European Physical Journal A, 55 (2019), 120; 1 - 19.

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Authors: Victor Babiano-Suarez; Michael Bacak, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; - n_TOF Collaboration

V. Babiano-Suarez, M. Bacak, E. Jericha, -. n_TOF Collaboration et al.:
"80Se(n,γ) cross-section measurement at CERN n_TOF";
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1668 (2020), 012001; 1 - 8.

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Authors: Victor Babiano-Suarez; Jorge Lerendegui-Marco; Javier Balibrea-Correa; Michael Bacak, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; - n_TOF Collaboration

V. Babiano-Suarez, J. Lerendegui-Marco, J. Balibrea-Correa, M. Bacak, H. Leeb, -. n_TOF Collaboration et al.:
"Imaging neutron capture cross sections: i-TED proof-of-concept and future prospects based on Machine-Learning techniques";
European Physical Journal A, 57 (2021), 197; 1 - 17.

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Authors: Michael Bacak, E141-04; Mourad Aiche; Gilbert Belier; E. Berthoumieux; Maria Diakaki; E. Dupont; F. Gunsing; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Erich Griesmayer, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Pavel Kavrigin, E141-04; Christina Weiß, E141; - n_TOF Collaboration

M. Bacak, M. Aiche, G. Belier, E. Berthoumieux, M. Diakaki, E. Dupont, F. Gunsing, H. Leeb, E. Griesmayer, E. Jericha, P. Kavrigin, C. Weiß, -. n_TOF Collaboration et al.:
"A compact fission detector for fission-tagging neutron capture experiments with radioactive fissile isotopes";
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A, 969 (2020), 163981; 1 - 10.

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Authors: Michael Bacak, E141-04; Mourad Aiche; Gilbert Belier; E. Berthoumieux; Maria Diakaki; E. Dupont; F. Gunsing; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Erich Griesmayer, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Pavel Kavrigin, E141-04; Christina Weiß, E141; - n_TOF Collaboration

M. Bacak, M. Aiche, G. Belier, E. Berthoumieux, M. Diakaki, E. Dupont, F. Gunsing, H. Leeb, E. Griesmayer, E. Jericha, P. Kavrigin, C. Weiß, -. n_TOF Collaboration et al.:
"Preliminary results on the 233U α-ratio measurement at n_TOF";
EPJ Web of Conferences, 239 (2020), 01043; 1 - 5.

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Authors: Michael Bacak, E141-04; Mourad Aiche; Gilbert Belier; E. Berthoumieux; Maria Diakaki; E. Dupont; F. Gunsing; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Erich Griesmayer, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Pavel Kavrigin, E141-04; Christina Weiß, E141; - n_TOF Collaboration

M. Bacak, M. Aiche, G. Belier, E. Berthoumieux, M. Diakaki, E. Dupont, F. Gunsing, H. Leeb, E. Griesmayer, E. Jericha, P. Kavrigin, C. Weiß, -. n_TOF Collaboration et al.:
"Preliminary results on the 233U capture cross section and alpha ratio measured at n_TOF (CERN) with the fission tagging technique";
EPJ Web of Conferences, 211 (2019), 03007; 1 - 9.

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Authors: Michael Bacak, E141-04; Federica Mingrone; Marco Calviani; - n_TOF Collaboration

M. Bacak, F. Mingrone, M. Calviani, -. n_TOF Collaboration et al.:
"Neutron imaging at the n_TOF facility of CERN";
EPJ Web of Conferences, 239 (2020), 01042; 1 - 4.

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Author: Gerald Badurek, E141-04

G. Badurek:
"A quantum of excellence";
Public Service Review - science and technology, 07 (2010), 44; 44 - 47.

Authors: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; R.J. Buchelt; Helmut Leeb, E141-03

G. Badurek, R. Buchelt, H. Leeb:
"Spin dynamics in polarized neutron interferometry ";
Physica B: Condensed Matter, 350 (2004), e1047 - e1050.

Authors: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; R.J. Buchelt; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; R. Szeywerth, E141

G. Badurek, R. Buchelt, H. Leeb, R. Szeywerth:
"Neutron interferometric reconstruction of magnetic domain structures ";
Physica B: Condensed Matter, 335 (2003), 114 - 118.

Authors: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; P. Facchi; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Z. Hradil; S. Pascacio; Helmut Rauch, E141-04; J. Rehacek; T. Yoneda

G. Badurek, P. Facchi, Y. Hasegawa, Z. Hradil, S. Pascacio, H. Rauch, J. Rehacek, T. Yoneda:
"Neutron wave-packet tomography";
Physical Review A, 73 (2006), 032110-1 - 032110-6.

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Authors: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Christoph Gösselsberger, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04

G. Badurek, Ch. Gösselsberger, E. Jericha:
"Design of a pulsed spatial neutron magnetic spin resonator";
Physica B: Condensed Matter, 406 (2011), 2458 - 2462.

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Authors: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Ch. Hartl, E141; Erwin Jericha, E141-04

G. Badurek, Ch. Hartl, E. Jericha:
"A non-conventional neutron polariser concept";
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 586 (2008), 95 - 99.

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Authors: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Ch. Hartl, E141; Erwin Jericha, E141-04

G. Badurek, Ch. Hartl, E. Jericha:
"Loss-free neutron polarization";
Physica B: Condensed Matter, 397 (2007), 192 - 194.

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Authors: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; M. Jeitler; M. Krammer, E141; M. Regler

G. Badurek, M. Jeitler, M. Krammer, M. Regler:
"Editorial ";
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 535 (2004), vii - viii.

Authors: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04

G. Badurek, E. Jericha:
"Upon the versatility of spatial neutron magnetic spin resonance ";
Physica B: Condensed Matter, 335 (2003), 215 - 218.

Authors: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Roland Grössinger, E138-03; Reiko Sato Turtelli, E138-03

G. Badurek, E. Jericha, R. Grössinger, R. Sato Turtelli:
"Amorphous soft-magnetic ribbons studied by ultra-small-angle polarized neutron scattering";
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 211 (2010), 012027; 1 - 6.

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Authors: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

G. Badurek, E. Jericha, H. Rauch:
"The 1 MW/10 Hz short-pulse spallation neutron source AUSTRON";
Physica B: Condensed Matter, 350 (2004), 827 - 830.

Authors: S. Baessler; F. Ayala Guardia; M. Borg, Lund Univ.; F. Glück; W. Heil; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; I. Konorov; R. Munoz Horta; G. Petzoldt; D. Rich; M. Simson; Yu. Sobolev; H.-F. Wirth; O. Zimmer

S. Baessler, F. Ayala Guardia, M. Borg, F. Glück, W. Heil, G. Konrad, I. Konorov, R. Munoz Horta, G. Petzoldt, D. Rich, M. Simson, Y. Sobolev, H. Wirth, O. Zimmer:
"First measurements with the neutron decay spectrometer aSPECT";
European Physical Journal A, 38 (2008), 17 - 26.

Authors: J. Bahadur; J. Prakash; D. Sen; S. Mazumder; P.U. Sastry; B. Paul; J. K. Chakravartty; Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04

J. Bahadur, J. Prakash, D. Sen, S. Mazumder, P. Sastry, B. Paul, J. Chakravartty, H. Lemmel:
"A facile fabrication of a uniform and homogeneous CNT - TiO_2 composite: a microscopic and scattering investigation";
RSC Advances, 4 (2014), 13231 - 13240.

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Authors: Javier Balibrea-Correa; E. Mendoza; D. Cano-Ott; C. Guerrero; Erich Griesmayer, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Christina Weiß, E141; - nTOF Collaboration

J. Balibrea-Correa, E. Mendoza, D. Cano-Ott, C. Guerrero, E. Griesmayer, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, C. Weiß, -. nTOF Collaboration et al.:
"Measurement of the Neutron Capture Cross Section of the Fissile Isotope 235U with the CERN n_TOF Total Absorption Calorimeter and a Fission Tagging Based on Micromegas Detectors";
Nuclear Data Sheets, 119 (2014), 10 - 13.

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Authors: Javier Balibrea-Correa; E. Mendoza; D. Cano-Ott; Milan Krticka; Erich Griesmayer, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Christina Weiß, E141; - n_TOF Collaboration

J. Balibrea-Correa, E. Mendoza, D. Cano-Ott, M. Krticka, E. Griesmayer, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, C. Weiß, -. n_TOF Collaboration et al.:
"Measurement of the neutron capture cross section of the fissile isotope 235U with the CERN n_TOF total absorption calorimeter and a fission tagging based on micromegas detectors";
EPJ Web of Conferences, 146 (2017), 11021; 1 - 4.

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Authors: Javier Balibrea-Correa; E. Mendoza; Erich Griesmayer, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Christina Weiß, E141; - n_TOF Collaboration

J. Balibrea-Correa, E. Mendoza, E. Griesmayer, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, C. Weiß, -. n_TOF Collaboration et al.:
"Measurement of the α ratio and (n,γ) cross section of 235U from 0.2 to 200 eV at n_TOF";
Physical Review C, 102 (2020), 044615; 1 - 18.

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Authors: H. Ballhausen; Hartmut Abele, E141-04; R. S. Eccleston; R. Gähler; A. J. Smith; A. Steuwer; A. Van Overberghe

H. Ballhausen, H. Abele, R. Eccleston, R. Gähler, A. Smith, A. Steuwer, A. Van Overberghe:
"Neutron Radiography Analysis of a Transient Liquid Phase Joint";
arXiv:cond-mat, 0 (2006), 0604450v.

Authors: H. Ballhausen; Hartmut Abele, E141-04; R. Gähler; M. Trapp; A. Van Overberghe

H. Ballhausen, H. Abele, R. Gähler, M. Trapp, A. Van Overberghe:
"Imaging with Scattered Neutrons";
arXiv:nucl-ex, 0 (2006), 0610045v1.

Authors: Massimo Barbagallo; Michael Bacak, E141-04; Erich Griesmayer, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Pavel Kavrigin, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Christina Weiß, E141; - n_TOF Collaboration

M. Barbagallo, M. Bacak, E. Griesmayer, E. Jericha, P. Kavrigin, H. Leeb, C. Weiß, -. n_TOF Collaboration et al.:
"Experimental setup and procedure for the measurement of the 7Be(n,p)7Li reaction at n_TOF";
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 887 (2018), 27 - 33.

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Authors: Massimo Barbagallo; Michael Bacak, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; - n_TOF Collaboration

M. Barbagallo, M. Bacak, E. Jericha, -. n_TOF Collaboration et al.:
"Measurement of the energy-differential cross-section of the 12C(n,p)12B and 12C(n,d)11B reactions at the n_TOF facility at CERN";
EPJ Web of Conferences, 239 (2020), 01045; 1 - 4.

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Authors: Massimo Barbagallo; N. Colonna; Michael Bacak, E141-04; Erich Griesmayer, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Pavel Kavrigin, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Christina Weiß, E141; - n_TOF Collaboration

M. Barbagallo, N. Colonna, M. Bacak, E. Griesmayer, E. Jericha, P. Kavrigin, H. Leeb, C. Weiß, -. n_TOF Collaboration et al.:
"7Be(n,α) and 7Be(n,p) cross-section measurement for the cosmological lithium problem at the n_TOF facility at CERN";
EPJ Web of Conferences, 146 (2017), 01012; 1 - 4.

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arxiv:hep-ph, 0 (2012).

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Authors: N. Colonna; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Christina Weiß, E141; - nTOF Collaboration

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International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 46 (2007), 143 - 148.

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Y. Hasegawa:
"Uncertainty relation and quantum Cheshire-Cat: studied with neutron polarimeter and interferometer";
Current Science, 109 (2015), 1 - 8.

Authors: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Matthias Baron, E141; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa, G. Badurek, M. Baron, H. Rauch:
"Violation of Bell-type inequality in single-neutron interferometry: quantum contextuality ";
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 529 (2004), 182 - 186.

Authors: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Stefan Filipp, E141; J. Klepp, E141; Rudolf Loidl, E141; Stephan Sponar, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa, G. Badurek, S. Filipp, J. Klepp, R. Loidl, St. Sponar, H. Rauch:
"Entanglement between degrees of freedom of single-neutrons";
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 611 (2009), 310 - 313.

Authors: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04; Rudolf Loidl, E141; Matthias Baron, E141

Y. Hasegawa, G. Badurek, H. Rauch, R. Loidl, M. Baron:
"Off-diagonal geometric phase in polarized neutron interferometry ";
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 52 (2002), 701 - 707.

Authors: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Katharina Durstberger-Rennhofer, E141-04; Stephan Sponar, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa, K. Durstberger-Rennhofer, St. Sponar, H. Rauch:
"Kochen-Specker theorem studied with neutron interferometer";
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 234 (2010), 521 - 524.

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Authors: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Rudolf Loidl, E141; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Matthias Baron, E141; N. Manini; F. Pistolesi; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

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"Observation of off-diagonal geometric phases in polarized-neutron-interferometer experiments";
Physical Review A, 65 (2002), 05211101 - 05211110.

Authors: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Rudolf Loidl, E141; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Matthias Baron, E141; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa, R. Loidl, G. Badurek, M. Baron, H. Rauch:
"Observation of Off-Diagonal Geometric Phases in Polarized-Neutron-Interferometer Experiments ";
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 72 (2003), Suppl. C; 46 - 49.

Authors: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Rudolf Loidl, E141; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Matthias Baron, E141; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa, R. Loidl, G. Badurek, M. Baron, H. Rauch:
"Quantum Contextuality in a Single-Neutron Optical Experiment";
Physical Review Letters, 97 (2006), 23040-1 - 23040-4.

Authors: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Rudolf Loidl, E141; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Matthias Baron, E141; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa, R. Loidl, G. Badurek, M. Baron, H. Rauch:
"Violation of a Bell-like inequality in neutron optical experiments: quantum contextuality ";
Journal of Optics B - Quantum and Semiclassical Optics, 6 (2004), 7 - 12.

Authors: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Rudolf Loidl, E141; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Matthias Baron, E141; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa, R. Loidl, G. Badurek, M. Baron, H. Rauch:
"Violation of a Bell-like Inequality in Neutron-Interferometer Experiments";
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 72 (2003), Suppl. C; 42 - 45.

Authors: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Rudolf Loidl, E141; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Matthias Baron, E141; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa, R. Loidl, G. Badurek, M. Baron, H. Rauch:
"Violation of a Bell-like inequality in single-neutron interferometer experiments: quantum contextuality ";
Journal of Modern Optics, 51 (2004), 6-7; 967 - 972.

Authors: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Rudolf Loidl, E141; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Matthias Baron, E141; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa, R. Loidl, G. Badurek, M. Baron, H. Rauch:
"Violation of a Bell-like inequality in single-neutron interferometry";
Nature, 425 (2003), 45 - 48.

Authors: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Rudolf Loidl, E141; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Katharina Durstberger-Rennhofer, E141-04; Stephan Sponar, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

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Physical Review A, 81 (2010), 032121-1-6.

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Authors: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Rudolf Loidl, E141; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Stefan Filipp, E141; J. Klepp, E141; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

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Authors: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Rudolf Loidl, E141; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Stefan Filipp, E141; J. Klepp, E141; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

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Acta Phys. Hung. B, 26 (2006), 1/2; 157 - 164.

Authors: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Rudolf Loidl, E141; Matthias Baron, E141; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

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Authors: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; C. Schmitzer; H. Bartosik; J. Klepp, E141; Stephan Sponar, E141-04; Katharina Durstberger-Rennhofer, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04

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Authors: Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; A.N. Ivanov, E141-04; P. Kienle; Mario Pitschmann, E141-04

R. Höllwieser, A. Ivanov, P. Kienle, M. Pitschmann:
"Time Modulation of K-Shell Electron Capture Decay Rates of H-Like Heavy Ions and Neutrino Masses";
arXiv:nucl-th, 0 (2011), 1102.2519.

Author: Andrei Ivanov, E141-04

A. Ivanov:
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Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 45 (2018), 1 - 19.

Authors: A.N. Ivanov, E141-04; M. Cargnelli; Manfried Faber, E141-03; H. Fuhrmann; V.A. Ivanova; J. Marton; N.I. Troitskaya; J. Zmeskal

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"Energy-level displacement of excited np states of kaonic hydrogen";
Physical Review A, 71 (2005), 052508-1 - 052508-11.

Authors: A.N. Ivanov, E141-04; M. Cargnelli; Manfried Faber, E141-03; H. Fuhrmann; V.A. Ivanova; J. Marton; N.I. Troitskaya; J. Zmeskal

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Authors: A.N. Ivanov, E141-04; M. Cargnelli; Manfried Faber, E141-03; H. Fuhrmann; V.A. Ivanova; J. Marton; N.I. Troitskaya; J. Zmeskal

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Authors: A.N. Ivanov, E141-04; M. Cargnelli; Manfried Faber, E141-03; H. Fuhrmann; V.A. Ivanova; J. Marton; N.I. Troitskaya; J. Zmeskal

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Authors: A.N. Ivanov, E141-04; M. Cargnelli; Manfried Faber, E141-03; H. Fuhrmann; V.A. Ivanova; J. Marton; N.I. Troitskaya; J. Zmeskal

A. Ivanov, M. Cargnelli, M. Faber, H. Fuhrmann, V.A. Ivanova, J. Marton, N. Troitskaya, J. Zmeskal:
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European Physical Journal A, 25 (2005), 329 - 338.

Authors: A.N. Ivanov, E141-04; M. Cargnelli; Manfried Faber, E141-03; H. Fuhrmann; V.A. Ivanova; J. Marton; N.I. Troitskaya; J. Zmeskal

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Physical Review A, 72 (2005), 022506-1 - 022506-9.

Authors: Andrei Ivanov, E141-04; Gunther Cronenberg, E141-04; Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; Tobias Jenke, E141-04; Mario Pitschmann, E141-04; Markus Wellenzohn; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

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Authors: Andrei Ivanov, E141-04; R.S. Hayano; Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; N.I. Troitskaya; Markus Wellenzohn; Ya.A. Berdnikov

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Physical Review C, 90 (2014), 034620-1 - 034620-4.

Authors: Andrei Ivanov, E141-04; Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; Tobias Jenke, E141-04; M. Wellenzohen; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

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arxiv:hep-th, 0 (2012), 1207.0419.

Authors: Andrei Ivanov, E141-04; Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; Tobias Jenke, E141-04; Markus Wellenzohn; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

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Authors: Andrei Ivanov, E141-04; Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; N.I. Troitskaya

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Authors: Andrei Ivanov, E141-04; Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; N.I. Troitskaya; Markus Wellenzohn; Ya.A. Berdnikov

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Authors: Andrei Ivanov, E141-04; Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; N.I. Troitskaya; Markus Wellenzohn; Ya.A. Berdnikov

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International Journal of Modern Physics A, 33 (2018), 1 - 55.

Authors: Andrei Ivanov, E141-04; Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; N.I. Troitskaya; Markus Wellenzohn; Ya.A. Berdnikov

A. Ivanov, R. Höllwieser, N. Troitskaya, M. Wellenzohn, Y. Berdnikov:
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Nuclear Physics B, 938 (2018), 114 - 130.

Authors: Andrei Ivanov, E141-04; Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; N.I. Troitskaya; Markus Wellenzohn; Ya.A. Berdnikov

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Authors: Andrei Ivanov, E141-04; Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; N.I. Troitskaya; Markus Wellenzohn; Ya.A. Berdnikov

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Nuclear Physics B, 951 (2020), 1 - 17.

Authors: Andrei Ivanov, E141-04; Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; N.I. Troitskaya; Markus Wellenzohn; Ya.A. Berdnikov

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"Precision theoretical analysis of neutron radiative beta decay";
Physical Review D, 95 (2017), 033007-1 - 033007-5.

Authors: Andrei Ivanov, E141-04; Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; N.I. Troitskaya; Markus Wellenzohn; Ya.A. Berdnikov

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Authors: Andrei Ivanov, E141-04; Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; N.I. Troitskaya; Markus Wellenzohn; Ya.A. Berdnikov

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Physical Review D, 99 (2019), 1 - 34.

Authors: Andrei Ivanov, E141-04; Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; N.I. Troitskaya; Markus Wellenzohn; Ya.A. Berdnikov

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Authors: Andrei Ivanov, E141-04; Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; N.I. Troitskaya; Markus Wellenzohn; Ya.A. Berdnikov

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Authors: Andrei Ivanov, E141-04; Roman Höllwieser, E141-03; Markus Wellenzohn; N.I. Troitskaya; Ya.A. Berdnikov

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"Internal bremsstrahlung of beta decay of the atomic system 35S16";
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Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics, 6 (2009), 22; 97 - 106.

Authors: Andrei Ivanov, E141-04; Mario Pitschmann, E141-04

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Authors: Andrei Ivanov, E141-04; Mario Pitschmann, E141-04; N.I. Troitskaya; Ya.A. Berdnikov

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Authors: Andrei Ivanov, E141-04; Mario Pitschmann, E141-04; Markus Wellenzohn

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Authors: Andrei Ivanov, E141-04; Markus Wellenzohn

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Authors: Andrei Ivanov, E141-04; Markus Wellenzohn

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Authors: Andrei Ivanov, E141-04; Markus Wellenzohn

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Authors: Andrei Ivanov, E141-04; Markus Wellenzohn

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Physics Letters B, 797 (2019), 1 - 9.

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Authors: Tobias Jenke, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

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Authors: Tobias Jenke, E141-04; Joachim Bosina, E141-04; Gunther Cronenberg, E141-04; Hanno Filter, E141-04; Peter Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; A.N. Ivanov, E141-04; J. Micko; Mario Pitschmann, E141-04; Tobias Rechberger, E141-04; Rene Sedmik, E141-04; M. Thalhammer, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

T. Jenke, J. Bosina, G. Cronenberg, H. Filter, P. Geltenbort, A. Ivanov, J. Micko, M. Pitschmann, T. Rechberger, R. Sedmik, M. Thalhammer, H. Abele:
"Testing gravity at short distances: Gravity Resonance Spectroscopy with qBOUNCE";
EPJ Web of Conferences, 219 (2019), 1 - 7.

Authors: Tobias Jenke, E141-04; Joachim Bosina, E141-04; J. Micko; Mario Pitschmann, E141-04; Rene Sedmik, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

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"Gravity resonance spectroscopy and dark energy symmetron fields: q BOUNCE experiments performed with Rabi and Ramsey spectroscopy";
arxiv:hep-ph, 0 (2021), 2012.07472v1; 9 pages.

Authors: Tobias Jenke, E141-04; Gunther Cronenberg, E141-04; Joachim Burgdörfer, E136; L.A. Chizhova; Peter Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; Andrei Ivanov, E141-04; T. Lauer; Tobias Lins, E141; Stefan Rotter, E141; Heiko Saul, E141; U. Schmidt; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

T. Jenke, G. Cronenberg, J. Burgdörfer, L. Chizhova, P. Geltenbort, A. Ivanov, T. Lauer, T. Lins, S. Rotter, H. Saul, U. Schmidt, H. Abele:
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T. Jenke, G. Cronenberg, H. Filter, P. Geltenbort, M. Klein, T. Lauer, R. Mitsch, H. Saul, D. Seiler, D. Stadler, M. Thalhammer, H. Abele:
"Ultracold neutron detectors based on boron-10 converters used in the qBounce experiments";
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 732 (2013), 1 - 8.

Authors: Tobias Jenke, E141-04; Gunther Cronenberg, E141-04; P. Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; Andrei Ivanov, E141-04; T. Lauer; Tobias Lins, E141; U. Schmidt; H. Saul; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

T. Jenke, G. Cronenberg, P. Geltenbort, A. Ivanov, T. Lauer, T. Lins, U. Schmidt, H. Saul, H. Abele:
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Authors: Tobias Jenke, E141-04; Peter Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

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Physical Review C, 82 (2010), 015802; 1 - 10.

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"Measurement of the Neutrino Asymmetry Parameter Β in Neutron Decay";
Physical Review Letters, 99 (2007), 191803.

Author: Rene Sedmik, E141-04

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International Journal of Modern Physics A, 35 (2020), 1 - 5.

Authors: Rene Sedmik, E141-04; Joachim Bosina, E141-04; Lukas Achatz; Peter Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; M. Heiß; Andrei Ivanov, E141-04; Tobias Jenke, E141-04; J. Micko; Mario Pitschmann, E141-04; Tobias Rechberger, E141-04; P. Schmidt; M. Thalhammer, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

R. Sedmik, J. Bosina, L. Achatz, P. Geltenbort, M. Heiß, A. Ivanov, T. Jenke, J. Micko, M. Pitschmann, T. Rechberger, P. Schmidt, M. Thalhammer, H. Abele:
"Proof of Principle for Ramsey-type Gravity Resonance Spectroscopy with qBounce";
arXiv:physics.ins-det, 0 (2019), arXiv:1908.09723.

Authors: Rene Sedmik, E141-04; Joachim Bosina, E141-04; L. Achatz; Peter Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; Michael Heiß, E315; Andrei Ivanov, E141-04; Tobias Jenke, E141-04; J. Micko; Mario Pitschmann, E141-04; Tobias Rechberger, E141-04; P. Schmidt; M. Thalhammer, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

R. Sedmik, J. Bosina, L. Achatz, P. Geltenbort, M. Heiß, A. Ivanov, T. Jenke, J. Micko, M. Pitschmann, T. Rechberger, P. Schmidt, M. Thalhammer, H. Abele:
"Proof of principle for Ramsey-type gravity resonance spectroscopy with qBounce";
EPJ Web of Conferences, 219 (2019), 1 - 7.

Authors: Rene Sedmik, E141-04; Joachim Bosina, E141-04; Peter Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; Andrei Ivanov, E141-04; Tobias Jenke, E141-04; J. Micko; Mario Pitschmann, E141-04; Tobias Rechberger, E141-04; S. Roccia; M. Thalhammer, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

R. Sedmik, J. Bosina, P. Geltenbort, A. Ivanov, T. Jenke, J. Micko, M. Pitschmann, T. Rechberger, S. Roccia, M. Thalhammer, H. Abele:
"Ramsey Gravity Resonance Spectroscopy with Ultracold Neutrons";
Journal of Surface Investigation, 14 (2020), 195 - 197.

Authors: Rene Sedmik, E141-04; Philippe Brax, ILL

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Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1138 (2018), 1 - 16.

Authors: Rene Sedmik, E141-04; Mario Pitschmann, E141-04

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A. Stamatopoulos, A. Tsinganis, M. Diakaki, N. Colonna, M. Kokkoris, R. Vlastou, M. Bacak, E. Griesmayer, E. Jericha, P. Kavrigin, H. Leeb, C. Weiß, -. n_TOF Collaboration et al.:
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"Three-beam interference and which-way information in neutron interferometry ";
Physical Review A, 66 (2002), 0636081 - 0636087.

Authors: Michael Zawisky, E141-04; Matthias Baron, E141; Rudolf Loidl, E141; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

M. Zawisky, M. Baron, R. Loidl, H. Rauch:
"Testing the world´s largest monolithic perfect crystal neutron interferometer";
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 481 (2002), 406 - 413.

Authors: Michael Zawisky, E141-04; M. Bastürk, E141; R. Derntl, E141; E. Lehmann; P. Vontobel

M. Zawisky, M. Bastürk, R. Derntl, E. Lehmann, P. Vontobel:
"Non-destructive 10B analysis in neutron transmission experiments ";
Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 61 (2004), 517 - 523.

Authors: Michael Zawisky, E141-04; M. Bastürk, E141; J. Rehacek; Z. Hradil

M. Zawisky, M. Bastürk, J. Rehacek, Z. Hradil:
"Neutron tomographic investigations of boron-alloyed steels ";
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 327 (2004), 188 - 193.

Authors: Michael Zawisky, E141-04; Ulrich Bonse; Francois Dubus, E141; Z. Hradil; J. Rehacek

M. Zawisky, U. Bonse, F. Dubus, Z. Hradil, J. Rehacek:
"Neutron phase contrast tomography on isotope mixtures ";
Europhys. Lett., 68 (2004), 3; 337 - 343.

Authors: Michael Zawisky, E141-04; F. Hameed, E141; E. Dyrnjaja, E141; Josef Springer, E141

M. Zawisky, F. Hameed, E. Dyrnjaja, J. Springer:
"Digitized neutron imaging with high spatial resolution at a low power research reactor: I. Analysis of detector performance";
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 587 (2008), 342 - 349.

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Authors: Michael Zawisky, E141-04; F. Hameed, E141; E. Dyrnjaja, E141; Josef Springer, E141; Andreas Rohatsch, E220-01

M. Zawisky, F. Hameed, E. Dyrnjaja, J. Springer, A. Rohatsch:
"Digitized neutron imaging with high spatial resolution at a low power research reactor: Applications to steel and rock samples";
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B, 268 (2010), 2446 - 2450.

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Authors: Michael Zawisky, E141-04; Josef Springer, E141; Robert Farthofer, E141; Ulrich Kuetgens

M. Zawisky, J. Springer, R. Farthofer, U. Kuetgens:
"A large-area perfect crystal neutron interferometer optimized for coherent beam-deflection experiments: Preparation and performance";
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A, 1 (2009).

Authors: Michael Zawisky, E141-04; Josef Springer, E141; Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04

M. Zawisky, J. Springer, H. Lemmel:
"High angular resolution neutron interferometry";
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 634 (2011), 46 - 49.

Authors: Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Stephan Sponar, E141-04; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; A. Wisniewski; R. Puzniak; P. Panta; J. Karpinski

M. Zehetmayer, M. Eisterer, St. Sponar, H. W. Weber, A. Wisniewski, R. Puzniak, P. Panta, J. Karpinski:
"Magnetic properties of superconducting HgBa2CuO4+δ single crystals in the overdoped state before and after particle irradiation ";
Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications, 418 (2005), 73 - 86.

Authors: A. Zeidler; P. S. Salmon; H. E. Fischer; J. Neuefeind; J.M. Simonson; Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04; T. E. Markland

A. Zeidler, P. Salmon, H. Fischer, J. Neuefeind, J.M. Simonson, H. Lemmel, H. Rauch, T. Markland:
"Oxygen as a Site Specific Probe of the Structure of Water and Oxide Materials";
Physical Review Letters, 107 (2011), 145501-1-5.

Authors: A. Zeidler; P. S. Salmon; H. E. Fischer; J. Neuefeind; J.M. Simonson; Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04; T. E. Markland

A. Zeidler, P. Salmon, H. Fischer, J. Neuefeind, J.M. Simonson, H. Lemmel, H. Rauch, T. Markland:
"Reply to Oxygen as a Site Specific Probe of the Structure of Water and Oxide Materials";
Physical Review Letters, 108 (2012), 259604.

Authors: Petar Zugec; Massimo Barbagallo; Jozef Andrzejewski; Jaroslaw Perkowski; N. Colonna; Damir Bosnar; Aleksandra Gawlik; Marta Sabate-Gilarte; Michael Bacak, E141-04; Federica Mingrone; Enrico Chiaveri; - n_TOF Collaboration

P. Zugec, M. Barbagallo, J. Andrzejewski, J. Perkowski, N. Colonna, D. Bosnar, A. Gawlik, M. Sabate-Gilarte, M. Bacak, F. Mingrone, E. Chiaveri, -. n_TOF Collaboration:
"A synchronization method for the multi-channel silicon telescope";
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A, 983 (2020), 164606; 1 - 7.

More information

Authors: Petar Zugec; Massimo Barbagallo; Jozef Andrzejewski; Jaroslaw Perkowski; N. Colonna; Damir Bosnar; Aleksandra Gawlik; Marta Sabate-Gilarte; Michael Bacak, E141-04; Federica Mingrone; Enrico Chiaveri; - n_TOF Collaboration

P. Zugec, M. Barbagallo, J. Andrzejewski, J. Perkowski, N. Colonna, D. Bosnar, A. Gawlik, M. Sabate-Gilarte, M. Bacak, F. Mingrone, E. Chiaveri, -. n_TOF Collaboration:
"Machine learning based event classification for the energy-differential measurement of the natC(n,p) and natC(n,d) reactions";
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A, 1033 (2022), 166686; 1 - 9.

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Authors: Petar Zugec; Massimo Barbagallo; Jozef Andrzejewski; Jaroslaw Perkowski; N. Colonna; Damir Bosnar; Aleksandra Gawlik; Marta Sabate-Gilarte; Michael Bacak, E141-04; Federica Mingrone; Enrico Chiaveri; - n_TOF Collaboration

P. Zugec, M. Barbagallo, J. Andrzejewski, J. Perkowski, N. Colonna, D. Bosnar, A. Gawlik, M. Sabate-Gilarte, M. Bacak, F. Mingrone, E. Chiaveri, -. n_TOF Collaboration:
"Study of a data analysis method for the angle resolving silicon telescope";
Journal of Instrumentation, 15 (2020), P02011; 1 - 23.

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Authors: Petar Zugec; Massimo Barbagallo; N. Colonna; Damir Bosnar; Erich Griesmayer, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Christina Weiß, E141; - nTOF Collaboration

P. Zugec, M. Barbagallo, N. Colonna, D. Bosnar, E. Griesmayer, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, C. Weiß, -. nTOF Collaboration et al.:
"Experimental neutron capture data of 58Ni from the CERN n_TOF facility";
Physical Review C, 89 (2014), 014605; 1 - 9.

More information

Authors: Petar Zugec; Massimo Barbagallo; N. Colonna; Damir Bosnar; Erich Griesmayer, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Christina Weiß, E141; - n_TOF Collaboration

P. Zugec, M. Barbagallo, N. Colonna, D. Bosnar, E. Griesmayer, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, C. Weiß, -. n_TOF Collaboration et al.:
"Experimental neutron capture data of 58 Ni from the CERN n_TOF facility";
EPJ Web of Conferences, 93 (2015), 02009; 1 - 3.

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Authors: Petar Zugec; N. Colonna; Damir Bosnar; Erich Griesmayer, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; - n_TOF Collaboration

P. Zugec, N. Colonna, D. Bosnar, E. Griesmayer, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, -. n_TOF Collaboration et al.:
"Integral measurement of the 12C(n, p)12B reaction up to 10 GeV";
European Physical Journal A, 52 (2016), 101; 1 - 13.

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Authors: Petar Zugec; N. Colonna; Damir Bosnar; Erich Griesmayer, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Christina Weiß, E141; - nTOF Collaboration

P. Zugec, N. Colonna, D. Bosnar, E. Griesmayer, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, C. Weiß, -. nTOF Collaboration et al.:
"GEANT4 simulation of the neutron background of the C6D6 set-up for capture studies at n_TOF";
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 760 (2014), 57 - 67.

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Authors: Petar Zugec; N. Colonna; Damir Bosnar; A. Mengoni, Nuclear Data Sec ...; Erich Griesmayer, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; - n_TOF Collaboration

P. Zugec, N. Colonna, D. Bosnar, A. Mengoni, E. Griesmayer, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, -. n_TOF Collaboration et al.:
"Measurement of the 12C(n,p)12B cross section at n_TOF at CERN by in-beam activation analysis";
Physical Review C, 90 (2014), 021601(R); 1 - 5.

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Authors: Petar Zugec; N. Colonna; Marta Sabate-Gilarte; Vasilis Vlachoudis; C. Massimi; Jorge Lerendegui-Marco; Athanasios Stamatopoulos; Michael Bacak, E141-04; Stuart Warren; - n_TOF Collaboration

P. Zugec, N. Colonna, M. Sabate-Gilarte, V. Vlachoudis, C. Massimi, J. Lerendegui-Marco, A. Stamatopoulos, M. Bacak, S. G. Warren, -. n_TOF Collaboration:
"A direct method for unfolding the resolution function from measurements of neutron induced reactions";
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 875 (2017), 41 - 50.

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Contributions to Books

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Cold Neutrons, Gravitation and Forces in the Universe";
in: "Neutrons reveal it all", ESS Bilbao, 2012, ISBN: 978-84-692-4285-8, 117 - 121.

Authors: Hartmut Abele, E141-04; J. Byrne; D. Dubbers; W.E. Fischer; M. Pendlebury; Helmut Rauch, E141-04; J. Sromicki

H. Abele, J. Byrne, D. Dubbers, W. Fischer, M. Pendlebury, H. Rauch, J. Sromicki:
"Fundamental Neutron Physics";
in: "New Science and Technology for the 21st Century", ESS Council, 2002, ISBN: 3893363025, 4109 - 4116.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele et al.:
"Quantum States of Neutrons in the Gravitational Field and Limits for Non-Newtonian Interaction in the Range between 1 μm and 10 μm";
in: "Quantum Gravity - from Theory to Experimental Search, Lecture Notes in Physics 631", Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2003, 355 - 366.

Authors: Hartmut Abele, E141-04; W.E. Fischer; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Abele, W. Fischer, H. Rauch:
"Neutrons and the Origin of the Universe";
in: "New Science and Technology for the 21st Century ", ESS Council, 2002, ISBN: 3893363025, 673 - 680.

Author: Gerald Badurek, E141-04

G. Badurek:
"Wien-Prag-Budapest: Erfolgreiche zentraleuropäische Zusammenarbeit auf dem Gebiet der Neutronenforschung";
in: "Wien - Technik - Kultur", issued by: Peter Skalicky; Bibliothek der Provinz, Weitra (Österreich), 2006, ISBN: 3852527171, 97 - 105.

Authors: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Z. Hradil; Alexander Lvovsky; Gabriel Molina-Teriza; Helmut Rauch, E141-04; J. Rehacek; Alipasha Vaziri; Michael Zawisky, E141-04

G. Badurek, Z. Hradil, A. Lvovsky, G. Molina-Teriza, H. Rauch, J. Rehacek, A. Vaziri, M. Zawisky:
"10 Maximum-Likelihood Estimation in Experimental Quantum Physics";
in: "Quantum State Estimation", Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg, 2004, ISBN: 978-3-540-22329-0, 125 - 146.

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Authors: Stefanie Barz; Gunther Cronenberg, E141-04; P. Walther

S. Barz, G. Cronenberg, P. Walther:
"Experimental Engineering of Photonic Quantum Entanglement";
in: "Advanced Photonic Sciences", Intech, 2012, ISBN: 978-953-51-0153-6.

Authors: Helmuth Böck, E141-05; R. Khan, E141-04
Other person involved: . Iaea

H. Böck, R. Khan et al.:
"Annex 1-23";
in: "Status And Trends In Nuclear Education", .. Iaea (ed.); issued by: IAEA; IAEA NUCLEAR ENERGY SERIES No. NG-T-6.1, Wien, 2011, ISBN: 978-92-0-109010-2, 1 - 239.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"What does quantum theory tell us? A matter-wave approach";
in: "Quantum [Un]Speakables II", Springer-Verlag, 2016, ISBN: 978-3-319-38985-1, 393 - 411.

Authors: J. Klepp, E141; Stephan Sponar, E141-04; Stefan Filipp, E141; M. Lettner, E141; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

J. Klepp, St. Sponar, S. Filipp, M. Lettner, G. Badurek, Y. Hasegawa:
"Nonadditive mixed state phase in neutron optics";
in: "Foundations of Probability and Physics - 5", American Institute of Physics, New York, 2009, ISBN: 978-0-7354-0636-0, 314 - 318.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Application of Neutron Interferometry for Tests of Fundamental Physics Questions ";
in: "Beyond the Desert 2003 ", Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, 2004, ISBN: 3540218432, 445 - 469.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04
Other persons involved: D. Greenberger; K. Hentschel; F. Weinert

H. Rauch:
"Neutron Interferometry";
in: "Compendium of Quantum Physics", D. Greenberger, K. Hentschel, F. Weinert (ed.); Springer-Verlag, 2009, ISBN: 978-3-540-70622-9, 402 - 404.

More information

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Neutronenoptik ";
in: "Optik - Wellen- und Teilchenoptik ", issued by: Bergmann Schaefer - Bd. 3; W. de Gruyter, Berlin - New York, 2004, ISBN: 3110170817, 1162 - 1228.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04
Other persons involved: R. A. Bertlmann; Anton Zeilinger

H. Rauch:
"Towards More Quantum Complete Neutron Experiments";
in: "Quantum [Un]speakables", R. Bertlmann, A. Zeilinger (ed.); Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2002, (invited), ISBN: 3540427562, 351 - 373.

Authors: Helmut Rauch, E141-04; M. Suda

H. Rauch, M. Suda:
"Neutron Spin Echo as a Quantum Interference System ";
in: "Neutron Spin Echo Spectroscopy", issued by: F. Mezei, C. Pappas, T. Gutberlet; Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2003, (invited), ISBN: 3540442936, 133 - 141.

Authors: J. Rehacek; Z. Hradil; Jan Perina; S. Pascacio; P. Facchi; Michael Zawisky, E141-04

J. Rehacek, Z. Hradil, J. Perina, S. Pascacio, P. Facchi, M. Zawisky:
"Advanced Neutron Imaging and Sensing";
in: "Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics", issued by: Ed. Peter W. Hawkes; Elsevier, 2006, ISBN: 012014784-x, 53 - 157.

Authors: Sofiane Terzi; Rémi Daudin; Julie Villanova; Prakash Srirangam; Pierre Lhuissier; Luc Salvo; Elodie Boller; Ralf Schweins; Peter Lindner; Jean-Jacques Blandin; Peter Lee; Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04
Other person involved: John Grandfield

S. Terzi, R. Daudin, J. Villanova, P. Srirangam, P. Lhuissier, L. Salvo, E. Boller, R. Schweins, P. Lindner, J. Blandin, P. Lee, H. Lemmel:
"X-Ray Tomography and Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Characterization of Nano-Composites: Static and In Situ Experiments";
in: "Light Metals 2014", J. Grandfield (ed.); John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2014, ISBN: 978-1-11888-908-4, 1389 - 1393.

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Contributions to Proceedings

Authors: U. Abbondanno; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Heinz Oberhummer, E141-03; - nTOF Collaboration

U. Abbondanno, G. Badurek, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, H. Oberhummer, -. nTOF Collaboration:
"Improved accuracy (N,γ) measurements at N_TOF";
in: "Proc. of the Eleventh Int. Symp. Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics", issued by: Ed.: J. Kvasil, P. Cejnar, M. Krticka; World Scientific, New Jersey - London - Singapore - Hong Kong, 2003, ISBN: 9812383913, 641 - 644.

Authors: U. Abbondanno; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Heinz Oberhummer, E141-03; - nTOF Collaboration

U. Abbondanno, G. Badurek, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, H. Oberhummer, -. nTOF Collaboration:
"Neutron-Capture Measurements at the CERN-nTOF Facility for ADS Applications";
in: "Proc. of the Eleventh Int. Symp. Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics", issued by: Ed.: J. Kvasil, P. Cejnar, M. Krticka; World Scientific, New Jersey - London - Singapore - Hong Kong, 2003, ISBN: 9812383913, 460 - 466.

Authors: U. Abbondanno; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Heinz Oberhummer, E141-03; - nTOF Collaboration

U. Abbondanno, G. Badurek, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, H. Oberhummer, -. nTOF Collaboration:
"The n_TOF Facility at CERN: Performances and First Physics Results";
in: "AIP Conference Proceedings 769", issued by: Los Alamos National Laboratory; American Institute of Physics, Melville, New York, 2005, ISBN: 073540254x, 724 - 729.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Cold Neutrons, Gravitation and Forces in the Universe";
in: "Neutrons reveal all - A compilation of divulgative articles", ESS Bilbao, Bilbao, 2008, ISBN: 978-84-692-4285-8, 117 - 122.

Authors: Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Tobias Jenke, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; B. Märkisch; C. Plonka-Spehr; U. Schmidt; Torsten Soldner, ILL

H. Abele, T. Jenke, E. Jericha, G. Konrad, B. Märkisch, C. Plonka-Spehr, U. Schmidt, T. Soldner:
"High Precision Experiments with Cold and Ultra-Cold Neutrons";
in: "Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Science at J-PARC - Unlocking the Mysteries of Life, Matter and the Universe -", JPS Conference Proceedings 8; The Physical Society of Japan, 2015, 026001.

Authors: G. Aerts; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Heinz Oberhummer, E141-03; - nTOF Collaboration

G. Aerts, G. Badurek, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, H. Oberhummer, -. nTOF Collaboration:
"Measurement of the 232Th Neutron Capture Cross Section at the CERN n_TOF Facility";
in: "AIP Conference Proceedings 769", issued by: Los Alamos National Laboratory; American Institute of Physics, Melville, New York, 2005, ISBN: 073540254x, 1470 - 1473.

Authors: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; C. Dewhurst; Roland Grössinger, E138-03; Reiko Sato Turtelli, E138-03; David Holzer, E138-03; Erwin Jericha, E141-04
Other person involved: Dirk Raabe

G. Badurek, C. Dewhurst, R. Grössinger, R. Sato Turtelli, D. Holzer, E. Jericha:
"Small-Angle Neutron Scattering on Nanocrystalline Materials";
in: "Soft Magnetic Materials 16", D. Raabe (ed.); Stahleisen, Düsseldorf, Deutschland, 2003, ISBN: 3-514-00711-x, 525 - 530.

Authors: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Roland Grössinger, E138-03; Josef Fidler, E138-03; C. Dewhurst; P. Kerschl
Other persons involved: N.M. Dempsey; P. de Rango

G. Badurek, R. Grössinger, J. Fidler, C. Dewhurst, P. Kerschl:
"Structural and magnetic properties of nanocrystalline Barium-Ferrite";
in: "Prceedings of the 18th International Workshop on High Performance Magnets and their Applications", N.M. Dempsey, P. de Rango (ed.); High Performance Magnets and their Application HPMA, 2004.

Authors: S. Baessler; H. Angerer; F. Ayala Guardia; M. Borg, Lund Univ.; K. Eberhardt; F. Glück; W. Heil; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; I. Konorov; N. Luquero Llopis; R. Munoz Horta; M. Orlowski; G. Petzoldt; D. Rich; M. Simson; Yu. Sobolev; H.-F. Wirth; O. Zimmer

S. Baessler, H. Angerer, F. Ayala Guardia, M. Borg, K. Eberhardt, F. Glück, W. Heil, G. Konrad, I. Konorov, N. Luquero Llopis, R. Munoz Horta, M. Orlowski, G. Petzoldt, D. Rich, M. Simson, Y. Sobolev, H. Wirth, O. Zimmer:
"The Proton Spectrum in Neutron Beta Decay: First Results with the aSPECT Spectrometer";
in: "Proceedings of the CIPANP06 Conference, Puerto Rico, 2006", AIP Conf. Proc. 870, 2006, 287.

Authors: M. Bastürk, E141; Max Bichler, E141-05; A. Dlouhy; B. Zamani, E141; Michael Zawisky, E141-04

M. Bastürk, M. Bichler, A. Dlouhy, B. Zamani, M. Zawisky:
"Application of Neutron Radiography in Aerospace Industry and Geology ";
in: "Canadian Institute for NDE", issued by: 16th World Conf. on Nondestructive Testing; Proc. of 16th World Conf. on Nondestructive, WCNDT Edition, 2004, ISBN: 0973657707.

Authors: M. Bastürk, E141; Helmuth Böck, E141-05; B. Zamani, E141; Michael Zawisky, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

M. Bastürk, H. Böck, B. Zamani, M. Zawisky, H. Rauch:
"Non-destructive Material Investigation with Thermal Neutrons at the TRIGA Mark II Reactor in Vienna ";
in: "CD-Proc. of the 2nd Triga Users Conference ", issued by: Atominstitut Vienna; Vienna University of Technology, 2004, 8 pages.

Authors: M. Bastürk, E141; N. Kardjilov; E. Lehmann; P. Vontobel; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

M. Bastürk, N. Kardjilov, E. Lehmann, P. Vontobel, H. Rauch:
"Non-Destructive Neutron Radiography and Tomography Inspection of the Future Nuclear Fusion Blanket Materials (SiC/SiCf)";
in: "Proceedings of the Seventh World Conference", issued by: ENEA; IEEE, 2005, ISBN: 8882861996, 13 pages.

Authors: M. Bastürk, E141; N. Kardjilov; E. Lehmann; Michael Zawisky, E141-04

M. Bastürk, N. Kardjilov, E. Lehmann, M. Zawisky:
"Radiography Investigation and Monte Carlo Simulation of Neutron Transmission of Boron-Alloyed Steel";
in: "Proceedings of the Seventh World Conference", issued by: ENEA Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and the Environment; IEEE, Italy, 2005, ISBN: 8882861996, 14 pages.

Authors: P. Baumann; C. Borcea; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; S. Jokic; M. Kerveno; S. Lukic; - nTOF Collaboration
Other persons involved: A. Woehr; A. Aprahamian

P. Baumann, C. Borcea, E. Jericha, S. Jokic, M. Kerveno, S. Lukic, -. nTOF Collaboration et al.:
"207Pb(n,γ)206Pb Cross-Section Measurements by In-Beam Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy";
in: "Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics", A. Woehr, A. Aprahamian (ed.); issued by: American Institute of Phyiscs; American Institute of Physics, 2006, ISBN: 0-7354-0313-9, 561 - 562.

Authors: F. Belloni, Trieste, Italy; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Heinz Oberhummer, E141-03; M. Pigni; - nTOF Collaboration

F. Belloni, G. Badurek, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, H. Oberhummer, M. Pigni, -. nTOF Collaboration:
"Neutron-induced fission cross-section of 233U, 241Am and 243Am in the energy range 0.5 MeV ≤ En ≤ 20 MeV";
in: "Proceedings of the Scientific Workshop on Nuclear Measurements, Evaluations and Applications - NEMEA-6; NEA/NSC/DOC(2011)4", issued by: OECD/NEA; OECD/NEA, Paris, 2011, 113 - 117.

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Authors: F. Belloni, Trieste, Italy; Erich Griesmayer, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Christina Weiß, E141; - nTOF Collaboration

F. Belloni, E. Griesmayer, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, C. Weiß, -. nTOF Collaboration et al.:
"Neutron Beam Imaging With Micromegas Detectors In Combination With Neutron Time-Of-Flight At The n_TOF Facility At CERN";
in: "The 4-th International Conference Current Problems in Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy (NPAE 2012)", National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute for Nuclear Research, Kyiv, 2013, ISBN: 978-966-02-6750-3, 366 - 368.

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Authors: E. Berthoumieux; U. Abbondanno; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Heinz Oberhummer, E141-03; M. Pigni; - nTOF Collaboration

E. Berthoumieux, U. Abbondanno, G. Badurek, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, H. Oberhummer, M. Pigni, -. nTOF Collaboration:
"Simultaneous measurement of the neutron capture and fission yields of 233U";
in: "Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology", EDP Sciences, Nice, France, 2008, ISBN: 978-2-7598-0090-2, 571 - 574.

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Authors: Marco Calviani; Dimitrios Karadimos; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Heinz Oberhummer, E141-03; M. Pigni; - nTOF Collaboration

M. Calviani, D. Karadimos, G. Badurek, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, H. Oberhummer, M. Pigni, -. nTOF Collaboration:
"Measurement of neutron induced fission of 235U, 233U and 245Cm with the FIC detector at the CERN n_TOF facility";
in: "Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology", EDP Sciences, Nice, France, 2008, ISBN: 978-2-7598-0090-2, 335 - 338.

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Authors: D. Cano-Ott; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Heinz Oberhummer, E141-03; - nTOF Collaboration

D. Cano-Ott, G. Badurek, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, H. Oberhummer, -. nTOF Collaboration:
"Measurements at n_TOF of the Neutron Capture Cross Section on Minor Actinides Relevant to the Nuclear Waste Transmutation";
in: "AIP Conference Proceedings 769", issued by: Los Alamos National Laboratory; American Institute of Physics, Melville, New York, 2005, ISBN: 073540254x, 1442 - 1445.

Authors: Enrico Chiaveri; Erich Griesmayer, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Christina Weiß, E141; - n_TOF Collaboration
Other person involved: . Iaea

E. Chiaveri, E. Griesmayer, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, C. Weiß, -. n_TOF Collaboration et al.:
"The n_TOF Facility at CERN: Status and Perspectives";
in: "Compendium of Neutron Beam Facilities for High Precision Nuclear Data Measurements Annex", .. Iaea (ed.); issued by: IAEA; IAEA.CD-ROM, Wien, 2014, ISBN: 978-92-0-106614-5, 316 - 327.

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Authors: Lucia Anna Damone; Massimo Barbagallo; Mario Mastromarco; A. Mengoni, Nuclear Data Sec ...; Michael Bacak, E141-04; Erich Griesmayer, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Pavel Kavrigin, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; - n_TOF Collaboration
Other persons involved: Alba Formicola; Matthias Junker; Lucio Gialanella; Gianluca Imbriani

L Damone, M. Barbagallo, M. Mastromarco, A. Mengoni, M. Bacak, E. Griesmayer, E. Jericha, P. Kavrigin, H. Leeb, -. n_TOF Collaboration et al.:
"7Be(n,p)7Li Cross Section Measurement for the Cosmological Lithium Problem at the n_TOF Facility at CERN";
in: "Springer Proceedings in Physics, Nuclei in the Cosmos XV", 219; A. Formicola, M. Junker, L. Gialanella, G. Imbriani (ed.); Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Cham, 2019, ISBN: 978-3-030-13875-2, 25 - 32.

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Authors: C. Domingo-Pardo; U. Abbondanno; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Heinz Oberhummer, E141-03; M. Pigni; - nTOF Collaboration

C. Domingo-Pardo, U. Abbondanno, G. Badurek, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, H. Oberhummer, M. Pigni, -. nTOF Collaboration:
"Improved lead and bismuth (n,γ) cross sections and their astrophysical impact";
in: "Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology", EDP Sciences, Nice, France, 2008, ISBN: 978-2-7598-0090-2, 1311 - 1314.

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Authors: C. Domingo-Pardo; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Heinz Oberhummer, E141-03; - nTOF Collaboration

C. Domingo-Pardo, G. Badurek, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, H. Oberhummer, -. nTOF Collaboration:
"Neutron capture measurements on the s-process termination isotopes lead and bismuth";
in: "International Symposium on Nuclear Astrophysics - Nuclei in the Cosmos - IX", issued by: SCISSA; SCISSA Proc. of Science PSF07, Trieste (Italy), 2007, Paper ID 058-1-7, 7 pages.

Authors: C. Domingo-Pardo; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Heinz Oberhummer, E141-03; - nTOF Collaboration

C. Domingo-Pardo, G. Badurek, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, H. Oberhummer, -. nTOF Collaboration:
"New Measurement of the Capture Cross Section of Bismuth and Lead Isotopes";
in: "AIP Conference Proceedings 769", issued by: Los Alamos National Laboratory; American Institute of Physics, Melville, New York, 2005, ISBN: 073540254x, 1521 - 1524.

Authors: W. Dridi; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Heinz Oberhummer, E141-03; - nTOF Collaboration

W. Dridi, G. Badurek, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, H. Oberhummer, -. nTOF Collaboration:
"Measurement of the neutron capture cross section of 234U in n_TOF at CERN";
in: "ANS Proceedings "PHYSOR-2006"", issued by: American Nuclear Society; American Nuclear Society, La Grange Park, Illinois (USA), 2007, ISBN: 0894486977, C032-1 - C032-10.

Authors: Francois Dubus, E141; Ulrich Bonse; Theodor Biermann; Matthias Baron, E141; Felix Beckmann; Michael Zawisky, E141-04
Other person involved: Ulrich Bonse

F. Dubus, U. Bonse, T. Biermann, M. Baron, F. Beckmann, M. Zawisky:
"Tomography using monochromatic thermal neutrons with attenuation and phase contrast";
in: "Developments in X-Ray Tomography III", U. Bonse (ed.); The Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), 2002, (invited), 359 - 370.

Authors: R. Ebner, E141; M. Radike, E141; V. Schlosser; Johann Summhammer, E141-04

R. Ebner, M. Radike, V. Schlosser, J. Summhammer:
"Metal Fingers on Grain Boundaries in Multicrystalline Silicon Solar-Cells";
in: "Seventeenth European Photovoltaic Solar Energy, Vol. I, Munich, 22.-26. October 2001 ", issued by: WIP-Renewable Energies; World Scientific Publishing Co., München (Deutschland), 2002, ISBN: 3936338086, 80 - 83.

Authors: K. Fujii; M. Mosconi; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Heinz Oberhummer, E141-03; M. Pigni; - nTOF Collaboration

K. Fujii, M. Mosconi, G. Badurek, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, H. Oberhummer, M. Pigni, -. nTOF Collaboration:
"Capture cross section measurements of 186,187,188Os at n_TOF: the resolved resonance region";
in: "Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology", EDP Sciences, Nice, France, 2008, ISBN: 978-2-7598-0090-2, 599 - 602.

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Authors: W. Furman; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Heinz Oberhummer, E141-03; - nTOF Collaboration

W. Furman, G. Badurek, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, H. Oberhummer, -. nTOF Collaboration:
"High-Resolution Study of #1 {237}Np Fission Cross Section from 5 eV to 1 MeV";
in: "AIP Conference Proceedings 769", issued by: Los Alamos National Laboratory; American Institute of Physics, Melville, New York, 2005, ISBN: 073540254x, 1039 - 1042.

Authors: C. Guerrero; U. Abbondanno; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Heinz Oberhummer, E141-03; M. Pigni; - nTOF Collaboration

C. Guerrero, U. Abbondanno, G. Badurek, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, H. Oberhummer, M. Pigni, -. nTOF Collaboration:
"The neutron capture cross sections of 237Np/n,γ) and 240Pu(n,γ) and its relevance in the transmutation of nuclear waste";
in: "Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology", EDP Sciences, Nice, France, 2008, ISBN: 978-2-7598-0090-2, 627 - 630.

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Authors: C. Guerrero; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Heinz Oberhummer, E141-03; - nTOF Collaboration

C. Guerrero, G. Badurek, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, H. Oberhummer, -. nTOF Collaboration:
"Application of Photon Strength Functions to (n, γ) measurements with the n_TOF TAC";
in: "Workshop on Photonic Strength Functions and Related Topics", issued by: SCISSA; SCISSA Proc. of Science PSF07, Prague, Czech Republic, 2008, 006-1 - 006-9.

Authors: C. Guerrero; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Heinz Oberhummer, E141-03; - nTOF Collaboration

C. Guerrero, G. Badurek, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, H. Oberhummer, -. nTOF Collaboration:
"Measurement at n_TOF of the 237Np(n,γ) and 240Pu(n,γ) Cross Secstions for the Transmutation of Nuclear Waste";
in: "ANS Proceedings "PHYSOR-2006"", issued by: American Nuclear Society; American Nuclear Society, La Grange Park, Illinois (USA), 2007, ISBN: 0894486977, C031-1 - C031-8.

Authors: C. Guerrero; Erich Griesmayer, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Christina Weiß, E141; - n_TOF Collaboration
Other person involved: . Iaea

C. Guerrero, E. Griesmayer, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, C. Weiß, -. n_TOF Collaboration et al.:
"Nuclear Data Experimental Program at CERN for Reactor Physics";
in: "Compendium of Neutron Beam Facilities for High Precision Nuclear Data Measurements Annex", .. Iaea (ed.); issued by: IAEA; IAEA.CD-ROM, Wien, 2014, ISBN: 978-92-0-106614-5, 301 - 315.

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Authors: F. Gunsing; U. Abbondanno; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Heinz Oberhummer, E141-03; M. Pigni; - nTOF Collaboration

F. Gunsing, U. Abbondanno, G. Badurek, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, H. Oberhummer, M. Pigni, -. nTOF Collaboration:
"Neutron resonance spectroscopy at n_TOF at CERN";
in: "Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology", EDP Sciences, Nice, France, 2008, ISBN: 978-2-7598-0090-2, 537 - 542.

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Authors: F. Gunsing; Michael Bacak, E141-04; Erich Griesmayer, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Pavel Kavrigin, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Christina Weiß, E141; - n_TOF Collaboration
Other persons involved: Francesco Cerutti; Mark Chadwick; Alfredo Ferrari; T. Kawano; Philippe Schoofs

F. Gunsing, M. Bacak, E. Griesmayer, E. Jericha, P. Kavrigin, H. Leeb, C. Weiß, -. n_TOF Collaboration et al.:
"Nuclear data measurements at the upgraded neutron time-of-flight facility n_TOF at CERN";
in: "14th International Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms", F. Cerutti, M. Chadwick, A. Ferrari, T. Kawano, P. Schoofs (ed.); issued by: F. Cerutti, M. Chadwick, A. Ferrari, T. Kawano, P. Schoofs; European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN), Genf, 2015, ISBN: 978-92-9083-418-2, 323 - 330.

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Authors: F. Gunsing; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Heinz Oberhummer, E141-03; - nTOF Collaboration

F. Gunsing, G. Badurek, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, H. Oberhummer, -. nTOF Collaboration:
"Measurement of the neutron capture cross section of 236U";
in: "ANS Proceedings "PHYSOR-2006"", issued by: American Nuclear Society; American Nuclear Society, La Grange Park, Illinois (USA), 2007, ISBN: 0894486977, B072-1 - B072-9.

Authors: F. Hameed, E141; Andreas Rohatsch, E220-01; J. Weber; B. Zamani, E141; Michael Zawisky, E141-04

F. Hameed, A. Rohatsch, J. Weber, B. Zamani, M. Zawisky:
"Investigation of Calcareous Arenites from St. Stephan´s Cathedral, Vienna";
in: "Neutron Radiography: Proceedings of the Eighth World Conference", C.Spangler, DEStech Publications, Lancaster, 2008, 251 - 263.

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Authors: M. Heil; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Heinz Oberhummer, E141-03; - nTOF Collaboration

M. Heil, G. Badurek, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, H. Oberhummer, -. nTOF Collaboration:
"Neutron capture cross section measurements for nuclear astrophysics at n_TOF";
in: "International Symposium on Nuclear Astrophysics - Nuclei in the Cosmos - IX", issued by: SCISSA; SCISSA Proc. of Science PSF07, Trieste (Italy), 2007, Paper ID 053-1-053-6, 6 pages.

Authors: Andrei Ivanov, E141-04; Markus Wellenzohn; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

A. Ivanov, M. Wellenzohn, H. Abele:
"Tests of Lorentz-Invariance Violation in the Standard-Model Extension with Ultracold Neutrons in qBounce Experiments";
in: "Proceedings of CPT and Lorentz Symmetry", World Scientific, 0, 2020, ISBN: 978-981-121-397-7, 118 - 121.

Authors: Tobias Jenke, E141-04; Gunther Cronenberg, E141-04; A.N. Ivanov, E141-04; Heiko Saul, E141; Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Peter Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; T. Lauer; Tobias Lins, E141; U. Schmidt

T. Jenke, G. Cronenberg, A. Ivanov, H. Saul, H. Abele, P. Geltenbort, T. Lauer, T. Lins, U. Schmidt:
"Improving our knowledge on dark matter and dark energy using ultra-cold neutrons";
in: "Annual Report 2012", Institut Laue-Langevin, 2012, 58 - 59.

Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Matthias Baron, E141; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; M.R. Jäkel, E141; J. Klepp, E141; A. Rofner, E141; Stephan Sponar, E141-04; M. Trinker, E141; Mario Villa, E141-05; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

E. Jericha, G. Badurek, M. Baron, Y. Hasegawa, M. Jäkel, J. Klepp, A. Rofner, St. Sponar, M. Trinker, M. Villa, H. Rauch:
"Neutron Optics Experiments at the TRIGA Mark II reactor of the Atominstitut Wien";
in: "CD-Proc. of the 2nd World Triga Users Conference", issued by: Atominstitut Vienna; Vienna University of Technology, 2004, 8 pages.

Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; P. Baumann; A. Kelic; S. Lukic; G. Rudolf

E. Jericha, P. Baumann, A. Kelic, S. Lukic, G. Rudolf et al.:
"Methodological Tests of prompt Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy for (N,XN) Cross Section Measurements at various Facilities ";
in: "Proc. of the Eleventh Int. Symp. Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics ", issued by: Ed.: J. Kvasil, P. Cejnar, M. Krticka; World Scientific, New Jersey - London - Singapore - Hong Kong, 2003, ISBN: 9812383913, 694 - 697.

Authors: M. Kerveno; P. Baumann; G. Rudolf; S. Jokic; S. Lukic; Erwin Jericha, E141-04

M. Kerveno, P. Baumann, G. Rudolf, S. Jokic, S. Lukic, E. Jericha et al.:
"(n,xn) Cross Section Measurements by in Beam-Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy ";
in: "Proc. of the Int. Workshop on P&T and ADS Development ", issued by: SCK - CEN The Belgium Nucl. Res. Centre; SCK - CEN The Belgium Nucl. Res. Centre, 2003, 1 - 8.

Authors: M. Kerveno; C. Borcea; Ph. Dessagne; J. C. Drohé; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; H. Karam; A.J. Koning; A. Negret; A. Pavlik; A. Plompen; C. Rouki; G. Rudolf; M. Stanoiu; J. C. Thiry

M. Kerveno, C. Borcea, P. Dessagne, J.C. Drohé, E. Jericha, H. Karam, A.J. Koning, A. Negret, A. Pavlik, A. Plompen, C. Rouki, G. Rudolf, M. Stanoiu, J.C. Thiry:
"Measurement of (n,xnγ) reactions of interest for new nuclear reactors";
in: "Proceedings of the Scientific Workshop on Nuclear Measurements, Evaluations and Applications - NEMEA-6; NEA/NSC/DOC(2011)4", issued by: OECD/NEA; OECD/NEA, Paris, 2011, 93 - 102.

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Authors: M. Kerveno; R. Nolte; P. Baumann; Ph. Dessagne; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; S. Jokic; S. Lukic; J.-P. Meulders; A. Nachab; A. Pavlik; M. Reginatto; G. Rudolf

M. Kerveno, R. Nolte, P. Baumann, P. Dessagne, E. Jericha, S. Jokic, S. Lukic, J. Meulders, A. Nachab, A. Pavlik, M. Reginatto, G. Rudolf:
""Measurement of 232Th(n,5nγ) cross sections from 29 to 42 MeV"";
in: "Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology", EDP Sciences, Nice, France, 2008, ISBN: 978-2-7598-0090-2, 1019 - 1022.

Authors: J. Klepp, E141; Stephan Sponar, E141-04; Stefan Filipp, E141; M. Lettner, E141; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

J. Klepp, St. Sponar, S. Filipp, M. Lettner, G. Badurek, Y. Hasegawa:
"Nonadditivity of Quantum Phases for mixed States";
in: "Proceedings of the Junior Scientist Conference 2008", Vienna University of Technology, Wien, 2008, ISBN: 978-3-200-01612-5, 129 - 130.

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Author: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04

G. Konrad:
"NoMoS: Beyond the Standard Model in Neutron Decay";
in: "Proceedings of the European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics, Vienna, 2015", PoS(EPS-HEP2015); issued by: European Physical Society; Proceedings of Science, 2015, 592.

Authors: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; F. Ayala Guardia; S. Baessler; M. Borg, Lund Univ.; K. Eberhardt; A. Glück, E141; W. Heil; S. Hiebel; Yu. Sobolev

G. Konrad, F. Ayala Guardia, S. Baessler, M. Borg, K. Eberhardt, A. Glück, W. Heil, S. Hiebel, Y. Sobolev:
"Design of an Anti-Magnetic Screen for the Neutron Decay Spectrometer aSPECT";
in: "Proceedings of the European COMSOL Conference", COMSOL, 2007, 241 - 245.

Authors: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; S. Baessler; M. Borg, Lund Univ.; F. Glück; W. Heil; I. Konorov; K.K.H. Leung; R. Munoz Horta; M. Simson; Yu. Sobolev; T. Soldner; H.-F. Wirth; O. Zimmer

G. Konrad, S. Baessler, M. Borg, F. Glück, W. Heil, I. Konorov, K. Leung, R. Munoz Horta, M. Simson, Y. Sobolev, T. Soldner, H. Wirth, O. Zimmer:
"The Proton Spectrum in Neutron Beta Decay - Latest Results with the aSPECT Spectrometer";
in: "Proceedings of the eighteenth Particles and Nuclei International Conference - PANIC08", Elsevier, 2008, 850 - 852.

Authors: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; W. Heil; S. Baessler; D. Pocanic; F. Glück

G. Konrad, W. Heil, S. Baessler, D. Pocanic, F. Glück:
"Impact of Neutron Decay Experiments on non-Standard Model Physics";
in: "Physics Beyond the Standard Model of Particles, Cosmology and Astrophysics: Proceeding of the Fifth International Conference - Beyond 2010", World Scientific Publishing Co., 2011, ISBN: 978-981-4340-85-4, 660 - 672.

Authors: C. Lampoudis; U. Abbondanno; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Heinz Oberhummer, E141-03; M. Pigni; - nTOF Collaboration

C. Lampoudis, U. Abbondanno, G. Badurek, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, H. Oberhummer, M. Pigni, -. nTOF Collaboration:
"The 234U neutron capture cross section measurement at the n_TOF facility";
in: "Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology", EDP Sciences, Nice, France, 2008, ISBN: 978-2-7598-0090-2, 595 - 598.

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Authors: Esther Leal-Cidoncha; Ignacio Duran; C. Paradela; D. Tarrio; L. Sai Leong; Erich Griesmayer, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; - n_TOF Collaboration
Other person involved: Enrico Chiaveri

E. Leal-Cidoncha, I. Duran, C. Paradela, D. Tarrio, L. Leong, E. Griesmayer, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, -. n_TOF Collaboration et al.:
"Study of the 234U(n,f) fission fragment angular distribution at the CERN n_TOF facility";
in: "Proceedings of the ERINDA Workshop, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 1-3 October 2013, CERN-Proceedings-2014- 002", E. Chiaveri (ed.); European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN), Geneva, 2014, ISBN: 978-92-9083-403-8, 65 - 71.

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Authors: C. Lederer; Erich Griesmayer, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Christina Weiß, E141; - nTOF Collaboration

C. Lederer, E. Griesmayer, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, C. Weiß, -. nTOF Collaboration et al.:
"Neutron induced reactions for the s process, and the case of Fe and Ni isotopes";
in: "XII International Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos (NIC XII)", issued by: John Lattanzio, Amanda Karakas, Maria Lugaro, George Dracoulis; Proceedings of Science, SISSA, Trieste, 2012, 023-1 - 023-6.

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Authors: Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Friedrich Aumayr, E134-03; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; M. Benedikt; Michael Hajek, E141-05; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; P. Kienle; M. Krammer, E141; J. Marton; E. Widmann; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. Leeb, F. Aumayr, G. Badurek, M. Benedikt, M. Hajek, E. Jericha, P. Kienle, M. Krammer, J. Marton, E. Widmann, H. W. Weber:
"Opportunities of Basic and Applied Research at MedAustron";
in: "Proc. of the International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Research Applications and Utilization of Accelerators (4-8 May 2009, Vienna), Proceedings CD Series CN-173", IAEA Vienna AEA-I3-CN-173, STI/PUB/1433, AP/IA-10, 2010, ISBN: 978-92-0-150410-4, 1 - 8.

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Authors: S. Lukic; P. Baumann; C. Borcea; S. Hilaire; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; - nTOF Collaboration

S. Lukic, P. Baumann, C. Borcea, S. Hilaire, E. Jericha, -. nTOF Collaboration et al.:
"In Beam γ-ray Spectroscopy as a Means for (n,xn) Cross-Section Measurements ";
in: "Proc. of the Workshop on Nucl. Data for the Transmutation of Nuclear Waste ", issued by: A. Kelic and K.-H. Schmidt, eds., Ges. für Schwerionenforschung; GSI Darmstadt, Darmstadt, 2003, ISBN: 3000122761.

Authors: S. Lukic; P. Baumann; C. Borcea; Erwin Jericha, E141-04

S. Lukic, P. Baumann, C. Borcea, E. Jericha et al.:
"The use of detectors for (N,XN) cross-section measurements at intense and low frequency pulsed neutron beams ";
in: "Seventh Info. Exchange Meeting ", issued by: Nucl. Energy Agency Org. for Economic Co-Operation and Development; Nuclear Development and Nuclear Science, 2003, ISBN: 9264021256, 825 - 830.

Authors: S. Lukic; M. Pandurovic; P. Baumann; S. Hilaire; J. Jeknic; Erwin Jericha, E141-04

S. Lukic, M. Pandurovic, P. Baumann, S. Hilaire, J. Jeknic, E. Jericha et al.:
"Measurement of (n,n´Gamma) and n,2n Gamma) Cross Sections on Lead ";
in: "Proc. of the Fifth General Conf. on the Balkan Phys. Union ", issued by: Ed.: S. Jokic, I. Milosevic, A. Balaz, Z. Nikolic; Proc. Fifth General Conf. of the Balkan Phys. Union, 2003, 105 - 109.

Authors: Wilfried Mach, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Michael Bacak, E141-04; Dieter Hainz, E141; A. Musilek, E141-05; Mario Villa, E141-05; Hartmut Abele, E141-04
Other persons involved: Leon Cizelj; Tadej Holler

W. Mach, E. Jericha, M. Bacak, D. Hainz, A. Musilek, M. Villa, H. Abele:
"Installation of a Thermal White Neutron Beam Facility at the TRIGA Reactor in Vienna";
in: "Conference Proceedings of the 26th International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe (NENE 2017)", L. Cizelj, T. Holler (ed.); issued by: Nuclear Society of Slovenia; Nuclear Society of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2017, ISBN: 978-961-6207-43-0, Paper ID 502, 8 pages.

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Authors: Romain Maisonobe, ILL; Stefan Baessler, University of Vi ...; Marcus Beck, Uni Mainz; Ferenc Glück, IEKP; Pillar Guimera Milan, ILL; Werner Heil, Uni Mainz; Michael Klopf, E141-04; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; Christian Schmidt, Uni Mainz; Martin Simson, ILL; Torsten Soldner, ILL; Romain Virot, ILL; Alexander Wunderle, Uni Mainz; Oliver Zimmer, ILL

R. Maisonobe, S. Baessler, M. Beck, F. Glück, P Guimera Milan, W. Heil, M. Klopf, G. Konrad, C. Schmidt, M. Simson, T. Soldner, R Virot, A. Wunderle, O. Zimmer:
"Measurement of the electron-antineutrino angular correlation coefficient a in neutron-β decay with the spectrometer aSPECT";
in: "Proceedings of the European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics, Vienna, 2015", PoS(EPS-HEP2015); issued by: European Physical Society; Proceedings of Science, 2015, 595.

Authors: S. Marrone; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Heinz Oberhummer, E141-03; - nTOF Collaboration

S. Marrone, G. Badurek, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, H. Oberhummer, -. nTOF Collaboration:
"Astrophysical Implications of the 139La(n,γ) and 151Sm(n,γ) Cross Section Measured at n_TOF";
in: "International Symposium on Nuclear Astrophysics - Nuclei in the Cosmos - IX", issued by: SCISSA; SCISSA Proc. of Science PSF07, Trieste (Italy), 2007, Paper ID 019-1-019-7, 7 pages.

Authors: C. Massimi; U. Abbondanno; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Heinz Oberhummer, E141-03; M. Pigni; - nTOF Collaboration

C. Massimi, U. Abbondanno, G. Badurek, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, H. Oberhummer, M. Pigni, -. nTOF Collaboration:
"Measurement of the 197Au(n,γ) cross section at n_TOF: towards a new standard";
in: "Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology", EDP Sciences, Nice, France, 2008, ISBN: 978-2-7598-0090-2, 1265 - 1268.

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Authors: C. Massimi; Michael Bacak, E141-04; - n_TOF Collaboration
Other persons involved: Alba Formicola; Matthias Junker; Lucio Gialanella; Gianluca Imbriani

C. Massimi, M. Bacak, -. n_TOF Collaboration et al.:
"Data for the s Process from n_TOF";
in: "Springer Proceedings in Physics, Nuclei in the Cosmos XV", 219; A. Formicola, M. Junker, L. Gialanella, G. Imbriani (ed.); Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Cham, 2019, ISBN: 978-3-030-13875-2, 63 - 70.

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Authors: E. Mendoza; Javier Balibrea-Correa; D. Cano-Ott; C. Guerrero; E. Berthoumieux; Erich Griesmayer, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Christina Weiß, E141; - n_TOF Collaboration
Other person involved: Enrico Chiaveri

E. Mendoza, J. Balibrea-Correa, D. Cano-Ott, C. Guerrero, E. Berthoumieux, E. Griesmayer, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, C. Weiß, -. n_TOF Collaboration et al.:
"Measurement of the neutron capture cross section of the fissile isotope 235U with the CERN n_TOF Total Absorption Calorimeter and a fission tagging based on micromegas detectors";
in: "Proceedings of the ERINDA Workshop, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 1-3 October 2013, CERN-Proceedings-2014- 002", E. Chiaveri (ed.); European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN), Geneva, 2014, ISBN: 978-92-9083-403-8, 127 - 133.

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Authors: J. Micko; Joachim Bosina, E141-04; Tobias Jenke, E141-04

J. Micko, J. Bosina, T. Jenke:
"Considerations for the migration from Rabi- to Ramsey spectroscopy of the qBOUNCE experiment";
in: "Proceedings of the 54th Rencontres de Moriond - 2019 Gravitation", ARISF, 2019, ISBN: 979-10-96879-10-6, 121 - 126.

Authors: C.L. Mihailescu; P. Baumann; C. Borcea; Ph. Dessagne; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; M. Kerveno; S. Lukic; A.J. Koning; A. Pavlik; A. Plompen; G. Rudolf

C.L. Mihailescu, P. Baumann, C. Borcea, P. Dessagne, E. Jericha, M. Kerveno, S. Lukic, A.J. Koning, A. Pavlik, A. Plompen, G. Rudolf:
"High resolution neutron (n,xn) cross-section measurements for 206,207,208Pb and 209Bi from threshold up to 20 MeV";
in: "Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology", EDP Sciences, Nice, France, 2008, ISBN: 978-2-7598-0090-2, 567 - 570.

Authors: C. Moreau; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Heinz Oberhummer, E141-03; - nTOF Collaboration

C. Moreau, G. Badurek, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, H. Oberhummer, -. nTOF Collaboration:
"Measurement of Capture Cross Sections of 90,91,92,94,96Zr Isotopes at n_TOF";
in: "AIP Conference Proceedings 769", issued by: Los Alamos National Laboratory; American Institute of Physics, Melville, New York, 2005, ISBN: 073540254x, 880 - 883.

Authors: M. Mosconi; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Heinz Oberhummer, E141-03; - nTOF Collaboration

M. Mosconi, G. Badurek, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, H. Oberhummer, -. nTOF Collaboration:
"Experimental challenges for the Re/Os clock";
in: "International Symposium on Nuclear Astrophysics - Nuclei in the Cosmos - IX", issued by: SCISSA; SCISSA Proc. of Science PSF07, Trieste (Italy), 2007, Paper ID 055-1-055-7, 7 pages.

Authors: M. Mosconi; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Heinz Oberhummer, E141-03; - nTOF Collaboration

M. Mosconi, G. Badurek, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, H. Oberhummer, -. nTOF Collaboration:
"Neutron Capture Cross Sections for the Re/Os Clock";
in: "AIP Conference Proceedings 769", issued by: Los Alamos National Laboratory; American Institute of Physics, Melville, New York, 2005, ISBN: 073540254x, 1335 - 1338.

Authors: R. Munoz Horta; H. Angerer; F. Ayala Guardia; S. Baessler; M. Borg, Lund Univ.; K. Eberhardt; F. Glück; W. Heil; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; I. Konorov; N. Luquero Llopis; M. Orlowski; G. Petzoldt; D. Rich; M. Simson; Yu. Sobolev; H.-F. Wirth; O. Zimmer

R. Munoz Horta, H. Angerer, F. Ayala Guardia, S. Baessler, M. Borg, K. Eberhardt, F. Glück, W. Heil, G. Konrad, I. Konorov, N. Luquero Llopis, M. Orlowski, G. Petzoldt, D. Rich, M. Simson, Y. Sobolev, H. Wirth, O. Zimmer:
"The Proton Spectrum in Neutron Beta Decay - First Results with the aSPECT Spectrometer";
in: "Proceedings of the XIV International Seminar on Interaction of Neutrons with Nuclei", Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 2007.

Authors: S. Novalin; Marcus Rennhofer, Uni.Wien,Fak.Physik; Johann Summhammer, E141-04; R. Leidl; Shokufeh Zamini, E141

S. Novalin, M. Rennhofer, J. Summhammer, R. Leidl, S. Zamini:
"Metastabilities in thin-film modules due to pre-treatment";
in: "Proceedings of 26th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference", WIP-Renewable Energies, 2011, ISBN: 3-936338-27-2, 3473 - 3475.

Authors: C. Paradela; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Heinz Oberhummer, E141-03; - nTOF Collaboration

C. Paradela, G. Badurek, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, H. Oberhummer, -. nTOF Collaboration:
"n_TOF fission data of interest to GEN-IV and ADS";
in: "PHYSOR-2006", issued by: American Nuclear Society; American Nuclear Society, La Grange Park, Illinois (USA), 2007, ISBN: 0894486977, B076-1 - B076-9.

Authors: A. Pavlik; P. Baumann; C. Borcea; S. Hilaire; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; S. Jokic; M. Kerveno; A.J. Koning; S. Lukic; J.-P. Meulders; C.L. Mihailescu; R. Nolte; A. Plompen; I. Raskinyte; G. Rudolf; - nTOF Collaboration

A. Pavlik, P. Baumann, C. Borcea, S. Hilaire, E. Jericha, S. Jokic, M. Kerveno, A.J. Koning, S. Lukic, J. Meulders, C.L. Mihailescu, R. Nolte, A. Plompen, I. Raskinyte, G. Rudolf, -. nTOF Collaboration:
"Cross section measurements for (n,xn) reactions by in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy";
in: "AIP Conference Proceedings 769", issued by: Int. Conf. on Nuclear Data for Science & Technology; American Institute of Physics, Melville, New York, 2005, ISBN: 073540254x, 876 - 879.

Authors: L. Potanina; V.I. Pantsyrnyy; N.I. Kozlenkova; A.K. Shikov; V. Yu Korpusov; I.N. Gubkin; N.I. Salunin; J. Emhofer, E141-04; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

L. Potanina, V. Pantsyrnyy, N.I. Kozlenkova, A.K. Shikov, V. Korpusov, I.N. Gubkin, N. Salunin, J. Emhofer, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"The effect of Cu/nonCu ratio on the critical current density in model NbTi strands for the ITER PF coils";
in: "Proceedings of the Twenty-Third International Cryogenic Engineering Conference and International Cryogenic Materials Conference 2010", Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wroclawskiej, 2011, ISBN: 978-83-7493-589-0, 1205 - 1211.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Quantum Phenomena Tested By Neutron Interferometry ";
in: "Proc. "Foundations of Probability and Physics - 3", issued by: American Institute of Physics; American Institute of Physics, Melville, New York, 2005, ISBN: 0735402353, 321 - 339.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04
Other persons involved: Jan Perina; Miroslav Hrabovsky; Jaromir Krepelka

H. Rauch:
"The neutron as a quantum object";
in: "First International Workshop on Classical and Quantum Interference", J. Perina, M. Hrabovsky, J. Krepelka (ed.); The Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), 2002, (invited), ISBN: 081944670x, 21 - 40.

Authors: V. Schlosser; R. Ebner, E141; P. Bajons; Johann Summhammer, E141-04; G. Klinger
Other persons involved: W. Palz; H. Ossenbrink; P. Helm

V. Schlosser, R. Ebner, P. Bajons, J. Summhammer, G. Klinger:
"LBIC investigations of multicrystalline silicon solar cells with the front contact on grain boundaries";
in: "Contribution to 20th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference", W. Palz, H. Ossenbrink, P. Helm (ed.); WIP-Renewable Energies, Munich, 2005.

Authors: V. Schlosser; R. Ebner, E141; W. Markowitsch; P. Bajons; G. Klinger; A.A. El-Amin; Johann Summhammer, E141-04

V. Schlosser, R. Ebner, W. Markowitsch, P. Bajons, G. Klinger, A. El-Amin, J. Summhammer:
"Investigations of Evaporated Front Contacts along the Grain Boundaries of Multicrystalline Silicon Solar Cells ";
in: "Seventeenth European Photovoltaic Solar Energy, Vol. I, Munich, 22.-26. Oktober 2001 ", issued by: WIP-Renewable Energies; WIP-Renewable Energies, München (Deutschland), 2002, ISBN: 3936338086, 1470 - 1473.

Authors: M. Schumann; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

M. Schumann, H. Abele et al.:
"A precision measurement to test the Standard Model";
in: "Annual Report 2009", Institut Laue-Langevin, 2009, 2.

Authors: M. Simson; F. Ayala Guardia; S. Baessler; M. Borg, Lund Univ.; F. Glück; W. Heil; I. Konorov; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; R. Munoz Horta; K.K.H. Leung; Yu. Sobolev; T. Soldner; H.-F. Wirth; O. Zimmer

M. Simson, F. Ayala Guardia, S. Baessler, M. Borg, F. Glück, W. Heil, I. Konorov, G. Konrad, R. Munoz Horta, K. Leung, Y. Sobolev, T. Soldner, H. Wirth, O. Zimmer:
"Measuring the proton spectrum in neutron decay-Latest results with aSPECT";
in: "Proceedings of the International Workshop on Particle Physics with Slow Neutrons", Institut Laue-Langevin, 2009, ISSN: 0168-9002, 203 - 206.

Authors: Stephan Sponar, E141-04; J. Klepp, E141; Rudolf Loidl, E141; Katharina Durstberger-Rennhofer, E141-04; H. Geppert; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

St. Sponar, J. Klepp, R. Loidl, K. Durstberger-Rennhofer, H. Geppert, G. Badurek, H. Rauch, Y. Hasegawa:
"Triple Entanglement in Neutron Interferometric and Polarimetric Experiments";
in: "5th European Conference on Neutron Scattering", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2012, 012044-1 - 012044-16.

Authors: T. Stummer, E141-05; Mario Villa, E141-05; Helmuth Böck, E141-05; R. Khan, E141-04

T. Stummer, M. Villa, H. Böck, R. Khan:
"MCNP Calculations Supporting The Start-up Of The New Core At The TRIGA VIENNA";
in: "22nd International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe (NENE2013)", issued by: Nuclear Society of Slovenia; Nuclear Society of Slovenia, Ljubljana, 2013, ISBN: 978-961-6207-36-2, Paper ID 615, 6 pages.

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Authors: G. Tagliente; U. Abbondanno; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Heinz Oberhummer, E141-03; - nTOF Collaboration

G. Tagliente, U. Abbondanno, G. Badurek, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, H. Oberhummer, -. nTOF Collaboration:
"Measurement of the 90,91,92,94,96Zr neutron capture cross sections at n_TOF";
in: "International Symposium on Nuclear Astrophysics - Nuclei in the Cosmos - IX", issued by: SCISSA; SCISSA Proc. of Science PSF07, Trieste (Italy), 2007, Paper ID 227-1-227-5, 5 pages.

Authors: G. Tagliente; U. Abbondanno; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Heinz Oberhummer, E141-03; M. Pigni; - nTOF Collaboration

G. Tagliente, U. Abbondanno, G. Badurek, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, H. Oberhummer, M. Pigni, -. nTOF Collaboration:
"Measurement of the 90,91,92,93,94,96Zr(n,γ) and 139La(n,γ) cross section at n_TOF";
in: "Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology", EDP Sciences, Nice, France, 2008, ISBN: 978-2-7598-0090-2, 1303 - 1306.

More information

Authors: G. Tagliente; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Heinz Oberhummer, E141-03; M. Pigni; - n_TOF Collaboration
Other persons involved: Francesco Cerutti; Mark Chadwick; Alfredo Ferrari; T. Kawano; Philippe Schoofs

G. Tagliente, G. Badurek, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, H. Oberhummer, M. Pigni, -. n_TOF Collaboration et al.:
"Nuclear Astrophysics at n_TOF facility, CERN";
in: "14th International Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms", F. Cerutti, M. Chadwick, A. Ferrari, T. Kawano, P. Schoofs (ed.); issued by: F. Cerutti, M. Chadwick, A. Ferrari, T. Kawano, P. Schoofs; European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN), Genf, 2015, ISBN: 978-92-9083-418-2, 267 - 274.

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Authors: H. Tatlisu, E141; F. Hameed, E141; A. Hilger; N. Kardjilov; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Tatlisu, F. Hameed, A. Hilger, N. Kardjilov, H. Rauch:
"Nuclear Research Applications and Utilization of Accelerators";
in: "Proceedings of IAEA International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Research Applications and Utilization of Accelerators", IAEA.CD-ROM, Vienna/Austria, 2010, ISBN: 978-92-0-150410-4, 1 pages.

Authors: J. C. Thiry; C. Borcea; Ph. Dessagne; J. C. Drohé; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; H. Karam; M. Kerveno; A.J. Koning; A. Negret; A. Pavlik; A. Plompen; C. Rouki; G. Rudolf; M. Stanoiu

J.C. Thiry, C. Borcea, P. Dessagne, J.C. Drohé, E. Jericha, H. Karam, M. Kerveno, A.J. Koning, A. Negret, A. Pavlik, A. Plompen, C. Rouki, G. Rudolf, M. Stanoiu:
"Measurement of (n,xnγ) reactions at high precision";
in: "Proceedings of the Scientific Workshop on Nuclear Measurements, Evaluations and Applications - NEMEA-6; NEA/NSC/DOC(2011)4", issued by: OECD/NEA; OECD/NEA, Paris, 2011, 121 - 130.

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Authors: Andrea Tsinganis; E. Berthoumieux; C. Guerrero; N. Colonna; Marco Calviani; Rosa Vlastou; Erich Griesmayer, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Christina Weiß, E141; - n_TOF Collaboration
Other person involved: Enrico Chiaveri

A. Tsinganis, E. Berthoumieux, C. Guerrero, N. Colonna, M. Calviani, R. Vlastou, E. Griesmayer, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, C. Weiß, -. n_TOF Collaboration et al.:
"Measurement of the 240,242Pu(n,f) cross section at the CERN n_TOF facility";
in: "Proceedings of the ERINDA Workshop, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 1-3 October 2013, CERN-Proceedings-2014- 002", E. Chiaveri (ed.); European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN), Geneva, 2014, ISBN: 978-92-9083-403-8, 95 - 102.

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Authors: Andrea Tsinganis; Athanasios Stamatopoulos; N. Colonna; Rosa Vlastou; Michael Bacak, E141-04; Erich Griesmayer, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Pavel Kavrigin, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; - nTOF Collaboration; - n_TOF Collaboration
Other persons involved: Francesco Cerutti; Mark Chadwick; Alfredo Ferrari; T. Kawano; Philippe Schoofs

A. Tsinganis, A. Stamatopoulos, N. Colonna, R. Vlastou, M. Bacak, E. Griesmayer, E. Jericha, P. Kavrigin, H. Leeb, -. nTOF Collaboration, -. n_TOF Collaboration et al.:
"Measurement of the 240Pu(n,f) cross-section at the CERN n_TOF facility: first results from EAR-2";
in: "14th International Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms", F. Cerutti, M. Chadwick, A. Ferrari, T. Kawano, P. Schoofs (ed.); issued by: F. Cerutti, M. Chadwick, A. Ferrari, T. Kawano, P. Schoofs; European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN), Genf, 2015, ISBN: 978-92-9083-418-2, 21 - 26.

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Authors: G. P. Westphal, E141-05; F. Grass, E141-05; Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04; Johannes H. Sterba, E141-05

G. P. Westphal, F. Grass, H. Lemmel, J.H. Sterba:
"Automatic Activation Analysis at a TRIGA Reactor ";
in: "CD-Proc. of the 2nd World Triga Users Conference ", issued by: Atominstitut Vienna; Vienna University of Technology, 2004, 8 pages.

Authors: Alexander Wunderle, Uni Mainz; Oliver Zimmer, ILL; Romain Virot, ILL; Camille Theroine, ESS; Torsten Soldner, ILL; Martin Simson, ILL; Christian Schmidt, Uni Mainz; Romain Maisonobe, ILL; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; Werner Heil, Uni Mainz; Ferenc Glück, IEKP; Marcus Beck, Uni Mainz; Stefan Baessler, University of Vi ...

A. Wunderle, O. Zimmer, R Virot, C Theroine, T. Soldner, M. Simson, C. Schmidt, R. Maisonobe, G. Konrad, W. Heil, F. Glück, M. Beck, S. Baessler:
"Latest results from the aSPECT experiment";
in: "Proceedings of the tenth Particles and Nuclei International Conference - PANIC14", Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, Hamburg, 2014, 452 - 455.

Authors: Michael Zawisky, E141-04; M. Bastürk, E141; J. Rehacek; Z. Hradil

M. Zawisky, M. Bastürk, J. Rehacek, Z. Hradil:
"Neutron Tomographic Investigations of Strong Absorbing Materials";
in: "Proceedings of the Seventh World Conference", issued by: ENEA; IEEE, 2005, ISBN: 8882861996, 13 pages.

Authors: Petar Zugec; N. Colonna; Erich Griesmayer, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; - n_TOF Collaboration
Other persons involved: Francesco Cerutti; Mark Chadwick; Alfredo Ferrari; T. Kawano; Philippe Schoofs

P. Zugec, N. Colonna, E. Griesmayer, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, -. n_TOF Collaboration et al.:
"Integral cross section measurement of the 12C(n,p)12B reaction";
in: "14th International Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms", F. Cerutti, M. Chadwick, A. Ferrari, T. Kawano, P. Schoofs (ed.); issued by: F. Cerutti, M. Chadwick, A. Ferrari, T. Kawano, P. Schoofs; European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN), Genf, 2015, ISBN: 978-92-9083-418-2, 275 - 281.

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Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry)

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Neutron β-decay and the quark-mixing CKM-matrix";
Talk: Interactions And Unified Theories, Les Arcs, France; 03-09-2002 - 03-16-2002; in: "Proc. XXXVIIth Rencontres de Moriond "Interactions and Unified Theories"", (2002).

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"The Neutron Alphabet: Exploring the Properties of Fundamental Interactions";
Talk: Int. Conference on Particles and Nuclei (PANIC08), Israel, Jerusalem; 11-09-2008 - 11-14-2008; in: "Proceedings PANIC08", (2008).

Authors: Hartmut Abele, E141-04; D. Mund

H. Abele, D. Mund:
"Quark Mixing, CKM Unitarity";
Talk: Workshop "QUARK MIXING, CKM UNITARITY", Heidelberg; 09-19-2002 - 09-20-2002; in: "Proceedings of workshop "QUARK MIXING, CKM UNITARITY"", (2003).

Authors: Hartmut Abele, E141-04; D. Mund

H. Abele, D. Mund:
"The Unitarity problem of the CKM matrix";
Keynote Lecture: Workshop "QUARK MIXING, CKM UNITARITY", Heidelberg, Germany; 09-19-2002 - 09-20-2002; in: "Proceedings of workshop "QUARK MIXING, CKM UNITARITY"", Mattes-Verlag, (2002).

Author: Gerald Badurek, E141-04
Other persons involved: Oskar Paris; Heinz Amenitsch; Ernst Bauer, E138-03; Gerhard Krexner; Christina Streli, E141-05; Peter Wobrauschek, E141-05

G. Badurek:
"Polarized Neutrons";
Talk: NESY-7th International Winterschool on Neutrons and Sychrotron Radiation, Planneralm/Stmk. (invited); 03-06-2011 - 03-12-2011; in: "Lecture Scripts of the 7th European Winter School on Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation", O. Paris, H. Amenitsch, E. Bauer, G. Krexner, C. Streli, P. Wobrauschek (ed.); Montanuniversität Leoben, Leoben (2011), 713 - 769.

Authors: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Friedrich Aumayr, E134-03; Michael Hajek, E141-05; Helmut Leeb, E141-03

G. Badurek, F. Aumayr, M. Hajek, H. Leeb:
"MedAustron: prospects for experimental physics";
Talk: Joint Symposium on Medical Accelerators, FOTEC Wiener Neustadt (Österreich) (invited); 06-04-2007 - 06-05-2007; in: "Joint Symposium on Medical Accelerators", FOTEC, (2007), 1 - 18.

Authors: M. Bastürk, E141; Max Bichler, E141-05; A. Dlouhy; H. Tatlisu, E141; B. Zamani, E141; Michael Zawisky, E141-04

M. Bastürk, M. Bichler, A. Dlouhy, H. Tatlisu, B. Zamani, M. Zawisky:
"Application of Neutron Radiography in Aerospace Industry and Geology";
Talk: 16th World Congr. on Nondestructive Testing, Montreal (Canada); 08-30-2004 - 09-03-2004; in: "Proceedings", 9/11 (2004), ISBN: 0973657723; 7 pages.

Authors: Helmuth Böck, E141-05; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Georg Steinhauser, E141-05; Mario Villa, E141-05
Other person involved: Igor Jencic

H. Böck, Y. Hasegawa, E. Jericha, G. Steinhauser, M. Villa:
"The Past and the Future of the TRIGA Reactor Vienna";
Talk: 20th International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe 2011, Bovec, Slowenien (invited); 09-12-2011 - 09-15-2011; in: "Nuclear Energy for New Europe 2011", I. Jencic (ed.); (2012), ISBN: 978-961-6207-32-4; Paper ID 402, 9 pages.

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Authors: Helmuth Böck, E141-05; R. Khan, E141-04

H. Böck, R. Khan:
"Neutronics Analysis of the TRIGA Vienna Mixed Core";
Talk: Nuclear Energy for New Europe 2010, Portoroz, Slowenien; 09-06-2010 - 09-09-2010; in: "Nuclear Energy for New Europe 2010", (2010), 1 - 8.

Authors: Helmuth Böck, E141-05; R. Khan, E141-04; Mario Villa, E141-05; Georg Steinhauser, E141-05

H. Böck, R. Khan, M. Villa, G. Steinhauser:
"Nuclear Education and Training in an Anti-Nuclear Environment";
Talk: NESTET Conference Prague 2011, Prag; 05-15-2011 - 05-17-2011; in: "NESTET Conference Prague 2011", (2011), 1 - 6.

Author: Katharina Durstberger-Rennhofer, E141-04

K. Durstberger-Rennhofer:
"Entangled qutrit states in a double-loop neutron interferometer";
Talk: Öpg Jahrestagung 2009 Innsbruck, Innsbruck (invited); 09-02-2009 - 09-04-2009; in: "ÖPG, SPS, ÖGA˛: Gemeinsame Jahrestagung in Innsbruck", (2009).

Authors: Katharina Durstberger-Rennhofer, E141-04; R. A. Bertlmann; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

K. Durstberger-Rennhofer, R. Bertlmann, Y. Hasegawa, H. Rauch:
"Decoherence, Neutron Interferometry and Geometry";
Poster: 2nd Vienna Symposium on the Foundations of modern Physics 2009 in honour of Daniel Greenberger and Helmut Rauch, Wien; 06-11-2009 - 06-14-2009; in: "2nd Vienna Symposium on the Foundations of modern Physics 2009 in honour of Daniel Greenberger and Helmut Rauch", (2009).

Authors: Katharina Durstberger-Rennhofer, E141-04; Christa Durstberger

K. Durstberger-Rennhofer, C. Durstberger:
"Die Physik macht den Ton. Wissenschaftskommunikation in der Praxis";
Talk: SciCom 2009, Wien; 11-16-2009 - 11-17-2009; in: "SciCom09 Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Wissenschaftskommunikation", (2009).

Authors: R. Ebner, E141; M. Raith, E141; V. Schlosser; Johann Summhammer, E141-04

R. Ebner, M. Raith, V. Schlosser, J. Summhammer:
"Galvanic Grain Boundary Contacts on Multicrystalline Silicon Solar Cells ";
Talk: PV in Europe, Rome (Italy); 10-07-2002 - 10-11-2002; in: "Proc. of the Int. Conf. "PV in Europe" ", WIP-Munich and ETA-Florence, (2002), ISBN: 3936338124; 299 - 302.

Authors: T. Ferger; Hartmut Abele, E141-04; R. Gähler

T. Ferger, H. Abele, R. Gähler:
"Neutron Tomography";
Talk: 7th World Conference on Neutron Radiography, Rom, Italy; 09-15-2002 - 09-20-2002; in: "Proceedings of 7th World Conference on Neutron Radiography", (2002).

Authors: Jürgen Fleig, E164-04-3; Gregor Walch, E164-04-3; Georg Brunauer, E302-01-1; Bernhard Rotter, E302-01-1; Esmaeil Esmaeili, E302-01-1; Johann Summhammer, E141-04; Alexander Opitz, E164-04-1; Karl Ponweiser, E302-01-1

J. Fleig, G. Walch, G. Brunauer, B. Rotter, E. Esmaeili, J. Summhammer, A.K. Opitz, K. Ponweiser:
"Mixed Conductors under Light: On the Way to Solid Oxide Photo-Electrochemical Cells";
Talk: 229 ECS Meeting, San Diego; 05-29-2016 - 06-02-2016; in: "229 ECS Meeting", (2016), 1350.

Authors: F. Hameed, E141; S. Karimzadeh, E141-05; Michael Zawisky, E141-04

F. Hameed, S. Karimzadeh, M. Zawisky:
"Neutron imaging of radioactive sources";
Talk: SPIE Optics + Photonics 2008, San Diego, California; 08-10-2008 - 08-14-2008; in: "Penetrating Radiation Systems and Applications", (2008), ISSN: 0277-786x; 1.

More information

Authors: F. Hameed, E141; S. Karimzadeh, E141-05; Michael Zawisky, E141-04

F. Hameed, S. Karimzadeh, M. Zawisky:
"Neutron imaging of radioactive sources";
Talk: Penetrating Radiation Systems and Applications IX, San Diego, USA; 08-14-2008; in: "Proc. of SPIE", SPIE, 7080 (2009), ISSN: 0277-786x; 70800H-1 - 70800H-10.

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Authors: F. Hameed, E141; Michael Zawisky, E141-04; Andreas Rohatsch, E220-01
Other persons involved: Sven Loncaric; Dick Lerski; Hannu Eskola; Robert Bregovic

F. Hameed, M. Zawisky, A. Rohatsch:
"Neutron tomography imaging of restored original samples from Austrian Cultural Heritage.";
Talk: 9th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, Zagreb (invited); 09-07-2015 - 09-09-2015; in: "Proceedings of ISPA 2015", S. Loncaric, D. Lerski, H. Eskola, R. Bregovic (ed.); University of Zagreb, Croatia, (2015), ISBN: 978-1-4673-8032-4; 5 pages.

Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03

E. Jericha, H. Leeb:
"Forschungsmöglichkeiten der Experimentalphysik (Experimental Physics Opportunities at MedAustron)";
Talk: Symposium über Neuro-Onkologie und nichtklinische Forschung bei MedAustron, Wiener Neustadt (invited); 11-29-2012 - 11-30-2012; in: "Proceedings of the Symposium on Neuro-Oncology and Non-Clinical Research at MedAustron", EBG MedAustron GmbH, PEG MedAustron Gesellschaft mbH, (2012), 63.

More information

Authors: R. Khan, E141-04; S. Karimzadeh, E141-05; Helmuth Böck, E141-05; Mario Villa, E141-05

R. Khan, S. Karimzadeh, H. Böck, M. Villa:
"Modeling a TRIGA Mark II Biological Shield using MCNP5";
Talk: International Conference on Nuclear Energy for New Europe 2009, Bled, Slovenia; 09-14-2009 - 09-17-2009; in: "Modeling a TRIGA Mark II Biological Shield using MCNP5", (2009), 1 - 8.

More information

Authors: R. Khan, E141-04; S. Karimzadeh, E141-05; Helmuth Böck, E141-05; Mario Villa, E141-05

R. Khan, S. Karimzadeh, H. Böck, M. Villa:
"Neutronics Analysis of the Current Core of the TRIGA Mark II Reactor Vienna";
Talk: RRFM Conference 2010 (Research Reactor Fuel Management), Marrakesch; 03-21-2010 - 03-25-2010; in: "Neutronics Analysis of the Current Core of the TRIGA Mark II Reactor Vienna", (2010), 1 - 5.

More information

Authors: R. Khan, E141-04; S. Karimzadeh, E141-05; Helmuth Böck, E141-05; Mario Villa, E141-05

R. Khan, S. Karimzadeh, H. Böck, M. Villa:
"Triga Fuel Burn-Up Calculations Supported By Gamma Scanning";
Talk: Research Reactor Fuel Management, Wien; 03-22-2009 - 03-25-2009; in: "Transactions RRFM 2009", European Nuclear Society, (2009), ISBN: 978-92-95064-07-2; 1 - 5.

More information

Authors: R. Khan, E141-04; S. Karimzadeh, E141-05; Helmuth Böck, E141-05; Mario Villa, E141-05; T. Stummer, E141-05
Other person involved: European Nuclear Society

R. Khan, S. Karimzadeh, H. Böck, M. Villa, T. Stummer:
"Burn up calculations and validation by gamma scanning of a TRIGA HEU fuel";
Talk: Research Reactor Fuel Management 2012, Prag, Tschechien; 03-18-2012 - 03-22-2012; in: "Transactions RRFM 2012", European Nuclear Society (ed.); (2012), ISBN: 978-92-95064-13-3; Paper ID 545, 5 pages.

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Authors: R. Khan, E141-04; Mario Villa, E141-05; Helmuth Böck, E141-05

R. Khan, M. Villa, H. Böck:
"Monte Carlo Modelling of Void Coefficient of Reactivity Experiment";
Talk: RRFM Conference 2010 (Research Reactor Fuel Management), Marrakesch; 03-21-2010 - 03-25-2010; in: "Monte Carlo Modelling of Void Coefficient of Reactivity Experiment", (2010), 1 - 5.

More information

Author: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04
Other persons involved: Hans Volker Klapdor-Kleingrothaus, Uni Heidelberg; Irina V Krivosheina, Uni Heidelberg; Raoul Viollier, Uni Cape Town

G. Konrad:
"aSPECT: Measurements of Correlation Coefficients in Neutron Decay";
Talk: Fifth International Conference BEYOND 2010, Cape Town, South Africa (invited); 02-01-2010 - 02-06-2010; in: "Physics Beyond the Standard Model of Particles, Cosmology and Astrophysics: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference - Beyond 2010", H. Klapdor-Kleingrothaus, I. Krivosheina, R. Viollier (ed.); (2010), ISBN: 978-981-4340-85-4; 660 - 672.

Authors: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04; M. Beck; C. Drescher; D. Dubbers; Jacqueline Erhart, E141-04; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; Christoph Gösselsberger, E141-04; W. Heil; M. Horvath, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; C. Klauser; Jens Klenke; B. Märkisch; R. Maix, E141-06; H. Mest; S. Nowak; N. Rebrova; U. Schmidt; T. Soldner; X. Wang; O. Zimmer; C. Sauerzopf

G. Konrad, H. Abele, M. Beck, C. Drescher, D. Dubbers, J. Erhart, H. Fillunger, Ch. Gösselsberger, W. Heil, M. Horvath, E. Jericha, C. Klauser, J. Klenke, B. Märkisch, R. Maix, H. Mest, S. Nowak, N. Rebrova, U. Schmidt, T. Soldner, X. Wang, O. Zimmer, C. Sauerzopf:
"Neutron decay with PERC: exploring the properties of fundamental interactions";
Poster: 5th European Conference on Neutron Scattering, Prague, CZ; 07-17-2011 - 07-22-2011; in: "Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Neutron Scattering", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 340 (2012), ISSN: 1742-6596; 012048.

More information

Authors: V. Schlosser; W. Markowitsch; G. Klinger; P. Bajons; S. Chancy; R. Ebner, E141; Johann Summhammer, E141-04

V. Schlosser, W. Markowitsch, G. Klinger, P. Bajons, S. Chancy, R. Ebner, J. Summhammer:
"Investigations of the Electro-Optical Properties of Multicrystalline Silicon during Solar Cell Processing ";
Talk: PV in Europe, Rome (Italy); 10-07-2002 - 10-11-2002; in: "Proc. of the Int. Conf. "PV in Europe" ", WIP-Munich and ETA-Florence, (2002), ISBN: 3936338124; 32 - 35.

Author: Stephan Sponar, E141-04

St. Sponar:
"Experimental Demonstration of direct Path State Characterization by strongly measuring Weak Values in Neutron Interferometry";
Talk: International Conference on Neutron Scattering (ICNS 2017), Dajon, South Korea; 07-09-2017 - 07-13-2017; in: "Proceedings ICNS 2017", (2017).

Authors: Josef Springer, E141; Michael Zawisky, E141-04; Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04; Martin Suda, E141-04

J. Springer, M. Zawisky, H. Lemmel, M. Suda:
"A neutron interferometric measurement of a phase shift induced by Laue transmission";
Poster: ÖPG Jahrestagung 2009, Innsbruck; 09-02-2009 - 09-04-2009; in: "ÖPG Tagungsband Nr. 59", 59 (2009), 133.

Authors: Michael Stietka; Johann Summhammer, E141-04

M. Stietka, J. Summhammer:
"Wire cell: A more efficient silicon solar cell and module";
Poster: 23. European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Valencia, Spanien (invited); 09-01-2008 - 09-05-2008; in: "Proceedings of the 23rd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference", WIP-Renewable Energies, München (2008), ISBN: 3-936338-24-8; 530 - 533.

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Authors: T. Stummer, E141-05; R. Khan, E141-04; Helmuth Böck, E141-05; Mario Villa, E141-05

T. Stummer, R. Khan, H. Böck, M. Villa:
"Monte Carlo Core calculation for a mixed TRIGA HEU/LEU Core";
Talk: European Nuclear Society (ENS), Hamburg, Deutschland; 03-02-2008 - 03-05-2008; in: "Research Reactor Fuel Management", (2008), ISBN: 978-92-95064-04-1; 1 - 6.

More information

Author: Johann Summhammer, E141-04

J. Summhammer:
"Conservation of Statistical Information and Quantum Laws ";
Talk: Quantum Theory: Reconsideration of Foundations, Växjö - Smaland (Schweden); 06-17-2002 - 06-21-2002; in: "Series: Mathematical Modelling in Physics, Engineering and Cognitive Science ", Växjö University Press, (2002), 367 - 384.

Author: Johann Summhammer, E141-04

J. Summhammer:
"Short flash and constant load PV-module tester";
Talk: IECON 2013 - 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Vienna, Austria, 10 - 14 November 2013, Wien (invited); 11-10-2013 - 11-14-2013; in: "USB-Proceedings of the IECON 2013 - 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Vienna, Austria, 10 - 14 November 2013", IEEE Catalog Number: CFP13IEC-USB (2013), ISBN: 978-1-4799-0223-1; Paper ID 8108-vf-039845.pdf, 5 pages.

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Authors: Johann Summhammer, E141-04; Zahra Halavani, E141-04

J. Summhammer, Z. Halavani:
"High-Voltage PV-Modules with Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells";
Poster: 28th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Paris 30 Sep. - 4 Oct. 2013, Paris (invited); 09-30-2013 - 10-04-2013; in: "Proceedings of the 28th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Paris 30 Sep. - 4 Oct. 2013", WIP-Renewable Energies, Munich, (2013), ISBN: 3-936338-33-7; Paper ID 4AV.4.32, 4 pages.

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Authors: Johann Summhammer, E141-04; Zahra Halavani, E141-04; Josef J. Lang

J. Summhammer, Z. Halavani, J.J. Lang:
"Results Of Pressure - Only Cell Interconnections In High Voltage PV- Modules";
Talk: 29th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Amsterdam (invited); 09-22-2014 - 09-26-2014; in: "29th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference", WIP Munich, (2014), ISBN: 3-936338-34-5; 64 - 68.

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Authors: Johann Summhammer, E141-04; A. Khrennikov

J. Summhammer, A. Khrennikov:
"Dialogue on Classical and Quantum between mathematician and experimenter";
Talk: Quantum Theory: Reconsideration of Foundations, Växjö - Smaland (Schweden); 06-17-2002 - 06-21-2002; in: "Series: Mathematical Modelling in Physics, Engineering and Cognitive Science ", Växö University Press, (2002), 385 - 396.

Authors: Johann Summhammer, E141-04; Harald Rothen
Other persons involved: W.C. Sinke; H. Ossenbrink; P. Helm

J. Summhammer, H. Rothen:
"Rectangular Silicon Solar Cell With More Power And Higher Voltage Modules";
Poster: 24th European Solar Energy Conference, Hamburg; 09-21-2009 - 09-25-2009; in: "Proceedings of 24th European Solar Energy Conference", W.C. Sinke, H. Ossenbrink, P. Helm (ed.); WIP - Renewable Energies, 24 (2009), ISBN: 3-936338-25-6; 4 pages.

Authors: Mario Villa, E141-05; R. Khan, E141-04; Helmuth Böck, E141-05; Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Georg Steinhauser, E141-05

M. Villa, R. Khan, H. Böck, H. Abele, G. Steinhauser:
"Optimization of a potential new core of the TRIGA reactor Vienna";
Talk: RRFM 2011 - European Research Reactor Conference, Rome; 03-20-2011 - 03-24-2011; in: "RRFM 2011 Transactions", (2011), ISBN: 978-92-95064-11-9; 1 - 6.

Authors: Mario Villa, E141-05; T. Stummer, E141-05; R. Khan, E141-04; Helmuth Böck, E141-05

M. Villa, T. Stummer, R. Khan, H. Böck:
"Possibility of a Partial HEU-LEU Triga fuel Shipment";
Talk: 11th Int. Topical Meeting (RRFM), Lyon (France); 03-11-2007 - 03-15-2007; in: "11th Int. Topical Meeting (RRFM)", (2007), 376 - 380.

Authors: Gregor Walch, E164-04-3; Bernhard Rotter, E302-01-1; Georg Brunauer, E302-01-1; Esmaeil Esmaeili, E302-01-1; Alexander Opitz, E164-04-1; Johann Summhammer, E141-04; Karl Ponweiser, E302-01-1; Jürgen Fleig, E164-04-3

G. Walch, B. Rotter, G. Brunauer, E. Esmaeili, A.K. Opitz, J. Summhammer, K. Ponweiser, J. Fleig:
"Effect of light on mixed conducting electrodes in high-temperature solid oxide electrochemical cells";
Talk: 5. GÖCH Symposium 2016 "Physikalische Chemie in Österreich", Salzburg; 04-14-2016 - 04-15-2016; in: "5. GÖCH Symposium 2016 "Physikalische Chemie in Österreich"", (2016), 8.

Authors: Gregor Walch, E164-04-3; Bernhard Rotter, E302-01-1; Georg Brunauer, E302-01-1; Esmaeil Esmaeili, E302-01-1; Alexander Opitz, E164-04-1; Johann Summhammer, E141-04; Karl Ponweiser, E302-01-1; Jürgen Fleig, E164-04-3

G. Walch, B. Rotter, G. Brunauer, E. Esmaeili, A.K. Opitz, J. Summhammer, K. Ponweiser, J. Fleig:
"Light-induced stoichiometry changes in oxides at high temperatures";
Poster: 15th European Conference on Solid State Chemistry, Wien; 08-23-2015 - 08-26-2015; in: "15th European Conference on Solid State Chemistry", (2015), 242.

Authors: Christina Weiß, E141; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; E. Berthoumieux; Marco Calviani; Enrico Chiaveri; D. Dobos; E. Griesmayer; C. Guerrero; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; F. Käppeler, Institut für Ker ...; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; T. Rauscher; Vasilis Vlachoudis

C. Weiß, G. Badurek, E. Berthoumieux, M. Calviani, E. Chiaveri, D. Dobos, E. Griesmayer, C. Guerrero, E. Jericha, F. Käppeler, H. Leeb, T. Rauscher, V. Vlachoudis:
"A CVD diamond detector for (n,α) cross-section measurements";
Talk: VI European Summer School on Experimental Nuclear Astrophysics, Acireale , Italien; 09-18-2011 - 09-27-2011; in: "PoS (ENAS 6)", Proceedings of Science, 148/015 (2011), ISSN: 1824-8039; 1 - 8.

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Authors: Michael Zawisky, E141-04; Ulrich Bonse; Francois Dubus, E141; Rudolf Loidl, E141; Z. Hradil; J. Rehacek

M. Zawisky, U. Bonse, F. Dubus, R. Loidl, Z. Hradil, J. Rehacek:
"Phase Tomography in Neutron Interferometry";
Talk: 16th World Conf. on Nondestructive Testing, Montreal (Canada); 08-30-2004 - 09-03-2004; in: "Proceedings", 9/11 (2004), ISBN: 0973657723; 9 pages.

Talks and Poster Presentations (without Proceedings-Entry)

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Airy Functions & Gravity Resonance Spectroscopy";
Keynote Lecture: Testing Gravity 2017, Vancouver, Canada (invited); 01-27-2017 - 01-29-2017.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Beta decay experiments in the area of LHC";
Keynote Lecture: Solvay-Workshop 2014, Brüssel, Belgien (invited); 09-03-2014.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Chair Fundamental Physics";
Talk: ILL Vision 2010, Grenoble, Frankreich; 09-16-2010 - 09-20-2010.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Closing Remarks";
Keynote Lecture: WE-Heraeus Seminar (2018), Bad Honnef, Germany; 10-24-2018 - 10-26-2018.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Controll of Quantum Correlations in Tailored Matter";
Keynote Lecture: Doktoratskollegium Ulm, Blaubeuren, Germany (invited); 07-28-2013 - 07-31-2013.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Convener, Fundamental Physics";
Keynote Lecture: ESS Science Meeting, Science and Scientists at ESS, Berlin, Germany; 04-19-2012.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"ENSA, The Neutron Scattering Association";
Keynote Lecture: NESY Winterschool & Symposium (2019), Altaussee, Austria (invited); 03-08-2019.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Experiments at ultimate precision";
Talk: Student Seminar Talk, Bloomington, Indiana (invited); 04-04-2011.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Experiments at ultimate precision";
Talk: Student Seminar Talk, Madison, USA (invited); 04-07-2011.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Experiments with cold and ultra-cold neutrons";
Keynote Lecture: Colloquium, Luxemburg, Luxemburg (invited); 11-27-2018.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Feedback from ESS Science Symposia";
Keynote Lecture: ESS Science Meeting, Science and Scientists at ESS, Berlin, Germany; 04-20-2012.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Froschung am Praterreator";
Keynote Lecture: TU-Forum 2013, Wien (invited); 03-06-2013.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Fundamental Neutron-Physics";
Keynote Lecture: 8th European NESY Winter-School, Planneralm, Austria (invited); 03-13-2013 - 03-15-2013.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Gravity & Short Ranged Interactions";
Keynote Lecture: 5th Fundamental Neutron Physics Summer School, Raleigh, USA; 07-20-2018.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Gravity an Quantum Inference I";
Poster: WE-Heraeus Physics School, Bad Honnef, Germany (invited); 05-15-2013.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Gravity an Quantum Inference II";
Talk: WE-Heraeus Physics School, Bad Honnef, Germany (invited); 05-16-2013.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Gravity Resonance Spectroscopy";
Talk: NESY Winterschool, Planneralm (invited); 03-11-2011.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Gravity Resonance Spectroscopy";
Talk: Seminar Talk - Physics Department, Bloomington, Indiana (invited); 04-04-2011.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Gravity Resonance Spectroscopy";
Talk: Seminar Talk, Madison, USA (invited); 04-08-2011.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Gravity Resonance Spectroscopy";
Talk: Seminar Talk, Raleigh, USA (invited); 04-09-2011.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Gravity Resonance Spectroscopy";
Keynote Lecture: UCN Workshop, Osaka, Japan (invited); 07-16-2014.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Gravity Resonance Spectroscopy";
Keynote Lecture: LANL Seminar, Los Alamos, USA (invited); 07-26-2018.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Gravity Resonance Spectroscopy and Excitation with Neutron Matter Waves";
Talk: PSI2010 Physics of fundamental symmetries and interactions, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Schweiz; 10-11-2010 - 10-14-2010.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Gravity Resonance Spectroscopy and Excitation with Neutron Matter Waves";
Talk: großes Physikalisches Kolloquium, Universität Firenze; 09-20-2010.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Gravity resonance spectroscopy and the dark sector";
Keynote Lecture: Frontiers of Quantum and Mesoscopic Thermodynamics, Prague, Czech Republic (invited); 07-14-2019 - 07-20-2019.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Gravity Resonance Spectroscopy constrains Dark Matter and Dark Energy Scenarios";
Keynote Lecture: Colloquium, Bremen, Germany (invited); 11-27-2014.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Gravity Resonance Spectroscopy Constrains Dark Matter and Dark Enery Scenarios";
Keynote Lecture: PATRAS Workshop, Zaragoza, Spain (invited); 06-25-2015.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Gravity Resonance Spectroscopy with Neutrons and the Dark Sector";
Keynote Lecture: Discoveries and Open Puzzles in Particle Physics and Gravitation (2019), Kitzbühel, Austria; 06-25-2019.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Gravity Resonance Spectroscopy with Neutrons and the Dark Sector";
Keynote Lecture: Workshop on matter wave interference (2019), Paris, France (invited); 06-27-2019.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Gravity Resonance Spectroscopy with Neutrons and the Dark Sector";
Keynote Lecture: FQMT 2019, Praha, Czech Republic (invited); 07-18-2019.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Gravity tests on the micron scale with ultra-cold neutrons";
Talk: VERA Lab., Wien (invited); 05-14-2009.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Gravity Tests with Neutron Matter Waves";
Talk: Heraeus Sommer Schule, Bad Honnef (invited); 06-16-2010.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Gravity Tests with Quantum Objects";
Talk: Kolloquiumsvortrag, Imperial College, London; 03-19-2010.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Gravity Tests with Quantum Objects";
Talk: FOMO 2010, Kreta; 04-06-2010 - 04-11-2010.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"High - Precision Experiments at lowest Energies with neutrons";
Talk: RECFA-Meeting, Wien (invited); 03-11-2011.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"High - Precision Experiments at lowest Energies with Neutrons";
Talk: CGS-conference, Guelph, Canada (invited); 08-31-2011.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"High - Precision Experiments at lowest Energies with Neutrons";
Talk: EXA 2011, Vienna, Austria (invited); 09-06-2011.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"High Precision Experiments with Cold and Ultra-Cold Neutrons";
Keynote Lecture: European Nuclear Physics Conference, Bucharest, Romania (invited); 09-19-2012 - 09-23-2012.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"High Precision Experiments with Cold and Ultra-Cold Neutrons";
Keynote Lecture: German Neutron Scattering Conference 2012, Jülich, Germany (invited); 09-24-2012 - 09-26-2012.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"High Precision Experiments with Cold and Ultra-Cold Neutrons";
Keynote Lecture: INCP 2013, Florenz, Italy (invited); 06-03-2013 - 06-07-2013.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"High Precision Experiments with Cold and Ultra-Cold Neutrons";
Keynote Lecture: INSC 2013, Edingburgh, GB (invited); 07-13-2013 - 07-15-2013.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"High Precision Experiments with Cold and Ultra-Cold Neutrons";
Keynote Lecture: PSI 2013 Workshop, Villingen, Switzerland (invited); 09-08-2013 - 09-12-2013.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"High Precision Experiments with Cold and Ultra-Cold Neutrons";
Keynote Lecture: ÖPG 2014, Pöllau, Austria (invited); 09-24-2014.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"High Precision Experiments, cold and ultra-cold neutrons";
Keynote Lecture: 6th International Symposium on Symmetries in Subatomic Physics (SSP2015), Victoria, Canada (invited); 06-07-2015 - 06-13-2015.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"INARIE, Integrating Access to Pan-European Research Infrastructures in Central and Eastern Europe";
Keynote Lecture: Round Table Discussion, Debrecen, Hungary (invited); 11-30-2015 - 12-02-2015.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Interferometry with cold neutrons";
Keynote Lecture: Workshop on matter-wave interferometry: from pioneering experiments to modern applications (2019), Paris, France (invited); 06-27-2019 - 06-28-2019.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Introductory Talk";
Talk: SPP Kick-off-Meeting, Freising, 2010, Bildungszentrum Kardinal-Döpfner-Haus (KDH) Deutschland; 04-20-2010 - 04-22-2010.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Lang lebe das Neutron - zur Lösung aktueller und spannender Fragen der Teilchenphysik";
Talk: Antrittsvorlesung, TU Wien; 11-23-2009.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Low Energy - High Precision Particle Phyics";
Talk: DK-Hearing, Vienna, Austria; 07-14-2011.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Low Energy - High Precision Particle Physics with Cold and Ultracold Neutrons";
Keynote Lecture: FWF-DK Hearing, Vienna, Austria (invited); 06-18-2013.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Neutron & Quantum Information";
Keynote Lecture: RQI Conference - Relativistic Quantum Information Conference 2018, Vienna, Austria (invited); 09-25-2018.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Neutron - Detectors and Instruments";
Keynote Lecture: 13th Vienna Conference on Instrumentation - VCI2013, Vienna; 02-12-2013.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Neutron Alphabet";
Talk: NSAC-Meeting, Truro, Nova Scotia, USA; 03-29-2011.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Neutron Beta-Decay";
Talk: ESS Workshop - Neutrino, Neutron, Nuclear and Medical Physics, Lund (invited); 12-03-2009.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Neutron Interferometry";
Keynote Lecture: BeOpen, 50 Jahre FWF (2018), Vienna, Austria; 09-03-2018.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Neutron Sources";
Talk: NSAC-Meeting, Truro, Nova Scotia, USA; 03-29-2011.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Neutrons and Gravity";
Talk: Fundamental Neutron Physics Summer School 2015, Knoxville, Tennesse, USA (invited); 06-14-2015 - 06-20-2015.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Neutrons for Science";
Talk: Einladung Prof. Aumayr, TU Wien, TU Wien; 10-12-2010.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Neutrons test Newton's law Gravity and Quantum Interference";
Keynote Lecture: Workshop, Vienna, Austria (invited); 04-03-2014.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"News from neutron gravity spectroscopy";
Keynote Lecture: Physics of fundamental Symmetries and Interactions - PSI2016, 16-20 October 2016, Villigen (invited); 10-19-2016.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Newton's Law and Gravity Resonance Spectroscopy";
Keynote Lecture: Literaturseminar, Vienna, Austria (invited); 04-03-2014.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Organization and host of European Scattering Association";
Talk: ENSA meeting 2010 Vienna, Vienna; 10-28-2010 - 10-29-2010.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Organization ENSA meeting";
Talk: ENSA meeting 2010 Vienna, Vienna; 10-28-2010 - 10-29-2010.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Particle and Astroparticle Physics with cold Neutrons";
Keynote Lecture: Frm2 (2019), Munich, Germany (invited); 12-10-2019.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Particle physics at ultimate precision with cold and ultra-cold neutrons";
Keynote Lecture: MLZ User Meeting 2015, Ismanig, Germany (invited); 02-24-2015.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Particle Physics with Neutrons";
Keynote Lecture: Colloquium talk on the occasion of the 60th birthday of Stephan Paul (2017), Garching, Germany (invited); 11-22-2017.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"PERC and the standard model";
Talk: ILL, Grenoble; 07-03-2009.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Precision experiments in particle- and astrophysics with cold and ultracold neutrons";
Keynote Lecture: SPP 1491 - Closing Convention (2017), Raitenhaslach, Germany (invited); 10-30-2017.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Precision Experiments with Atoms, Thermal, Cold and Ultra-Cold Neutrons";
Keynote Lecture: RECFA - Meeting (2018), Vienna, Austria (invited); 04-06-2018.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Precision Experiments with Atoms, Thermal, Cold and Ultra-Cold Neutrons";
Keynote Lecture: AUI Meeting (2018), Raleigh, USA; 07-16-2018.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Precision experiments with cold and ultra-cold neutrons";
Keynote Lecture: JPARC 2014, Tsakuba, Japan (invited); 07-17-2014.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Precision experiments with cold and ultra-cold neutrons";
Keynote Lecture: CGS-conference, Dresden, Germany (invited); 08-28-2014.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Precision Experiments with cold and ultracold Neutrons";
Keynote Lecture: ÖPG Jahrestagung 2017, Geneva, Switzerland (invited); 08-23-2017.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Precision Experiments with slow neutrons";
Keynote Lecture: Workshop 50+, Vienna, Austria; 03-07-2013.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Precision Experiments with Thermal, Cold and Ultracold Neutrons";
Keynote Lecture: NuPECC meeting Mini Workshop Wien (2016), Vienna, Austria; 10-07-2016.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Precision experiments with ultra-cold neutrons";
Keynote Lecture: Gravity & Experiment 2016, Paris; 12-08-2016.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Probing Fundamental Symmetries and Interactions with UCN";
Keynote Lecture: International Workshop: Probing Fundamental Symmetries and Interactions with UCN (2016), Mainz, Germany (invited); 04-13-2016.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"qBounce - Gravity Resonance Spectroscopy, Physics with ultra-cold Neutrons";
Keynote Lecture: Excellence Cluster, Irrsee, Germany (invited); 02-29-2012.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"qBounce - Gravity Resonance Spectroscopy, Physics with ultra-cold Neutrons";
Keynote Lecture: Plenarvortrag Frühjahrstagung der DPG, Mainz, Germany; 03-19-2012.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"qBOUNCE - realization of a quantum bouncing ball gravity spectrometer";
Keynote Lecture: International Workshop: Probing Fundamental Symmetries and Interactions with UCN (2016), Mainz, Germany (invited); 04-13-2016.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"qBounce - Spectroscopy of Gravity";
Keynote Lecture: 9th Central European Seminar on Particle Physics and Quantum Field Theory, Vienna, Austria (invited); 11-30-2012 - 12-02-2012.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"qBounce with UCN, and an accoustic Ramsey-type Gravity Resonance Spectrometer";
Keynote Lecture: The 49th Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics (PQE 2019), Snowbird, Utah (invited); 01-08-2019.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"qBounce, A quantum bouncing ball gravity spectrometer";
Keynote Lecture: From the Vacuum to the Universe (2016), Kitzbühel, Österreich (invited); 06-30-2016.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"qBounce, Airy Functions & A quantum bouncing ball gravity spectrometer";
Keynote Lecture: Informal meeting at the IQOQI, University of Maryland (invited); 09-30-2016 - 10-02-2016.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"qBOUNCE, and an acoustic Ramsey-type Gravity Resonance Spectrometer 20";
Keynote Lecture: Patras 2019, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany (invited); 06-03-2019 - 06-07-2019.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"qBOUNCE, the quantum bouncing ball";
Poster: Moriond Conference, La Thuile, Italy; 04-23-2011 - 04-27-2011.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"qBounce- Realization of a Quantum Bouncing Ball Gravity Spectrometer";
Talk: Physikalisches Kolloquium, Seattle, USA; 06-14-2011.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"qBounce- Realization of a Quantum Bouncing Ball Gravity Spectrometer";
Keynote Lecture: Kolloquiumsvortrag, Braunschweig, Germany; 09-10-2015.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"qBOUNCE: a quantum bouncing ball gravity spectrometer";
Keynote Lecture: Seventh Quantum Universe Symposium (2017), Groningen, Netherlands (invited); 04-12-2017 - 04-13-2017.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"qBOUNCE: Realization of a Quantum Bouncing Ball Gravity Spectrometer";
Keynote Lecture: Humboldt Kolleg, Kitzbühel, Österreich (invited); 06-30-2016.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Quantum & Gravitation";
Keynote Lecture: DPG Frühjahrstagung 2014, Berlin, Germany (invited); 03-19-2014.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Quantum & Gravity";
Keynote Lecture: Colloquium, Mainz, Germany (invited); 10-29-2013 - 10-30-2013.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Quantum and Gravity";
Keynote Lecture: Colloquium, Mainz, Germany (invited); 10-29-2013 - 10-30-2013.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"QuBounce, ultra cold neutrons, and a Gravity Resonance Spectroscopy Technique";
Talk: PQE2011, Snowbird, UT, USA (invited); 01-02-2011.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"QuBounce-Realization of a quantum Bouncing Ball Gravity Spectrometer";
Talk: Seminar Talk, New Haven, CT, USA (invited); 04-12-2011.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Realization of a Quantum Bouncing Ball Gravity Spectrometer and new 5th force limits";
Talk: PATRAS Workshop, Mykonos, Greece (invited); 06-27-2011.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Slow neutrons";
Keynote Lecture: DFG Spp 1491, Bad Honnef, Germany; 12-12-2012 - 12-14-2012.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Spectroscopy of Gravity";
Keynote Lecture: Münchner Kolloquium, München, Germany (invited); 01-14-2013.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Spectroscopy of Gravity";
Keynote Lecture: Kolloquiumsvortrag, Bielefeld, Germany (invited); 05-27-2013.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Spectroscopy of Gravity with ultra-cold Neutrons";
Keynote Lecture: Heraeus Seminar Gravity meets Quantum Mechanics, Bad Honnef, Germany; 06-08-2012.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Spectroscopy of Gravity with ultra-cold Neutrons";
Keynote Lecture: Teilchenkolloguqium, Heidelberg, Germany; 07-03-2012.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Status of PERC";
Talk: Collaboration Meeting, Heidelberg; 01-31-2011.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Strings, axions and cold neutrons";
Talk: NuPECC European Workshop on Small Scale Accelerator Facilities, Wien (invited); 03-13-2009.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Summery talk";
Keynote Lecture: Schwerpunkt Programm 1491, Chiemsee, Germany; 03-16-2012.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Test of Gravitation with Quantum Objects";
Talk: Kolloquiumsvortrag, Chemisch Physikalische Gesellschaft, Wien; 06-22-2010.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Test of Gravitation with Quantum Objects";
Talk: ILL Sub-Committee, Grenoble, F (invited); 04-26-2011.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Test of Newtons Gravity Law with Quantum Interference";
Keynote Lecture: Doktoratskollegium Ulm, Blaubeuren, Germany (invited); 07-28-2013 - 07-31-2013.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"The 50th Anniversary of Ultra-Cold Neutrons";
Keynote Lecture: International Workshop on Particle Physics at Neutron Sources 2018, Grenoble, France (invited); 05-24-2018 - 05-26-2018.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"The neutron Alphabet";
Talk: PAVI conference, Bar Habor, ME (invited); 06-21-2009 - 06-28-2009.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"The neutron Alphabet";
Talk: NISF Summerschool, Gaithersburg (invited); 06-26-2009.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"the neutron alphabet";
Talk: Napp 2010 Conference, Dubrovnik (invited); 10-07-2010.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"The qBOUNCE Experiment";
Keynote Lecture: College III Seminar (2018), Grenoble, France (invited); 11-13-2018.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"The quantum bounce with neutrons";
Keynote Lecture: Cenpa (2018), Seattle, USA (invited); 07-24-2018.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"The quantum bounce with neutrons";
Keynote Lecture: GPMFC workshop: new ideas in dark matter searches (2019), Denver, USA (invited); 04-12-2019.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"The quantum bounce with neutrons";
Keynote Lecture: CPT 2019, Bloomington, USA (invited); 05-15-2019.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"The quantum bounce with neutrons";
Keynote Lecture: Patras 2019, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany (invited); 06-06-2019.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"The Quantum Bouncing Ball";
Keynote Lecture: Quantum Mechanics Seminar, Traunkirchen, Austria (invited); 04-26-2013 - 04-27-2013.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"The quantum bouncing ball";
Keynote Lecture: PQE 2018, Snowbird, USA (invited); 01-09-2018.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"The quantum bouncing ball";
Keynote Lecture: Testing Gravity 2019, Vancouver, Canada (invited); 01-24-2019.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"The rainbow, the expansion of the universe and the bridge between both with ultra-cold neutrons";
Keynote Lecture: Seventh Quantum Universe Symposium (2017), Groningen, Netherlands (invited); 04-12-2017 - 04-13-2017.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"The Rainbow, the Expansion of the Universe And what these Phenomena do share with Ultra-Cold neutrons";
Keynote Lecture: Kolloquiumsvortrag, Bern, Switzerland (invited); 03-02-2016.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"The Rainbow, the Expansion of the Universe, And what these Phenomena do share with Ultra-Cold neutrons";
Keynote Lecture: Colloquium, Montreal, Canada; 09-17-2021.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"The vacuum, a talk about nothing";
Keynote Lecture: NESY Winterschool & Symposium (2019), Altaussee, Austria (invited); 03-08-2019.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Trends in Neutron Science";
Keynote Lecture: Nesy Symposium (2016), TU-Graz, Austria (invited); 09-14-2016.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Trends in Neutron Science";
Keynote Lecture: ÖPG Jahrestagung 2017, Geneva, Switzerland (invited); 08-23-2017.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Ultra - Cold Neutron Physics, Gravity resonance spectroscopy Constrains Dark Energy and Dark Matter";
Keynote Lecture: Gravitation: 100 years after GR, La Thuile, Italy (invited); 03-23-2015.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Vom Proton bis zum Eschaton, Präzisionsexperimente zur Teilchenphysik und zur Kosmologie";
Talk: Großes Kolloquium, Mainz 2010, Universität Mainz; 07-13-2010.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Vom Regenbogen, von der Expansion des Universums und was beide Phänomene mit Neutronen verbindet";
Keynote Lecture: Vortragsabend, Munich, Germany; 12-09-2015.

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Vom Regenbogen, von der Expansion des Universums, und was beide Phänomene mit ultrakalten Neutronen verbindet";
Keynote Lecture: Festkolloquium aus Anlass des75. Geburtstags von Herrn Dubbers (2019), Heidelberg, Germany; 02-08-2019 - 02-11-2019.

Authors: Hartmut Abele, E141-04; E. Dyrnjaja, E141; Michael Zawisky, E141-04

H. Abele, E. Dyrnjaja, M. Zawisky:
"Neutronenradiographie und Tomographie am Atominsitut";
Poster: Symposium "Research at European Neutron and Synchrotron facilities", Vienna, Austria; 11-11-2013 - 11-12-2013.

Authors: Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Jacqueline Erhart, E141-04

H. Abele, J. Erhart:
"Cold and Ultracold Neutrons for Exploring Gravitation and Physics Beyond the Standard Model";
Poster: DK-Hearing, Vienna, Austria; 07-14-2011.

Authors: Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04

H. Abele, G. Konrad:
"Electron and Proton Spectroscopy for PERC";
Poster: SPP 1491 Evaluation 2013 - 2015, Bad Honnef; 12-12-2012 - 12-14-2012.

Authors: P. Aldred; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; S. Petlazhan; Mario Villa, E141-05; Matthias Baron, E141

P. Aldred, E. Jericha, S. Petlazhan, M. Villa, M. Baron et al.:
"In-line structure analysis in the Lyocell cellulose fibre spinning process by Ultra Small Angle Neutron Scattering (USANS) ";
Talk: Workshop - Cellulose: structure, biosynthesis, biodegradation and applications, Grenoble (France); 2003.

Authors: H. Angerer; F. Ayala Guardia; S. Baessler; M. Borg, Lund Univ.; J. Byrne; K. Eberhardt; F. Glück; W. Heil; I. Konorov; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; N. Luquero Llopis; R. Munoz Horta; M. Orlowski; G. Petzoldt; D. Rich; M. Simson; Yu. Sobolev; H.-F. Wirth; O. Zimmer

H. Angerer, F. Ayala Guardia, S. Baessler, M. Borg, J. Byrne, K. Eberhardt, F. Glück, W. Heil, I. Konorov, G. Konrad, N. Luquero Llopis, R. Munoz Horta, M. Orlowski, G. Petzoldt, D. Rich, M. Simson, Y. Sobolev, H. Wirth, O. Zimmer:
"First Results with aSPECT";
Poster: Institutstreff, Mainz, Germany; 07-06-2006 - 07-07-2006.

Authors: F. Ayala Guardia; H. Angerer; S. Baessler; M. Borg, Lund Univ.; K. Eberhardt; F. Glück; W. Heil; I. Konorov; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; R. Munoz Horta; G. Petzoldt; M. Simson; Yu. Sobolev; H.-F. Wirth; O. Zimmer

F. Ayala Guardia, H. Angerer, S. Baessler, M. Borg, K. Eberhardt, F. Glück, W. Heil, I. Konorov, G. Konrad, R. Munoz Horta, G. Petzoldt, M. Simson, Y. Sobolev, H. Wirth, O. Zimmer:
"Results and present status of the spectrometer aSPECT";
Talk: DPG Spring Meeting, Darmstadt, Germany; 03-10-2008 - 03-14-2008.

Authors: F. Ayala Guardia; S. Baessler; M. Borg, Lund Univ.; F. Glück; W. Heil; I. Konorov; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; K.K.H. Leung; M. Simson; R. Munoz Horta; Yu. Sobolev; T. Soldner; H.-F. Wirth; O. Zimmer

F. Ayala Guardia, S. Baessler, M. Borg, F. Glück, W. Heil, I. Konorov, G. Konrad, K. Leung, M. Simson, R. Munoz Horta, Y. Sobolev, T. Soldner, H. Wirth, O. Zimmer:
"Proton spectrum in neutron decay - latest results with aSPECT";
Talk: Joint TRAPSPEC-LASER workshop 2008, La Londe les Maures, France; 09-28-2008 - 10-01-2008.

Author: Gerald Badurek, E141-04

G. Badurek:
"An introduction into neutron interferometry";
Talk: Xi´an Instritute of Post and Telecommunication, Xi´an (China) (invited); 04-01-2005.

Author: Gerald Badurek, E141-04

G. Badurek:
"AUSTRON Status Report- Measurements of Topological Neutron Quantum Phases ";
Talk: Fachausschusstagung ÖPG, Quantenelektronik, Elektrodynamik und Optik, Leoben (Österreich); 09-24-2002.

Author: Gerald Badurek, E141-04

G. Badurek:
"Die phantastische Welt der Quantenphysik - ein Quantenquickie mit Neutronen";
Talk: 31. Österreichische Physikolympiade, Schloss Esterhazy, Eisenstadt (invited); 06-13-2012.

Author: Gerald Badurek, E141-04

G. Badurek:
"Ein Quanten Quicky";
Talk: Rotary Club, Eisenstadt (invited); 05-03-2011.

Author: Gerald Badurek, E141-04

G. Badurek:
"Einstein light - 20 Minuten bis zur Bombe";
Talk: Rotary Club 2010, Eisenstadt (invited); 10-12-2010.

Author: Gerald Badurek, E141-04

G. Badurek:
"Kann man in Luft schwimmen?";
Talk: Kinderuni TU Wien, Prechtlsaal TU Wien; 07-18-2007.

Author: Gerald Badurek, E141-04

G. Badurek:
"Kann man in Luft schwimmen?";
Talk: Kinderuni, Wien (invited); 07-12-2011.

Author: Gerald Badurek, E141-04

G. Badurek:
"Neutron Interferometric Approach to Neutron Depolarization ";
Talk: Int. Workshop on Progress in Neutron Larmor Precession Techniques, TU Delft (Niederlande); 05-31-2002.

Author: Gerald Badurek, E141-04

G. Badurek:
"Polarized neutron interferometry - A historical review";
Keynote Lecture: Symposium "Quantum forever" to honor Helmut Rauch´s 80th birthday and the designation of the Atominstitut as an EPS Historic Site, Vienna, Austria; 05-22-2019.

Author: Gerald Badurek, E141-04

G. Badurek:
"Polarized Neutron Interferometry and Neutron Spin Rotation";
Talk: University of Science and Technology, Hefei (China) (invited); 03-28-2005.

Author: Gerald Badurek, E141-04

G. Badurek:
"Polarized Neutrons ";
Talk: 4th NESY Winterschool, Planneralm, Steiermark (Österreich) (invited); 03-11-2005.

Author: Gerald Badurek, E141-04

G. Badurek:
"Polarized neutrons";
Talk: NESY Winterschule Planneralm, Planneralm (invited); 03-10-2009.

Author: Gerald Badurek, E141-04

G. Badurek:
"Polarized neutrons (Part I - Introduction)";
Talk: NESY Winterschule Planneralm, Planneralm/Stmk.; 03-08-2007.

Author: Gerald Badurek, E141-04

G. Badurek:
"Polarized neutrons (Part II - AdvancedTopics)";
Talk: NESY Winterschule Planneralm, Planneralm/Stmk.; 03-09-2007.

Author: Gerald Badurek, E141-04

G. Badurek:
"Quantenphysik mit Neutronen";
Talk: Institut für Festkörperphysik, TU Darmstadt, Darmstadt (invited); 10-30-2009.

Author: Gerald Badurek, E141-04

G. Badurek:
"Quantum entanglement and contextuality experiments with neutrons";
Talk: Schrödinger Conference, Prag (invited); 11-20-2009 - 11-21-2009.

Author: Gerald Badurek, E141-04

G. Badurek:
"Quantum Physics with Neutrons ";
Talk: Tsinghua University, Beijing (China) (invited); 03-25-2005.

Author: Gerald Badurek, E141-04

G. Badurek:
"Quantum physics with neutrons";
Talk: Deutsche Neutronentagung, München; 09-17-2009.

Author: Gerald Badurek, E141-04

G. Badurek:
"Quantum physics with polarized neutrons";
Talk: TU München Vortrag, TU München / Reaktorstation Garching (invited); 06-14-2010.

Author: Gerald Badurek, E141-04

G. Badurek:
"Teilchenphysik - ein Stimulus des Fortschritts in Technik & Medizin";
Talk: Symposium `Kosmos & Teilchen - Eine physikalische und technische Synthese', Österreichisches Parlament, Wien (invited); 02-23-2010.

Author: Gerald Badurek, E141-04

G. Badurek:
"The handling of polarized neutron beams";
Talk: Department of Modern Physics, USTC, Hefei (China) (invited); 03-30-2005.

Author: Gerald Badurek, E141-04

G. Badurek:
"The Technical Aspects of the AUSTRON Spallation Source Project ";
Talk: Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) of China, Peking (China); 02-21-2002.

Author: Gerald Badurek, E141-04

G. Badurek:
"Was ist die Matura wert?";
Talk: NÖ Landhaus, St. Pölten; 05-06-2006.

Authors: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; R.J. Buchelt; Helmut Leeb, E141-03

G. Badurek, R. Buchelt, H. Leeb:
"Spin Dynamics in Polarized Neutron Interferometry ";
Poster: European Conf. on Neutron Scattering, Montpellier (France); 2003.

Authors: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; R.J. Buchelt; Helmut Leeb, E141-03

G. Badurek, R. Buchelt, H. Leeb:
"Spin dynamics in polarized neutron interferometry";
Poster: 53. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Salzburg (Österreich); 10-02-2003.

Authors: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; R.J. Buchelt; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; R. Szeywerth, E141

G. Badurek, R. Buchelt, H. Leeb, R. Szeywerth:
"Neutron Interferometric Reconstructions of Magnetic Domain Structures ";
Poster: Int. Workshop on Polarized Neutrons for Condensed Matter Investigation (PNCMI 2002), Jülich (Deutschland); 09-16-2002 - 09-19-2002.

Authors: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; C. Dewhurst; Roland Grössinger, E138-03; Reiko Sato Turtelli, E138-03

G. Badurek, C. Dewhurst, R. Grössinger, R. Sato Turtelli:
"Small-Angle Neutron Scattering on Nanocrystalline Materials";
Poster: Soft Magnetic Materials 16, Düsseldorf, Deutschland; 09-09-2003 - 09-12-2003.

Authors: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; C. Dewhurst; Roland Grössinger, E138-03; Reiko Sato Turtelli, E138-03

G. Badurek, C. Dewhurst, R. Grössinger, R. Sato Turtelli:
"Small-Angle Scattering on Nanocrystalline Magnetic Materials";
Talk: Int. Conf. on "Soft Magnetic Materials" SMM16, Düsseldorf (Deutschland); 09-10-2003.

Authors: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; H. Frais-Kölbl, E141; E. Griesmayer; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Heinz Oberhummer, E141-03; A. Pavlik; - nTOF Collaboration

G. Badurek, H. Frais-Kölbl, E. Griesmayer, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, H. Oberhummer, A. Pavlik, -. nTOF Collaboration:
"Die Neutronenspallationsquelle nTOF am CERN ";
Poster: Fachausschusstagung, ÖPG, Kern- und Teilchenphysik, Strobl (Österreich); 10-03-2003 - 10-04-2003.

Authors: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; H. Frais-Kölbl, E141; E. Griesmayer; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Heinz Oberhummer, E141-03; A. Pavlik; - nTOF Collaboration

G. Badurek, H. Frais-Kölbl, E. Griesmayer, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, H. Oberhummer, A. Pavlik, -. nTOF Collaboration:
"Erste Experimente an der nTOF Anlage am CERN ";
Talk: Fachausschusstagung, ÖPG, Kern- und Teilchenphysik, Strobl (Österreich); 10-03-2003 - 10-04-2003.

Authors: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; H. Frais-Kölbl, E141; E. Griesmayer; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Heinz Oberhummer, E141-03; A. Pavlik; M. Pigni; I. Raskinyte; - nTOF Collaboration

G. Badurek, H. Frais-Kölbl, E. Griesmayer, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, H. Oberhummer, A. Pavlik, M. Pigni, I. Raskinyte, -. nTOF Collaboration:
"Messung des Neutroneinfangwirkungsquerschnitts von 151Sm an der Spallationsquelle n_TOF";
Poster: Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Linz (Österreich); 09-27-2004 - 09-29-2004.

Authors: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Christoph Gösselsberger, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04

G. Badurek, Ch. Gösselsberger, E. Jericha:
"Design of a pulsed spatial neutron magnetic spin resonator";
Poster: Polarised Neutrons in Condensed Matter Investigations, PNCMI 2010, Delft, Holland; 07-05-2010 - 07-08-2010.

Authors: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Christoph Gösselsberger, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04

G. Badurek, Ch. Gösselsberger, E. Jericha:
"Optimisation of spatial neutron spin resonance";
Poster: 60. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (ÖPG), Salzburg; 09-06-2010 - 09-10-2010.

Authors: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Roland Grössinger, E138-03; C. Dewhurst; P. Kerschl

G. Badurek, R. Grössinger, C. Dewhurst, P. Kerschl:
"Dependence of stuctural and magnetic propereties of Barium-ferrite on production procedure";
Poster: Int. Conf. on Magnetism, Rome (Italy); 07-29-2003.

Authors: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Roland Grössinger, E138-03; Reiko Sato Turtelli, E138-03; Erwin Jericha, E141-04

G. Badurek, R. Grössinger, R. Sato Turtelli, E. Jericha:
"Ultra small angle scattering of polarized neutrons on amorphous soft magnetic ribbons";
Poster: ÖPG Jahrestagung 2009, Innsbruck; 09-02-2009 - 09-04-2009.

Authors: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Ch. Hartl, E141; Erwin Jericha, E141-04

G. Badurek, Ch. Hartl, E. Jericha:
"A non-conventional neutron polariser concept";
Talk: European Workshop on Neutron Optics - NOP´07, PSI Villigen (Schweiz); 03-07-2007.

Authors: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Ch. Hartl, E141; Erwin Jericha, E141-04

G. Badurek, Ch. Hartl, E. Jericha:
"Dynamical Polarization of Neutron Beams";
Talk: 1st Semiannual NMI3 JRA-Meeting on Polarized Neutron Techniques, Saclay (France); 11-18-2004 - 11-19-2004.

Authors: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Ch. Hartl, E141; Erwin Jericha, E141-04

G. Badurek, Ch. Hartl, E. Jericha:
"Dynamische Polarisation von Neutronen: Status Report";
Talk: 56. Jahrestagung der Österr. Physikalischen Gesellschaft (ÖPG), Graz; 09-20-2006.

Authors: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Ch. Hartl, E141; Erwin Jericha, E141-04

G. Badurek, Ch. Hartl, E. Jericha:
"Feasibility of loss-free polarisation of neutron beams";
Poster: European Conf. on Neutron Scattering, Lund (Schweden); 06-27-2007.

Authors: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Ch. Hartl, E141; Erwin Jericha, E141-04

G. Badurek, Ch. Hartl, E. Jericha:
"Loss-free neutron polarisation";
Talk: TU Delft, TU Delft, Niederlande; 04-13-2007.

Authors: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Ch. Hartl, E141; Erwin Jericha, E141-04

G. Badurek, Ch. Hartl, E. Jericha:
"Loss-free neutron polarization";
Talk: PNCMI 2006, Berlin (Deutschland); 09-26-2006.

Authors: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Ch. Hartl, E141; Erwin Jericha, E141-04

G. Badurek, Ch. Hartl, E. Jericha:
"Prospects of a "dynamical" neutron polarization facility";
Talk: St. Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina (Russland); 06-09-2005.

Authors: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Ch. Hartl, E141; Erwin Jericha, E141-04

G. Badurek, Ch. Hartl, E. Jericha:
"Towards dynamical polarization of neutron beams";
Poster: 55. Jahrestagung der Österr. Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Univ. Wien (Österreich); 09-27-2005 - 09-29-2005.

Authors: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Ch. Hartl, E141; Erwin Jericha, E141-04

G. Badurek, Ch. Hartl, E. Jericha:
"Verlustfreie Polarisation von Neutronenstrahlen";
Poster: 54. Jahrestagung der Österr. Physikalischen Gesellschaft (ÖPG), Linz (Österreich); 09-28-2004 - 09-30-2004.

Authors: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Ch. Hartl, E141; Erwin Jericha, E141-04

G. Badurek, Ch. Hartl, E. Jericha:
"Zur technischen Machbarkeit der verlustlosen Polarisation von Neutronenstrahlen";
Poster: 57. Jahrestagung Österreichische Physikalische Gesellschaft, Donau Universität, Krems; 09-27-2007.

Authors: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Ch. Hartl, E141; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; R. Szeywerth, E141

G. Badurek, Ch. Hartl, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, R. Szeywerth:
"Dynamic neutron polarization and neutron spin tomography: Two novel Larmor precession techniques ";
Talk: University of Science and Technology, Hefei (China) (invited); 03-28-2005.

Authors: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Ch. Hartl, E141; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; R. Szeywerth, E141

G. Badurek, Ch. Hartl, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, R. Szeywerth:
"Neue Methoden auf Basis der Larmor-Rotation von Neutronen";
Poster: 58. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Leoben; 09-23-2008.

Authors: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Ch. Hartl, E141; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; R. Szeywerth, E141

G. Badurek, Ch. Hartl, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, R. Szeywerth:
"New Larmor precession based techniques";
Poster: Deutsche Neutronenstreutagung 2008, München; 09-16-2008.

Authors: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04

G. Badurek, E. Jericha:
"Novel Larmor precession techniques";
Talk: 4th Semiannual NMI3 JRA-Meeting on Polarized Neutron Techniques, Wien; 05-19-2006.

Authors: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04

G. Badurek, E. Jericha:
"Tensorial neutron tomography";
Talk: TU Delft, TU Delft, Niederlande; 04-13-2007.

Authors: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04

G. Badurek, E. Jericha:
"Upon the Versatility of Spatial Neutron Magnetic Spin Resonance ";
Poster: Int. Workshop on Polarized Neutrons for Condensed Matter Investigation (PNCMI 2002), Jülich (Deutschland); 09-16-2002 - 09-19-2002.

Authors: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Christoph Gösselsberger, E141-04

G. Badurek, E. Jericha, Ch. Gösselsberger:
"Development of new polarization techniques";
Talk: FP7-NMI3 General Meeting, Barcelona; 05-11-2010.

Authors: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Roland Grössinger, E138-03; Reiko Sato Turtelli, E138-03

G. Badurek, E. Jericha, R. Grössinger, R. Sato Turtelli:
"Amorphous soft magnetic ribbons studied by ultra-small angle polarized neutron scattering";
Talk: Polarized Neutrons and Synchotron x-rays for Magnetism 2009, Bonn/ Deutschland; 08-02-2009 - 08-05-2009.

Authors: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Ch. Hartl, E141

G. Badurek, E. Jericha, Ch. Hartl:
"Monte-Carlo Simulations of dynamical neutron polarization";
Talk: 56. Jahrestagung der Österr. Physikalischen Gesellschaft (ÖPG), Graz; 09-20-2006.

Authors: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; R. Szeywerth, E141

G. Badurek, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, R. Szeywerth:
"Dynamic Neutron Polarization and Neutron Spin Tomography";
Talk: NMI3 JRA-Meeting on Polarized Neutron Techniques and 3He Spin Filters, Grenoble (France); 03-18-2004 - 03-19-2004.

Authors: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

G. Badurek, E. Jericha, H. Rauch:
"AUSTRON - quo vadis ?";
Poster: Fachausschusstagung ÖPG, Physik an Neutronen u.Synchrotron...., Salzburg (Österreich); 10-01-2003 - 10-02-2003.

Authors: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

G. Badurek, E. Jericha, H. Rauch:
"AUSTRON - The Central European Spallation Source ";
Talk: 52. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Leoben (Österreich); 09-24-2002.

Authors: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

G. Badurek, E. Jericha, H. Rauch:
"The 1 MW/10 Hz short-pulse spallation neutron source AUSTRON ";
Poster: European Conf. on Neutron Scattering, Montpellier (France); 09-03-2003.

Authors: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04; M. Trinker, E141; Mario Villa, E141-05

G. Badurek, E. Jericha, H. Rauch, M. Trinker, M. Villa:
"Ultra-small-angle neutron scattering";
Talk: Department of Modern Physics, USTC, Hefei (China) (invited); 03-30-2005.

Authors: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Martin Müller, E138-04

G. Badurek, M. Müller:
"Kann man in Luft schwimmen?";
Talk: Kinderuni 2013, Wien; 07-09-2013.

Authors: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; P. Staub

G. Badurek, P. Staub:
"Kann man in Luft schwimmen";
Talk: Kinderuni 2009, Wien; 07-22-2009.

Authors: S. Baessler; H. Angerer; F. Ayala Guardia; M. Borg, Lund Univ.; K. Eberhardt; F. Glück; W. Heil; I. Konorov; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; N. Luquero Llopis; R. Munoz Horta; G. Petzoldt; M. Simson; Yu. Sobolev; H.-F. Wirth; O. Zimmer

S. Baessler, H. Angerer, F. Ayala Guardia, M. Borg, K. Eberhardt, F. Glück, W. Heil, I. Konorov, G. Konrad, N. Luquero Llopis, R. Munoz Horta, G. Petzoldt, M. Simson, Y. Sobolev, H. Wirth, O. Zimmer:
"First Results with the Neutron Decay Spectrometer aSPECT";
Talk: DPG Spring Meeting, Munich, Germany; 04-20-2006 - 04-24-2006.

Authors: S. Baessler; H. Angerer; F. Ayala Guardia; M. Borg, Lund Univ.; K. Eberhardt; F. Glück; W. Heil; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; I. Konorov; N. Luquero Llopis; R. Munoz Horta; M. Orlowski; G. Petzoldt; D. Rich; M. Simson; Yu. Sobolev; H.-F. Wirth; O. Zimmer

S. Baessler, H. Angerer, F. Ayala Guardia, M. Borg, K. Eberhardt, F. Glück, W. Heil, G. Konrad, I. Konorov, N. Luquero Llopis, R. Munoz Horta, M. Orlowski, G. Petzoldt, D. Rich, M. Simson, Y. Sobolev, H. Wirth, O. Zimmer:
"The Proton Spectrum in Neutron Beta Decay - First Results with the aSPECT Spectrometer";
Talk: 9th Conference on the Intersections of Particle and Nuclear Physics, Westin Rio Mar Beach; 05-30-2006 - 06-03-2006.

Authors: S. Baessler; F. Ayala Guardia; M. Borg, Lund Univ.; L. Cabrera Brito; F. Glück; W. Heil; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; N. Luquero Llopis; R. Munoz Horta; M. Orlowski; Ch. Palmer; Yu. Sobolev; K. Eberhardt; H. Angerer; I. Konorov; G. Petzoldt; M. Simson; H.-F. Wirth; O. Zimmer; D. Rich

S. Baessler, F. Ayala Guardia, M. Borg, L. Cabrera Brito, F. Glück, W. Heil, G. Konrad, N. Luquero Llopis, R. Munoz Horta, M. Orlowski, C. Palmer, Y. Sobolev, K. Eberhardt, H. Angerer, I. Konorov, G. Petzoldt, M. Simson, H. Wirth, O. Zimmer, D. Rich:
"The Proton Spectrum in Neutron Beta Deay - First Results with the aSPECT Sepctrometer";
Talk: Seminar FRM II, Munich, Germany (invited); 11-27-2006.

Authors: S. Baessler; F. Ayala Guardia; M. Borg, Lund Univ.; L. Cabrera Brito; F. Glück; W. Heil; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; N. Luquero Llopis; R. Munoz Horta; M. Orlowski; Ch. Palmer; Yu. Sobolev; K. Eberhardt; H. Angerer; I. Konorov; G. Petzoldt; M. Simson; H.-F. Wirth; O. Zimmer; D. Rich

S. Baessler, F. Ayala Guardia, M. Borg, L. Cabrera Brito, F. Glück, W. Heil, G. Konrad, N. Luquero Llopis, R. Munoz Horta, M. Orlowski, C. Palmer, Y. Sobolev, K. Eberhardt, H. Angerer, I. Konorov, G. Petzoldt, M. Simson, H. Wirth, O. Zimmer, D. Rich:
"The Proton Spectrum in Neutron Beta Decay: First Results with the aSPECT Spectrometer";
Talk: Seminar, University of Münster, Münster, Germany (invited); 12-15-2006.

Authors: S. Baessler; F. Ayala Guardia; M. Borg, Lund Univ.; K. Eberhardt; F. Glück; W. Heil; I. Konorov; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; N. Luquero Llopis; R. Munoz Horta; G. Petzoldt; D. Rich; M. Simson; Yu. Sobolev; O. Zimmer

S. Baessler, F. Ayala Guardia, M. Borg, K. Eberhardt, F. Glück, W. Heil, I. Konorov, G. Konrad, N. Luquero Llopis, R. Munoz Horta, G. Petzoldt, D. Rich, M. Simson, Y. Sobolev, O. Zimmer:
"First Results with aSPECT";
Poster: The ILL Millenium Symposium, Grenoble, France; 04-27-2006 - 04-29-2006.

Authors: S. Baessler; F. Ayala Guardia; M. Borg, Lund Univ.; K. Eberhardt; W. Heil; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; R. Munoz Horta; Yu. Sobolev; I. Konorov; G. Petzoldt; M. Simson; O. Zimmer; F. Glück; D. Rich

S. Baessler, F. Ayala Guardia, M. Borg, K. Eberhardt, W. Heil, G. Konrad, R. Munoz Horta, Y. Sobolev, I. Konorov, G. Petzoldt, M. Simson, O. Zimmer, F. Glück, D. Rich:
"Results of the first beam time with the neutron decay spectrometer aSPECT";
Talk: Annual Fall meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics, Newport, USA; 10-10-2007 - 10-13-2007.

Authors: Matthias Baron, E141; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Martin Hainbuchner, E141; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Rudolf Loidl, E141; M. Trinker, E141; Mario Villa, E141-05; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

M. Baron, G. Badurek, M. Hainbuchner, E. Jericha, R. Loidl, M. Trinker, M. Villa, H. Rauch:
"Design and Applications of the S18-USANS-Instrument at ILL";
Talk: Workshop on "Ultra-Small-Angle-Scattering", Oak Ridge (USA); 07-09-2003 - 07-10-2003.

Authors: Matthias Baron, E141; Rudolf Loidl, E141; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Francois Dubus, E141; Stefan Filipp, E141; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04; M. Trinker, E141; Michael Zawisky, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

M. Baron, R. Loidl, G. Badurek, F. Dubus, S. Filipp, Y. Hasegawa, E. Jericha, H. Lemmel, M. Trinker, M. Zawisky, H. Rauch:
"The Interferometer and USANS Instrument S18 at the ILL, Grenoble, France";
Poster: Hearing Spezialforschungsbereich "Control and Measurement of Coherent Quantum Systems", Innsbruck (Österreich); 01-18-2005.

Authors: Matthias Baron, E141; Helmut Rauch, E141-04; M. Suda

M. Baron, H. Rauch, M. Suda:
"First Neutron Quantum Reconstruction Experiments ";
Talk: Wigner Centennial Conf., Pecs (Hungary); 07-08-2002 - 07-12-2002.

Authors: M. Bastürk, E141; Helmuth Böck, E141-05; Y. Dai; N. Kardjilov; E. Lehmann; Helmut Rauch, E141-04; M. Trinker, E141; Michael Zawisky, E141-04

M. Bastürk, H. Böck, Y. Dai, N. Kardjilov, E. Lehmann, H. Rauch, M. Trinker, M. Zawisky:
"Improvements and Applications of imaging methods in different fields";
Talk: Oberseminar über Strahlenphysik WS05/06, Universität Kölm (Deutschland); 11-15-2005.

Authors: M. Bastürk, E141; Helmuth Böck, E141-05; Y. Dai; G. Kühne; Helmut Rauch, E141-04; M. Trinker, E141

M. Bastürk, H. Böck, Y. Dai, G. Kühne, H. Rauch, M. Trinker:
"Part I: Radiation-induced structural changes in a highly irradiated N3-1 SiC/SiCf";
Talk: Int. Workshop Neutron Imaging using Cold Neutrons - ICON 2005, PSI, Villigen (Schweiz); 10-13-2005 - 10-14-2005.

Authors: M. Bastürk, E141; Helmuth Böck, E141-05; G. Kühne; Y. Dai; Helmut Rauch, E141-04; M. Trinker, E141

M. Bastürk, H. Böck, G. Kühne, Y. Dai, H. Rauch, M. Trinker:
"Radiation-induced swelling in highly irradiated N3-1 SiC/SiCf";
Talk: EURATOM-ÖAW 18. Assoziationstag, Reutte-Tirol (Österreich; 12-02-2005.

Authors: M. Bastürk, E141; N. Kardjilov; E. Lehmann; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

M. Bastürk, N. Kardjilov, E. Lehmann, H. Rauch:
"Non-destructive Neutron Radiography and Tomography Inspection of the future Nuclear Blanket Material (SiC/SiCf";
Talk: 7th World Conf. on Neutron Radiography, Roma (Italy); 09-15-2002 - 09-21-2002.

Authors: M. Bastürk, E141; N. Kardjilov; E. Lehmann; Michael Zawisky, E141-04

M. Bastürk, N. Kardjilov, E. Lehmann, M. Zawisky:
"Radiography Investigation and Monte Carlo Simulations of Boron-alloyed Steel ";
Talk: 7th World Conf. on Neutron Radiography, Roma (Italy); 09-15-2002 - 09-21-2002.

Authors: M. Bastürk, E141; N. Kardjilov; E. Lehmann; Michael Zawisky, E141-04

M. Bastürk, N. Kardjilov, E. Lehmann, M. Zawisky:
"Untersuchungen von Bor-legiertem Stahl mit thermischen Neutronen und Analyse mit der Hilfe von Monte-Carlo-Simulationen ";
Talk: Seminarvortrag, TU-München (Deutschland); 06-24-2002.

Authors: M. Bastürk, E141; N. Kardjilov; Helmut Rauch, E141-04; P. Vontobel

M. Bastürk, N. Kardjilov, H. Rauch, P. Vontobel:
"Neutron Imaging of Fiber Reinforced Materials ";
Talk: 5th Int. Topical Meeting on Neutron Radiography, München (Deutschland); 07-26-2004 - 07-30-2004.

Authors: M. Bastürk, E141; Helmut Rauch, E141-04; N. Kardjilov; P. Vontobel

M. Bastürk, H. Rauch, N. Kardjilov, P. Vontobel:
"Absorption and Phase Contrast Neutron Imaging";
Poster: 54. Jahrestagung der Österr. Physikalischen Gesellschaft (ÖPG), Linz (Österreich); 09-28-2004 - 09-30-2004.

Authors: M. Bastürk, E141; Helmut Rauch, E141-04; B. Schillinger

M. Bastürk, H. Rauch, B. Schillinger:
"Inspections of impregnation and strengthening processes of porous lime-sandstones";
Poster: Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Univ. Wien (Österreich); 09-27-2005 - 09-30-2005.

Authors: M. Bastürk, E141; Helmut Rauch, E141-04; H. Tatlisu, E141; M. Trinker, E141

M. Bastürk, H. Rauch, H. Tatlisu, M. Trinker:
"Recent Improvements in SiCf/SiC Composites and Neutron Investigations";
Talk: 20th Association Day, Association EURATOM-ÖAW, Leoben (ÖSterreich); 11-05-2006.

Authors: M. Bastürk, E141; Helmut Rauch, E141-04; M. Trinker, E141

M. Bastürk, H. Rauch, M. Trinker:
"Neutronic inspection of a highly irradiated N3-1 SiC/SiCf ";
Talk: 16th Association Day EURATOM-ÖAW, Wien (Österreich); 11-30-2004.

Authors: M. Bastürk, E141; Helmut Rauch, E141-04; Peter Wobrauschek, E141-05; N. Kardjilov; P. Vontobel

M. Bastürk, H. Rauch, P. Wobrauschek, N. Kardjilov, P. Vontobel:
"Neutron Inspection of SiC/SiCf Ceramic Composites as Fusion-relevant Materials";
Talk: 12-th EURATOM Association Day - Fusion Technology, Leoben (Österreich); 12-13-2002.

Authors: P. Baumann; C. Borcea; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; S. Jokic; M. Kerveno; S. Lukic; C.L. Mihailescu; A. Pavlik; A. Plompen; I. Raskinyte; G. Rudolf; - nTOF Collaboration

P. Baumann, C. Borcea, E. Jericha, S. Jokic, M. Kerveno, S. Lukic, C.L. Mihailescu, A. Pavlik, A. Plompen, I. Raskinyte, G. Rudolf, -. nTOF Collaboration:
"207Pb(n,2nγ) Cross-Section Measurement by Prompt Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy";
Poster: 55. Jahrestagung der Österr. Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Univ. Wien (Österreich); 09-27-2005 - 09-29-2005.

Authors: P. Baumann; C. Borcea; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; S. Jokic; M. Kerveno; S. Lukic; C.L. Mihailescu; A. Pavlik; A. Plompen; G. Rudolf; - nTOF Collaboration

P. Baumann, C. Borcea, E. Jericha, S. Jokic, M. Kerveno, S. Lukic, C.L. Mihailescu, A. Pavlik, A. Plompen, G. Rudolf, -. nTOF Collaboration:
"207Pb(n,2nγ) Cross-Section Measurement by In Beam Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy";
Poster: 12th Conf. on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics (CG12), Notre Dame, Indiana (USA); 09-04-2005 - 09-09-2005.

Authors: P. Baumann; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; A. Pavlik

P. Baumann, E. Jericha, A. Pavlik et al.:
"Untersuchungen von (n,xn) Reaktionen über den Nachweis prompt emittierter Gammastrahlung im Rahmen des nTOF-Projektes ";
Talk: 53. Jahrestagung der Österr. Physikalischen Gesellschaft (ÖPG), Salzburg (Österreich); 2003.

Authors: M. Beck; F. Ayala Guardia; S. Baessler; F. Glück; W. Heil; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; M. Simson; T. Soldner; H.-F. Wirth; O. Zimmer

M. Beck, F. Ayala Guardia, S. Baessler, F. Glück, W. Heil, G. Konrad, M. Simson, T. Soldner, H. Wirth, O. Zimmer:
"Verbesserungen für die nächste Strahlzeit mit aSPECT";
Talk: DPG Spring Meeting, Münster; 03-23-2011.

Authors: Th. Betz, E141; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04

Th. Betz, G. Badurek, E. Jericha:
"Quantenmechanische Aspekte der dynamischen Neutronenpolarisation";
Talk: 56. Jahrestagung der Österr. Physikalischen Gesellschaft (ÖPG), Tu Graz; 09-20-2006.

Authors: Th. Betz, E141; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04

Th. Betz, G. Badurek, E. Jericha:
"Quantum mechanical aspects of dynamical neutron polarization";
Poster: PNCMI 2006, Berlin (Deutschland); 09-27-2006.

Authors: Thomas Bittner; Gunther Cronenberg, E141-04; Katharina Durstberger-Rennhofer, E141-04; Peter Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; Tobias Jenke, E141-04; Rudolf Mitsch, E141-01; M. Thalhammer; Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Hanno Filter, E141-04

T. Bittner, G. Cronenberg, K. Durstberger-Rennhofer, P. Geltenbort, T. Jenke, R. Mitsch, M. Thalhammer, H. Abele, H. Filter:
"Neutron charge within qBounce";
Keynote Lecture: Status Meeting zum DFG Schwerpunktprogramm 1491, Frauenchiemsee, Deutschland (invited); 03-13-2012 - 03-16-2012.

Authors: Helmuth Böck, E141-05; M. Haydn; R. Khan, E141-04; M. Lechermann; P.R.J. Saey, E141-05; Georg Steinhauser, E141-05; Mario Villa, E141-05

H. Böck, M. Haydn, R. Khan, M. Lechermann, P.R.J. Saey, G. Steinhauser, M. Villa:
"Fission gas release from research reactors";
Talk: Workshop on Signatures of Mecial and Industrial Isotope Production, Strassoldo, Italien (invited); 07-01-2009 - 07-03-2009.

Authors: Helmuth Böck, E141-05; R. Khan, E141-04; M. Lechermann; P.R.J. Saey, E141-05; Georg Steinhauser, E141-05; Mario Villa, E141-05; K. Elmgren; H. Henriksson; Karin Lindh; J. Peterson; A. Ringbom

H. Böck, R. Khan, M. Lechermann, P.R.J. Saey, G. Steinhauser, M. Villa, K. Elmgren, H. Henriksson, K. Lindh, J. Peterson, A. Ringbom:
"Radioxenon Emissions from Research Reactors";
Talk: TRIGA Users Conference - RRFM Conference 2010 (Research Reactor Fuel Management), Marrakesch (invited); 03-21-2010 - 03-25-2010.

Authors: Helmuth Böck, E141-05; R. Khan, E141-04; Mario Villa, E141-05

H. Böck, R. Khan, M. Villa:
"Practical Training in nuclear Education at the Vienna University of Technology/Atominstitut";
Talk: Technical Meeting on the "Development of Curricula in Nuclear Science and Technology", Wien (invited); 12-12-2009 - 12-18-2009.

Authors: Helmuth Böck, E141-05; Mario Villa, E141-05; T. Stummer, E141-05; R. Khan, E141-04; Stefan Merz, E141-05

H. Böck, M. Villa, T. Stummer, R. Khan, S. Merz:
"Operation experience with the TRIGA reactor Wien";
Talk: 4th World TRIGA Users Conference, Lyon; 09-07-2008 - 09-10-2008.

Authors: M. Borg, Lund Univ.; H. Angerer; F. Ayala Guardia; S. Baessler; J. Byrne; K. Eberhardt; F. Glück; W. Heil; I. Konorov; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; N. Luquero Llopis; R. Munoz Horta; M. Orlowski; G. Petzoldt; D. Rich; M. Simson; Yu. Sobolev; H.-F. Wirth; O. Zimmer

M. Borg, H. Angerer, F. Ayala Guardia, S. Baessler, J. Byrne, K. Eberhardt, F. Glück, W. Heil, I. Konorov, G. Konrad, N. Luquero Llopis, R. Munoz Horta, M. Orlowski, G. Petzoldt, D. Rich, M. Simson, Y. Sobolev, H. Wirth, O. Zimmer:
"First Results with aSPECT";
Poster: First Summer School on Fundamental Neutron Physics, Tennesse, USA; 06-04-2006 - 06-10-2006.

Authors: M. Borg, Lund Univ.; H. Angerer; F. Ayala Guardia; S. Baessler; L. Cabrera Brito; K. Eberhardt; F. Glück; W. Heil; I. Konorov; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; N. Luquero Llopis; Ch. Palmer; G. Petzoldt; D. Rich; M. Simson; Yu. Sobolev; H.-F. Wirth; O. Zimmer

M. Borg, H. Angerer, F. Ayala Guardia, S. Baessler, L. Cabrera Brito, K. Eberhardt, F. Glück, W. Heil, I. Konorov, G. Konrad, N. Luquero Llopis, C. Palmer, G. Petzoldt, D. Rich, M. Simson, Y. Sobolev, H. Wirth, O. Zimmer:
"The Neutron Decay Retardation Spectrometer aSPECT - Latest Results";
Talk: DPG Spring Meeting, Giessen, Germany; 03-14-2007.

Authors: M. Borg, Lund Univ.; H. Angerer; F. Ayala Guardia; S. Baessler; K. Eberhardt; F. Glück; W. Heil; I. Konorov; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; K.K.H. Leung; R. Munoz Horta; G. Petzoldt; M. Simson; Yu. Sobolev; T. Soldner; H.-F. Wirth; O. Zimmer

M. Borg, H. Angerer, F. Ayala Guardia, S. Baessler, K. Eberhardt, F. Glück, W. Heil, I. Konorov, G. Konrad, K. Leung, R. Munoz Horta, G. Petzoldt, M. Simson, Y. Sobolev, T. Soldner, H. Wirth, O. Zimmer:
"Latest Results with aSPECT";
Poster: Institutstreff, Mainz, Germany; 07-03-2008 - 07-04-2008.

Authors: M. Borg, Lund Univ.; H. Angerer; F. Ayala Guardia; S. Baessler; K. Eberhardt; F. Glück; W. Heil; I. Konorov; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; K.K.H. Leung; R. Munoz Horta; G. Petzoldt; M. Simson; Yu. Sobolev; T. Soldner; H.-F. Wirth; O. Zimmer

M. Borg, H. Angerer, F. Ayala Guardia, S. Baessler, K. Eberhardt, F. Glück, W. Heil, I. Konorov, G. Konrad, K. Leung, R. Munoz Horta, G. Petzoldt, M. Simson, Y. Sobolev, T. Soldner, H. Wirth, O. Zimmer:
"The neutron decay spectrometer aSPECT";
Poster: Int. Workshop on Particle Physics with Slow Neutrons, Grenoble, France; 05-29-2008 - 05-31-2008.

Authors: M. Borg, Lund Univ.; F. Ayala Guardia; S. Baessler; L. Cabrera Brito; F. Glück; W. Heil; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; N. Luquero Llopis; R. Munoz Horta; M. Orlowski; Ch. Palmer; Yu. Sobolev; K. Eberhardt; H. Angerer; I. Konorov; G. Petzoldt; M. Simson; H.-F. Wirth; O. Zimmer; D. Rich

M. Borg, F. Ayala Guardia, S. Baessler, L. Cabrera Brito, F. Glück, W. Heil, G. Konrad, N. Luquero Llopis, R. Munoz Horta, M. Orlowski, C. Palmer, Y. Sobolev, K. Eberhardt, H. Angerer, I. Konorov, G. Petzoldt, M. Simson, H. Wirth, O. Zimmer, D. Rich:
"The Neutron Decay Retardation Spectrometer aSPECT";
Talk: IX SEACAVA Summer Programm, Mainz, Germany; 08-01-2006 - 09-30-2006.

Authors: M. Borg, Lund Univ.; F. Ayala Guardia; S. Baessler; L. Cabrera Brito; F. Glück; W. Heil; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; N. Luquero Llopis; R. Munoz Horta; M. Orlowski; Ch. Palmer; Yu. Sobolev; K. Eberhardt; H. Angerer; I. Konorov; G. Petzoldt; M. Simson; H.-F. Wirth; O. Zimmer; D. Rich

M. Borg, F. Ayala Guardia, S. Baessler, L. Cabrera Brito, F. Glück, W. Heil, G. Konrad, N. Luquero Llopis, R. Munoz Horta, M. Orlowski, C. Palmer, Y. Sobolev, K. Eberhardt, H. Angerer, I. Konorov, G. Petzoldt, M. Simson, H. Wirth, O. Zimmer, D. Rich:
"The Neutron Decay Retardation Spectrometer aSPECT - Activity Report 09/2006";
Talk: TRAPSPEC Collaboration Meeting, Leuven, Beglium; 09-18-2006 - 09-19-2006.

Authors: M. Borg, Lund Univ.; F. Ayala Guardia; S. Baessler; F. Glück; W. Heil; I. Konorov; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; K.K.H. Leung; R. Munoz Horta; B. Ostrick; M. Simson; Yu. Sobolev; T. Soldner; H.-F. Wirth; O. Zimmer

M. Borg, F. Ayala Guardia, S. Baessler, F. Glück, W. Heil, I. Konorov, G. Konrad, K. Leung, R. Munoz Horta, B. Ostrick, M. Simson, Y. Sobolev, T. Soldner, H. Wirth, O. Zimmer:
"Latest Measurements with the Neutron Decay Spectrometer aSPECT";
Poster: Insitutstreff, Mainz, Germany; 07-02-2009 - 07-03-2009.

Authors: M. Borg, Lund Univ.; F. Ayala Guardia; S. Baessler; F. Glück; W. Heil; I. Konorov; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; K.K.H. Leung; M. Simson; R. Munoz Horta; Yu. Sobolev; T. Soldner; H.-F. Wirth; O. Zimmer

M. Borg, F. Ayala Guardia, S. Baessler, F. Glück, W. Heil, I. Konorov, G. Konrad, K. Leung, M. Simson, R. Munoz Horta, Y. Sobolev, T. Soldner, H. Wirth, O. Zimmer:
"Testing the Standard Model: The Neutrino Electron Correlation coefficient in free neutron decay - latest results with aSPECT";
Talk: EMG Seminar, Mainz, Germany; 11-12-2008.

Authors: M. Borg, Lund Univ.; F. Ayala Guardia; S. Baessler; F. Glück; W. Heil; I. Konorov; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; R. Munoz Horta; B. Ostrick; M. Simson; T. Soldner; H.-F. Wirth; O. Zimmer

M. Borg, F. Ayala Guardia, S. Baessler, F. Glück, W. Heil, I. Konorov, G. Konrad, R. Munoz Horta, B. Ostrick, M. Simson, T. Soldner, H. Wirth, O. Zimmer:
"The Neutron Decay Spectrometer aSPECT: Update on data analysis and recent results";
Talk: SPP 1491 Kick-off Meeting 2010, Freising, Deutschland; 04-21-2010.

Authors: M. Borg, Lund Univ.; F. Ayala Guardia; S. Baessler; F. Glück; W. Heil; I. Konorov; R. Munoz Horta; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; B. Ostrick; M. Simson; T. Soldner; H.-F. Wirth; O. Zimmer

M. Borg, F. Ayala Guardia, S. Baessler, F. Glück, W. Heil, I. Konorov, R. Munoz Horta, G. Konrad, B. Ostrick, M. Simson, T. Soldner, H. Wirth, O. Zimmer:
"The Neutron Decay Spectrometer aSPECT: Update on data analysis and recent results";
Talk: DPG Spring Meeting, Bonn, Germany; 03-16-2010.

Authors: M. Borg, Lund Univ.; M. Beck; F. Ayala Guardia; S. Baessler; F. Glück; W. Heil; I. Konorov; R. Munoz Horta; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; B. Ostrick; M. Simson; T. Soldner; H.-F. Wirth; O. Zimmer

M. Borg, M. Beck, F. Ayala Guardia, S. Baessler, F. Glück, W. Heil, I. Konorov, R. Munoz Horta, G. Konrad, B. Ostrick, M. Simson, T. Soldner, H. Wirth, O. Zimmer:
"The Neutron Decay Spectrometer aSPECT: Results of systematic studies";
Talk: DPG Spring Meeting, Münster; 03-23-2011.

Author: Joachim Bosina, E141-04

J. Bosina:
"Characterization of a 'Badurek' resonator for very cold neutrons";
Talk: DK-PI Selection Workshop, Vienna, Austria (invited); 07-03-2015.

Authors: Joachim Bosina, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Clement Brousse, SMI Wien; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; Michael Klopf, E141-04; Mario Pitschmann, E141-04; Torsten Soldner, ILL; Ken Suzuki, SMI Wien; Xianzun Wang, E141-04; Johann Zmeskal, SMI Wien; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04

J. Bosina, H. Abele, C Brousse, H. Fillunger, M. Klopf, M. Pitschmann, T. Soldner, K Suzuki, X. Wang, J Zmeskal, G. Konrad:
"NoMoS: Realization of an RxB drift momentum spectrometer";
Poster: Humboldt Kolleg "From the Vacuum to the Universe", Kitzbühel (invited); 06-26-2016 - 07-01-2016.

Authors: Joachim Bosina, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; Michael Klopf, E141-04; Torsten Soldner, ILL; K. Suzuki; Mario Pitschmann, E141-04; Xianzun Wang, E141-04; J. Zmeskal; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04

J. Bosina, H. Abele, H. Fillunger, M. Klopf, T. Soldner, K. Suzuki, M. Pitschmann, X. Wang, J. Zmeskal, G. Konrad:
"NoMoS: Beyond the Standard Model Physics in Neutron Decay";
Poster: SMI SAB Meeting 2015, Vienna, Austria; 09-29-2015 - 09-30-2015.

Authors: Joachim Bosina, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; Xianzun Wang, E141-04; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04

J. Bosina, H. Abele, H. Fillunger, X. Wang, G. Konrad:
"NoMoS: realization of a RxB drift momentum spectrometer";
Talk: 2nd Status Meeting - DFG Priority Programme 1491, Wildbad Kreuth, Germany; 11-03-2015 - 11-06-2015.

Authors: Joachim Bosina, E141-04; L. Achatz; Gunther Cronenberg, E141-04; Katharina Durstberger-Rennhofer, E141-04; Hanno Filter, E141-04; Peter Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; Andrei Ivanov, E141-04; Tobias Jenke, E141-04; J. Micko; Mario Pitschmann, E141-04; Tobias Rechberger, E141-04; D. Schuh; R. Sedmik; M. Thalhammer, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

J. Bosina, L. Achatz, G. Cronenberg, K. Durstberger-Rennhofer, H. Filter, P. Geltenbort, A. Ivanov, T. Jenke, J. Micko, M. Pitschmann, T. Rechberger, D. Schuh, R. Sedmik, M. Thalhammer, H. Abele:
"qBounce: current status of the Ramsey-type GRS experiment";
Poster: 68th Annual Meeting of the Austrian Physical Society (2018), Graz, Austria; 09-10-2018 - 09-13-2018.

Authors: Joachim Bosina, E141-04; L. Achatz; Gunther Cronenberg, E141-04; Katharina Durstberger-Rennhofer, E141-04; Hanno Filter, E141-04; Peter Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; Andrei Ivanov, E141-04; Tobias Jenke, E141-04; J. Micko; Mario Pitschmann, E141-04; Tobias Rechberger, E141-04; D. Schuh; R. Sedmik; M. Thalhammer, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

J. Bosina, L. Achatz, G. Cronenberg, K. Durstberger-Rennhofer, H. Filter, P. Geltenbort, A. Ivanov, T. Jenke, J. Micko, M. Pitschmann, T. Rechberger, D. Schuh, R. Sedmik, M. Thalhammer, H. Abele:
"qBounce: current status of the Ramsey-type GRS experiment";
Poster: International Workshop on Particle Physics at Neutron Sources, PPNS-2018, Grenoble, France; 05-24-2018 - 05-26-2018.

Authors: Joachim Bosina, E141-04; Gunther Cronenberg, E141-04; Katharina Durstberger-Rennhofer, E141-04; Hanno Filter, E141-04; Peter Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; Andrei Ivanov, E141-04; Tobias Jenke, E141-04; J. Micko; Mario Pitschmann, E141-04; Tobias Rechberger, E141-04; Rene Sedmik, E141-04; M. Thalhammer, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

J. Bosina, G. Cronenberg, K. Durstberger-Rennhofer, H. Filter, P. Geltenbort, A. Ivanov, T. Jenke, J. Micko, M. Pitschmann, T. Rechberger, R. Sedmik, M. Thalhammer, H. Abele:
"qBounce: first results of the Ramsey-type GRS experiment";
Keynote Lecture: Joint Annual Meeting of the Swiss Physical Society & Austrian Physical Society (2019), Zurich, Swiss; 08-26-2019 - 08-30-2019.

Authors: Joachim Bosina, E141-04; Gunther Cronenberg, E141-04; Hanno Filter, E141-04; Anika Gassner; Peter Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; Andrei Ivanov, E141-04; Tobias Jenke, E141-04; Carina Killian; Elisabeth Kreuzgruber; J. Micko; Julius Piso; Mario Pitschmann, E141-04; Tobias Rechberger, E141-04; Rene Sedmik, E141-04; M. Thalhammer, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

J. Bosina, G. Cronenberg, H. Filter, A. Gassner, P. Geltenbort, A. Ivanov, T. Jenke, C. Killian, E. Kreuzgruber, J. Micko, J. Piso, M. Pitschmann, T. Rechberger, R. Sedmik, M. Thalhammer, H. Abele:
"qBounce: first results of the Ramsey-type GRS experiment";
Poster: Physics of fundamental Symmetries and Interactions - PSI2019 (2019), Villigen, Swiss; 10-20-2019 - 10-25-2019.

Authors: Joachim Bosina, E141-04; Gunther Cronenberg, E141-04; Hanno Filter, E141-04; Peter Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; Andrei Ivanov, E141-04; Tobias Jenke, E141-04; J. Micko; Mario Pitschmann, E141-04; Tobias Rechberger, E141-04; Rene Sedmik, E141-04; M. Thalhammer, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

J. Bosina, G. Cronenberg, H. Filter, P. Geltenbort, A. Ivanov, T. Jenke, J. Micko, M. Pitschmann, T. Rechberger, R. Sedmik, M. Thalhammer, H. Abele:
"qBounce: Gravitational Resonance Spectroscopy with UCN";
Keynote Lecture: Vienna Theory Lunch Seminar (2019), Wien; 05-28-2019.

Authors: Joachim Bosina, E141-04; Hanno Filter, E141-04; Peter Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; Tobias Jenke, E141-04; Tobias Rechberger, E141-04; Katharina Durstberger-Rennhofer, E141-04; M. Thalhammer, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

J. Bosina, H. Filter, P. Geltenbort, T. Jenke, T. Rechberger, K. Durstberger-Rennhofer, M. Thalhammer, H. Abele:
"Measurement of the Charge of the free neutron within qBounce";
Poster: DFG Priority Program 1491 - Closing Convention (2017), Raitenhaslach, Germany; 10-30-2017 - 11-03-2017.

Authors: Joachim Bosina, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Wilfried Mach, E141-04

J. Bosina, E. Jericha, W. Mach:
"MONOPOL, a Badurek resonator for beam preparation and analyzation: characteristics for a VCN-beam";
Talk: 2nd Status Meeting - DFG Priority Programme 1491, Wildbad Kreuth, Germany; 11-03-2015 - 11-06-2015.

Authors: Clement Brousse, SMI Wien; Joachim Bosina, E141-04; Jacqueline Erhart, E141-04; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; Michael Klopf, E141-04; Daniel Moser, E141-04; Max Thoma; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04

C Brousse, J. Bosina, J. Erhart, H. Fillunger, M. Klopf, D Moser, M. Thoma, G. Konrad:
"Design of the Magnetic Shielding for NoMoS";
Poster: 66th annual meeting of the Austrian Physical Society (ÖPG), Wien; 09-27-2016 - 09-29-2016.

More information

Authors: Georg Brunauer, E302-01-1; Bernhard Rotter, E302-01-1; Gregor Walch, E164-04-3; Esmaeil Esmaeili, E302-01-1; Alexander Opitz, E164-04-1; Karl Ponweiser, E302-01-1; Johann Summhammer, E141-04; Jürgen Fleig, E164-04-3

G. Brunauer, B. Rotter, G. Walch, E. Esmaeili, A.K. Opitz, K. Ponweiser, J. Summhammer, J. Fleig:
"Experimental investigation of La0.8Sr0.2CrO3/SrTio3(100) heterostructure used for a high-temperature photovoltaic cell";
Poster: VDI-Jahrestreffen für Wärme- und Stoffübertragung, Leipzig; 03-04-2015 - 03-06-2015.

Authors: L. Cabrera Brito; S. Baessler; F. Glück; W. Heil; N. Luquero Llopis; R. Munoz Horta; F. Ayala Guardia; M. Borg, Lund Univ.; M. Orlowski; Yu. Sobolev; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; K. Eberhardt; H. Angerer; I. Konorov; G. Petzoldt; D. Rich; H.-F. Wirth; O. Zimmer; Ch. Palmer; J. Byrne

L. Cabrera Brito, S. Baessler, F. Glück, W. Heil, N. Luquero Llopis, R. Munoz Horta, F. Ayala Guardia, M. Borg, M. Orlowski, Y. Sobolev, G. Konrad, K. Eberhardt, H. Angerer, I. Konorov, G. Petzoldt, D. Rich, H. Wirth, O. Zimmer, C. Palmer, J. Byrne:
"The Neutron Decay Spectrometer aSPECT";
Talk: IX SEACAVA Summer Programm, Mainz, Germany; 08-01-2006 - 09-30-2006.

Authors: Michal Chudy, E141; J. Emhofer, E141-04; Enric Pardo, E141; F. Hengstberger, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Chudy, J. Emhofer, E. Pardo, F. Hengstberger, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"Critical currents in meandered coated conductors for Roebel cables";
Poster: International Workshop on Coated Conductors for Applications, Barcelona; 11-22-2009 - 11-24-2009.

Author: Gunther Cronenberg, E141-04

G. Cronenberg:
"Neutrons test Gravity, Dark Matter and Dark Energy: Snapshots of a Quantum Bouncing Ball & Gravity Resonance Spectroscopy";
Keynote Lecture: European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics 2015, Vienna, Austria; 07-23-2015.

Author: Gunther Cronenberg, E141-04

G. Cronenberg:
"qBounce: A quantized frequency reference with gravity-resonance-spectroscopy";
Keynote Lecture: 8th European NESY Winter-School, Planneralm, Austria; 03-11-2013 - 03-15-2013.

Author: Gunther Cronenberg, E141-04

G. Cronenberg:
"qBounce: Frequency´s view on Newtons Inverse Square Law of Gravity";
Keynote Lecture: DK Kolloquium, Vienna, Austria; 11-24-2014.

Author: Gunther Cronenberg, E141-04

G. Cronenberg:
"qBounce: Gravity Resonance Spectroscopy to search for Dark Energy and Dark Matter candidates";
Keynote Lecture: ILL College 3 Seminar, Grenoble, France (invited); 06-20-2013.

Author: Gunther Cronenberg, E141-04

G. Cronenberg:
"qBounce: Gravity Resonance Spectroscopy to search for Dark Energy and Dark Matter candidates";
Keynote Lecture: Joint Annual Meeting of the Austrian Physical Society and the Swiss Physical Society 2013, Linz, Austria; 09-04-2013.

Author: Gunther Cronenberg, E141-04

G. Cronenberg:
"Resonance Spectroscopy with Gravitationally Bound Neutrons";
Talk: ILL Clip Session, Grenoble, France; 04-11-2011.

Author: Gunther Cronenberg, E141-04

G. Cronenberg:
"Resonance Spectroscopy with Gravitationally Bound Neutrons";
Talk: UCN Workshop, Moscow, Russia; 06-13-2011 - 06-21-2011.

Author: Gunther Cronenberg, E141-04

G. Cronenberg:
"Resonance Spectroscopy with Gravitationally Bound Neutrons";
Talk: ECNS 2011, Prag, Tschechien; 07-21-2011.

Author: Gunther Cronenberg, E141-04

G. Cronenberg:
"Slow neutrons and their role to test gravity";
Keynote Lecture: Testing Gravity 2015-ii, Vancouver, Canada (invited); 01-16-2015.

Author: Gunther Cronenberg, E141-04

G. Cronenberg:
"Slow neutrons and their role to test gravity";
Keynote Lecture: Colloquium TRIUMF, Vancouver, Canada (invited); 01-19-2015.

Author: Gunther Cronenberg, E141-04

G. Cronenberg:
"Symmetrischer 6-Photonen-Dicke-Zustand";
Talk: Internes Seminar, ATI, Wien; 05-06-2010.

Author: Gunther Cronenberg, E141-04

G. Cronenberg:
"The qBounce experiment: Gravity Resonance Spetroscopy with neutrons";
Keynote Lecture: Student organized seminar, ILL, Grenoble, France; 10-16-2012.

Author: Gunther Cronenberg, E141-04

G. Cronenberg:
"Untersuchung der Gravitation auf kleinen Abständen mit Rabi-Spektroskopie im Rahmen des qBounce-Experiments";
Keynote Lecture: Seminar "Neue Arbeiten", ATI, Vienna, Austria; 06-26-2013.

Authors: Gunther Cronenberg, E141-04; Thomas Bittner; Hanno Filter, E141-04; Peter Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; Tobias Jenke, E141-04; M. Thalhammer; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

G. Cronenberg, T. Bittner, H. Filter, P. Geltenbort, T. Jenke, M. Thalhammer, H. Abele:
"qBounce: Frequency's view on Newton's Law";
Keynote Lecture: GRANIT 2014-Workshop, Les Houches, France; 03-02-2014.

Authors: Gunther Cronenberg, E141-04; Thomas Bittner; Hanno Filter, E141-04; Peter Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; Tobias Jenke, E141-04; M. Thalhammer; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

G. Cronenberg, T. Bittner, H. Filter, P. Geltenbort, T. Jenke, M. Thalhammer, H. Abele:
"qBounce: Frequency's view on Newton's Law";
Keynote Lecture: DPG Frühjahrstagung 2014, Berlin, Germany; 03-20-2014.

Authors: Gunther Cronenberg, E141-04; Hanno Filter, E141-04; Peter Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; Tobias Jenke, E141-04; Martin Thalhammer, E134-03; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

G. Cronenberg, H. Filter, P. Geltenbort, T. Jenke, M. Thalhammer, H. Abele:
"qBOUNCE: Frequency's view on Newton's Law";
Keynote Lecture: ÖPG 2014, Pöllau, Austria; 09-24-2014.

Authors: Gunther Cronenberg, E141-04; Hanno Filter, E141-04; Tobias Jenke, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

G. Cronenberg, H. Filter, T. Jenke, H. Abele:
"The vibration technique behind qBounce - Shaking up the neutron";
Keynote Lecture: Status Meeting zum DFG Schwerpunktprogramm 1491, Frauenchiemsee, Deutschland (invited); 03-13-2012 - 03-16-2012.

Authors: Gunther Cronenberg, E141-04; Hanno Filter, E141-04; Tobias Jenke, E141-04; Peter Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; A.N. Ivanov, E141-04; T. Lauer; Tobias Lins, E141; U. Schmidt; Heiko Saul, E141; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

G. Cronenberg, H. Filter, T. Jenke, P. Geltenbort, A. Ivanov, T. Lauer, T. Lins, U. Schmidt, H. Saul, H. Abele:
"qBounce: Gravity Resonance Spectroscopy to test Dark Energy and Dark Matter models";
Poster: PSI 2013 Workshop, Villingen, Switzerland; 09-08-2013 - 09-13-2013.

Authors: Gunther Cronenberg, E141-04; Hanno Filter, E141-04; Tobias Jenke, E141-04; Peter Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; A.N. Ivanov, E141-04; T. Lauer; Tobias Lins, E141; U. Schmidt; Heiko Saul, E141; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

G. Cronenberg, H. Filter, T. Jenke, P. Geltenbort, A. Ivanov, T. Lauer, T. Lins, U. Schmidt, H. Saul, H. Abele:
"qBounce: Gravity Resonance Spectroscopy to test Dark Energy and Dark Matter models";
Poster: Symposium "Research at European Neutron and Synchrotron facilities", Vienna, Austria; 11-11-2013 - 11-12-2013.

Authors: Gunther Cronenberg, E141-04; Hanno Filter, E141-04; Tobias Jenke, E141-04; Peter Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; Martin Thalhammer, E134-03; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

G. Cronenberg, H. Filter, T. Jenke, P. Geltenbort, M. Thalhammer, H. Abele:
"qBounce: Gravity Resonance Spectroscopy to test Dark Energy and Dark matter models";
Poster: Rencontres de Moriond Konferenz, La Thuile, Italy; 03-21-2015 - 03-28-2015.

Authors: Gunther Cronenberg, E141-04; P. Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; Tobias Jenke, E141-04; Tobias Lins, E141; Heiko Saul, E141; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

G. Cronenberg, P. Geltenbort, T. Jenke, T. Lins, H. Saul, H. Abele:
"Gravitationally Induced Quantum Phaseshifts with Ramsey's Method of Separated Oscillating Fields";
Poster: International WE Heraeus Research School on Frontiers in Matter Wave Interferometry, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Deutschland; 06-14-2010 - 06-18-2010.

Authors: Gunther Cronenberg, E141-04; Martin Thalhammer, E134-03

G. Cronenberg, M. Thalhammer:
"Snapshots of a Quantum Bouncing Ball realized with the qBounce gravity spectrometer";
Keynote Lecture: Joint Annual Meeting of the Austrian Physical Society and the Swiss Physical Society 2015, Vienna, Austria; 09-04-2015.

Author: Armin Danner, E141-04

A. Danner:
"Spin-Rotation Coupling Observed in Neutron Interferometry";
Keynote Lecture: Gemeinsame Jahrestagung von SPG und ÖPG 2019, Zürich, Schweiz (invited); 09-09-2019.

Author: Armin Danner, E141-04

A. Danner:
"Spin-Rotation Coupling Observed in Neutron Interferometry";
Keynote Lecture: Problems of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics (2019), Kyiv, Ukraine (invited); 09-23-2019 - 09-27-2019.

Authors: Armin Danner, E141-04; Bulent Demirel, E141-04; W. Kersten; Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04; Stephan Sponar, E141-04; Richard Wagner, E141-04; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

A. Danner, B. Demirel, W. Kersten, H. Lemmel, St. Sponar, R. Wagner, Y. Hasegawa:
"Observation of Spin-Rotation Coupling in Neutron Optics";
Keynote Lecture: 681. WE-Heraeus-Seminar on Particle Physics with Cold and Ultra-Cold Neutrons (2018), Bad Honnef, Germany; 10-24-2018 - 10-26-2018.

Authors: Armin Danner, E141-04; K. Obigane; N. Geerits, E141-04; Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04; Richard Wagner, E141-04; Stephan Sponar, E141-04; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

A. Danner, K. Obigane, N. Geerits, H. Lemmel, R. Wagner, St. Sponar, Y. Hasegawa:
"Three path quantum Cheshire Cat observed in neutron interferometry";
Keynote Lecture: ÖPG-SPS Jahrestagung 2021, Innsbruck, Austria; 09-01-2021.

Author: Bulent Demirel, E141-04

B. Demirel:
"Information-theoretic noise and disturbance uncertainty relations for qubits studied in neutron spin measurements";
Keynote Lecture: ÖPG 2015, Vienna, Austria; 09-02-2015.

Author: Tobias Denkmayr, E141-04

T. Denkmayr:
"Observation of a quantum Cheshire Cat in a matterwave interferometer experiment";
Keynote Lecture: ÖPG 2015, Vienna, Austria; 09-03-2015.

Authors: Tobias Denkmayr; Hermann Geppert, E141-04; Georg Sulyok, E141-04; B. Demirel; Jacqueline Erhart, E141-04; Stephan Sponar, E141-04; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

T. Denkmayr, H. Geppert, G. Sulyok, B. Demirel, J. Erhart, St. Sponar, Y. Hasegawa:
"Quantum Cheshire-Cat and uncertainty relation studied with neutrons";
Poster: Quantum [Un]Speakables II: 50 Years of Bell's Theorem, Vienna, Austria; 06-19-2014 - 06-22-2014.

Authors: C. Domingo; J.L. Tain; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Heinz Oberhummer, E141-03; - nTOF Collaboration

C. Domingo, J. Tain, E. Jericha, G. Badurek, H. Leeb, H. Oberhummer, -. nTOF Collaboration:
"Improved Accuracy (n,γ) Measurements at nTOF";
Poster: 11th Int. Symp. on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics, Pruhonice/Prag (CZ); 09-20-2002.

Authors: F. Ducos; O. Biganska; P. Navard; P. Aldred; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Rudolf Loidl, E141; H. Rüf; K.C. Schuster

F. Ducos, O. Biganska, P. Navard, P. Aldred, G. Badurek, E. Jericha, R. Loidl, H. Rüf, K. Schuster:
"Structure/property relationship in Lyocell fibres";
Talk: Polymer Fibres 2004, The International Polymer Fibre Conference, Manchester (UK); 07-14-2004 - 07-16-2004.

Author: Katharina Durstberger-Rennhofer, E141-04

K. Durstberger-Rennhofer:
"Grundlagenexperimente zur Quantenmechanik mit Neutronen";
Talk: 14. Deutsche Physikerinnentagung, Garching; 11-04-2010 - 11-07-2010.

Author: Katharina Durstberger-Rennhofer, E141-04

K. Durstberger-Rennhofer:
"Quantum Interferometry - Quantum Decoherence - Quantum Information";
Talk: Computer model of PUNITA, JRC Ispra; 02-24-2010 - 02-26-2010.

Authors: Katharina Durstberger-Rennhofer, E141-04; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

K. Durstberger-Rennhofer, Y. Hasegawa:
"Quantum physics with neutrons - theory & experiment";
Talk: Workshop in honor of Reinhold Bertlmann, Puchberg am Schneeberg; 06-25-2010 - 06-27-2010.

Authors: Katharina Durstberger-Rennhofer, E141-04; C. Schmitzer; H. Bartosik; J. Klepp; Stephan Sponar, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

K. Durstberger-Rennhofer, C. Schmitzer, H. Bartosik, J. Klepp, St. Sponar, G. Badurek, Y. Hasegawa:
"Falsification of Leggett's model using neutron matter waves";
Talk: Jahrestagung der ÖPG, Lausanne, Switzerland; 06-15-2011.

Authors: Katharina Durstberger-Rennhofer, E141-04; G. Sulyok; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

K. Durstberger-Rennhofer, G. Sulyok, Y. Hasegawa, H. Rauch:
"Entanglement and decoherence within neutron interferometry";
Poster: Frontiers in Matter Wave Optics, Kreta; 04-06-2010 - 04-11-2010.

Authors: E. Dyrnjaja, E141; S. Hummel; Thomas Potocar, E141-04; Michael Zawisky, E141-04

E. Dyrnjaja, S. Hummel, T. Potocar, M. Zawisky:
"Neutron transmission measurements on hydrogen filled microspheres";
Poster: 10th World Conference on Neutron Radiography (WCNR-10), Grindelwald, Switzerland; 10-05-2014 - 10-10-2014.

Authors: E. Dyrnjaja, E141; Michael Zawisky, E141-04

E. Dyrnjaja, M. Zawisky:
"Hollow glass micro spheres & high angular resolution interferometry";
Keynote Lecture: 10th World Conference on Neutron Radiography (WCNR-10), Grindelwald, Switzerland; 10-05-2014 - 10-10-2014.

Authors: E. Dyrnjaja, E141; Michael Zawisky, E141-04

E. Dyrnjaja, M. Zawisky:
"The influence of boron micro-inhomogeneities on neutron transmission";
Poster: 10th World Conference on Neutron Radiography (WCNR-10), Grindelwald, Switzerland; 10-05-2014 - 10-10-2014.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Thomas Baumgartner, E141-06; Rainer Prokopec, E141-06; J. Emhofer, E141-04

M. Eisterer, T. Baumgartner, R. Prokopec, J. Emhofer:
"The influence of neutron irradiation on the superconducting properties of Nb3Sn wires and coated conductors";
Keynote Lecture: RESMM Workshop 2013, Tsukuba, Japan (invited); 04-13-2013 - 04-19-2013.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Michal Chudy, E141; J. Emhofer, E141-04; F. Hengstberger, E141; Enric Pardo, E141; T. Withnell, E141; Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Eisterer, M. Chudy, J. Emhofer, F. Hengstberger, E. Pardo, T. Withnell, M. Zehetmayer, H. W. Weber:
"Charakterisierung von supraleitenden Bandleitern";
Talk: Braunschweiger Supraleitungsseminar, Braunschweig (invited); 06-23-2010.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Michal Chudy, E141; J. Emhofer, E141-04; Enric Pardo, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Eisterer, M. Chudy, J. Emhofer, E. Pardo, H. W. Weber:
"High-temperature superconductors for fusion magnets";
Talk: 25th Association Day, Association EURATOM-ÖAW, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Wien; 06-30-2010.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; J. Emhofer, E141-04; F. Hengstberger, E141; M. Küblböck; Enric Pardo, E141; Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Eisterer, J. Emhofer, F. Hengstberger, M. Küblböck, E. Pardo, M. Zehetmayer, H. W. Weber:
"Magnetoscan characterization of coated conductors and Roebel cables";
Talk: Coated Conductors for Applications 2010, Fukuoka, Japan (invited); 10-30-2010.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; J. Emhofer, E141-04; Rainer Prokopec, E141-06

M. Eisterer, J. Emhofer, R. Prokopec:
"Determination of HTS properties after fast neutron irradiation of HTS samples";
Keynote Lecture: Task Planning Meeting, WP13-DAS01-MAG, Garching, Germany; 01-08-2013.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; J. Emhofer, E141-04; S. Sorta, E141; Martin Zehetmayer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Eisterer, J. Emhofer, S. Sorta, M. Zehetmayer, H. W. Weber:
"Connectivity and critical currents in polycrystalline MgB2";
Talk: Int. Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism - ICSM 2008, Side-Antalya, Turkey (invited); 08-27-2008.

Authors: Michael Eisterer, E141-06; J. Emhofer, E141-04; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

M. Eisterer, J. Emhofer, H. W. Weber:
"High temperature superconductors for fusion magnets";
Keynote Lecture: 27th Association Day, Innsbruck, Austria; 06-22-2012.

Authors: J. Emhofer, E141-04; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Enric Pardo, E141; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

J. Emhofer, M. Eisterer, E. Pardo, H. W. Weber:
"Ac flux penetration into coated conductors and two strand Roebel loops";
Talk: 24th International Symposium on Superconductivity, Tokyo, Japan; 10-24-2011 - 10-26-2011.

Authors: J. Emhofer, E141-04; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

J. Emhofer, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"Critical currents of YBCO coated conductors under tensile stress/strain before and after neutron irradiation";
Poster: 22nd International Conference on Magnet Technology (MT22), Marseille, France; 09-12-2011 - 09-16-2011.

Authors: J. Emhofer, E141-04; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

J. Emhofer, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"Stress dependence of the critical currents in neutron irradiated (RE)BCO coated conductors";
Keynote Lecture: Conference on Coated Conductors for Applications (CCA 2012), Heidelberg, Germany; 11-14-2012 - 11-16-2012.

Authors: J. Emhofer, E141-04; F. Hengstberger, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; Stanimira Terzieva, Karlsruhe Instit ...; Wilfried Goldacker, Karlsruhe Instit ...; N.J. Long

J. Emhofer, F. Hengstberger, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber, S. Terzieva, W. Goldacker, N. Long:
"Current and field distribution in meandered coated conductors for Roebel cables";
Poster: Japan-EU Workshop on Superconductivity 2010, Washington, D.C.. USA; 08-02-2010 - 08-06-2010.

Authors: J. Emhofer, E141-04; Enric Pardo, E141; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; A. Stangl; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; M. Staines; R.A. Badcock; N.J. Long

J. Emhofer, E. Pardo, M. Eisterer, A. Stangl, H. W. Weber, M. Staines, R. Badcock, N. Long:
"Frequency dependent coupling losses in a two strand Roebel loop ac loss measurement";
Poster: Superconductivity Centennial Conference (EUCAS-ISEC-ICMC), The Hague, Netherlands; 09-19-2011 - 09-23-2011.

Authors: J. Emhofer, E141-04; A. Stangl; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

J. Emhofer, A. Stangl, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"Frequency dependent coupling losses in two strand Roebel loops and striated Roebel single strands";
Keynote Lecture: Special Workshop on Roebel Cables, Karlsruhe, Germany; 03-22-2012 - 03-23-2012.

Authors: J. Emhofer, E141-04; A. Stangl; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

J. Emhofer, A. Stangl, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"High temperature superconductors for fusion magnets";
Talk: 26. Assoziationstag der Assoziation EURATOM-ÖAW, Leoben, Austria; 11-11-2011.

Authors: Daniel Erdösi, E141-04; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

D. Erdösi, Y. Hasegawa:
"Violation of a Bell-like inequality";
Poster: QCMC 2012 Intl. Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing, Wien; 07-30-2012 - 08-03-2012.

Author: Jacqueline Erhart, E141-04

J. Erhart:
"Error-Disturbance Uncertainty Relation in Successive Spin Measurements";
Talk: Neutronen- und Spinechophysik Gruppenseminar, Universität Heidelberg (invited); 04-16-2012.

Author: Jacqueline Erhart, E141-04

J. Erhart:
"Experimental demonstration of a new uncertainty-relation in neutron spin measurements";
Talk: Seminar für Neutronen- und Quantenphysik, Vienna, Austria; 05-26-2010.

Author: Jacqueline Erhart, E141-04

J. Erhart:
"Experimental demonstration of a universally valid uncertainty-relation";
Talk: Seminar über neue Arbeiten am Institut, Vienna, Austria; 11-23-2010.

Authors: Jacqueline Erhart, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Christoph Gösselsberger, E141-04; M. Horvath, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; S. Nowak; C. Sauerzopf; X. Wang

J. Erhart, H. Abele, Ch. Gösselsberger, M. Horvath, E. Jericha, G. Konrad, S. Nowak, C. Sauerzopf, X. Wang:
"Detector systems for PERC";
Poster: Joint annual meeting of the Swiss and Austrian Federal Physical Society, Switzerland; 06-15-2011 - 06-17-2011.

Authors: Jacqueline Erhart, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Christoph Gösselsberger, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; Xianzun Wang, E141-04

J. Erhart, H. Abele, Ch. Gösselsberger, E. Jericha, G. Konrad, X. Wang:
"Detector Systems for PERC";
Talk: 15. Deutsche Physikerinnentagung, Saarbrücken; 11-03-2011 - 11-06-2011.

Authors: Jacqueline Erhart, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Philip Haiden, E141-04; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04

J. Erhart, H. Abele, P. Haiden, G. Konrad:
"COMSOL-Based Design Studies for the Upcoming Neutron Decay Experiment PERC";
Poster: ASIM TCSE Workshop 2012, Vienna, Austria; 02-13-2012 - 02-14-2012.

Authors: Jacqueline Erhart, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; C. Gösselsberger; M. Horvath, E141-04; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; R. Maix, E141-06; X. Wang; B. Märkisch; U. Schmidt; H. Mest; C. Drescher; C. Roick; W. Heil; Jens Klenke; O. Zimmer; T. Soldner; C. Klausen

J. Erhart, H. Abele, E. Jericha, H. Fillunger, C. Gösselsberger, M. Horvath, G. Konrad, R. Maix, X. Wang, B. Märkisch, U. Schmidt, H. Mest, C. Drescher, C. Roick, W. Heil, J. Klenke, O. Zimmer, T. Soldner, C. Klausen:
"PERC - a clean, bright and versatile source of neutron decay products";
Poster: 7th European Winter School on Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation, Planneralm, Austria; 03-06-2011 - 03-12-2011.

Author: Jacqueline Erhart, E141-04

J. Erhart et al.:
"The future neutron beta decay facility PERC";
Talk: ÖPG/SPS Jahrestagung 2013, Linz; 09-03-2013 - 09-06-2013.

Authors: Jacqueline Erhart, E141-04; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; Christoph Gösselsberger, E141-04; Stefan Haas, E141-04; Philip Haiden, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Michael Klopf, E141-04; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; R. Maix, E141-06; Martin Moser, E141-04; Xianzun Wang, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

J. Erhart, H. Fillunger, Ch. Gösselsberger, S Haas, P. Haiden, E. Jericha, M. Klopf, G. Konrad, R. Maix, M. Moser, X. Wang, H. Abele:
"PERC: The future neutron beta decay facility";
Poster: Symposium "Research at European Neutron and Synchrotron facilities", Vienna, Austria; 11-11-2013 - 11-12-2013.

More information

Authors: Jacqueline Erhart, E141-04; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; Christoph Gösselsberger, E141-04; Stefan Haas, E141-04; Philip Haiden, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; R. Maix, E141-06; Martin Moser, E141-04; Xianzun Wang, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

J. Erhart, H. Fillunger, Ch. Gösselsberger, S Haas, P. Haiden, E. Jericha, G. Konrad, R. Maix, M. Moser, X. Wang, H. Abele:
"The new facility PERC: Vienna progress report";
Poster: 2012 TRIUMF Summer Institute (TSI) and 2012 US Summer School on Fundamental Neutron Physics, TRIUMF, Vancouver; 08-06-2012 - 08-17-2012.

Authors: Jacqueline Erhart, E141-04; Philip Haiden, E141-04

J. Erhart, P. Haiden:
"COMSOL-Based Design Studies for the Upcoming Neutron Decay Experiment PERC";
Poster: 7th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling, Vienna, Austria; 02-15-2012 - 02-17-2012.

More information

Authors: Jacqueline Erhart, E141-04; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; Xianzun Wang, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

J. Erhart, G. Konrad, X. Wang, H. Abele:
"Momentum Analysis in PERC";
Poster: 62nd Annual Meeting of the Austrian Physical Society, Graz; 09-18-2012 - 09-21-2012.

Authors: Jacqueline Erhart, E141-04; Stephan Sponar, E141-04; Georg Sulyok, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; M. Ozawa; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

J. Erhart, St. Sponar, G. Sulyok, G. Badurek, M. Ozawa, Y. Hasegawa:
"A universally valid uncertainty relation demonstrated by successive spin-measurements";
Poster: 2011 Einsteins in the City, New York, USA; 04-14-2011 - 04-15-2011.

Authors: Jacqueline Erhart, E141-04; Stephan Sponar, E141-04; Georg Sulyok, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; M. Ozawa; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

J. Erhart, St. Sponar, G. Sulyok, G. Badurek, M. Ozawa, Y. Hasegawa:
"Experimental confirmation of a universally valid uncertainty relation for error and disturbance in spin-measurements";
Poster: 14. Deutsche Physikerinnentagung 2010, München, Germany; 11-04-2010 - 11-07-2010.

Authors: Jacqueline Erhart, E141-04; Stephan Sponar, E141-04; G. Sulyok; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; M. Ozawa; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

J. Erhart, St. Sponar, G. Sulyok, G. Badurek, M. Ozawa, Y. Hasegawa:
"Experimental confirmation of a universally valid uncertainty relation for error and disturbance in spin-measurements";
Poster: 60. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (ÖPG), Salzburg; 09-07-2010.

Authors: Jacqueline Erhart, E141-04; Stephan Sponar, E141-04; Georg Sulyok, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; M. Ozawa; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

J. Erhart, St. Sponar, G. Sulyok, G. Badurek, M. Ozawa, Y. Hasegawa:
"Experimental confirmation of a universally valid uncertainty relation for error and disturbance in spin-measurements";
Poster: NESY Winterschool, Planneralm, Austria; 03-06-2011 - 03-12-2011.

Authors: Jacqueline Erhart, E141-04; Xianzun Wang, E141-04; Carmen Ziener, Universität Heid ...

J. Erhart, X. Wang, C. Ziener et al.:
"Magnetic field studies for the upcoming PERC";
Talk: Status Meeting zum DFG Schwerpunktprogramm 1491, Frauenchiemsee; 03-13-2012 - 03-16-2012.

Authors: T.E.O. Ericson; A.N. Ivanov, E141-04

T.E.O. Ericson, A. Ivanov:
"Isospin breaking in &#960;N scattering at threshold by radiative processes";
Talk: PANIC05, Particles and Nuclei Int. Conf., Santa Fe (USA); 10-24-2005 - 10-28-2005.

Authors: A. Fabich; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Friedrich Aumayr, E134-03; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; M. Benedikt; Michael Hajek, E141-05; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; P. Kienle; M. Krammer, E141; J. Marton; E. Widmann; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

A. Fabich, H. Leeb, F. Aumayr, G. Badurek, M. Benedikt, M. Hajek, E. Jericha, P. Kienle, M. Krammer, J. Marton, E. Widmann, H. W. Weber:
"Physics Research Opportunities at MedAustron";
Talk: 59. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Innsbruck; 09-02-2009 - 09-04-2009.

Authors: A. Fabich; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Friedrich Aumayr, E134-03; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; M. Benedikt; Michael Hajek, E141-05; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; P. Kienle; M. Krammer, E141; J. Marton; E. Widmann; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

A. Fabich, H. Leeb, F. Aumayr, G. Badurek, M. Benedikt, M. Hajek, E. Jericha, P. Kienle, M. Krammer, J. Marton, E. Widmann, H. W. Weber:
"Physics Research Opportunities at MedAustron";
Talk: Joint Annual meeting of the Austrian and Swiss Federal Physical Society, Inssbruck; 09-2009 - 09-04-2009.

Authors: P. Facchi; S. Pascacio; Helmut Rauch, E141-04; M. Suda

P. Facchi, S. Pascacio, H. Rauch, M. Suda:
"Wigner Function, Decoherence and Fluctuations in Neutron Optics";
Talk: Wigner Centennial Conf., Pecs (Hungary); 07-08-2002 - 07-12-2002.

Authors: P. Fierlinger; P. Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

P. Fierlinger, P. Geltenbort, H. Rauch:
"Ultra-High Absorption Cross Section of Ultra-cold Neutrons ";
Talk: 4th Int. Workshop "Ultra Cold & Cold Neutrons: Physics and Sources, St. Petersburg (Russia); 06-16-2003 - 06-21-2003.

Authors: Stefan Filipp, E141; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Rudolf Loidl, E141; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

S. Filipp, Y. Hasegawa, R. Loidl, H. Rauch:
"Noncyclic geometric phase due to spatial evolution in a neutron";
Talk: SFB Quantum Control and Measurement Meeting, Innsbruck (Österreich); 01-26-2006 - 01-27-2006.

Authors: Stefan Filipp, E141; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Rudolf Loidl, E141; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

S. Filipp, Y. Hasegawa, R. Loidl, H. Rauch:
"Recent experiments on geometric phase measurements with neutrons";
Talk: 55. Jahrestagung der Österr. Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Wien (Österreich); 10-27-2005.

Authors: Stefan Filipp, E141; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Rudolf Loidl, E141; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

S. Filipp, Y. Hasegawa, R. Loidl, H. Rauch:
"Spatial Geometric Phase in Neutron Interferometry";
Talk: Non-local Seminar, Bratislav (Slowakei); 11-18-2005.

Authors: Stefan Filipp, E141; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Rudolf Loidl, E141; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

S. Filipp, Y. Hasegawa, R. Loidl, H. Rauch:
"Spatial Geometric Phase in Neutron Interferometry and Decoherence Properties";
Poster: Workshop on Noise and Instabilities in Quantum Mechanics, Trieste (Italy); 10-05-2005.

Authors: Stefan Filipp, E141; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Rudolf Loidl, E141; Erik Sjöqvist; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

S. Filipp, Y. Hasegawa, R. Loidl, E. Sjöqvist, H. Rauch:
"Quantum Geometric Phase: Off-diagonal Extensions, Neutron Interferometry and Decoherence";
Talk: Einsteins in the City - Junior Research Conference, City College New York, New York (USA); 04-11-2005.

Authors: Stefan Filipp, E141; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Rudolf Loidl, E141; Erik Sjöqvist; D.M. Tong; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

S. Filipp, Y. Hasegawa, R. Loidl, E. Sjöqvist, D.M. Tong, H. Rauch:
"Quantum Geometric Phase: Off-diagonal Extensions, Neutron Interferometry and Decoherence";
Poster: Obergurgl Meeting - 2005, Obergurgl (Österreich); 03-04-2005.

Authors: Stefan Filipp, E141; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Rudolf Loidl, E141; Erik Sjöqvist; D.M. Tong; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

S. Filipp, Y. Hasegawa, R. Loidl, E. Sjöqvist, D.M. Tong, H. Rauch:
"Quantum Geometric Phase: Off-diagonal Extensions, Neutron Interferometry and Decoherence";
Poster: SFB - Quantum Control and Measurement - Hearing, Innsbruck (Österreich); 01-18-2005.

Authors: Stefan Filipp, E141; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

S. Filipp, Y. Hasegawa, H. Rauch:
"Doubts that it works";
Talk: Joint Workshop on Tailoring neutron beams at small and medium sized neutron sources & Neutronanti-bunching, Atominstitut Wien; 03-06-2008 - 03-08-2008.

Authors: Stefan Filipp, E141; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

S. Filipp, Y. Hasegawa, H. Rauch:
"Geometric Phases in Neutron Optics";
Talk: SFB-ADLIS Workshop 2007, Schloss Goldegg, Salzburg; 02-25-2007.

Authors: Stefan Filipp, E141; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

S. Filipp, Y. Hasegawa, H. Rauch:
"Phases and Entanglement in Neutron Interference Experiments";
Talk: Conf. on Quantum Mechanics: From Fundamental Problems to Applications, Bertinoro (Italy); 12-07-2006.

Authors: Stefan Filipp, E141; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

S. Filipp, Y. Hasegawa, H. Rauch:
"Spatial non-cyclic geometric phase in neutron interferometry";
Talk: Int. Conf. Precision Measurements with Slow Neutrons, NIST, Gaithersburg (USA); 04-05-2004 - 04-07-2004.

Authors: Stefan Filipp, E141; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

S. Filipp, Y. Hasegawa, H. Rauch:
"Split-beam experiment to test the non-cyclic spatial geometric phase ";
Talk: Seminarvortrag am Atominstitut, Wien; 11-23-2003.

Authors: Stefan Filipp, E141; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

S. Filipp, Y. Hasegawa, H. Rauch:
"Stability of the Geometric Phase - Potential Experimental Realization";
Talk: EDM-Collaboration Meeting, ILL Grenoble (France); 07-09-2005.

Author: Hanno Filter, E141-04

H. Filter:
"Lloyd-Interferometer for Slow Neutrons and Spatial Neutron Detection";
Poster: International Workshop on Particle Physics at Neutron Sources, PPNS-2018, Grenoble, France; 05-24-2018 - 05-26-2018.

Authors: Hanno Filter, E141-04; Thomas Bittner; Gunther Cronenberg, E141-04; Katharina Durstberger-Rennhofer, E141-04; Peter Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; Tobias Jenke, E141-04; Kevin Mitsch; Martin Thalhammer, E134-03; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Filter, T. Bittner, G. Cronenberg, K. Durstberger-Rennhofer, P. Geltenbort, T. Jenke, K. Mitsch, M. Thalhammer, H. Abele:
"Measurement scenario for the Neutron charge within qBounce";
Talk: DPG 2012, Göttingen, Germany; 02-27-2012 - 03-02-2012.

Authors: Hanno Filter, E141-04; Thomas Bittner; Gunther Cronenberg, E141-04; Peter Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; Tobias Jenke, E141-04; Kevin Mitsch; Martin Thalhammer, E134-03; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Filter, T. Bittner, G. Cronenberg, P. Geltenbort, T. Jenke, K. Mitsch, M. Thalhammer, H. Abele:
"Gravity - Resonance - Spectroscopy (GRS) Technique with UCN";
Poster: DPG 2012, Göttingen, Germany; 02-27-2012 - 03-02-2012.

Authors: Hanno Filter, E141-04; Gunther Cronenberg, E141-04; Peter Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; J. Herzinger; Tobias Jenke, E141-04; Tobias Rechberger, E141-04; M. Thalhammer; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Filter, G. Cronenberg, P. Geltenbort, J. Herzinger, T. Jenke, T. Rechberger, M. Thalhammer, H. Abele:
"Preparing a measurement of the charge of the free neutron with qBounce 20";
Keynote Lecture: GRANIT 2014-Workshop, Les Houches, France; 03-04-2014.

Authors: Hanno Filter, E141-04; Gunther Cronenberg, E141-04; Peter Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; J. Herzinger; Tobias Jenke, E141-04; Tobias Rechberger, E141-04; M. Thalhammer; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Filter, G. Cronenberg, P. Geltenbort, J. Herzinger, T. Jenke, T. Rechberger, M. Thalhammer, H. Abele:
"Preparing a measurement of the charge of the free neutron with qBounce 20";
Keynote Lecture: DPG Frühjahrstagung 2014, Berlin, Germany; 03-20-2014.

Authors: Hanno Filter, E141-04; Gunther Cronenberg, E141-04; Tobias Jenke, E141-04; Katharina Durstberger-Rennhofer, E141-04; Peter Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Filter, G. Cronenberg, T. Jenke, K. Durstberger-Rennhofer, P. Geltenbort, H. Abele:
"Preparing a Measurement of the Charge of the free Neutron within qBounce";
Poster: PSI 2013 Workshop, Villingen, Switzerland; 09-08-2013 - 09-13-2013.

Authors: Hanno Filter, E141-04; Gunther Cronenberg, E141-04; Tobias Jenke, E141-04; Katharina Durstberger-Rennhofer, E141-04; Peter Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Filter, G. Cronenberg, T. Jenke, K. Durstberger-Rennhofer, P. Geltenbort, H. Abele:
"Preparing a Measurement of the Charge of the free Neutron within qBounce";
Poster: Symposium "Research at European Neutron and Synchrotron facilities", Vienna, Austria; 11-11-2013 - 11-12-2013.

Authors: Hanno Filter, E141-04; Matthias Heumesser, E141-04; Gunther Cronenberg, E141-04; Tatsuro Oda; Masahiro Hino; Peter Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Filter, M. Heumesser, G. Cronenberg, T. Oda, M. Hino, P. Geltenbort, H. Abele:
"Setup and Simulation of a Very-Cold Neutron Lloyd-Interferometer";
Poster: From the Vacuum to the Universe (2016), Kitzbühel, Österreich; 06-26-2016 - 07-01-2016.

Authors: Hanno Filter, E141-04; Matthias Heumesser, E141-04; Gunther Cronenberg, E141-04; T. Oda; M. Hino; Peter Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Filter, M. Heumesser, G. Cronenberg, T. Oda, M. Hino, P. Geltenbort, H. Abele:
"Setup and Simulation of a Very-Cold Neutron Lloyd-Interferometer";
Poster: ÖPG Jahrestagung 2017, Geneva, Switzerland; 08-21-2017 - 08-25-2017.

Authors: U. Fittschen; S. Hauschild; M.A. Amberger; Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04; Christina Streli, E141-05; S. Förster; Peter Wobrauschek, E141-05; C. Jokubonis, E141; Giancarlo Pepponi; G. Falkenberg; J.A. Broekaert

U. Fittschen, S. Hauschild, M.A. Amberger, H. Lemmel, C. Streli, S. Förster, P. Wobrauschek, C. Jokubonis, G. Pepponi, G. Falkenberg, J.A. Broekaert:
"Pico-Droplets (pL) for direct calibration in SRTXRF";
Talk: Satellite Meeting "X-Ray Fluorescence and Applications at Beamline L 2006, HASYLAB Hamburg (Deutschland); 01-26-2006.

Authors: U. Fittschen; S. Hauschild; M.A. Amberger; Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04; Christina Streli, E141-05; S. Förster; Peter Wobrauschek, E141-05; C. Jokubonis, E141; Giancarlo Pepponi; G. Falkenberg; J.A. Broekaert

U. Fittschen, S. Hauschild, M.A. Amberger, H. Lemmel, C. Streli, S. Förster, P. Wobrauschek, C. Jokubonis, G. Pepponi, G. Falkenberg, J.A. Broekaert:
"Pico-Droplets (pL) for direct calibration in SRTXRF";
Poster: Hasylab User Meeting, HASYLAB Hamburg (Deutschland); 01-27-2006.

Authors: R. Fuger, E141; J. Emhofer, E141-04; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

R. Fuger, J. Emhofer, M. Eisterer, H. W. Weber:
"High-temperature superconductors for fusion magnets";
Talk: Assoziationstag EURATOM-ÖAW, Wien; 06-05-2009.

Author: Hermann Geppert, E141-04

H. Geppert:
"Neutron Interferometry: A Window into the Quantum World";
Keynote Lecture: Seminarvortrag, Los Alamos, USA; 11-04-2013.

Author: Christoph Gösselsberger, E141-04

Ch. Gösselsberger:
"Ein Neutronenspinresonator zur Erzeugung Wellenlängen-selektierter Neutronenpulse";
Talk: Neutronen- und Spinechophysik Gruppenseminar, Universität Heidelberg (invited); 06-25-2012.

More information

Author: Christoph Gösselsberger, E141-04

Ch. Gösselsberger:
"Spin-Flipping system for PERC";
Talk: SPP 1491 Kick-off Meeting 2010, Freising, Deutschland; 04-21-2010.

Authors: Christoph Gösselsberger, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Tina Gerstmayr, E141-04; Sarah Gumpenberger, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Sebastian Nowak, E141-04; Maximilian Zach

Ch. Gösselsberger, H. Abele, G. Badurek, T. Gerstmayr, S. Gumpenberger, E. Jericha, S. Nowak, Max Zach:
"Neutron pulse tailoring by means of a spatial magnetic spin resonator";
Poster: Science & Scientists @ ESS 2012, Berlin; 04-19-2012 - 04-20-2012.

More information

Authors: Christoph Gösselsberger, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04

Ch. Gösselsberger, H. Abele, G. Badurek, E. Jericha:
"Design of a novel pulsed spin resonator for the beta-decay experiment PERC";
Poster: PSI2010 Physics of fundamental symmetries and interactions, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Schweiz; 10-11-2010 - 10-14-2010.

Authors: Christoph Gösselsberger, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; W. Mach; S. Nowak; T. Rechberger

Ch. Gösselsberger, H. Abele, G. Badurek, E. Jericha, W. Mach, S. Nowak, T. Rechberger:
"Neutron beam tailoring by means of a novel pulsed spatial magnetic spin resonator";
Poster: ECNS 2011, Prag, Tschechien; 07-17-2011 - 07-23-2011.

Authors: Christoph Gösselsberger, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Sebastian Nowak, E141-04

Ch. Gösselsberger, H. Abele, G. Badurek, E. Jericha, S. Nowak:
"Neutron pulse tailoring by means of a spatial magnetic spin resonator";
Talk: JCNS Workshop 2011 Trends and Perspectives in Neutron Instrumentation - From Continuous to Spallation Sources, Tutzing, DE; 10-04-2011 - 10-07-2011.

More information

Authors: Christoph Gösselsberger, E141-04; Michael Bacak, E141-04; Tina Gerstmayr, E141-04; Sarah Gumpenberger, E141-04; Andreas Hawlik, E141-04; Bernhard Hinterleitner, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Sebastian Nowak, E141-04; Andreas Welzl, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04

Ch. Gösselsberger, M. Bacak, T. Gerstmayr, S. Gumpenberger, A. Hawlik, B. Hinterleitner, E. Jericha, S. Nowak, A. Welzl, G. Badurek:
"Wavelength-selected neutron pulses formed by a spatial magnetic neutron spin resonator";
Poster: Polarised Neutrons in Condensed Matter Investigations, PNCMI 2012, Paris, Frankreich; 07-02-2012 - 07-05-2012.

More information

Authors: Christoph Gösselsberger, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04

Ch. Gösselsberger, G. Badurek, E. Jericha:
"Development of a Travelling-Wave Mode Neutron Spin Resonator & Progress of USANSPOL";
Talk: NMI3 JRA and General Assembly Meeting, Garching; 12-04-2012 - 12-06-2012.

Authors: Christoph Gösselsberger, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04

Ch. Gösselsberger, G. Badurek, E. Jericha:
"Ein Neutronenspinresonator zur Erzeugung Wellenlängen-selektierter Neutronenpulse";
Talk: 62nd Annual Meeting of the Austrian Physical Society, Graz; 09-18-2012 - 09-21-2012.

Authors: Christoph Gösselsberger, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04

Ch. Gösselsberger, E. Jericha:
"Neutron pulse tailoring by means of a spatial magnetic spin resonator";
Talk: Status Meeting zum DFG Schwerpunktprogramm 1491, Frauenchiemsee, Germany; 03-13-2012 - 03-16-2012.

Authors: F. Grass, E141-05; G. P. Westphal, E141-05; R. Gwozdz; Johannes H. Sterba, E141-05; Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04

F. Grass, G. P. Westphal, R. Gwozdz, J.H. Sterba, H. Lemmel:
"Total Activation Analysis of Enlarged Samples";
Talk: IAEA Technical Meeting: Large Sample NAA, Wien (Österreich); 2005.

Authors: F. Gunsing; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Heinz Oberhummer, E141-03; - nTOF Collaboration

F. Gunsing, E. Jericha, G. Badurek, H. Leeb, H. Oberhummer, -. nTOF Collaboration:
"Neutron Capture Measurements at the CERN-nTOF Facilities for ADS Applications";
Talk: 11th Int. Symp. on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics, Pruhonice/Prag (CZ); 09-20-2002.

Author: Philip Haiden, E141-04

P. Haiden:
"Magnetfeldsimulationen mit COMSOL Multiphysics";
Talk: Group seminar Prof. Abele, Vienna, Austria; 03-22-2012.

Authors: Philip Haiden, E141-04; Jacqueline Erhart, E141-04; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; M. Horvath, E141-04; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; Martin Moser, E141-04; Xianzun Wang, E141-04; Carmen Ziener, Universität Heid ...; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

P. Haiden, J. Erhart, H. Fillunger, M. Horvath, G. Konrad, M. Moser, X. Wang, C. Ziener, H. Abele et al.:
"Design of the Magnetic Shielding for PERC";
Poster: DPG spring meeting 2013 (Hadronic and Nuclear Physics), Dresden; 03-04-2013 - 03-08-2013.

More information

Authors: Philip Haiden, E141-04; Jacqueline Erhart, E141-04; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; M. Horvath, E141-04; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; Stefan Schwarz, E141-04; Xianzun Wang, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

P. Haiden, J. Erhart, H. Fillunger, M. Horvath, G. Konrad, S Schwarz, X. Wang, H. Abele:
"Design of the Magnetic Shielding for PERC";
Poster: 62nd Annual Meeting of the Austrian Physical Society, Graz; 09-18-2012 - 09-21-2012.

Authors: F. Hameed, E141; Helmut Rauch, E141-04; Andreas Rohatsch, E220-01; Michael Zawisky, E141-04

F. Hameed, H. Rauch, A. Rohatsch, M. Zawisky:
"Upgrading and applications of the neutron imaging facility at a low power research reactor";
Talk: The 57tz annual convention of ÖPG (Austrian Physics Society), Danube University Krems; 09-25-2007.

Authors: F. Hameed, E141; B. Schillinger; Andreas Rohatsch, E220-01; Michael Zawisky, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

F. Hameed, B. Schillinger, A. Rohatsch, M. Zawisky, H. Rauch:
"Investigations of stone consolidants by neutron imaging";
Talk: 6th International Topical Meeting on Neutron Radiography, Kobe, Japan; 09-14-2008 - 09-18-2008.

More information

Authors: F. Hameed, E141; Michael Zawisky, E141-04

F. Hameed, M. Zawisky:
"Neutronentomographische Untersuchungen von Kalksandsteinen aus der Fasade von St. Stephan";
Poster: 56. Jahrestagung der Österr. Physikalischen Gesellschaft (ÖPG), TU Graz, Graz; 09-18-2006 - 09-21-2006.

Authors: Ch. Hartl, E141; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04

Ch. Hartl, G. Badurek, E. Jericha:
"Generalized magnetic field setup for dynamical neutron polarization";
Poster: PNCMI 2006, Berlin (Deutschland); 09-27-2006.

Authors: Ch. Hartl, E141; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04

Ch. Hartl, G. Badurek, E. Jericha:
"Verlustlose Polarisation von Neutronen: Generalisierte Magnetfeldkonfiguration";
Talk: 56. Jahrestagung der Österr. Physikalischen Gesellschaft (ÖPG), Graz; 09-20-2006.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Beyond Heisenberg's uncertainty principle: error-disturbance uncertainty relation studied in neutron's successive spin-measurements";
Keynote Lecture: Physics Colloquium, Munich, Germany; 05-21-2013.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Counter-intuitive phenomena in quantum mechanics emerging in matter-wave optical experiments";
Keynote Lecture: 6th International Conference on New Frontiers in physics, Quantum Foundations and Quantum Information (2017), Crete, Greece (invited); 08-23-2017 - 08-25-2017.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Counter-intuitive phenomena in quantum mechanics studied with neutrons";
Keynote Lecture: QIT 31, Sendai, Japan (invited); 11-17-2014 - 11-18-2014.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Die seltsame Welt der Quantenmechanik: zum Problem der Ergänzung und Erneuerung der Heisenbergsche Unschärferelation und der Stand der gegenwärtigen experimentellen Quantenphysik";
Keynote Lecture: Seminar, Vienna, Austria; 05-22-2014.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Error-disturbance uncertainty relation studied in successive spin-measurements";
Keynote Lecture: Quantum Theory: Reconsideration of Foundations-6 (QTRF-6), Växjö, Sweden (invited); 06-11-2012 - 06-14-2012.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Error-disturbance uncertainty relation studied in successive spin-measurements";
Keynote Lecture: QCMC 2012 Intl. Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing, Wien; 07-30-2012 - 08-03-2012.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Error-disturbance uncertainty relations à la physical and information-theoretical approaches tested with neutrons";
Keynote Lecture: 6th Nagoya Winter Workshop on Reality and Measurement in Algebraic Quantum Theory, Nagoya, Japan (invited); 03-09-2015 - 03-13-2015.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Experimental studies of foundation of quantum mechanics";
Keynote Lecture: Nanoscience and quantum physics special seminar 2016, Tokyo, Japan; 01-28-2016.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Foundation of quantum mechanics explored with neutrons";
Keynote Lecture: Seminar, Hiroshima, Japan; 02-13-2015.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Foundation of quantum mechanics explored with neutrons";
Keynote Lecture: Seminar, Okazaki, Japan; 02-16-2015.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Foundation of quantum mechanics explored with neutrons";
Keynote Lecture: Seminar, Nagoya, Japan; 02-20-2015.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Foundation of quantum mechanics studied in matter-wave optics - Quantum Cheshire-Cat and uncertainty relations -";
Keynote Lecture: International Conference on Quantum Physics and Nuclear Engineering 2016, London, GB (invited); 03-14-2016 - 03-16-2016.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Foundation of quantum mechanics studied with neutron matter-waves";
Keynote Lecture: Applied Physics Seminar 2016, Sapporo, Japan; 02-08-2016.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Foundation of quantum mechanics studied with neutron matter-waves";
Keynote Lecture: IRC Seminar 2016, Kyoto, Japan; 02-09-2016.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Fundamental phenomena in quantum mechanics revealed by neutron optical experiments";
Keynote Lecture: 5rd Nagoya Winter Workshop on Quantum Information, Measurement, and Quantum Foundations-2014, Nagoya, Japan (invited); 03-03-2014 - 03-07-2014.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Fundamental phenomena in quantum mechanics studied in matter-wave optical setup - Quantum Cheshire-Cat and revised uncertainty relation";
Keynote Lecture: ISNFQC 2018, Kolkata, India (invited); 01-29-2018 - 02-02-2018.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Fundamental phenomena in quantum mechanics studied with neutrons";
Keynote Lecture: Discussion Meeting on Quantum Measurements, Bangalore, India (invited); 10-22-2014 - 10-24-2014.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Fundamental phenomena of quantum mechanics studied with matter-wave (neutron) optical setup";
Keynote Lecture: Seminar Talk, Budapest, Hungary; 11-29-2017.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Neutron Interferometer Experiments at Atominstitut: status quo";
Keynote Lecture: Quantum forever, Symposium to honor H. Rauch´s 80th birthday and the designation of the Atominsitut as an EPS historic site (2019), Vienna, Austria (invited); 05-22-2019.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Neutron optical studies of fundamental phenomena in quantum mechanics";
Keynote Lecture: Seminar, Nagoya, Japan; 02-20-2014.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Neutron optical studies of fundamental phenomena of quantum mechanics";
Keynote Lecture: Symposium "Research at European Neutron and Synchrotron facilities", Vienna, Austria; 11-11-2013 - 11-12-2013.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Neutron optical studies of fundamental phenomena of quantum mechanics";
Keynote Lecture: EmQM13, Vienna, Austria (invited); 10-03-2013 - 10-06-2013.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Neutron optical tests of fundamental issues in quantum mechanics";
Keynote Lecture: 3rd Nagoya Winter Workshop on Quantum Information, Measurement and Quantum Foundations, Nagoya, Japan (invited); 02-14-2012 - 02-17-2012.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Neutron optical tests of fundamental issues in quantum mechanics";
Keynote Lecture: KEK Workshop, Recent Issues and Prospects on Quantum Theory, Tsukuba, Japan (invited); 03-16-2012 - 03-17-2012.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Neutron optical tests of fundamental issues in quantum mechanics";
Keynote Lecture: 7th Conference on theory of quantum computation, communication and cryptography (TQC), Tokyo, Japan (invited); 05-17-2012 - 05-19-2012.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Observability of quantum dynamics via weak values";
Keynote Lecture: KEK Workshop 2016, Tsukuba, Japan (invited); 02-17-2016 - 02-18-2016.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Optical studies of entanglements in a single-particle system";
Talk: FOMO 2010, Kreta (invited); 04-06-2010 - 04-11-2010.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Optical studies of intra-partite entanglement in neutrons";
Keynote Lecture: Fourth Nagoya Winter Workshop on Quantum Information 2013, Nagoya, Japan (invited); 02-18-2013 - 03-22-2013.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Quantum Cheshire-cat and weak values investigated with netron's matter waves";
Keynote Lecture: Quantum theory: problems to advances, Vaxjo, Sweden (invited); 06-09-2014 - 06-12-2014.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Quantum Cheshire-Cat in a double slit experiment with neutrons";
Keynote Lecture: Seminar, Sapporo, Japan; 01-28-2016.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Quantum contextuality and Kochen-Specker phenomena studied by neutrons";
Talk: ILL College 3 Seminar, Grenoble; 11-10-2009.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Quantum Contextuality in Neutron Interferometer Experiments ";
Talk: Seminarvortrag - Inst. of Physical and Chemical Research, Riken (Japan); 01-17-2003.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Quantum Contextuality in Neutron Interferometer Experiments ";
Talk: COE Seminar, Inst. of Technology, Tokyo (Japan); 01-06-2004.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Quantum Contextuality in Neutron Interferometer Experiments ";
Talk: Seminar am Hahn-Meitner Institut, Berlin (Deutschland); 02-04-2004.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Quantum Contextuality in Single-Neutron Interferoemter Experiments";
Talk: Precision Measurements with slow neutrons, NIST Gaithersburg, MD (USA); 04-05-2004 - 04-07-2004.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Quantum contextuality studied with neutrons --- Kochen-Specker theorem";
Talk: Neutron Optics, NOP 2010, Alpe d'Huez, France; 03-17-2010 - 03-19-2010.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Quantum Mechanical Phenomena Studied with Neutrons";
Talk: Nagoya Winter Workshop on Quantum Information, Measurement, and Quantum Foundations, Nagoya University, Nagoya (invited); 02-18-2010 - 02-24-2010.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Quantum mechanics studied with polarized neutrons";
Talk: Polarized Neutrons in Condensed Matter Investigations, Delft, Netherlands; 07-05-2010 - 07-08-2010.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Quantum mechanics studied with polarized neutrons";
Talk: PRESTO Workshop, Tokyo, Japan; 12-06-2010 - 12-07-2010.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Quantum optical phenomena studied with neutrons";
Talk: NII Seminar, National Institute of informatics, Tokyo (invited); 02-15-2010.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Quantum Optical Phenomena Studied with Neutrons"";
Talk: Neutrino, Neutron, Nuclear, Medical and Muon Physics at ESS, Lund (invited); 12-02-2009 - 12-04-2009.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Quantum Paradox emerging in matter-wave interferometer experiments";
Keynote Lecture: QMNH 2018, Tsukuba, Japan (invited); 02-21-2018 - 02-22-2018.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Quantum Paradox emerging in matter-wave interferometer experiments";
Keynote Lecture: New perspective of weak value and weak measurement (2019), Tsukuba, Japan (invited); 03-10-2019 - 03-11-2019.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Quantum paradoxes emerging in matter-wave interferometer experiments";
Keynote Lecture: International Conference on Concept and paradoxes in a quantum universe (2016), Waterloo, Canada (invited); 06-20-2016 - 06-24-2016.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Residual uncertainties: experimental rests of error/noise-disturbance uncertainty relations in various forms";
Keynote Lecture: 35th Quantum Information Technology Symposium (QIT35) (2016), Tsukuba, Japan (invited); 11-24-2016 - 11-25-2016.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Stopped Light";
Talk: SFB Meeting, Wien; 05-23-2003.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Three resources for recent neutron optical investigations";
Keynote Lecture: JQI Workshop (2016), Maryland, USA (invited); 09-30-2016 - 10-02-2016.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Uncertain relation studied in neutron's successive spin-measurements";
Keynote Lecture: COST-Meeting, Msida, Malta; 04-24-2012 - 04-27-2012.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Uncertainty relation studied in neutron's successive spin-measurements";
Keynote Lecture: J-PARC Seminar, Tokai, Japan; 02-06-2012.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Uncertainty relation studied in neutron's successive spin-measurements";
Keynote Lecture: Innovation and NISHINA-Center Seminar, Saitama, Japan; 02-07-2012.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Uncertainty relation studied in neutron's successive spin-measurements";
Keynote Lecture: COE Seminar, Tokyo, Japan; 02-08-2012.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Uncertainty relation studied in neutron's successive spin-measurements";
Keynote Lecture: Physics Seminar, Osaka, Japan; 02-20-2012.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Uncertainty relation studied in neutron's successive spin-measurements";
Keynote Lecture: COE Seminar, Kyoto, Japan; 02-21-2012.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Uncertainty relation studied in neutron's successive spin-measurements";
Keynote Lecture: Physics Seminar, Kyushu, Japan; 05-15-2012.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Uncertainty relation studied in neutron's successive spin-measurements";
Keynote Lecture: Physics Colloquium, Okayama, Japan; 02-25-2013.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Violation of a Bell-like Inequality in Single-Neutron Interferometer Experiments ";
Talk: FAKT 2003 (Österr. Physikal. Gesellschaft), Wolfgangsee, Oberösterreich; 10-03-2003 - 10-04-2003.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Violation of a Bell-like Inequality in SIngle-Neutron Interferometer Experiments: Quantum Contextuality ";
Talk: Seminarvortrag am Atominstitut, Wien; 12-01-2003.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Violation of Bell-like Inequality with neutrons: quantum contextuality ";
Talk: Mysteries, Puzzles and Paradoxes in Quantum Mechanics 2003, Gargnano, Gardasee (Italy); 09-01-2003 - 09-05-2003.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Violation of Bell-Type Inequality in Single-Neutron Interferometry";
Talk: Waseda Int. Symp. on Fundamental Physics,, Tokyo (Japan); 11-12-2002 - 11-15-2002.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Violation of Bell-Type Inequality in Single-Neutron Interferometry";
Talk: 10th. Central-European Workshop on Quantum Optics, Rostock-Warnemünde (Deutschland); 04-04-2003 - 04-07-2003.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Violation of Heisenberg's uncertainty relation found with neutrons";
Keynote Lecture: UNVJ (United Nation in Vienna, Japanese community) Seminar, Vienna, Austria; 10-19-2012.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Wave optics with neutrons";
Talk: Special cooperative program Meeting `Fundamental physics and small angle scattering using neutrons´, Tokai (invited); 01-06-2009 - 01-07-2009.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Weak values and quantum Cheshire-Cat in neutron optical experiments";
Keynote Lecture: Nanoscience and quantum physics special seminar-2014, Tokyo, Japan; 02-27-2014.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Weak values in double-slit experiments with neutrons";
Keynote Lecture: Seminar, Tsukuba, Japan; 02-03-2015.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Weak values in neutron interferometer experiment";
Keynote Lecture: Seminar, Tsukuba, Japan; 07-15-2015.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Weak values of neutrons in double-slit experiments";
Keynote Lecture: Kick-off Meeting of the integrated science project, Tokyo, Japan; 11-21-2014.

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Weak-values and quantum Cheshire-cat revealed by matter-wave interferometer experiments";
Keynote Lecture: International Workshop on Weak Value and Weak Measurement, Tokyo, Japan (invited); 03-19-2015 - 03-20-2015.

Authors: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Matthias Baron, E141; Stefan Filipp, E141; J. Klepp, E141; Rudolf Loidl, E141; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa, G. Badurek, M. Baron, S. Filipp, J. Klepp, R. Loidl, H. Rauch:
"Spin-Path Entanglement in Neutron Interferometer Experiments";
Poster: The ILL Millenium Symposium, Grenoble (France); 04-27-2006 - 04-29-2006.

Authors: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Stefan Filipp, E141; J. Klepp, E141; Rudolf Loidl, E141; Stephan Sponar, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa, G. Badurek, S. Filipp, J. Klepp, R. Loidl, St. Sponar, H. Rauch:
"Multi-entanglement in a single-neutron system";
Poster: 4th American Conference on Neutron Scattering (ACNS2008), Santa Fe, USA; 05-11-2008 - 05-15-2008.

Authors: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; J. Klepp, E141; Rudolf Loidl, E141; Stephan Sponar, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa, G. Badurek, J. Klepp, R. Loidl, St. Sponar, H. Rauch:
"Neutron as a quantum system: exploring multi-entanglement in a single-neutron system";
Poster: 3rd Vienna symposium on the Foundation of Modern Physics, Wien; 06-11-2009 - 06-14-2009.

Authors: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Katharina Durstberger-Rennhofer, E141-04; Daniel Erdösi, E141-04; J. Erhardt, E141-04; J. Klepp, E141; Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04; Stephan Sponar, E141-04; Georg Sulyok, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa, K. Durstberger-Rennhofer, D. Erdösi, J. Erhardt, J. Klepp, H. Lemmel, St. Sponar, G. Sulyok, H. Rauch:
"Foundation of Quantum Mechanics Explored with Neutrons";
Poster: 5th European Conference on Neutron Scattering, Prague, Czech Republic; 07-17-2011 - 07-22-2011.

Authors: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Stefan Filipp, E141; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa, S. Filipp, H. Rauch:
"Intensity correlations with x-rays";
Talk: Joint Workshop on Tailoring neutron beams at small and medium sized neutron sources & Neutronanti-bunching, Atominstitut Wien; 03-06-2008 - 03-08-2008.

Authors: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Stefan Filipp, E136; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa, S. Filipp, H. Rauch:
"Non-cyclic Geometric Phase due to Spatial Evolution in a Neutron Interferometer";
Talk: Fachausschusstagung, ÖPG, Kern- und Teilchenphysik, Weyer (Österreich); 09-26-2004 - 09-28-2004.

Authors: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa, H. Lemmel:
"High precision neutron interferometer setup S18b";
Talk: ILL Vision 2010, Grenoble, Frankreich; 09-15-2010 - 09-17-2010.

Authors: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Rudolf Loidl, E141; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Matthias Baron, E141; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa, R. Loidl, G. Badurek, M. Baron, H. Rauch:
"Observation of Off-Diagonal Geometric Phases in Polarized-Neutron-Interferometer Experiments ";
Poster: Waseda Int. Symp. on Fundamental Physics,, Tokyo (Japan); 11-12-2002 - 11-15-2002.

Authors: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Rudolf Loidl, E141; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Matthias Baron, E141; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa, R. Loidl, G. Badurek, M. Baron, H. Rauch:
"Quantum Contextuality in Neutron Interferometry ";
Poster: New Frontiers in Quantum Theory and Measurement, Schloss Reisensburg, Günzburg (Deutschland); 09-01-2004 - 09-05-2004.

Authors: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Rudolf Loidl, E141; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Matthias Baron, E141; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa, R. Loidl, G. Badurek, M. Baron, H. Rauch:
"Quantum contextuality in neutron interferometry";
Poster: Hearing Spezialforschungsbereich "Control and Measurement of Coherent Quantum Systems", Innsbruck (Österreich); 01-18-2005.

Authors: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Rudolf Loidl, E141; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Matthias Baron, E141; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa, R. Loidl, G. Badurek, M. Baron, H. Rauch:
"Quantum Contextuality in Neutron Interferometry: violation of a Bell.like Inequality with Single-Neutrons";
Talk: 333th Int. W. und E. Heraeus Seminar on New Frontiers in Quantum Theory and Measurement, Schloss Reisenburg, Günzburg (Deutschland); 09-01-2004 - 09-05-2004.

Authors: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Rudolf Loidl, E141; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Matthias Baron, E141; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa, R. Loidl, G. Badurek, M. Baron, H. Rauch:
"Violation of a Bell-type inequality in Single-Neutron Interferometry ";
Poster: Symposium on Quantum Information Processing 2004, Hitotsubashi Hall, Tokyo (Japan); 12-20-2004 - 12-21-2004.

Authors: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Rudolf Loidl, E141; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Matthias Baron, E141; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa, R. Loidl, G. Badurek, M. Baron, H. Rauch:
"Violation of Bell-like inequality in single-neutron interferometry ";
Poster: Fachausschusstagung ÖPG, Physik an Neutronen u.Synchrotron...., Salzburg (Österreich); 10-01-2003 - 10-02-2003.

Authors: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Rudolf Loidl, E141; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Matthias Baron, E141; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa, R. Loidl, G. Badurek, M. Baron, H. Rauch:
"Violation of Bell-Type Inequality in Single-Neutron Interferometry ";
Talk: Obergurgl Meeting 2003, Obergurgl, Tirol; 02-23-2003 - 03-01-2003.

Authors: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Rudolf Loidl, E141; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Matthias Baron, E141; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa, R. Loidl, G. Badurek, M. Baron, H. Rauch:
"Violation of Bell-type inequality in single-neutron interferometry: quantum contextuality";
Poster: Int. Conf. on Neutron Optics , NOP 2004, Tokyo (Japan); 01-12-2004 - 01-16-2004.

Authors: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Rudolf Loidl, E141; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Stefan Filipp, E141; J. Klepp, E141; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa, R. Loidl, G. Badurek, S. Filipp, J. Klepp, H. Rauch:
"Quantum contextuality induced by spin-path entanglement in single-neutrons";
Talk: 13th European Workshop on Quantum Optics, Wien; 05-23-2006 - 05-27-2006.

Authors: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Rudolf Loidl, E141; Matthias Baron, E141; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa, R. Loidl, M. Baron, G. Badurek, H. Rauch:
"Quantum contextuality in neutron interferometer experiments";
Talk: Int. Conf. Neutron Scattering - ICNS2005, Sydney (Australia); 11-27-2005 - 12-02-2005.

Authors: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Rudolf Loidl, E141; Stefan Filipp, E141; J. Klepp, E141; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa, R. Loidl, S. Filipp, J. Klepp, H. Rauch:
"Quantum state tomography of neutrons";
Talk: ÖPG Jahrestagung 2005, Univ. Wien (Österreich); 09-27-2005 - 09-29-2005.

Authors: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa, H. Rauch:
"Spin-Path Entanglement in Neutron Interferometer Experiments";
Talk: Int. Conf. Theoretical and Experimental Foundations of recent Quantum Technologies, Durban (South Africa); 07-10-2006 - 07-14-2006.

Authors: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Matthias Baron, E141; Rudolf Loidl, E141

Y. Hasegawa, H. Rauch, G. Badurek, M. Baron, R. Loidl:
"Measurement of Topological Neutron Quantum Phases ";
Talk: Fachausschusstagung ÖPG, Quantenelektronik, Elektrodynamik und Optik, Leoben (Österreich); 09-24-2002.

Authors: W. Heil; F. Ayala Guardia; S. Baessler; M. Borg, Lund Univ.; L. Cabrera Brito; F. Glück; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; N. Luquero Llopis; R. Munoz Horta; M. Orlowski; Ch. Palmer; Yu. Sobolev; K. Eberhardt; H. Angerer; I. Konorov; G. Petzoldt; M. Simson; H.-F. Wirth; O. Zimmer; D. Rich

W. Heil, F. Ayala Guardia, S. Baessler, M. Borg, L. Cabrera Brito, F. Glück, G. Konrad, N. Luquero Llopis, R. Munoz Horta, M. Orlowski, C. Palmer, Y. Sobolev, K. Eberhardt, H. Angerer, I. Konorov, G. Petzoldt, M. Simson, H. Wirth, O. Zimmer, D. Rich:
"Measurement of the electron-neutrino correlation coefficient a with aSPECT";
Talk: 6th Int. Workshop "Ultra Cold & Cold Neutrons, Physics & Sources", Moscow, Russia; 07-01-2007 - 07-07-2007.

Authors: W. Heil; F. Ayala Guardia; M. Borg, Lund Univ.; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; B. Ostrick

W. Heil, F. Ayala Guardia, M. Borg, G. Konrad, B. Ostrick:
"Proton Spectroscopy with PERC for Precision Measurements of the Angular Correlation Coefficient a in Neutron β-Decay";
Poster: SPP 1491 Gutachtersitzung, Landshut, Germany; 11-02-2009 - 11-03-2009.

Author: A.N. Ivanov, E141-04

A. Ivanov:
"Einstein-Cartan Gravity with Torsion Field Serving as an Origin for the Cosmological Constant or Dark Energy Density";
Poster: Physics of Fundamental Symmetries and Interactions (2016), Villigen, Switzerland; 10-16-2016 - 10-20-2016.

Author: A.N. Ivanov, E141-04

A. Ivanov:
"Einstein-Cartan Gravity, Torsion and Chameleon Fields, Coupled to Dirac Fermions (Neutrons)";
Keynote Lecture: Dark energy in the laboratory (2016), Chicheley, UK; 04-20-2016 - 04-22-2016.

Author: A.N. Ivanov, E141-04

A. Ivanov:
"Energy Level Displacement of Excited np State of Kaonic Deuterium In A Faddeev Equation Approach";
Keynote Lecture: Kick-off Meeting LEANNIS Hadronic Physics, Prag, Tschechien (invited); 05-21-2012 - 05-22-2012.

Author: A.N. Ivanov, E141-04

A. Ivanov:
"GSI Oscillations as Laboratory for Testing of New Physics";
Keynote Lecture: EMMI RRTF on Non-Exponential Two-Body Weak Decays, Jena, Germany; 07-06-2014 - 07-10-2014.

Author: A.N. Ivanov, E141-04

A. Ivanov:
"Kaonic atoms: Experiments is ahead of theory ";
Talk: 3rd Budapest Winter School on Heavy Ion Physics, Budapest (Hungary); 12-08-2003 - 12-11-2003.

Author: A.N. Ivanov, E141-04

A. Ivanov:
"Kaonic deuterium. Quantum theoretic and relativistic covariant approach";
Talk: Institute of Medium Energy Physics of Austrian Academy of Sciences, Wien; 06-25-2005.

Author: A.N. Ivanov, E141-04

A. Ivanov:
"Molecule model for kaonic nuclear cluster K-bar NN, measured by DISTO Collaboration";
Talk: ECT* Stangeness in Nuclei, Trento, Italy; 10-04-2010 - 10-08-2010.

Author: A.N. Ivanov, E141-04

A. Ivanov:
"On Molecule model for kaonic nuclear cluster K-bar pp";
Talk: ECT* Hadronic Atoms and Kaonic Nuclei, Trento, Italy; 10-12-2009 - 10-16-2009.

Author: A.N. Ivanov, E141-04

A. Ivanov:
"On pionic and kaonic hydrogen ";
Talk: 4th Int. Workshop on Chiral Dynamics: Theory and Experiment, Bonn (Deutschland); 09-08-2003 - 09-13-2003.

Author: A.N. Ivanov, E141-04

A. Ivanov:
"On pionic and kaonic hydrogen: Non-relativistic approach I ";
Talk: Institute of Medium Energy Physics of Austrian Academy of Sciences, Wien (Österreich); 11-07-2003.

Author: A.N. Ivanov, E141-04

A. Ivanov:
"On pionic and kaonic hydrogen: Relativistic covariant approach II";
Talk: Institute of Medium Energy Physics of Austrian Academy of Sciences, Wien (Österreich); 11-21-2003.

Author: A.N. Ivanov, E141-04

A. Ivanov:
"On polarization of Λ0 hyperon produced from the Quark-Gluon Plasma";
Talk: 3rd Budapest Winter School on Heavy Ion Physics, Budapest (Hungary); 12-08-2003 - 12-11-2003.

Author: A.N. Ivanov, E141-04

A. Ivanov:
"On radiative decay channels of pionic and kaonic hydrogen ";
Talk: Workshop on Hadronic Atoms - HadAtom03, Trento (Italy); 10-13-2003 - 10-17-2003.

Author: A.N. Ivanov, E141-04

A. Ivanov:
"On the Energy Level Displacement of the Ground State of Hadronic Atoms";
Talk: Workshop on Hadronic Atoms - HadAtom05, Bern (Schweiz); 02-15-2005 - 02-16-2005.

Author: A.N. Ivanov, E141-04

A. Ivanov:
"Phenomenological Quantum Field Theoretic Model of Strong Low Energy bar-K N interactions";
Talk: Stefan Meyer Inst. f. subatomare Physik, Wien; 05-13-2005.

Author: A.N. Ivanov, E141-04

A. Ivanov:
"Physics and Sources";
Talk: Talk at 7th Workshop on Ultra Cold and Cold Neutrons, St. Petersburg, Russia; 06-08-2009 - 08-14-2009.

Author: A.N. Ivanov, E141-04

A. Ivanov:
"Precision Analysis of Electron Energy Spectrum and Angular Distribution of Neutron Beta Decay with Polarized Neutron and Electron";
Keynote Lecture: Satellite workshop on symmetries in light and heavy flavour (2016), Munich, Germany; 11-07-2016 - 11-08-2016.

Author: A.N. Ivanov, E141-04

A. Ivanov:
"Recent Theoretical Studies of Hadronic Atoms";
Talk: Workshop on Exotic Atoms - EXA05, Wien; 02-21-2005 - 02-25-2005.

Author: A.N. Ivanov, E141-04

A. Ivanov:
"Sensitivity of Lifetime of Neutron and Correlation Coefficients of Beta Decay of Neutron to "New Physics"";
Keynote Lecture: Gatchina-PINP, St. Petersburg, Russia (invited); 03-22-2012.

Author: Andrei Ivanov, E141-04

A. Ivanov:
"Standard electroweak interactions in gravitational theory with chameleon field and torsion";
Keynote Lecture: Gravitation: 100 years after GR, La Thuile, Italy; 03-21-2015 - 03-28-2015.

Author: Andrei Ivanov, E141-04

A. Ivanov:
"Status of the Free Neutron Decay, Wilkinson's corrections and role of pseudoscalar interactions in neutron beta decays";
Keynote Lecture: Current and Future Status of the First-Row CKM Unitarity (2019), Amherst, USA (invited); 05-16-2019 - 05-18-2019.

Author: A.N. Ivanov, E141-04

A. Ivanov:
"Test of Einstein-Cartan's Gravity and Dark Energy through Non-Relativistic Approximation of Dirac Equation for Ultracold Neutrons in Static Metric Spacetimes";
Keynote Lecture: EXA 2014, Vienna, Austria; 09-17-2014.

Author: A.N. Ivanov, E141-04

A. Ivanov et al.:
"On the strangeness production in the reactions pN-N Λ^{0} K+ near threshold of the final state";
Talk: Seminarvortrag, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Jülich (Deutschland) (invited); 10-05-2005.

Author: A.N. Ivanov, E141-04

A. Ivanov et al.:
"Phenomenological model of the Kaonic Nuclear Cluster K-pp in the ground state";
Talk: Stefan Meyer Inst. f. subatomare Physik, Wien; 12-21-2005 - 12-22-2005.

Authors: M.R. Jäkel, E141; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

M. Jäkel, E. Jericha, H. Rauch:
"A Perfect Crystal Neutron Resonator Based on Magnetically Gated Crystals ";
Poster: Int. Workshop on Polarized Neutrons for Condensed Matter Investigation (PNCMI 2002), Jülich (Deutschland); 09-15-2002.

Authors: M.R. Jäkel, E141; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

M. Jäkel, E. Jericha, H. Rauch:
"Advanced Cold Neutron Cavity";
Poster: Hearing Spezialforschungsbereich "Control and Measurement of Coherent Quantum Systems", Innsbruck (Österreich); 01-18-2005.

Authors: M.R. Jäkel, E141; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

M. Jäkel, E. Jericha, H. Rauch:
"Cold neutron storage";
Poster: Int. Conf. Precision Measurements with Slow Neutrons, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD (USA); 04-05-2004 - 04-07-2004.

Authors: M.R. Jäkel, E141; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

M. Jäkel, E. Jericha, H. Rauch:
"Cold Neutron Storage based on Magnetically Gated Crystals";
Poster: 54. Jahrestagung der Österr. Physikalischen Gesellschaft (ÖPG), Linz (Österreich); 09-28-2004 - 09-30-2004.

Authors: J. Jeknic; M. Pandurovic; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; S. Jokic; M. Kerveno; S. Lukic; C.L. Mihailescu; A. Pavlik; A. Plompen; G. Rudolf

J. Jeknic, M. Pandurovic, E. Jericha, S. Jokic, M. Kerveno, S. Lukic, C.L. Mihailescu, A. Pavlik, A. Plompen, G. Rudolf:
"Measurement of (n, n') and (n, 2n) Cross Sections on Lead";
Poster: Fifth General Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, Vrnjacka Banja (Serbia and Montenegro); 08-25-2003 - 08-29-2003.

Author: Tobias Jenke, E141-04

T. Jenke:
"Gravitational Quantum Interference with Ultracold Neutrons";
Talk: Seminar über neue Arbeiten am Atominstitut, Wien; 01-12-2010.

Author: Tobias Jenke, E141-04

T. Jenke:
"Gravitationally Induced Quantum Phaseshifts with Ramsey's Method of Separated Oscillating Fields";
Poster: ILL Vision 2010, Grenoble, Frankreich; 09-16-2010.

Author: Tobias Jenke, E141-04

T. Jenke:
"Gravity Resonance Spectroscopy within the qBounce experiment";
Keynote Lecture: ESS Science Symposium on Neutron Particle Physics at Long Pulse Spallation Sources, LPSC Grenoble, France (invited); 03-24-2013 - 03-27-2013.

Author: Tobias Jenke, E141-04

T. Jenke:
"Gravity Tests with Quantum Objects";
Talk: ANP Seminar des Physikalischen Instituts der Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Deutschland (invited); 04-11-2011.

Author: Tobias Jenke, E141-04

T. Jenke:
"qBounce-Experiment and Demonstration of Gravity Resonance Spectroscopy";
Talk: ILL College 3 Seminar, Grenoble, Frankreich; 12-17-2010.

Author: Tobias Jenke, E141-04

T. Jenke:
"Rabi Spectroscopy and Excitation in a Gravity Cavity of Neutron Matter Waves";
Talk: 60. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (ÖPG), Salzburg; 09-09-2010 - 09-10-2010.

Author: Tobias Jenke, E141-04

T. Jenke:
"Test of Gravitation with Quantum Objects";
Talk: SPP 1491 Kick-off Meeting 2010, Freising, Deutschland; 04-21-2010.

Author: Tobias Jenke, E141-04

T. Jenke:
"Ultracold neutron detectors based on 10 B converters used in the qBounce experiments";
Poster: PSI 2013 Workshop, Villingen, Switzerland; 09-08-2013 - 09-13-2013.

Authors: Tobias Jenke, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

T. Jenke, H. Abele:
"qBounce: Gravity Resonance Spectroscopy and its application to test for neutron´s neutrality";
Keynote Lecture: DFG Spp 1491, Bad Honnef, Germany (invited); 12-12-2012 - 12-14-2012.

Authors: Tobias Jenke, E141-04; Thomas Bittner; Gunther Cronenberg, E141-04; Hanno Filter, E141-04; P. Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; A.N. Ivanov, E141-04; Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04; M. Thalhammer; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

T. Jenke, T. Bittner, G. Cronenberg, H. Filter, P. Geltenbort, A. Ivanov, H. Lemmel, M. Thalhammer, H. Abele:
"Gravity Resonance Spectroscopy within the qBounce experiments";
Keynote Lecture: ÖPG Jahrestagung 2012, Graz, Ausria (invited); 09-18-2012 - 09-21-2012.

Authors: Tobias Jenke, E141-04; Thomas Bittner; Gunther Cronenberg, E141-04; Hanno Filter, E141-04; P. Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04; M. Thalhammer; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

T. Jenke, T. Bittner, G. Cronenberg, H. Filter, P. Geltenbort, H. Lemmel, M. Thalhammer, H. Abele:
"Gravity Resonance Spectroscopy";
Keynote Lecture: Status Meeting zum DFG Schwerpunktprogramm 1491, Frauenchiemsee, Deutschland (invited); 03-13-2012 - 03-16-2012.

Authors: Tobias Jenke, E141-04; Thomas Bittner; Gunther Cronenberg, E141-04; Hanno Filter, E141-04; P. Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04; M. Thalhammer; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

T. Jenke, T. Bittner, G. Cronenberg, H. Filter, P. Geltenbort, H. Lemmel, M. Thalhammer, H. Abele:
"Spectroscopy of Gravity";
Keynote Lecture: DPG Frühjahrstagung 2012, Göttingen, Germany; 03-01-2012.

Authors: Tobias Jenke, E141-04; Joachim Bosina, E141-04; Gunther Cronenberg, E141-04; Katharina Durstberger-Rennhofer, E141-04; Hanno Filter, E141-04; Peter Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; Andrei Ivanov, E141-04; J. Micko; Mario Pitschmann, E141-04; Tobias Rechberger, E141-04; Rene Sedmik, E141-04; M. Thalhammer, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

T. Jenke, J. Bosina, G. Cronenberg, K. Durstberger-Rennhofer, H. Filter, P. Geltenbort, A. Ivanov, J. Micko, M. Pitschmann, T. Rechberger, R. Sedmik, M. Thalhammer, H. Abele:
"Testing gravity at short distances: Gravity Resonance Spectroscopy with qBounce";
Keynote Lecture: Rencontres de Moriond - Gravitation (2019), La Thulie, Italy; 03-24-2019 - 03-30-2019.

Authors: Tobias Jenke, E141-04; Joachim Bosina, E141-04; Gunther Cronenberg, E141-04; Hanno Filter, E141-04; Peter Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; Andrei Ivanov, E141-04; J. Micko; Mario Pitschmann, E141-04; Tobias Rechberger, E141-04; Rene Sedmik, E141-04; M. Thalhammer, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

T. Jenke, J. Bosina, G. Cronenberg, H. Filter, P. Geltenbort, A. Ivanov, J. Micko, M. Pitschmann, T. Rechberger, R. Sedmik, M. Thalhammer, H. Abele:
"Gravity tests at short distances using ultracold neutrons: A review of the qBounce experiment";
Keynote Lecture: Physics of fundamental Symmetries and Interactions - PSI2019 (2019), Villigen, Swiss; 10-20-2019 - 10-25-2019.

Authors: Tobias Jenke, E141-04; Gunther Cronenberg, E141-04; Joachim Burgdörfer, E136; L.A. Chizhova; Hanno Filter, E141-04; Peter Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; A.N. Ivanov, E141-04; T. Lauer; Tobias Lins, E141; Stefan Rotter, E141; Heiko Saul, E141; U. Schmidt; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

T. Jenke, G. Cronenberg, J. Burgdörfer, L. Chizhova, H. Filter, P. Geltenbort, A. Ivanov, T. Lauer, T. Lins, S. Rotter, H. Saul, U. Schmidt, H. Abele:
"Gravity resonance spectroscopy constrains dark energy and dark matter scenarios";
Keynote Lecture: GRANIT 2014-Workshop, Les Houches, France; 03-02-2014 - 03-07-2014.

Authors: Tobias Jenke, E141-04; Gunther Cronenberg, E141-04; Joachim Burgdörfer, E136; L.A. Chizhova; Hanno Filter, E141-04; Peter Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; A.N. Ivanov, E141-04; T. Lauer; Tobias Lins, E141; Stefan Rotter, E141; Heiko Saul, E141; U. Schmidt; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

T. Jenke, G. Cronenberg, J. Burgdörfer, L. Chizhova, H. Filter, P. Geltenbort, A. Ivanov, T. Lauer, T. Lins, S. Rotter, H. Saul, U. Schmidt, H. Abele:
"Gravity resonance spectroscopy constrains dark energy and dark matter scenarios";
Keynote Lecture: DPG Frühjahrstagung 2014, Berlin, Germany; 03-16-2014 - 03-21-2014.

Authors: Tobias Jenke, E141-04; P. Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

T. Jenke, P. Geltenbort, H. Lemmel, H. Abele:
"Rabi Spectroscopy and Excitation in a 1D Gravity Cavity of neutron matter waves";
Poster: International WE Heraeus Research School on Frontiers in Matter Wave Interferometry, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Deutschland; 06-14-2010 - 06-18-2010.

Authors: Tobias Jenke, E141-04; Peter Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

T. Jenke, P. Geltenbort, H. Lemmel, H. Abele:
"Realization of a Gravity - Resonance - Spectroscopy Technique";
Poster: ÖPG Tagung, Lausanne, Switzerland; 06-15-2011 - 06-17-2011.

Author: Erwin Jericha, E141-04

E. Jericha:
"Neutron Storage between Perfect Crystals";
Talk: Workshop on Tailored neutron beams at small and medium sized neutron sources, Wien; 03-07-2008.

Author: Erwin Jericha, E141-04

E. Jericha:
"New Larmor presession based techniques";
Talk: General Meeting of the Europ. Neutron and Muon Initiative, Porticcio, France; 06-26-2008.

Author: Erwin Jericha, E141-04

E. Jericha:
"PERC - A Status Report";
Talk: 66th annual meeting of the Austrian Physical Society (ÖPG), Wien; 09-27-2016 - 09-29-2016.

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Author: Erwin Jericha, E141-04

E. Jericha:
"The PERC facility - prospects of high precision neutron beta decay experiments";
Talk: Humboldt Kolleg "Discoveries and Open Puzzles in Particle Physics and Gravitation", Kitzbühel (invited); 06-23-2019 - 06-28-2019.

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Author: Erwin Jericha, E141-04

E. Jericha:
"The PERC facility - prospects of high-precison neutron beta decay experiments";
Talk: Gemeinsame Jahrestagung von SPG und ÖPG 2019, Zürich, Schweiz; 08-26-2019 - 08-30-2019.

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Author: Erwin Jericha, E141-04

E. Jericha:
"Why Neutrons? A Compilation of Special Occasions";
Talk: 11 th European NESY Winterschool & Symposium on Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation, Altaussee; 03-04-2019 - 03-08-2019.

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Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

E. Jericha, H. Abele:
"Advanced control and manipulation of neutron beam intensity and polarisation";
Poster: SPP 1491 Evaluation 2013 - 2015, Bad Honnef; 12-12-2012 - 12-14-2012.

Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Christoph Gösselsberger, E141-04; Sebastian Nowak, E141-04

E. Jericha, H. Abele, G. Badurek, Ch. Gösselsberger, S. Nowak:
"Neutron beam tailoring by means of a novel pulsed spatial magnetic spin resonator";
Poster: Joint annual meeting of the Swiss and Austrian Federal Physical Society, Lausanne, CH; 06-15-2011 - 06-17-2011.

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Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04; M. Beck; C. Drescher; D. Dubbers; Jacqueline Erhart, E141-04; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; Christoph Gösselsberger, E141-04; W. Heil; M. Horvath, E141-04; C. Klauser; Jens Klenke; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; B. Märkisch; R. Maix, E141-06; H. Mest; S. Nowak; N. Rebrova; C. Sauerzopf; U. Schmidt; T. Soldner; X. Wang; O. Zimmer

E. Jericha, H. Abele, M. Beck, C. Drescher, D. Dubbers, J. Erhart, H. Fillunger, Ch. Gösselsberger, W. Heil, M. Horvath, C. Klauser, J. Klenke, G. Konrad, B. Märkisch, R. Maix, H. Mest, S. Nowak, N. Rebrova, C. Sauerzopf, U. Schmidt, T. Soldner, X. Wang, O. Zimmer:
"Exploring fundamental interactions via neutron beta decay - the PERC project";
Talk: Joint annual meeting of the Swiss and Austrian Federal Physical Society, Switzerland; 06-15-2011 - 06-17-2011.

Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Wilfried Mach, E141-04

E. Jericha, H. Abele, W. Mach:
"Defining the polarised neutron beam in high-precision experiments with PERC";
Talk: 2nd Status Meeting - DFG Priority Programme 1491, Wildbad Kreuth, Germany; 11-03-2015 - 11-06-2015.

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Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04

E. Jericha, G. Badurek:
"Development of new polarized neutron techniques";
Talk: TU Delft, Delft; 04-20-2009.

Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04

E. Jericha, G. Badurek:
"New larmor precession based techniques";
Talk: NMi-3 general meeting, Bilbao (Spanien); 10-08-2007.

Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04

E. Jericha, G. Badurek:
"Two novel techniques based upon neutron Larmor rotation";
Talk: NMI3-JRA5-PNT-Final Meeting, Porticcio/Korsika; 06-26-2008.

Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Matthias Baron, E141; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; M.R. Jäkel, E141; J. Klepp, E141; A. Rofner, E141; Stephan Sponar, E141-04; M. Trinker, E141; Mario Villa, E141-05; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

E. Jericha, G. Badurek, M. Baron, Y. Hasegawa, M. Jäkel, J. Klepp, A. Rofner, St. Sponar, M. Trinker, M. Villa, H. Rauch:
"Neutron Optics Experiments at the TRIGA Mark II reactor of the Atominstitut Wien";
Talk: 2nd World TRIGA Users Conf., TU Wien (Österreich); 09-15-2004 - 09-18-2004.

Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Christoph Gösselsberger, E141-04

E. Jericha, G. Badurek, Ch. Gösselsberger:
"Usanspol & Monopol";
Talk: NMI3 Meeting on Polarised Neutrons, Heraklion; 10-17-2011 - 10-19-2011.

Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Christoph Gösselsberger, E141-04; Roland Grössinger, E138-03; Dieter Süss, E138-03

E. Jericha, G. Badurek, Ch. Gösselsberger, R. Grössinger, D. Süss:
"Ultra-small-angle polarised neutron scattering experiments on novel magnetic materials";
Poster: Joint annual meeting of the Swiss and Austrian Federal Physical Society, Lausanne, CH; 06-15-2011 - 06-17-2011.

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Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Christoph Gösselsberger, E141-04; Roland Grössinger, E138-03; Dieter Süss, E138-03

E. Jericha, G. Badurek, Ch. Gösselsberger, R. Grössinger, D. Süss:
"USANSPOL studies of the microstructure of magnetic ribbons";
Talk: Polarised Neutrons in Condensed Matter Investigations, PNCMI 2012, Paris, Frankreich; 07-02-2012 - 07-05-2012.

More information

Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Christoph Gösselsberger, E141-04; Dieter Süss, E138-03

E. Jericha, G. Badurek, Ch. Gösselsberger, D. Süss:
"Experimental and methodic progress in ultra-small-angle polarised neutron scattering on novel magnetic materials";
Talk: 5th European Conference on Neutron Scattering, Prague, CZ; 07-17-2011 - 07-22-2011.

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Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Roland Grössinger, E138-03

E. Jericha, G. Badurek, R. Grössinger:
"Characterisation of novel magnetic materials using the USANSPOL technique";
Talk: Polarised Neutrons in Condensed Matter Investigations, PNCMI 2010, Delft, Holland; 07-05-2010 - 07-08-2010.

Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Roland Grössinger, E138-03

E. Jericha, G. Badurek, R. Grössinger:
"Study of novel magnetic materials using the USANSPOL technique";
Poster: 60. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (ÖPG), Salzburg; 09-06-2010 - 09-10-2010.

Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; A. Hilger; N. Kardjilov; I. Manke; M. Strobl

E. Jericha, G. Badurek, A. Hilger, N. Kardjilov, I. Manke, M. Strobl:
"Erster experimentaller Test der tensoriellen Neutronentomographie";
Poster: 58. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Leoben; 09-23-2008.

Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; A. Hilger; N. Kardjilov; I. Manke; M. Strobl

E. Jericha, G. Badurek, A. Hilger, N. Kardjilov, I. Manke, M. Strobl:
"First experimental test of tensorial neutron tomography";
Poster: Deutsche Neutronenstreutagung 2008, München; 09-16-2008.

Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; R. Szeywerth, E141

E. Jericha, G. Badurek, H. Leeb, R. Szeywerth:
"Development of new algorithms for neutron tomography of magnetic samples";
Talk: St. Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina (Russland); 06-09-2005.

Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; R. Szeywerth, E141

E. Jericha, G. Badurek, H. Leeb, R. Szeywerth:
"Methodical Progress in Neutron Spin Tomography ";
Poster: European Conf. on Neutron Scattering, Montpellier (France); 2003.

Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; R. Szeywerth, E141

E. Jericha, G. Badurek, H. Leeb, R. Szeywerth:
"Progress on tensorial neutron tomography";
Talk: 1st Semiannual NMI3 JRA-Meeting on Polarized Neutron Techniques, Saclay (France); 09-18-2004 - 09-19-2004.

Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; R. Szeywerth, E141

E. Jericha, G. Badurek, H. Leeb, R. Szeywerth:
"Tensorial Neutron Tomography of magnetic samples";
Talk: General Meeting of the Europ. Neutron and Muon Initiative, Rutherford Appleton Lab., Oxfordshire (UK); 09-26-2005 - 09-29-2005.

Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Rudolf Loidl, E141; M. Trinker, E141

E. Jericha, G. Badurek, R. Loidl, M. Trinker:
"Untersuchung magnetischer Strukturen mit polarisierter Ultra-Kleinwinkelneutronenstreuuung ";
Poster: 54. Jahrestagung der Österr. Physikalischen Gesellschaft (ÖPG), Linz (Österreich); 09-28-2004 - 09-30-2004.

Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

E. Jericha, G. Badurek, H. Rauch, H. W. Weber:
"AUSTRON - The Central European Spallation Source ";
Poster: European Conference ESS, Bonn (Deutschland); 05-14-2002 - 05-17-2002.

Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; M. Trinker, E141

E. Jericha, G. Badurek, M. Trinker:
"Ultra-Small-Angle Scattering with Polarized Neutrons (USANSPOL)";
Poster: PNCMI 2006, Berlin (Deutschland); 09-25-2006 - 09-28-2006.

Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; M. Trinker, E141

E. Jericha, G. Badurek, M. Trinker:
"Ultrakleinwinkelstreuung mit polarisierten Neutronen (USANSPOL)";
Poster: 56. Jahrestagung der Österr. Physikalischen Gesellschaft (ÖPG), Graz; 09-18-2006 - 09-21-2006.

Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; M. Trinker, E141; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

E. Jericha, G. Badurek, M. Trinker, H. Rauch:
"Neue Experimente in der Neutronenultrakleinwinkelstreuung";
Talk: 56. Jahrestagung der Österr. Physikalischen Gesellschaft (ÖPG), Graz; 09-18-2006 - 09-21-2006.

Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Matthias Baron, E141; Martin Hainbuchner, E141; Rudolf Loidl, E141; Mario Villa, E141-05; Erwin Seidl, E141; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

E. Jericha, M. Baron, M. Hainbuchner, R. Loidl, M. Villa, E. Seidl, H. Rauch:
"USANS Studies of Artificial Lattices ";
Talk: XII Int. Conf. on Small Angle Scattering, Venice (Italy); 08-25-2002 - 08-29-2002.

Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; P. Baumann; A. Kelic; S. Lukic; G. Rudolf; N. Kornilov; G. Noguere; A. Plompen; P. Siegler; A. Pavlik

E. Jericha, P. Baumann, A. Kelic, S. Lukic, G. Rudolf, N. Kornilov, G. Noguere, A. Plompen, P. Siegler, A. Pavlik:
"Methodological Tests of Prompt Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy for (n,χn) Cross Section Measurements at Various Facilities ";
Poster: 11th Int. Symp. on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics, Pruhonice/Prag (CZ); 09-20-2002.

Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Stefan Baumgartner, E141-04; Bernhard Berger, E141-04; Peter Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; Christoph Gösselsberger, E141-04; Masahiro Hino; Sebastian Nowak, E141-04; Tatsuro Oda; Robert Raab, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04

E. Jericha, S. Baumgartner, B. Berger, P. Geltenbort, Ch. Gösselsberger, M. Hino, S. Nowak, T. Oda, R. Raab, G. Badurek:
"Magnetische Wanderwellenresonatoren für polarsierte Neutronenstrahlen";
Talk: 64. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Pöllau; 09-24-2014 - 09-27-2014.

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Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Stefan Baumgartner, E141-04; Bernhard Berger, E141-04; Tina Gerstmayr, E141-04; Christoph Gösselsberger, E141-04; Sarah Gumpenberger, E141-04; Sebastian Nowak, E141-04; Robert Raab, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04

E. Jericha, S. Baumgartner, B. Berger, T. Gerstmayr, Ch. Gösselsberger, S. Gumpenberger, S. Nowak, R. Raab, G. Badurek:
"MONOPOL - An ultra-flexible resonator for the tailoring of polarised neutron beams";
Poster: Symposium "Research at European Neutron and Synchrotron facilities by Austrian researchers", Wien; 11-11-2013 - 11-12-2013.

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Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Stefan Baumgartner, E141-04; Joachim Bosina, E141-04; Peter Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; Masahiro Hino; Wilfried Mach, E141-04; Tatsuro Oda; Gerald Badurek, E141-04

E. Jericha, S. Baumgartner, J. Bosina, P. Geltenbort, M. Hino, W. Mach, T. Oda, G. Badurek:
"First performance of travelling wave neutron magnetic spin resonators";
Talk: VI European Conference On Neutron Scattering (ECNS2015), Zaragoza; 08-30-2015 - 09-04-2015.

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Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Joachim Bosina, E141-04; Peter Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; Masahiro Hino; Wilfried Mach, E141-04; Tatsuro Oda; Gerald Badurek, E141-04

E. Jericha, J. Bosina, P. Geltenbort, M. Hino, W. Mach, T. Oda, G. Badurek:
"Neutron detection in the frame of spatial magnetic spin resonance";
Poster: 14th Vienna Conference on Instrumentation (VCI 2016), Wien; 02-15-2016 - 02-19-2016.

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Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Christoph Gösselsberger, E141-04; Michael Bacak, E141-04; Stefan Baumgartner, E141-04; Bernhard Berger, E141-04; Dominic Blöch, E141-04; Roman Gergen, E141-04; Andreas Hawlik, E141-04; Bernhard Hinterleitner, E141-04; Robert Raab, E141-04; Matthias Schmidtmayr, E141-04; Maximilian Zach, E141; Gerald Badurek, E141-04

E. Jericha, Ch. Gösselsberger, M. Bacak, S. Baumgartner, B. Berger, D. Blöch, R. Gergen, A. Hawlik, B. Hinterleitner, R. Raab, M. Schmidtmayr, Max Zach, G. Badurek:
"Tailoring of polarised neutron beams by means of spatial magnetic spin resonance";
Talk: Gemeinsame Jahrestagung von ÖPG, SPG, ÖGAA und SGAA 2013, Linz; 09-03-2013 - 09-06-2013.

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Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Christoph Gösselsberger, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04

E. Jericha, Ch. Gösselsberger, G. Badurek:
"Defining the spectrum and time structure of polarized neutron beams by means of spatial magnetic spin resonance";
Talk: International Conference on Neutron Scattering ICNS2013, Edinburgh; 07-08-2013 - 07-12-2013.

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Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Christoph Gösselsberger, E141-04; Wilfried Mach, E141-04; Tobias Rechberger, E141-04; Alexander Zdarzil, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04

E. Jericha, Ch. Gösselsberger, W. Mach, T. Rechberger, Alex Zdarzil, G. Badurek:
"Ultra-small-angle polarised neutron scattering on magnetic structures";
Poster: Gemeinsame Jahrestagung von ÖPG, SPG, ÖGAA und SGAA 2013, Linz; 09-03-2013 - 09-06-2013.

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Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Christoph Gösselsberger, E141-04; Wilfried Mach, E141-04; Tobias Rechberger, E141-04; Alexander Zdarzil, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04

E. Jericha, Ch. Gösselsberger, W. Mach, T. Rechberger, Alex Zdarzil, G. Badurek:
"Ultra-small-angle polarized neutron scattering (USANSPOL)";
Poster: Symposium "Research at European Neutron and Synchrotron facilities by Austrian researchers", Wien; 11-11-2013 - 11-12-2013.

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Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Erich Griesmayer, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

E. Jericha, E. Griesmayer, H. Abele:
"Proposal of the Vienna Technische Universität Group to Join RD42";
Talk: RD42 Collaboration Meeting, ETH Zurich 2014, Zürich, Schweiz (invited); 05-16-2014 - 05-17-2014.

Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Ch. Hartl, E141; Gerald Badurek, E141-04

E. Jericha, Ch. Hartl, G. Badurek:
"Dynamical Polarization of neutron beams";
Talk: General Meeting of the Europ. Neutron and Muon Initiative, Rutherford Appleton Lab., Oxfordshire (UK); 09-26-2005 - 09-29-2005.

Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; A. Pavlik

E. Jericha, H. Leeb, A. Pavlik:
"Cross section measurements for light charged particle emission induced by neutrons in the 1 MeV - 100 MeV+ energy range at n_TOF";
Talk: Int. Symp. on Neutrons in Basic Science and Nucl. Technologies n_BANT, CERN, Geneva (Switzerland); 03-22-2005 - 03-23-2005.

Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; A. Pavlik; I. Raskinyte

E. Jericha, H. Leeb, A. Pavlik, I. Raskinyte:
"(n,xn) Wirkungsquerschnittsmessungen an 232Th und 207Pb";
Poster: Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Linz (Österreich); 09-27-2004 - 09-29-2004.

Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; R. Szeywerth, E141; Gerald Badurek, E141-04

E. Jericha, H. Leeb, R. Szeywerth, G. Badurek:
"Perfektkristallneutroneninterferometrie und tensorielle Neutronentomographie";
Poster: 57. Jahrestagung Österreichische Physikalische Gesellschaft, Donau Universität, Krems; 09-27-2007.

Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Wilfried Mach, E141-04; Tobias Rechberger, E141-04; Alexander Zdarzil, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04

E. Jericha, W. Mach, T. Rechberger, Alex Zdarzil, G. Badurek:
"Methodische Entwicklungen in der Neutronenultrakleinwinkelstreuung";
Talk: 64. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Pöllau; 09-24-2014 - 09-27-2014.

More information

Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Denise Neudecker, E141-03; St. Gundacker; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Th. Srdinko; Volker Wildpaner, E141

E. Jericha, D. Neudecker, S. Gundacker, H. Leeb, Th. Srdinko, Volker Wildpaner:
"Novel Techniques for Nuclear Data Evaluation";
Poster: Joint annual meeting of the Swiss and Austrian Federal Physical Society, Lausanne, CH; 06-15-2011 - 06-17-2011.

More information

Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; A. Pavlik

E. Jericha, A. Pavlik:
"Measurement of short-lived activation cross-sections from inelastic scattering on lead";
Talk: NUDAME Users Meeting, Geel; 02-21-2008.

Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; R. Szeywerth, E141; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Gerald Badurek, E141-04

E. Jericha, R. Szeywerth, H. Leeb, G. Badurek:
"Perfect crystal neutron interferometry and tensorial neutron tomography";
Poster: European Workshop on Neutron Optics - NOP´07, PSI Villigen (Schweiz); 03-07-2007.

Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; R. Szeywerth, E141; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Gerald Badurek, E141-04

E. Jericha, R. Szeywerth, H. Leeb, G. Badurek:
"Reconstruction techniques for tensorial neutron tomography";
Poster: PNCMI 2006, Berlin (Deutschland); 09-27-2006.

Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; M. Trinker, E141; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

E. Jericha, M. Trinker, G. Badurek, H. Rauch:
"Ultra-small-angle neutron scattering from oriented samples";
Poster: European Conf. on Neutron Scattering, Lund (Schweden); 06-25-2007 - 06-29-2007.

Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; M. Trinker, E141; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

E. Jericha, M. Trinker, G. Badurek, H. Rauch:
"Ultra-small-angle neutron scattering from oriented samples";
Poster: 57. Jahrestagung Österr. Phyiskalische Gesellschaft, Fachtagung Kern- und Teilchenphysik, Langenlois (Österreich); 09-25-2007.

Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; M. Trinker, E141; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

E. Jericha, M. Trinker, G. Badurek, H. Rauch:
"Ultra-small-angle neutron scattering from oriented samples";
Poster: 57. Jahrestagung Österreichische Physikalische Gesellschaft, Krems (Österreich); 09-24-2007 - 09-28-2007.

Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; M. Trinker, E141; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

E. Jericha, M. Trinker, G. Badurek, H. Rauch:
"Ultrakleinwinkelstreuung an ausgerichteten Proben";
Poster: 57. Jahrestagung Österreichische Physikalische Gesellschaft, Donau Universität, Krems; 09-27-2007.

Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; M. Trinker, E141; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

E. Jericha, M. Trinker, H. Rauch:
"Nano- und Mikroanalytik mit Neutronen am Atominstitut der Österreichischen Universitäten";
Talk: Workshop zur Programmlinie "Netzwerke und Vertrauensbildung" im Rahmen der Österr. NANO Initiative, Wien (Österreich); 02-03-2005.

Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Mario Villa, E141-05; Matthias Baron, E141; Rudolf Loidl, E141

E. Jericha, M. Villa, M. Baron, R. Loidl et al.:
"Structure investigation of lyocell fibres by in-situ USANS measurements ";
Poster: European Conf. on Neutron Scattering, Montpellier (France); 2003.

Authors: S. Karimzadeh, E141-05; R. Khan, E141-04; Helmuth Böck, E141-05

S. Karimzadeh, R. Khan, H. Böck:
"Proposal of low dose rate Ir-192 production at a TRIGA Mark II research reactor";
Talk: TRIGA User Meeting 2011, Rome; 03-23-2011.

Authors: R. Khan, E141-04; Helmuth Böck, E141-05; Mario Villa, E141-05

R. Khan, H. Böck, M. Villa:
"Small Disturbances in TRIGA Mark II Reactor Core";
Talk: TRIGA Conference Marrakesh, Marrakesh; 03-24-2010 - 03-25-2010.

Authors: R. Khan, E141-04; S. Karimzadeh, E141-05; Helmuth Böck, E141-05; Mario Villa, E141-05

R. Khan, S. Karimzadeh, H. Böck, M. Villa:
"Neutronics Analysis of TRIGA Mark II Research Reactor";
Talk: RRFM Conference 2010 (Research Reactor Fuel Management), Marrakesch; 03-21-2010 - 03-25-2010.

Authors: R. Khan, E141-04; Mario Villa, E141-05; Georg Steinhauser, E141-05; Helmuth Böck, E141-05

R. Khan, M. Villa, G. Steinhauser, H. Böck:
"Fuel Management strategies for a possible future LEU core of the TRIGA Mark II Vienna";
Talk: TRIGA User Meeting 2011, Rome; 03-23-2011.

Author: Christine Klauser, E141-04 [ILL]

C. Klauser:
"High Precision Neutron Polarisation For Cold Large Beams";
Talk: ILL student seminar, Grenoble; 02-28-2012.

Author: Christine Klauser, E141-04 [ILL]

C. Klauser:
"High Precision Neutron Polarisation with Supermirrors";
Talk: Group seminar Prof. Abele, Atominstitut, TU Wien; 05-23-2013.

Author: Christine Klauser, E141-04 [ILL]

C. Klauser:
"High Precision Neutron Polarisation with Supermirrors";
Talk: 2013 ILL Clip Session, Grenoble; 03-28-2013.

Author: Christine Klauser, E141-04 [ILL]

C. Klauser:
"High precision neutron spin polarisation in the beta decay experiment PERC";
Talk: Seminar über neue Arbeiten am Atominstitut, Vienna; 12-13-2011.

Author: Christine Klauser, E141-04 [ILL]

C. Klauser:
"High Precision Polarisation of Large Cold Neutron Beams";
Talk: 2012 ILL Clip Session, Grenoble; 04-16-2012.

Author: Christine Klauser, E141-04 [ILL]

C. Klauser:
"Methods in Neutron Spin Polarimetry";
Poster: 15. Deutsche Physikerinnentagung, Saarbrücken; 11-03-2011 - 11-06-2011.

Author: Christine Klauser, E141-04 [ILL]

C. Klauser:
"Methods in Neutron Spin Polarimetry";
Talk: 16. Deutsche Physikerinnentagung 2012, Freiburg; 10-25-2012 - 10-28-2012.

Author: Christine Klauser, E141-04 [ILL]

C. Klauser:
"Neutron Beta Decay at the ESS - Beamline parameters and performance for a PERC-like instrument";
Talk: ESS Science Symposium on Neutron Particle Physics at Long Pulse Spallation Sources, LPSC Grenoble, France; 03-25-2013 - 03-27-2013.

Author: Christine Klauser, E141-04 [ILL]

C. Klauser:
"Neutron Polarimetry On the 10^‐4 Level";
Talk: PSI 2013 Workshop, Villingen, Switzerland; 09-08-2013 - 09-12-2013.

Authors: Christine Klauser, E141-04 [ILL]; Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Torsten Soldner, ILL

C. Klauser, H. Abele, T. Soldner:
"Neutron Beta Decay at the ESS Beamline parameters and performance for a PERC-like instrument";
Poster: Science & Scientists @ ESS 2012, Berlin, Germany; 04-19-2012 - 04-20-2012.

Authors: Christine Klauser, E141-04 [ILL]; Thierry Bigault, ILL Grenoble; Peter Böni, TUM; Pilar Guimera Millan, ILL; Martin Schneider, SN; Torsten Soldner, ILL

C. Klauser, T. Bigault, P. Böni, P. Guimera Millan, M. Schneider, T. Soldner:
"High Precision Neutron Polarisation with Supermirrors";
Talk: DPG spring meeting 2013 (Hadronic and Nuclear Physics), Dresden; 03-04-2013 - 03-08-2013.

More information

Authors: Christine Klauser, E141-04 [ILL]; Thierry Bigault, ILL Grenoble; Jeremie Chastagnier, ILL Grenoble; David Jullien, ILL Grenoble; Pascal Mouveau, ILL; Alexander Pethoukov, ILL; N. Rebrova; Torsten Soldner, ILL

C. Klauser, T. Bigault, J. Chastagnier, D. Jullien, P. Mouveau, A Pethoukov, N. Rebrova, T. Soldner:
"High Precision Depolarization Measurements in Polarizing Supermirrors";
Poster: Int. Workshop on Polarized Neutrons for Condensed Matter Investigation (PNCMI 2002), Paris; 07-02-2012 - 07-05-2012.

Authors: Christine Klauser, E141-04 [ILL]; Thierry Bigault, ILL Grenoble; Jeremie Chastagnier, ILL Grenoble; David Jullien, ILL Grenoble; Pascal Mouveau, ILL; Alexandr Petoukhov, ILL Grenoble; N. Rebrova; Torsten Soldner, ILL

C. Klauser, T. Bigault, J. Chastagnier, D. Jullien, P. Mouveau, A. Petoukhov, N. Rebrova, T. Soldner:
"High Precision Depolarization Measurements in Polarizing Supermirrors";
Poster: 9th International workshop on Polarised Neutrons in Condensed Matter Investigations, Paris; 07-02-2012 - 07-05-2012.

Authors: Christine Klauser, E141-04 [ILL]; Thierry Bigault, ILL Grenoble; Pierre Courtois, ILL Grenoble; David Jullien, ILL Grenoble; Alexandr Petoukhov, ILL Grenoble; N. Rebrova; Torsten Soldner, ILL

C. Klauser, T. Bigault, P. Courtois, D. Jullien, A. Petoukhov, N. Rebrova, T. Soldner:
"Depolarization in Polarizing Neutron Supermirrors";
Talk: DPG Spring Meeting of the Hadronic and Nuclear Physics, Mainz, Germany; 03-19-2012 - 03-23-2012.

Authors: Christine Klauser, E141-04 [ILL]; Jeremie Chastagnier, ILL Grenoble; David Jullien, ILL Grenoble; Alexandr Petoukhov, ILL Grenoble; Torsten Soldner, ILL

C. Klauser, J. Chastagnier, D. Jullien, A. Petoukhov, T. Soldner:
"An opaque test-bench for high precision neutron spin polarisation measurements";
Poster: 5th European Conference on Neutron Scattering, ECNS2011, Prague, CZ; 07-17-2011 - 07-22-2011.

Authors: Christine Klauser, E141-04 [ILL]; Jeremie Chastagnier, ILL Grenoble; David Jullien, ILL Grenoble; Alexandr Petoukhov, ILL Grenoble; Torsten Soldner, ILL

C. Klauser, J. Chastagnier, D. Jullien, A. Petoukhov, T. Soldner:
"An Opaque Test-Bench For High Precision Neutron Spin Polarization Measurements";
Talk: DPG Spring Meeting of the Hadronic and Nuclear Physics, Münster, Germany; 03-21-2011 - 03-25-2011.

Authors: Christine Klauser, E141-04 [ILL]; Torsten Soldner, ILL

C. Klauser, T. Soldner:
"Polarisation and polarisation analysis with 10^-4 accuracy and beam line design for PERC";
Talk: Status Meeting zum DFG Schwerpunktprogramm 1491, Frauenchiemsee, Germany; 03-13-2012 - 03-16-2012.

Authors: J. Klepp, E141; C. Pruner, University of Sa ...; Y. Tomita, University of El ...; T. Nakamura; R. A. Rupp, Univ. of Vienna; Helmut Rauch, E141-04; P. Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; J. Kohlbrecher; H. Eckerlebe, GKSS Forschungsz ...; M. Fally, Faculty of Physi ...

J. Klepp, C. Pruner, Y. Tomita, T. Nakamura, R. Rupp, H. Rauch, P. Geltenbort, J. Kohlbrecher, H. Eckerlebe, M. Fally:
"Holographically prepared diffraction gratings for neutron interferometry";
Poster: Universitätsseminar Salzburg 2010, Universität Salzburg; 09-07-2010 - 09-09-2010.

Authors: J. Klepp, E141; Stephan Sponar, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Stefan Filipp, E141; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; M. Leitner, E141; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

J. Klepp, St. Sponar, G. Badurek, S. Filipp, E. Jericha, M. Leitner, Y. Hasegawa:
"Observation of mixed state phase using neutron polarimetry";
Talk: Fachausschusstagung, ÖPG, Kern- und Teilchenphysik, Schloss Haindorf/Langenlois; 09-25-2007.

Authors: J. Klepp, E141; Stephan Sponar, E141-04; H. Bartosik; Stefan Filipp, E141; Helmut Rauch, E141-04; C. Schmitzer; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

J. Klepp, St. Sponar, H. Bartosik, S. Filipp, H. Rauch, C. Schmitzer, Y. Hasegawa:
"Quantum eraser and complementarity in neutron optics";
Poster: 3rd Vienna symposium on the Foundation of Modern Physics, Wien; 06-11-2009 - 06-14-2009.

Authors: J. Klepp, E141; Stephan Sponar, E141-04; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Stefan Filipp, E141; M. Lettner, E141; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04

J. Klepp, St. Sponar, Y. Hasegawa, S. Filipp, M. Lettner, E. Jericha, G. Badurek:
"Observation of geometric mixed state phase using neutron polarimetry";
Poster: Quantum Mechanics: From Fundamental Problems to Applications, Bertinoro (Italy); 12-05-2006.

Authors: J. Klepp, E141; Stephan Sponar, E141-04; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04

J. Klepp, St. Sponar, Y. Hasegawa, E. Jericha, G. Badurek:
"Noncyclic mixed state phase in SU(2) neutron polarimetry";
Poster: 54. Jahrestagung der Österr. Physikalischen Gesellschaft (ÖPG), Linz (Österreich); 09-28-2004 - 09-30-2004.

Authors: W. Kletter; W. Heil; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Matthias Baron, E141; Rudolf Loidl, E141; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

W. Kletter, W. Heil, G. Badurek, M. Baron, R. Loidl, H. Rauch:
"Measurement of the coherent neutron scattering length of 3He";
Talk: Int. Conf. Precision Measurements with Slow Neutrons, NIST, Gaithersburg (USA); 04-05-2004 - 04-07-2004.

Author: Michael Klopf, E141-04

M. Klopf:
"Measurement Principles and Optimization of aSPECT";
Talk: Group seminar Prof. Abele, Vienna; 06-04-2012.

Author: Michael Klopf, E141-04

M. Klopf:
"Neutron beta decay - Searching for Physics beyond the Standard Model";
Talk: DK-PI Selection Workshop, Vienna, Austria (invited); 07-03-2014 - 07-04-2014.

Author: Michael Klopf, E141-04

M. Klopf:
"Neutron Decay and Dark Matter";
Poster: International Workshop on Particle Physics at Neutron Sources, PPNS-2018, Grenoble, France; 05-23-2018 - 05-27-2018.

Author: Michael Klopf, E141-04

M. Klopf:
"PERKEO III Experimentierzeiten 2014/15";
Talk: Group seminar Prof. Abele, Atominstitut, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria; 11-12-2015.

Author: Michael Klopf, E141-04

M. Klopf:
"PERKEO III- Measurement of the Proton Asymmetry in Neutron Beta Decay";
Poster: ÖPG Jahrestagung 2016 - II, Vienna, Austria; 09-27-2016 - 09-29-2016.

Authors: Michael Klopf, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Jens Klenke; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; Peter Lennert, Uni Heidelberg; Wilfried Mach, E141-04; B. Märkisch; Daniel Moser, E141-04; Lukas Raffelt, Uni Heidelberg; C. Roick; Heiko Saul, E141; U. Schmidt; Torsten Soldner, ILL

M. Klopf, H. Abele, J. Klenke, G. Konrad, P Lennert, W. Mach, B. Märkisch, D Moser, L Raffelt, C. Roick, H. Saul, U. Schmidt, T. Soldner:
"PERKEO III- Systematic effects related to the electromagnetic setup";
Talk: Joint Annual Meeting of the Austrian and Swiss Physical Societies 2015, Vienna; 09-01-2015 - 09-04-2015.

Authors: Michael Klopf, E141-04; Jacqueline Erhart, E141-04; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

M. Klopf, J. Erhart, G. Konrad, H. Abele:
"Proton Spectroscopy with PERC";
Poster: 62nd Annual Meeting of the Austrian Physical Society, Graz; 09-18-2012 - 09-21-2012.

Authors: Michael Klopf, E141-04; Jacqueline Erhart, E141-04; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; Torsten Soldner, ILL

M. Klopf, J. Erhart, G. Konrad, T. Soldner:
"aSPECT: Improvement of the high voltage electrodes";
Poster: DPG spring meeting 2013 (Hadronic and Nuclear Physics), Dresden; 03-04-2013 - 03-08-2013.

More information

Authors: Michael Klopf, E141-04; Andrei Ivanov, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; B. Märkisch; F. F. Müller; Heiko Saul, E141; T. Soldner; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

M. Klopf, A. Ivanov, E. Jericha, B. Märkisch, F. Müller, H. Saul, T. Soldner, H. Abele:
"PERKEO II - Neutron Decay and Dark Matter";
Poster: WE-Heraeus Seminar (2018), Bad Honnef, Germany; 10-24-2018 - 10-26-2018.

Authors: Michael Klopf, E141-04; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; Wilfried Mach, E141-04; Heiko Saul, E141; Xianzun Wang, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

M. Klopf, G. Konrad, W. Mach, H. Saul, X. Wang, H. Abele:
"Left-right symmetry in neutron beta decay";
Poster: 64. Jahrestagung der Österr. Physikalischen Gesellschaft (ÖPG), Schloss Pöllau; 09-24-2014 - 09-27-2014.

Authors: Michael Klopf, E141-04; Daniel Moser, E141-04; Lukas Raffelt, Uni Heidelberg; C. Roick; Heiko Saul, E141; Jens Klenke; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; Peter Lennert, Uni Heidelberg; Wilfried Mach, E141-04; B. Märkisch; U. Schmidt; Torsten Soldner, ILL; Romain Virot, ILL; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

M. Klopf, D Moser, L Raffelt, C. Roick, H. Saul, J. Klenke, G. Konrad, P Lennert, W. Mach, B. Märkisch, U. Schmidt, T. Soldner, R Virot, H. Abele:
"PERKEO III - Measurement of the Proton Asymmetry";
Poster: 66th annual meeting of the Austrian Physical Society (ÖPG), Wien; 09-27-2016 - 09-29-2016.

More information

Authors: Michael Klopf, E141-04; F. F. Müller; Andrei Ivanov, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

M. Klopf, F. Müller, A. Ivanov, E. Jericha, H. Abele:
"PERKEO II - Neutron Decay and Dark Matter";
Poster: Jahrestagung ÖPG 2018, Graz, Austria; 09-11-2018 - 09-14-2018.

Authors: Michael Klopf, E141-04; F2 Müller; Andrei Ivanov, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; B. Märkisch; D. Mund; T. Soldner; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

M. Klopf, F. Müller, A. Ivanov, E. Jericha, B. Märkisch, D. Mund, T. Soldner, H. Abele:
"PERKEO II - Neutron Decay and Dark Matter";
Poster: International Workshop on Particle Physics at Neutron Sources, PPNS-2018, Grenoble, France; 05-24-2018 - 05-26-2018.

Authors: Igor Knapp, E138-03; Zahra Halavani, E141-04; M. Niederleitner; Ernst Bauer, E138-03

I. Knapp, Z. Halavani, M. Niederleitner, E. Bauer:
"Effects of substitutions, vacancies and hotpressing on the thermoelectric properties of Fe2VAl";
Poster: ICT/ACT 2016-35th International Conference & the 1st Asian Conference on Thermoelectrics, China, Wuhan; 05-29-2016 - 06-02-2016.

Author: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04

G. Konrad:
"(SchülerInnen-)Führungen am Atominstitut";
Talk: Group seminar Prof. Abele, Vienna; 11-29-2012.

Author: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04

G. Konrad:
"Beyond the Standard Model Physics in Neutron Decay";
Talk: Group seminar Prof. Abele, Atominstitut, TU Wien; 10-16-2014.

Author: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04

G. Konrad:
"Decay Correlations";
Keynote Lecture: Fundamental Neutron Physics Summer School 2015, Knoxville, Tennesse, USA (invited); 06-14-2015 - 06-20-2015.

Author: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04

G. Konrad:
"Detection efficiency of SDD of the aSPECT experiment";
Talk: 4th aSPECT Collaboration meeting, Institut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble, France (invited); 05-17-2016 - 05-18-2016.

Author: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04

G. Konrad:
"Discussion and decision on next steps";
Talk: Strategy Meeting `Particle Physics at ESS´, ESS Lund (invited); 07-08-2016.

Author: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04

G. Konrad:
"Magnetic Shielding for PERC";
Talk: 1st PERC Collaboration meeting 2016, FRM-II, Garching bei München; 02-24-2016.

Author: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04

G. Konrad:
"Measurement of the Neutrino-Electron Angular Correlation Coefficient a in the Decay of the Free Neutron";
Talk: Arbeitstreffen Kernphysik, Schleching, Germany (invited); 02-21-2008 - 02-28-2008.

Author: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04

G. Konrad:
"Measurement of the Proton Spectrum in Free Neutron Decay with aSPECT";
Talk: Special Seminar, Charlottesville, USA (invited); 06-29-2009.

Author: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04

G. Konrad:
"Measurement of the Proton Spectrum in Neutron Decay with the Spectrometer aSPECT";
Talk: Seminar for "Neutronen-, Festkörper- und Quantenphysik", Vienna, Austria (invited); 04-30-2010.

Author: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04

G. Konrad:
"Messung von Ladungsverteilungen";
Talk: Seminar zum Physikalischen Praktikum für Fortgeschrittene, Mainz, Germany; 01-18-2005.

Author: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04

G. Konrad:
"Modelling and Simulation of Experiments and Instrumentation in Neutron Particle Physics";
Talk: ASIM TCSE Workshop 2012, Vienna, Austria (invited); 02-13-2012 - 02-14-2012.

More information

Author: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04

G. Konrad:
"Neutron decay parameter a: the aSPECT experiment";
Talk: Internal group seminar, Atominstitut, Vienna, Austria; 10-06-2015.

Author: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04

G. Konrad:
"Neutron decay parameters a, b: Status and prospects";
Keynote Lecture: Solvay Workshop on Beta-Decay Weak Interaction Studies in the Era of the LHC, Bruxelles, Belgium (invited); 09-03-2014 - 09-05-2014.

Author: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04

G. Konrad:
"Neutron Decay with aSPECT: Study of Systematic Effects";
Talk: Group seminar Prof. Abele, Vienna, Austria; 10-27-2011.

Author: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04

G. Konrad:
"NoMoS: Beyond the Standard Model Physics in Neutron Deca";
Keynote Lecture: Joint Annual Meeting of the Austrian and Swiss Physical Societies 2015, Vienna (invited); 09-01-2015 - 09-04-2015.

Author: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04

G. Konrad:
"NoMoS: Beyond the Standard Model Physics in Neutron Deca";
Keynote Lecture: 2nd Status Meeting - DFG Priority Programme 1491, Wildbad Kreuth, Germany; 11-03-2015 - 11-06-2015.

Author: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04

G. Konrad:
"NoMoS: Beyond the Standard Model Physics in Neutron Decay";
Talk: New Frontiers Groups Hearing, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien (invited); 10-20-2014.

Author: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04

G. Konrad:
"NoMoS: Beyond the Standard Model Physics in Neutron Decay";
Talk: SMI Retreat 2015, Wien (invited); 02-14-2015 - 02-15-2015.

Author: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04

G. Konrad:
"NoMoS: Beyond the Standard Model Physics in Neutron Decay";
Talk: SMI SAB Meeting 2015, Vienna, Austria; 09-29-2015 - 09-30-2015.

Author: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04

G. Konrad:
"NoMoS: Beyond the Standard Model Physics in Neutron Decay";
Talk: EPS-HEP 2015, Vienna, Austria; 07-22-2015 - 07-29-2015.

Author: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04

G. Konrad:
"NoMoS: Beyond the Standard Model Physics in Neutron Decay";
Talk: Seminar on Nuclear- and Radiochemistry, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (invited); 01-18-2016.

Author: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04

G. Konrad:
"NoMoS: Beyond the Standard Model Physics in Neutron Decay";
Talk: 1st PERC Collaboration meeting 2016, FRM-II, Garching bei München (invited); 02-24-2016.

Author: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04

G. Konrad:
"NoMoS: Beyond the Standard Model Physics in Neutron Decay";
Talk: SMI Meeting with Prof. Amsler, Stefan Meyer Institute for subatomic physics, Vienna; 02-25-2016 - 02-26-2016.

Author: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04

G. Konrad:
"NoMoS: Beyond the Standard Model Physics in Neutron Decay";
Talk: International Workshop: Probing Fundamental Symmetries and Interactions with UCN, Schloss Waldthausen, Budenheim bei Mainz; 04-11-2016 - 04-15-2016.

Author: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04

G. Konrad:
"NoMoS: Beyond the Standard Model Physics in Neutron Decay";
Talk: Humboldt Kolleg "From the Vacuum to the Universe", Kitzbühel (invited); 06-26-2016 - 07-01-2016.

Author: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04

G. Konrad:
"Precision measurements of neutron beta decay";
Talk: 64. Jahrestagung der Österr. Physikalischen Gesellschaft (ÖPG), Schloss Pöllau; 09-24-2014 - 09-27-2014.

Author: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04

G. Konrad:
"Precision measurements of neutron beta decay";
Talk: Sonderseminar der Universität Mainz im Rahmen des Berufungsverfahrens "Physik mit ultrakalten Neutronen", Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (invited); 06-13-2016 - 06-14-2016.

Author: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04

G. Konrad:
"Proton Spectroscopy with PERC & aSPECT: Systematic Effects";
Talk: Collaboration Meeting, Vienna, Austria; 11-29-2010 - 11-30-2010.

Author: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04

G. Konrad:
"Search for new physics through precision measurements of neutron beta decay";
Talk: Application Lecture, Tenure Track Assistant Professorship `Fundamental Particle Physics at Low Energies (Experiment)´, TU München, Germany (invited); 12-13-2013.

Author: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04

G. Konrad:
"Status report on PERC Vienna";
Talk: 1st PERC Collaboration meeting 2014, FRM II, Garching; 01-20-2014.

Author: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04

G. Konrad:
"Zerfall des Neutrons";
Talk: Seminar zum Physikalischen Praktikum für Fortgeschrittene, Mainz, Germany; 06-27-2005.

Authors: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

G. Konrad, H. Abele:
"Cold and Ultra-cold Neutrons as Probes of New Physics";
Keynote Lecture: 26th International Nuclear Physics Conference (INPC2016), Adelaide, Australia (invited); 09-11-2016 - 09-16-2016.

Authors: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Jacqueline Erhart, E141-04; Christoph Gösselsberger, E141-04; Philip Haiden, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Michael Klopf, E141-04; Martin Moser, E141-04; Xianzun Wang, E141-04

G. Konrad, H. Abele, J. Erhart, Ch. Gösselsberger, P. Haiden, E. Jericha, M. Klopf, M. Moser, X. Wang:
"Charged Particle Detection in PERC";
Talk: 2nd European Nuclear Physics Conference, Bucharest; 09-17-2012 - 09-21-2012.

Authors: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Jacqueline Erhart, E141-04; Xianzun Wang, E141-04

G. Konrad, H. Abele, J. Erhart, X. Wang:
"Novel Detection System for Electron and Proton Momentum Spectroscopy with PERC";
Poster: PSI 2013 Workshop, Villingen, Switzerland; 09-08-2013 - 09-12-2013.

More information

Authors: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Christoph Gösselsberger, E141-04; Philip Haiden, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Michael Klopf, E141-04; Martin Moser, E141-04; Xianzun Wang, E141-04; Jacqueline Erhart, E141-04

G. Konrad, H. Abele, Ch. Gösselsberger, P. Haiden, E. Jericha, M. Klopf, M. Moser, X. Wang, J. Erhart:
"ESS: Particle Detection in PERC";
Poster: Science & Scientists @ ESS 2012, Berlin, Germany; 04-19-2012 - 04-20-2012.

Authors: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04; B. Märkisch; U. Schmidt; Camille Theroine, ESS; Torsten Soldner, ILL

G. Konrad, H. Abele, B. Märkisch, U. Schmidt, C Theroine, T. Soldner:
"A cold neutron beam facility for particle physics at the ESS";
Poster: 66th annual meeting of the Austrian Physical Society (ÖPG), Wien; 09-27-2016 - 09-29-2016.

More information

Authors: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04; B. Märkisch; U. Schmidt; Camille Theroine, ESS; Torsten Soldner, ILL

G. Konrad, H. Abele, B. Märkisch, U. Schmidt, C Theroine, T. Soldner:
"A cold neutron beam facility for particle physics at the ESS";
Poster: NuPECC meeting Mini Workshop Wien (2016), Vienna, Austria; 10-07-2016.

Authors: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; H. Angerer; F. Ayala Guardia; S. Baessler; M. Borg, Lund Univ.; J. Byrne; K. Eberhardt; F. Glück; W. Heil; I. Konorov; N. Luquero Llopis; R. Munoz Horta; M. Orlowski; G. Petzoldt; D. Rich; M. Simson; Yu. Sobolev; H.-F. Wirth; O. Zimmer

G. Konrad, H. Angerer, F. Ayala Guardia, S. Baessler, M. Borg, J. Byrne, K. Eberhardt, F. Glück, W. Heil, I. Konorov, N. Luquero Llopis, R. Munoz Horta, M. Orlowski, G. Petzoldt, D. Rich, M. Simson, Y. Sobolev, H. Wirth, O. Zimmer:
"First Results with aSPECT";
Poster: Institutstreff, Mainz, Germany; 07-05-2007 - 07-06-2007.

Authors: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; H. Angerer; F. Ayala Guardia; S. Baessler; M. Borg, Lund Univ.; L. Cabrera Brito; K. Eberhardt; F. Glück; W. Heil; I. Konorov; N. Luquero Llopis; R. Munoz Horta; M. Orlowski; G. Petzoldt; D. Rich; M. Simson; Yu. Sobolev; H.-F. Wirth; O. Zimmer

G. Konrad, H. Angerer, F. Ayala Guardia, S. Baessler, M. Borg, L. Cabrera Brito, K. Eberhardt, F. Glück, W. Heil, I. Konorov, N. Luquero Llopis, R. Munoz Horta, M. Orlowski, G. Petzoldt, D. Rich, M. Simson, Y. Sobolev, H. Wirth, O. Zimmer:
"The Antineutrino Electron Angular Correlation Coeffiecient a in the Decay of the Free Neutron";
Talk: EURONS Laser and Trap Collaboration Meeting, Saariselkä, Finland; 04-11-2007 - 04-15-2007.

Authors: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; F. Ayala Guardia; S. Baessler; M. Borg, Lund Univ.; F. Glück; W. Heil; I. Konorov; K.K.H. Leung; R. Munoz Horta; M. Simson; Yu. Sobolev; T. Soldner; H.-F. Wirth; O. Zimmer

G. Konrad, F. Ayala Guardia, S. Baessler, M. Borg, F. Glück, W. Heil, I. Konorov, K. Leung, R. Munoz Horta, M. Simson, Y. Sobolev, T. Soldner, H. Wirth, O. Zimmer:
"aSEPCT: Measurement of the Proton Spectrum in Neutron Decay";
Talk: 2nd Int. Workshop on the Physics of Fundamental Symmetries and Interactions at low energies and the precision frontier, Villingen, Switzerland; 10-11-2010 - 10-14-2010.

Authors: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; F. Ayala Guardia; S. Baessler; M. Borg, Lund Univ.; F. Glück; W. Heil; I. Konorov; K.K.H. Leung; R. Munoz Horta; M. Simson; Yu. Sobolev; T. Soldner; H.-F. Wirth; O. Zimmer

G. Konrad, F. Ayala Guardia, S. Baessler, M. Borg, F. Glück, W. Heil, I. Konorov, K. Leung, R. Munoz Horta, M. Simson, Y. Sobolev, T. Soldner, H. Wirth, O. Zimmer:
"Latest Measurements with the Neutron Decay Spectrometer aSPECT";
Poster: Summer School on Fundamental Neutron Physics, Gaithersburg, USA; 06-22-2009 - 06-26-2009.

Authors: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; F. Ayala Guardia; S. Baessler; M. Borg, Lund Univ.; F. Glück; W. Heil; I. Konorov; K.K.H. Leung; R. Munoz Horta; M. Simson; Yu. Sobolev; T. Soldner; H.-F. Wirth; O. Zimmer

G. Konrad, F. Ayala Guardia, S. Baessler, M. Borg, F. Glück, W. Heil, I. Konorov, K. Leung, R. Munoz Horta, M. Simson, Y. Sobolev, T. Soldner, H. Wirth, O. Zimmer:
"Latest Results with the Neutron Decay Spectrometer aSPECT";
Talk: DPG Spring Meeting, Munich, Germany; 03-09-2009 - 03-13-2009.

Authors: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; F. Ayala Guardia; S. Baessler; M. Borg, Lund Univ.; F. Glück; W. Heil; I. Konorov; K.K.H. Leung; R. Munoz Horta; M. Simson; Yu. Sobolev; T. Soldner; H.-F. Wirth; O. Zimmer

G. Konrad, F. Ayala Guardia, S. Baessler, M. Borg, F. Glück, W. Heil, I. Konorov, K. Leung, R. Munoz Horta, M. Simson, Y. Sobolev, T. Soldner, H. Wirth, O. Zimmer:
"The Neutrino Electron Correlation Coefficient in Free Neutron Decay: Latest Results with the aSPECT Spectrometer";
Talk: 7th Int. UCN Workshop, St. Petersburg, Russia; 06-08-2009 - 06-14-2009.

Authors: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; F. Ayala Guardia; S. Baessler; M. Borg, Lund Univ.; F. Glück; W. Heil; I. Konorov; K.K.H. Leung; R. Munoz Horta; M. Simson; Yu. Sobolev; T. Soldner; H.-F. Wirth; O. Zimmer

G. Konrad, F. Ayala Guardia, S. Baessler, M. Borg, F. Glück, W. Heil, I. Konorov, K. Leung, R. Munoz Horta, M. Simson, Y. Sobolev, T. Soldner, H. Wirth, O. Zimmer:
"The Proton Spectrum in Neutron Beta Decay - Latest Results with the aSEPCT Spectrometer";
Talk: The Eighteenth Particle and Nuclei International Conference, Eliat, Israel; 11-09-2008 - 11-14-2008.

Authors: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; Stefan Baessler, University of Vi ...; Iain Baikie, KP Technology; Henry Bonner, UVa; Werner Heil, Uni Mainz; Rachel Hodges, UVa; Thorsten Lauer, Uni Mainz; Sean McGovern, UVa; Xuying Tong, UVa

G. Konrad, S. Baessler, I. Baikie, H. Bonner, W. Heil, R. Hodges, T. Lauer, S. McGovern, X. Tong:
"Investigations of the Patch Effect with a Scanning Kelvin Probe";
Poster: 76th DPG Spring Meeting of the Condensed Matter Section, Berlin, Germany; 03-25-2012 - 03-30-2012.

Authors: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; Stefan Baessler, University of Vi ...; Iain Baikie, KP Technology; Henry Bonner, UVa; Werner Heil, Uni Mainz; Rachel Hodges, UVa; Thorsten Lauer, Uni Mainz; Sean McGovern, UVa; Xuying Tong, UVa

G. Konrad, S. Baessler, I. Baikie, H. Bonner, W. Heil, R. Hodges, T. Lauer, S. McGovern, X. Tong:
"Investigations of the Patch Effect with a Scanning Kelvin Probe and their Applications to Neutron Decay Experiments";
Talk: DPG Spring Meeting of the Hadronic and Nuclear Physics, Mainz, Germany; 03-19-2012 - 03-23-2012.

Authors: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; Jacqueline Erhart, E141-04; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; Christoph Gösselsberger, E141-04; Stefan Haas, E141-04; Philip Haiden, E141-04; M. Horvath, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Michael Klopf, E141-04; Christine Klauser, E141-04 [ILL]; R. Maix, E141-06; Martin Moser, E141-04; Heiko Saul, E141; Xianzun Wang, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

G. Konrad, J. Erhart, H. Fillunger, Ch. Gösselsberger, S Haas, P. Haiden, M. Horvath, E. Jericha, M. Klopf, C. Klauser, R. Maix, M. Moser, H. Saul, X. Wang, H. Abele:
"Exploring Fundamental Interactions via Neutron Decay";
Poster: Symposium "Research at European Neutron and Synchrotron facilities", Vienna, Austria; 11-11-2013 - 11-12-2013.

More information

Authors: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; Jacqueline Erhart, E141-04; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; M. Horvath, E141-04

G. Konrad, J. Erhart, H. Fillunger, M. Horvath:
"Vacuum estimates for PERC";
Talk: Collaboration Meeting, Heidelberg, Germany; 01-31-2012.

More information

Author: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04

G. Konrad et al.:
"Status Report on the New Facility PERC";
Talk: DPG spring meeting 2013 (Particle Physics), Dresden; 03-04-2013 - 03-08-2013.

More information

Authors: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; Harald Fillunger, E141-06

G. Konrad, H. Fillunger:
"Helium refrigerator for PERC";
Talk: Collaboration Meeting, Heidelberg, Germany; 01-24-2011.

Authors: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; for the PERC collaboration

G. Konrad, for the PERC collaboration:
"PERC: Exploring Fundamental Interactions with Neutrons";
Talk: 16. Deutsche Physikerinnentagung 2012, Freiburg; 10-25-2012 - 10-28-2012.

Authors: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; for the PERC collaboration

G. Konrad, for the PERC collaboration:
"Proton Detection in PERC";
Talk: Status Meeting zum DFG Schwerpunktprogramm 1491, Frauenchiemsee, Germany; 03-13-2012 - 03-16-2012.

Authors: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; for the PERC collaboration

G. Konrad, for the PERC collaboration:
"Status Report on PERC";
Talk: 62nd Annual Meeting of the Austrian Physical Society, Graz; 09-18-2012 - 09-21-2012.

Authors: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; Christoph Gösselsberger, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Marcus Beck, Uni Mainz; D. Dubbers; Jacqueline Erhart, E141-04; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; Tina Gerstmayr, E141-04; Sarah Gumpenberger, E141-04; Philip Haiden, E141-04; Werner Heil, Uni Mainz; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Christine Klauser, E141-04 [ILL]; Jens Klenke; Henry Lopez, Uni Heildeberg; B. Märkisch; R. Maix, E141-06; H. Mest; Martin Moser, E141-04; N. Rebrova; Heiko Saul, E141; U. Schmidt; Torsten Soldner, ILL; Xianzun Wang, E141-04; Maximilian Zach; Carmen Ziener, Universität Heid ...; Oliver Zimmer, ILL

G. Konrad, Ch. Gösselsberger, H. Abele, M. Beck, D. Dubbers, J. Erhart, H. Fillunger, T. Gerstmayr, S. Gumpenberger, P. Haiden, W. Heil, E. Jericha, C. Klauser, J. Klenke, H. Lopez, B. Märkisch, R. Maix, H. Mest, M. Moser, N. Rebrova, H. Saul, U. Schmidt, T. Soldner, X. Wang, Max Zach, C. Ziener, O. Zimmer:
"Vienna Progress Report on the New Facility PERC";
Poster: DPG Spring Meeting of the Hadronic and Nuclear Physics, Mainz, Germany; 03-19-2012 - 03-23-2012.

Authors: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; Fidel Ayala Guardia, Uni Mainz; Stefan Baessler, University of Vi ...; Marcus Beck, Uni Mainz; Michael Borg, Uni Mainz; Jacqueline Erhart, E141-04; Ferenc Glück, IEKP; Werner Heil, Uni Mainz; Christine Klauser, E141-04 [ILL]; Igor Konorov, TU München E18; Kent Leung, TU München E18, ILL; Romain Maisonobe, ILL; Raquel Munoz Horta, Uni Mainz; Martin Simson, ILL; Yury Sobolev, Uni Mainz; Torsten Soldner, ILL; Hans-Friedrich Wirth, LMU München; Alexander Wunderle, Uni Mainz; Oliver Zimmer, ILL

G. Konrad, F. Guardia, S. Baessler, M. Beck, M. Borg, J. Erhart, F. Glück, W. Heil, C. Klauser, I. Konorov, K. Leung, R. Maisonobe, R. Munoz Horta, M. Simson, Y. Sobolev, T. Soldner, H. Wirth, A. Wunderle, O. Zimmer:
"Neutron Decay with aSPECT: Investigation of Systematic Effects";
Talk: 15. Deutsche Physikerinnentagung, Saarbrücken; 11-03-2011 - 11-06-2011.

Authors: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; Philip Haiden, E141-04; Stefan Schwarz, E141-04; Xianzun Wang, E141-04; Jacqueline Erhart, E141-04; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; M. Horvath, E141-04

G. Konrad, P. Haiden, S Schwarz, X. Wang, J. Erhart, H. Fillunger, M. Horvath:
"Magnetic Shielding for PERC";
Talk: 1st PERC collaboration meeting 2013, FRM II, Garching; 01-24-2013 - 01-25-2013.

Authors: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Michael Bacak, E141-04; Stefan Baumgartner, E141-04; Bernhard Berger, E141-04; Joachim Bosina, E141-04; J. Erhardt, E141-04; Christoph Gösselsberger, E141-04; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; Stefan Haas, E141-04; Philip Haiden, E141-04; M. Horvath, E141-04; Christine Klauser, E141-04 [ILL]; Michael Klopf, E141-04; Wilfried Mach, E141-04; R. Maix, E141-06; Robert Raab, E141-04; Heiko Saul, E141; Xianzun Wang, E141-04; Johann Zmeskal, SMI Wien; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

G. Konrad, E. Jericha, M. Bacak, S. Baumgartner, B. Berger, J. Bosina, J. Erhardt, Ch. Gösselsberger, H. Fillunger, S Haas, P. Haiden, M. Horvath, C. Klauser, M. Klopf, W. Mach, R. Maix, R. Raab, H. Saul, X. Wang, J Zmeskal, H. Abele:
"The Proton Electron Radiation Channel PERC at ILL";
Poster: NuPECC meeting Mini Workshop Wien (2016), Vienna, Austria; 10-07-2016.

Authors: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Michael Bacak, E141-04; Stefan Baumgartner, E141-04; Bernhard Berger, E141-04; Joachim Bosina, E141-04; Jacqueline Erhart, E141-04; Christoph Gösselsberger, E141-04; Harald Fillunger, E141-06; Stefan Haas, E141-04; Philip Haiden, E141-04; M. Horvath, E141-04; Christine Klauser, E141-04 [ILL]; Michael Klopf, E141-04; Wilfried Mach, E141-04; R. Maix, E141-06; Robert Raab, E141-04; Heiko Saul, E141; Xianzun Wang, E141-04; Johann Zmeskal, SMI Wien; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

G. Konrad, E. Jericha, M. Bacak, S. Baumgartner, B. Berger, J. Bosina, J. Erhart, Ch. Gösselsberger, H. Fillunger, S Haas, P. Haiden, M. Horvath, C. Klauser, M. Klopf, W. Mach, R. Maix, R. Raab, H. Saul, X. Wang, J Zmeskal, H. Abele:
"The Proton Electron Radiation Channel PERC at FRM II";
Poster: Symposium "Future Possible Use of Neutron and Synchrotron Sources", Graz; 09-15-2016 - 09-16-2016.

More information

Authors: C. Lederer, VERA Laboratory; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; A. Pavlik; A. Wallner, VERA Laboratory; C. Weiß

C. Lederer, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, A. Pavlik, A. Wallner, C. Weiß:
"Study of nuclear reactions relevant for the astrophysical s-process with n_TOF at CERN";
Poster: 59. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Innsbruck; 09-02-2009 - 09-04-2009.

Authors: C. Lederer, VERA Laboratory; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; A. Wallner, VERA Laboratory; C. Weiß

C. Lederer, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, A. Wallner, C. Weiß:
"Study of nuclear reactions relevant fort he astrophysical s-process with n_TOF at CERN";
Talk: Joint Annual meeting of the Austrian and Swiss Federal Physical Society, Innsbruck; 09-02-2009 - 09-04-2009.

Authors: C. Lederer, VERA Laboratory; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Christina Weiß, E141; - nTOF Collaboration

C. Lederer, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, C. Weiß, -. nTOF Collaboration:
"New measurement of the 62Ni(n,γ) cross-section with n_TOF at CERN relevant for the astrophysical s-process";
Talk: 60. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (ÖPG), Salzburg; 09-06-2010 - 09-10-2010.

Authors: Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Friedrich Aumayr, E134-03; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; M. Benedikt; Michael Hajek, E141-05; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; P. Kienle; M. Krammer, E141; J. Marton; E. Widmann; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

H. Leeb, F. Aumayr, G. Badurek, M. Benedikt, M. Hajek, E. Jericha, P. Kienle, M. Krammer, J. Marton, E. Widmann, H. W. Weber:
"Opportunities of Basic and Applied Research at MedAustron";
Poster: International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Research Applications and Utilization of Accelerators, Wien; 05-07-2009.

Authors: Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Gerald Badurek, E141-04

H. Leeb, G. Badurek:
"Proposed Physics Programme at the planned MedAustron Facility";
Talk: NuPECC European Workshop on Small Scale Accelerator Facilities, Kreta; 09-07-2007 - 09-08-2007.

Authors: Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; H. Frais-Kölbl, E141; E. Griesmayer; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Heinz Oberhummer, E141-03; A. Pavlik; - nTOF Collaboration

H. Leeb, G. Badurek, H. Frais-Kölbl, E. Griesmayer, E. Jericha, H. Oberhummer, A. Pavlik, -. nTOF Collaboration:
"Die Ernte der ersten Messperiode an der nTOF Anlage am CERN";
Poster: 57. Jahrestagung Österreichische Physikalische Gesellschaft, Donau Universität, Krems; 09-27-2007.

Authors: Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Heinz Oberhummer, E141-03; M. Pigni; I. Raskinyte; A. Pavlik; H. Frais-Kölbl, E141; E. Griesmayer; - nTOF Collaboration

H. Leeb, G. Badurek, E. Jericha, H. Oberhummer, M. Pigni, I. Raskinyte, A. Pavlik, H. Frais-Kölbl, E. Griesmayer, -. nTOF Collaboration:
"Die Spallationsneutronenquelle n_TOF am CERN: Resultate und Perspektiven";
Talk: 56. Jahrestagung der Österr. Physikalischen Gesellschaft (ÖPG), Graz; 09-19-2006.

Authors: Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; J. Kasper; M. Pigni; I. Raskinyte

H. Leeb, E. Jericha, J. Kasper, M. Pigni, I. Raskinyte:
"Requirements for unique reconstruction of depth profiles in neutron reflectometry";
Poster: Int. Conf. on "Polarized Neutrons in Cond. Matter Invest., Washington (USA); 06-01-2004 - 06-04-2004.

Authors: Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; R. Szeywerth, E141; Gerald Badurek, E141-04

H. Leeb, E. Jericha, R. Szeywerth, G. Badurek:
"Towards managable magnetic field retrieval in bulk materials";
Poster: Int. Conf. on "Polarized Neutrons in Cond. Matter Invest., Washington (USA); 06-01-2004 - 06-04-2004.

Authors: Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Thomas Srdinko, E141-03; J. Fries; Robert Raab, E141-04

H. Leeb, T. Srdinko, J. Fries, R. Raab:
"R-Matrix Based Solution of Schrödinger Equations with Complex Potentials";
Keynote Lecture: Int. Conf. on Linear Algebra and its Applications (ICLAA 2017), Manipal, India; 12-09-2017 - 12-13-2017.

Authors: Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Thomas Srdinko, E141-03; Robert Raab, E141-04

H. Leeb, T. Srdinko, R. Raab:
"Evaluation technique for neutron-induced reactions of light nuclei based on the hybrid R-matrix approach";
Keynote Lecture: 4th International Workshop on Nuclear Data Covariances (cw2017), Aix en Provence, France; 10-02-2017 - 10-06-2017.

Author: Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04

H. Lemmel:
"Neutron Interferometry";
Talk: Seminarreihe des Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica, INRIM, Turin; 12-20-2017.

More information

Author: Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04

H. Lemmel:
"Neutron Quantization within Narrow Slits";
Talk: GRANIT Workshop (Gravitational Neutron Induced Transit), Grenoble (France); 04-06-2006 - 04-07-2006.

Author: Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04

H. Lemmel:
"Non-dispersive phase shifters in neutron interferometry";
Keynote Lecture: GRANIT 2014-Workshop, Les Houches, France; 03-02-2014 - 03-07-2014.

Author: Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04

H. Lemmel:
"Relativistic effects in atom and neutron interferometry and the differences between them";
Keynote Lecture: Relativistic effects in atom and neutron interferometry, Vienna, Austria (invited); 07-02-2014 - 07-03-2014.

Authors: Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04

H. Lemmel, G. Badurek, E. Jericha:
"A rotating and ramped spin turner for dynamical neutron polarization";
Poster: Deutsche Neutronenstreutagung 2008, München; 09-15-2008.

Authors: Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04

H. Lemmel, G. Badurek, E. Jericha:
"Ein rotierender und amplitudengeregelter Spindreher für die dynamische Neutronenpolarisation";
Poster: 58. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Leoben; 09-23-2008.

Authors: Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04; Matthias Baron, E141; Rudolf Loidl, E141; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Lemmel, M. Baron, R. Loidl, H. Rauch:
"Confinement Induced Phase Shift of Neutrons";
Talk: 10th. Central-European Workshop on Quantum Optics, Rostock-Warnemünde (Deutschland); 04-04-2003 - 04-07-2003.

Authors: Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04; Matthias Baron, E141; Rudolf Loidl, E141; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Lemmel, M. Baron, R. Loidl, H. Rauch:
"Confinement Induced Phase Shift of Neutrons ";
Poster: Obergurgl Meeting 2003, Obergurgl, Tirol; 02-23-2003 - 03-01-2003.

Authors: Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04; Philippe Brax, ILL; Andrei Ivanov, E141-04; Tobias Jenke, E141-04; Guillaume Pignol, LPSC Grenoble; Mario Pitschmann, E141-04; Thomas Potocar, E141-04; Markus Wellenzohn; Michael Zawisky, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Lemmel, P. Brax, A. Ivanov, T. Jenke, G. Pignol, M. Pitschmann, T. Potocar, M. Wellenzohn, M. Zawisky, H. Abele:
"Neutron Interferometry constrains Dark Energy Chameleon Fields";
Poster: Physics of Fundamental Symmetries and Interactions (2016), Villigen, Switzerland; 10-16-2016 - 10-20-2016.

Authors: Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Lemmel, Y. Hasegawa, H. Rauch:
"Entanglement features in interferometer and spin-echo experiments";
Poster: 5th European Conference on Neutron Scattering, Prague, Czech Republic; 07-17-2011 - 07-22-2011.

Authors: Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04; Rudolf Loidl, E141; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Lemmel, R. Loidl, H. Rauch:
"Confinement-induced Neutron Phase";
Poster: The ILL Millenium Symposium, Grenoble (France); 04-27-2006 - 04-29-2006.

Authors: Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Lemmel, H. Rauch:
"Confinement induced Neutron Phase";
Poster: Int. Conf. Precision Measurements with Slow Neutrons, NIST, Gaithersburg (USA); 04-05-2004 - 04-07-2004.

Authors: Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Lemmel, H. Rauch:
"Confinement Induced Neutron Phase";
Poster: 333th Int. W. und E. Heraeus Seminar on New Frontiers in Quantum Theory and Measurement, Schloss Reisensburg, Günzburg (Deutschland); 09-01-2004 - 09-05-2004.

Authors: Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Lemmel, H. Rauch:
"Confinement induced neutron phase";
Poster: ÖPG Jahrestagung 2005, Univ. Wien (Österreich); 09-27-2005 - 09-29-2005.

Authors: Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Lemmel, H. Rauch:
"Neutron quantization within narrow slits";
Talk: Int. Workshop on Resonance Transitions between Gravitationally Bound Neutron States, Grenoble (France); 04-06-2006 - 04-07-2006.

Authors: F. Lo Celso; A. Triolo; F. Negroni; Matthias Baron, E141; A. Wiedenmann; Helmut Rauch, E141-04; R. Triolo

F. Lo Celso, A. Triolo, F. Negroni, M. Baron, A. Wiedenmann, H. Rauch, R. Triolo:
"USANS-SANS Invesigation of Filled Rubbers ";
Poster: XII Int. Conf. on Small Angle Scattering, Venice (Italy); 08-25-2002 - 08-29-2002.

Authors: Rudolf Loidl, E141; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Matthias Baron, E141; Francois Dubus, E141; Stefan Filipp, E141; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; J. Klepp, E141; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04; M. Trinker, E141; Michael Zawisky, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

R. Loidl, G. Badurek, M. Baron, F. Dubus, S. Filipp, Y. Hasegawa, J. Klepp, E. Jericha, H. Lemmel, M. Trinker, M. Zawisky, H. Rauch:
"Interferometer and USANS Instrument S18";
Poster: The ILL Millenium Symposium, Grenoble (France); 04-27-2006 - 04-29-2006.

Authors: Rudolf Loidl, E141; J. Klepp, E141; Stephan Sponar, E141-04; Stefan Filipp, E141; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

R. Loidl, J. Klepp, St. Sponar, S. Filipp, G. Badurek, H. Rauch, Y. Hasegawa:
"Violation of Mermnin´s inequality for GHZ states in neutron interferometry";
Talk: Fachausschusstagung, ÖPG, Kern- und Teilchenphysik, Schloss Haindorf/Langenlois; 09-25-2007.

Authors: S. Lukic; P. Baumann; C. Borcea; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; S. Jokic; A. Kelic; N. Kornilov; J.-P. Meulders; L. Olah; A. Pavlik; A. Plompen; G. Rudolf

S. Lukic, P. Baumann, C. Borcea, E. Jericha, S. Jokic, A. Kelic, N. Kornilov, J. Meulders, L. Olah, A. Pavlik, A. Plompen, G. Rudolf:
"The Use of Ge Detectors for (nχn) Cross Section Measurements at Intense and Low Frequency Pulsed Neutron Beams ";
Poster: 7th Information Exchange Meeting on Actinide and Fission Product Partitioning & Transmutation, Jeju (Korea); 10-20-2002.

Author: Wilfried Mach, E141-04

W. Mach:
"Current projects at the Atominstitut";
Poster: Nesy Symposium (2016), TU-Graz, Austria; 09-15-2016.

Author: Wilfried Mach, E141-04

W. Mach:
"Installation of a Thermal White Neutron Beam Facility at the TRIGA reactor in Vienna";
Keynote Lecture: Nuclear Energy for New Europe (2017), Bled, Slovenia; 09-11-2017 - 09-14-2017.

Author: Wilfried Mach, E141-04

W. Mach:
"Status quo:Installation of a new neutron beam instrument at the TRIGA reactor at the Atominstitut";
Keynote Lecture: DFG Spp 1491, Kreuth, Germany; 11-03-2015.

Authors: Wilfried Mach, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Hanno Filter, E141-04; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Tobias Jenke, E141-04; Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; Stephan Sponar, E141-04; Mario Villa, E141-05; Michael Zawisky, E141-04

W. Mach, H. Abele, H. Filter, Y. Hasegawa, T. Jenke, H. Lemmel, E. Jericha, G. Konrad, St. Sponar, M. Villa, M. Zawisky:
"Current projects at the Atominstitut";
Poster: NuPECC meeting Mini Workshop Wien (2016), ÖAW, Wien (invited); 10-07-2016.

Authors: Wilfried Mach, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Hanno Filter, E141-04; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; Stephan Sponar, E141-04; Mario Villa, E141-05; Michael Zawisky, E141-04

W. Mach, H. Abele, H. Filter, Y. Hasegawa, E. Jericha, G. Konrad, St. Sponar, M. Villa, M. Zawisky:
"Current projects at the Atominstitut";
Poster: Symposium "Future Possible Use of Neutron and Synchrotron Sources", Graz; 09-15-2016 - 09-16-2016.

More information

Authors: Wilfried Mach, E141-04; Hanno Filter, E141-04; Erich Griesmayer, E141-04; Pavel Kavrigin, E141-04; M. Thalhammer, E141-04; C. Weiß; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

W. Mach, H. Filter, E. Griesmayer, P. Kavrigin, M. Thalhammer, C. Weiß, H. Abele:
"Current Neutron Detector Development at the Atominstitut";
Poster: Technical Meeting in Modern neutron Detection (2017), Vienna, Austria; 09-04-2017 - 09-08-2017.

Authors: Wilfried Mach, E141-04; Andreas Hawlik, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Manuel Pangl, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

W. Mach, A. Hawlik, E. Jericha, M. Pangl, H. Abele:
"The Thermal White Neutron Beam at the Atominstitut";
Poster: SPP 1491 - Closing Convention (2017), Raitenhaslach, Germany; 10-30-2017 - 11-03-2017.

Authors: Wilfried Mach, E141-04; Tobias Rechberger, E141-04; Christoph Gösselsberger, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04

W. Mach, T. Rechberger, Ch. Gösselsberger, E. Jericha, G. Badurek:
"Towards a novel model-independent method for data analysis for USANSPOL experiments";
Poster: International Conference on Neutron Scattering ICNS2013, Edinburgh; 07-08-2013 - 07-12-2013.

More information

Authors: B. Märkisch; Hartmut Abele, E141-04; D. Dubbers; C. Gösselsberger; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; W. Heil; H. Mest; U. Schmidt; T. Soldner; X. Wang; O. Zimmer

B. Märkisch, H. Abele, D. Dubbers, C. Gösselsberger, E. Jericha, G. Konrad, W. Heil, H. Mest, U. Schmidt, T. Soldner, X. Wang, O. Zimmer:
"PERC - a clean, bright and versatile source of neutron decay products";
Talk: DPG Spring Meeting, Bonn, Germany; 03-16-2010.

Authors: Romain Maisonobe, ILL; Stefan Baessler, University of Vi ...; Marcus Beck, Uni Mainz; E. Bickmann, Uni Mainz; Ferenc Glück, IEKP; Werner Heil, Uni Mainz; J. Haack, Uni Mainz; R. Horn, Uni Mainz; Jan Kahlenberg, Uni Mainz; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; K. Ross, Uni Mainz; Christian Schmidt, Uni Mainz; Martin Simson, ILL; Torsten Soldner, ILL; D. Stipp, Uni Mainz; Romain Virot, ILL; Alexander Wunderle, Uni Mainz; Oliver Zimmer, ILL

R. Maisonobe, S. Baessler, M. Beck, E Bickmann, F. Glück, W. Heil, J Haack, R Horn, J. Kahlenberg, G. Konrad, K Ross, C. Schmidt, M. Simson, T. Soldner, D Stipp, R Virot, A. Wunderle, O. Zimmer:
"The aSPECT experiment - Background and events shape analysis";
Talk: 2nd Status Meeting - DFG Priority Programme 1491, Wildbad Kreuth, Germany; 11-03-2015 - 11-06-2015.

Authors: Romain Maisonobe, ILL; Stefan Baessler, University of Vi ...; Marcus Beck, Uni Mainz; Jacqueline Erhart, E141-04; Ferenc Glück, IEKP; Werner Heil, Uni Mainz; Christine Klauser, E141-04 [ILL]; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; Christian Schmidt, Uni Mainz; Martin Simson, ILL; Torsten Soldner, ILL; Alexander Wunderle, Uni Mainz; Oliver Zimmer, ILL

R. Maisonobe, S. Baessler, M. Beck, J. Erhart, F. Glück, W. Heil, C. Klauser, G. Konrad, C. Schmidt, M. Simson, T. Soldner, A. Wunderle, O. Zimmer:
"Proton asymmetry C measurement with the spectrometer aSPECT";
Talk: Status Meeting zum DFG Schwerpunktprogramm 1491, Frauenchiemsee, Germany; 03-13-2012 - 03-16-2012.

Authors: S. Mayer, E141; Matthias Baron, E141; A. Rofner, E141; Helmut Rauch, E141-04; Rudolf Loidl, E141

S. Mayer, M. Baron, A. Rofner, H. Rauch, R. Loidl:
"Environmental impact on the phase stability of a neutron interferometer";
Poster: Int. Conf. Precision Measurements with Slow Neutrons, NIST, Gaithersburg (USA); 04-05-2004 - 04-07-2004.

Authors: S. Mazumder; D. Sen; J. Bahadur; J. Klepp, E141; Helmut Rauch, E141-04; J. Teixeira

S. Mazumder, D. Sen, J. Bahadur, J. Klepp, H. Rauch, J. Teixeira:
"Nonlinearity and isotope effect in temporal evolution of mesoscopic structure during hydration of cement";
Talk: 5th European Conference on Neutron Scattering, Prague, Czech Republic; 07-17-2011 - 07-22-2011.

Authors: M. Menzel; A. Meyer; O. Scharf; Sebastian Nowak, E141-04; Martin Radtke; Uwe Reinholz; G. Buzanich, E141; Peter Hischenhuber; Christina Streli, E141-05; V.M. Lopez; K. McIntosh; G.J. Havrilla; U. Fittschen

M. Menzel, A. Meyer, O. Scharf, S. Nowak, M. Radtke, U. Reinholz, G. Buzanich, P Hischenhuber, C. Streli, V. Lopez, K. McIntosh, G. Havrilla, U. Fittschen:
"Shading in TXRF: Calculations and Experimental Validation using a Color X-ray Camera with Subpixel Resolution";
Poster: TXRF 2015, Westminster, CO, USA; 08-03-2015 - 08-07-2015.

Authors: J. Micko; Joachim Bosina, E141-04; Gunther Cronenberg, E141-04; Katharina Durstberger-Rennhofer, E141-04; Hanno Filter, E141-04; Peter Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; Andrei Ivanov, E141-04; Tobias Jenke, E141-04; Mario Pitschmann, E141-04; Tobias Rechberger, E141-04; Rene Sedmik, E141-04; M. Thalhammer, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

J. Micko, J. Bosina, G. Cronenberg, K. Durstberger-Rennhofer, H. Filter, P. Geltenbort, A. Ivanov, T. Jenke, M. Pitschmann, T. Rechberger, R. Sedmik, M. Thalhammer, H. Abele:
"qBounce: Ramsey gravity resonance spectroscopy with ultracold neutrons";
Poster: Rencontres de Moriond - Gravitation (2019), La Thulie, Italy; 03-24-2019 - 03-30-2019.

Authors: J. Micko; Joachim Bosina, E141-04; Carina Killian; Peter Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; Andrei Ivanov, E141-04; Tobias Jenke, E141-04; Mario Pitschmann, E141-04; Rene Sedmik, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

J. Micko, J. Bosina, C. Killian, P. Geltenbort, A. Ivanov, T. Jenke, M. Pitschmann, R. Sedmik, H. Abele:
"qBounce: Ramsey gravity resonance spectroscopy explained";
Poster: Physics of fundamental Symmetries and Interactions - PSI2019 (2019), Villigen, Swiss; 10-20-2019 - 10-25-2019.

Author: Daniel Moser, E141-04

D Moser:
"A Magnetic Field Investigation of PERKEO III";
Talk: Seminar über Präsentationstechniken in der Physik, Wien; 04-29-2016.

Author: Daniel Moser, E141-04

D Moser:
"PERKEO III - A Neutron Decay Spectrometer";
Talk: Seminar über Präsentationstechniken in der Physik, Wien; 04-29-2016.

Author: Daniel Moser, E141-04

D Moser:
"Status Update of NoMoS";
Keynote Lecture: SMI Retreat, Mauerbach, Austria; 02-23-2018 - 02-24-2018.

Author: Daniel Moser, E141-04

D Moser:
"Status update of NoMoS";
Poster: International Workshop on Particle Physics at Neutron Sources, PPNS-2018, Grenoble, France; 05-22-2018 - 05-27-2018.

Authors: Daniel Moser, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Jens Klenke; Michael Klopf, E141-04; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; Peter Lennert, Uni Heidelberg; Wilfried Mach, E141-04; B. Märkisch; Lukas Raffelt, Uni Heidelberg; C. Roick; Heiko Saul, E141; U. Schmidt; Torsten Soldner, ILL

D Moser, H. Abele, J. Klenke, M. Klopf, G. Konrad, P Lennert, W. Mach, B. Märkisch, L Raffelt, C. Roick, H. Saul, U. Schmidt, T. Soldner:
"Investigation of systematic effects of PERKEO III";
Poster: Joint Annual Meeting of the Austrian and Swiss Physical Societies 2015, Vienna; 09-01-2015 - 09-04-2015.

Authors: Daniel Moser, E141-04; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

D Moser, G. Konrad, H. Abele:
"Non-Standard Model physics in neutron beta decay";
Poster: 64. Jahrestagung der Österr. Physikalischen Gesellschaft (ÖPG), Schloss Pöllau; 09-24-2014 - 09-27-2014.

Authors: Daniel Moser, E141-04; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; J. Erhardt, E141-04; Christine Klauser, E141-04 [ILL]; Michael Klopf, E141-04; Wilfried Mach, E141-04; Martin Moser, E141-04; Heiko Saul, E141; Xianzun Wang, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

D Moser, G. Konrad, J. Erhardt, C. Klauser, M. Klopf, W. Mach, M. Moser, H. Saul, X. Wang, H. Abele:
"The Neutron Alphabet at the ILL";
Poster: NuPECC meeting Mini Workshop Wien (2016), Vienna, Austria; 10-07-2016.

Author: Martin Moser, E141-04

M. Moser:
"Optimierung des PERKEO III Detektorsystems zur Elektronen-Energie-Spektroskopie bei PERC";
Talk: Group seminar Prof. Abele, Vienna; 10-25-2012.

Authors: Martin Moser, E141-04; Thomas Cervinka, E141-04; Jacqueline Erhart, E141-04; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; Sebastian Maaß, E141-04; Xianzun Wang, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

M. Moser, T Cervinka, J. Erhart, G. Konrad, S Maaß, X. Wang, H. Abele:
"Elektronen-Energie-Detektion f ur PERC";
Poster: 62nd Annual Meeting of the Austrian Physical Society, Graz; 09-18-2012 - 09-21-2012.

Authors: Martin Moser, E141-04; Jacqueline Erhart, E141-04; Philip Haiden, E141-04; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; Claus Kovacs, E141; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

M. Moser, J. Erhart, P. Haiden, G. Konrad, C. Kovacs, H. Abele:
"Untersuchung der Rückstreuung von Elektronen zur Verbesserung der Energieauflösung bei PERC";
Poster: DPG spring meeting 2013 (Hadronic and Nuclear Physics), Dresden; 03-04-2013 - 03-08-2013.

More information

Authors: R. Munoz Horta; H. Angerer; F. Ayala Guardia; S. Baessler; M. Borg, Lund Univ.; K. Eberhardt; F. Glück; W. Heil; I. Konorov; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; N. Luquero Llopis; M. Orlowski; G. Petzoldt; D. Rich; M. Simson; Yu. Sobolev; H.-F. Wirth; O. Zimmer

R. Munoz Horta, H. Angerer, F. Ayala Guardia, S. Baessler, M. Borg, K. Eberhardt, F. Glück, W. Heil, I. Konorov, G. Konrad, N. Luquero Llopis, M. Orlowski, G. Petzoldt, D. Rich, M. Simson, Y. Sobolev, H. Wirth, O. Zimmer:
"Design and Optimization of the MAC-E-Filter of the Neutron Decay Spectrometer aSPECT";
Talk: DPG Spring Meeting, Munich, Germany; 04-20-2006 - 04-24-2006.

Authors: R. Munoz Horta; H. Angerer; F. Ayala Guardia; S. Baessler; M. Borg, Lund Univ.; K. Eberhardt; F. Glück; W. Heil; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; I. Konorov; N. Luquero Llopis; M. Orlowski; G. Petzoldt; D. Rich; M. Simson; Yu. Sobolev; H.-F. Wirth; O. Zimmer

R. Munoz Horta, H. Angerer, F. Ayala Guardia, S. Baessler, M. Borg, K. Eberhardt, F. Glück, W. Heil, G. Konrad, I. Konorov, N. Luquero Llopis, M. Orlowski, G. Petzoldt, D. Rich, M. Simson, Y. Sobolev, H. Wirth, O. Zimmer:
"The Proton Spectrum in Neutron Beta Decay - First Results with the aSPECT Spectrometer";
Talk: 14th International Seminar on Interaction of Neutrons with Nuclei: "Fundamental Interactions & Neutrons, Nuclear Structure, Ultracold Neutrons, Related Topics", Dubna, Russia; 05-24-2006 - 05-27-2006.

Authors: R. Munoz Horta; F. Ayala Guardia; S. Baessler; M. Borg, Lund Univ.; L. Cabrera Brito; K. Eberhardt; F. Glück; W. Heil; I. Konorov; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; N. Luquero Llopis; Ch. Palmer; G. Petzoldt; D. Rich; M. Simson; Yu. Sobolev; H.-F. Wirth; O. Zimmer

R. Munoz Horta, F. Ayala Guardia, S. Baessler, M. Borg, L. Cabrera Brito, K. Eberhardt, F. Glück, W. Heil, I. Konorov, G. Konrad, N. Luquero Llopis, C. Palmer, G. Petzoldt, D. Rich, M. Simson, Y. Sobolev, H. Wirth, O. Zimmer:
"The Proton Spectrum in Free Neutron Decay: First Results with the aSPECT Spectrometer";
Talk: X SEACAVA Summer Program, Mainz, Germany; 08-01-2007 - 09-30-2007.

Authors: R. Munoz Horta; F. Ayala Guardia; M. Borg, Lund Univ.; L. Cabrera Brito; F. Glück; W. Heil; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; N. Luquero Llopis; Ch. Palmer; J. R. Sanchez Gallego; Yu. Sobolev; K. Eberhardt; H. Angerer; I. Konorov; G. Petzoldt; M. Simson; H.-F. Wirth; O. Zimmer; D. Rich; S. Baessler

R. Munoz Horta, F. Ayala Guardia, M. Borg, L. Cabrera Brito, F. Glück, W. Heil, G. Konrad, N. Luquero Llopis, C. Palmer, J. Gallego, Y. Sobolev, K. Eberhardt, H. Angerer, I. Konorov, G. Petzoldt, M. Simson, H. Wirth, O. Zimmer, D. Rich, S. Baessler:
"The aSPECT Spectrometer";
Talk: First user meeting FRM II, Garching, Germany; 10-30-2007.

Authors: R. Munoz Horta; F. Ayala Guardia; M. Borg, Lund Univ.; F. Glück; W. Heil; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; Yu. Sobolev; H. Angerer; I. Konorov; G. Petzoldt; M. Simson; H.-F. Wirth; O. Zimmer; S. Baessler; D. Rich; T. Soldner; K.K.H. Leung

R. Munoz Horta, F. Ayala Guardia, M. Borg, F. Glück, W. Heil, G. Konrad, Y. Sobolev, H. Angerer, I. Konorov, G. Petzoldt, M. Simson, H. Wirth, O. Zimmer, S. Baessler, D. Rich, T. Soldner, K. Leung:
"The spectrometer aSEPCT";
Talk: Klausurtagung d. Graduiertenkollegs "Eichtheorien - experimentelle Test und theoretische Grundlagen", Marienburg, Germany; 09-15-2008 - 09-17-2008.

Authors: S. Namba; D. T. Hung; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; M. Kishimoto; M. Nishikino; Jozsef Seres, E141-07; C. Serrat

S. Namba, D. Hung, Y. Hasegawa, M. Kishimoto, M. Nishikino, J. Seres, C. Serrat:
"Fully coherent plasma x-ray laser by injection of a parametrically amplified high-order harmonic beam";
Keynote Lecture: 60th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (2018), Portland, USA; 11-05-2018 - 11-09-2018.

Authors: A. Pavlik; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Heinz Oberhummer, E141-03; M. Pigni; I. Raskinyte; H. Frais-Kölbl, E141; E. Griesmayer; - nTOF Collaboration

A. Pavlik, E. Jericha, G. Badurek, H. Leeb, H. Oberhummer, M. Pigni, I. Raskinyte, H. Frais-Kölbl, E. Griesmayer, -. nTOF Collaboration:
"The measurement campaigns at the n_TOF facility at CERN";
Talk: Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Univ. Wien (Österreich); 09-27-2005 - 09-29-2005.

Author: Mario Pitschmann, E141-04

M. Pitschmann:
"Hadronic EDMs from Dyson-Schwinger-Meson & Nucleon";
Keynote Lecture: 3D Parton Distributions: Path to the LHC (2016), Frascatti, Italy; 11-29-2016 - 12-02-2016.

Author: Mario Pitschmann, E141-04

M. Pitschmann:
"Hadronic EDMs from Dyson-Schwinger: Rho-Meson & Nucleon";
Keynote Lecture: Hadronic Matrix Elements for Probes of CP Violation-2015, Amherst, USA (invited); 01-22-2015 - 01-24-2015.

Author: Mario Pitschmann, E141-04

M. Pitschmann:
"Personal Research Interests";
Keynote Lecture: 1st meeting Generation |y> (2019), Ramsau am Dachstein, Austria (invited); 09-20-2019 - 09-24-2019.

Author: Mario Pitschmann, E141-04

M. Pitschmann:
"Probing Gravity with Ultracold Neutrons in the qBounce Experiment";
Keynote Lecture: Satellite workshop on symmetries in light and heavy flavour (2016), Garching, Germany; 11-07-2016 - 11-08-2016.

Author: Mario Pitschmann, E141-04

M. Pitschmann:
"Probing Gravity with Ultracold Neutrons in the qBounce Experiment";
Keynote Lecture: ÖPG Jahrestagung 2016 - II, Vienna, Austria; 09-27-2016 - 09-29-2016.

Author: Mario Pitschmann, E141-04

M. Pitschmann:
"Probing the Dark Sector with Ultracold Neutrons/qBounce";
Keynote Lecture: Discoveries and Open Puzzles in Particle Physics and Gravitation (2019), Kitzbühel, Austria (invited); 06-24-2019 - 06-28-2019.

Author: Mario Pitschmann, E141-04

M. Pitschmann:
"Realization of a Quantum Bouncing Ball Gravity Spectrometer";
Poster: Testing Gravity 2017, Vancouver, Canada; 01-24-2017 - 01-29-2017.

Authors: L. Potanina; V.I. Pantsyrny; N.I. Kozlenkova; A.K. Shikov; Harald W. Weber, E141-06; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; J. Emhofer, E141-04

L. Potanina, V.I. Pantsyrny, N.I. Kozlenkova, A.K. Shikov, H. W. Weber, M. Eisterer, J. Emhofer:
"The effect of Cu/non Cu ratio on critical current density of ITER PF coils relevant model NbTi strands";
Talk: ICEC-ICMC 2010, Wroclaw, Poland; 07-19-2010 - 07-23-2010.

Authors: Thomas Potocar, E141-04; Ulrich Kuetgens; Michael Zawisky, E141-04; Harald Huber, E141-04

T. Potocar, U. Kuetgens, M. Zawisky, H. Huber:
"A new very-large perfect crystal neutron interferometer";
Poster: ÖPG Jahrestagung 2012, Graz, Austria; 09-18-2012 - 09-21-2012.

Authors: Thomas Potocar, E141-04; Michael Zawisky, E141-04; U. Kuetgens; J. Hauffe; Martin Suda, E141-04

T. Potocar, M. Zawisky, U. Kuetgens, J. Hauffe, M. Suda:
"Preparation and applications of the new large-area Neutron Interferometer";
Poster: Gordon Research Conference: Neutron Scattering 2015, Hong Kong, China; 06-21-2015 - 06-26-2015.

Authors: Thomas Potocar, E141-04; Michael Zawisky, E141-04; Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04; Josef Springer, E141; Martin Suda, E141-04

T. Potocar, M. Zawisky, H. Lemmel, J. Springer, M. Suda:
"Neutron Interferometric measurement of a phase shift induced by Laue transmission";
Keynote Lecture: Doktorantentreffen SPP 1491, Garmisch-Patenkirchen, Germany; 01-09-2013 - 01-11-2013.

Authors: Thomas Potocar, E141-04; Michael Zawisky, E141-04; Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04; Josef Springer, E141; Martin Suda, E141-04

T. Potocar, M. Zawisky, H. Lemmel, J. Springer, M. Suda:
"New neutron interferometric measurement and calculations of a phase shift induced by Laue transmission";
Poster: ÖPG-Tagung 2013, Linz, Ausria; 09-03-2013 - 09-06-2013.

Authors: Thomas Potocar, E141-04; Michael Zawisky, E141-04; Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04; Josef Springer, E141; Martin Suda, E141-04

T. Potocar, M. Zawisky, H. Lemmel, J. Springer, M. Suda:
"Phase shift measurements with a neutron interferometer close to the Bragg";
Poster: Symposium "Research at European Neutron and Synchrotron facilities", Vienna, Austria; 11-11-2013 - 11-12-2013.

Authors: Thomas Potocar, E141-04; Michael Zawisky, E141-04; Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04; Josef Springer, E141; Martin Suda, E141-04

T. Potocar, M. Zawisky, H. Lemmel, J. Springer, M. Suda:
"Phase shift measurements with a neutron interferometer close to the Bragg condition";
Keynote Lecture: ICPS 2014, Heidelberg, Germany; 08-10-2014 - 08-17-2014.

Authors: E. Radde, E141-05; Helmuth Böck, E141-05; Markus Salletmaier; Jeff Bannon; A. L. Molina; R. Khan, E141-04

E. Radde, H. Böck, M. Salletmaier, J. Bannon, A. Molina, R. Khan:
"Recent Developments In Nuclear Training And Education - In A Non Nuclear Power Country";
Keynote Lecture: Nuclear Education And Training In Nuclear Science And Technology, Madrid, Spain; 11-17-2013 - 11-21-2013.

Authors: R. Radlinski; A. Hinde; Helmut Rauch, E141-04; Martin Hainbuchner, E141; Matthias Baron, E141; M. Mastalerz; M.A. Ioannidis; P. Thiyagarajan

R. Radlinski, A. Hinde, H. Rauch, M. Hainbuchner, M. Baron, M. Mastalerz, M. Ioannidis, P. Thiyagarajan:
"SANS, USANS and the microstructure of rocks: coming of the age of a new technique";
Poster: Int. Conf. Neutron Scattering - ICNS2005, Sydney (Australia); 11-27-2005 - 12-02-2005.

Authors: Lukas Raffelt, Uni Heidelberg; Peter Lennert, Uni Heidelberg; Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Torsten Soldner, ILL; U. Schmidt; Heiko Saul, E141; C. Roick; Michael Klopf, E141-04; Daniel Moser, E141-04; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; B. Märkisch

L Raffelt, P Lennert, H. Abele, T. Soldner, U. Schmidt, H. Saul, C. Roick, M. Klopf, D Moser, G. Konrad, B. Märkisch:
"Measurement of the p-Asymmetry (C) in Neutron β-Decay";
Talk: 2nd Status Meeting - DFG Priority Programme 1491, Wildbad Kreuth, Germany; 11-03-2015 - 11-06-2015.

Authors: Lukas Raffelt, Uni Heidelberg; Peter Lennert, Uni Heidelberg; Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Torsten Soldner, ILL; U. Schmidt; Heiko Saul, E141; C. Roick; B. Märkisch

L Raffelt, P Lennert, H. Abele, T. Soldner, U. Schmidt, H. Saul, C. Roick, B. Märkisch:
"Preparing a Proton Asymmetry Measurement with PERKEO III";
Talk: DPG Spring Meeting Frankfurt 2014, Frankfurt; 03-17-2014 - 03-21-2014.

More information

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Achievements and Personality of Paul Kienle";
Talk: Symp. on Highlights and Perspectives of Subatomic Physics, ÖAW, Wien; 09-01-2006.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Application of Neutron Interferometry for Tests of Fundamental Physics Questions ";
Talk: Int. Conf. "Beyond the Desert", Ringberg Castle, Tegernsee (Deutschland); 06-09-2003 - 06-14-2003.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Aspekte der Naturerkenntnis ";
Talk: Diskussionsveranstaltung "Kräfte der Natur", Inst. f. Wissenschaft und Kunst, Wien (Österreich); 11-04-2003.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Basic Features of Quantum Physics Studied with Neutrons";
Talk: Guest Lecture, Kolkata, India (invited); 01-11-2011.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Coherence and Decoherence in Neutron Particle Physics";
Talk: Silver Jubilee Symposium "75 Years of Quantum Entanglement, Foundations and Information Theoretic Applications", Kolkata, India; 01-06-2011 - 01-10-2011.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Coherence, quantum state engineering and phase space density enhancement";
Talk: Int. Conf. Precision Measurements with Slow Neutrons, NIST, Gaithersburg (USA); 04-05-2004 - 04-07-2004.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Coherent neutron optics: Neutron interferometry and ultra-small angle scattering";
Talk: Conf. on Neutron Scattering, Bhabba Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai (India); 01-02-2004 - 01-04-2004.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Confinement Induced Phase and Quantum State Reconstruction Experiments with Neutrons ";
Talk: Waseda Int. Symp. on Fundamental Physics,, Waseda University, Tokyo (Japan); 11-12-2002 - 11-15-2002.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Dephasing, decoherence, depolarization ";
Talk: Int. Workshop on Progress in Neutron Larmor ...., Delft (Niederlande); 05-30-2002 - 05-31-2002.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Depolarisation, dephasing and decoherence in neutron optics";
Talk: ESF-Exploratory Workshop on "Coherence, Decoherence & Entanglement of Non-Degenerate Massive Systems, Universität Wien, Wien (Österreich); 10-02-2007 - 10-07-2007.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Fundamental Tests of Quantum Mechanics with Neutrons";
Talk: Physics Colloquium 2010, Technical University Prague, Czeck Republic; 11-10-2010.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Gravitation und Neutronen-Kern-Wechselwirkung ";
Talk: Festvortrag 80. Geburtstag Prof. L. Köster, Garching (Deutschland); 10-21-2002.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Grundprinzipien einer Atombombe";
Talk: Institut für Zeitgeschichte, Univ. Wien (Österreich); 03-18-2005 - 03-19-2005.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Hadron interferometry with neutrons";
Talk: Int. Conf. on Foundations of Probability and Physics 6, Vaxjö, Sweden; 06-13-2011 - 06-16-2011.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Hadron interferometry with neutrons";
Talk: Int. Conf. Frontiers of Quantum and Mesoscopic Thermodynamics, Prague, Czech Republic; 07-25-2011 - 07-30-2011.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Hadron Interferometry with Neutrons";
Talk: Int. Workshop on "Speakable in quantum mechanics: atomic, nuclear and subnuclear physics tests", Trento, Italy; 08-29-2011 - 09-02-2011.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"High intense monochromatic and pulsed beam production by phase space transformation of ultra-cold neutrons";
Talk: Consultancy Meeting on "Directionally focused moderators for enhanced neutron beam intensities to support materials research and Applications", IAEA, Vienna, Austria; 12-08-2010.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Jahr der Physik oder Jahr der Physikikonen";
Talk: Streitgespräch TU Wien, TU Wien (Österreich); 10-12-2005.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Klima: Wende oder Ende - Erneuerbare Energien als Patentrezept?";
Talk: Redoutensaal, ÖVP Wien, Wien (Österreich) (invited); 09-11-2007.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Limits in high intense monchromatic and pulsed beam production by phase space transformation of ultra-cold neutrons";
Talk: Int. Workshop on Neutron Optics 2010, Alpe d'Huez, France; 03-17-2010 - 03-19-2010.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Mysterious quantum effects observed with neutrons";
Talk: 4th Kyiv Int. Symp. "High Energy Physics, Cosmology and Gravity", Kiev, Ukraine; 10-18-2010 - 10-19-2010.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Naturwissenschaft - Theologi";
Talk: Kardinal König Begegnung, Erwin Schrödinger Institut, Wien; 01-13-2006.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Needs in research policy and funding";
Talk: Forum Physics and Society, Graz; 04-19-2006 - 04-22-2006.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Neutron interferometry a pendant to holography";
Talk: Workshop on Neutron Holography, Budapest (Hungary); 11-10-2005 - 11-12-2005.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Neutron Interferometry Reveals some Quantum Mystics";
Talk: Int. Conf. "Quantum Physics of Nature", QUPON, Wien (Österreich) (invited); 05-25-2005 - 05-26-2005.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Neutron Interferometry: Results and Perspectives";
Talk: Int. Workshop on Fundamental Physics with Charged and Heavy Particle Interferometry, ITAP 2010, Harvard, University, Cambridge/MA, USA; 05-19-2010.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Neutron Sources and Methods";
Talk: 4th European Winter School (NESY 2005), Planneralm, Styria (Österreich); 03-07-2005 - 03-12-2005.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Neutronen Quanten Interferometrie ";
Talk: Fachausschusstagung ÖPG, Physik an Neutronen u.Synchrotron...., Leoben (Österreich); 09-24-2002.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Neutrons as Manipulable Quantum Objects";
Talk: 14th Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics, Palermo (Italy); 06-01-2007 - 06-05-2007.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Neutrons as Quantum Objects";
Talk: 69. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (DPG), Berlin (Deutschland) (invited); 03-04-2005 - 03-09-2005.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"New Perspectives for UCN-Sources ";
Talk: Invited Lecture at JAERI, JAERI, Tokai-mura (Japan); 11-11-2002.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Non-locality and Contextuality in Neutron Quantum Optics";
Talk: 333th Int. W. und E. Heraeus Seminar on New Frontiers in Quantum Theory and Measurement, Schloss Reisensburg, Günzburg (Deutschland); 09-01-2004 - 09-05-2004.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Nuclear Energy: Problem or Solution";
Talk: EU-Conference on "Where is the energetic future of Central and Eastern Europe", Beladice, Slovakia; 12-16-2011 - 12-17-2011.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Particle or/and Wave Features in Neutron Interferometry";
Talk: 5-th Int. Heinz von Förster Congress - Emergent Quantum Mechanics, Vienna, Austria; 11-11-2011 - 11-13-2011.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Perspektiven und Nuklearenergie";
Talk: 9. Int. Finanz- und Wirtschaftsforum "F&E: Angewandte Forschung als Initialzündung für die Wirtschaft" (9th ifw®), Industriellenvereinigung Wien (Österreich); 11-12-2003 - 11-13-2003.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Placzek`s traces in neutron slowing-down and optics";
Talk: Symp. Memory of George Placzek, Brno (Czech Republic) (invited); 09-21-2005 - 09-24-2005.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Quanten Experimente mit Neutronen";
Talk: Gastvortrag Univ. Ulm, Ulm (Deutschland); 05-30-2005.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Quantum Engineered Neutron States and Phase Space Manipulation";
Talk: Int. Conf. on Neutron Optics , NOP 2004, Tokyo (Japan); 01-12-2004 - 01-16-2004.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Quantum Entanglement and Contextuality in Neutron Interferometry";
Talk: NIST 2010, Gaithersburg/MD, USA (invited); 05-15-2010.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Quantum Mechanics Experiments with Neutrons";
Talk: Colleque se Physique 2010, Université. Fribourg, Switzerland; 09-22-2010.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Quantum phases and contextuality in neutron interference experiments";
Talk: Int. Conf. on Quantum Foundation and Technology: Frontier and Future, Hangzhou (China); 08-25-2006 - 08-31-2006.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Quantum Phases and Contextuality in Neutron Interferometry";
Talk: Princeton-TAMU Fundamental Aspects of Quantum Mechanics Symposium, Princeton, NJ (USA); 02-16-2007 - 02-17-2007.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Quantum phenomena exploited with neutrons";
Talk: KFKI Seminar, Budapest, Hungary (invited); 10-18-2011.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Quantum phenomena observed by neutron interferometry";
Talk: MPI-Komplexe Systeme, Dreden (Deutschland) (invited); 09-25-2006.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Quantum Phenomena observed with Neutrons";
Talk: Colloquium Nuclear Physics Institute 2010, Rez near Prague, Czech Republi; 11-24-2010.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Quantum Phenomena Tested by Neutron Interferometry ";
Talk: Int. Conf. on Foundation of Probability and Physics-2, Vaxjö (Schweden); 06-02-2002 - 06-07-2002.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Quantum Phenomena Tested by Neutron Interferometry";
Talk: Int. Conf. on Foundation of Probability and Physics-2, Vaxjö (Sweden); 06-07-2004 - 06-12-2004.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Quantum physics with neutrons: from spinor symmetry to Kochen-Specker phenomena";
Talk: AQT-Advances in Quantum Theory 2010, Linnaeus University, Vaxjö, Sweden; 06-14-2010 - 06-17-2010.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Quantum Properties of Neutrons";
Talk: Workshop on Precision Measurements at Low Energy, Paul-Scherrer-Institut, Villigen (Switzerland); 01-18-2007 - 01-19-2007.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Reality and the Human Observer";
Talk: Academia Europaea Annual Conference, Graz (Österreich); 09-11-2003 - 09-13-2003.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Reality and the Human Observer";
Talk: 4th Kyiv Int. Symp. "High Energy Physics, Cosmology and Gravity", Kiev, Ukraine; 10-18-2010 - 10-19-2010.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Some News from the ILL Interferometer Group ";
Talk: Invited Talk at NIST, NIST, Gaithersburg MA (USA) (invited); 07-15-2003.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Test of Quantum Curiosities by Neutron Experiments";
Talk: Symposium Quantum Coherence Effects 2010, Universität Ulm, Germany; 02-12-2010.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Test of Quantum Mechanics by Neutron Interferometry";
Talk: Int. Conf. Theoretical and Experimental Foundations of recent Quantum Technologies, Durban (South Africa); 07-10-2006 - 07-14-2006.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Test of Quantum Mechanics with Neutrons";
Talk: Kolloquiumsvortrag, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Schweiz; 05-03-2002.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"The challenge of providing the Reserach Information System (RIS) needed in the ERA: Needs of the science community ";
Talk: Workshop "Tranforming Research Information into Knowledge", Palace of the Academies, Brussels (Belgium); 09-18-2003 - 09-19-2003.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Tschernobyl und die Folgen";
Talk: alumni Talks 2006, TU Graz; 04-26-2006.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"UCN-Sources with New Perspectives";
Talk: ENSA/Round Table Meeting, Budapest (Hungary); 10-24-2002 - 10-25-2002.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Ultracold Neutron Pumping Option at Pulsed Sources ";
Talk: Int. Workshop on Quark mixing, CKM unitarity, Heidelberg (Deutschland); 09-19-2002 - 09-20-2002.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Unavoidable Quantum Losses in Neutron Interferometry and ZENO-like Experiments";
Talk: V. Int. Workshop on "Mysteries, Puzzles and Paradoxa in Quantum Mechanics, Gargnano, Lago di Garda (Italy); 09-01-2003 - 09-05-2003.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Use of SANS for micro-structural characterization of advanced materials ";
Talk: IAEA Coordination Meeting on "Developemnt and Practical ..., IAEA, Wien (Österreich); 12-08-2003 - 12-10-2003.

Author: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Rauch:
"Weltweite Situation der Kernenergie";
Talk: Informationsveranstaltung, Professorenverband, TU Wien; 05-23-2003.

Authors: Helmut Rauch, E141-04; Matthias Baron, E141; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04; Rudolf Loidl, E141

H. Rauch, M. Baron, Y. Hasegawa, H. Lemmel, R. Loidl:
"Hidden observables in quantum neutron interferometry";
Talk: Int. Conf. Neutron Scattering - ICNS2005, Sydney (Australia); 11-27-2005 - 12-02-2005.

Authors: Helmut Rauch, E141-04; Matthias Baron, E141; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Erwin Seidl, E141; Mario Villa, E141-05

H. Rauch, M. Baron, E. Jericha, E. Seidl, M. Villa:
"Ultra Small Angle Neutron Scattering - USANS ";
Talk: IAEA Coordination Meeting on "Developemnt and Practical ..., Wien; 08-20-2002 - 08-23-2002.

Authors: Helmut Rauch, E141-04; Stefan Filipp, E141; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

H. Rauch, S. Filipp, Y. Hasegawa:
"Neutron Quantum Optics";
Talk: 4th European Conference on Neutron Scattering, Lund (Schweden); 06-25-2007 - 06-29-2007.

Authors: Helmut Rauch, E141-04; P. Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; O. Zimmer

H. Rauch, P. Geltenbort, O. Zimmer:
"Phase space transformer: source of high intensity monochromatic pulsed beams";
Talk: Vortrag World Trade Center Grenoble 2010, World Trade Center, Grenoble, France; 09-15-2010 - 09-17-2010.

Authors: Helmut Rauch, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04

H. Rauch, E. Jericha:
"High intense neutron beam out of a dense UCN gas ";
Talk: ICANS-XVI, Neuss/Düsseldorf (Deutschland); 05-12-2003 - 05-15-2003.

Authors: Helmut Rauch, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04

H. Rauch, E. Jericha:
"UCN`s as a Source of Intense Neutron Beams ";
Talk: 4th Int. Workshop "Ultra Cold & Cold Neutrons: Physics and Sources, St. Petersburg (Russia); 06-16-2003 - 06-21-2003.

Authors: Helmut Rauch, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Matthias Baron, E141; Rudolf Loidl, E141; M. Trinker, E141; Mario Villa, E141-05

H. Rauch, E. Jericha, M. Baron, R. Loidl, M. Trinker, M. Villa:
"USANS Studies of Artificial Structures ";
Talk: Workshop on "Ultra-Small-Angle-Scattering", Oak Ridge (USA); 07-09-2003 - 07-10-2003.

Authors: Helmut Rauch, E141-04; H. Tatlisu, E141; M. Bastürk, E141; V. Balek; Volker Wildpaner, E141

H. Rauch, H. Tatlisu, M. Bastürk, V. Balek, Volker Wildpaner:
"Micro- and Nano-structural Investigation of SiCfSiC Composits";
Talk: EFDA-CSU Workshop on SiCf/SiC Development for Fusion Application, Barcelona (Spain); 07-26-2007.

Author: Tobias Rechberger, E141-04

T. Rechberger:
"Ramsey-type Gravity Resonance Spectroscopy within qBounce";
Poster: DFG Priority Program 1491 - Closing Convention (2017), Raitenhaslach, Germany; 10-30-2017 - 11-03-2017.

Author: Tobias Rechberger, E141-04

T. Rechberger:
"Ramsey-type Gravity Resonance Spectroscopy within qBounce";
Keynote Lecture: DFG Priority Program 1491 - Closing Convention (2017), Raitenhaslach, Germany; 10-30-2017 - 11-03-2017.

Author: Tobias Rechberger, E141-04

T. Rechberger:
"Realization of a Quantum Bouncing Ball Gravity Spectrometer";
Poster: DPG 2015 (Spring), Berlin, Germany; 03-15-2015 - 03-20-2015.

Author: Tobias Rechberger, E141-04

T. Rechberger:
"Realization of a Quantum Bouncing Ball Gravity Spectrometer";
Keynote Lecture: ÖPG 2015, Vienna, Austria; 09-02-2015.

Author: Tobias Rechberger, E141-04

T. Rechberger:
"Realization of a Quantum Bouncing Ball Gravity Spectrometer";
Poster: 100 years of curved space time, Vienna, Austria; 10-05-2015 - 10-07-2015.

Author: Tobias Rechberger, E141-04

T. Rechberger:
"Realization of Ramsey-type Gravity Resonance Spectroscopy within qBounce";
Keynote Lecture: DFG Spp 1491, Kreuth, Germany; 11-03-2015 - 11-05-2015.

Authors: Tobias Rechberger, E141-04; Gunther Cronenberg, E141-04; Hanno Filter, E141-04; Peter Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; M. Heiß; A.N. Ivanov, E141-04; Tobias Jenke, E141-04; Mario Pitschmann, E141-04; P. Schmidt; M. Thalhammer, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

T. Rechberger, G. Cronenberg, H. Filter, P. Geltenbort, M. Heiß, A. Ivanov, T. Jenke, M. Pitschmann, P. Schmidt, M. Thalhammer, H. Abele:
"Realization of a Quantum Bouncing Ball Gravity Spectrometer";
Poster: Nesy Symposium (2016), TU-Graz, Austria; 06-15-2016 - 06-16-2016.

Authors: Tobias Rechberger, E141-04; Gunther Cronenberg, E141-04; Hanno Filter, E141-04; Peter Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; M. Heiß; A.N. Ivanov, E141-04; Tobias Jenke, E141-04; Mario Pitschmann, E141-04; P. Schmidt; M. Thalhammer, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

T. Rechberger, G. Cronenberg, H. Filter, P. Geltenbort, M. Heiß, A. Ivanov, T. Jenke, M. Pitschmann, P. Schmidt, M. Thalhammer, H. Abele:
"Realization of a Quantum Bouncing Ball Gravity Spectrometer";
Poster: PSI Workshop 2016, Villingen, Switzerland; 10-16-2016 - 10-20-2016.

Authors: Tobias Rechberger, E141-04; Peter Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; Tobias Jenke, E141-04; M. Thalhammer, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

T. Rechberger, P. Geltenbort, T. Jenke, M. Thalhammer, H. Abele:
"Ramsey-type Gravity Resonance Spectroscopy within qBounce";
Keynote Lecture: VCES 17, Vienna, Austria; 11-30-2017 - 12-01-2017.

Authors: Tobias Rechberger, E141-04; Peter Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; Tobias Jenke, E141-04; M. Thalhammer, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

T. Rechberger, P. Geltenbort, T. Jenke, M. Thalhammer, H. Abele:
"Ramsey-type Gravity Resonance Spectroscopy within qBounce";
Poster: VCES 17, Vienna, Austria; 11-30-2017 - 12-01-2017.

Authors: J. Rehacek; Z. Hradil; Michael Zawisky, E141-04

J. Rehacek, Z. Hradil, M. Zawisky:
"Maximum-entropy assisted Maximum-likelihood Estimation for Neutron Radiography";
Poster: 8th World Conf. on Neutron Radiography, NIST-Gaithersburg (USA); 10-16-2006 - 10-19-2006.

Authors: P.R.J. Saey, E141-05; M. Lechermann; M. Auer; Helmuth Böck, E141-05; K. Elmgren; H. Henriksson; R. Khan, E141-04; T. Kumberg; Mika Nikkinen, E141-05; J. Peterson; A. Ringbom; C. Schlosser; Georg Steinhauser, E141-05; Mario Villa, E141-05

P.R.J. Saey, M. Lechermann, M. Auer, H. Böck, K. Elmgren, H. Henriksson, R. Khan, T. Kumberg, M. Nikkinen, J. Peterson, A. Ringbom, C. Schlosser, G. Steinhauser, M. Villa:
"Noble gas measurements at a research reactor";
Talk: International Noble Gas Experiment Workshop, Buenos Aires, Argentinien (invited); 11-01-2010 - 11-05-2010.

Authors: Reiko Sato Turtelli, E138-03; D. Triyono; Gerald Badurek, E141-04

R. Sato Turtelli, D. Triyono, G. Badurek et al.:
"Effect of Si Doping and Joule Heating on Magnetic Properties of Melt-Spun Fe73Al5Ga2P11-xC5B4Six (x=1,3)";
Talk: Int. Conf. on "Soft Magnetic Materials" SMM16, Düsseldorf (Deutschland); 09-10-2003.

Authors: Reiko Sato Turtelli, E138-03; D. Triyono; Roland Grössinger, E138-03; Herbert Sassik, E138-03; Josef Fidler, E138-03; Thorsten Matthias, E138-03; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; C. Dewhurst; Walter Steiner, E138-05; Günter Wiesinger, E138-05

R. Sato Turtelli, D. Triyono, R. Grössinger, H. Sassik, J. Fidler, Thorsten Matthias, G. Badurek, C. Dewhurst, W. Steiner, G. Wiesinger:
"The Microsctructure of Nd-Fe-Al";
Talk: 11th Int. Conf. on Rapidly Quenched Materials (RQ11), Oxford (UK); 08-25-2002 - 08-30-2002.

Authors: Reiko Sato Turtelli, E138-03; D. Triyono; Günter Wiesinger, E138-05; Michael Reissner, E138-05; Walter Steiner, E138-05; J.P. Sinnecker; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Roland Grössinger, E138-03

R. Sato Turtelli, D. Triyono, G. Wiesinger, M. Reissner, W. Steiner, J.P. Sinnecker, G. Badurek, R. Grössinger:
"Magnetic properties and Mössbauer effect study of Nd60Fe30Al10 ribbons";
Talk: 3rd Latin American Workshop on Magnetic Materials (LAW3M), Chiahuahua (Mexico); 04-01-2003.

Authors: Heiko Saul, E141; Hartmut Abele, E141-04; D. Dubbers; Michael Klopf, E141-04; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; Peter Lennert, Uni Heidelberg; B. Märkisch; H. Mest; Alexander Pethoukov, ILL; Lukas Raffelt, Uni Heidelberg; C. Roick; U. Schmidt; Torsten Soldner, ILL; Xianzun Wang, E141-04; Dominik Werder, Uni Heidelberg

H. Saul, H. Abele, D. Dubbers, M. Klopf, G. Konrad, P Lennert, B. Märkisch, H. Mest, A Pethoukov, L Raffelt, C. Roick, U. Schmidt, T. Soldner, X. Wang, D Werder:
"Angular correlation measurements in neutron beta decay with Perkeo III";
Talk: 12th Conference on the Intersections of Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vail (invited); 05-19-2015 - 05-24-2015.

More information

Authors: Heiko Saul, E141; Hartmut Abele, E141-04; D. Dubbers; B. Märkisch; H. Mest; Alexander Pethoukov, ILL; N. Rebrova; C. Roick; Torsten Soldner, ILL; Xianzun Wang, E141-04; Dominik Werder, Uni Heidelberg

H. Saul, H. Abele, D. Dubbers, B. Märkisch, H. Mest, A Pethoukov, N. Rebrova, C. Roick, T. Soldner, X. Wang, D Werder:
"Measurement of the beta asymmetry in neutron beta decay";
Talk: DPG Spring Meeting Frankfurt 2014, Frankfurt; 03-17-2014 - 03-21-2014.

More information

Authors: Heiko Saul, E141; Tobias Jenke, E141-04; David Stadler, Phys. Inst., Uni ...; Hartmut Abele, E141-04; P. Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...

H. Saul, T. Jenke, D. Stadler, H. Abele, P. Geltenbort:
"qBounce - The realisation of a quantum bouncing ball with ultra-cold neutrons";
Poster: International WE Heraeus Research School on Frontiers in Matter Wave Interferometry, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Deutschland; 06-14-2010 - 06-18-2010.

Authors: V. Schlosser; G. Klinger; P. Bajons; R. Ebner, E141; Johann Summhammer, E141-04

V. Schlosser, G. Klinger, P. Bajons, R. Ebner, J. Summhammer:
"Thermische Defektlokalisierung an Solarzellen aus multikristallinem Silizium";
Poster: Spring Meeting of DPG - Solid State Section, Regensburg (Deutschland); 03-11-2002 - 03-15-2002.

Authors: Christian Schmidt, Uni Mainz; Oliver Zimmer, ILL; Alexander Wunderle, Uni Mainz; Romain Virot, ILL; D. Stipp, Uni Mainz; Torsten Soldner, ILL; Martin Simson, ILL; K. Ross, Uni Mainz; Romain Maisonobe, ILL; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; Jan Kahlenberg, Uni Mainz; J. Haack, Uni Mainz; Werner Heil, Uni Mainz; Ferenc Glück, IEKP; E. Bickmann, Uni Mainz; Marcus Beck, Uni Mainz; Stefan Baessler, University of Vi ...

C. Schmidt, O. Zimmer, A. Wunderle, R Virot, D Stipp, T. Soldner, M. Simson, K Ross, R. Maisonobe, G. Konrad, J. Kahlenberg, J Haack, W. Heil, F. Glück, E Bickmann, M. Beck, S. Baessler:
"The aSPECT experiment - Investigation of systematic effects";
Talk: 2nd Status Meeting - DFG Priority Programme 1491, Wildbad Kreuth, Germany; 11-03-2015 - 11-06-2015.

Author: Juri Schroffenegger, E141-04

J. Schroffenegger:
"Gaint Absorption Cross Section for Ultracold Neutrons";
Keynote Lecture: Seminarvortrag, Garching, Germany; 02-15-2013.

Authors: K.C. Schuster; H. Rüf; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Mario Villa, E141-05; O. Biganska; S. Patlazhan; P. Navard; Matthias Baron, E141; Rudolf Loidl, E141

K. Schuster, H. Rüf, E. Jericha, M. Villa, O. Biganska, S. Patlazhan, P. Navard, M. Baron, R. Loidl:
"In-line Structure Analysis of Lyocell Fiber Structures by Ultra Small Angle Neutron Scattering (USANS) ";
Talk: 5th Int. Symposium "Alternative Cellulose - Manufacturing, Forming, Properties, Rudolfstadt (Deutschland); 09-15-2002.

Author: Rene Sedmik, E141-04

R. Sedmik:
"Gravity resonance spectroscopy with ultracold neutrons as a tool to test dark sector models";
Keynote Lecture: Quantum 4ever Symposium ATI (2019), Vienna, Austria (invited); 05-21-2019 - 05-22-2019.

Author: Rene Sedmik, E141-04

R. Sedmik:
"Parallel plate force metrology as a tool to probe dark sector interactions";
Keynote Lecture: 10th Friedmann Seminar (2019), St. Petersburg, RUS (invited); 06-24-2019 - 06-28-2019.

Author: Rene Sedmik, E141-04

R. Sedmik:
"Prospects on measuring quantum vacuum forces between parallel plates";
Keynote Lecture: 4th Casimir Symposium (2019), St. Petersburg, RUS (invited); 06-24-2019 - 06-28-2019.

Author: Rene Sedmik, E141-04

R. Sedmik:
"Ramsey Gravity Resonance Spectrosopy with Ultracold Neutrons as a Tool to Test Dark Sector Models";
Keynote Lecture: DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2019, Munich, Germany; 03-17-2019 - 03-22-2019.

Author: Rene Sedmik, E141-04

R. Sedmik:
"Ramsey Gravity Resonance Spectrosopy with ultracold neutrons as a tool to test dark sector models";
Keynote Lecture: European Conference on Neutron Scattering (2019), St. Petersburg, RUS; 06-30-2019 - 07-05-2019.

Author: Rene Sedmik, E141-04

R. Sedmik:
"Research interest: Dark sector interactions";
Keynote Lecture: GenerationY PostDoc Workshop (2019), Schladming, Austria; 09-20-2019 - 09-24-2019.

Authors: D. Sen; A. Kumar Patra; S. Mazumber; S. Kumar Roy; A. Biswas; Matthias Baron, E141; Rudolf Loidl, E141; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

D. Sen, A. Kumar Patra, S. Mazumber, S. Kumar Roy, A. Biswas, M. Baron, R. Loidl, H. Rauch:
"Pore Morphology in Self-Propagagating High-Temperature Syntesized NiAl ";
Poster: XII Int. Conf. on Small Angle Scattering, Venice (Italy); 08-25-2002 - 08-29-2002.

Authors: A.K. Shikov; V.I. Pantsyrny; N.I. Kozlenkova; L. Potanina; R.M. Vasiliev; I.N. Gubkin; E.V. Nikulenkov; Michael Eisterer, E141-06; J. Emhofer, E141-04; R. Fuger, E141; R. Schöppl; Franz Sauerzopf, E141-06; Harald W. Weber, E141-06

A.K. Shikov, V.I. Pantsyrny, N.I. Kozlenkova, L. Potanina, R.M. Vasiliev, I.N. Gubkin, E.V. Nikulenkov, M. Eisterer, J. Emhofer, R. Fuger, R. Schöppl, F. Sauerzopf, H. W. Weber:
"The effect of thermo-mechanical treatments on Jc(T,B) and Tcs of NbTi-strands";
Poster: Applied Superconductivity Conference, Chicago, USA; 08-18-2008 - 08-22-2008.

Authors: M. Simson; H. Angerer; F. Ayala Guardia; S. Baessler; M. Borg, Lund Univ.; K. Eberhardt; F. Glück; W. Heil; I. Konorov; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; N. Luquero Llopis; R. Munoz Horta; G. Petzoldt; D. Rich; Yu. Sobolev; H.-F. Wirth; O. Zimmer

M. Simson, H. Angerer, F. Ayala Guardia, S. Baessler, M. Borg, K. Eberhardt, F. Glück, W. Heil, I. Konorov, G. Konrad, N. Luquero Llopis, R. Munoz Horta, G. Petzoldt, D. Rich, Y. Sobolev, H. Wirth, O. Zimmer:
"Proton Detection in the Spectrometer aSPECT";
Talk: DPG Spring Meeting, Munich, Germany; 04-20-2006 - 04-24-2006.

Authors: M. Simson; F. Ayala Guardia; S. Baessler; M. Borg, Lund Univ.; F. Glück; W. Heil; I. Konorov; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; R. Munoz Horta; K.K.H. Leung; Yu. Sobolev; T. Soldner; H.-F. Wirth; O. Zimmer

M. Simson, F. Ayala Guardia, S. Baessler, M. Borg, F. Glück, W. Heil, I. Konorov, G. Konrad, R. Munoz Horta, K. Leung, Y. Sobolev, T. Soldner, H. Wirth, O. Zimmer:
"aSPECT-Measuring the proton spectrum in neutron decay";
Talk: DPG Spring Meeting, Bochum, Germany; 03-19-2009.

Authors: M. Simson; F. Ayala Guardia; S. Baessler; M. Borg, Lund Univ.; F. Glück; W. Heil; I. Konorov; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; R. Munoz Horta; K.K.H. Leung; Yu. Sobolev; T. Soldner; H.-F. Wirth; O. Zimmer

M. Simson, F. Ayala Guardia, S. Baessler, M. Borg, F. Glück, W. Heil, I. Konorov, G. Konrad, R. Munoz Horta, K. Leung, Y. Sobolev, T. Soldner, H. Wirth, O. Zimmer:
"Measuring the proton spectrum in neutron decay - latest results with aSPECT";
Talk: International Workshop on Particle Physics with Slow Neutrons, Grenoble, France; 05-29-2008 - 05-31-2008.

Authors: M. Simson; F. Ayala Guardia; S. Baessler; M. Borg, Lund Univ.; F. Glück; W. Heil; I. Konorov; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; R. Munoz Horta; B. Ostrick; T. Soldner; H.-F. Wirth; O. Zimmer

M. Simson, F. Ayala Guardia, S. Baessler, M. Borg, F. Glück, W. Heil, I. Konorov, G. Konrad, R. Munoz Horta, B. Ostrick, T. Soldner, H. Wirth, O. Zimmer:
"aSPECT - Measuring the proton spectrum in neutron decay";
Talk: DPG Spring Meeting, Bonn, Germany; 03-16-2010.

Authors: T. Soldner; Hartmut Abele, E141-04; D. Dubbers; Christoph Gösselsberger, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; W. Heil; B. Märkisch; H. Mest; U. Schmidt; X. Wang; O. Zimmer

T. Soldner, H. Abele, D. Dubbers, Ch. Gösselsberger, E. Jericha, G. Konrad, W. Heil, B. Märkisch, H. Mest, U. Schmidt, X. Wang, O. Zimmer:
"Correlation measurements in neutron decay. The PERC project.";
Talk: DPG Spring Meeting, Bonn, Germany; 03-16-2010.

Authors: Torsten Soldner, ILL; Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; B. Märkisch; U. Schmid; Camille Theroine, ESS

T. Soldner, H. Abele, G. Konrad, B. Märkisch, U. Schmid, C Theroine:
"A cold neutron beam facility for Particle Physics at the ESS";
Keynote Lecture: 2nd Status Meeting - DFG Priority Programme 1491, Wildbad Kreuth, Germany; 11-03-2015 - 11-06-2015.

Author: Stephan Sponar, E141-04

St. Sponar:
"Error-disturbance uncertainty relations and the quantum Cheshire Cat studied in neutron optical experiments";
Keynote Lecture: Frontiers in Matter Wave Optics, Kreta, Griechenland; 10-06-2014 - 10-10-2014.

Author: Stephan Sponar, E141-04

St. Sponar:
"Error-Disturbance Uncertainty Relations in Spin Measurements";
Keynote Lecture: Fourth Nagoya Winter Workshop on Quantum Information 2013, Nagoya, Japan; 02-14-2013 - 03-01-2013.

Author: Stephan Sponar, E141-04

St. Sponar:
"Error-Disturbance Uncertainty Relations studied in Neutron Optics";
Poster: Nesy Symposium (2016), TU Graz, Austria; 09-15-2016 - 09-16-2016.

Author: Stephan Sponar, E141-04

St. Sponar:
"Error-Disturbance Uncertainty Relations studies in Neutron Optics";
Keynote Lecture: Quantum Theorie: from foundations to technology, Växjö, Sweden; 06-08-2015 - 06-11-2015.

Author: Stephan Sponar, E141-04

St. Sponar:
"Measurement - Disturbance Uncertainty Relations studied in Neutron Optics";
Keynote Lecture: VI European Conference On Neutron Scattering (ECNS2015), Zaragoza, Spain; 08-30-2015 - 09-04-2015.

Author: Stephan Sponar, E141-04

St. Sponar:
"Measurement - Disturbance Uncertainty Relations studied in Neutron Optics";
Talk: International Conference on Quantum Foundations 2015 (ICQF15), Patna, India (invited); 11-30-2015 - 12-04-2015.

Author: Stephan Sponar, E141-04

St. Sponar:
"Measurement Uncertainty Relations and Which-Way Experiments studied in Neutron Optics";
Keynote Lecture: Time and fundamentals of quantum mechanics 2019, Jerusalem, Israel; 01-28-2019 - 01-31-2019.

Author: Stephan Sponar, E141-04

St. Sponar:
"Measurement Uncertainty Relations studied in Neutron Optics";
Keynote Lecture: Quantum Africa 5 (2019), Cape Town, South Africa; 09-01-2019 - 09-06-2019.

Author: Stephan Sponar, E141-04

St. Sponar:
"Measurement Uncertainty Relations studied in Neutron Optics";
Keynote Lecture: Quantum Frontiers & Fundamentals (2020), Bangalore, India; 01-13-2020 - 01-18-2020.

Author: Stephan Sponar, E141-04

St. Sponar:
"Measurement Uncertainty Relations: operator-based, operational & information-theoretic approaches studied in Neutron Optics";
Talk: 3rd International Conference Quantum Foundations 2017 (ICQF17), Patna, India (invited); 12-04-2017 - 12-09-2017.

Author: Stephan Sponar, E141-04

St. Sponar:
"Neutron interferometry: past, present and future";
Keynote Lecture: Problems of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics (2019), Kyiv, Ukraine (invited); 09-23-2019 - 09-27-2019.

Author: Stephan Sponar, E141-04

St. Sponar:
"Particle and Quantum Physics with Neutrons studied at the Atominstitut";
Keynote Lecture: FAKT Workshop 2020: Particle Physics Retreat, Semmering, Austria (invited); 02-27-2020 - 02-28-2020.

Author: Stephan Sponar, E141-04

St. Sponar:
"Quantum Correlations, Weak Values & Which-Way Measurements studied in Neutron Interferometry";
Keynote Lecture: Joint Annual Meeting OePG / SPG 2019, Zurich, Swiss (invited); 08-28-2019 - 08-30-2019.

Author: Stephan Sponar, E141-04

St. Sponar:
"Uncertainty Relations and Quantum Cheshire Cats studied in Neutron Optics";
Keynote Lecture: Quantum Africa 3 "Advances in Quantum Sciences", Rabat, Maroko; 09-22-2014 - 09-26-2014.

Author: Stephan Sponar, E141-04

St. Sponar:
"Weak and Which-Way Measurements studied in Neutron Interferometry";
Keynote Lecture: European Conference on Neutron Scattering (ENCNS)(2019), St. Petersburg, RUS; 07-03-2019 - 07-05-2019.

Author: Stephan Sponar, E141-04

St. Sponar:
"Weak Measurement studied in Neutron Optics";
Talk: Workshop on Matter-Wave Interferometry (2016), Maryland, USA (invited); 09-30-2016 - 10-02-2016.

Author: Stephan Sponar, E141-04

St. Sponar:
"Weak Measurements and Weak Values studied in Neutron Interferometry";
Keynote Lecture: International Workshop on Particle Physics at Neutron Sources, PPNS-2018, Grenoble, France; 05-24-2018 - 05-26-2018.

Author: Stephan Sponar, E141-04

St. Sponar:
"Weak Measurements and Weak Values studied in Neutron Interferometry";
Keynote Lecture: Polarised Neutrons for Condensed-Matter (PNCMI 2018), Abingdon, UK; 07-03-2018 - 07-06-2018.

Authors: Stephan Sponar, E141-04; Tobias Denkmayr; Jacqueline Erhart, E141-04; Hermann Geppert, E141-04; Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04; A. Matzkin; Georg Sulyok, E141-04; M. Ozawa; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

St. Sponar, T. Denkmayr, J. Erhart, H. Geppert, H. Lemmel, A. Matzkin, G. Sulyok, M. Ozawa, Y. Hasegawa:
"Neutron optical Measurements studying Quantum Mechanics";
Keynote Lecture: GRANIT 2014-Workshop, Les Houches, France; 03-02-2014 - 03-07-2014.

Authors: Stephan Sponar, E141-04; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

St. Sponar, Y. Hasegawa:
"Weak Values & Quantum Paradoxes: Experimental Studies in Neutron Optics";
Keynote Lecture: AAV Anniversary Conference - Celebrating 30 Years of Weak Values, Chapman University, CA, USA (invited); 04-01-2018 - 04-04-2018.

More information

Authors: Stephan Sponar, E141-04; J. Klepp, E141; Stefan Filipp, E141; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

St. Sponar, J. Klepp, S. Filipp, G. Badurek, H. Rauch, Y. Hasegawa:
"Coherent manipulationfor multi-entanglement of neutrons";
Talk: Fachausschusstagung, ÖPG, Kern- und Teilchenphysik, Schloss Haindorf/Langenlois; 09-25-2007.

Authors: Stephan Sponar, E141-04; J. Klepp, E141; S. Fillip; Rudolf Loidl, E141; Katharina Durstberger-Rennhofer, E141-04; R. A. Bertlmann; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

St. Sponar, J. Klepp, S. Fillip, R. Loidl, K. Durstberger-Rennhofer, R. Bertlmann, Y. Hasegawa, G. Badurek, H. Rauch:
"Berry Phase in Entangled Systems: A Single-Neutron Interferometer Experiment";
Talk: 16. Meeting Nonlocal Seminar, Vienna, Austria; 07-01-2009.

Authors: Stephan Sponar, E141-04; J. Klepp, E141; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04

St. Sponar, J. Klepp, Y. Hasegawa, E. Jericha, G. Badurek:
"Non-cyclic geometric phases in mixed state neutron polarimetry";
Poster: 13th European Workshop on Quantum Optics, Wien; 05-23-2006 - 05-27-2006.

Authors: Stephan Sponar, E141-04; J. Klepp, E141; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04

St. Sponar, J. Klepp, Y. Hasegawa, E. Jericha, G. Badurek:
"Noncyclic mixed state phase in SU(2) neutron polarimetric experiments";
Poster: 55. Jahrestagung der Österr. Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Univ. Wien (Österreich); 09-27-2005 - 09-29-2005.

Authors: Stephan Sponar, E141-04; J. Klepp, E141; Rudolf Loidl, E141; Stefan Filipp, E141; Katharina Durstberger-Rennhofer, E141-04; R. A. Bertlmann; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

St. Sponar, J. Klepp, R. Loidl, S. Filipp, K. Durstberger-Rennhofer, R. Bertlmann, Y. Hasegawa, H. Rauch:
"Berry phase in entangled system: a single-neutron interferometer experiment";
Poster: 3rd Vienna symposium on the Foundation of Modern Physics, Wien; 06-11-2009 - 06-14-2009.

Authors: Stephan Sponar, E141-04; J. Klepp, E141; Rudolf Loidl, E141; Stefan Filipp, E141; Daniel Erdösi, E141-04; Katharina Durstberger-Rennhofer, E141-04; R. A. Bertlmann; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

St. Sponar, J. Klepp, R. Loidl, S. Filipp, D. Erdösi, K. Durstberger-Rennhofer, R. Bertlmann, G. Badurek, H. Rauch, Y. Hasegawa:
"Multi-Entanglement in Neutron Interferometry Experiments";
Talk: 5th European Conference on Neutron Scattering, Prague, Czech Republic; 07-17-2011 - 07-22-2011.

Authors: Stephan Sponar, E141-04; J. Klepp, E141; Rudolf Loidl, E141; C. Schmitzer; H. Bartosik; Katharina Durstberger-Rennhofer, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

St. Sponar, J. Klepp, R. Loidl, C. Schmitzer, H. Bartosik, K. Durstberger-Rennhofer, H. Rauch, Y. Hasegawa:
"Alternative Theories of Quantum Mechanics studied with Neutrons";
Poster: QCMC 2012, Vienna, Austria; 07-30-2012 - 08-03-2012.

Authors: Stephan Sponar, E141-04; J. Klepp, E141; C. Schmitzer; H. Bartosik; M. Both; H. Geppert; Katharina Durstberger-Rennhofer, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

St. Sponar, J. Klepp, C. Schmitzer, H. Bartosik, M. Both, H. Geppert, K. Durstberger-Rennhofer, G. Badurek, Y. Hasegawa:
"Entanglement in Neutron Poarimetric Experiments";
Talk: ÖPG Jahrestagung 2011, Lausanne, Switzerland; 06-15-2011.

Authors: Stephan Sponar, E141-04; J. Klepp, E141; C. Schmitzer; H. Bartosik; Katharina Durstberger-Rennhofer, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

St. Sponar, J. Klepp, C. Schmitzer, H. Bartosik, K. Durstberger-Rennhofer, H. Rauch, Y. Hasegawa:
"Tests of alternative quantum theories with neutrons";
Poster: QCMC 2012 Intl. Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing, Wien; 07-30-2012 - 08-03-2012.

Authors: Stephan Sponar, E141-04; Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

St. Sponar, H. Lemmel, H. Rauch, Y. Hasegawa:
"Foundations of Quantum Mechanics explored with Neutrons";
Poster: Science & Scientists @ ESS 2012, Berlin, Germany; 04-19-2012 - 04-20-2012.

Authors: Stephan Sponar, E141-04; Georg Sulyok, E141-04; Jacqueline Erhart, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; M. Ozawa; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

St. Sponar, G. Sulyok, J. Erhart, G. Badurek, M. Ozawa, Y. Hasegawa:
"Violation of Heisenberg's Error-Disturbance Uncertainty Relation in Neutron Spin Measurements";
Poster: International Conference on Neutron Scattering ICNS2013, Edinburgh, GB; 07-09-2013 - 07-14-2013.

Authors: Stephan Sponar, E141-04; Georg Sulyok, E141-04; Jacqueline Erhart, E141-04; J. Klepp; C. Schmitzer; H. Geppert; Katharina Durstberger-Rennhofer, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; M. Ozawa; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

St. Sponar, G. Sulyok, J. Erhart, J. Klepp, C. Schmitzer, H. Geppert, K. Durstberger-Rennhofer, G. Badurek, M. Ozawa, Y. Hasegawa:
"Foundations of Quantum Mechanics explored with Neutrons";
Talk: Quantum Africa 2, Mont aux Sources Hotel, Northern Drakensberg, Südafrika; 09-03-2012 - 09-07-2012.

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Authors: M. Strobl, E141; N. Kardjilov; A. Hilger; I. Manke; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; A. Tremsin

M. Strobl, N. Kardjilov, A. Hilger, I. Manke, E. Jericha, G. Badurek, A. Tremsin:
"Advances and challenges in polarized neutron imaging";
Talk: Polarised Neutrons in Condensed Matter Investigations, PNCMI 2010, Delft, Holland; 07-05-2010 - 07-08-2010.

Authors: M. Suda; Helmut Rauch, E141-04; M. Peev

M. Suda, H. Rauch, M. Peev:
"Darstellung von Neutronen-Quantenzuständen ";
Talk: Fachausschusstagung ÖPG, Quantenelektronik, Elektrodynamik und Optik, Leoben (Österreich); 09-24-2002.

Authors: Martin Suda, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04; M. Peev

M. Suda, H. Rauch, M. Peev:
"Neue Aspekte der Intensität und Visibility in einem Doppel-Loop Neutroneninterferometer";
Poster: 54. Jahrestagung der Österr. Physikalischen Gesellschaft (ÖPG), Linz (Österreich); 09-28-2004 - 09-30-2004.

Authors: G. Sulyok; Helmut Rauch, E141-04; Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04; J. Klepp, E141; Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04

G. Sulyok, H. Rauch, Y. Hasegawa, J. Klepp, H. Lemmel:
"Decoherence in the neutron interferometer";
Poster: 3rd Vienna symposium on the Foundation of Modern Physics, Wien; 06-11-2009 - 06-14-2009.

Author: Johann Summhammer, E141-04

J. Summhammer:
"Brain, cell membrane mobility and ion flow modification: reflexes on psychopathology";
Keynote Lecture: The human brain seen from multiple perspectives (2019), Turin, Italy (invited); 09-14-2019.

Author: Johann Summhammer, E141-04

J. Summhammer:
"Die Zeit in der Physik: Ist vorher wirklich früher als nachher?";
Talk: blickpunkt: zeit - Eine Vortragsreihe des Fachbereichs Organismische Biologie der Universität Salzburg, Universität Salzburg (invited); 10-16-2013.

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Author: Johann Summhammer, E141-04

J. Summhammer:
"Grundlagen der Solarzellentechnologie";
Talk: Technik-Ausblidung des Arsenal Research, Wien; 11-09-2006.

Author: Johann Summhammer, E141-04

J. Summhammer:
"Ist-Zustand und Perspektiven der Photovoltaik ";
Talk: Energietag 2002 der ÖPG, Wien (Österreich); 10-16-2002.

Author: Johann Summhammer, E141-04

J. Summhammer:
"Neue Methoden bei der Kontaktierung der Solarzellen";
Talk: Arsenal-Tagung im Palais Auersperg, Wien (invited); 09-10-2008 - 09-11-2008.

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Author: Johann Summhammer, E141-04

J. Summhammer:
"Photovoltaik Trends";
Talk: 6. Expertenkreis-Meeting "Future Energy Practice" der Wirtschaftskammer NÖ, St. Pölten, Niederösterreich (invited); 11-24-2008.

Author: Johann Summhammer, E141-04

J. Summhammer:
"Quantenmechanische Verschränkung in biologischen Systemen";
Talk: Seminarvortrag Univ. Salzburg, Abt. Organismische Biologie, Salzburg (invited); 03-16-2007.

Author: Johann Summhammer, E141-04

J. Summhammer:
"Quantum Cooperation";
Talk: International Symposium on Generalizing Quantum Theory, Frankfurt an der Oder, Deutschland (invited); 07-04-2010 - 07-07-2010.

Author: Johann Summhammer, E141-04

J. Summhammer:
"Quantum theory as optimal encoding of probabilistic information ";
Talk: Quantum Structures 2002, TU Wien (Österreich); 07-03-2002.

Author: Johann Summhammer, E141-04

J. Summhammer:
"The role of quantum cooperativity in neutral signaling";
Talk: Quantum Mind 2007, Universität Salzburg (invited); 07-17-2007 - 07-20-2007.

Authors: Johann Summhammer, E141-04; Zahra Halavani, E141-04

J. Summhammer, Z. Halavani:
"Cell interconnection without glueing or soldering for crystalline PV-modules";
Talk: Photovoltaic Technical Conference - From Advanced Materials And Processes To Innovative Applications 2015, Aix en Provence (invited); 05-27-2015 - 05-29-2015.

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Authors: R. Szeywerth, E141; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03

R. Szeywerth, G. Badurek, E. Jericha, H. Leeb:
"Methodical Progress in Neutron Spin Tomography";
Poster: 53. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Salzburg (Österreich); 10-01-2003.

Authors: R. Szeywerth, E141; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03

R. Szeywerth, G. Badurek, E. Jericha, H. Leeb:
"Rekonstruktionsmethoden für die tensorielle Neutronentomiographie";
Talk: 56. Jahrestagung der Österr. Physikalischen Gesellschaft (ÖPG), Graz; 09-20-2006.

Authors: R. Szeywerth, E141; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Gerald Badurek, E141-04

R. Szeywerth, E. Jericha, H. Leeb, G. Badurek:
"Development of new algorithms for neutron tomography of magnetic samples";
Poster: 55. Jahrestagung der Österr. Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Univ. Wien (Österreich); 09-27-2005 - 09-29-2005.

Authors: R. Szeywerth, E141; Helmut Leeb, E141-03; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04

R. Szeywerth, H. Leeb, E. Jericha, G. Badurek:
"Tomographische Rekonstruktion magnetischer Dömänenstrukturen";
Poster: 54. Jahrestagung der Österr. Physikalischen Gesellschaft (ÖPG), Linz (Österreich); 09-28-2004 - 09-30-2004.

Authors: H. Tatlisu, E141; V. Balek; Max Bichler, E141-05; Helmut Rauch, E141-04; Volker Wildpaner, E141

H. Tatlisu, V. Balek, M. Bichler, H. Rauch, Volker Wildpaner:
"Neutron Activation and Scattering Investigation of SiC/SiC composites";
Talk: EFDA Meeting on SiC/SiC Development for Fusion Application, Garching, Germany; 04-01-2008 - 04-02-2008.

Authors: H. Tatlisu, E141; S. Balog; A. Hilger; N. Kardjilov; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Tatlisu, S. Balog, A. Hilger, N. Kardjilov, H. Rauch:
"Non-Destructive inspection of SiC/SiC composite inner structure";
Talk: EFDA Meeting on SiC/SiC Development for Fusion Application, Garching, Germany; 05-10-2010 - 05-11-2010.

Authors: H. Tatlisu, E141; M. Bastürk, E141; Y. Dai; Helmut Rauch, E141-04; M. Trinker, E141

H. Tatlisu, M. Bastürk, Y. Dai, H. Rauch, M. Trinker:
"Micro-structural deformation of SiCf/SiC composite under high radiation";
Poster: 4th Central European Training School on Neutron Scattering, CETS 2007, Budapest (Hungary); 04-23-2007 - 04-27-2007.

Authors: H. Tatlisu, E141; M. Bastürk, E141; Y. Dai; Helmut Rauch, E141-04; M. Trinker, E141

H. Tatlisu, M. Bastürk, Y. Dai, H. Rauch, M. Trinker:
"Structural Changes in SiCf/SiC Composite by Irradiation";
Talk: 4th Central European Training School on Neutron Scattering, CETS 2007, Budapest (Hungary); 04-23-2007 - 04-27-2007.

Authors: H. Tatlisu, E141; Max Bichler, E141-05; A. Hilger; N. Kardjilov; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Tatlisu, M. Bichler, A. Hilger, N. Kardjilov, H. Rauch:
"Crack/Porosity and Impurity Investigation of SiC/SiC composite";
Talk: EFDA Meeting on SiC/SiC Development for Fusion Application, Garching, Germany; 05-07-2008 - 05-08-2008.

Authors: H. Tatlisu, E141; Max Bichler, E141-05; A. Hilger; N. Kardjilov; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Tatlisu, M. Bichler, A. Hilger, N. Kardjilov, H. Rauch:
"Investigation of SiC/SiC composites";
Talk: 24th Association Day, Association EURATOM-ÖAW, Central Library of Vienna University of Technology, Vienna; 06-05-2009.

Authors: H. Tatlisu, E141; F. Hameed, E141; A. Hilger; N. Kardjilov; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Tatlisu, F. Hameed, A. Hilger, N. Kardjilov, H. Rauch:
"Non-Destructive inspection of SiC/SiC composites structure";
Talk: IAEA International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Research Applications and Utilization of Accelerators, Vienna, Austria; 05-04-2009 - 05-08-2009.

Authors: H. Tatlisu, E141; Helmut Rauch, E141-04; Volker Wildpaner, E141; V. Balek; S. Sahin

H. Tatlisu, H. Rauch, Volker Wildpaner, V. Balek, S. Sahin:
"Structural Investigation of SiCf/SiC Composites";
Talk: 22th Association Day, Association EURATOM-ÖAW, Wien; 12-06-2007.

Author: M. Thalhammer, E141-04

M. Thalhammer:
"A Quantum Bouncing Ball";
Keynote Lecture: DKPI-Summer School (2017), Söchau, Austria; 09-17-2017 - 09-21-2017.

Authors: M. Thalhammer, E141-04; Hanno Filter, E141-04; Peter Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; J. Herzinger; A.N. Ivanov, E141-04; Tobias Jenke, E141-04; Mario Pitschmann, E141-04; Tobias Rechberger, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

M. Thalhammer, H. Filter, P. Geltenbort, J. Herzinger, A. Ivanov, T. Jenke, M. Pitschmann, T. Rechberger, H. Abele:
"Snapshots of a Quantum Bouncing Ball realized with the qBounce gravity spectrometer";
Keynote Lecture: Aynn (2016), Grenoble, France; 05-17-2016.

Authors: M. Thalhammer, E141-04; Hanno Filter, E141-04; Peter Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; J. Herzinger; A.N. Ivanov, E141-04; Tobias Jenke, E141-04; Mario Pitschmann, E141-04; Tobias Rechberger, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

M. Thalhammer, H. Filter, P. Geltenbort, J. Herzinger, A. Ivanov, T. Jenke, M. Pitschmann, T. Rechberger, H. Abele:
"Snapshots of a Quantum Bouncing Ball realized with the qBounce gravity spectrometer";
Keynote Lecture: Clip Session (2016), Grenoble; 06-06-2016.

Authors: M. Thalhammer, E141-04; Hanno Filter, E141-04; Peter Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; J. Herzinger; A.N. Ivanov, E141-04; Tobias Jenke, E141-04; Mario Pitschmann, E141-04; Tobias Rechberger, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

M. Thalhammer, H. Filter, P. Geltenbort, J. Herzinger, A. Ivanov, T. Jenke, M. Pitschmann, T. Rechberger, H. Abele:
"Snapshots of a Quantum Bouncing Ball realized within the qBounce project";
Poster: Clip Session (2016), Grenoble, France; 06-06-2016.

Authors: M. Thalhammer, E141-04; Hanno Filter, E141-04; Peter Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; J. Herzinger; A.N. Ivanov, E141-04; Tobias Jenke, E141-04; Mario Pitschmann, E141-04; Tobias Rechberger, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

M. Thalhammer, H. Filter, P. Geltenbort, J. Herzinger, A. Ivanov, T. Jenke, M. Pitschmann, T. Rechberger, H. Abele:
"Snapshots of a Quantum Bouncing Ball realized within the qBounce project";
Poster: Nesy Symposium (2016), TU-Graz, Austria; 09-15-2016 - 09-16-2016.

Authors: M. Thalhammer, E141-04; Hanno Filter, E141-04; Peter Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; J. Herzinger; A.N. Ivanov, E141-04; Tobias Jenke, E141-04; Mario Pitschmann, E141-04; Tobias Rechberger, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

M. Thalhammer, H. Filter, P. Geltenbort, J. Herzinger, A. Ivanov, T. Jenke, M. Pitschmann, T. Rechberger, H. Abele:
"Snapshots of a Quantum Bouncing Ball within the qBounce project";
Poster: PSI Workshop 2016, Villigen, Switzerland; 10-16-2016 - 10-20-2016.

Authors: M. Thalhammer, E141-04; Peter Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; Tobias Jenke, E141-04; Hanno Filter, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

M. Thalhammer, P. Geltenbort, T. Jenke, H. Filter, H. Abele:
"Snapshots of a Quantum Bouncing Ball within the qBounce project";
Poster: ÖPG Jahrestagung 2017, Geneva, Switzerland; 08-21-2017 - 08-25-2017.

Authors: W. Treimer; O. Ebrahimi; N. Beul; U. Feye-Treimer; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; E. Rudorf; S.-O. Seidel; M. Strobl

W. Treimer, O. Ebrahimi, N. Beul, U. Feye-Treimer, E. Jericha, E. Rudorf, S. Seidel, M. Strobl:
"Ultra Small Angle Scattering or Refraction - Experiments on Partial Coherent Diffraction";
Poster: International Conference on Neutron Scattering ICNS 2009, Knoxville; 05-05-2009.

Authors: M. Trinker, E141; P. Capka, E141; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

M. Trinker, P. Capka, E. Jericha, H. Rauch:
"Neutron diffraction from one-dimensional phase gratings";
Poster: 55. Jahrestagung der Österr. Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Wien (Österreich); 09-27-2005 - 09-29-2005.

Authors: M. Trinker, E141; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Rudolf Loidl, E141; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

M. Trinker, E. Jericha, R. Loidl, H. Rauch:
"Ultra-small angle neutron scattering of microfabricated silicon gratings";
Poster: European Workshop on Neutron Optics - NOP´07, Villigen (Schweiz); 03-05-2007 - 03-07-2007.

Authors: M. Trinker, E141; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

M. Trinker, E. Jericha, H. Rauch:
"Silicon Phase Gratings and Neutron Scattering";
Poster: 54. Jahrestagung der Österr. Physikalischen Gesellschaft (ÖPG), Linz (Österreich); 09-28-2004 - 09-30-2004.

Authors: Mario Villa, E141-05; Matthias Baron, E141; Martin Hainbuchner, E141; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; V. Leiner; D. Schwahn; Erwin Seidl, E141; J. Stahn; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

M. Villa, M. Baron, M. Hainbuchner, E. Jericha, V. Leiner, D. Schwahn, E. Seidl, J. Stahn, H. Rauch:
"Optimisation of a Crystal Design for a Bonse-Hart Camera ";
Talk: XII Int. Conf. on Small Angle Scattering, Venice (Italy); 08-25-2002 - 08-29-2002.

Authors: Mario Villa, E141-05; Matthias Baron, E141; Martin Hainbuchner, E141; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; V. Leiner; D. Schwahn; Erwin Seidl, E141; J. Stahn; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

M. Villa, M. Baron, M. Hainbuchner, E. Jericha, V. Leiner, D. Schwahn, E. Seidl, J. Stahn, H. Rauch:
"Optimisation of the USANS Instrument at ILL, PSI and in Vienna ";
Talk: Workshop on "Ultra-Small-Angle-Scattering", Oak Ridge (USA); 07-09-2003 - 07-10-2003.

Authors: Mario Villa, E141-05; Max Bichler, E141-05; F. Hameed, E141; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Georg Steinhauser, E141-05; Johannes H. Sterba, E141-05; Helmuth Böck, E141-05

M. Villa, M. Bichler, F. Hameed, E. Jericha, G. Steinhauser, J.H. Sterba, H. Böck:
"Neutrons for research and training";
Talk: 4th World TRIGA Users Conference, Lyon; 09-07-2008 - 09-10-2008.

More information

Authors: Branislav Vrban; Marcella Cagnazzo; Helmuth Böck, E141-05; Fabian Schaden, E141-04; Mario Villa, E141-05

B. Vrban, M. Cagnazzo, H. Böck, F. Schaden, M. Villa:
"Concept of Education and Training provided by the European Nuclear Experimental Educational Platform (ENEEP)";
Keynote Lecture: European Nuclear Experimental Education Platform Publicatons Nuclear Energy for New Europe (NENE 2020), Portoroz, Slowenien; 09-07-2020 - 09-10-2020.

Author: Richard Wagner, E141-04

R. Wagner:
"Direct Path State Characterization in Neutron Interferometry";
Keynote Lecture: ÖPG Jahrestagung 2017, Geneva, Switzerland; 08-21-2017 - 08-25-2017.

Author: Xianzun Wang, E141-04

X. Wang:
"Electron spectroscopy with PERC";
Poster: DFG Application, Wien; 2010.

Author: Xianzun Wang, E141-04

X. Wang:
"Exploration of Physics from the neutron beta decay";
Talk: Presentation for Students, Wien; 11-16-2009.

Author: Xianzun Wang, E141-04

X. Wang:
"Exploring Partical Physics with neutron beta decay";
Talk: Presentation of Atominstitut, Wien; 12-07-2010.

Author: Xianzun Wang, E141-04

X. Wang:
"Magnetic Field System of PERC";
Talk: 62nd Annual Meeting of the Austrian Physical Society, Graz; 09-18-2012 - 09-21-2012.

Author: Xianzun Wang, E141-04

X. Wang:
"Recent progresses of Perc design";
Talk: Group Seminar, Wien; 11-11-2010.

Author: Xianzun Wang, E141-04

X. Wang:
"Rough Introduction to Perkeo3";
Talk: Group Seminar, Wien; 11-24-2009.

Author: Xianzun Wang, E141-04

X. Wang:
"RxB Drift Momentum Spectrometer";
Talk: Group seminar Prof. Abele, Vienna; 10-18-2012.

Author: Xianzun Wang, E141-04

X. Wang:
"RxB spectrometer";
Talk: 1st PERC collaboration meeting 2013, FRM II, Garching; 01-24-2013 - 01-25-2013.

Author: Xianzun Wang, E141-04

X. Wang:
"Standard Model Tests with Perc";
Talk: OePG Conference 2010, Wien; 09-15-2010.

Author: Xianzun Wang, E141-04

X. Wang:
"Standard Model Tests with Perc";
Poster: OePG Conference 2010, Wien; 09-15-2010.

Authors: Xianzun Wang, E141-04; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

X. Wang, G. Konrad, H. Abele:
"RxB drift momentum spectrometer";
Poster: 13th Vienna Conference on Instrumentation - VCI2013, Vienna; 02-11-2013 - 02-15-2013.

Authors: Xianzun Wang, E141-04; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

X. Wang, G. Konrad, H. Abele:
"R×B drift momentum spectrometer";
Talk: 2nd Status Meeting - DFG Priority Programme 1491, Wildbad Kreuth, Germany; 11-03-2015 - 11-06-2015.

Authors: Xianzun Wang, E141-04; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

X. Wang, G. Konrad, H. Abele:
"R×B drift momentum spectrometer for PERC";
Poster: DPG spring meeting 2013 (Hadronic and Nuclear Physics), Dresden; 03-04-2013 - 03-08-2013.

Authors: G. P. Westphal, E141-05; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

G. P. Westphal, H. Abele:
"Limits on axions and other short range 5th forces";
Talk: Proc. Rencontres de Moriond, Val d'Aosta, Italy; 03-11-2007 - 03-18-2007.

Authors: G. P. Westphal, E141-05; F. Grass, E141-05; Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04; H. Niedermaier, E141; K. Jöstl, E141; P. Schröder, E141; Helmuth Böck, E141-05; H. Schachner, E141-05; E. Klapfer, E141-05

G. P. Westphal, F. Grass, H. Lemmel, H. Niedermaier, K. Jöstl, P. Schröder, H. Böck, H. Schachner, E. Klapfer:
"Low-cost Activation Analysis at Small Research Reactors ";
Talk: 4th Int. Conf. on Isotopes, Cape Town (South Africa); 03-10-2002 - 03-14-2002.

Authors: G. P. Westphal, E141-05; F. Grass, E141-05; Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04; H. Niedermaier, E141; K. Jöstl, E141; P. Schröder, E141; Helmuth Böck, E141-05; H. Schachner, E141-05; E. Klapfer, E141-05; P.P. De Regge; K. Burns; A. Markovics

G. P. Westphal, F. Grass, H. Lemmel, H. Niedermaier, K. Jöstl, P. Schröder, H. Böck, H. Schachner, E. Klapfer, P. De Regge, K. Burns, A. Markovics:
"Large Sample Activation Analysis at Small Research Reactors ";
Talk: 7th Int. Conf. on Nuclear Analytical Methods in the Life Sciences, Antalya (Turkey); 06-16-2002 - 06-21-2002.

Authors: G. P. Westphal, E141-05; F. Grass, E141-05; Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04; Johannes H. Sterba, E141-05

G. P. Westphal, F. Grass, H. Lemmel, J.H. Sterba:
"A System for Rapid Automatic Neutron Activation Analysis";
Talk: Asia-Pacific Symposium on Radiochemistry (APSORC-05), Beijing (China); 10-17-2005 - 10-25-2005.

Authors: G. P. Westphal, E141-05; F. Grass, E141-05; Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04; Johannes H. Sterba, E141-05

G. P. Westphal, F. Grass, H. Lemmel, J.H. Sterba:
"Automatic Activation Analysis ";
Talk: 11th Int. Conf. "Modern Trends in Activation Analysis", Univ. of Surrey, Guildford (UK); 06-20-2004 - 06-25-2004.

Authors: G. P. Westphal, E141-05; F. Grass, E141-05; Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04; Johannes H. Sterba, E141-05

G. P. Westphal, F. Grass, H. Lemmel, J.H. Sterba:
"Automatic Activation Analysis at a Triga Reactor ";
Talk: 2nd World TRIGA Users Conf., Atominstitut (Wien); 09-15-2004 - 09-18-2004.

Authors: G. P. Westphal, E141-05; F. Grass, E141-05; Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04; Johannes H. Sterba, E141-05

G. P. Westphal, F. Grass, H. Lemmel, J.H. Sterba:
"Automatischer Aktivierungsanalysator";
Talk: Activation Analysis Seminar, GArching (Deutschland); 2005.

Authors: G. P. Westphal, E141-05; F. Grass, E141-05; Johannes H. Sterba, E141-05; Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04

G. P. Westphal, F. Grass, J.H. Sterba, H. Lemmel:
"Rapid Automatic Neutron Activation Analysis";
Talk: IAEA Technical Meeting: Large Sample NAA, Wien (Österreich); 2005.

Authors: G. P. Westphal, E141-05; Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04; F. Grass, E141-05; P.P. De Regge; K. Burns; A. Markowicz

G. P. Westphal, H. Lemmel, F. Grass, P. De Regge, K. Burns, A. Markowicz:
"A Neutron Activation Analyser ";
Talk: 6th Int. Conf. on Methods and Applications of Radioanalytical Chemistry, Kailua-Kona (Hawaii - USA); 04-07-2003 - 04-11-2003.

Authors: G. P. Westphal, E141-05; Hartmut Lemmel, E141-04; F. Grass, E141-05; P.P. De Regge; K. Burns; A. Markowicz

G. P. Westphal, H. Lemmel, F. Grass, P. De Regge, K. Burns, A. Markowicz:
"An Expert System for NAA ?";
Talk: 3rd African Research Reactors Conf., Rabatt (Morocco); 03-17-2003 - 03-18-2003.

Authors: Alexander Wunderle, Uni Mainz; Oliver Zimmer, ILL; Ferenc Glück, IEKP; Marcus Beck, Uni Mainz; Stefan Baessler, University of Vi ...; Romain Virot, ILL; Camille Theroine, ESS; Torsten Soldner, ILL; Martin Simson, ILL; Christian Schmidt, Uni Mainz; Romain Maisonobe, ILL; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; Werner Heil, Uni Mainz

A. Wunderle, O. Zimmer, F. Glück, M. Beck, S. Baessler, R Virot, C Theroine, T. Soldner, M. Simson, C. Schmidt, R. Maisonobe, G. Konrad, W. Heil:
"Latest results from the aSPECT experiment";
Talk: PANIC 2014 - Particles and Nuclei International Conference, Hamburg, Germany; 08-24-2014 - 08-29-2014.

Authors: Alexander Wunderle, Uni Mainz; Oliver Zimmer, ILL; Romain Virot, ILL; D. Stipp, Uni Mainz; Torsten Soldner, ILL; Martin Simson, ILL; Christian Schmidt, Uni Mainz; K. Ross, Uni Mainz; Romain Maisonobe, ILL; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; Jan Kahlenberg, Uni Mainz; R. Horn, Uni Mainz; J. Haack, Uni Mainz; Werner Heil, Uni Mainz; Ferenc Glück, IEKP; E. Bickmann, Uni Mainz; Marcus Beck, Uni Mainz; Stefan Baessler, University of Vi ...

A. Wunderle, O. Zimmer, R Virot, D Stipp, T. Soldner, M. Simson, C. Schmidt, K Ross, R. Maisonobe, G. Konrad, J. Kahlenberg, R Horn, J Haack, W. Heil, F. Glück, E Bickmann, M. Beck, S. Baessler:
"The aSPECT experiment - an overview and latest results";
Talk: 2nd Status Meeting - DFG Priority Programme 1491, Wildbad Kreuth, Germany; 11-03-2015 - 11-06-2015.

Author: Michael Zawisky, E141-04

M. Zawisky:
"First Realization of Phase Tomography with Neutrons ";
Talk: 2nd Workshop of "Classical and Quantum Interference" of Research ..., Univ. Olomouc (CZ); 10-24-2002 - 10-25-2002.

Author: Michael Zawisky, E141-04

M. Zawisky:
"High angular resolution neutron interferometry";
Talk: Neutron Optics, NOP 2010, Alpe d'Huez, France; 03-17-2010 - 03-19-2010.

Author: Michael Zawisky, E141-04

M. Zawisky:
"Neutron Interferometer measurements";
Keynote Lecture: ICPS 2015 (International Conference of Physics Students), Zagreb, Coratia; 08-12-2015 - 08-19-2015.

Author: Michael Zawisky, E141-04

M. Zawisky:
"Neutron interferometry: Progress report";
Talk: Status Meeting zum DFG Schwerpunktprogramm 1491, Frauenchiemsee, Deutschland (invited); 03-13-2012 - 03-16-2012.

Author: Michael Zawisky, E141-04

M. Zawisky:
"Neutronentomographie am Atominstitut";
Talk: Meeting on Imaging with Neutrons in Europe, Appenzell (Schweiz); 10-13-2002 - 10-15-2002.

Authors: Michael Zawisky, E141-04; M. Bastürk, E141; J. Rehacek

M. Zawisky, M. Bastürk, J. Rehacek:
"Neutron Tomographic Investigations of Strong Absorbing Materials ";
Talk: 7th World Conf. on Neutron Radiography, Roma (Italy); 09-15-2002 - 09-20-2002.

Authors: Michael Zawisky, E141-04; Ulrich Bonse

M. Zawisky, U. Bonse:
"Complete imaging using perfect crystal neutron interferometers";
Poster: Imaging and Neutron IAN2006, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge (USA); 10-23-2006 - 10-26-2006.

Authors: Michael Zawisky, E141-04; Francois Dubus, E141; Ulrich Bonse; Rudolf Loidl, E141; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

M. Zawisky, F. Dubus, U. Bonse, R. Loidl, H. Rauch:
"Erste Realisierung von Phasentomographie mit Neutronen ";
Talk: Fachausschusstagung, ÖPG, Kern- und Teilchenphysik, Seggauberg (Österreich); 09-26-2002 - 09-27-2002.

Authors: Michael Zawisky, E141-04; F. Hameed, E141; E. Dyrnjaja, E141; Josef Springer, E141

M. Zawisky, F. Hameed, E. Dyrnjaja, J. Springer:
"High resolution neutron imaging in nuclear engineering, stone consolidation and geology";
Talk: 58. Jahrestagung der Österr. Physikalischen Gesellschaft (ÖPG), Leoben; 09-22-2008 - 09-26-2008.

More information

Authors: Michael Zawisky, E141-04; F. Hameed, E141; Andreas Rohatsch, E220-01; J. Weber; B. Zamani, E141

M. Zawisky, F. Hameed, A. Rohatsch, J. Weber, B. Zamani:
"Investigation of calcareous arenites from St. Stephan´s Cathedral, Vienna";
Talk: 8th World Conf. on Neutron Radiography, NIST-Gaithersburg (USA); 10-16-2006 - 10-19-2006.

Authors: Michael Zawisky, E141-04; Thomas Potocar, E141-04

M. Zawisky, T. Potocar:
"High angular resolution neutron interferometry";
Poster: Joint annual meeting of SPS and ÖPG, Lausanne, Switzerland; 06-15-2011 - 06-17-2011.

Authors: Markus Ziegner; R. Khan, E141-04; Helmuth Böck, E141-05; Silva Bortolussi; S Altieri; Tobias Schmitz; Gabriele Hampel; M. Blaickner, E141

M. Ziegner, R. Khan, H. Böck, S. Bortolussi, S. Altieri, T. Schmitz, G. Hampel, M. Blaickner:
"Radiation Transport Simulation for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT)";
Talk: RRFM 2011 - European Research Reactor Conference, Rome; 03-20-2011 - 03-24-2011.

Habilitation Theses

Author: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

Y. Hasegawa:
"Quantum Optical Experiments with Neutrons ";
TU Wien, Atominstitut der Österr. Universitäten, 2004.

Doctor's Theses (authored and supervised)

Author: Michael Bacak, E141-04
Other persons involved: Helmut Leeb, E141-03; F. Gunsing; Erwin Jericha, E141-04

M. Bacak:
"Development of a detector for the simultaneous measurement and for the study of uranium-233 capture and fission yields at the CERN n_TOF neutron source";
Supervisor, Reviewer: H. Leeb, F. Gunsing, E. Jericha; Atominstitut, TU Wien und Université Paris-Saclay, 2019; oral examination: 10-25-2019.

More information

Author: M. Bastürk, E141
Other person involved: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

M. Bastürk:
"Material Inspections with Low Energy Neutrons and 3D Image Reconstruction ";
Supervisor, Reviewer: H. Rauch; Atominstitut der Österr. Universitäten, 2003.

Author: Roland Bittner, E141
Other persons involved: Harald W. Weber, E141-06; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

R. Bittner:
"Strahlungsdefekte in perovskitischen Dünnfilmen für ein zukünftiges Bolometer-System bei Kernfusionsanlagen";
Supervisor, Reviewer: H. W. Weber, H. Rauch; Atominstitut d. Österr. Universitäten, 2002; oral examination: 11-28-2002.

Author: W. Bogner, E141
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; E. Moser

W. Bogner:
"In vivo localized31P NMR Spectroscopy at High Magnetic Filed using Gradient Modulated Adiabatic Inversion Pulses";
Supervisor, Reviewer: G. Badurek, E. Moser; Atominstitut; Inst. f. Mediz. Physik, 2009; oral examination: 12-17-2009.

Author: C. Cernoch
Other persons involved: Christian Fabjan, E141-03; Gerald Badurek, E141-04

C. Cernoch:
"Performance of ATLAS Muon Precision Drift Chambers in a High Radiation Environment";
Supervisor, Reviewer: Ch. Fabjan, G. Badurek; CERN und Atominstitut d. Österr. Universitäten, 2003; oral examination: 2003.

Author: Matthew Clarke, E302-01-1
Other persons involved: Karl Ponweiser, E302-01-1; Johann Summhammer, E141-04

M. Clarke:
"Investigations on Photovoltaic Receivers in Linear Concentrating Systems";
Supervisor, Reviewer: K. Ponweiser, J. Summhammer; Institut für Energietechnik und Thermodynamik, 2012; oral examination: 03-06-2012.

Author: Gunther Cronenberg, E141-04
Other persons involved: Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Tobias Jenke, E141-04; Klaus Kirch, ETH

G. Cronenberg:
"Frequency measurements testing Newton's Gravity Law with the Rabi-qBounce experiment";
Supervisor, Reviewer: H. Abele, T. Jenke, K. Kirch; E141, 2016; oral examination: 01-27-2017.

Author: Bulent Demirel, E141-04
Other person involved: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

B. Demirel:
"Neutron optical experiments studying uncertainty relations of fundamental quantum measurements";
Supervisor, Reviewer: Y. Hasegawa; Atominstitut, 2018; oral examination: 06-2018.

Author: Francois Dubus, E141
Other person involved: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

F. Dubus:
"Phasenkontrast-tomographie mit thermischen Neutronen ";
Supervisor, Reviewer: H. Rauch; Atominstitut der Österr. Universitäten, 2003.

Author: R. Ebner, E141
Other person involved: Johann Summhammer, E141-04

R. Ebner:
"The effect of current collection at active grain boundaries of multicrystalline Silicon photovoltaic devices ";
Supervisor, Reviewer: J. Summhammer; Atominstitut d. Österr. Universitäten, 2003.

Author: Korbinian Eckstein
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Karin Poljanc, E141-05; Simon Robinson

K. Eckstein:
"Improved Methods for Ultra-High Field Magnetic Susceptibility Imaging";
Supervisor, Reviewer: G. Badurek, K. Poljanc, S. Robinson; Atominstitut / Medizinische Universität Wien, 2021; oral examination: 11-24-2021.

More information

Author: Hanno Filter, E141-04
Other person involved: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Filter:
"Interference Experiment with Slow Neutrons: A Feasibility Study of Lloyd´s Mirror at the Institut Laue-Langevin";
Supervisor, Reviewer: H. Abele; Atominstitut, 2018; oral examination: 07-2018.

Author: Christoph Gösselsberger, E141-04
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; W. Treimer

Ch. Gösselsberger:
"Entwicklung eines Wanderwellen-Neutronenspinresonators";
Supervisor, Reviewer: G. Badurek, E. Jericha, W. Treimer; Atominstitut, 2012; oral examination: 11-22-2012.

More information

Author: Raquel Gonzalez-Arrabal, E141
Other persons involved: Harald W. Weber, E141-06; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

R. Gonzalez-Arrabal:
"Trapped field characterization in neutron irradiated (RE)Ba2Cu3O#{_7-δ} melt-textured superconductors";
Supervisor, Reviewer: H. W. Weber, H. Rauch; Atominstitut d. Österr. Universitäten, 2002; oral examination: 06-28-2002.

Author: S. Haindl, E141
Other persons involved: Harald W. Weber, E141-06; Gerald Badurek, E141-04

S. Haindl:
"Homogeneity of melt-grown bulk superconductors";
Supervisor, Reviewer: H. W. Weber, G. Badurek; Atominstitut d. Österr. Universitäten, 2005; oral examination: 03-09-2005.

Author: Zahra Halavani, E141-04
Other persons involved: Johann Summhammer, E141-04; Jürgen Fleig, E164-04-3

Z. Halavani:
"Zellverbindungen ohne Kleben oder Löten für kristalline Silizium Photovoltaik Module";
Supervisor, Reviewer: J. Summhammer, J. Fleig; Atominstitut, 2021; oral examination: 03-11-2021.

More information

Author: F. Hameed, E141
Other persons involved: Helmut Rauch, E141-04; Michael Zawisky, E141-04

F. Hameed:
"Upgrading and new applications of a neutron imaging facility";
Supervisor, Reviewer: H. Rauch, M. Zawisky; Atominstitut, 2008; oral examination: 12-17-2008.

Author: M.R. Jäkel, E141
Other person involved: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

M. Jäkel:
"Entwicklung eines neuartigen Speichers für kalte Neutronen ";
Supervisor, Reviewer: H. Rauch; Atominstitut der Österr. Universitäten, 2003.

Author: Tobias Jenke, E141-04
Other persons involved: Hartmut Abele, E141-04; U. Schmidt

T. Jenke:
"qBounce - vom Quantum Bouncer zur Gravitationsresonanzspektroskopie";
Supervisor, Reviewer: H. Abele, U. Schmidt; Atominstitut TU Wien, 2011; oral examination: 10-10-2011.

Author: R. Khan, E141-04
Other person involved: Helmuth Böck, E141-05

R. Khan:
"Neutronics analysis of the TRIGA Mark II reactor core and its experimental facilites";
Supervisor, Reviewer: H. Böck; Atominstitut, 2010; oral examination: 06-29-2010.

Author: Christine Klauser, E141-04 [ILL]
Other persons involved: Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Klaus Kirch, ETH

C. Klauser:
"High Precision Neutron Polarization For PERC";
Supervisor, Reviewer: H. Abele, K. Kirch; Atominstitut TU Wien, 2013; oral examination: 11-20-2013.

More information

Author: J. Klepp, E141
Other person involved: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

J. Klepp:
"Geometric phase properties in neutron optics experiments";
Supervisor, Reviewer: Y. Hasegawa; Atominstitut, 2009; oral examination: 04-28-2009.

Author: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04
Other persons involved: Werner Heil, Uni Mainz; Lutz Köpke, Uni Mainz

G. Konrad:
"Measurement of the Proton Recoil Spectrum in Neutron Beta Decay with the Spectrometer aSPECT: Study of Systematic Effects";
Supervisor, Reviewer: W. Heil, L Köpke; Institut für Physik, JGU Mainz, 2011; oral examination: 01-24-2012.

More information

Author: E. Laistler, E141
Other person involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04

E. Laistler:
"Magnetic Resonance Micro-Imaging of the Human Skin in Vivo Using Miniature Radio Frequency Coils";
Supervisor, Reviewer: G. Badurek; Atominstitut, 2011; oral examination: 01-19-2011.

Author: H. Leydolt, E141
Other person involved: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Leydolt:
"Wave-particle dualism and statistical evolution of ensambles ";
Supervisor, Reviewer: H. Rauch; Atominstitut d. Österr. Universitäten, 2003.

Author: Wilfried Mach, E141-04
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

W. Mach:
"Installation of a neutron beam instrument at the TRIGA reactor in Vienna";
Supervisor, Reviewer: G. Badurek, E. Jericha, H. Abele; Atominstitut, 2018; oral examination: 10-2018.

More information

Author: S. Mayer, E141
Other person involved: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

S. Mayer:
"Ein Phasenraumstransformator für ultra-kalte Neutronen";
Supervisor, Reviewer: H. Rauch; Atominstitut, 2008; oral examination: 10-10-2008.

Author: Nasir Mehboob, E138-03
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Heinz Krenn

N. Mehboob:
"Hysteresis Properties of Soft Magnetic Materials";
Supervisor, Reviewer: G. Badurek, H. Krenn; Institut für Festkörperphysik, 2012; oral examination: 10-22-2012.

Author: Tobias Rechberger, E141-04
Other person involved: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

T. Rechberger:
"Precision spectroscopy of gravitationally bound ultracold neutrons";
Supervisor, Reviewer: H. Abele; Atominstitut, 2018; oral examination: 12-2018.

Author: Stefan Schauer
Other person involved: Martin Suda, E141-04

S. Schauer:
"Security Aspects of Quantum Cryptographic Protocols in Multi-Qubit Systems";
Supervisor, Reviewer: M. Suda; Atominstitut, 2011; oral examination: 06-29-2011.

Author: Albrecht Schmid, E141
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; E. Moser

Albrecht Schmid:
"Methods of Multi Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy for Metabolic Research";
Supervisor, Reviewer: G. Badurek, E. Moser; Atominstitut d. Österr. Universitäten, Inst. f. Medizin. Physik, Univ. Wien, 2007; oral examination: 10-10-2007.

Author: D. Schwab, E141
Other person involved: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

D. Schwab:
"Neutron Energy Focusing by Means of Magnetic Fields ";
Supervisor, Reviewer: H. Rauch; Atominstitut der Österr. Universitäten, 2003.

Author: Stephan Sponar, E141-04
Other person involved: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

St. Sponar:
"Multi-Entanglement in Neutron Interferometric and Polarimetric Experiments";
Supervisor, Reviewer: Y. Hasegawa; Atominstitut, 2011; oral examination: 03-16-2011.

Author: Josef Springer, E141
Other persons involved: Martin Suda, E141-04; Michael Zawisky, E141-04

J. Springer:
"Neutron interferometric investigation of phase schifts arising from dynamical diffraction theory";
Supervisor, Reviewer: M. Suda, M. Zawisky; Atominstitut, 2010; oral examination: 01-21-2010.

Author: A. Stadlbauer, E141
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; E. Moser

A. Stadlbauer:
"Räumlich hochaufgelöstes 1H Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging bei 1.5 und 3 Tesla am menschlichen Gehirn: Methodische Entwicklungen und Anwendungen mit hirneigenen Tumoren und Multipler Sklerose";
Supervisor, Reviewer: G. Badurek, E. Moser; Atominstitut d. Österr. Univ. und Inst. f Med. Physik, Univ Wien, 2004.

Author: Bernhard Strasser
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; W. Bogner, E141

B. Strasser:
"Acceleration of magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging sequences via parallel imaging and spatio-spectral encoding";
Supervisor, Reviewer: G. Badurek, W. Bogner; Atominstitut und Med. Univ. Wien, 2017; oral examination: 03-15-2017.

More information

Author: M. Strobl, E141
Other person involved: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

M. Strobl:
"New Alternative Contrast Methods in Neutron Computer Tomography ";
Supervisor, Reviewer: H. Rauch; Atominstitut der Österr. Universitäten, 2003.

Author: H. Tatlisu, E141
Other person involved: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Tatlisu:
"Non-destructive Material Investigation in Nuclear Technology";
Supervisor, Reviewer: H. Rauch; Atominstitut, 2011; oral examination: 03-16-2011.

Author: M. Trinker, E141
Other persons involved: Helmut Rauch, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04

M. Trinker:
"Neutronen-Kleinwinkelstreuung an mikro- und nanostrukturierten Materialien";
Supervisor, Reviewer: H. Rauch, G. Badurek; Atominstitut der Österr. Universitäten, 2006; oral examination: 06-21-2006.

Author: Julia Trummer
Other persons involved: Christian Fabjan, E141-03; Gerald Badurek, E141-04

J. Trummer:
"Study of a Positron Emission Mammograph";
Supervisor, Reviewer: Ch. Fabjan, G. Badurek; CERN, Atominstitut d. Österr. Universitäten, 2007; oral examination: 03-21-2007.

Author: Martin Vasicek, E360
Other persons involved: Tibor Grasser, E360; Johann Summhammer, E141-04

M. Vasicek:
"Advanced Macroscopic Transport Models";
Supervisor, Reviewer: T. Grasser, J. Summhammer; Institut für Mikroelektronik, 2009; oral examination: 10-12-2009.

More information

Author: Xianzun Wang, E141-04
Other persons involved: Hartmut Abele, E141-04; P. Fierlinger

X. Wang:
"The Free Neutron β-Decay: A Powerful Tool for the Investigation in Particle Physics";
Supervisor, Reviewer: H. Abele, P. Fierlinger; Fakultät für Physik, TU München, 2012; oral examination: 03-20-2013.

More information

Author: Christina Weiß, E141
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; E. Griesmayer; C. Guerrero

C. Weiß:
"A CVD diamond detector for (n,α) cross-section measurements";
Supervisor, Reviewer: G. Badurek, E. Griesmayer, C. Guerrero; Atominstitut, 2014; oral examination: 09-26-2014.

More information

Author: Thomas Windbacher, E360
Other persons involved: Siegfried Selberherr, E360; Johann Summhammer, E141-04

T. Windbacher:
"Engineering Gate Stacks for Field-Effect Transistors";
Supervisor, Reviewer: S. Selberherr, J. Summhammer; Institut für Mikroelektronik, 2010; oral examination: 06-25-2010.

Diploma and Master Theses (authored and supervised)

Author: Lukas Achatz
Other persons involved: Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Joachim Bosina, E141-04

L. Achatz:
"Systematic Tests for Gravitational Resonance Spectroscopy";
Supervisor: H. Abele, J. Bosina; Atominstitut, 2018; final examination: 12-2018.

Author: Jakob Anger
Other persons involved: Gerhard Totschnig, (AIT); Johann Summhammer, E141-04

J. Anger:
"Analyse der zeitlichen Variabilität der Globalstrahlung über Europa unter der Verwendung des mesoskaligen numerischen Wettervorhersagemodells ALADIN";
Supervisor: G. Totschnig, J. Summhammer; Institute of Power Systems and Energy Economics / Atominstitut, 2011; final examination: 10-05-2011.

Author: Jacqueline Atanelov, E141
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Ch. Windischberger

J. Atanelov:
"Susceptibility compensated fMRI";
Supervisor: G. Badurek, Ch. Windischberger; Atominstitut und Med. Univ. Wien, 2012; final examination: 06-06-2012.

More information

Author: Michael Bacak, E141-04
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04

M. Bacak:
"Design der Strahlungsabschirmung für einen weißen Neutronenstrahl am TRIGA Mark II Forschungsreaktor der TU Wien";
Supervisor: G. Badurek, E. Jericha; Atominstitut, 2015; final examination: 06-2015.

More information

Author: Beata Bachrata
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Karin Poljanc, E141-05; Simon Robinson

B. Bachrata:
"Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping using Echo Planar Imaging";
Supervisor: G. Badurek, K. Poljanc, S. Robinson; Atominstitut und Med. Univ. Wien, 2017; final examination: 07-13-2017.

More information

Author: H. Bartosik
Other person involved: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

H. Bartosik:
"Experimental test of quantum contextuality with neutron interferometry";
Supervisor: Y. Hasegawa; Atominstitut, 2009; final examination: 03-11-2009.

Author: Bernhard Berger, E141-04
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Christoph Gösselsberger, E141-04

B. Berger:
"Experimentelle Umsetzung der Geschwindigkeitsselektion mittels Spinresonanz für sehr kalte Neutronen (VCN)";
Supervisor: G. Badurek, E. Jericha, Ch. Gösselsberger; Atominstitut, 2013; final examination: 10-09-2013.

More information

Author: Th. Betz, E141
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04

Th. Betz:
"Quantenmechanische Aspekte der Dynamischen Neutronen-Polarisation";
Supervisor: G. Badurek, E. Jericha; Atominstitut d. Österr. Universitäten, 2006; final examination: 10-04-2006.

Author: Thomas Bittner
Other persons involved: Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Tobias Jenke, E141-04

T. Bittner:
"Entwicklung eines Blendensystems zur Geschwindigkeitsselektion für das qBounce Experiment";
Supervisor: H. Abele, T. Jenke; Atominstitut, 2013; final examination: 04-2013.

Author: Gerald Böhm, E141
Other person involved: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

Gerald Böhm:
"Nukleare Antriebe";
Supervisor: H. Rauch; Atominstitut d. Österr. Universitäten, 2005; final examination: 06-15-2005.

Author: Joachim Bosina, E141-04
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04

J. Bosina:
"Charakterisierung eines "Badurek"-Resonators für sehr kalte Neutronen";
Supervisor: G. Badurek, E. Jericha; Atominstitut, 2015; final examination: 06-2015.

More information

Author: Florian Bruckner, E138-05
Other person involved: Martin Suda, E141-04

F. Bruckner:
"Stabilized source of entangled photon pairs characterized by quantum state tomography";
Supervisor: M. Suda; Atominstitut, 2010; final examination: 01-13-2010.

Author: Chrsitopher Burger-Scheidlin
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04

C. Burger-Scheidlin:
"Characterisation of the Polarised White Neutron Beam at the TRIGA Reactor of the Atominstitut";
Supervisor: G. Badurek, E. Jericha; Atominstitut, 2019; final examination: 03-19-2019.

More information

Author: Gunther Cronenberg, E141-04
Other person involved: Anton Zeilinger

G. Cronenberg:
"Experimental realisation and investigation of a six-photon symmetric Dicke state";
Supervisor: A. Zeilinger; Atominstitut, 2009.

Author: Lukas Csaszar, E141-04
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04

L. Csaszar:
"Discussion, simulation and foundations of experimental tests of phenomena with superimposed signals through the example of time dependent radioactive decay";
Supervisor: G. Badurek, E. Jericha; Atominstitut, 2017; final examination: 01-16-2018.

More information

Author: Bogumil Debski, E389
Other persons involved: Stephan Gruber, Med. Uni Wien; Gerald Badurek, E141-04

B. Debski:
"The potential of 3D 1H NMR spectroscopy of breast lesions at 3 tesla";
Supervisor: S. Gruber, G. Badurek; Exzellenzzentrum Hochfeld-MR, 2011; final examination: 03-09-2011.

Author: Bojana Deneva
Other person involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04

B. Deneva:
"Development of accelerator mass spectrometry for 93Zr";
Supervisor: G. Badurek; Atominstitut, 2015; final examination: 07-30-2015.

More information

Author: Christian Dorfer
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Herbert Steiner; Daniel Dwyer

C. Dorfer:
"Characterization of the Nonlinear Light Emission by the Liquid Scintillator Used in the Daya Bay Experiment";
Supervisor: G. Badurek, H. Steiner, D. Dwyer; Atominstitut und Lawrence Berkely National Laboratory, 2014; final examination: 01-20-2015.

More information

Author: Korbinian Eckstein
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Karin Poljanc, E141-05; Simon Robinson

K. Eckstein:
"Development of a method for combining MRI data from multiple receiver coils";
Supervisor: G. Badurek, K. Poljanc, S. Robinson; Atominstitut und Med. Univ. Wien, 2016; final examination: 07-19-2016.

Author: Julian Eichbichler
Other person involved: Johann Summhammer, E141-04

J. Eichbichler:
"Selektive Emitterbildung durch Laser-Dotierung von Silizium-Solarzellen";
Supervisor: J. Summhammer; Atominstitut, 2011; final examination: 06-14-2011.

Author: Jacqueline Erhart, E141-04
Other person involved: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

J. Erhart:
"Experimental demonstration of a universally valid uncertainty relation for error and disturbance in joint spin-measurements";
Supervisor: Y. Hasegawa; Atominstitut, 2010; final examination: 10-06-2010.

Author: St. Ettenauer, E141
Other person involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04

St. Ettenauer:
"Study of measured and simulated signals for a highly segmented co-axial HPGe detector module";
Supervisor: G. Badurek; Atominstitut d. Österr. Universitäten, 2006; final examination: 01-11-2006.

Author: Robert Farthofer, E141
Other persons involved: Johann Summhammer, E141-04; Michael Zawisky, E141-04

R. Farthofer:
"Strahlmanipulation mit Prismen im Perfektkristall-Neutroneninterferometer";
Supervisor: J. Summhammer, M. Zawisky; Atominstitut, 2008; final examination: 07-03-2008.

Author: P. Fierlinger
Other person involved: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

P. Fierlinger:
"Experimente zur Messung der Absorptionsquerschnitte von 157Gd mit ultrakalten Neutronen ";
Supervisor: H. Rauch; Atominstitut d. Österr. Universitäten, 2002.

Author: Arno Frank, E141-04
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04

A. Frank:
"Konzept und Test einer Steuerung für einen magnetischen Wanderwellenresonator für langsame Neutronen";
Supervisor: G. Badurek, E. Jericha; Atominstitut, 2018; final examination: 10-15-2018.

More information

Author: Tina Gerstmayr, E141-04
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Christoph Gösselsberger, E141-04

T. Gerstmayr:
"Ein magnetischer Wanderwellenresonator zur zeitlichen und spektralen Präparation polarisierter Neutronenstrahlen";
Supervisor: G. Badurek, E. Jericha, Ch. Gösselsberger; Atominstitut, 2013; final examination: 02-28-2013.

More information

Author: Rainer Ginzel, E141
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; B. Wendling

Rainer Ginzel:
"Modellierung und experimentelle Untersuchung zur Auswirkung von Metalloxid-Ablagerungen auf Partikelsensoren im Dieselabgas";
Supervisor: G. Badurek, B. Wendling; Atominstitut d. Österr. Universitäten und Robert Bosch GmbH Stuttgart, 2007; final examination: 01-10-2007.

Author: Wolfgang Gös, E141
Other person involved: Johann Summhammer, E141-04

Wolfgang Gös:
"Grain Boundaries in Back Contact Solar Cells";
Supervisor: J. Summhammer; Atominstitut d. Österr. Universitäten, 2005; final examination: 11-16-2005.

Author: Dario Goranovic
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Karin Poljanc, E141-05; W. Bogner, E141; P. Bednarik

D. Goranovic:
"Functional magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy in the human brain at an ultra-high field 7 T scanner";
Supervisor: G. Badurek, K. Poljanc, W. Bogner, P. Bednarik; Atominstitut, 2020; final examination: 04-30-2020.

Author: Sarah Gumpenberger, E141-04
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Christoph Gösselsberger, E141-04

S. Gumpenberger:
"Implementation of a spatial magnetic spin resonator for neutron spectroscopy applications";
Supervisor: G. Badurek, E. Jericha, Ch. Gösselsberger; Atominstitut, 2012; final examination: 01-16-2013.

More information

Author: Raphael Gunacker
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; E. Moser; Roland Boubela

R. A. Gunacker:
"Identification and removal of signal components related to cardiac activity from high resolution resting-state fMRI data by means of blind source separation";
Supervisor: G. Badurek, E. Moser, R. N. Boubela; Atominstitut und Med. Univ. Wien, 2016; final examination: 03-09-2016.

More information

Author: Charles Guthrie
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Simon Robinson

C. Guthrie:
"Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping of the Human Brainstem with 3T and 7T Magnetic Resonance Imaging";
Supervisor: G. Badurek, S. Robinson; Atominstitut, 2020; final examination: 06-09-2020.

Author: Stefan Haas, E141-04
Other persons involved: Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04

S Haas:
"Simulationen zur Abschirmung von Neutronen mit MCNP";
Supervisor: H. Abele, E. Jericha; Atominstitut TU Wien, 2013; final examination: 10-16-2013.

Author: Th. Habersohn, E141
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04

Th. Habersohn:
"Erste experimentelle Versuche zur magnetischen Spintomographie mit Neutronen";
Supervisor: G. Badurek, E. Jericha; Atominstitut d. Österr. Universitäten, 2006; final examination: 10-04-2006.

Author: Angelika Hable, E141
Other persons involved: Helmuth Böck, E141-05; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; M. Rossbach

A. Hable:
"Bestimmung der Spaltwirkungsquerschnitte von 238U, 237Np und 242Pu durch Bestrahlung mit schnellen Neutronen am FRM II";
Supervisor: H. Böck, E. Jericha, M. Rossbach; Atominstitut, 2017; final examination: 2017.

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Author: Philip Haiden, E141-04
Other person involved: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

P. Haiden:
"Design of the Magnetic Shielding for PERC";
Supervisor: H. Abele; Atominstitut TU Wien, 2013; final examination: 04-17-2013.

Author: Albert Hammerschmied, E141
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Beatrice Gillon, Laboratoire Leon ...

A. Hammerschmied:
"Magnetisation Densities in Molecule-based Magnets by Polarised Neutron Diffraction";
Supervisor: G. Badurek, E. Jericha, B. Gillon; Atominstitut, 2010; final examination: 06-10-2010.

Author: Ch. Hartl, E141
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04

Ch. Hartl:
"Monte Carlo Analysis of a Dynamic Neutron Polarisation Facility";
Supervisor: G. Badurek, E. Jericha; Atominstitut d. Österr. Universitäten, 2005; final examination: 11-16-2005.

Author: M. Heiß
Other person involved: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

M. Heiß:
"Vorbereitung von Gravitationsexperimenten im Rahmen des qBounce-Experiments";
Supervisor: H. Abele; Atominstitut, 2017; final examination: 08-21-2017.

Author: Matthias Heumesser, E141-04
Other person involved: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

M. Heumesser:
"Kollimationssystem für ein Lloyd-Materiewellen-Interferometer";
Supervisor: H. Abele; E141, 2016; final examination: 05-10-2016.

Author: Christian Horn, E141
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; A. Berg

C. Horn:
"Parameter selective MR-micro-imaging of biomaterials with short T2-times using UTE pulse sequences";
Supervisor: G. Badurek, A. Berg; Atominstitut und Med. Univ. Wien, 2012; final examination: 03-14-2012.

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Author: Seyed Ehsan Hosseini
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; E. Laistler, E141

S. E. Hosseini:
"Development of a highly sensitive 8 channel receive-only radio frequency coil array for microscopic magnetic resonance imaging at 7 Tesla";
Supervisor: G. Badurek, E. Laistler; Atominstitut und Med. Univ. Wien, 2017; final examination: 08-29-2017.

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Author: Andreas M. Hrdlicka
Other persons involved: Thomas Bednar, E207-02; Johann Summhammer, E141-04

A. Hrdlicka:
"Senkung des Beleuchtungsenergiebedarfs durch gebäudeintegrierte Photovoltaik";
Supervisor: T. Bednar, J. Summhammer; Institut für Hochbau und Technologie, Forschungsbereich für Bauphysik und Schallschutz, 2010; final examination: 11-24-2010.

More information

Author: Allan Hummer
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Ch. Windischberger

A. Hummer:
"Retinotopic Mapping";
Supervisor: G. Badurek, Ch. Windischberger; Atominstitut und Med. Univ. Wien, 2013; final examination: 10-02-2013.

More information

Author: Michael Kilzer
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Ch. Windischberger; E. Moser

M. Kilzer:
"Automatisierte Verfahren zur Korrektur physiologischer Artefakte in der funktionellen MR Bildgebung";
Supervisor: G. Badurek, Ch. Windischberger, E. Moser; Atominstitut und Med. Univ. Wien, 2003; final examination: 01-14-2004.

Author: Monika Kipfelsberger
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Ladislav Valkovic

M. Kipfelsberger:
"Dynamic 31P MR spectroscopy: Comparison of different ergometers, magnetic field strengths and localization methods";
Supervisor: G. Badurek, L. Valkovic; Atominstitut und Med. Univ. Wien (MR Centre of Excellence), 2014; final examination: 06-12-2014.

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Author: T. Klein
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; W. Bogner, E141

T. Klein:
"Deep learning-based metabolite quantification in proton magnetic resonance spectros-copy of the brain";
Supervisor: G. Badurek, W. Bogner; Atominstitut, 2020; final examination: 11-19-2020.

Author: J. Klepp, E141
Other person involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04

J. Klepp:
"Noncyclic Mixed State Qunatum Phase Measurement in SU(2) Neutron Polarimetry";
Supervisor: G. Badurek; Atominstitut d. Österr. Universitäten, 2004.

Author: S. Kloibhofer
Other person involved: Johann Summhammer, E141-04

S. Kloibhofer:
"Intra-hour PV forecast with recurrent neural networks using distributed data";
Supervisor: J. Summhammer; Atominstitut, 2019; final examination: 04-01-2019.

Author: Michael Klopf, E141-04
Other persons involved: Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04

M. Klopf:
"Proton Spectroscopy with aSPECT: Systematic Studies & Modification of the High Voltage Electrode System";
Supervisor: H. Abele, G. Konrad; Atominstitut TU Wien, 2013; final examination: 01-21-2014.

Author: Christoph Kolbitsch, E141
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Rainer A. Leitgeb, Med.Univ.Wien

C. Kolbitsch:
"Doppler Optische Kohärenztomographie";
Supervisor: G. Badurek, R. Leitgeb; Atominstitut, 2009.

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Author: Gertrud Konrad, E141-04
Other persons involved: H.-P. Heinz; G. Schleinkofer

G. Konrad:
"Eigenwertcharakterisierung und Lösungsgeometrie bei semilinearen gewöhnlichen Differentialgleichungen höher Ordnung";
Supervisor: H. Heinz, G. Schleinkofer; University of Mainz, 2002; final examination: 10-22-2003.

Author: René Kronika
Other person involved: Johann Summhammer, E141-04

R. Kronika:
"Aufbau eines Messplatzes und Langzeitvermessung multipler Photovoltaik-Module";
Supervisor: J. Summhammer; Atominstitut, 2012; final examination: 02-28-2012.

Author: E. Laistler, E141
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Ch. Windischberger; E. Moser

E. Laistler:
"Correction of Geometric Distortions in Echo Planar Imaging using an ultra-fast EPI technique for fieldmapping";
Supervisor: G. Badurek, Ch. Windischberger, E. Moser; Atominstitut d. Österr. Universitäten, 2005; final examination: 06-15-2005.

Author: Josef J. Lang
Other person involved: Johann Summhammer, E141-04

J.J. Lang:
"Eigenschaften von lötfreien Zellenverbindungen in Photovoltaikmodulen";
Supervisor: J. Summhammer; 141. Atominstitut, 2014; final examination: 10-13-2014.

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Author: Philipp Lazen
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Karin Poljanc, E141-05; G. Hangel

P. Lazen:
"Creating a Radio Frequency Pulse Simulation Model for Whole-Brain Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging at 7 Tesla";
Supervisor: G. Badurek, K. Poljanc, G. Hangel; Atominstitut, 2021; final examination: 01-13-2021.

Author: Dorothea Ledinek
Other person involved: Johann Summhammer, E141-04

D. Ledinek:
"A simulative approach to tailoring the energy deposition during single pulse laser annealing";
Supervisor: J. Summhammer; Atominstitut, 2013; final examination: 01-16-2013.

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Author: David Linhard
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Karin Poljanc, E141-05; Ch. Windischberger

D. Linhard:
"Stimulus selection in functional magnetic resonance imaging-based retinotopic mapping";
Supervisor: G. Badurek, K. Poljanc, Ch. Windischberger; Atominstitut, 2020; final examination: 03-12-2020.

Author: Kirsten Lux
Other person involved: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

K. Lux:
"Diffraktion thermischer Neutronen an periodischen Phasengittern aus Silizium-Einkristallen";
Supervisor: H. Rauch; Atominstitut, 2009; final examination: 01-14-2009.

Author: Wilfried Mach, E141-04
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04

W. Mach:
"Modellunabhängige Datenanalyse von Ultrakleinwinkelstreuung mit polarisierten Neutronen";
Supervisor: G. Badurek, E. Jericha; Atominstitut, 2013; final examination: 06-05-2013.

More information

Author: Chloe Malbrunot
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; E. Widmann

Chloe Malbrunot:
""Collisional effects in the measurement of the hyperfine structure of antiprotonic helium";
Supervisor: G. Badurek, E. Widmann; Atominstitut d. Österr. Universitäten, Stefan-Meyer Inst. f. Subatomare Physik, 2007; final examination: 06-06-2007.

Author: S. Mayer, E141
Other person involved: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

S. Mayer:
"Experimente zur Phasenstabilität eines Neutroneninterferometers ";
Supervisor: H. Rauch; Atominstitut d. Österr. Universitäten, 2003.

Author: Guido Mehl
Other person involved: Johann Summhammer, E141-04

G. Mehl:
"Verbesserung des Back-Surface-Fields in polykristallinen Silizium-Solarzellen";
Supervisor: J. Summhammer; Atominstitut, 2012; final examination: 01-11-2012.

Author: Daniel Menz
Other persons involved: Johann Summhammer, E141-04; Marcus Rennhofer, AIT

D. Menz:
"Light Soaking of Thin-Film Solar Cells under Colored Light";
Supervisor: J. Summhammer, M. Rennhofer; Atominstitut, 2015; final examination: 11-25-2015.

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Author: J. Micko
Other persons involved: Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Tobias Rechberger, E141-04

J. Micko:
"qBounce - Gravity Resonance and Ramsey Spectroscopy";
Supervisor: H. Abele, T. Rechberger; Atominstitut, 2018; final examination: 06-2018.

Author: Ch. Mörz, E141
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04

Ch. Mörz:
"Ultrakleinwinkelstreuung mit polarisierten Neutronen (USANSPOL)";
Supervisor: G. Badurek, E. Jericha; Atominstitut d. Österr. Universitäten, 2006; final examination: 11-16-2006.

Author: Daniel Moser, E141-04
Other persons involved: Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04

D Moser:
"Magnetic Field Investigation of the PERKEO III Experiment";
Supervisor: H. Abele, G. Konrad; Atominstitut, 2017; final examination: 03-20-2017.

Author: Martin Moser, E141-04
Other person involved: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

M. Moser:
"Optimierung und Charakterisierung des PERKEO III Detektors zur Elektronen-Energie-Spektroskopie";
Supervisor: H. Abele; Atominstitut TU Wien, 2013; final examination: 10-16-2013.

Author: Stanislav Motyka
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Karin Poljanc, E141-05; W. Bogner, E141

S. Motyka:
"Improving MRSI Spectral Quality using High Resolution B0 Inhomogeneity Maps";
Supervisor: G. Badurek, K. Poljanc, W. Bogner; Atominstitut und Med. Univ. Wien, 2017; final examination: 10-12-2017.

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Author: Dominik Neller
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04

D. Neller:
"Installing a time-of-flight experiment with a Fourier chopper";
Supervisor: G. Badurek, E. Jericha; Atominstitut, 2013; final examination: 06-17-2013.

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Author: Sebastian Nowak, E141-04
Other persons involved: Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Christoph Gösselsberger, E141-04

S. Nowak:
"Wellenlängenselektion von Neutronen mittels dynamischer Magnetfelder";
Supervisor: H. Abele, E. Jericha, Ch. Gösselsberger; Atominstitut, 2011; final examination: 03-30-2011.

Author: Manuel Pangl, E141-04
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04

M. Pangl:
"Charakterisierung des thermischen Weißen Strahls am TRIGA Reaktor des Atominstituts";
Supervisor: G. Badurek, E. Jericha; Atominstitut, 2017; final examination: 01-16-2018.

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Author: Lorenz Pfleger
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Martin Krssak

L. Pfleger:
"Absolute Quantifizierung von Lebermetaboliten mittels lokalisierter 31P-MR-Spektroskopie bei 7 T";
Supervisor: G. Badurek, M. Krssak; Atominstitut und Med. Univ. Wien, 2015; final examination: 11-23-2015.

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Author: Markus Pfleger, E141
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; A. Berg

Markus Pfleger:
"Magnetresonanz Breitlinienbildgebung an halbfestem biologischem Gewebe, Polymere und Dental-Compositen unter Verwendung der SPI-Pulssequenz";
Supervisor: G. Badurek, A. Berg; Atominstitut d. Österr. Universitäten, Med. Univ. Wien, 2007; final examination: 10-03-2007.

Author: Magdalena Pieler, E057-02
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; P. Fierlinger; Hanno Filter, E141-04

M. Pieler:
"UCN Detection System for the PanEDM Experiment";
Supervisor: G. Badurek, P. Fierlinger, H. Filter; Atominstitut; TU München, 2021; final examination: 11-25-2021.

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Author: Lukas Plessing
Other persons involved: Johann Summhammer, E141-04; Marika Edoff

L. Plessing:
"Variation der Substrattemperatur während der Abscheidung von Kupfer, Indium, Gallium und Selen für Dünnschichtsolarzellen";
Supervisor: J. Summhammer, M. Edoff; 141 Atominstitut, 2014; final examination: 01-21-2014.

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Author: Katja Presich
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Heinrich Deutschmann

K. Presich:
"Clinical Implementation of Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy using MV Flat Panels as Quality Assurance System for Dosimetric Verification";
Supervisor: G. Badurek, H. Deutschmann; Atominstitut und Univ. Klinik für Radiotherapie und Radio-Onkologie, Salzburg, 2014; final examination: 06-05-2014.

More information

Author: Robert Raab, E141-04
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Christoph Gösselsberger, E141-04

R. Raab:
"Weiterentwicklung eines Wanderwellen-Neutronenspinresonators für sehr kalte Neutronen";
Supervisor: G. Badurek, E. Jericha, Ch. Gösselsberger; Atominstitut, 2013; final examination: 10-09-2013.

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Author: Johannes Radl
Other persons involved: Johann Summhammer, E141-04; Gerhard Totschnig, (AIT)

J. Radl:
"Pumpspeicherausbau bei erhöhtem Anteil erneuerbarer Energieträger";
Supervisor: J. Summhammer, G. Totschnig; 141 Atominstitut, 2013; final examination: 10-14-2013.

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Author: M. Raith, E141
Other person involved: Johann Summhammer, E141-04

M. Raith:
"Verbesserungsschritte beim Prozessieren von Silizium-Solarzellen ";
Supervisor: J. Summhammer; Atominstitut der Österr. Universitäten, 2002.

Author: A. Rauscher, E141
Other person involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04

A. Rauscher:
"Correction of Geometric Distortion in Fast Magnetic Resonance Imaging at 3 Tesla ";
Supervisor: G. Badurek; Atominstitut der Österr. Universitäten, 2002.

Author: Albert Johann Rechberger
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Karin Poljanc, E141-05; Simon Robinson

A. Rechberger:
"Automatic venous vessel segmentation in high field, multi-echo susceptibility weighted imaging";
Supervisor: G. Badurek, K. Poljanc, S. Robinson; Atominstitut und Med. Univ. Wien, 2016; final examination: 11-29-2017.

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Author: Tobias Rechberger, E141-04
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04

T. Rechberger:
"Untersuchung von Ultrakleinwinkelstreuung an magnetischen Mikrostrukturen mit polarisierten Neutronen";
Supervisor: G. Badurek, E. Jericha; Atominstitut, 2013; final examination: 06-05-2013.

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Author: Alice Redermeier, E141-04
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04

A. Redermeier:
"Realisierung einer modernen "Bonse-Hart Kamera" für Ultra-Kleinwinkelstreuung thermischer Neutronen";
Supervisor: G. Badurek, E. Jericha; Atominstitut, 2011; final examination: 06-08-2011.

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Author: Theresa Reichel, E141-04
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04

T. Reichel:
"Inbetriebnahme und Kalibrierung der neuen "Bonse-Hart-Kamera" für Neutronen- Ultrakleinwinkelstreuung am TRIGA Reaktor des Atominstituts";
Supervisor: G. Badurek, E. Jericha; Atominstitut, 2011; final examination: 11-29-2011.

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Author: Michael Revesz, E134-05
Other person involved: Johann Summhammer, E141-04

M. Revesz:
"Development and Testing of a Spectral Response-Measurement System for Integration in an existing vertical I-V-Measurement System";
Supervisor: J. Summhammer; 141 Atominstitut, 2014; final examination: 04-29-2014.

More information

Author: V. Rinnerbauer, E141
Other person involved: Johann Summhammer, E141-04

V. Rinnerbauer:
"Konstruktion einer Anlage zur Plasma-unterstützten Deposition von Silizium-Nitrid auf Silizium ";
Supervisor: J. Summhammer; Atominstitut der Österr. Universitäten, 2002.

Author: A. Rofner, E141
Other person involved: Helmut Rauch, E141-04

A. Rofner:
"Temperaturabhängigkeit der Phase in der Neutroneninterferometrie";
Supervisor: H. Rauch; Atominstitut d. Österr. Universitäten, 2004.

Author: Bernhard Rotter
Other person involved: Johann Summhammer, E141-04

B. Rotter:
"Entwicklung von Solarzelle und Solarmodul für konzentriertes Sonnenlicht";
Supervisor: J. Summhammer; Atominstitut, 2011; final examination: 11-30-2011.

Author: C. Sauerzopf
Other person involved: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

C. Sauerzopf:
"Aufbau und Inbetriebnahme eines Detektorsystems zum Beta-Zerfall des Neutrons";
Supervisor: H. Abele; Atominstitut TU Wien, 2011; final examination: 01-2012.

Author: Fabian Schaden, E141-04
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04

F. Schaden:
"Characterisation and test of the neutron small-angle facility at the TRIGA reactor of the Atominstitut";
Supervisor: G. Badurek, E. Jericha; Atominstitut, 2019; final examination: 03-19-2019.

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Author: Paul Schennach
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Karin Poljanc, E141-05; Simon Robinson

P. Schennach:
"Suszeptibilitätsgewichtete Bildgebung des Knies";
Supervisor: G. Badurek, K. Poljanc, S. Robinson; Atominstitut und Med. Univ. Wien, 2016; final examination: 01-11-2016.

More information

Author: P. Schmidt
Other persons involved: Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Tobias Rechberger, E141-04

P. Schmidt:
"Studien zur Ramsey-Spektroskopie ultrakalter Neutronen im Rahmen des qBounce Experiments";
Supervisor: H. Abele, T. Rechberger; Atominstitut, 2017; final examination: 03-20-2017.

Author: C. Schmitzer
Other person involved: Yuji Hasegawa, E141-04

C. Schmitzer:
"A neutron polarimetric test of leggett's contextual model of quantum mechanics";
Supervisor: Y. Hasegawa; Atominstitut, 2009; final examination: 03-11-2009.

Author: Juri Schroffenegger, E141-04
Other persons involved: Helmut Rauch, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04

J. Schroffenegger:
"Neutronenstreulängenmessung mit Christiansenfilter im Neutroneninterferometer";
Supervisor: H. Rauch, E. Jericha; Atominstitut, 2011; final examination: 06-08-2011.

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Author: Pia Seeberger
Other persons involved: Johann Summhammer, E141-04; Julien Vidal, IRDEP / IPVF France

P. Seeberger:
"Modeling of the Formation Entropy of the Silicon Vacancy";
Supervisor: J. Summhammer, J. Vidal; Atominstitut, 2015; final examination: 11-25-2015.

More information

Author: Stephan Sponar, E141-04
Other person involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04

St. Sponar:
"Noncyclic Geometric Phases in Neutron Polarimetric Experiments";
Supervisor: G. Badurek; Atominstitut d. Österr. Universitäten, 2004.

Author: Michael Stietka
Other person involved: Johann Summhammer, E141-04

M. Stietka:
"Kontaktierungsmethoden von Silizium-Solarzellen mit verzinnten Kupferdrähten";
Supervisor: J. Summhammer; Atominstitut, 2010; final examination: 10-12-2010.

Author: Laura Stöber, E141
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Christoph Gösselsberger, E141-04

L. Stöber:
"Schwingungsdämpfung einer Neutronen-Ultrakleinwinkelstreu-Anlage";
Supervisor: G. Badurek, E. Jericha, Ch. Gösselsberger; Atominstitut, 2012; final examination: 06-06-2012.

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Author: M. Thalhammer
Other persons involved: Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Tobias Jenke, E141-04

M. Thalhammer:
"Optimierung der Detektorsignalverarbeitung des Gravitationsexperiments qBounce";
Supervisor: H. Abele, T. Jenke; Atominstitut, 2013; final examination: 06-2013.

Author: J. Tröstl
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Ch. Windischberger

J. Tröstl:
"Diffusion tensor imaging";
Supervisor: G. Badurek, Ch. Windischberger; Atominstitut, 2011.

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Author: M. Vasicek
Other person involved: Johann Summhammer, E141-04

M. Vasicek:
"3D-Monte-Carlo simulation einer Solarzelle mit Korngrenzen";
Supervisor: J. Summhammer; Atominstitut der Österr. Universitäten, 2005.

Author: Iris Vonderhaid, E141
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Josef Käs

I. Vonderhaid:
"Biomechanics of neuronal growth cone motility";
Supervisor: G. Badurek, J. Käs; Atominstitut, 2012; final examination: 01-19-2012.

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Author: Mag. Johannes Paul Waclawek
Other person involved: Johann Summhammer, E141-04

Johannes Waclawek:
"Entwicklung und Charakterisierung eines Photovoltaikmoduls optimiert für schwachen Lichteinfall";
Supervisor: J. Summhammer; Atominstitut, 2012; final examination: 07-13-2012.

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Author: Martin Wagner, E360
Other person involved: Johann Summhammer, E141-04

M. Wagner:
"3-Dimensional Simulation of Thermography Images based on PV-Cell Characteristics";
Supervisor: J. Summhammer; E141, 2014; final examination: 03-13-2014.

Author: Gregor Wautischer, E141-04
Other persons involved: Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Tobias Jenke, E141-04

G. Wautischer:
"Realisation of Quantum Transport Measurements with UCNs within the qBounce Project";
Supervisor: H. Abele, T. Jenke; E141, 2015; final examination: 10-09-2015.

Author: Christina Weiß, E141
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04

C. Weiß:
"Fluence measurement at the neutron time of flight experiment at CERN";
Supervisor: G. Badurek, E. Jericha; Atominstitut, 2010; final examination: 06-09-2010.

Author: Andreas Weissenbacher
Other person involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04

A. Weissenbacher:
"Preprocessing strategies for functional connectivity magnetic resonance imaging: a quantitative comparison";
Supervisor: G. Badurek; Atominstitut, 2009; final examination: 06-10-2009.

Author: Martin Wess, E141-04
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Frederik Eriksson, Linköping University

M. Wess:
"Polarizing Multilayer Neutron Mirrors";
Supervisor: G. Badurek, E. Jericha, F. Eriksson; Atominstitut, 2019; final examination: 04-30-2019.

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Author: Michael Wieland, E141
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; A. Berg

M. Wieland:
"Magnetic Resonance based Polymer Gel Dosimetry";
Supervisor: G. Badurek, A. Berg; Atominstitut, 2010; final examination: 04-22-2010.

Author: Yannick Wimmer
Other person involved: Johann Summhammer, E141-04

Y. Wimmer:
"Untersuchung neuartiger SiNx-Antireflexschichten für Silizium-Solarzellen";
Supervisor: J. Summhammer; Atominstitut, 2012; final examination: 06-01-2012.

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Author: Armin Windhager
Other person involved: Martin Suda, E141-04

A. Windhager:
"Quantum states in optical interferometry";
Supervisor: M. Suda; Atominstitut, 2010; final examination: 06-09-2010.

Author: Alexander Zdarzil, E141-04
Other persons involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04

Alex Zdarzil:
"Simulation von magnetischer Ultrakleinwinkelneutronenstreuung mittels Streudatensynthese";
Supervisor: G. Badurek, E. Jericha; Atominstitut, 2014; final examination: 06-12-2014.

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Author: Katharina Zinnecker
Other person involved: Gerald Badurek, E141-04

K. Zinnecker:
"Energieerhaltung im menschlichen Körper für den Physikunterricht der Unter- und Oberstufe";
Supervisor: G. Badurek; Atominstitut, 2021; final examination: 06-28-2021.

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Scientific Reports

Author: Hartmut Abele, E141-04

H. Abele:
"Gravitation unter dem Mikroskop";
Report for Spektrum der Wissenschaft; 2011; 3 pages.

Authors: Hartmut Abele, E141-04; Tobias Jenke, E141-04; P. Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...

H. Abele, T. Jenke, P. Geltenbort:
"Spectroscopy of Gravity";
Report for Scientific Highlight Article of the Annual Report 2011 of the Institute Laue-Langevin in Grenoble/France; 2012.

Authors: Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

G. Badurek, E. Jericha, H. Rauch:
"AUSTRON status report";
Report for Austron Quarterly - Ausgabe 8; 2004; 5 pages.

Authors: S. Baessler; H. Angerer; F. Ayala Guardia; M. Borg, Lund Univ.; L. Cabrera Brito; K. Eberhardt; F. Glück; W. Heil; R. Munoz Horta; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; I. Konorov; Ch. Palmer; G. Petzoldt; M. Simson; Yu. Sobolev; H.-F. Wirth; O. Zimmer

S. Baessler, H. Angerer, F. Ayala Guardia, M. Borg, L. Cabrera Brito, K. Eberhardt, F. Glück, W. Heil, R. Munoz Horta, G. Konrad, I. Konorov, C. Palmer, G. Petzoldt, M. Simson, Y. Sobolev, H. Wirth, O. Zimmer:
"Progress Report on the Retardation Spectrometer aSPECT";
Report for Annual Report of the MLL Laboratory; 2006.

Authors: S. Baessler; H. Angerer; F. Ayala Guardia; M. Borg, Lund Univ.; K. Eberhardt; F. Glück; W. Heil; N. Luquero Llopis; R. Munoz Horta; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04; I. Konorov; A. B. Mann; G. Petzoldt; M. Simson; Yu. Sobolev; H.-F. Wirth; O. Zimmer

S. Baessler, H. Angerer, F. Ayala Guardia, M. Borg, K. Eberhardt, F. Glück, W. Heil, N. Luquero Llopis, R. Munoz Horta, G. Konrad, I. Konorov, A. Mann, G. Petzoldt, M. Simson, Y. Sobolev, H. Wirth, O. Zimmer:
"First Results with the Retardation Spectrometer aSPECT";
Report for Annual Report of the MLL Laboratory; 2005.

Authors: M. Bastürk, E141; Y. Dai; J. Kohlbrecher; G. Kühne; Helmut Rauch, E141-04; M. Trinker, E141; P. Vontobel

M. Bastürk, Y. Dai, J. Kohlbrecher, G. Kühne, H. Rauch, M. Trinker, P. Vontobel:
"Radiation Stability of N3-1 SiC/SiCf Composite ";
Report for PSI Scientific Report - NUM Report 2004; 2004.

Authors: Helmuth Böck, E141-05; Helmut Rauch, E141-04

H. Böck, H. Rauch:
"Gegenwart und Zukunft der Kernenergie ";
Report for AIAU 23308; 2003.

Authors: E. Dyrnjaja, E141; Michael Zawisky, E141-04

E. Dyrnjaja, M. Zawisky:
"Transmission Measurements of Fuel Cell Sample";
Report for NR-II station at ATI; 2010; 85 pages.

Authors: F. Hameed, E141; M. Bastürk, E141; Michael Zawisky, E141-04

F. Hameed, M. Bastürk, M. Zawisky:
"Neutron imaging of stone samples";
Report for Report for FRM II; 2006; 5 pages.

Authors: F. Hameed, E141; K. Varga; Michael Zawisky, E141-04; K. Schuster

F. Hameed, K. Varga, M. Zawisky, K. Schuster:
"Neutron imaging of textile fibers";
Report for Report for Lenzing Textile Company; 2008; 10 pages.

Authors: W. Heil; F. Ayala Guardia; M. Borg, Lund Univ.; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04

W. Heil, F. Ayala Guardia, M. Borg, G. Konrad et al.:
"Report for the TRAPSPEC JRA-11 in EURONS on task T-J11-8 (Neutron decay retardation spectrometer)";
Report for Final Report of EURONS Project JRA11 TRAPSPEC; 2007.

Authors: W. Heil; F. Glück; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04

W. Heil, F. Glück, G. Konrad et al.:
"Report for the TRAPSPEC JRA-11 in EURONS on task T-J11-1 (Simulations and calculations)";
Report for Final Report of EURONS Project JRA11 TRAPSPEC; 2007.

Authors: W. Heil; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04

W. Heil, G. Konrad et al.:
"Measurement of the Proton Spectrum in free Neutron Decay";
Report for ILL Experimental Report; 2009.

Authors: Tobias Jenke, E141-04; Hartmut Abele, E141-04

T. Jenke, H. Abele:
"Gravity Spectroscopy";
Report for Atominstitut; 2011.

Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Joachim Bosina, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Peter Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...; Masahiro Hino; Tatsuro Oda

E. Jericha, J. Bosina, G. Badurek, P. Geltenbort, M. Hino, T. Oda:
"MONOPOL: a neutron resonator that flexibly manipulates polarised neutron beams";
Report for Institut Laue Langevin, Grenoble, Frankreich; Report No. Annual Report 2021, Scientific Highlight, p.60-61, 2022; 2 pages.

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Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; Christoph Gösselsberger, E141-04; Gerald Badurek, E141-04; Peter Geltenbort, Institut Laue-La ...

E. Jericha, Ch. Gösselsberger, G. Badurek, P. Geltenbort:
"MONOPOL, a travelling-wave magnetic neutron spin resonator for tailoring polarised neutron beams";
Report for Institut Laue Langevin, Grenoble, Frankreich; Report No. Annual Report 2013, Scientific Highlight, p.70-71, 2014; 2 pages.

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Authors: Erwin Jericha, E141-04; M. Trinker, E141; M. Strobl, E141; A. Hilger; W. Treimer

E. Jericha, M. Trinker, M. Strobl, A. Hilger, W. Treimer:
"USANS with Large Area Si Phase Gratings Part II";
Report for BENSC Experimental Reports; 2004.

Authors: Antoine Pochelon, EPFL; Gertrud Konrad, E141-04

A Pochelon, G. Konrad:
"epl Journal Poster Award Wien 2015";
Report for SPG Mitteilungen / Communications de la SSP; Report No. 47, 2015; 13 pages.

Author: Johann Summhammer, E141-04

J. Summhammer:
"Morphology and high frequency bio-electric fields";
Report for https://arxiv.org/abs/2110.03339; 2021; 17 pages.

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Author: Johann Summhammer, E141-04

J. Summhammer:
"Telekinetic Entanglement";
Report for arxiv.org; Report No. arxiv:1611.05737v1, 2016; 15 pages.

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Authors: Johann Summhammer, E141-04; Georg Sulyok, Atominstitut; Gustav Bernroider, Universität Salzburg; Massimo Cocchi, Univ. Bologna

J. Summhammer, G. Sulyok, G. Bernroider, M. Cocchi:
"Forces from Lipids and Ionic Diffusion: Probing lateral membrane effects by an optimized filter region of voltage dependent K+ channels";
Report for https://arxiv.org/abs/2002.12637; 2020; 18 pages.

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Authors: M. Trinker, E141; Erwin Jericha, E141-04; M. Strobl, E141; A. Hilger; W. Treimer

M. Trinker, E. Jericha, M. Strobl, A. Hilger, W. Treimer:
"USANS with Large Area Si Phase Gratings";
Report for BENSC Experimental Reports; 2004.

Authors: Michael Zawisky, E141-04; F. Hameed, E141; Andreas Rohatsch, E220-01; J. Weber; B. Zamani, E141

M. Zawisky, F. Hameed, A. Rohatsch, J. Weber, B. Zamani:
"Messergebnisse an 4 Bohrkernen von der Fassade des Stephansdoms zum Nachweis des Steinfestigers und der Wasserdurchlässigkeit";
Report for Dombauhütte St. Stephan; 2006; 5 pages.