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Publication list for members of
E104 - Institute of Discrete Mathematics and Geometry
as authors or essentially involved persons

5238 records (1985 - 2022)

The complete list of publications of the Faculty of Mathematics and Geoinformation - Mathematics is available from the publication database beginning with the publication year 2002. The database may but need not necessarily contain publications dated earlier than 2002.

Books and Book Editorships

  1. Authors: Stefano Aguzzoli; Agata Ciabattoni, E104-02; Brunella Gerla; Corrado Manara

    S. Aguzzoli, A. Ciabattoni, B. Gerla, C. Manara (ed.):
    "Algebraic and proof-theoretic aspects of non classical logics";
    Springer, Heidelberg, 2007, ISBN: 978-3-540-75938-6.

  2. Authors: S.. Aleshnikov; J. F. Boltnev; Zoltan Esik; S. Ishanov; Werner Kuich, E104-02

    S. Aleshnikov, J. Boltnev, Z. Esik, S. Ishanov, W. Kuich:
    "Sovremennaya Teoriya Avtomatov";
    Izd-vo BFU Im. Kanta, Kaliningrad, 2013, ISBN: 978-5-9971-0273-9; 262 pages.

  3. Authors: Hamid R. Arabnia; Matthias Dehmer, E104-05; Frank Emmert-Streib; Mary Qu Yang

    H. Arabnia, M. Dehmer, F. Emmert-Streib, M. Qu Yang (ed.):
    "Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Machine Learning; Models, Technologies & Applications";
    CSREA Press, 2007, ISBN: 1-60132-027-2.

  4. Authors: T. Arens; F. Hettlich; Ch. Karpfinger; U. Kockelkorn; K. Lichtenegger; Hellmuth Stachel, E104-03

    T. Arens, F. Hettlich, C. Karpfinger, U. Kockelkorn, K. Lichtenegger, H. Stachel (ed.):
    "Arbeitsbuch Mathematik";
    Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg, 2009, ISBN: 978-3-8274-2123-4; 683 pages.

  5. Authors: T. Arens; F. Hettlich; Ch. Karpfinger; U. Kockelkorn; K. Lichtenegger; Hellmuth Stachel, E104-03

    T. Arens, F. Hettlich, C. Karpfinger, U. Kockelkorn, K. Lichtenegger, H. Stachel:
    "Arbeitsbuch Mathematik";
    Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, 2012, ISBN: 978-3-8274-2410-5; 684 pages.

  6. Authors: T. Arens; F. Hettlich; Ch. Karpfinger; U. Kockelkorn; K. Lichtenegger; Hellmuth Stachel, E104-03

    T. Arens, F. Hettlich, C. Karpfinger, U. Kockelkorn, K. Lichtenegger, H. Stachel (ed.):
    "Arbeitsbuch Mathematik";
    Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, 2015, ISBN: 978-3-642-54947-2; 441 pages.

  7. Authors: T. Arens; F. Hettlich; Ch. Karpfinger; U. Kockelkorn; K. Lichtenegger; Hellmuth Stachel, E104-03

    T. Arens, F. Hettlich, C. Karpfinger, U. Kockelkorn, K. Lichtenegger, H. Stachel:
    "Arbeitsbuch Mathematik, 4. Auflage";
    Springer Spektrum, 2018, ISBN: 978-3-662-56749-4; 445 pages.

  8. Authors: T. Arens; F. Hettlich; Ch. Karpfinger; U. Kockelkorn; K. Lichtenegger; Hellmuth Stachel, E104-03

    T. Arens, F. Hettlich, C. Karpfinger, U. Kockelkorn, K. Lichtenegger, H. Stachel (ed.):
    "Ergänzungen und Vertiefungen zu Arens et al.; Mathematik.";
    Springer Spektrum, 2017, ISBN: 978-3-662-53584-4.

  9. Authors: T. Arens; F. Hettlich; Ch. Karpfinger; U. Kockelkorn; K. Lichtenegger; Hellmuth Stachel, E104-03

    T. Arens, F. Hettlich, C. Karpfinger, U. Kockelkorn, K. Lichtenegger, H. Stachel (ed.):
    "Ergänzungen und Vertiefungen zu Mathematik";
    Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg, 2009, ISBN: 978-3-8274-2124-1; 244 pages.

  10. Authors: T. Arens; F. Hettlich; Ch. Karpfinger; U. Kockelkorn; K. Lichtenegger; Hellmuth Stachel, E104-03

    T. Arens, F. Hettlich, C. Karpfinger, U. Kockelkorn, K. Lichtenegger, H. Stachel:
    Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg, 2008, ISBN: 978-3-8274-1758-9; 1500 pages.

  11. Authors: T. Arens; F. Hettlich; Ch. Karpfinger; U. Kockelkorn; K. Lichtenegger; Hellmuth Stachel, E104-03

    T. Arens, F. Hettlich, C. Karpfinger, U. Kockelkorn, K. Lichtenegger, H. Stachel:
    Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, 2011, ISBN: 9783827423474.

  12. Authors: T. Arens; F. Hettlich; Ch. Karpfinger; U. Kockelkorn; K. Lichtenegger; Hellmuth Stachel, E104-03

    T. Arens, F. Hettlich, C. Karpfinger, U. Kockelkorn, K. Lichtenegger, H. Stachel (ed.):
    Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, 2015, ISBN: 978-3-642-44918-5; 1630 pages.

  13. Authors: T. Arens; F. Hettlich; Ch. Karpfinger; U. Kockelkorn; K. Lichtenegger; Hellmuth Stachel, E104-03

    T. Arens, F. Hettlich, C. Karpfinger, U. Kockelkorn, K. Lichtenegger, H. Stachel (ed.):
    "Mathematik mit Arbeitsbuch";
    Springer, Heidelberg, 2013, ISBN: 978-3-642-40472-6; 1906 pages.

  14. Authors: T. Arens; F. Hettlich; Ch. Karpfinger; U. Kockelkorn; K. Lichtenegger; Hellmuth Stachel, E104-03

    T. Arens, F. Hettlich, C. Karpfinger, U. Kockelkorn, K. Lichtenegger, H. Stachel (ed.):
    "Mathematik zum Mitnehmen";
    Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg, 2009, ISBN: 978-3-8274-2494-5; 232 pages.

  15. Authors: T. Arens; F. Hettlich; Ch. Karpfinger; U. Kockelkorn; K. Lichtenegger; Hellmuth Stachel, E104-03

    T. Arens, F. Hettlich, C. Karpfinger, U. Kockelkorn, K. Lichtenegger, H. Stachel:
    "Mathematik, 4. Auflage";
    Springer Spektrum, 2018, ISBN: 978-3-662-56740-1; 1660 pages.

  16. Author: Andreas Asperl, E104-04

    A. Asperl (ed.):
    "GZ-Handbuch - Einführung in geometrisches Zeichnen mit Übungen";
    R. Oldenbourg, 2005, ISBN: 3-7029-0794-7.

  17. Authors: Andreas Asperl, E104-04; Christoph Feßl; Werner Gems; Hannes Kaufmann, E193-02; Stefan Leopoldseder, E104-04; Günter Maresch; Doris Miestinger; Thomas Müller; Katharina Luksch; Günter Redl; Klaus Scheiber; Georg Schilling; Hans Schmied; Heinz Slepcevic; Michael Wischounig, E104-03

    A. Asperl, C. Feßl, W. Gems, H. Kaufmann, S. Leopoldseder, G. Maresch, D. Miestinger, T. Müller, K. Luksch, G. Redl, K. Scheiber, G. Schilling, H. Schmied, H. Slepcevic, M. Wischounig:
    "GeodiKon. Die Lernmaterialien";
    StudienVerlag, Wien, 2014, ISBN: 978-3-7065-5415-2; 72 pages.

    More information

  18. Authors: Matthias Baaz, E104-02; Georg Gottlob; Georg Moser, E104-02

    M. Baaz, G. Gottlob, G. Moser (ed.):
    "Complexity and Logic (Theoretical Computer Science Volume 288, Number 1)";
    Elsevier, 2002, 193 pages.

  19. Authors: Matthias Baaz, E104-02; Alexander Leitsch, E192-05

    M. Baaz, A. Leitsch:
    "Methods of cut-elimination";
    Springer Verlag, 2011, ISBN: 978-94-007-0319-3; 287 pages.

  20. Authors: Matthias Baaz, E104-02; Johann A. Makowsky

    M. Baaz, J. Makowsky (ed.):
    "Computer Science Logic (LNCS 2803)";
    Springer, 2003, ISBN: 3-540-40801-0.

  21. Authors: Matthias Baaz, E104-02; Christos H. Papadimitriou; Hilary W. Putnam; Dana S. Scott; Charles L. Harper Jr.
    Other person involved: Robert S. D. Thomas

    M. Baaz, C. Papadimitriou, H. Putnam, D. Scott, C. Harper Jr.:
    "Kurt Gödel and the foundations of mathematics: Horizon of truth";
    in series "Philosophia Mathematica", series editor: R. Thomas; Cambridge University Press, 2011, ISBN: 978-0-521-76144-4, 528 pages.

  22. Authors: Matthias Baaz, E104-02; Andrei Voronkov

    M. Baaz, A. Voronkov (ed.):
    "Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Reasoning (LNAI 2514)";
    Springer, 2002, ISBN: 3-540-00010-0; 463 pages.

  23. Authors: Evelyne Barbin; Manfred Kronfellner, E104; Constantinos Tzanakis

    E. Barbin, M. Kronfellner, C. Tzanakis (ed.):
    "History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education (Proceedings of the 6th European Summer University)";
    Holzhausen, Wien, 2011, ISBN: 978-3-85493-208-6; 705 pages.

  24. Authors: Gerd Baron, E104; Birgit Vera Schmidt

    G. Baron, B. Schmidt:
    "Österreichische Mathematik-Olympiaden 2000-2008, Aufgaben und Lösungen";
    Universitätsverlag, Eigenverlag, 2009, ISBN: 978-3-940445-54-4.

  25. Authors: R.E. Barr; M. Kato; Hellmuth Stachel, E104-03

    R. Barr, M. Kato, H. Stachel (ed.):
    "Journal for Geometry and Graphics";
    Heldermann Verlag, 2006.

  26. Authors: R.E. Barr; M. Kato; Hellmuth Stachel, E104-03

    R. Barr, M. Kato, H. Stachel (ed.):
    "Journal for Geometry and Graphics";
    Heldermann Verlag, 2007, ISSN: 1433-8157.

  27. Authors: R.E. Barr; M. Kato; Hellmuth Stachel, E104-03

    R. Barr, M. Kato, H. Stachel (ed.):
    "Journal for Geometry and Graphics, Volume 7 (2003), Number 1";
    Heldermann Verlag, 2003, ISSN: 1433-8157.

  28. Authors: C. Ceccato; P. Hesselgren; M. Pauly; Helmut Pottmann, E104-04; Johannes Wallner, E104-03

    C. Ceccato, P. Hesselgren, M. Pauly, H. Pottmann, J. Wallner (ed.):
    "Advances in Architectural Geometry 2010";
    Springer Verlag, 2010, ISBN: 978-3-7091-0308-1.

  29. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Klaus Denecke; Günther Eigenthaler, E104-01 [E104.01]; Martin Goldstern, E104-01; Winfried Bernward Müller; Reinhard Pöschel

    I. Chajda, K. Denecke, G. Eigenthaler, M. Goldstern, W. Müller, R. Pöschel (ed.):
    "Contributions to General Algebra 14";
    Verlag Johannes Heyn, Klagenfurt, Austria, 2004, ISBN: 3-7084-0116-6; 225 pages.

  30. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Gerhard Dorfer, E104-01; Günther Eigenthaler, E104-01 [E104.01]; Radomír Halas; Jan Kühr; Winfried Bernward Müller

    I. Chajda, G. Dorfer, G. Eigenthaler, R. Halas, J. Kühr, W. Müller (ed.):
    "Contributions to General Algebra 19";
    Verlag Johannes Heyn, Klagenfurt, 2010, ISBN: 978-3-7084-0407-3; 210 pages.

  31. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Gerhard Dorfer, E104-01; Günther Eigenthaler, E104-01 [E104.01]; Radomír Halas; Winfried Bernward Müller; Reinhard Pöschel

    I. Chajda, G. Dorfer, G. Eigenthaler, R. Halas, W. Müller, R. Pöschel (ed.):
    "Contributions to General Algebra 16";
    Verlag Johannes Heyn, Klagenfurt, Austria, 2005, ISBN: 3-7084-0163-8; 303 pages.

  32. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Günther Eigenthaler, E104-01 [E104.01]; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, G. Eigenthaler, H. Länger:
    "Congruence Classes in Universal Algebra";
    Heldermann Verlag, Lemgo, Germany, 2003, ISBN: 3-88538-226-1; 217 pages.

  33. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Directoids. An Algebraic Approach to Ordered Sets";
    Heldermann Verlag, Lemgo, 2011, ISBN: 978-3-88538-232-4; 176 pages.

  34. Authors: Petr Cintula, E104-02; Christian Fermüller, E192-05; Lluis Godo; Petr Hajek

    P. Cintula, C. Fermüller, L. Godo, P. Hajek (ed.):
    "Understanding Vagueness. Logical, Philosophical and Linguistic Perspectives";
    College Publications, London, 2011, ISBN: 978-1-84890-037-0.

  35. Authors: Johannes Czermak; Gerhard Dorfer, E104-01; Günther Eigenthaler, E104-01 [E104.01]; Winfried Bernward Müller; Johannes Schoißengeier

    J. Czermak, G. Dorfer, G. Eigenthaler, W. Müller, J. Schoißengeier (ed.):
    "Contributions to General Algebra 20";
    Verlag Johannes Heyn, 2012, ISBN: 978-3-7084-0447-9.

  36. Authors: Matthias Dehmer, E104-05; Michael Drmota, E104-05; Frank Emmert-Streib

    M. Dehmer, M. Drmota, F. Emmert-Streib (ed.):
    "Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Information Theory and Statistical Learning";
    CSREA Press, 2008, ISBN: 1-60132-079-5.

  37. Authors: Matthias Dehmer, E104-05; Frank Emmert-Streib

    M. Dehmer, F. Emmert-Streib:
    "Analysis of microarray data: A network-based approach";
    Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2008, ISBN: 3-527-31822-4; 430 pages.

  38. Authors: Gerhard Dorfer, E104-01; Günther Eigenthaler, E104-01 [E104.01]; Martin Goldstern, E104-01; Winfried Bernward Müller; Reinhard Winkler, E104-01

    G. Dorfer, G. Eigenthaler, M. Goldstern, W. Müller, R. Winkler (ed.):
    "Contributions to General Algebra 17";
    Verlag Johannes Heyn, Klagenfurt, 2006, ISBN: 3-7084-0194-8.

  39. Authors: Gerhard Dorfer, E104-01; Günther Eigenthaler, E104-01 [E104.01]; Hermann Kautschitsch; Willibald More; Winfried Bernward Müller

    G. Dorfer, G. Eigenthaler, H. Kautschitsch, W. More, W. Müller (ed.):
    "Contributions to General Algebra 18";
    Verlag Johannes Heyn, Klagenfurt, 2008, ISBN: 978-3-7084-0303-8.

  40. Authors: Dietmar Dorninger, E104; Günther Eigenthaler, E104-01 [E104.01]; Martin Goldstern, E104-01; Hans Kaiser, E104; Willibald More; Winfried Bernward Müller

    D. Dorninger, G. Eigenthaler, M. Goldstern, H. Kaiser, W. More, W. Müller (ed.):
    "Contributions to General Algebra 12";
    Verlag Johannes Heyn, Klagenfurt, Austria, 2000, ISBN: 3-85366-951-4; 435 pages.

  41. Author: Michael Drmota, E104-05

    M. Drmota:
    "Random Trees (An Interplay between Combinatorics and Probability)";
    Springer, 2009, ISBN: 978-3-211-75355-2; 454 pages.

  42. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; P. Flajolet; D. Gardy; Bernhard Gittenberger, E104-05

    M. Drmota, P. Flajolet, D. Gardy, B. Gittenberger (ed.):
    "Mathematics and Computer Science III";
    Birkhäuser, 2004, ISBN: 3-7643-7128-5.

  43. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Bernhard Gittenberger, E104-05

    M. Drmota, B. Gittenberger (ed.):
    "Proceedings of the 21st International Meeting on Probabilistic, Combinatorial, and Asymptotic Methods in the Analysis of Algorithms (AofA'10)";
    Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, 2010, 602 pages.

  44. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Bernhard Gittenberger, E104-05; Günther Karigl, E104-05; Alois Panholzer, E104-05

    M. Drmota, B. Gittenberger, G. Karigl, A. Panholzer:
    "Mathematik für Informatik";
    Heldermann Verlag, 2007, ISBN: 978-3-88538-117-4; 438 pages.

  45. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Bernhard Gittenberger, E104-05; Günther Karigl, E104-05; Alois Panholzer, E104-05

    M. Drmota, B. Gittenberger, G. Karigl, A. Panholzer:
    "Mathematik für Informatik";
    Heldermann Verlag, 2010, ISBN: 978-3-88538-117-4; 438 pages.

  46. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Bernhard Gittenberger, E104-05; Günther Karigl, E104-05; Alois Panholzer, E104-05

    M. Drmota, B. Gittenberger, G. Karigl, A. Panholzer (ed.):
    "Mathematik für Informatik. Vierte erweiterte Auflage";
    Heldermann Verlag, 2014, ISBN: 978-3-88538-117-4; 470 pages.

  47. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Gerhard Larcher; Robert F. Tichy; Reinhard Winkler, E104-01

    M. Drmota, G. Larcher, R. Tichy, R. Winkler (ed.):
    "Proceedings of the 2004 Number Theoretic Algorithms and Related Topics Workshop";
    Editors: Melvyn Nathanson, Jaroslav Nesetril, Carl Pomerance, 2005, ISSN: 1553-1732.

  48. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Wojciech Szpankowski

    M. Drmota, W. Szpankowski (ed.):
    "Combinatorics, Probability and Computing (Vol. 13, No. 4 & 5)";
    Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2004, ISSN: 0963-5483.

  49. Authors: Manfred Droste; Werner Kuich, E104-02; Heiko Vogler
    Other persons involved: Wilfried Brauer; Juraj Hromkovic; Grzegorz Rozenberg; Arto Salomaa

    M. Droste, W. Kuich, H. Vogler:
    "Handbook of weighted automata";
    in series "Monographs in Theoretical Computer Science", series editor: W. Brauer, J. Hromkovic, G. Rozenberg, A. Salomaa; Springer Verlag, 2009, ISBN: 978-3-642-01491-8, 596 pages.

  50. Authors: Günther Eigenthaler, E104-01 [E104.01]; Martin Goldstern, E104-01

    G. Eigenthaler, M. Goldstern (ed.):
    "Research and Exposition in Mathematics";
    Heldermann Verlag, 2011, ISBN: 978-3-88538-232-4; 176 pages.

  51. Authors: Günther Eigenthaler, E104-01 [E104.01]; Martin Goldstern, E104-01; Hans Kaiser, E104; Hermann Kautschitsch; Willibald More; Winfried Bernward Müller; Johannes Schoißengeier

    G. Eigenthaler, M. Goldstern, H. Kaiser, H. Kautschitsch, W. More, W. Müller, J. Schoißengeier (ed.):
    "Contributions to General Algebra 15";
    Verlag Johannes Heyn, Klagenfurt, Austria, 2004, ISBN: 3-7084-0121-2; 206 pages.

  52. Authors: Wilfried Elmenreich, E191-01; Hans Kaiser, E104

    W. Elmenreich, H. Kaiser (ed.):
    "Proceedings of the Junior Scientist Conference 2006";
    TU Wien, Wien, Österreich, 2006, ISBN: 3-902463-05-8; 359 pages.

  53. Authors: Paul Erdös; Peter M. Gruber, E104-06; Joseph Hammer

    P. Erdös, P. Gruber, J. Hammer:
    "Lattice Points";
    Longman-London, London, 1989, ISBN: 0582014786; 184 pages.

  54. Authors: Georg Glaeser, E104-03; Hellmuth Stachel, E104-03; Boris Odehnal, E104-03

    G. Glaeser, H. Stachel, B. Odehnal (ed.):
    "The Universe of Conics";
    Springer Spektrum, 2016, ISBN: 978-3-662-45449-7.

  55. Authors: Peter Gritzmann; Rene Brandenberg, E104-06

    P. Gritzmann, R. Brandenberg:
    "Das Geheimnis des kürzesten Weges";
    Springer, Berlin, 2002, ISBN: 3-540-42028-2; 200 pages.

  56. Author: Peter M. Gruber, E104-06

    P. Gruber:
    "Convex and Discrete Geometry, Grundlehren der Math.Wiss. 336";
    Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2007, ISBN: 978-3-540-71132-2.

  57. Author: Peter M. Gruber, E104-06

    P. Gruber (ed.):
    "Proceedings, III. International Conference on Stochastic Geometry, II. Convex Bodies and Empirical Measures, Mazara del Vallo 1999";
    Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Palermo, 2000, 208 pages.

  58. Authors: Peter M. Gruber, E104-06; Maria Teresa Calapso; Giovanni Crupi; Marius Ion Stoka; Gaetana Restuccia; Franco Fava; Bernd Wegner

    P. Gruber, M.T. Calapso, G. Crupi, M.I. Stoka, G. Restuccia, F. Fava, B. Wegner (ed.):
    "Opere di: Pasquale Calapso";
    Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico di Messina, Messina, 1999.

  59. Author: Peter M. Gruber, E104-06

    P. Gruber et al. (ed.):
    "Proceedings, V. International Conference of Stochastic Geometry, Convex Bodies, Empirical Measures and Applications to Engineering, Medical and Earth Sciences, Mondello (Palermo) 2004";
    Rendiconti Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Palermo, 2006, 647 pages.

  60. Authors: Peter M. Gruber, E104-06; Rajinder Jeet Hans-Gill

    P. Gruber, R.J. Hans-Gill et al. (ed.):
    "Number theory and discrete geometry";
    Proceedings of the international conference in honour of Professor R.P.Bambah, Mysore, 2008, ISBN: 9788190254564.

  61. Authors: Peter M. Gruber, E104-06; Cornelis Gerrit Lekkerkerker

    P. Gruber, C.G. Lekkerkerker:
    "Geometry of Numbers";
    North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1987, ISBN: 0444701524; 732 pages.

  62. Authors: Peter M. Gruber, E104-06; Cornelis Gerrit Lekkerkerker

    P. Gruber, C.G. Lekkerkerker:
    "Geometry of Numbers (Russische Übersetzung)";
    Nauka, Moskau, 2008, ISBN: 978-5-02-036036-5.

  63. Authors: Peter M. Gruber, E104-06; Jörg M. Wills

    P. Gruber, J.M. Wills (ed.):
    "Handbook of Convex Geometry, Volume A";
    North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1993, ISBN: 0444895965; 735 pages.

  64. Authors: Peter M. Gruber, E104-06; Jörg M. Wills

    P. Gruber, J.M. Wills (ed.):
    "Handbook of Convex Geometry, Volume B";
    North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1993, ISBN: 0444895973; 703 pages.

  65. Author: Hans Havlicek, E104-03

    H. Havlicek (ed.):
    "Lineare Algebra für Technische Mathematiker";
    Heldermann Verlag, 2006, ISBN: 3-88538-116-8; 406 pages.

  66. Author: Hans Havlicek, E104-03

    H. Havlicek:
    "Lineare Algebra für Technische Mathematiker";
    Heldermann Verlag, 2008, ISBN: 978-3-88538-116-7; 424 pages.

  67. Author: Hans Havlicek, E104-03

    H. Havlicek (ed.):
    "Lineare Algebra für Technische Mathematiker";
    Heldermann Verlag, Lemgo, 2012, ISBN: 978-3-88538-116-7; 424 pages.

  68. Authors: Hans Havlicek, E104-03; Friedrich Manhart, E104-03; Boris Odehnal, E104-03

    H. Havlicek, F. Manhart, B. Odehnal (ed.):
    "33. Süddeutsches Kolloquium über Differentialgeometrie";
    TU WIEN, 2008, ISBN: 978-3-902233-04-2; 100 pages.

  69. Authors: Hans Kaiser, E104; Raimund Kirner, E191-01

    H. Kaiser, R. Kirner (ed.):
    "Junior Scientist Conference 2008, Proceedings";
    TU Wien, 2008.

  70. Authors: Hans Kaiser, E104; Wilfried Nöbauer

    H. Kaiser, W. Nöbauer:
    "Geschichte der Mathematik (3. Auflage)";
    öbv & hpt, Oldenburg, Wien, München, 2002, ISBN: 3-209-02212-7; 320 pages.

  71. Authors: Ch. Karpfinger; Hellmuth Stachel, E104-03

    C. Karpfinger, H. Stachel (ed.):
    "Arbeitsbuch Lineare Algebra";
    Springer Spektrum, 2020, ISBN: 978-3-662-61471-6.

  72. Authors: Ch. Karpfinger; Hellmuth Stachel, E104-03

    C. Karpfinger, H. Stachel (ed.):
    "Lineare Algebra";
    Springer Spektrum, 2020, ISBN: 978-3-662-61339-9; 431 pages.

  73. Authors: Manfred Kronfellner, E104; Werner Peschek; Edith Schneider

    M. Kronfellner, W. Peschek, E. Schneider:
    "Angewandte Mathematik für HAK 1";
    öbv & hpt, Wien, Austria, 2005, ISBN: 3-209-04635-2; 224 pages.

  74. Authors: Manfred Kronfellner, E104; Werner Peschek; Edith Schneider

    M. Kronfellner, W. Peschek, E. Schneider:
    "Angewandte Mathematik für HAK 1, Lösungen";
    öbv & hpt, wien, 2005, ISBN: 3-209-04636-0.

  75. Authors: Werner Kuich, E104-02; J. F. Boltnev

    W. Kuich, J. Boltnev:
    "Wwedenije w teoriju informatiki (Einführung in die Theorie der Informatik)";
    Verlag der Staatlichen Universität Königsberg, Königsberg, 2003, ISBN: 5-88874-437-9; 92 pages.

  76. Authors: Werner Kuich, E104-02; G. Rahonis
    Other persons involved: Gerhard Goos; Juris Hartmanis; Jan van Leeuwen

    W. Kuich, G. Rahonis:
    "Algebraic Foundatios in Computer Science";
    in series "Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7020 (Festschrift)", series editor: G. Goos, J. Hartmanis, J. van Leeuwen; Springer Verlag, 2011, ISBN: 978-3-642-24896-2, 362 pages.

  77. Authors: Werner Kuich, E104-02; Grzegorz Rozenberg; Arto Salomaa

    W. Kuich, G. Rozenberg, A. Salomaa (ed.):
    "Developments in Language Theory";
    Springer, 2002, ISBN: 3-540-43453-4.

  78. Author: Reinhard Kutzelnigg, E104-05

    R. Kutzelnigg:
    "Random Graphs and Cuckoo Hashing";
    Südwestdeutscher Verlag für Hochschulschriften, Saarbrücken, 2009, ISBN: 978-3-8381-0207-8; 190 pages.

  79. Authors: Monika Ludwig, E104-06; Vitali D. Milman; Vladimir Pestov; Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann
    Other persons involved: Carl R. Riehm; Edward Bierstone; Matheus Grasselli; James G. Arthur; Kenneth R. Davidson; Lisa Jeffrey; Barbara Lee Keyfitz; Thomas S. Salisbury; Noriko Yui

    M. Ludwig, V.D. Milman, V. Pestov, N. Tomczak-Jaegermann:
    "Asymptotic Geometric Analysis";
    in series "Fields Institute Communications", series editor: C.R. Riehm, E. Bierstone, M. Grasselli, J.G. Arthur, K.R. Davidson, L. Jeffrey, B. Lee Keyfitz, T.S. Salisbury, N. Yui; issued by: The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences; Springer, New York, 2013, ISBN: 978-1-4614-6405-1.

  80. Author: Georg Nawratil, E104-03

    G. Nawratil (ed.):
    "The control number as index for Stewart-Gough platforms";
    Springer, 2006, ISBN: 1-4020-4940-4.

  81. Authors: Boris Odehnal, E104-03; Hellmuth Stachel, E104-03; Georg Glaeser, E104-03

    B. Odehnal, H. Stachel, G. Glaeser (ed.):
    "The Universe of Quadrics";
    Springer Verlag Berlin-Heidelberg, 2020, ISBN: 978-3-662-61053-4; 606 pages.

    More information

  82. Authors: Gerhard Pillwein, E104-04; Andreas Asperl, E104-04; Robert Müllner; Michael Wischounig, E104-03

    G. Pillwein, A. Asperl, R. Müllner, M. Wischounig:
    "Raumgeometrie, Konstruieren und Visualisieren";
    öbv & hpt, 2006, ISBN: 3-209-04745-6.

  83. Authors: Ulrich Pofahl; Reinhard Viertl, E105-08
    Other persons involved: Reinhard Viertl, E105-08; Dieter Bökemann; Kurt Bretterbauer, E120-04; U. Gamer; Hans Kaiser, E104; H. Kirchmayr; Alexander Leitsch, E192-05; Gottfried Magerl, E354-01; Herbert A. Mang, E202-01; M. Wehdorn; F. Wurst

    U. Pofahl, R. Viertl:
    "Exakte Zahlen genügen nicht: Mathematik und Ungewissheit";
    in series "Schriftenreihe der Technischen Universität Wien", series editor: R. Viertl, D. Bökemann, K. Bretterbauer, U. Gamer, H. Kaiser, H. Kirchmayr, A. Leitsch, G. Magerl, H.A. Mang, M. Wehdorn, F. Wurst; TU WIEN, 2006, 89 pages.

  84. Authors: Helmut Pottmann, E104-04; Andreas Asperl, E104-04; Michael Hofer, E104-04; M. Kilian, E104-04

    H. Pottmann, A. Asperl, M. Hofer, M. Kilian (ed.):
    "Architectural Geometry";
    Bentley Institute Press, 2007, ISBN: 978-1-934493-04-5.

  85. Authors: Helmut Pottmann, E104-04; Andreas Asperl, E104-04; Michael Hofer, E104-04; M. Kilian, E104-04

    H. Pottmann, A. Asperl, M. Hofer, M. Kilian (ed.):
    Springer Verlag, Wien, 2010, ISBN: 978-3-211-99765-9; 474 pages.

  86. Authors: Helmut Pottmann, E104-04; Shi-Min Hu

    H. Pottmann, S. Hu (ed.):
    "2004 Geometric Modeling and Processing, Theory and Applications";
    IEEE Computer Society, 2004, ISBN: 0-7695-2078-2.

  87. Authors: Helmut Pottmann, E104-04; Johannes Wallner, E104-03

    H. Pottmann, J. Wallner (ed.):
    "Computational Line Geometry";
    Springer Verlag, 2010, ISBN: 978-3-642-04017-7.

  88. Authors: Abe Schweizer; Abe Sklar; Karl Sigmund; Peter M. Gruber, E104-06; Edmund Hlawka, E101-01; Ludwig Reich; Leopold Schmetterer

    A. Schweizer, A. Sklar, K. Sigmund, P. Gruber, E. Hlawka, L. Reich, L. Schmetterer (ed.):
    "Karl Menger, Selecta Mathematica, Volume 1";
    Springer, Wien New-York, 2002, ISBN: 3-211-83734-5; 606 pages.

  89. Authors: Abe Schweizer; Abe Sklar; Karl Sigmund; Peter M. Gruber, E104-06; Edmund Hlawka, E101-01; Ludwig Reich; Leopold Schmetterer

    A. Schweizer, A. Sklar, K. Sigmund, P. Gruber, E. Hlawka, L. Reich, L. Schmetterer (ed.):
    "Karl Menger, Selecta Mathematica, Volume 2";
    Springer, Wien, New York, 2003, ISBN: 3-211-83834-1.

  90. Authors: Hellmuth Stachel, E104-03; Markus Pfeifer; Wolfgang Rath, E104-03

    H. Stachel, M. Pfeifer, W. Rath (ed.):
    "Handbuch zu CAD-3D für Windows. Basisversion 1.04 bzw. erweiterte Version 1.10";
    Institut für Geometrie, TU Wien, 2002, ISBN: 3-902233-01-x.

  91. Authors: Andrei Voronkov; Geoff Sutcliffe; Matthias Baaz, E104-02; Christian Fermüller, E192-05
    Other persons involved: Andrei Voronkov; Geoff Sutcliffe; Matthias Baaz, E104-02; Christian Fermüller, E192-05

    A. Voronkov, G. Sutcliffe, M. Baaz, C. Fermüller:
    "LPAR-17-short. short papers for 17th International Conference on Logic for Programming, Artificial intelligence, and Reasoning.";
    in series "EasyChair Proceedings in Computing", series editor: A. Voronkov, G. Sutcliffe, M. Baaz, C. Fermüller; EasyChair, 2013, ISSN: 2040-557x, 63 pages.

  92. Authors: Michael Wischounig, E104-03; Gerhard Pillwein, E104-04; Andreas Asperl, E104-04; Robert Müllner

    M. Wischounig, G. Pillwein, A. Asperl, R. Müllner (ed.):
    "Raumgeometrie - Konstruieren und Visualisieren - Arbeitsbuch";
    öbv & hpt, 2006, ISBN: 3-209-04745-6.

Publications in Scientific Journals

  1. Authors: Judit Abardia-Evéquoz; Andreas Bernig; Susanna Dann, E104-06

    J. Abardia-Evéquoz, A. Bernig, S. Dann:
    "Flag area measures";
    Mathematika, 65 (2019), 4; 958 - 989.

  2. Authors: Uri Abraham; Robert Bonnet; James Cummings; Mirna Dzamonja; Katherine Thompson, E104

    U. Abraham, R. Bonnet, J. Cummings, M. Dzamonja, K. Thompson:
    "A scattering of orders";
    Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 364 (2012), 12; 6259 - 6278.

  3. Authors: S. Abu-Saymeh; M. Hajja; Hellmuth Stachel, E104-03

    S. Abu-Saymeh, M. Hajja, H. Stachel:
    "Equicevian Points and Cubics of a Triangle";
    Journal for Geometry and Graphics, 18(2) (2014), 133 - 157.

  4. Authors: S. Abu-Saymeh; M. Hajja; Hellmuth Stachel, E104-03

    S. Abu-Saymeh, M. Hajja, H. Stachel:
    "Equicevian Points of a Triangle";
    American Mathematical Monthly, 122/10 (2015), 995 - 1000.

  5. Authors: Boris Adamczewski; Yann Bugeaud, E104-05

    B. Adamczewski, Y. Bugeaud:
    "On the complexity of algebraic numbers, II. Continued fractions";
    Acta Mathematica, 195 (2005), 1 - 20.

  6. Authors: Boris Adamczewski; Yann Bugeaud, E104-05

    B. Adamczewski, Y. Bugeaud:
    "On the littlewood conjecture in simultaneous Diophantine approximation";
    Journal of the London Math. Soc., 73 (2006), 02; 355 - 366.

  7. Authors: Boris Adamczewski; Yann Bugeaud, E104-05

    B. Adamczewski, Y. Bugeaud:
    "On the Maillet-Baker continued fractions";
    arXiv.org e-Print archive, http://arxiv.org/abs/math/0511681 (2005).

  8. Authors: Boris Adamczewski; Yann Bugeaud, E104-05

    B. Adamczewski, Y. Bugeaud:
    "Palindromic continued fractions";
    arXiv.org e-Print archive, http://fr.arxiv.org/PS_cache/math/pdf/0512/0512014v1.pdf (2005), 19 pages.

  9. Authors: Boris Adamczewski; Yann Bugeaud, E104-05; Florian Luca

    B. Adamczewski, Y. Bugeaud, F. Luca:
    "Sur la compexité des nombres algébriques";
    Comptes Rendus Académie des Sciences Paris, Série I, 339 (2004), 11 - 14.

  10. Authors: Boris Adamczewski; Michael Drmota, E104-05; Clemens Müllner, E104-05

    B. Adamczewski, M. Drmota, C. Müllner:
    "(Logarithmic) densities for automatic sequences along primes and squares";
    ArXiv, Preprint (2020).

  11. Authors: Boris Adamczewski; Michael Drmota, E104-05; Clemens Müllner, E104-05

    B. Adamczewski, M. Drmota, C. Müllner:
    "(Logarithmic) Densities for Automatic Sequences along Primes and Squares";
    Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 1900 (2021).

  12. Authors: Stephan Adelsberger; Stefan Hetzl, E104-02; Dale Miller

    S. Adelsberger, S. Hetzl, D. Miller:
    "The Cayley-Hamilton Theorem";
    Archive of Formal Proofs, 2014 (2014).

  13. Authors: Bahareh Afshari, E104-02; Stefan Hetzl, E104-02; Graham Leigh, E104-02

    B. Afshari, S. Hetzl, G. Leigh:
    "Herbrand's theorem as higher order recursion";
    Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 171 (2020), 6, 102792.

  14. Authors: Bahareh Afshari, E104-02; Stefan Hetzl, E104-02; Graham Leigh, E104-02

    B. Afshari, S. Hetzl, G. Leigh:
    "On the Herbrand content of LK";
    CL&C 2016, 213 (2016), 1 - 10.

    More information

  15. Author: Juan Pablo Aguilera Ozuna, E104-02

    J. Aguilera Ozuna:
    "Determinate Logic and the Axiom of Choice";
    Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 171 (2020), 2.

  16. Author: Juan Pablo Aguilera Ozuna, E104-02

    J. Aguilera Ozuna:
    "Determined Admissible Sets";
    Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 148 (2020), 2217 - 2231.

  17. Author: Juan Pablo Aguilera Ozuna, E104-02

    J. Aguilera Ozuna:
    "Fσ Games And Reflection In L(ℝ)";
    Journal of Symbolic Logic, Juni 2020 (2020), 23 pages.

  18. Author: Juan Pablo Aguilera Ozuna, E104-02

    J. Aguilera Ozuna:
    "Long Borel Games";
    Israel Journal of Mathematics, 243 (2021), 273 - 314.

  19. Author: Juan Pablo Aguilera Ozuna, E104-02

    J. Aguilera Ozuna:
    "Shortening Clopen Games";
    Journal of Symbolic Logic, Januar (2021).

  20. Author: Juan Pablo Aguilera Ozuna, E104-02

    J. Aguilera Ozuna:
    "The Consistency Strength of Long Projective Determinacy";
    Journal of Symbolic Logic, Online first (2019).

  21. Author: Juan Pablo Aguilera Ozuna, E104-02

    J. Aguilera Ozuna:
    "The Order of Reflection";
    Journal of Symbolic Logic, Januar (2021).

  22. Authors: Juan Pablo Aguilera Ozuna, E104-02; Matthias Baaz, E104-02

    J. Aguilera Ozuna, M. Baaz:
    "Unsound Inferences Make Proofs Shorter";
    Journal of Symbolic Logic, 84 (2019), 1; 102 - 122.

  23. Authors: Juan Pablo Aguilera Ozuna, E104-02; D.W. Blue

    J. Aguilera Ozuna, D. Blue:
    "Provably Δ1 Games";
    Journal of Symbolic Logic, October (2020).

  24. Authors: Juan Pablo Aguilera Ozuna, E104-02; Jan Bydzovsky, E104-02; David Fernández-Duque

    J. Aguilera Ozuna, J. Bydzovsky, D. Fernández-Duque:
    "A non-hyperarithmetical Gödel logic.";
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13137 (2021), 1 - 8.

  25. Authors: Juan Pablo Aguilera Ozuna, E104-02; David Fernández-Duque

    J. Aguilera Ozuna, D. Fernández-Duque:
    "Strong completeness of provability logic for ordinal spaces";
    Journal of Symbolic Logic, 82 (2017), 2; 608 - 628.

    More information

  26. Authors: Juan Pablo Aguilera Ozuna, E104-02; David Fernández-Duque

    J. Aguilera Ozuna, D. Fernández-Duque:
    "Verification Logic";
    Journal of Logic and Computation, 27 (2017), 8; 2451 - 2469.

  27. Authors: Juan Pablo Aguilera Ozuna, E104-02; Robert Lubarsky

    J. Aguilera Ozuna, R. Lubarsky:
    "Feedback Hyperjump";
    Journal of Logic and Computation, 31 (2021), 1; 20 - 39.

  28. Authors: Juan Pablo Aguilera Ozuna, E104-02; Sandra Müller

    J. Aguilera Ozuna, S. Müller:
    "Projective Games on the Reals";
    Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, Advance publication (2020), 17 pages.

    More information

  29. Authors: Juan Pablo Aguilera Ozuna, E104-02; Sandra Müller

    J. Aguilera Ozuna, S. Müller:
    "The Consistency Strength of Long Projective Determinacy";
    Journal of Symbolic Logic, 85 (2020), 1; 338 - 366.

  30. Authors: Juan Pablo Aguilera Ozuna, E104-02; Sandra Müller; Philipp Schlicht

    J. Aguilera Ozuna, S. Müller, P. Schlicht:
    "Long Games and σ-Projective Sets";
    Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 102939 (2021).

  31. Authors: Juan Pablo Aguilera Ozuna, E104-02; Levent Ülkü

    J. Aguilera Ozuna, L. Ülkü:
    "On the maximization of menu-dependent internal orders";
    Social Choice and Welfare, 48 (2017), 2; 357 - 366.

  32. Authors: D. Aiger; Niloy Mitra, E104-04; D. Cohen-Or.

    D. Aiger, N. Mitra, D. Cohen-Or.:
    "4-Points Congruent Sets for Robust Pairwise Surface";
    ACM Transactions on Graphics, 27/3 (2008).

  33. Authors: Shigeki Akiyama; Gerhard Dorfer, E104-01; J.M. Thuswaldner; Reinhard Winkler, E104-01

    S. Akiyama, G. Dorfer, J. Thuswaldner, R. Winkler:
    "On the fundamental group of the Sierpinski-gasket";
    Topology and its Applications, 156 (2009), 9; 1655 - 1672.

  34. Authors: Shigeki Akiyama; Benoit Loridant, E104-05

    S. Akiyama, B. Loridant:
    "Boundary parametrization of planar self-affine tiles with collinear digit set";
    Science in China (Ser. A), 53 (2010), 9; 2173 - 2194.

  35. Authors: Shigeki Akiyama; Hui Rao; Wolfgang Steiner, E104-05

    S. Akiyama, H. Rao, W. Steiner:
    "A certain finiteness property of Pisot number systems";
    Journal of Number Theory, 107 (2004), 135 - 160.

  36. Authors: Arseniy Akopyan; Ivan Izmestiev, E104-03

    A. Akopyan, I. Izmestiev:
    "The Regge symmetry, confocal conics and the Schläfli formula";
    Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 51 (2019), 5; 765 - 775.

  37. Authors: Hansjörg Albrecher, ÖAW; Michael Drmota, E104-05; Martin Goldstern, E104-01; Reinhard Winkler, E104-01

    H. Albrecher, M. Drmota, M. Goldstern, R. Winkler:
    "Robert F. Tichy: 50 years - The unreasonable effectiveness of a number theorist,";
    Uniform Distribution Theory, 2 (2007), 1; 151 - 160.

  38. Authors: S.. Aleshnikov; J. F. Boltnev; Zoltan Esik; S. Ishanov; Werner Kuich, E104-02

    S. Aleshnikov, J. Boltnev, Z. Esik, S. Ishanov, W. Kuich:
    "Formalnije jaziki i avtomaty V: pary polukoltso-polumodul Konveya i konechnyje avtomaty (Formal languages and automata V: Conway semiring-semimodule pairs and finite automata).";
    Vestnik Rossiyskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. Immanuila Kanta. Ser- Fisiko-matematicheskije nauki., 10 (2009), 6 - 41.

  39. Authors: S.. Aleshnikov; J. F. Boltnev; Zoltan Esik; S. Ishanov; Werner Kuich, E104-02

    S. Aleshnikov, J. Boltnev, Z. Esik, S. Ishanov, W. Kuich:
    "Formalnije jaziki i avtomaty VI: omega-algebraicheskie sistemy i transduktory (Formal languages and automata VI: ω -algebraic systems and transducers).";
    Vestnik Rossiyskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. Immanuila Kanta. Ser- Fisiko-matematicheskije nauki., 10 (2010), 8 - 32.

  40. Authors: S.. Aleshnikov; J. F. Boltnev; Zoltan Esik; S. Ishanov; Werner Kuich, E104-02

    S. Aleshnikov, J. Boltnev, Z. Esik, S. Ishanov, W. Kuich:
    "Formalniye yazyki i avtomaty VII: formalniye ryady derevyev (Chast I). (Formal languages and automata VII: Formal tree series (Part I))";
    Vestnik baltiyskogo federalnogo universiteta im. I. Kanta, 10 (2011), 5 - 32.

  41. Authors: S.. Aleshnikov; J. F. Boltnev; Zoltan Esik; S. Ishanov; Werner Kuich, E104-02

    S. Aleshnikov, J. Boltnev, Z. Esik, S. Ishanov, W. Kuich:
    "Formalniye yazyki i avtomaty VII: formalniye ryady derevyev (Chast II). (Formal languages and automata VII: Formal tree series (PartI I))";
    Vestnik baltiyskogo federalnogo universiteta im. I. Kanta, 10 (2012), 7 - 49.

  42. Authors: S.. Aleshnikov; J. F. Boltnev; Zoltan Esik; S. Ishanov; Werner Kuich, E104-02

    S. Aleshnikov, J. Boltnev, Z. Esik, S. Ishanov, W. Kuich:
    "Formalnyje jaziki i automaty III. Magazinnyje automaty if formalnyje stepennyje rjady. (Formal languages and automata III: Pushdown automata and algebraic power series.)";
    Vestnik Rossiyskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. Immanuila Kanta. Vyp. 10: Ser. Fisiko-matematicheskije nauki.- Kaliningrad, 10 (2006), 8 - 27.

  43. Authors: S.. Aleshnikov; J. F. Boltnev; Zoltan Esik; S. Ishanov; Werner Kuich, E104-02

    S. Aleshnikov, J. Boltnev, Z. Esik, S. Ishanov, W. Kuich:
    "Formalnyje jaziki i automaty IV: Transduktory i abstraktnyje semejstva (Formal languages and automata IV: Transducers and abstract families).";
    Westnik Kaliningradskogo Gosudarstwennogo Universiteta Ser. Informatika i telekommunikazii, 10 (2008), 6 - 23.

  44. Authors: S.. Aleshnikov; J. F. Boltnev; Zoltan Esik; S. Ishanov; Werner Kuich, E104-02; N. Malachowskij

    S. Aleshnikov, J. Boltnev, Z. Esik, S. Ishanov, W. Kuich, N. Malachowskij:
    "Formaljnye jazyki i avtomaty II: Nepreryvnyje polukoltsa i algebraicheskie sistemy (Formal languages and automata II: Continous semirings and algebraic systems)";
    Westnik Kaliningradskogo Gosudarstwennogo Universiteta Ser. Informatika i telekommunikazii, 3 (2005), 19 - 45.

  45. Authors: S.. Aleshnikov; J. F. Boltnev; Zoltan Esik; S. Ishanov; Werner Kuich, E104-02; N. Malachowskij

    S. Aleshnikov, J. Boltnev, Z. Esik, S. Ishanov, W. Kuich, N. Malachowskij:
    "Formaljnyje jasyki i awtomaty I: Polukoljza Konweja i konetschnyje awtomaty (Formal languages and automata I: Conway semirings and finite automata)";
    Westnik Kaliningradskogo Gosudarstwennogo Universiteta Ser. Informatika i telekommunikazii, 3 (2003), 7 - 38.

  46. Authors: Semyon Alesker; Andreas Bernig; Franz Schuster, E104-06

    S. Alesker, A. Bernig, F. Schuster:
    "Harmonic analysis of translation invariant valuations";
    Geometric and Functional Analysis, 21 (2011), 751 - 773.

    More information

  47. Authors: Per Alexandersson; Stephan Pfannerer, E104-06; Martin Rubey, E104-06; Joakim Uhlin

    P. Alexandersson, S. Pfannerer, M. Rubey, J. Uhlin:
    "Skew characters and cyclic sieving";
    Forum of Mathematics. Sigma, 9 (2021), e41.

    More information

  48. Authors: V. Alexandrov; I.Kh. Sabitov; Hellmuth Stachel, E104-03

    V. Alexandrov, I. Sabitov, H. Stachel:
    "Preface to "Rigidity and Related Topics in Geometry"";
    European Journal of Combinatorics, 31/4 (2010), 1035 - 1036.

  49. Authors: V. Alexandrov; I.Kh. Sabitov; Hellmuth Stachel, E104-03

    V. Alexandrov, I. Sabitov, H. Stachel:
    "Rigidity and Related Topics in Geometry";
    European Journal of Combinatorics, 31 (2010), 4; 1035.

  50. Authors: David Alonso-Gutiérrez; Florian Besau, E104-06; Julian Grote; Zakhar Kabluchko; Matthias Reitzner, (E104-6); Christoph Thäle; Beatrice-Helen Vritsiou; Elisabeth Werner, E104

    D. Alonso-Gutiérrez, F. Besau, J. Grote, Z. Kabluchko, M. Reitzner, C. Thäle, B. Vritsiou, E. Werner:
    "Asymptotic normality for random simplices and convex bodies in high dimensions";
    Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 149 (2021), 355 - 367.

    More information

  51. Authors: Jacopo Amidei; Uri Andrews; Duccio Piangiani; Luca Francesco San Mauro, E104-02; Andrea Sorbi

    J. Amidei, U. Andrews, D. Piangiani, L. San Mauro, A. Sorbi:
    "Trial and error mathematics: Dialectical systems and completions of theories";
    Journal of Logic and Computation, 58 (2019), 5-6; 543 - 563.

  52. Authors: Bermano Amit; Amir Vaxman, E104-04; Craig Gotsman

    B. Amit, A. Vaxman, C. Gotsman:
    "Online Reconstruction of 3D Objects from Arbitrary Cross Sections";
    ACM Transactions on Graphics, 30 (2011), 5.

  53. Authors: Masaaki Amou; Yann Bugeaud, E104-05

    M. Amou, Y. Bugeaud:
    "Sur la séparation des racines des polynômes et une question de Sprindzuk";
    Ramanujan Journal, 9 (2005), 25 - 32.

  54. Authors: Ofer Arieli; Arnon Avron; Anna Zamansky, E104-02

    O. Arieli, A. Avron, A. Zamansky:
    "Ideal paraconsistent logics";
    Studia Logica, 99 (2011), 31 - 60.

  55. Authors: Ofer Arieli; Anna Zamansky, E104-02

    O. Arieli, A. Zamansky:
    "A framework for reasoning under uncertainty based on non-deterministic distance semantics";
    International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 52 (2011), 2; 184 - 211.

  56. Authors: Ofer Arieli; Anna Zamansky, E104-02

    O. Arieli, A. Zamansky:
    "Simplified forms of computerized reasoning with distance semantics";
    Journal of Applied Logic, 9 (2011), 1; 1 - 22.

  57. Authors: Murat Arikan, E193-02; Michael Schwärzler; Simon Flöry, E104-04; Michael Wimmer, E193-02; Stefan Maierhofer

    M. Arikan, M. Schwärzler, S. Flöry, M. Wimmer, S. Maierhofer:
    "O-Snap: Optimization-Based Snapping for Modeling Architecture";
    ACM Transactions on Graphics, 32 (2013), 1; 1 - 15.

    More information

  58. Authors: Anton Arnold, E101-01; Michael Drmota, E104-05; Uwe Schmock, E105-01; Reinhard Viertl, E105-08

    A. Arnold, M. Drmota, U. Schmock, R. Viertl:
    "Mathematik in Wien: Technische Universität Wien";
    Internationale Mathematische Nachrichten, 216 (2011), 31 - 52.

  59. Author: Federico Aschieri, E104-02

    F. Aschieri:
    "Constructive Forcing, CPS Translations and Witness Extraction in Interactive Realizability";
    Mathematical Structures In Computer Science, online (2015), 29.10.2015; 39 pages.

    More information

  60. Author: Federico Aschieri, E104-02

    F. Aschieri:
    "Constructive forcing, CPS translations and witness extraction in Interactive realizability";
    Mathematical Structures In Computer Science, 27 (2017), 6; 993 - 1031.

    More information

  61. Author: Federico Aschieri, E104-02

    F. Aschieri:
    "Game semantics and the geometry of backtracking: a new complexity analysis and interaction";
    Journal of Symbolic Logic, 82 (2017), 2; 672 - 708.

    More information

  62. Author: Federico Aschieri, E104-02

    F. Aschieri:
    "On Natural Deduction for Herbrand Constructive Logics I: Curry-Howard Correspondence for Dummett´s Logic LC";
    Logical Methods in Computer Science, 12 (2016), 3; 1 - 31.

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    Internationale Mathematische Nachrichten, 221 (2012), 21 - 38.

  163. Authors: Enrico G. Beltrametti; Dietmar Dorninger, E104; Maciej Maczynski

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    Demonstratio Mathematica, 4 (2011), 693 - 698.

  260. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Günther Eigenthaler, E104-01 [E104.01]

    I. Chajda, G. Eigenthaler:
    "Semilattices with sectional mappings";
    Discussiones Mathematicae General Algebra and Applications, 27 (2007), 11 - 19.

  261. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Günther Eigenthaler, E104-01 [E104.01]

    I. Chajda, G. Eigenthaler:
    "Varieties of g-coherent algebras";
    Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 14 (2003), 77 - 85.

  262. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Günther Eigenthaler, E104-01 [E104.01]; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, G. Eigenthaler, H. Länger:
    "Directly decomposable ideals and congruence kernels of commutative semirings";
    Miskolc Mathematical Notes, 21 (2020), 1; 113 - 125.

  263. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Günther Eigenthaler, E104-01 [E104.01]; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, G. Eigenthaler, H. Länger:
    "Ideals of direct products of rings";
    Asian-European Journal of Mathematics, 11 (2018), 4; 1850094-1 - 1850094-6.

  264. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Martin Goldstern, E104-01; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, M. Goldstern, H. Länger:
    "A note on homomorphisms between products of algebras";
    Algebra Universalis, 79:25 (2018), 2; 1 - 7.

  265. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Radomír Halas; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, R. Halas, H. Länger:
    "Congruence kernels of orthoimplication algebras";
    Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae, 76 (2007), 2; 231 - 240.

  266. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Radomír Halas; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, R. Halas, H. Länger:
    "Congruence kernels of orthomodular implication algebras";
    Discrete Mathematics, 308 (2008), 4724 - 4733.

  267. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Radomír Halas; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, R. Halas, H. Länger:
    "Operations and structures derived from non-associative MV-algebras";
    Soft Computing, 23 (2019), 12; 3935 - 3944.

  268. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Radomír Halas; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, R. Halas, H. Länger:
    "Orthomodular implication algebras";
    International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 40 (2001), 1875 - 1884.

  269. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Radomír Halas; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, R. Halas, H. Länger:
    "Simple axioms for orthomodular implication algebras";
    International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 43 (2004), 911 - 914.

  270. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Radomír Halas; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, R. Halas, H. Länger:
    "The logic induced by effect algebras";
    Soft Computing, 24 (2020), 19; 14275 - 14286.

  271. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Miroslav Kolarik; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, M. Kolarik, H. Länger:
    "Algebras assigned to ternary relations";
    Miskolc Mathematical Notes, 14 (2013), 3; 827 - 844.

  272. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Miroslav Kolarik; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, M. Kolarik, H. Länger:
    "Characterizations of posets via weak states";
    Demonstratio Mathematica, 41 (2008), 3; 491 - 496.

  273. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Miroslav Kolarik; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, M. Kolarik, H. Länger:
    "Extensions of posets with an antitone involution to residuated structures";
    Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 425 (2021), 169 - 175.

  274. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Miroslav Kolarik; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, M. Kolarik, H. Länger:
    "Polynomial permutations on bounded commutative directoids with an antitone involution";
    Soft Computing, 15 (2011), 1; 183 - 186.

  275. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Miroslav Kolarik; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, M. Kolarik, H. Länger:
    "Varieties corresponding to classes of complemented posets";
    Miskolc Mathematical Notes, 22 (2021), 2; 611 - 623.

  276. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Jan Krnavek; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, J. Krnavek, H. Länger:
    "Congruences on directoids";
    Acta Sci.Math. (Szeged), 78 (2012), 389 - 402.

  277. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Jan Kühr; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, J. Kühr, H. Länger:
    "Relatively residuated lattices and posets";
    Mathematica Slovaca, 70 (2020), 2; 239 - 250.

  278. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "A Cayley theorem for algebras with binary and nullary operations";
    Acta Sci.Math. (Szeged), 75 (2009), 55 - 58.

  279. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "A Cayley theorem for distributive lattices";
    Algebra Universalis, 60 (2009), 3; 365 - 367.

  280. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "A common generalization of ortholattices and Boolean quiasirings";
    Demonstratio Mathematica, 40 (2007), 4; 769 - 774.

  281. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "A non-associative generalization of effect algebras";
    Soft Computing, 16 (2012), 8; 1411 - 1414.

  282. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "A note on congruence uniformity for single algebras";
    Demonstratio Mathematica, 37 (2004), 9 - 11.

  283. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "A note on normal varieties of monounary algebras";
    Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, 52 (2002), 369 - 373.

  284. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "A representation of basic algebras by coupled right near semirings";
    Acta Sci.Math. (Szeged), 81 (2015), 361 - 374.

  285. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "A representation of lattice effect algebras by means of right near semirings with involution";
    International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 56 (2017), 3719 - 3726.

  286. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "A simple basis of ideal terms of Brouwerian semilattices";
    Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis, Facultas Rerum Naturalium, Mathematica, 40 (2001), 37 - 42.

  287. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "A triple representation of lattice effect algebras";
    Mathematica Slovaca, 66 (2016), 6; 1261 - 1266.

  288. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Action algebras";
    Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 26 (2009), 71 - 78.

  289. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Adjoint operations in twist-products of lattices";
    Symmetry-Basel, 13 (2021), 2; 15 pages.

  290. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Algebras describing pseudocomplemented, relatively pseudocomplemented and sectionally pseudocomplemented posets";
    Symmetry-Basel, 13 (2021), 5; 17 pages.

  291. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "An ordered structure of pseudo-BCI-algebras";
    Mathematica Bohemica, 141 (2016), 1; 91 - 98.

  292. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Basic semirings";
    Mathematica Slovaca, 69 (2019), 3; 533 - 540.

  293. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Bounded lattices with antitone involution the complemented elements of which form a sublattice";
    Journal of Algebra and Discrete Structures, 6 (2008), 1; 13 - 22.

  294. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Commutative basic algebras and coupled near semirings";
    Soft Computing, 19 (2015), 5; 1129 - 1134.

  295. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Commutative rings whose ideal lattices are complemented";
    Asian-European Journal of Mathematics, 12 (2019), 3; 1950039-1 - 1950039-12.

  296. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Congruence classes in Brouwerian semilattices";
    Discussiones Mathematicae General Algebra and Applications, 21 (2001), 229 - 237.

  297. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Consistent posets";
    Soft Computing, 25 (2021), 15; 9765 - 9772.

  298. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Convex congruences";
    Soft Computing, 21 (2017), 5641 - 5645.

  299. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Coupled right orthosemirings induced by orthomodular lattices";
    Order, 34 (2017), 1; 1 - 7.

  300. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Derivations in Lukasiewicz semirings";
    Miskolc Mathematical Notes, 19 (2018), 2; 769 - 785.

  301. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Filters and congruences in sectionally pseudocomplemented lattices and posets";
    Soft Computing, 25 (2021), 14; 8827 - 8837.

  302. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "General coupled semirings of residuated lattices";
    Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 303 (2016), 128 - 135.

  303. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Generalizations of implication algebras";
    Sitzungsberichte ÖAW, 216 (2007), 33 - 43.

  304. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Groupoids assigned to relational systems";
    Mathematica Bohemica, 138 (2013), 1; 15 - 23.

  305. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Groupoids corresponding to relational systems";
    Miskolc Mathematical Notes, 17 (2016), 1; 111 - 118.

  306. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Horizontal sums of bounded lattices";
    Mathematica Pannonica, 20 (2009), 1; 139 - 143.

  307. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "How to introduce the connective implication in orthomodular posets";
    Asian-European Journal of Mathematics, 14 (2021), 4; 2150066-1 - 2150066-8.

  308. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Hypersubstitutions in orthomodular lattices";
    Discussiones Mathematicae General Algebra and Applications, 21 (2001), 83 - 92.

  309. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Ideals and their complements in commutative semirings";
    Soft Computing, 23 (2019), 14; 5385 - 5392.

  310. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Implication in finite posets with pseudocomplemented sections";
    Soft Computing, 26 (2022), 13; 5945 - 5953.

  311. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Inexact residuation in effect algebras";
    Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing, 38 (2022), 1-2; 57 - 79.

  312. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Kleene posets and pseudo-Kleene posets";
    Miskolc Mathematical Notes, 23 (2022), 1; 155 - 174.

  313. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Lattices of subspaces of vector spaces with orthogonality";
    Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, 19 (2020), 3; 2050041-1 - 2050041-13.

  314. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Left residuated lattices induced by lattices with a unary operation";
    Soft Computing, 24 (2020), 2; 723 - 729.

  315. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Left residuated operators induced by posets with a unary operation";
    Soft Computing, 23 (2019), 22; 11351 - 11356.

  316. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Logical and algebraic properties of generalized orthomodular posets";
    Mathematica Slovaca, 72 (2022), 2; 275 - 286.

  317. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Minimal bounded lattices with an antitone involution the complemented elements of which do not form a sublattice";
    Discussiones Mathematicae General Algebra and Applications, 28 (2008), 2; 251 - 259.

  318. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Modifications of MV-algebras corresponding to strong ortholattices";
    Demonstratio Mathematica, 38 (2005), 1; 1 - 6.

  319. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Near semirings and semirings with involution";
    Miskolc Mathematical Notes, 17 (2016), 2; 801 - 810.

  320. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "On a variety of commutative multiplicatively idempotent semirings";
    Semigroup Forum, 94 (2017), 3; 610 - 617.

  321. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "On congruences of weak lattices";
    Soft Computing, 20 (2016), 12; 4767 - 4771.

  322. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "On the structure of balanced near semirings";
    Miskolc Mathematical Notes, 18 (2017), 2; 691 - 699.

  323. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "On the structure of pseudo-BCK algebras";
    Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing, 28 (2017), 179 - 188.

  324. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Orthogonality and complementation in the lattice of subspaces of a finite vector space";
    Mathematica Bohemica, 147 (2022), 2; 141 - 153.

  325. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Orthomodular lattices can be converted into left residuated l-groupoids";
    Miskolc Mathematical Notes, 18 (2017), 2; 685 - 689.

  326. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Orthomodular lattices that are horizontal sums of Boolean algebras";
    Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae, 61 (2020), 1; 11 - 20.

  327. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Orthomodular posets can be organized as conditionally residuated structures";
    Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis, Facultas Rerum Naturalium, Mathematica, 53 (2014), 2; 29 - 33.

  328. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    Discussiones Mathematicae General Algebra and Applications, 24 (2004), 137 - 147.

  329. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Properties of implication in effect algebras";
    Mathematica Slovaca, 71 (2021), 3; 523 - 534.

  330. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Properties of non-associative MV-algebras";
    Mathematica Slovaca, 67 (2017), 5; 1095 - 1104.

  331. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Quantifiers on lattices with an antitone involution";
    Demonstratio Mathematica, 42 (2009), 2; 241 - 246.

  332. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Quotients and homomorphisms of relational systems";
    Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis, Facultas Rerum Naturalium, Mathematica, 49 (2010), 2; 37 - 47.

  333. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Relational systems with involution";
    Asian-European Journal of Mathematics, 9 (2016), 4.

  334. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Relatively pseudocomplemented posets";
    Mathematica Bohemica, 143 (2018), 1; 89 - 97.

  335. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Residuated operators in complemented posets";
    Asian-European Journal of Mathematics, 11 (2018), 6; 1850097-1 - 1850097-15.

  336. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Residuated structures derived from commutative idempotent semirings";
    Discussiones Mathematicae General Algebra and Applications, 39 (2019), 1; 23 - 33.

  337. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Residuation in finite posets";
    Mathematica Slovaca, 71 (2021), 4; 807 - 820.

  338. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Residuation in lattice effect algebras";
    Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 397 (2020), 168 - 178.

  339. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Residuation in modular lattices and posets";
    Asian-European Journal of Mathematics, 12 (2019), 2; 1950092-1 - 1950092-10.

  340. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Residuation in non-associative MV-algebras";
    Mathematica Slovaca, 68 (2018), 6; 1313 - 1320.

  341. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Residuation in orthomodular lattices";
    Topological Algebra and its Applications, 5 (2017), 1 - 5.

  342. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Restricted congruence regularity of algebras";
    Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae, 71 (2002), 3 - 8.

  343. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Ring-like algebras associated with symmetric difference";
    Miskolc Mathematical Notes, 13 (2012), 2; 283 - 292.

  344. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Ring-like operations in pseudocomplemented semilattices";
    Discussiones Mathematicae General Algebra and Applications, 20 (2000), 87 - 95.

  345. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Ring-like structures corresponding to MV-algebras via symmetric difference";
    Sitzungsberichte ÖAW, 213 (2004), 33 - 41.

  346. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "SAI-lattices and ringoids";
    Demonstratio Mathematica, 39 (2006), 3; 483 - 490.

  347. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Semimodules over commutative semirings and modules over unitary commutative rings";
    Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 70 (2022), 7; 1329 - 1344.

  348. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Sheffer operation in relational systems";
    Soft Computing, 26 (2022), 1; 89 - 97.

  349. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Spaces of abstract events";
    International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 52 (2013), 6; 1818 - 1824.

  350. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "States on basic algebras";
    Mathematica Bohemica, 142 (2017), 2; 197 - 210.

  351. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Subdirectly irreducible commutative multiplicatively idempotent semirings";
    Algebra Universalis, 76 (2016), 3; 327 - 337.

  352. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Sublattices and $\Delta$-blocks of orthomodular posets";
    Journal of Logic and Computation, 30 (2020), 7; 1401 - 1423.

  353. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Symmetric differences on posets with an antitone involution";
    Order, 29 (2012), 1; 215 - 225.

  354. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Tense operators on spaces of numerical events";
    International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 53 (2014), 3456 - 3464.

  355. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "The lattice of subspaces of a vector space over a finite field";
    Soft Computing, 23 (2019), 10; 3261 - 3267.

  356. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "The logic of orthomodular posets of finite height";
    Logic Journal of the IGPL, 30 (2022), 1; 143 - 154.

  357. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "The variety of commutative additively and multiplicatively idempotent semirings";
    Semigroup Forum, 96 (2018), 2; 409 - 415.

  358. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Weak lattices";
    Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 30 (2013), 125 - 140.

  359. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Weakly orthomodular and dually weakly orthomodular lattices";
    Order, 35 (2018), 3; 541 - 555.

  360. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "Weakly orthomodular and dually weakly orthomodular posets";
    Asian-European Journal of Mathematics, 11 (2018), 2; 1850093-1 - 1850093-18.

  361. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "When does a generalized Boolean quasiring become a Boolean ring?";
    Soft Computing, 22 (2018), 20; 6877 - 6879.

  362. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01

    I. Chajda, H. Länger:
    "When does a semiring become a residuated lattice?";
    Asian-European Journal of Mathematics, 9 (2016), 4.

  363. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01; Maciej Maczynski

    I. Chajda, H. Länger, M. Maczynski:
    "Ring-like structures corresponding to generalized orthomodular lattices";
    Mathematica Slovaca, 54 (2004), 143 - 150.

  364. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01; Ranganathan Padmanabhan

    I. Chajda, H. Länger, R. Padmanabhan:
    "Single identities forcing lattices to be Boolean";
    Mathematica Slovaca, 68 (2018), 4; 713 - 716.

  365. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01; Jan Paseka

    I. Chajda, H. Länger, J. Paseka:
    "Algebraic aspects of relatively pseudocomplemented posets";
    Order, 37 (2020), 1; 1 - 29.

  366. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01; Jan Paseka

    I. Chajda, H. Länger, J. Paseka:
    "Sectionally pseudocomplemented posets";
    Order, 38 (2021), 3; 527 - 546.

  367. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01; Jan Paseka

    I. Chajda, H. Länger, J. Paseka:
    "The groupoid-based logic for lattice effect algebras";
    Proceedings 2017 IEEE 47th International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, 47 (2017).

  368. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01; Jan Paseka

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    Order, 35 (2018), 3; 421 - 431.

  369. Authors: Ivan Chajda; Helmut Länger, E104-01; Petr Sevcik

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  371. Authors: Kaustuv Chaudhuri; Stefan Hetzl, E104-02; Dale Miller

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  456. Authors: Dietmar Dorninger, E104; Helmut Länger, E104-01

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  457. Authors: Dietmar Dorninger, E104; Helmut Länger, E104-01

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  459. Authors: Dietmar Dorninger, E104; Helmut Länger, E104-01

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    D. Dorninger, H. Länger, M. Maczynski:
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    Discussiones Mathematicae General Algebra and Applications, 21 (2001), 239 - 253.

  466. Authors: Dietmar Dorninger, E104; Maciej Maczynski

    D. Dorninger, M. Maczynski:
    "A simple quantum mechanical model for deriving the energy function of n-component systems";
    ARGESIM Report, 24 (Vol. 2), 88 - 92, CD-ROM (2003).

  467. Authors: Dietmar Dorninger, E104; Maciej Maczynski

    D. Dorninger, M. Maczynski:
    "A simple quantum mechanical model for deriving the energy function of n-component systems";
    Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 66 (2004), 173 - 179.

  468. Author: Felix Dorrek, E104-07

    F. Dorrek:
    "Minkowski endomorphisms";
    Geometric and Functional Analysis, 27 (2017), 3; 466 - 488.

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  469. Authors: Felix Dorrek, E104-07; Franz Schuster, E104-07

    F. Dorrek, F. Schuster:
    "Projection functions, area measures and the Alesker-Fourier transform";
    Journal of Functional Analysis, 273 (2017), 6; 2026 - 2069.

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  470. Authors: Rod Downey; Denis R. Hirschfeldt; André Nies; Sebastiaan A. Terwijn, E104-02

    R. Downey, D. Hirschfeldt, A. Nies, S. Terwijn:
    "Calibrating randomness";
    Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, 12 (2006), 411 - 491.

  471. Authors: Sary Drappeau; Sandro Bettin; Lukas Spiegelhofer, E104-05

    S. Drappeau, S. Bettin, L. Spiegelhofer:
    "Statistical distribution of the Stern sequence";
    Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici, 94 (2019), 2; 241 - 271.

  472. Author: Michael Drmota, E104-05

    M. Drmota:
    "40 Jahre Mathematikolympiade";
    Internationale Mathematische Nachrichten, 212 (2009), 29 - 32.

  473. Author: Michael Drmota, E104-05

    M. Drmota:
    "An Analytic Approach to the Height of Binary Search Trees II";
    Journal of the ACM, 50 (2003), 333 - 374.

  474. Author: Michael Drmota, E104-05

    M. Drmota:
    "Asymptotic methods of enumeration and applications to Markov chain models";
    Stochastic Models, 21 (2005), 343 - 375.

  475. Author: Michael Drmota, E104-05

    M. Drmota:
    "Combinatorics and asymptotics on trees";
    CUBO A Mathematical Journal, 6 (2004), 2; 105 - 136.

  476. Author: Michael Drmota, E104-05

    M. Drmota:
    "Discrete Random Walks on One-Sided Periodic Graphs";
    Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science, volAC (2003), 83 - 94.

  477. Author: Michael Drmota, E104-05

    M. Drmota:
    "Embedded trees and the support of the ISE";
    European Journal of Combinatorics, 34 (2012), 123 - 137.

  478. Author: Michael Drmota, E104-05

    M. Drmota:
    "On Robson´s convergence and boundednes conjecture concerning the height of binary search trees";
    Theoretical Computer Science, 329 (2004), 47 - 70.

  479. Author: Michael Drmota, E104-05

    M. Drmota:
    "Profile and height of random binary search trees";
    Journal of the Iranian Statistical Society, 3 (2004), 2; 117 - 138.

  480. Author: Michael Drmota, E104-05

    M. Drmota:
    "Stochastic analysis of tree-like data sturctures";
    Proceedings of the Royal Society A - Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 460 (2004), 271 - 307.

  481. Author: Michael Drmota, E104-05

    M. Drmota:
    "The discrepancy of generalized Van-der-Corput-Halton sequences";
    Indagationes Mathematicae - New Series, 26 (2015), 5; 748 - 759.

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  482. Author: Michael Drmota, E104-05

    M. Drmota:
    "The height of increasing trees";
    Annals Of Combinatorics, 12 (2009), 4; 373 - 402.

  483. Author: Michael Drmota, E104-05

    M. Drmota:
    "The Variance of the height of Binary Search Trees";
    Theoretical Computer Science, 270 (2002), 913 - 919.

  484. Author: Michael Drmota, E104-05

    M. Drmota:
    "The Variance of the height of digital search trees ";
    Acta Informatica, 38 (2002), 261 - 276.

  485. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Gwendal Collet; Lukas Klausner, E104-01

    M. Drmota, G. Collet, L. Klausner:
    "Limit Laws of Planar Maps with Described Vertex Degrees";
    Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, 28 (2019), 4, Special Issue (Analysis and Algorithms); 519 - 541.

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  486. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; F.P. Da Costa; M. Grinfield

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    European Journal of Applied Mathematics, 31 (2020), 6; 950 - 967.

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  487. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Anna De Mier; Marc Noy

    M. Drmota, A. De Mier, M. Noy:
    "Extremal statistics on non-crossing configurations";
    Discrete Mathematics, 327 (2014), 103 - 117.

  488. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Jean-Marc Deshouillers; Lukas Spiegelhofer, E104-05; Clemens Müllner, E104-05

    M. Drmota, J. Deshouillers, L. Spiegelhofer, C. Müllner:
    "Randomness and non-randomness properties of Piatetski-Shapiro sequences modulo m";
    Mathematika, 65 (2019), 4; 1051 - 1073.

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  489. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Jean-Marc Deshoulliers; Johannes Morgenbesser

    M. Drmota, J. Deshoulliers, J. Morgenbesser:
    "Subsequences of automatic sequences indexed by nc and correlations";
    International Journal of Number Theory, 132 (2012), 1837 - 1866.

  490. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Michael Fuchs, E104; Yi-Wen Lee

    M. Drmota, M. Fuchs, Y. Lee:
    "Stochastic analysis of the extra clustering model for animal grouping";
    Journal of Mathematical Biology, online (2015), 37 pages.

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  491. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Michael Fuchs, E104; E. Mastavicius

    M. Drmota, M. Fuchs, E. Mastavicius:
    "Functional Limit Theorems for Digital Expansions";
    Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 98 (2003), 175 - 201.

  492. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Éric Fusy; Mihyun Kang; Veronika Kraus, E104-05; Juanjo Rué

    M. Drmota, É. Fusy, M. Kang, V. Kraus, J. Rué:
    "Asymptotic study of subcritical graph classes";
    SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 25 (2011), 4; 1615 - 1651.

  493. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; D. Gardy; Bernhard Gittenberger, E104-05

    M. Drmota, D. Gardy, B. Gittenberger:
    "General urn models with several types of balls and Gaussian limiting fields";
    Random Structures and Algorithms, 24/1 (2004), 75 - 103.

  494. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Stefan Gerhold, E105-01

    M. Drmota, S. Gerhold:
    "Disproof of a conjecture by Rademacher on partial fractions";
    Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Series B, 1 (2014), 121 - 134.

  495. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Omer Giménez; Marc Koy; Konstantinos Panagiotou; Angelika Steger

    M. Drmota, O. Giménez, M. Koy, K. Panagiotou, A. Steger:
    "The maximum degree of random planar graphs";
    Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, London, UK (2014), 109; 892 - 920.

  496. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Omer Giménez; Marc Noy

    M. Drmota, O. Giménez, M. Noy:
    "Degree distribution in random planar graphs";
    Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A, 118 (2011), 7; 2102 - 2130.

  497. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Omer Giménez; Marc Noy

    M. Drmota, O. Giménez, M. Noy:
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    Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, 20 (2011), 4; 529 - 570.

  498. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Omer Giménez; Marc Noy

    M. Drmota, O. Giménez, M. Noy:
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    Random Structures and Algorithms, 36 (2010), 3; 273 - 314.

  499. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Bernhard Gittenberger, E104-05

    M. Drmota, B. Gittenberger:
    "The shape of unlabeled rooted random trees";
    European Journal of Combinatorics, 31 (2010), 2028 - 2063.

  500. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Bernhard Gittenberger, E104-05

    M. Drmota, B. Gittenberger:
    "The width of Galton-Watson trees conditioned by the size";
    Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science, 6/2 (2004), 387 - 400.

  501. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Bernhard Gittenberger, E104-05; Thomas Klausner, E104

    M. Drmota, B. Gittenberger, T. Klausner:
    "Extended Admissible Functions and Gaussian Limiting Distributions";
    Mathematics of Computation, 74 (2005), 252; 1953 - 1966.

  502. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Bernhard Gittenberger, E104-05; Alois Panholzer, E104-05; Helmut Prodinger; Mark Daniel Ward

    M. Drmota, B. Gittenberger, A. Panholzer, H. Prodinger, M. Ward:
    "On the shape of the fringe of various types of random trees";
    Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 32 (2009), 1207 - 1245.

  503. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Peter J. Grabner, TU Graz; Pierre Liardet

    M. Drmota, P. Grabner, P. Liardet:
    "Block additive functions on the Gaussian integers";
    Acta Arithmetica, 135 (2008), 299 - 332.

  504. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Georg Gutenbrunner

    M. Drmota, G. Gutenbrunner:
    "The joint distribution of Q-additive functions on polynomial over finite fields";
    Journal de Theorie des Nombres de Bordeaux, 17 (2005), 135 - 159.

  505. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Hsien-Kuei Hwang

    M. Drmota, H. Hwang:
    "Bimodality and phase transitions in the profile variance of Random binary search trees";
    SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 19 (2005), 1; 19 - 45.

  506. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Hsien-Kuei Hwang

    M. Drmota, H. Hwang:
    "Profiles of Random trees: Correlation and width of Random recursive trees and binary search trees";
    Advances in Applied Probability, 37 (2005), 321 - 341.

  507. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Hsien-Kuei Hwang; Wojciech Szpankowski

    M. Drmota, H. Hwang, W. Szpankowski:
    "Precise Average Redundancy of an Idealized Arithmetic Coding";
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, http://www.computer.org/proceedings/dcc/ (2002).

  508. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Alex Iksanov; Martin Moehle; Uwe Roesler

    M. Drmota, A. Iksanov, M. Moehle, U. Roesler:
    "A limiting distribution for the number of cuts needed to isolate the root of random recursive tree";
    Random Structures and Algorithms, 34 (2009), 3; 305 - 318.

  509. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Alex Iksanov; Martin Moehle; Uwe Roesler

    M. Drmota, A. Iksanov, M. Moehle, U. Roesler:
    "Asymptotic results concerning the total branch length of the Bolthausen-Sznitman coalescent";
    Stochastic Processes and Their Applications, 117 (2007), 1404 - 1421.

  510. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Svante Janson; Neininger Ralph

    M. Drmota, S. Janson, N. Ralph:
    "A functional limit theorem for the profile of search trees";
    Annals of Applied Probability, 18 (2008), 1; 288 - 333.

  511. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Yu Jin, E104-05

    M. Drmota, Y. Jin:
    "An Asymptotic Analysis of Labeled and Unlabeled k-Trees";
    Algorithmica (online), -- (2015), online; 27 pages.

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  512. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Yu Jin, E104-05; Benedikt Stufler, E104-05

    M. Drmota, Y. Jin, B. Stufler:
    "Graph limits of random graphs from a subset of connected sks-trees";
    Random Structures and Algorithms, ## online first (2018).

  513. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Manuel Kauers, University Linz; Lukas Spiegelhofer, E104-05

    M. Drmota, M. Kauers, L. Spiegelhofer:
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    SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 30 (2016), 2; 621 - 649.

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  514. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Christian Krattenthaler

    M. Drmota, C. Krattenthaler:
    "A joint central limit theorem for the sum-of-digits function, and asymptotic divisibility of Catalan-like sequences";
    Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 147 (2019), 4123 - 4133.

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  515. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Reinhard Kutzelnigg

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    "A precise analysis of Cuckoo hashing";
    ACM Transactions on Algorithms, 8 (2012), 2; 1 - 36.

  516. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Gerhard Larcher; Friedrich Pillichshammer

    M. Drmota, G. Larcher, F. Pillichshammer:
    "Precise distribution properties of the van der Corput sequence and related sequences";
    Manuscripta Mathematica, 118 (2005), 11 - 41.

  517. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Anna Llado

    M. Drmota, A. Llado:
    "Almost every tree with m edges decomposes K_2m,2m,";
    Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, 23 (2014), 01; 50 - 65.

  518. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; G. Louchard; Nickolay M. Yanev

    M. Drmota, G. Louchard, N. Yanev:
    "Analysis of a recurrence related to critical nonhomogeneous branching process";
    Stochastic Analysis and Applications, 24 (2006), 37 - 59.

  519. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Abram Magner; Wojciech Szpankowski

    M. Drmota, A. Magner, W. Szpankowski:
    "Asymmetric Renyi Problem";
    Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, 28 (2019), 4, Special Issue (Analysis and Algorithms); 542 - 573.

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  520. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Jean-Francois Marckert

    M. Drmota, J.-F. Marckert:
    "Reinforced weak convergence of stochastic processes";
    Statistics & Probability Letters, 71 (2005), 283 - 294.

  521. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Infusino Maria

    M. Drmota, I. Maria:
    "On the discrepancy of some generalized Kakutani's sequences of partitions";
    Uniform Distribution Theory, 7 (2012), 75 - 104.

  522. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Christian Mauduit

    M. Drmota, C. Mauduit:
    "Weyl sums over integers with affine digit restrictions";
    Journal of Number Theory, 130 (2010), 2404 - 2427.

  523. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Christian Mauduit; Joel Rivat

    M. Drmota, C. Mauduit, J. Rivat:
    "Normality among Squares";
    Journal of the European Mathematical Society, 21 (2019), 2; 507 - 548.

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  524. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Christian Mauduit; Joel Rivat

    M. Drmota, C. Mauduit, J. Rivat:
    "Prime numbers in two bases";
    Duke Mathematical Journal, 169 (2020), 10; 1809 - 1876.

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  525. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Christian Mauduit; Joel Rivat

    M. Drmota, C. Mauduit, J. Rivat:
    "Primes with an average sum of digits";
    Compositio Mathematica, 145 (2009), 2; 271 - 292.

  526. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Christian Mauduit; Joel Rivat

    M. Drmota, C. Mauduit, J. Rivat:
    "The sum of digits function of polynomial sequences";
    Journal of the London Math. Soc., 84 (2011), 1; 81 - 102.

  527. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Johannes Morgenbesser, E104-06

    M. Drmota, J. Morgenbesser:
    "Generalized Thue-Morse sequences of squares";
    Israel Journal of Mathematics, 190 (2012), 157 - 193.

  528. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Clemens Müllner, E104-05; Lukas Spiegelhofer, E104-05

    M. Drmota, C. Müllner, L. Spiegelhofer:
    "Möbius Orthogonality for the Zeckendorf sum-of-digits function";
    Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 146 (2018), 9; 3679 - 3691.

  529. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Roman Nedela

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    "Asymptotic enumeration of reversible maps regardless of genus";
    Ars Mathematica Contemporanea, 5 (2011), 1; 77 - 79.

  530. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Ralph Neininger; Henning Sulzbach

    M. Drmota, R. Neininger, H. Sulzbach:
    "A Gaussian limit process for optimal FIND algorithms";
    Electronic Journal of Probability, 19 (2014), 28 pages.

  531. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Marc Noy; Guan-Ru Yu

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    Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A, 185 (2021).

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  532. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Konstantinos Panagiotou

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    Algorithmica, 66 (2013), 4; 741 - 761.

  533. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; D. Panario

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    "A Rigorous Proof of the Waterloo Algorithm for the Discrete Logarithm Problem";
    Designs Codes and Cryptography, 26 (2002), 229 - 241.

  534. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Helmut Prodinger

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    "The Height of q-Binary Search Trees";
    Discrete Mathematics, 5 (2002), 97 - 108.

  535. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Helmut Prodinger

    M. Drmota, H. Prodinger:
    "The register function for t-ary trees";
    ACM Transactions on Algorithms, 2 (2006), 3; 318 - 334.

  536. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Lander Ramos; Clément Louis M. Requilé, E104-05; Juanjo Rué

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    Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 27 (2020), 1.

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  537. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Lander Ramos; Juanjo Rué

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    Random Structures and Algorithms, 51 (2017), 4; 631 - 673.

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  538. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Y Reznik; Wojciech Szpankowski

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    IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 56 (2010), 6; 2928 - 2937.

  539. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Joel Rivat

    M. Drmota, J. Rivat:
    "The sum-of-digits function of squares";
    Journal of the London Math. Soc., 72 (2005), 273 - 292.

  540. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Joel Rivat; Thomas Stoll, E104-05

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    Monatshefte für Mathematik, 155 (2008), 317 - 347.

  541. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Walter Schachermayer, E105-05; Josef Teichmann, E105-05

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    Monatshefte für Mathematik, 146 (2005), 3; 179 - 201.

  542. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Manfred Scheidl; Hans Troger, E325-02; Ewa Weinmüller, E101-02

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    Computational Mechanics, 2 (1987), 63 - 74.

  543. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Johannes Schoißengeier

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    Monatshefte für Mathematik, 138 (2003), 31 - 59.

  544. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Mariusz Skalba

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    International Journal of Number Theory, 9 (2013), 8; 2011 - 2018.

  545. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Wolfgang Steiner, E104

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    "The Zeckendorf expansion of polynomical sequences";
    Journal de Theorie des Nombres de Bordeaux, 14 (2002), 1 - 37.

  546. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Thomas Stoll, E104-05

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    "Newman´s phenomenon for generalized Thue.Morse sequences";
    Discrete Mathematics, 308 (2008), 1191 - 1208.

  547. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Benedikt Stufler, E104-05

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    "Pattern occurrences in random planar maps";
    Statistics & Probability Letters, 158 (2020), 108666.

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  548. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Wojciech Szpankowski

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    "A master theorem for discrete divide and conquer recurrences,";
    Journal of the ACM, 60 (2013), 3; 49 pages.

  549. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Wojciech Szpankowski

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    IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 50 (2004), 11; 2686 - 2707.

  550. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Wojciech Szpankowski

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    Foundations and Trends in Communications and Information Theory, 13 (2017), 4; 277 - 417.

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  551. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Wojciech Szpankowski

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  552. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Wojciech Szpankowski

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    Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A, 118 (2011), 7; 1939 - 1965.

  553. Authors: Michael Drmota, E104-05; Johann Verwee

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    Journal of Number Theory, 229 (2021), 218 - 260.

  554. Authors: Manfred Droste; Sven Dziadek; Werner Kuich, E104-02

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  557. Authors: Manfred Droste; Werner Kuich, E104-02

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    Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics, 21 (2016), 3; 129 - 130.

  558. Authors: Manfred Droste; Werner Kuich, E104-02

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  559. Authors: Manfred Droste; Werner Kuich, E104-02; G. Rahonis

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  561. Authors: Sebastian Eberhard, E104-02; Stefan Hetzl, E104-02

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    "System Description: GAPT 2.0";
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9706 (2016), 293 - 301.

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  565. Authors: Gabriel Ebner, E104-02; Sebastian Ullrich; Jared Roesch; Jeremy Avigad; Leonardo de Moura

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    "A metaprogramming framework for formal verification";
    Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (PACMPL), 1 (2017), ICFB, Artikel 34; 29 pages.

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  566. Authors: Nick Edelen; Robert Haslhofer; Mohammad Najafi Ivaki, E104-06; Jonathan J. Zhu

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    "Mean convex mean curvature flow with free boundary";
    accepted for publication in Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics.

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  567. Authors: M. Eigensatz, E104-04; M. Kilian, E104-04; Alexander Schiftner, E104-04; Niloy Mitra, E104-04; Helmut Pottmann, E104-04; M. Pauly

    M. Eigensatz, M. Kilian, A. Schiftner, N. Mitra, H. Pottmann, M. Pauly:
    "Paneling architectural freeform surfaces";
    ACM Transactions on Graphics, 29 (4) (2010), 45; 1 - 10.

  568. Authors: Günther Eigenthaler, E104-01 [E104.01]; Branimir Seselja; Andrea Tepavcevic

    G. Eigenthaler, B. Seselja, A. Tepavcevic:
    "Weak congruences of algebras with constants";
    Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics, 36 (2006), 1; 65 - 73.

  569. Authors: Günther Eigenthaler, E104-01 [E104.01]; Harald Woracek, E101-01

    G. Eigenthaler, H. Woracek:
    "A remark on permutable polynomials";
    Contributions to General Algebra, 10 (1998), 139 - 142.

  570. Author: Moataz El Zekey, E104-02

    M. El Zekey:
    "Representable good EQ-algebras";
    Soft Computing, 14 (2010), 1011 - 1023.

  571. Authors: Moataz El Zekey, E104-02; Radko Mesiar; Vilém Novák

    M. El Zekey, R. Mesiar, V. Novák:
    "On good EQ-algebras";
    Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 178 (2011), 1; 1 - 23.

  572. Authors: Sergi Elizalde, E104; Martin Rubey, E104-06

    S. Elizalde, M. Rubey:
    "Symmetries of statistics on lattice paths between two boundaries";
    Advances in Mathematics, 287 (2016), 347 - 388.

  573. Authors: Frank Emmert-Streib; Matthias Dehmer, E104-05

    F. Emmert-Streib, M. Dehmer:
    "Global information processing in gene networks: fault tolerance";
    BIONETCS, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Bio-inspired Models of Network, Information, and Computing Systems (2007), 4 pages.

  574. Authors: Frank Emmert-Streib; Matthias Dehmer, E104-05

    F. Emmert-Streib, M. Dehmer:
    "Optimization procedure for predicting nonlinear time series based on a non-Gaussian noise model";
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4827 (2007), 540 - 549.

  575. Author: Wolfgang Eppenschwandtner, E104-01

    W. Eppenschwandtner:
    "Der Raum in der Mathematik";
    Pro Sciencia, 04 (2004), 18 - 22.

  576. Author: Wolfgang Eppenschwandtner, E104-01

    W. Eppenschwandtner:
    "Graphen, nichtklassische Logik und Unabhängigkeitsbeweise";
    Wissenschaftliche Nachrichten (Wien), 126 (2004), 34 - 37.

  577. Authors: Zoltan Esik; Werner Kuich, E104-02

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    "A semiring-semimodule generalization of transducers and abstract ω-families of power series";
    Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics, 12 (2007), 4; 435 - 454.

  578. Authors: Zoltan Esik; Werner Kuich, E104-02

    Z. Esik, W. Kuich:
    "A semiring-semimodule pair generalization of ω -regular languages I";
    Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics, 10 (2005), 203 - 242.

  579. Authors: Zoltan Esik; Werner Kuich, E104-02

    Z. Esik, W. Kuich:
    "A semiring-semimodule pair generalization of ω-regular languagesII";
    Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics, 10 (2005), 243 - 264.

  580. Authors: Zoltan Esik; Werner Kuich, E104-02

    Z. Esik, W. Kuich:
    "Boolean fuzzy sets";
    International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 18 (2007), 6; 1197 - 1207.

  581. Authors: Zoltan Esik; Werner Kuich, E104-02

    Z. Esik, W. Kuich:
    "Formal tree series";
    Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics (invited), 8 (2003), 2; 219 - 285.

  582. Authors: Zoltan Esik; Werner Kuich, E104-02

    Z. Esik, W. Kuich:
    "Free inductive K-semialgebras";
    Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming, 82 (2013), 3-4; 111 - 122.

  583. Authors: Zoltan Esik; Werner Kuich, E104-02

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    Algebra Universalis, 67 (2012), 141 - 162.

  584. Authors: Zoltan Esik; Werner Kuich, E104-02

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    "Inductive *-semirings";
    Theoretical Computer Science, 324 (2004), 1; 3 - 33.

  585. Authors: Zoltan Esik; Werner Kuich, E104-02

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    "Locally closed semirings";
    Monatshefte für Mathematik, 137 (2002), 21 - 29.

  586. Authors: Zoltan Esik; Werner Kuich, E104-02

    Z. Esik, W. Kuich:
    "On iteration semiring-semimodule pairs";
    Semigroup Forum, 75 (2007), 129 - 159.

  587. Authors: Zoltan Esik; Werner Kuich, E104-02

    Z. Esik, W. Kuich:
    "On Power Series over a Graded Monoid";
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8808 (2014), 49 - 55.

  588. Authors: Zoltan Esik; Werner Kuich, E104-02

    Z. Esik, W. Kuich:
    "Rationally additive semirings";
    Journal of Universal Computer Science, 8 (2002), 2; 173 - 183.

  589. Authors: Kenneth Falconer; Peter M. Gruber, E104-06; Adam Ostaszewski; Trevor Stuart

    K. Falconer, P. Gruber, A. Ostaszewski, T. Stuart:
    "Claude Ambrose Rogers. 1 November 1920 - 5 Dezember 2005";
    Proceedings of the Royal Society A - Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 61 (2015), 403 - 435.

  590. Authors: Oliver Fasching; Matthias Baaz, E104-02

    O. Fasching, M. Baaz:
    "Monotone operators on Gödel logic";
    Archive for Mathematical Logic, 53 (2014), 3-4; 261 - 284.

  591. Authors: Qunqiang Feng; Hosam Mahmoud; Alois Panholzer, E104-05

    Q. Feng, H. Mahmoud, A. Panholzer:
    "Limit laws for the Randić index of random binary tree models";
    Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 60 (2008), 2; 319 - 343.

  592. Authors: Qunqiang Feng; Hosam Mahmoud; Alois Panholzer, E104-05

    Q. Feng, H. Mahmoud, A. Panholzer:
    "Phase changes in subtree varieties in random recursive and binary search trees";
    SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 22 (2008), 1; 160 - 184.

  593. Authors: G Figliolini; J. Angeles; Hellmuth Stachel, E104-03

    G Figliolini, J. Angeles, H. Stachel:
    "Kinematic Properties of Planar and Spherical Logarithmic Spirals: Applications to the Synthesis of Involute Tooth Profiles.";
    Mechanism and Machine Theory, 136 (2010), 14 - 26.

  594. Authors: G Figliolini; J. Angeles; Hellmuth Stachel, E104-03

    G Figliolini, J. Angeles, H. Stachel:
    "The Logarithmic Spiral and its Spherical Counterpart.";
    Journal of Industrial Design and Engineering Graphics, 14/1 (2019), 91 - 98.

  595. Authors: G Figliolini; Hellmuth Stachel, E104-03

    G Figliolini, H. Stachel:
    "On Martin Disteli's Spatial Cycloidal Gearing";
    Mechanism and Machine Theory, 60 (2013), 1; 73 - 89.

  596. Authors: G Figliolini; Hellmuth Stachel, E104-03; J. Angeles

    G Figliolini, H. Stachel, J. Angeles:
    "A new look at the Ball-Disteli diagram and its relevance to spatial gearing.";
    Mechanism and Machine Theory, 42 (2007), 10; 1362 - 1375.

  597. Authors: G Figliolini; Hellmuth Stachel, E104-03; J. Angeles

    G Figliolini, H. Stachel, J. Angeles:
    "A Spatial version of Octoidal Gears via the generalized Camus Theorem";
    Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics (ASME), 8/2 (2015), 1 - 13.

  598. Authors: G Figliolini; Hellmuth Stachel, E104-03; J. Angeles

    G Figliolini, H. Stachel, J. Angeles:
    "On the Synthesis of Spatial Cycloidal Gears";
    Meccanica, 48 (2013), 5; 1239 - 1249.

  599. Authors: G Figliolini; Hellmuth Stachel, E104-03; J. Angeles

    G Figliolini, H. Stachel, J. Angeles:
    "The Role of the Orthogonal Helicoid in the Generation of the Tooth Flanks of Involute-Gear Pairs with Skew Axes";
    Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics (ASME), 7(1) (2015).

  600. Authors: James Allen Fill; Nevin Kapur; Alois Panholzer, E104-05

    J. Fill, N. Kapur, A. Panholzer:
    "Destruction of very simple trees";
    Algorithmica, 46 (2006), 354 - 366.

  601. Authors: V Fischer; Diego Alejandro Meija Guzman, E104

    V. Fischer, D. Meija Guzman:
    "Splitting, bounding and almost disjointness can be quite different";
    Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 0 (2016).

  602. Author: Simon Flöry, E104-04

    S. Flöry:
    "Fitting curves and surfaces to point clouds in the presence of obstacles";
    Computer Aided Geometric Design, 26 (2009), 2; 192 - 202.

  603. Authors: Simon Flöry, E104-04; Michael Hofer, E104-04

    S. Flöry, M. Hofer:
    "Constrained curve fitting on manifolds";
    Computer Aided Design, 40 (2007), 25 - 34.

  604. Authors: Simon Flöry, E104-04; Michael Hofer, E104-04

    S. Flöry, M. Hofer:
    "Surface Fitting and Registration of Point Clouds using Approximations of the Unsigned Distance Function";
    Computer Aided Geometric Design, 27 (2010), 1; 60 - 77.

  605. Author: Ekaterina Fokina, E104-02

    E. Fokina:
    Mathematical Structures In Computer Science, 28 (2018), 3; 338 - 339.

  606. Authors: Ekaterina Fokina, E104-02; Nicolay Bazhenov; Dino Rossegger, E104-02; Luca Francesco San Mauro, E104-02

    E. Fokina, N. Bazhenov, D. Rossegger, L. San Mauro:
    "Degrees of bi-embeddable categoricity of equivalence structures";
    Archive for Mathematical Logic, 58 (2019), 5/6; 543 - 563.

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  607. Authors: Ekaterina Fokina, E104-02; Andrey Frolov; Iskander Kalimullin

    E. Fokina, A. Frolov, I. Kalimullin:
    "Categoricity spectra for rigid structures";
    Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 57 (2016), 45 - 57.

  608. Authors: Ekaterina Fokina, E104-02; Sergey Goncharov; Valentina Harizanov; Oleg Kudinov; Daniel Turetsky

    E. Fokina, S. Goncharov, V. Harizanov, O. Kudinov, D. Turetsky:
    "Index sets for n-decidable structures categorical relative to m-decidable presentations";
    Algebra i logika, 54 (2015), 520 - 528.

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  609. Authors: Ekaterina Fokina, E104-02; Sergey Goncharov; Valentina Harizanov; Oleg Kudinov; Daniel Turetsky

    E. Fokina, S. Goncharov, V. Harizanov, O. Kudinov, D. Turetsky:
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    Algebra and Logic, 54 (2015), 336 - 341.

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  610. Authors: Ekaterina Fokina, E104-02; Valentina Harizanov; Daniel Turetsky

    E. Fokina, V. Harizanov, D. Turetsky:
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    Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 170 (2019), 6; 699 - 717.

  611. Authors: Ekaterina Fokina, E104-02; Bakhadyr Khoussainov; Pavel Semukhin; Daniel Turetsky

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  612. Authors: Ekaterina Fokina, E104-02; Timo Koetzing; Luca Francesco San Mauro, E104-02

    E. Fokina, T. Koetzing, L. San Mauro:
    "Limit learning equivalence structures";
    Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, 98 (2019), 383 - 403.

  613. Authors: Ekaterina Fokina, E104-02; Dino Rossegger, E104-02; Luca Francesco San Mauro, E104-02

    E. Fokina, D. Rossegger, L. San Mauro:
    "Bi-embeddability spectra and bases of spectra";
    Mathematical Logic Quaterly, 65 (2019), 2; 228 - 236.

  614. Authors: Ekaterina Fokina, E104-02; Dino Rossegger, E104-02; Luca Francesco San Mauro, E104-02

    E. Fokina, D. Rossegger, L. San Mauro:
    "Measuring the Complexity of Reductions between Equivalence Relations";
    Computability, Pre-press (2018), 1 - 16.

  615. Authors: Ekaterina Fokina, E104-02; Dino Rossegger, E104-02; Luca Francesco San Mauro, E104-02

    E. Fokina, D. Rossegger, L. San Mauro:
    "Measuring the complexity of reductions between equivalence relations";
    Computability, 8 (2019), 3/4; 265 - 280.

  616. Authors: Hervé Fournier; D. Gardy; Antoine Genitrini; Bernhard Gittenberger, E104-05

    H. Fournier, D. Gardy, A. Genitrini, B. Gittenberger:
    "Complexity and limiting ration of Boolean functions";
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5162 (2008), 347 - 362.

  617. Authors: Hervé Fournier; D. Gardy; Antoine Genitrini; Bernhard Gittenberger, E104-05

    H. Fournier, D. Gardy, A. Genitrini, B. Gittenberger:
    "The fraction of large random trees representing a given Boolean function in implicational logic";
    Random Structures and Algorithms, 40 (2012), 3; 317 - 349.

  618. Authors: Anton Freund; Michael Rathjen; Andreas Weiermann; Juan Pablo Aguilera Ozuna, E104-02

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    Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 313 (2021), 3; 251 - 291.

  619. Authors: Sy D. Friedman; Victoria Gitman; Sandra Müller, E104-01

    S. Friedman, V. Gitman, S. Müller:
    "Structural properties of the stable core.";
    Journal of Symbolic Logic, arXiv: 1920.02265, to appear (2021).

  620. Authors: Sy D. Friedman; Katherine Thompson, E104

    S. Friedman, K. Thompson:
    "Negative universality results for graphs";
    Fundamenta Mathematicae, 210 (2010), 3; 269 - 283.

  621. Author: A. Fuchs, E104-03

    A. Fuchs:
    "Transformations and singularities of polarized curves";
    Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry, online (2018).

  622. Authors: A. Fuchs, E104-03; Michael P. Reisenberger

    A. Fuchs, M. Reisenberger:
    "Integrable structures and the quantization of free null initial data for gravity";
    Classical and Quantum Gravity, 34 (2017), 18; 1 - 47.

  623. Authors: Michael Fuchs; Bernhard Gittenberger, E104-05; Marefatollah Mansouri, E104-05

    M. Fuchs, B. Gittenberger, M. Mansouri:
    "Counting phylogenetic networks with few reticulation vertices: tree-child and normal networks.";
    Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 73 (2019), 2; 385 - 423.

  624. Authors: Michael Fuchs, E104; Yu Jin, E104-05

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    Journal of Mathematical Biology, 71 (2015), 5; 1133 - 1147.

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  625. Authors: Michael Fuchs; Marefatollah Mansouri, E104-05; Bernhard Gittenberger, E104-05

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    "Counting phylogenetic networks with few reticulation vertices: exact enumeration and corrections.";
    Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 81 (2021), 2; 257 - 282.

  626. Authors: Michael Fuchs; Guan-Ru Yu, E104-05; C.K. Lee

    M. Fuchs, G. Yu, C. Lee:
    "On 2-protected nodes in random digital trees.";
    Theoretical Computer Science, 622 (2016), 111 - 122.

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  627. Authors: S. Fujimori; Udo Hertrich-Jeromin, E104-03; M. Kokubu; M. Umehara; K. Yamada

    S. Fujimori, U. Hertrich-Jeromin, M. Kokubu, M. Umehara, K. Yamada:
    "Quadrics and Scherk towers";
    Monatshefte für Mathematik, online (2017).

  628. Authors: M. Gallet; Georg Nawratil, E104-03

    M. Gallet, G. Nawratil:
    "Mobile Icosapods";
    Advances in Applied Mathematics, 88 (2017), 1 - 25.

  629. Authors: M. Gallet; Georg Nawratil, E104-03; J. Schicho

    M. Gallet, G. Nawratil, J. Schicho:
    "Bond theory for pentapods and hexapods";
    Journal of Geometry, 106(2) (2015), 211 - 228.

  630. Authors: M. Gallet; Georg Nawratil, E104-03; J. Schicho

    M. Gallet, G. Nawratil, J. Schicho:
    "Erratum to: Möbius Photogrammetry";
    Journal of Geometry, 106(3) (2015), 441 - 442.

  631. Authors: M. Gallet; Georg Nawratil, E104-03; J. Schicho

    M. Gallet, G. Nawratil, J. Schicho:
    "Liaison Linkages";
    Journal of Symbolic Computation, 79 (2017), 65 - 98.

  632. Authors: M. Gallet; Georg Nawratil, E104-03; J. Schicho

    M. Gallet, G. Nawratil, J. Schicho:
    "Möbius Photogrammetry";
    Journal of Geometry, 106(3) (2015), 421 - 439.

  633. Authors: R Garcia; D Reznik; Hellmuth Stachel, E104-03

    R. Garcia, D. Reznik, H. Stachel:
    "Area-Invariant Pedal-Like Curves Derived from the Ellipse.";
    Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie, ? (2021).

  634. Authors: R Garcia; D Reznik; Hellmuth Stachel, E104-03; M Helman

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    KoG, 24 (2020), 12 - 28.

  635. Authors: Richard Gardner; Lukas Parapatits, E104-07; Franz Schuster, E104-07

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  636. Authors: D. Gardy; Olivier Bodini; Bernhard Gittenberger, E104-05; Zbigniew Golebiewski

    D. Gardy, O. Bodini, B. Gittenberger, Z. Golebiewski:
    "On the Number of Unary-Binary Tree-like Structures with Restrictions on the Unary Height.";
    Annals Of Combinatorics, 22 (2018), 1; 45 - 91.

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  637. Authors: Konstantinos Gavriil, E104-04; Ruslan Guseinov, IST; Jesús Pérez, IST; Davide Pellis, E104-04; Paul Henderson, IST; Florian Rist, E264-02; Helmut Pottmann, E104-04; Bernd Bickel, IST

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  638. Authors: Konstantinos Gavriil, E104-04; Georg Muntingh; Oliver J. D. Barrowclough

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    IEEE Geoscience And Remote Sensing Letters, 16 (2019), 10; 1645 - 1649.

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  639. Authors: Konstantinos Gavriil, E104-04; Alexander Schiftner, Evolute; Helmut Pottmann, E104-04

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  640. Authors: Antoine Genitrini; Bernhard Gittenberger, E104-05; Veronika Kraus, E104-05; Cécile Mailler

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    Theoretical Computer Science, 570 (2015), 70 - 101.

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  641. Authors: Antoine Genitrini; Bernhard Gittenberger, E104-05; Veronika Kraus, E104-05; Cécile Mailler

    A. Genitrini, B. Gittenberger, V. Kraus, C. Mailler:
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    Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 19 (2) (2014), 6.

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  642. Authors: Antoine Genitrini; Bernhard Gittenberger, E104-05; Veronika Kraus, E104-05; Cécile Mailler

    A. Genitrini, B. Gittenberger, V. Kraus, C. Mailler:
    "Probabilities of Boolean functions given by random implicational formulas";
    Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 19 (2012), 2; 20 pages.

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    S. Geschke, M. Goldstern, M. Kojman:
    "Continuous ramsey theory on polish spaces and covering the plan by functions";
    Journal of Mathematical Logic, 4 (2004), 2; 109 - 145.

  644. Authors: Stefan Geschke; Martin Goldstern, E104-01; Menachem Kojman

    S. Geschke, M. Goldstern, M. Kojman:
    "Continuous Ramsey theory on Polish spaces and covering the plane by functions";
    arXiv.org e-Print archive, http://arXiv.org/math.LO/0205331 (2002).

  645. Authors: Sabine Giese; Hans Havlicek, E104-03; Ralph-Hardo Schulz

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    Discrete Mathematics, 301 (2005), 74 - 82.

  646. Authors: Pierre Gillibert, E104-01; Florence Gillibert; Jean Gillibert; Gabriele Ranieri

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    "Selmer groups are instersections of two direct summands of the adelic cohomology";
    Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 51 (2019), 5; 776 - 786.

  647. Authors: Pierre Gillibert, E104-05; Thomas Lachmann; Clemens Müllner, E104-05

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    ArXiv, Preprint (2020).

  648. Authors: Pierre Gillibert, E104-05; Thomas Lachmann; Clemens Müllner, E104-05

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    Journal of Complexity, 68 (2021).

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    "Julia Robinson's Numbers";
    International Journal of Number Theory, 15 (2019), 8; 1565 - 1599.

  650. Author: Bernhard Gittenberger, E104-05

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    Journal of Theoretical Probability, 16 (2003), 4; 1063 - 1067.

  651. Author: Bernhard Gittenberger, E104-05

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  652. Authors: Bernhard Gittenberger, E104-05; Gwendal Collet; Elie De Panafieu; D. Gardy

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    Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 61 (2017), 271 - 277.

  653. Authors: Bernhard Gittenberger, E104-05; Emma Yu Jin, E104-05; Michael Wallner, E104-05

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  654. Authors: Bernhard Gittenberger, E104-05; Veronika Kraus, E104-05

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  655. Authors: Bernhard Gittenberger, E104-05; Isabella Larcher, E104-05

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    "Distribution of variables in lambda-terms with restrictions on De Bruijn indices and De Bruijn levels.";
    Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 26 (2019), 4; 1 - 44.

  656. Authors: Bernhard Gittenberger, E104-05; G. Louchard

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    Statistics & Probability Letters, 68/1 (2004), 51 - 60.

  657. Authors: Bernhard Gittenberger, E104-05; Johannes Mandlburger

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  658. Authors: Georg Glaeser, E104-03; Boris Odehnal, E104-03; Hellmuth Stachel, E104-03

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    "Functional representations and universals for MV- and GMV-algebras";
    Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications, 27 (2003), 91 - 110.

  660. Authors: Andrew M. W. Glass; Reinhard Winkler, E104-01

    A. Glass, R. Winkler:
    "Rooted wreath products";
    Journal of Algebra, 273 (2004), 489 - 506.

  661. Authors: Alexei Glutsyuk; Ivan Izmestiev, E104-03; Serge Tabachnikov

    A. Glutsyuk, I. Izmestiev, S. Tabachnikov:
    "Four equivalent properties of integrable billiards";
    Israel Journal of Mathematics, 241 (2021), 2; 693 - 719.

  662. Author: Johannes Gmainer, E104-03

    J. Gmainer:
    "Pascal's Triangle, Normal Rational Curves, and their Invariant Subspaces";
    European Journal of Combinatorics, 22 (2001), 37 - 49.

  663. Authors: Johannes Gmainer, E104-03; Hans Havlicek, E104-03

    J. Gmainer, H. Havlicek:
    "Isometries and collineations of the Cayley Surface";
    Innovations in Incidence Geometry, 2 (2005), 111 - 129.

  664. Authors: Johannes Gmainer, E104-03; J.M. Thuswaldner

    J. Gmainer, J. Thuswaldner:
    "On disk-like self-affine tiles arising from polyominoes,";
    Methods Appl. Anal., 13 (2006), 351 - 371.

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    "Completion of semirings";
    arXiv.org e-Print archive, http://arXiv.org/math.RA/0208134 (2002).

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    M. Goldstern:
    "Gödels konstruktibles Universum";
    Internationale Mathematische Nachrichten, 203 (2006), 1 - 16.

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    M. Goldstern:
    Internationale Mathematische Nachrichten, 208 (2008), 31 - 46.

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    M. Goldstern:
    "Prädikatenlogik erster Stufe und der Gödelsche Vollständigkeitssatz";
    Internationale Mathematische Nachrichten, 202 (2006), 1 - 14.

  669. Author: Martin Goldstern, E104-01

    M. Goldstern:
    "Yet another note on congruence uniformity";
    Demonstratio Mathematica, 38 (2005), 3; 517 - 521.

  670. Authors: Martin Goldstern, E104-01; Jakob Kellner, E104-01

    M. Goldstern, J. Kellner:
    "New reals: Can live with them, can live without them";
    Mathematical Logic Quarterly, 52 (2006), 2; 115 - 124.

  671. Authors: Martin Goldstern, E104-01; Jakob Kellner, E104-01

    M. Goldstern, J. Kellner:
    "Ordnung in den Unendlichkeiten";
    Spektrum der Wissenschaft, 3 (2021), 74 - 82.

  672. Authors: Martin Goldstern, E104-01; Jakob Kellner, E104-01

    M. Goldstern, J. Kellner:
    "Ordnung in den Unendlichkeiten (in Übersetzung)";
    Scientific American, 4 (2021), 4.

  673. Authors: Martin Goldstern, E104-01; Jakob Kellner, E104-01; Shelah Saharon; Arthur Fischer

    M. Goldstern, J. Kellner, S. Saharon, A. Fischer:
    "Creature Forcing and five Cardinal Characteristics in Cicho'n's diagram";
    Archive for Mathematical Logic, 56 (2017), 7-8; 1045 - 1103.

  674. Authors: Martin Goldstern, E104-01; Jakob Kellner, E104-01; Saharon Shelah

    M. Goldstern, J. Kellner, S. Shelah:
    "Cichon's maximum";
    Annals of Mathematics, 190 (2019), 1; 113 - 143.

  675. Authors: Martin Goldstern, E104-01; Jakob Kellner, E104-01; Saharon Shelah; Wolfgang Wohofsky, E104-01

    M. Goldstern, J. Kellner, S. Shelah, W. Wohofsky:
    "Borel Conjecture and dual Borel Conjecture";
    arXiv.org e-Print archive, http://front.math.ucdavis.edu/1105.0823 (2011), 49 pages.

  676. Authors: Martin Goldstern, E104-01; Jakob Kellner; Saharon Shelah; Wolfgang Wohofsky, E104-01

    M. Goldstern, J. Kellner, S. Shelah, W. Wohofsky:
    "Borel conjecture and dual borel conjecture";
    Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 366 (2014), 1; 245 - 307.

  677. Authors: Martin Goldstern, E104-01; Diego Alejandro Meija Guzman, E104; Saharon Shelah

    M. Goldstern, D. Meija Guzman, S. Shelah:
    "The left side of Cichon´s diagram";
    Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 144 (2016), 9; 4025 - 4042.

  678. Authors: Martin Goldstern, E104-01; Michael Pinsker, E104-01

    M. Goldstern, M. Pinsker:
    "A survey of clones on infinite sets";
    arXiv.org e-Print archive, http://arxiv.org/archive/math (2007).

  679. Authors: Martin Goldstern, E104-01; Michael Pinsker, E104-01

    M. Goldstern, M. Pinsker:
    "A survey of clones on infinite sets";
    Algebra Universalis, 59 (2008), 365 - 403.

  680. Authors: Martin Goldstern, E104-01; Michael Pinsker, E104-01

    M. Goldstern, M. Pinsker:
    "Ideal clones: solution to a problem of Czédil and Heindorf";
    Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica, 47 (2009), 1 - 11.

  681. Authors: Martin Goldstern, E104-01; Miroslav Ploscica

    M. Goldstern, M. Ploscica:
    "Balanced d-lattices are complemented";
    Discussiones Mathematicae General Algebra and Applications, 22 (2002), 33 - 37.

  682. Authors: Martin Goldstern, E104-01; Gábor Sági; Saharon Shelah

    M. Goldstern, G. Sági, S. Shelah:
    "Very many clones above the unary clone";
    Algebra Universalis, 69 (2013), 4; 387 - 399.

  683. Authors: Martin Goldstern, E104-01; Shelah Saharon

    M. Goldstern, S. Saharon:
    "All creatures great and small";
    Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 368 (2016), 11; 7551 - 7577.

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  684. Authors: Martin Goldstern, E104-01; Jörg Schmeling; Reinhard Winkler, E104-01

    M. Goldstern, J. Schmeling, R. Winkler:
    "Further Baire results on the distribution of subsequences";
    Uniform Distribution Theory, 2 (2007), 1; 127 - 149.

  685. Authors: Martin Goldstern, E104-01; Dietmar Schweigert

    M. Goldstern, D. Schweigert:
    "Power-ordered sets";
    Discussiones Mathematicae General Algebra and Applications, 22 (2002), 39 - 46.

  686. Authors: Martin Goldstern, E104-01; Saharon Shelah

    M. Goldstern, S. Shelah:
    "All creatures great and small";
    arXiv.org e-Print archive, http://arxiv.org/archive/math (2007).

  687. Authors: Martin Goldstern, E104-01; Saharon Shelah

    M. Goldstern, S. Shelah:
    "Antichains in products of linear orders";
    Order, 19 (2002), 213 - 222.

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    M. Goldstern, S. Shelah:
    "Clones from creatures";
    arXiv.org e-Print archive, http://arXiv.org/math.RA/0212379 (2002).

  689. Authors: Martin Goldstern, E104-01; Saharon Shelah

    M. Goldstern, S. Shelah:
    "Clones from creatures";
    Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 357 (2005), 9; 3525 - 3551.

  690. Authors: Martin Goldstern, E104-01; Saharon Shelah

    M. Goldstern, S. Shelah:
    "Clones on regular cardinals";
    Fundamenta Mathematicae, 173 (2002), 1 - 20.

  691. Authors: Martin Goldstern, E104-01; Saharon Shelah

    M. Goldstern, S. Shelah:
    "Large intervals in the clone lattice";
    arXiv.org e-Print archive, http://arXiv.org/math.RA/0208066 (2002).

  692. Authors: Danny Arlen de Jesus Gomez Ramirez, E104-02; Marlon Fulla; Ismael Rivera; Juan D. Vélez; Edisson Gallego

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    Journal of Algebra, Number Theory and Applications, 40 (2018), 5; 887 - 901.

  693. Authors: Danny Arlen de Jesus Gomez Ramirez, E104-02; Edisson Gallego; Juan D. Vélez

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    Results in Mathematics, 72 (2017), 1-2; 937 - 945.

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  694. Author: Philipp Grohs, E104-04

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  696. Authors: Philipp Grohs, E104-04; Johannes Wallner, E104-03

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  697. Authors: David Gruber, E104-04; Martin Peternell, E104-04

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  698. Authors: Hermann Gruber; Markus Holzer; Simon Peter Wolfsteiner, E104-02

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    Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC), 27 (2020), 79.

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  699. Author: Peter M. Gruber, E104-06

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    Advances in Mathematics, 218 (2008), 309 - 351.

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  701. Author: Peter M. Gruber, E104-06

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    Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics, 276 (2012), 103 - 124.

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    Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, 195 (2015), 473 - 487.

  703. Author: Peter M. Gruber, E104-06

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    Wissenschaftliche Nachrichten (Wien), 125 (2004), 30 - 34.

  704. Author: Peter M. Gruber, E104-06

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    "Convex and discrete geometry: ideas, problems and results";
    Internationale Mathematische Nachrichten, 199 (2005), 17 - 29.

  705. Author: Peter M. Gruber, E104-06

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    Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics, 239 (2002), 96 - 107.

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    Monatshefte für Mathematik, 135 (2002), 279 - 304.

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    Advances in Geometry, 16 (2016), 1; 93 - 110.

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    Geometriae Dedicata, 84 (2001), 271 - 320.

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    Mathematische Semesterberichte, 49 (2003), 227 - 251.

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    P. Gruber:
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    Advances in Mathematics, 186 (2004), 456 - 497.

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    Almanach, ÖAW, 156 (2005), 144 - 145.

  728. Author: Peter M. Gruber, E104-06

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    Internationale Mathematische Nachrichten, 204 (2007), 52 - 53.

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    Advances in Geometry, 11 (2011), 4; 691 - 710.

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    Acta Arithmetica, 149 (2011), 311 - 381.

  731. Authors: Peter M. Gruber, E104-06; Iskander Aliev, E104-06

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  737. Authors: Peter M. Gruber, E104-06; Franz Schuster, E104-06

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  745. Author: Christoph Haberl, E104-06

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  759. Author: Hans Havlicek, E104-03

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  760. Author: Hans Havlicek, E104-03

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  764. Author: Hans Havlicek, E104-03

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    Journal of Geometry, 107 (2016), 287 - 303.

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    Results in Mathematics, 76 (2021).

  769. Author: Hans Havlicek, E104-03

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  771. Author: Hans Havlicek, E104-03

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    Journal for Geometry and Graphics, 104 (2013), 399.

  775. Authors: Hans Havlicek, E104-03; A. Kreuzer

    H. Havlicek, A. Kreuzer:
    "Martin Barner (1921-2020)";
    Journal of Geometry, 112 (2021).

  776. Authors: Hans Havlicek, E104-03; A. Kreuzer

    H. Havlicek, A. Kreuzer:
    "Obituary: Walter Benz (1931-2017)";
    Journal of Geometry, 108 (2017), 1 - 3.

  777. Authors: Hans Havlicek, E104-03; Klaus List, E104-03; Corrado Zanella

    H. Havlicek, K. List, C. Zanella:
    "On automorphisms of flag spaces";
    Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 50 (2002), 241 - 251.

  778. Authors: Hans Havlicek, E104-03; A. Matras; Mark Pankov

    H. Havlicek, A. Matras, M. Pankov:
    "Geometry of free cyclic submodules over ternions";
    Abhandlungen aus dem Math. Seminar der Universität Hamburg, 81 (2011), 237 - 249.

  779. Authors: Hans Havlicek, E104-03; Boris Odehnal, E104-03; M. Saniga, E104-03

    H. Havlicek, B. Odehnal, M. Saniga:
    "Factor-group-generated polar spaces and (multi-)qudits";
    SIGMA - Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry - Methods and Applications, 5 (2009), 096; 15 pages.

  780. Authors: Hans Havlicek, E104-03; Boris Odehnal, E104-03; M. Saniga, E104-03

    H. Havlicek, B. Odehnal, M. Saniga:
    "Möbius pairs of simplices and commuting Pauli operators";
    Mathematica Pannonica, 21 (2010), 115 - 128.

  781. Authors: Hans Havlicek, E104-03; Boris Odehnal, E104-03; M. Saniga, E104-03

    H. Havlicek, B. Odehnal, M. Saniga:
    "On invariant notions of Secre varieties in binary projective spaces";
    Designs Codes and Cryptography, 62 (2012), 343 - 356.

  782. Authors: Hans Havlicek, E104-03; Victor Pambuccian

    H. Havlicek, V. Pambuccian:
    "On the axiomatics of projective and affine geometry in terms of line intersection";
    Results in Mathematics, 45 (2004), 35 - 44.

  783. Authors: Hans Havlicek, E104-03; Mark Pankov

    H. Havlicek, M. Pankov:
    "Transformations on the Product of Grassmann Spaces";
    Demonstratio Mathematica, 38 (2005), 3; 675 - 688.

  784. Authors: Hans Havlicek, E104-03; S. Pasotti

    H. Havlicek, S. Pasotti:
    "A Survey on the Notion of Regulus in a Skew Space";
    Quaderni del Seminario Matematico di Brescia, http://www.dmf.bs.unicatt.it/~semmat/preprints/ (2003), 17.

  785. Authors: Hans Havlicek, E104-03; S. Pasotti; Silvia Pianta

    H. Havlicek, S. Pasotti, S. Pianta:
    "Automorphisms of a Clifford-like parallelism, Adv. Geom. 21 (2021), 63-73.";
    Advances in Geometry, 21 (2021), 63 - 73.

  786. Authors: Hans Havlicek, E104-03; S. Pasotti; Silvia Pianta

    H. Havlicek, S. Pasotti, S. Pianta:
    "Characterizing Clifford parallelism among Clifford-like parallelism";
    Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie, 62 (2021), 37 - 54.

  787. Authors: Hans Havlicek, E104-03; S. Pasotti; Silvia Pianta

    H. Havlicek, S. Pasotti, S. Pianta:
    "Clifford-like Parallelisms";
    Journal of Geometry, 110 (2019), 1.

  788. Authors: Hans Havlicek, E104-03; R. Riesinger

    H. Havlicek, R. Riesinger:
    "Pencilled regular parallelisms, In memoriam Walter Benz";
    Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 153 (2017), 249 - 264.

  789. Authors: Hans Havlicek, E104-03; M. Saniga, E104-03

    H. Havlicek, M. Saniga:
    "Projective ring line of a specific qudit";
    J.Phys.A: Math.Gen., 40 (2007), 943 - 952.

  790. Authors: Hans Havlicek, E104-03; M. Saniga, E104-03

    H. Havlicek, M. Saniga:
    "Projective ring line of an arbitrary single qudit";
    J.Phys.A: Math.Gen., 41 (2008).

  791. Authors: Hans Havlicek, E104-03; M. Saniga, E104-03

    H. Havlicek, M. Saniga:
    "Vectors, cyclic submodules and projective spaces linked with ternions";
    Journal for Geometry and Graphics, 92 (2009), 79 - 90.

  792. Authors: Hans Havlicek, E104-03; P. Semrl

    H. Havlicek, P. Semrl:
    "From Geometry to Invertibility Preservers";
    Studia Mathematica, 174 (2006), 99 - 109.

  793. Authors: Hans Havlicek, E104-03; Karl Svozil, E136

    H. Havlicek, K. Svozil:
    "Completing bases in four dimensions";
    Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 55 (2022), 10; 105304 - 105321.

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  794. Authors: Hans Havlicek, E104-03; Karl Svozil, E136

    H. Havlicek, K. Svozil:
    "Dimensional lifting through generalized Gram-Schmidt process";
    Entropy, 20 (2018), 4; 284 - 288.

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  795. Authors: Hans Havlicek, E104-03; Gunter Weiss, E104-04

    H. Havlicek, G. Weiss:
    "Altitudes of a Tetrahedron and Traceless Quadratic Forms";
    American Mathematical Monthly, 110 (2003), 679 - 693.

  796. Authors: Hans Havlicek, E104-03; Gunter Weiss, E104-04

    H. Havlicek, G. Weiss:
    "Ecken- und Kantenhöhen im Tetraeder";
    Scientific and Professional Information Journal of Croatian Society for Constructive Geometry and Computer Graphics, 6 (2002), 71 - 80.

  797. Authors: Hans Havlicek, E104-03; Corrado Zanella

    H. Havlicek, C. Zanella:
    "Incidence and combinatorial properties of linear complexes";
    Results in Mathematics, 51 (2008), 261 - 274.

  798. Authors: Hans Havlicek, E104-03; Corrado Zanella

    H. Havlicek, C. Zanella:
    "Linear sets in the projective line over the endomorphism ring of a finite field";
    Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 46 (2017), 297 - 312.

  799. Authors: Hans Havlicek, E104-03; Corrado Zanella

    H. Havlicek, C. Zanella:
    "On embedded products of Grassmannians";
    Discrete Mathematics, 267 (2003), 153 - 158.

  800. Authors: Yair Hayut; Sandra Müller, E104-01

    Y. Hayut, S. Müller:
    "Perfect Subtree Property for Wakly Compact Cardinals";
    Israel Journal of Mathematics, to appear, arXiv:1920.051159 (2021).

  801. Authors: Ahmed Helmi; Conrado Martinez; Alois Panholzer, E104-05

    A. Helmi, C. Martinez, A. Panholzer:
    "Analysis of the strategy ´hiring above the m-th best candidate"";
    Algorithmica, 70 (2014), 267 - 300.

  802. Authors: Ahmed Helmi; Conrado Martinez; Alois Panholzer, E104-05

    A. Helmi, C. Martinez, A. Panholzer:
    "Hiring above the m-th Best Candidate: A Generalization of Records in Permutations";
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7256 (2012), 470 - 481.

  803. Authors: Ahmed Helmi; Alois Panholzer, E104-05

    A. Helmi, A. Panholzer:
    "Analysis of the "Hiring above the median" selection strategy for the hiring problem";
    Algorithmica, 66 (2013), 4; 762 - 803.

  804. Author: Martin Henk, E104-06

    M. Henk:
    "Succesive Minima and Lattice Points";
    Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Serie II, (2002), Suppl 70; 377 - 384.

  805. Authors: Martin Henk, E104-06; I.Dais Dimitrios

    M. Henk, I.D. Dimitrios:
    "On the equations defining toric l.c.i.-singularities";
    Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 355 (2003), 4955 - 4984.

  806. Authors: Martin Henk, E104-06; Martin Grötschel

    M. Henk, M. Grötschel:
    "The representation of polyhedra by polynomial inequalities";
    Discrete & Computational Geometry, 29 (2003), 485 - 504.

  807. Authors: Martin Henk, E104-06; Annegret Wagler

    M. Henk, A. Wagler:
    "Die Starke-Perfekte-Graphen-Vermutung";
    DMV-Mitteilungen, 3 (2002), 22 - 25.

  808. Authors: Martin Henk, E104-06; Robert Weismantel, E101-01

    M. Henk, R. Weismantel:
    "Diophantine approximations and integer points of cones";
    Combinatorica, 22 (2002), 3; 401 - 408.

  809. Authors: Martin Henk, E104-06; Robert Weismantel, E101-01; Matthias Köppe

    M. Henk, R. Weismantel, M. Köppe:
    "Integral decomposition of polyhedra and some applications in mixed integer programming";
    Math.Prog. (B), 94 (2003), 193 - 206.

  810. Authors: Martin Henk, E104-06; Günter M. Ziegler; Chuanming Zong

    M. Henk, G. Ziegler, c. Zong:
    "On free planes in lattice ball packings";
    Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 34 (2002), 284 - 290.

  811. Authors: Martin Henk, E104-06; Chuanming Zong

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    Mathematika, 47 (2001), 31 - 38.

  812. Authors: Michael Hensel, E259-01; Georg Nawratil, E104-03; Florian Rist, E264-02; Zijia Li, E104-03

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  813. Authors: Udo Hertrich-Jeromin, E104-03; Francis Burstall; Wayne Rossman

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    "Semi-discrete isothermic surfaces";
    arXiv.org e-Print archive, ? (2015).

  814. Authors: Udo Hertrich-Jeromin, E104-03; Francis Burstall; Wayne Rossman; S. Santos

    U. Hertrich-Jeromin, F. Burstall, W. Rossman, S. Santos:
    "Discrete surfaces of constant mean curvature";
    RIMS Kokyuroku, 1880 (2014), 133 - 179.

  815. Authors: Udo Hertrich-Jeromin, E104-03; A. Honda

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    "Minimal Darboux transformations";
    Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie, 58 (2017), 81 - 91.

  816. Authors: Udo Hertrich-Jeromin, E104-03; A. King; J. O´Hara

    U. Hertrich-Jeromin, A. King, J. O´Hara:
    "On the Möbius geometry of Euclidean triangles";
    Elemente der Mathematik, 68 (2013), 96 - 114.

  817. Authors: Udo Hertrich-Jeromin, E104-03; Klara Mundilova, E104-04; E. Tjaden

    U. Hertrich-Jeromin, K. Mundilova, E. Tjaden:
    "Channel linear Weingarten surfaces";
    arXiv.org e-Print archive, ? (2015).

  818. Authors: Udo Hertrich-Jeromin, E104-03; Klara Mundilova, E104-04; E. Tjaden

    U. Hertrich-Jeromin, K. Mundilova, E. Tjaden:
    "Channel linear Weingarten surfaces";
    Journal for Geometry and Symmetry in Physics, 40 (2015), 25 - 33.

  819. Authors: Udo Hertrich-Jeromin, E104-03; Wayne Rossman; S. Santos

    U. Hertrich-Jeromin, W. Rossman, S. Santos:
    "Discrete special isothermic surfaces";
    Geometriae Dedicata, 174 (2015), 1 - 11.

  820. Authors: Udo Hertrich-Jeromin, E104-03; Wayne Rossman; Gudrun Szewieczek, E104-03

    U. Hertrich-Jeromin, W. Rossman, G. Szewieczek:
    "Discrete channel surfaces";
    Mathematische Zeitschrift, online first (2019).

  821. Authors: Udo Hertrich-Jeromin, E104-03; Wayne Rossman; Gudrun Szewieczek, E104-03

    U. Hertrich-Jeromin, W. Rossman, G. Szewieczek:
    "Discrete channel surfaces";
    Mathematische Zeitschrift, 294 (2020), 747 - 767.

  822. Authors: Udo Hertrich-Jeromin, E104-03; Y. Suyama

    U. Hertrich-Jeromin, Y. Suyama:
    "Conformally flat hypersurfaces with Bianchi-type Guichard net";
    Osaka Journal of Mathematics, 50 (2013), 1 - 30.

  823. Authors: Udo Hertrich-Jeromin, E104-03; Y. Suyama

    U. Hertrich-Jeromin, Y. Suyama:
    "Ribaucour pairs corresponding to dual pairs of conformally flat hypersurfaces";
    Progress of Mathematics, 308 (2015), 449 - 469.

  824. Authors: Udo Hertrich-Jeromin, E104-03; Y. Suyama; M. Umehara; K. Yamada

    U. Hertrich-Jeromin, Y. Suyama, M. Umehara, K. Yamada:
    "A duality for conformally flat hypersurfaces";
    Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie, 56 (2015), 655 - 676.

  825. Author: Stefan Hetzl, E104-02

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    "The computational content of arithmetical proofs";
    Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 53 (2012), 3; 289 - 296.

  826. Authors: Stefan Hetzl, E104-02; Sebastian Eberhard, E104-02; Daniel Weller

    S. Hetzl, S. Eberhard, D. Weller:
    "Boolean Unification with Predicates";
    Journal of Logic and Computation, 27 (2017), 1; 109 - 128.

  827. Authors: Stefan Hetzl, E104-02; Gabriel Ebner, E104-02; Sebastian Eberhard, E104-02

    S. Hetzl, G. Ebner, S. Eberhard:
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    ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, 18 (2017), 4.

  828. Authors: Stefan Hetzl, E104-02; Alexander Leitsch, E192-05; Giselle Reis, E192-05; Daniel Weller

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    Theoretical Computer Science, 549 (2014), 1 - 16.

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  829. Authors: Stefan Hetzl, E104-02; Giselle Reis, E192-05; Daniel Weller

    S. Hetzl, G. Reis, D. Weller:
    "Algorithmic Introduction of Quantified Cuts";
    CoRR - Computing Research Repository, abs/1401.4330 (2014), 38 pages.

  830. Authors: Stefan Hetzl, E104-02; Lutz Straßburger

    S. Hetzl, L. Straßburger:
    arXiv.org e-Print archive, arXiv:1310.8156 (2013).

  831. Authors: Stefan Hetzl, E104-02; Jannik Vierling, E104-02

    S. Hetzl, J. Vierling:
    "Clause Set Cycles and Induction";
    ArXiv, 1910.03917 (2019).

  832. Authors: Stefan Hetzl, E104-02; Jannik Vierling, E104-02

    S. Hetzl, J. Vierling:
    "Clause Set Cycles and Induction";
    Logical Methods in Computer Science, 16 (2020), 4.

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  833. Authors: Stefan Hetzl, E104-02; Daniel Weller

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    arXiv.org e-Print archive, arXiv:1308.0428 (2013), 1 - 25.

  834. Authors: Stefan Hetzl, E104-02; Simon Peter Wolfsteiner, E104-02

    S. Hetzl, S. Wolfsteiner:
    "On the Compressibility of Finite Languages and Formal Proofs";
    Information and Computation, 259 (2018), 2; 191 - 213.

  835. Authors: Stefan Hetzl, E104-02; Simon Peter Wolfsteiner, E104-02

    S. Hetzl, S. Wolfsteiner:
    "On the cover complexity of finite languages";
    Theoretical Computer Science, 798 (2019), 109 - 125.

  836. Authors: Stefan Hetzl, E104-02; Tin Lok Wong

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    "Some Observations on the Logical Foundations of Inductive Theorem Proving";
    Logical Methods in Computer Science, 13 (2018), 4.

  837. Authors: Stefan Hetzl, E104-02; Sebastian Zivota, E104-05

    S. Hetzl, S. Zivota:
    "Decidability of affine solution problems";
    Journal of Logic and Computation, 30 (2020), 3; 697 - 714.

  838. Authors: Matthias Heveling, E104-06; Günter Last

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    Random Structures and Algorithms, 29 (2006), 338 - 350.

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  839. Authors: Matthias Heveling; Matthias Reitzner, E104-06

    M. Heveling, M. Reitzner:
    "Poisson-Voronoi approximation";
    Annals of Applied Probability, 19 (2009), 2; 719 - 736.

  840. Authors: Birgit Hischenhuber; Hans Havlicek, E104-03; J. Todoric; Michaela Höllrigl-Binder; W. Schreiner; B. Knapp

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    "Corrigendum: Differential geometric analysis of alterations in MH-helices";
    J. Comput. Chem., 34 (2013), 2834.

  841. Authors: Birgit Hischenhuber; Hans Havlicek, E104-03; J. Todoric; Michaela Höllrigl-Binder; W. Schreiner; B. Knapp

    B. Hischenhuber, H. Havlicek, J. Todoric, M. Höllrigl-Binder, W. Schreiner, B. Knapp:
    "Differential geometric analysis of alterations in MH-helices";
    J. Comput. Chem., 34 (2013), 1862 - 1879.

  842. Authors: John M. Hitchcock; Jack H. Lutz; Sebastiaan A. Terwijn, E104-02

    J. Hitchcock, J. Lutz, S. Terwijn:
    "The arithmetical complexity of randomness and dimension";
    ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1227845 (2007), 8.

  843. Author: Michael Hofer, E104-04

    M. Hofer:
    "Punkt-Wolken als Forschungs-Highlight an der TU Wien";
    Forschungsnachricht TU Wien, www.tuwien.ac.at/forschung/nachrichten/ (2004).

  844. Authors: Michael Hofer, E104-04; Helmut Pottmann, E104-04

    M. Hofer, H. Pottmann:
    "Energy-minimizing splines in manifolds";
    ACM Transactions on Graphics, 23 (2004), 3; 284 - 293.

  845. Authors: Michael Hofer, E104-04; Helmut Pottmann, E104-04

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    "Industrielle Geometrie an der TU Wien";
    rm-DATA GeoNews, 4 (2004), 10 - 11.

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    M. Hofer, H. Pottmann:
    "Orientierung von Laserscanner-Punktwolken";
    Österreichische Zeitschrift für Vermessung & Geoinformation, 91. Jahrgang (2003), 4; 297 - 306.

  847. Authors: Michael Hofer, E104-04; Helmut Pottmann, E104-04; Bahram Ravani

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    "From curve design algorithms to the design of rigid body motions";
    Visual Computer, 20 (2004), 5; 279 - 297.

  848. Authors: Michael Hofer, E104-04; Helmut Pottmann, E104-04; Bahram Ravani

    M. Hofer, H. Pottmann, B. Ravani:
    "Geometric design of motions constrained by a contacting surface pair";
    Computer Aided Geometric Design, 20 (2003), 523 - 547.

  849. Authors: Michael Hofer, E104-04; Guillermo Sapiro; Johannes Wallner, E104-03

    M. Hofer, G. Sapiro, J. Wallner:
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    IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 44 (2006), 2983 - 2990.

  850. Authors: Georg Hofstätter, E104-07; Franz Schuster, E104-07

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    International Mathematics Research Notices, online (2021).

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    "Ptolemy diagrams and torsion pairs in the cluster categories of Dynkin type D";
    Advances in Applied Mathematics, 51 (2013), 5; 583 - 605.

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    "Torsion pairs in cluster tubes";
    Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 39 (2014), 3; 587 - 605.

  853. Authors: F. Holweck; M. Saniga, E104-03; P. Levay

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    SIGMA - Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry - Methods and Applications, 10 (2014), CCC:000334734100001; 41.

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    Archive for Mathematical Logic, 55 (2016), 1; 105 - 131.

  857. Authors: Shi-Min Hu; Johannes Wallner, E104-03

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  858. Authors: Shi-Min Hu; Johannes Wallner, E104-03

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    Journal for Geometry and Graphics, 8 (2004), 2; 171 - 183.

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    ACM Transactions on Graphics, 25 (2006), 3; 569 - 578.

  860. Author: Wen Ling Huang, E104-03

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  861. Authors: Wen Ling Huang, E104-03; Hans Havlicek, E104-03

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  865. Authors: Wilfried Huss, E104-06; Ecaterina Sava

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    Acta Cybernetica, 23 (2017), 1; 43 - 59.

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    Logical Methods in Computer Science, 14 (2018), 1; 15 pages.

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    Acta Cybernetica, 23 (2017), 1; 61 - 79.

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    Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 157 (2006), 1532 - 1549.

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    Journal of Universal Computer Science, 8 (2002), 8; 722 - 736.

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    M. Lackner, A. Panholzer:
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    Discrete Mathematics, 343 (2020), 9; 1 - 22.

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    Elemente der Mathematik, 69 (2014), 65 - 67.

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    Reports on Mathematical Physics, 56 (2005), 413 - 419.

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    IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 13 (2007), 1; 34 - 45.

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    "A symmetry index for graphs";
    SYMMETRY: Culture and Science, 21 (2010), 4; 321 - 327.

  1087. Authors: Heidrun Mühlthaler; Helmut Pottmann, E104-04

    H. Mühlthaler, H. Pottmann:
    "Computing the Minkowski sum of ruled surfaces";
    Graphical Models, 65 (2003), 369 - 384.

  1088. Author: Christian Müller, E104-04

    C. Müller:
    "Conformal hexagonal meshes";
    Geometriae Dedicata, 154 (2011), 27 - 46.

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    C. Müller:
    "Discretizations of the hyperbolic cosine.";
    Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie, 54 (2013), 2; 509 - 531.

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  1090. Author: Christian Müller, E104-04

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    Discrete & Computational Geometry, 51 (2014), 3; 516 - 538.

  1091. Author: Christian Müller, E104-04

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  1095. Authors: Christian Müller, E104-04; Johannes Wallner, E104-03

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  1111. Author: Georg Nawratil, E104-03

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    M. Pember:
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    Geometriae Dedicata, 203 (2019).

  1201. Authors: Mason Pember, E104-03; Wayne Rossman; K. Saji; K Teramoto

    M. Pember, W. Rossman, K. Saji, K. Teramoto:
    "Characterising singularities of a surface in Lie sphere geometry";
    Hokkaido Math J, 48 (2019), 2; 281 - 308.

  1202. Author: Martin Peternell, E104-04

    M. Peternell:
    "Developable surface fitting to point clouds";
    Computer Aided Geometric Design, 21 (2004), 8; 785 - 803.

  1203. Author: Martin Peternell, E104-04

    M. Peternell:
    "Generalized Dupin Cyclides with Rational Lines of Curvature";
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6920 (2012), 543 - 552.

  1204. Author: Martin Peternell, E104-04

    M. Peternell:
    "Rational Two-Parameter Families of Spheres and Rational Offset Surfaces";
    Journal of Symbolic Computation, 45 (2010), 1 - 18.

  1205. Authors: Martin Peternell, E104-04; Lukas Gotthart, E104-04; J. Sendra; J. Raffael Sendra

    M. Peternell, L. Gotthart, J. Sendra, J. R. Sendra:
    "Offsets, conchoids and pedal surfaces";
    Journal of Geometry, 106 (2015), 2; 321 - 339.

    More information

  1206. Authors: Martin Peternell, E104-04; David Gruber, E104-04; J. Sendra

    M. Peternell, D. Gruber, J. Sendra:
    "Conchoid surfaces of spheres";
    Computer Aided Geometric Design, 30 (2013), 35 - 44.

  1207. Authors: Martin Peternell, E104-04; David Gruber, E104-04; J. Sendra

    M. Peternell, D. Gruber, J. Sendra:
    "Concoid surfaces of rational ruled surfaces";
    Computer Aided Geometric Design, 28 (2011), 427 - 435.

  1208. Authors: Martin Peternell, E104-04; Boris Odehnal, E104-03

    M. Peternell, B. Odehnal:
    "Convolution surfaces of quadratic triangular Bezier surfaces";
    Computer Aided Geometric Design, 27 (2007), 1 - 14.

  1209. Authors: Martin Peternell, E104-04; Boris Odehnal, E104-03

    M. Peternell, B. Odehnal:
    "Convolution surfaces of Quadratic Triangular Bezier Surfaces";
    Computer Aided Geometric Design, 25 (2008), 116 - 129.

  1210. Authors: Martin Peternell, E104-04; Boris Odehnal, E104-03; M.L. Sampoli

    M. Peternell, B. Odehnal, M. Sampoli:
    "On quadratic two-parameter families of spheres and their envelopes";
    Computer Aided Geometric Design, 25 (2008), 342 - 355.

  1211. Authors: Martin Peternell, E104-04; Helmut Pottmann, E104-04

    M. Peternell, H. Pottmann:
    "Approximations in the space of planes -- Applications to geometric modeling and reverse engineering";
    Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Serie A. Matematicas, Vol. 96(2) (2002).

  1212. Authors: Martin Peternell, E104-04; Helmut Pottmann, E104-04; Tibor Steiner, E104-04; H. Zhao

    M. Peternell, H. Pottmann, T. Steiner, H. Zhao:
    "Swept Volumes";
    Computer-Aided Design Appl., 2 (2005), 5; 599 - 608.

  1213. Authors: Martin Peternell, E104-04; Tibor Steiner, E104-04

    M. Peternell, T. Steiner:
    "Minkowski sum boundary surfaces of 3D-objects";
    Graphical Models, 69 (2007), 180 - 190.

  1214. Authors: Martin Peternell, E104-04; Tibor Steiner, E104-04

    M. Peternell, T. Steiner:
    "Reconstruction of piecewise planar objects from point clouds";
    Computer Aided Design, 36 (2004), 333 - 342.

  1215. Authors: Stephan Pfannerer, E104-06; Martin Rubey, E104-06; Bruce W. Westbury

    S. Pfannerer, M. Rubey, B. Westbury:
    "Promotion on oscillating and alternating tableaux and rotation of matchings and permutations";
    Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 3 (2020), 1; 107 - 141.

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  1216. Authors: Stephan Pfannerer, E104-06; Martin Rubey, E104-06; Bruce W. Westbury

    S. Pfannerer, M. Rubey, B. Westbury:
    "Promotion, evacuation and cactus groups";
    Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, 78B (2017), 71.